#-brought back dapper and now ramon.
nemurian · 1 year
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I don’t think I want to leave yet... can I go back?
(Ramon design belongs to @miauta - their art is gorgeous,, go check them out! (Also, to miauta- if you’d like me to edit my design to distinguish it from yours a bit more, just give me a heads up and i will :D)
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anonymous-dentist · 4 months
I’ve seen a lot of people genuinely and sincerely wondering why the Federation can’t heal Empanada back up to two lives using the Egg Hospital, and that just means that the Federation Propaganda is working.
So let me explain how the Eggs work within the lore of the QSMP:
The Eggs, in the beginning, were supposed to be a one or two week event. The parents with the happiest egg would get a prize. The parents with dead eggs would be punished.
Within Lore, these original eggs- Dapper, Leo, Chayanne, Ramon, Tilin, Flippa, Bobby, and Trump(et)- were the children of a “dragon mother” who had flown away from the island after the islanders blew up the wall. Tallulah was a later addition, but she is “biologically” (we’ll come back to the quotation marks in a second) related to the og eggs. So is Pomme, who had been stuck under the adoption center for over a month waiting to be adopted. Our outliers are Richarlyson- who wasn’t even supposed to exist yet, Sunny, Empanada, and Pepito.
And then there are the other Eggs. The dead ones. Like “Hope”, the egg the Federation left to die in the middle of nowhere waiting to be adopted. Or Egg A1, the egg ElQuackity was experimenting on that burned to death. Or the several dead eggs mentioned in the Maze Book, the ones who would be Sunny and Empanada and Pepito’s siblings if those three really are the three surviving eggs from the Maze Book.
You see, the Eggs aren’t real. They’re artificial. We’ve known this since May/June when SOFIA analyzed “Richarlyson’s placenta” (don’t ask) and found, wow! The Eggs are essentially artificial, inorganic lifeforms. And then we see ElQ experimenting on A1, and then we hear about the Maze Experiment, and then we find out about Egg Island and how the Federation technically owns it, and we realize, oh. Huh.
The Eggs have never met their supposed dragon mother. That’s because she doesn’t exist. The Eggs were created solely for the purpose of the experiment the islanders are unwillingly part of. They’re tools, and the Federation doesn’t care about them.
The Eggs, to the Federation, are more or less expendable. The Feds’ primary focus is the islanders and keeping them under control. The Eggs still being alive now is only because the Feds quickly realized that their test subjects would fucking lose it if the Eggs were taken away like they were supposed to have been.
But if the Eggs happen to die on their own, so be it. That’s fine. They’re kids, they’re fragile.
Tilin and Flippa and Trump and Bobby are all dead, and it’s been shown that the Feds could have brought them back permanently by putting them in the hospital they canonically have, or by bringing them back “by magic” like how Sapo Peta revived Flippa after the trial. This is why Cellbit infiltrated the Feds in the first place and it’s a HUGE part of why he hates them now! He knows that they could keep every egg safe and alive, but they choose not to because, again, the eggs are expendable!
If the Federation had their way, the Eggs wouldn’t have been retrieved at all when they disappeared. But the islanders started going berserk and rebelling and the Feds went “Oh, shit”, and thus the Eggs’ return was made a priority.
The Eggs are a form of control, and everybody even remotely questioning the Federation knows it. Keeping the Eggs around and alive serves to keep the islanders in line. If they rebel, the Eggs could die. This is why the Eggs were brought back in the first place, and it’s why the parents of dead eggs and those without eggs in the first place were the ones assigned to Sunny, Empanada, and Pepito. Those people couldn’t be controlled, but now they can be. People like Tubbo won’t mess with Cucurucho anymore because they don’t want their kids dead; it’s why Cellbit only started lashing out after Richarlyson had been gone for almost two months.
So… why don’t they just keep the Eggs alive?
