dsmpdaily · 3 years
Hey, sorry I disappeared. My brain just kinda shut off and wouldn't let me do anything. So I baked, and I baked, and I baked, and please help me I'm drowning in baked goods over here.
*Shoves 80 bowls full of baked goods your way* you don't want to know how much baking I've done. But then I went on Minecraft with a Technoblade skin and best all my friends and killed Twitter the zombie.
Enough about me, how have you been? Staying positive even though negative people are trying to bring you down? Remember that hatred stems from their own problems in life and they want to make others feel bad to bring themselves up. Have you been eating enough? Eating healthy? Having fun? Taking breaks? Drinking water? Playing with your dog? Showering? Making your bed? Cleaning your room?
Also I did my call today and I have an interview on Sunday so that'll be good, get something to do other than lay in bed or bake until my oven’s temperature gauge breaks and the fire alarm goes off. Do you like baking? Been doing any Minecraft lately?
“The mere sense of living is joy enough.” -Emily Dickinson
“The only thing that will make you happy is being happy with who you are.” -Goldie Hawn
“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come without leaving happier.” -Mother Teresa
"A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming obstacles." -Christopher Reeve
"I don't have crushes on women, Wilbur, they have crushes on me. Even if I did have crushes on them, I'd have to hide them for my brand. I must stay womenless or keep them in the shadows." -Some child
:3 who decided it's too long for colours but hopes you are doing well.
hello! dw about it, ive been kind of out of it recently so i completely understand. also baked goods are nice :0
in doin okay, nothin to do with that hate anon the other day im really not worried about them 👍 reading through your questions yes ive been takin' care of myself and my lil dog
i dont know how to cook or bake ^^; i could probably follow a recipe easily but i just never was taught & im not trusted in the kitchen i think
havent done any minecraft my laptop wont turn on haha.. its been over a week and i just stopped messing with it but ill try to take the battery out later or something. i hope you're doin well :D
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polar-stars · 4 years
7,8,28,30,33 for Kei and Tsubame please?🥺
(the “swear word question is mostly for Kei..although, I want to know swear words of most of your characters lol so may be that exact one for Shigeo, Masashi, twins, Suzume and Kiyoko?)
7. the softest song? [that I associate with them]
For Kei: I guess that would be “Change Song” from the Steven Universe movie [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFqE8Ny-HOo ]... Most other songs I associate him with are rock songs ahdhd. 
For Tsubame: hmmMMM “Part of your World” from The Little Mermaid, I suppose? I associate this song with multiple people tbh shdh but it does fits Tsubame in some regards as well. 
8. the dumbest song?
god I know so much dumb stuff, and for what?
For Kei: “Get Low” but I don’t know why, probably just because that’s what I imagine Kei’s music taste to be like
For Tsubame: It’s not even a dumb song being real, it’s the intro of a show I really loved as a child and that’s considered a classic in Germany ahdhd but yeah: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXm2b605p9Y [but yeah, this just makes me think of Tsubame ahdh and yes, Tsubame can actually speak German so ahdh (or rather Swiss German but meep)]
28. which friends character do they most resemble (or combination of them)?
whoops, this is about the show “Friends” isn’t it ahdh. I haven’t seen that, sadly.
So I might just say what “type of friend” they are?
Kei: The aggressively caring friend who’ll pick fights with your bullies but acts all Tsundere about it
Tsubame: the friend who’ll grab you by the hands and spin around with you in a fields of flowers
30. what’s the highest compliment they could receive?
For Kei: that he greatly helps his family out
For Tsubame: that she’s just as lovable when she’s not being “perfect” in a sense
33. favourite swear word?
For Kei: Kei swears regularly ever since a certain age, much to his mother’s & older brother’s dismay. He has a large library of foul words, but his favorite go-to is a classic “fuck” being real
Tsubame: I think the worst you’d hear from Tsubame would be smth like “crap” and she would cover her mouth afterwards and apologize, saying she picked its up from Shouhei
Shigeo: He rarely swears and considers himself above such profanity (but also, his mother just forbid it). The furthest he’d go would be “damn” on a normal occasion. Shigeo starting to use swear-words other than that usually means that he’s incredibly annoyed or he’s pissed off. For the rare occasion that this happens his favorite would probably be “twat”, or “bitch”
Masashi: does not swear. Masashi instead repeatedly tells other people to watch their language when they swear. He follows Nene’s words ahdh. 
Yuu: he doesn’t swear too much, but he would here and there. Favorite is probably “shit”
Shouhei: Out of the Tsukasa-twins, he swears the most for sure (but it’s still tame in comparison to characters like Kei or Takayuki), his favorite is “prick”
Suzume: Much like Shouhei in that regard. She does use swear words here and there, especially when around peers or the comfort of her home but she knows when it’s inappropriate. Her favorites are “dick” and “bitch”
Kiyoko: As a proper, fine lady...Kiyoko does not make use of swear-words either. No one in her household really does. 
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aikaikaik-art · 5 years
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I got to spectate @owldart ‘s game of DnD, using the toonkind homebrew race! This game was so bizarre i loved every little bit of it, enough I clearly had to draw up the party and some of their shenanigans from the session :”) Characters all belong to the following: @owldart @yunisverse @zeeoddwyn @ghostlyfrogprince @themarginalartist bearysweet on discord, @hntrgurl13
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eatmovesmile · 6 years
Oral health in pregnancy
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FREE pregnancy oral health check up at Swan Hill District Health Dental Services
During pregnancy your body has a lot going on and oral health isn’t always top of the priority list, in fact many people think poor oral health is just an unavoidable part of pregnancy - but it’s not! 
You can be more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease during pregnancy due to your hormones (yes pesky hormones at it again). Severe gum disease has been linked to premature birth and low birth weight babies so it’s something you need to (and can) stay on top of. Controlling tooth decay is also really important, not only for you but to prevent passing on decay-causing bacteria to bub once they arrive, putting them at increased risk of early childhood decay.
Visiting a dentist while pregnant is highly recommended for your own wellbeing and that of your unborn child.
Routine dental treatment is safe during pregnancy, although some procedures or medication should be avoided in the first 3 months, so be sure to tell your dentist you are pregnant.
*Tips for those who may be experiencing morning (or all the time) sickness or reflux:
Rinse your mouth immediately with water or a mouth rinse after vomiting (e.g. teaspoon of baking soda + cup of water - rinse and spit).
Chew sugar free gum to stimulate saliva to neutralise and wash away acid.
Smear a little bit of toothpaste over your teeth with your finger.
Wait at least 30 minutes before brushing to avoid damaging softened enamel surface.
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All pregnant women are able to access a FREE pregnancy oral health check up at Swan Hill District Health Dental Services, by referral from their midwife.
Contact SHDH Dental Services for more information 5033 9336, 30 High Street.
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