scmethingsweet · 20 days
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❝ Do you regret following me here yet? ❞ A chuckle leaves the male's lips. However he is a tad serious with his question. It has only been a week of being back on the ranch and being the owner of it , and well you could say it has started to get to Logan. However he is determined to not allow himself to crack under the pression of being the man in charge.
|| Closed Starter || @missmvrder ||
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kiillerqueen · 3 months
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Logan knows that today is suppose to be a good day , but he can't help but be distracted by the unfamiliar face. His first thought had been to question when Celia started keeping secrets from him. Something he knew he'd question his baby sister on later. For now his focus is on the male. " Don't bother to tell me your name because I don't care to learn it. What I do care to know his your intentions with my sister. " Logan hadn't even taken the time to introduce himself , but he is damn sure that Celia has warned the male about him. || @missmvrder ||
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blindspct · 1 year
@missmvrder liked this post for a closed starter
first and foremost, the last thing that michael should be doing was drinking himself to the point where he felt like it was a good idea to snatch the microphone mid song from the wedding singer. secondly, he was definitely going to regret this in the morning. "hey," he started, his voice slightly slurred, "hey! there's, ya know, something i want to say." he added and took a healthy gulp of the bourbon in his glass as his eyes met his best friend's, "i just wanted you to know that i'm happy for the two of ya. real, real happy," he paused, a small shake of his head following, "but i don't think i'm as happy as i would have been if you would've chosen me. gotta say, it hurts to be a second choice right now. i guess this is also a hell of a time to admit i'm in love with you too, huh?"
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analoghorrors · 10 days
closed with. @missmvrder, eleanor and character of your choice information. based on this in which the dead have started roaming the universe, eating anyone they can find and creating more of them. eleanor tried to make it on her own for the first time and ended up getting badly hurt. while trying to find help, she ends up on your character's front door.. this post was made using beta editor
leaving the comfort of her village had been a conscious decision that she was proud of, believe it or not. eleanor was confident in her ability to stay alive and to kill in order to protect herself. the villagers had always been close-knit and in an end-of-the-world scenario, they became even more protective of each other. they learned to fight, learned to survive, learned to adapt together.. but eleanor was tired of living within the protection of the walls. she just wanted to know she could survive on her own.
the first few days proved to be easy enough- she found shelter, ate some of the canned goods she packed in her bag and caught up on her reading. there were a lot less zombies in the area than she expected. it gave her a great sense of confidence and accomplishment.. but then the fifth night came. eleanor awoke to the sound of scratching on the shed's door; one of the lessons she had seemingly forgot was to never let herself get trapped.
her heart is pounding so hard that it overtakes the sound of the scratching. she begins packing up her things, careful not to make too much noise. with an axe in hand, eleanor prepares to exit the shed with force. the zombie is knocked back, giving her time to decapitate it. just as she's about to celebrate, twigs start to snap and she quickly realizes that she's about to be surrounded by the undead— how so many had managed to creep up on her would be a question that has to remain unanswered. the femme sprints towards the first opening she sees. unfortunately for her, she failed to see the edge of a cliff through all of the trees and bushes.
the stumble knocks the wind completely out of her. eleanor knows all too well that this can't be her final resting spot; who knows if the zombies would follow her down. she continues onward for as long as she can but the longer she limps, the weaker she gets. eventually eleanor collapses at the end of what seems to be a rocky driveway.
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the world blurs. is this it? what if the zombies were right behind her? she has to get up. eleanor's mind races for a few minutes before it quiets as she passes out from the pain and shock..
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touchbased · 1 month
muse: talita roberio. late twenties. manager at a dying clothing store and occasional uber driver. impulsive, reckless, prone to crying when she faces the consequences of her own actions. open to: m/f/nb based (on the second bullet).
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"i just want to forget, you know?" tone is no doubt more whiny, more desperate than she'd normaly like, but what's a girl to do when she's just been dumped? when she's convinced the only person on the planet able to make her feel better is seemingly hesitant? "please, make me forget." / @missmvrder
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wildhcrses · 2 months
@missmvrder ♡ continued from here.
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theo scoffs at her tone more than her remarks. "did i ever say i expected you to back out, gabriela? i know that's not your style—at least not with work." their relationship was another matter entirely, but hashing that out right now isn't going to give this project a smooth completion, which is theo's only objective. "what do you mean this kind of movie? if you have concerns about my work ethic or my acting skills, this is the time to tell me. i'm not going to put up with you planting seeds of doubt with the producers or the crew. i'm committed to any job i do, same as you."
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svftlove · 2 months
@missmvrder based on. ♥
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"i know it's late, and i probably should've called. " words escape plump petals in a low murmur, honeyed hues glancing up to meet the familiarty of his gaze. desire is building steadily within her, an electric current that seems to hum in the air between them. "but i needed to see you."