Easy. Because the Eggs are expendable. Them living is the easiest option, but them dying isn’t really a huge issue. People like Jaiden have been easy enough to manipulate after losing their egg. Grieving parents so far haven’t had huge explosive reactions (except for Maxo, who very notably did have a huge explosive reaction.) Slime and Mariana fell into depressive states, Jaiden became easier to manipulate, Quackity was able to be kidnapped and brainwashed. Roier and Maxo kept their illegal rebellious activities under wraps, and neither really made any big huge moves against the Feds (again, outside of the nuke.)
If the Eggs die naturally, it’s fine. It’s the parents’ faults for letting their child die- just look at how nobody blamed the Federation for permanently taking Bobby away, but people both on the server and off blamed Roier for “getting him killed”, or how Mariana is the scapegoat for the Federation not bringing Flippa back to life when they easily could’ve done so.
Eggs dying naturally turns islander aggression inwards… with the exceptions of Cellbit, Roier, and Maxo, and now Bagi and Mousey. The Feds don’t want anyone getting angry at them, they want the islanders to get angry at themselves. That way, nobody can organize against them.
So the Feds won’t reverse a life lost. They won’t revive a dead egg. They don’t need to. The Eggs aren’t the experiment here. They aren’t important.
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sheridanartsite · 2 months
Happy 1 Year QSMP!!!
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It's such a bittersweet feeling celebrating the 1 year anniversary of QSMP. There have been so many events, friends, happy times, sad times, and so much more during this time.
Firstly I want to send a huge hug and thanks to everyone working (past or present) on this project. From the builds, the npc actors, the twitter updates, the enigma/lore writers and the funny little bloopers along the way everything done by the admins and Quackity Studios team to bring this project so much life and entertainment, I THANK YOU!! The QSMP has been such a joy to watch as someone who's been on this journey since day 1.
Secondly with the current situation regarding the mistreatment of team members and the dismissal of the updates account it has been emotional to look back on the good this project has done while knowing now how difficult it was for those making it. Much love and support to the team members who left the project and those still on. QSMP is not going to be the same without Dapper and Pomme. I don't know if Ramon will be replaced with another actor, but to the two Ramon admins know that your portrayal of the character will be greatly missed and you guys truly shaped an amazing character. Ramon and Dapper being friends before this project and then carrying that friendship through the characters is still one of my favorite things. Agent 18 and Dansir both brought so much joy through their various characters and behind the scenes work. Thank you guys so much.
Like everyone else, I don't know if this will be the end of the eggs, if they'll replace the egg actors for those who have left, or if they will eventually be able to resume their roles [at least for a proper goodbye :') ], but I do have hope this isn't the end of the QSMP. I have hope the proper measures will be taken so that reimbursement of payment will be made and moving forward all workers will be properly paid. It just sucks so much that so many people that truly love this project suffered so long and it was something that could have been solved much sooner had it been properly handled.
I will continue supporting this project and hope the team listens to Pomme's request of not substituting another actor to her character. I miss q!Jaiden and q!Max as well and am so happy that they were a part of the QSMP, their characters were so funny and cool and honestly a lot of their character's actions have had such a big impact of the story and the server itself.
So here's to a year of QSMP and all the fun communities and memories, and hopefully here's to many more! <3
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missycolorful · 3 months
hallo there o/
I wanted to piggyback off your last post on the 'birdbrain/abandonment' post:
I feel this particular situation was bound to happen sooner or later. It's not the first time of late(within the last month) the children have felt abandoned/left behind by qphil. During Prison Event you could see the eggs thoughts on being left behind due to possible escape or interactions with other residents and lore.
Day 3 after the interview tallulah said, "I dont like it here.." and chayanne said, "Let's stick together today..". Qphil then turned it into a joke, "...STICK together.. cause he's holding a stick.." but I do not believe these words were said for nothing. Day 3 had dark themes surrounding the residents(inmate crucifixion) and as a child paying attention I would be scared and want my parent in sight much as possible.
