#*yelling @ sylvanas* yOuR pOwErS aRe BuLLsHiT!!
cocolacola · 2 years
this scene has lived in my mind since 2021. so of course im gonna redraw it from memory.
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two girls duking it out. i never know how to draw tyrande's alien eyes.
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Hi! So nice to see your post about Sylvanas since I got into WoW lore bc of the BfA trailer and was all read up and ready to subscribe but then warbringers came out and I was like ? this seems kinda crappy plot direction wise. So I waited around a bit and it didn't get better? And I've been looking at this fandom yelling at each other and maybe it's bc I've played only so much content of this massive game but I don't? care? about "iT was sorta refed in VaniLLA" .I wanted a compelling story (1/2)
and Blizzard did not fucking deliver at all! If they wanted an old god expansion and allied races they really didn't need this pointless faction conflict that the end result of was written so so dismissive of trauma and made two great female characters put in the "she's powerful and crazy and ew" box. Just. ugh >:| (2/2)
I know, right!! I won’t say Blizzard ruined Sylvanas’ character, but they sure as hell fucking tried with the shit they keep pulling in the story lines. I mean, we all saw Hellscream’s betrayal coming, but then they killed Voljin so quick and like, bruh, he deserved to be Warchief for so much longer. He was a good leader. He always had the Horde’s best interests in mind. 
And Sylvanas - the pre Val’kyr my death will end in eternal torment Sylvanas - should have been such an amazing WarChief!! She’s originally a High Elf who created the Forsaken and allied herself and her people with the Horde. Even with a broken soul and the inability to feel emotions like she once did, she still took care of her people. That’s a great leader backstory, but instead they pretty much turned her into a power-crazy villain that wants to kill all life on earth and it’s utter bullshit. 
They’re making her into another Arthas and I want a refund.
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azureflight · 6 years
Turalyon and Alleria
There is so much bullshit fandom misconceptions about these two, it’s not even funny. And the moment you try to call people out on it they block you because god forbid they hear their statements might be wrong.
Let’s get a few things straight, first and foremost: Turalyon did not imprison Alleria. He also did not agree with her imprisonment or allow it to happen or chose light/Xera/etc. over her. That never happened. Go back and listen to the end of A Thousand Years of War: Turalyon has no power and in no position to make any of those decisions. It’s all Xera and she sure as shit ain’t asking his opinion. The only time Turalyon is allowed anything, he stands up for Alleria and begs to Xera to spare her. 
In fact, the only reason Xera chose to give Alleria a second chance and imprison her instead of killing her after Alleria refused to renounce the void, was because of Turalyon’s feelings that Xera saw by Turalyon opening his soul to examination during that scene. It’s his love and resolve to stick together with Alleria is what gets Xera to grant whatever mercy she is capable.
Secondly, Turalyon doesn’t judge her, or reject her or mistreat her. These never happened either. The first time Alleria manifests void powers, Turalyon is shocked, tries to reach her, tries to touch her and all he could do is to yell after her to say wait, and as she leaves through a void portal he continues to reach out for her. The next time they encounter is after Turalyon is lured into a trap by fake news about Alleria. This is centuries after Alleria left, last time he saw her she had given herself to void. And he still loves her, still hopes for her. Alleria comes in saves the day, Turalyon tells her to leave and save herself because Xera would kill her. When Alleria refuses, Turalyon sticks up for her and literally stands beside her against Xera and begs Xera for mercy. All the while his resolve is that he will always love her and will always fight for her. Such rejection, much mistreatment...
Finally, it is actually Alleria distancing herself from Turalyon, with a misguided sense of what her fate is and what she needs to do in order to protect him. Alleria believes one day she will completely fall to darkness and that she is already lost, just waiting for the times to come. Alleria believes light and shadow cannot exist together and that she will need to part with Turalyon in order to spare him. Turalyon, has none of that. He loves her, he’ll stand with her no matter what. His truth begins and ends there, rest is irrelevant. 
And the most important part is, this isn’t the first time they are in this situation. Same thing but with fewer cosmic powers interfering happened in Beyond the Dark Portal. In case you don’t know, that novel takes place after Arator is born, and Alleria and Turalyon are separate, with Alleria being the one who ended things. She is shit to him the whole book, and keeps her distance, because she fears losing him, considers herself a lost cause and basically has survivor’s guilt and a suicidal streak due to her parents’ and brother’s death. Turalyon takes it all, sticks around and doesn’t allow her to just up and martyr herself and eventually they reconcile.
Now, Blizzard may throw a curve ball this time and say “Yeah they break up and now Turalyon hates her and Alleria is full void and we’ll kill her”, but I honestly don’t think so. What will probably happen is that the distance and coldness will remain and increase as time passes and eventually Alleria will “almost” fall to the whispers and then instead of fully succumbing and getting killed by us, we will save her together with Turalyon and Arator and they will reconcile. Personally I think Sylvanas will also be involved, probably by saving Arator before the father and son save Alleria. 
But this all just an assumption and a guess, not written down facts. Disagree with my theories regarding future of the plot all you want, that’s how theory discussions work in the first place. But please, when it comes to talking about stuff that already happened, stick to the facts and don’t just twist things to fit your fancy. And if you are unsure, just go back and reread/relisten the material. It’s out there, it’s free. Doesn’t hurt to double check and you will save yourself the embarrassment of sounding like deluded douchebag.
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