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waveofstars · 11 months
@missmvrder | devin & amelia
Morning shift at the local garage, on call at the motel all night. Work didn't seem to end for Devin ever since he got out. That felt good to him. It kept his hands and mind busy; it gave him a purpose. His mother liked to think it was him punishing himself, but he didn't want to think like that even if it was the truth.
Like most nights, he was exhausted. Fingers were sore, still stained with black oil that felt too impossible to scrub off. He stood outside his room at the motel and smoked a cigarette instead of sinking into bed. He wandered to the ice machine with a small empty bucket and attempted to retrieve ice. It sputtered out a noise and only gave a few cubes. He cursed under his breath and bashed his fist against the top. He had just fixed the damned thing. He heard footsteps approaching behind him as he gave it another smack. "Sorry," he grumbled, cigarette at the side of his lips. "This thing has a temper." Finally, it sprung back to life. He stepped back to let the guest get their share of ice and blew smoke in the opposite direction. Before he could get another word out, his eyes met hers and he was suddenly thrown back to a time almost forgotten. Devin stood there like a damn ghost, unmoving and silent. It was her.
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whispercddesires · 3 months
“what do i have to do or say for you to notice that i’m in love with you?” / @missmvrder
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hlfmoonshine · 4 months
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"who raised you like that?" nellie asked, her boots kicking up dust as she padded up to the fence. "who raised you to think that you knew better than everyone else, i mean." she'd never claim to know much, save for when she was on the track, but she could tell when someone thought they knew best. "it's an arrogant look, you know." she wasn't fuming, but she was damn close. @missmvrder
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scmethingsweet · 4 days
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❝ Don't you think it is best to keep our drunken actions in the past? ❞ Avoiding his intoxicated behaviour is kind of Logan's specialties. He definitely is trying his best to avoid the conversation the two had the last time they had gone out for some drinks.
|| Closed Starter || @missmvrder ||
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kiillerqueen · 4 months
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" Did you get tired of the big city life? " Gill laughs awkwardly as he unexpectly runs into his ex. || @missmvrder ||
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thedevilsbckbone · 6 months
Continued from here
Sergio's smile widened once Ximena spoke, playing along with his teasing. That was one thing he liked about the brunette - not only was she undeniably gorgeous, but she was also fun and didn't take things too seriously from what he could see. "Well that's a relief. I don't think I would have been able to handle knowing I had to compete with another driver for your attention." He tossed her a wink.
Those nights that he picked her up always ended up being some of his favorites. Even if it was after a date that seemed to go sour, he would stop at a drive-thru to get her a pick-me up just to see her go home with a smile. He had to admit that it was a bit surprising that a lovely girl like her seemed to have such difficulties with dating, but then again he knew the how the dating pool was these days and imagined that there were plenty of guys out there who fumbled the bag when it came to lovely women like her. A bit selfishly, he was a little glad that they sometimes didn't go well because it gave him hope to see her around more but now he might not get to if she was taking a break. "Damn, that's a bummer to hear though I guess I can't say I blame you."
An easy-going chuckle escaped him and he held his arms out as he glanced down, playing it up as he gave himself a quick inspection before meeting her gaze again with a smile. "Crazy right? I have actual legs! Who would have guessed it." His stance relaxed once more as he moved to wrap both hands around his pool cue, leaning against it as he regarded Ximena with a curious raise of his brow. "So are your friends still here or were you heading out?" He asked, considering asking her if she'd like to join him but not wanting to bother her if she had other things going - even if she hadn't sounded super enthused by her friends' plan for the evening. | @missmvrder
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seolinah · 6 months
closed for @missmvrder // the second point (the party) ft. sinn + muse of your choice !
As the lights flickered back on, a scream could be heard through the house. Sinn rushed towards the sound, freezing at the sight she found. Her hand came up to her mouth, concealing her gasp as one of her friends lay lying on the floor in a pool of their blood. More shouts rounded out, people screaming to call someone for help until someone pointed out that there wasn't a signal. A quiet shock seemed to go through the group, and that was when Sinn realized she hadn't seen them since the blackout. Turning around until she spotted them on the other side of the room, she shoved past her friends to get to them. "When I promised excitement for tonight, this wasn't what I meant..." An ill-timed joke made on her part, unsure how else to process everything going on. Her head shook. "Sorry, I--Sorry. Are you okay? You disappeared there for a bit. I almost thought something might've happened to you when I heard all the shouting."
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aeternuswords · 6 months
Closed | @missmvrder
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“They didn’t love you. it hurts to recognize that. but, it means you can move on, and find someone who does.”
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springbreezc · 1 year
♡ — closed starter for @missmvrder note: made with beta, can switch upon request
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"cat got your tongue, love?" the words were saccharine, syrupy sweet to match the cheshire grin that crawled onto her face. it was all a guise, the sugar laced with a venomous poison. she was a woman scorned. "you look like you weren't expecting to see me." and they hadn't been. mariama had the right contacts in her corner, and she liked nothing more than to cause a scene. "did you really think that i wouldn't stop by to wish you well on your upcoming nuptials?"
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