Now of course we give grace to the ccs because streaming and events can take a toll. Phil had stated several times during the event he felt overwhelmed/stimulated, along with others agreeing with him.
At one point the eggs eventually burried them selves in hole, in which wasn't addressed until after a guard Tubbo and Charlie noticed. On the walls chayanne signs say: we are a ghost - we will die here and bit later tallulah states: we were wondering how lo g it took u to find us, we were thinking you were leaving us here.
Qphil reassured them but I got to thinking: every where he went residents had their eggs with them. When escaping with Charlie fit and tubbo, ramon was with fit and sunny was with either parent...qphil was alone. When talking to the guard for the hat, pomme was with aypierr - rishas and pepito were with their guardians and em/dapper was with bagi and bad...qphil was alone.
Giving benifit of doubt he was trying to protect them.(the guard was a butt)
That being said: the separation was scary, anything could have happened. Yesterday situation could have went very differently as well. The eggs could have been mortal. Something more dangerous than the scorpion could have caught them along their travel back home.
And this ALL is off the talks/agreement of them sticking together as a family. Having each others back. The situation is so interesting because after concerns are said qphil does comply with not taking his sight off them rest of stream. I really enjoy this family dynamic for some reason
Sorry for long post
oh gosh don't apologize, I'm eating this whole post up. And it's given me more to say, so... sorry in turn, lol!!
honestly, a lot of the prison event felt like a blur to me (a lot happened lol), so I completely forgot about those small moments. Like a lot of other similar moments, they're jokes, yes, but there's a certain weight to them. And these jokes they've been making have had a certain weight for a while now. And.... looking back, I feel dumb for not even mentioning the one thing that's really brought this whole issue, and these "jokes" and concerns the kids have, into existence.
It's the Ender King.
q!Phil has made it clear that if the Ender King finds him and seeks to capture him and take him away from the kids, there's nothing he can do. He's not sure if he can come back, if he does get taken, even though he swears he'll do everything he can to return to his kids. But that reveal of the Ender King and Phil's concerns about his fate by his hands has affected Chayanne and Tallulah greatly. It's good that he's been honest with them, I'd rather he be. But there's no good way to handle this, in truth.
Chayanne, after Purgatory, has been more clingy with his father, but I think it's more noticeable as of recent. Tallulah has tried to distance herself a little like sleeping at her and Wilbur's house, most likely out of a need to feel independent and such, but within the last month or so, she's also been fairly clingy. I think her attempts at being independent fell to the wayside once the idea of her father just... disappearing, and possibly never coming back, came to mind. She sleeps at the sanctuary (and now their new house as of the reset) more often than not. They're both afraid of waking up and seeing that the most consistent parental figure in their lives is gone.
Like, we all know that q!Phil isn't actually abandoning them or even leaving them behind with any malicious or neglecting purpose, and I think the kids know he wouldn't do so with intention (which is why him being defensive yesterday was sort of a moot point, but anyway). Plenty of the parents will let their kids mind their business and do things without them around. This isn't new, and this has happened with Phil's kids plenty of times! For example, Phil didn't want his kids around during a lot of the prison stuff, because a lot of what he was doing was risky, and he didn't want them to get hurt. And we know that yesterday was a pure accident, and he wants to try to be more careful.
But technicalities and logic aren't really important here. What upsets the kids is simply the idea of him being gone, and the fear of him never coming back. It doesn't matter how many times he tells them that he will, because these fears are huge and real. You accidentally left the kids behind at Etoiles' house? It doesn't matter, you still left. You got kidnapped by the Ender King? It doesn't matter you're still gone.
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corvinho999 · 26 days
Federation experiment HC/AU
I might write something in this AU in the future, but I've had this idea stuck in my brain for a long time now!
I first thought of this when we got the egg/federation lore dropped on us after the Prison event, before everyone was moved to the new spawn location.
When Pomme and Dapper publicly left the server, I had an idea about them and BBH having a life off the island that fits into this universe. And when Philza started his Stardew Valley world, I thought of an idea for the Death family to have a life off the island, that also fits into this universe.
If I do write anything in this AU, it would probably be those stories (BBH and Phil/Missa), but I could probably think of something for the other eggs. Especially a story about Hope! I have so many ideas for them :]
The eggs are stuck as “eggs” because of the control that the federation has on them. If they ever found a way to leave federation islands, they would “hatch,” or turn into children.
The federation has complete control over this “hatching,” so long as they are on federation islands. Cucuruchos also start as eggs, but they’re is raised by the federation before hatching. This allows the federation to brainwash them. q!Jaiden was in charge of this brainwashing for some of these Cucuruchos who had already hatched and needed further “training.”
Some eggs were created for testing different things.
Chayanne, Ramon, Dapper, Leo, Tilin, Bobby, Juanaflippa, and Trumpet were created to test how their personalities are formed by people around them. They were adopted by islanders in pairs or individuals, and their personalities developed and were molded by their parents’ influence. They were also a way for the federation to test the islanders’ capabilities as caretakers. 
Tallulah, Pomme, Richarlyson, and “Hope” were created to test how their personalities formed without any outside influence. Unfortunately for the federation, Tallulah, Pomme, and Richas were all found by islanders, and they became an extension of the first group. 
When the objective for those 3 were changed, the federation overlooked Hope and quickly forgot to take care of them. It is unknown what happened to Hope, but based on what Cellbit found they could have either died or ran away. [[Maybe after being abandoned by the federation, Hope hatched and became a person, leaving the islands and making a life for themself. Maybe they would come back, or be found eventually.]]
Sunny, Empanada, and Pepito were sent to a different federation island to test the way they developed in harsher conditions. They were eventually retrieved by federation employees and brought back to the main island, where they were given to parents and their test objective was changed, same as those in group 2.
Chunsik was created to appease new islanders. He was not created for any tests or experiments. The federation knew that new residents would be jealous of the other parents, and would eventually request an egg of their own.
Egg A1 was going to become a Cucurucho. They failed one of the first tests and died. If they hadn’t died in the parkour course, they would have been sent through more testing before being trained to become a Cucurucho by a federation employee.
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Heres the ramon xcom backstory ask to motivate us both to do the thing <3 what could have possibly happened to my beautiful baby boy made in heaven by god himself?
- barbietoiles
Okay! Ramón hours (and that's the one time this infodump you're getting the accent as UK keyboard and I have to number-code it every time)
As per standard for egg backstories, contact warnings for child abuse. As less standard, this one has major (but qsmp-canonical) character death too
So, Ramon. Ramon comes in a set with Dapper and Leonarda, because do not seperate the eggy triplets. Of all of the eggs, these three are the only ones who have not been found to be defective, or for other reasons discarded or repurposed by the aliens. As such, they continue living in the main alien base. As high-quality bodies, the three of them are being slowly raised and trained - A1 as an example is low-quality and so speed grown, but this leads to some problems such as improper muscle mass distribution and neurological stuff not quite forming in the right shape.
So, um, quick side note incase you didn't catch this bit in my prior rambles - eggs in this setting are lab-developed human-alien(-sometimes also animal) hybrids, specifically 'grown' so they can be possessed by one of the senior members of the big bad alien race in control of the whole thing. These aliens have an incurable muscle wastage plague which is killing them, but a lot of brain-based magic, so are building themselves custom bodies with immunity to the plague that they can take for their own. High quality ones are custom made to a specific senior alien's requests, then allowed to just develop from babies to adults, at which point the alien then possesses them, consuming the soul native to the body and thus murdering the egg in the process. The success rate is pretty low as they have very high standards, but yk.
So! Back to the point.
Ramon, Dapper, and Leo are entirely unaware of their intended purpose. They live in... well, the nature of the base I do a bit want to keep secret, but they live there and are being raised mostly by human test subjects from previous experiments. The aliens don't have time for that, and because humans are both immune to the plague *and* the potential for brain magic, form the majority of egg DNA.
But these adults do grow old and die, as its been a long time since the aliens brought more back - at which point its alien babysitters which the three absolutely run circles around.
It's not happy childhood exactly, but think Promised Neverland style children being unaware they are being raised for the slaughter sort of thing. Hobbies and interests and learning are encouraged, as is sports and such, because it makes their bodies higher quality for the later possession! And so on.
This, however, all changes when the aliens capture a very specific human.
A bear-hybrid by the name of Spreen.
With the base being to the alien's knowledge... well someone has escaped before, but they tightened security since! So it's inescapable *now*. So the aliens just come and get Spreen when he's needed for torture or experiments, but otherwise Spreen is now responsible for the kids.
Spreen, kidnapped and tortured... Look, it's not a good situation, you know? He does not cope well with any of this, and it's usually the kids on the short end of the stick. He tries to be a reasonable adult about it all but, again, kidnapped and tortured and xcom!q!spreen has never been the best at keeping his frustrations in check. As Roier can tell you. He maybe could have been a fine parent on his own terms, but absolutely not on these ones.
And that.. it's not fine, but it's fine.
And then Chayanne and Bobby get rescued.
Now Chayanne and Bobby are in no way part of this group, but their rescue from their situation sparks *ideas* in the heads of the aliens. They notice how those two have psychically bonded to some of the main characters and... well... the aliens are *curious*.
And curious aliens means experimentation.
And the specific experiment?
Spreen and Ramon are forcibly soul-bonded to each other.
Now. A soul bond can be great. Telepathy, emotional awareness, in an eggs' case easier feeding for psychic powers development... But a forced soul bond? A soul bond naturally develops through being compatible plus shared traumatic and stressful experience over a prolongued time, or an egg can form one willingly, or instinctively if sufficiently injured or starved. (human-to-human and human-to-egg both work slightly differently)
So how do they force Spreen and Ramon to bond? Well the aliens aren't sure how it works, so prolongued physical and mental torture for both of them. Also forcing Ramon to call Spreen papa, because they caught wind of Bobby calling Roier that and think maybe it could be a part of it.
And it works.
But please consider that Spreen was really struggling already. And now he has an about 10 year old inside his head, constantly. Neither Ramon nor Spreen know how to keep emotions or memories or thoughts away from each other, but neither do they know how to share them. The two get forcibly mentally entangled, and can pick themselves from the mess but cannot keep themself to themself.
So now Ramon is different from his triplets. They try help, but also... what can they even do?
And being linked? Ramon can hear every frustration in Spreen's mind, every time he steps out because the kids annoyed him and he needs to go break something and calm down. Every secret Spreen has ever had, the ways he regrets what he did to Roier, the way he misses Missa, the horrors that were done to the Quackities...
... Just how much despite it Spreen does actually care, despite everything, and the fact Ramon is his favourite of the three.
It fucks Ramon up. It fucks Spreen up. The natural bonds are much better shielded from accidental memory and thought spillage, but there's basically no gap for Spreen and Ramon. For a kid? Utterly horrifying.
Now Ramon has some experience - the eggs all have some level of psychic connection to each other - but the thing with Spreen? Nothing like what he has with his siblings.
And the experiments carry on, testing the nature and limits of the soulbond.
Meanwhile, Dapper and Leo are sneaking around, the aliens distracted by their experiments. In their sneaking... They discover their true purpose.
And they do not want to die.
And they do not want their brother to die.
They... sort of know how to leave, but only sort of.
So one night, Dapper goes to Ramon's cell while Leo gathers supplies, getting him up. So the three of them can run away because gdi they're still triplets and besties both.
But waking Ramon wakes Spreen.
Though to be fair, Spreen is 200000% down for getting the fuck out of here, and is very willing to do things like grab things too high for them, use being all black fur to help them hide in the dark, etc.
They make it to the portal room.
Ramon gets out his tech goggles and starts trying to override the portal controls, so they can escape.
He nearly gets it.
The guards discover them missing, and find them. Start a gunfight. Which... is mostly the four cowering from bullets until the portal turns on.
Ramon activates it.
Guard shoots at the kids as they run.
Spreen jumps in the way, and is fatally shot.
Ramon knows the exact moment that he dies, because their souls are fused, and so bits of himself are being either torn off or dying beside him. It's... Ramon can do *nothing* but scream.
Leo manages to grab him and pull him through the portal, and Dapper manages to close it - at least for now - on the other side.
It is, thankfully, a long way from where they were - the strength of soulbonds lessens with physical distance. While this can be extremely difficult and traumatising for people... Ramon's bond was already traumatic, and the distance is enough to pull his soul just far enough from Spreen's that he doesn't actually die. Just. You know. Horrible trauma from experiencing death itself. Plus *everything*.
The triplets just... Ramon is still really sick and needs recovery time from this, so they hide themselves as best they can.
And stay hidden until some humans come by - one of whom, Fit, is very very familiar... not to Ramon precisely, but to Spreen's memories that Ramon accidentally saw...
(Side note - Ramon will not call anyone dad or papa or similar for a good long time, because of being forced to use it for Spreen. He also clings extremely hard to Fit, not just for familiarity but also because the wasteland nature of where Fit grew up means Fit's personal psychic field is *so* fucked up its literally impossible to telepathy with him. So, Ramon can get just enough of the bond to keep feeding psionic energy and not stop growing and developing because of a lack of it, without risking ever having the brain sharing thing.)
(Obvious recovery for Ramon goes from the fic already written where he tells Fit Fit will never be dad. Then one set after the aliens are gone where he nervously calls Pac pai [this is an au where everyone is in a polycule so I can have all my ships gdi. the fitpac needs more obvious but yk what bits i do and don't write get mess]. Then calling Fit dad. Then extremely nervously also soulbonding with Pac, one where the telepathy thing is plausible [though Pac is very practiced having both Mike and Richas in his head already]. Partly so he doesn't only feed from Fit. Feeding from one person psionically won't harm anyone and works, but if anything happens... Well Fit gently encouraged it, just in case anything ever happens to him. Just like Ramon encourages Fit to have many relationships, just incase he dies.)
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75th-hero · 6 months
I'm not gonna let this QSMP/Soul Eater au die yet. I have PLOT now, but no motivation to write the full story so y'all get the summary.
Just like actual soul eater the story follows multiple pairs but mostly Phil and Missa. Phil is a death scythe at Lady Death's side (Kristin). But he hasn't had a meister partner since Techno's passing.
Many top meisters have tried to wield Phil, but no one can resonate with him. Until Missa that is.
Missa is just a 2 star meister, he's somewhat skilled but never broke into 3 star and necer had a permanent partner. Missa can't necessarily wield Phil, but he can lift him which is more than anyone else can do.
Phil sensed and emotional maturity in Missa while being wielded that he's been looking for. Other meisters have boasted their strength and skills to him (Forever) but didn’t cut it. Sensing potential in Missa, Phil requests time away from Kristin's side to train him. Phil doesn't necessarily need a meister outside of Death, but chooses to.
Phil gets temporarily replaced by Etoiles, a solo death sword who reached death status on his own. He can be wielded, but often chooses not to be.
Forever deals with a jealousy arc where he goes to find Excalibur to try and have a better weapon than Phil and of course regrets his decision.
The other main team focused on is Fit, Pac and Mike.
Pac and Mike are a weapon duo that make it to 3 star on their own, usually wielding each other. But in a time of rising chaos, Kristin assigns a death status meister, Fit, to wield them instead.
They have a surprisingly not too hard start resonating, but as Fit and Pac get closer, Mike starts to feel left out. It's not until a mission where Mike recklessly runs out on his own during a witch fight that things go south.
Fit gets injured and Pac doesn't know where Mike has gone so he has to prioritize Fit's safety and get him out. Mike gets captured by the witch and goes missing for over a month.
While Fit is recovering they can't go find Mike so another pair is sent to search (possibly Bad and Baghera or Vegetta and Foolish). All the while Fit and Pac get closer to each other and Mike loses a little more of his sanity with each passing day.
Mike gets found and brought back to them, but after Fit is recovered the 3 of them can't resonate anymore. Mike threatens Fit whenever Pac isn't around and Pac knows his best friend isn't the same anymore. Fit and Pac can resonate just fine, but it will take a long time before Mike's soul stabilizes enough to work with them again.
Where do the eggs play a part in this?
I think during a mission for either Phil and Missa or Wilbur and Quackity (or maybe all 4) they find and kill a which that was housing young witchlings.
Feeling guilty, they take the witch children back to the DWMA and explain to Kristin what happened. She assigns different pairs a young witch to take care of.
Phil and Missa: Chayanne
Wilbur and Quackity: Tallulah
Luzu and El Quackity: Tilin
Fit, Pac and Mike: Ramon
Vegetta and Foolish: Leonarda
Bad and Baghera: Dapper
Roier and Cellbit: Richarlyson
Jaiden and Ironmouse: Bobby
Mariana and Charlie: Juanaflippa
(I'm not sure yet what to do with Pomme or Trump)
(And yes I understand witches are usually women in Soul Eater but this is my au/my rules lmao)
I haven't assigned animals to the kids yet cause all the witches have an animal theme, but I know I want Tallulah to be the turtle witch.
And for this I've made Quackity and El Quackity twins that don't really like each other.
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kanene-yaaay-o-retorno · 10 months
The way that I can't stop thinking about the song Skies Forever Blue but with the eggs from qsmp...
Like, the song probably is about romance and stuff but gosh it is also about having your entire world changed because of someone, of spending your time with them knowing at every second that you're both fated to get separated, is to fight against the destiny on your own, in little ways that matter, is to enjoy and love and cry and hurt all at once and it's so beautifullll
It's just so bittersweet and magnificent and I am in a qsmp roll lately so for me it fits so well! The way that when everyone received their eggs, their sons and daughters, to take care of they weren't taking it so seriously and it was not that big of deal because, well, ya know, eggs.... but they had quests that needed to be done for them to not die and get happy and at the end when the dragon comes back there will be a huge prize for the ones that kept them safe and sound so yeah
Then they by day things get a bit more complicated than that. Day by day, they weren't simply eggs anymore, they were little companionships that followed you around and went to adventures and chatted with you and had nice ideas so suddenly you're building a reinforced room to keep them safe because they *only have two lifes* and now you realize how little that is. The room soon becomes a nice house that you both decorate together. You sing them a lullaby everytime before they go to sleep. You tell them stories. They jump and play flutes when they are happy and do their little tantrums when they're annoyed. They like to get on your nerves and leave presents and sweet words when you least expect it. You explore dungeons together. You prepare little picnics and watch the sunset everyday.
They are now your kid. They have the name you have choosen. They have a house on your heart and you mind. They are being constantly attacked by monsters that you can't defeat permanently in an island that you can't escape from. You don’t want to escape alone anymore. You have nightmares of them dying. They love you so much. There is no secrets between the two of you. You accepted that if they are spies then you would go down for them. They are family. They only have two lifes. They still jump in front of the danger to save you. You are imortal. You would do anything for them. In the end they will always be taken away.
So aaaaa! Incoherent noises! Skies forever blue!!!! Every single time I listen to that part of the song that is like "Ever since the day, we met a parcel of my mind's lost to you" I can only think about the day that Philza logged like 3am on the server to take care of Chayanne or when the players mentioned having real nightmares of their eggs getting hurt or how Forever created and built an entire system of protection so no one else would ever go thru the pain of losing their egg ever again.
Or or the part that is "Long as all the words you say are going straight to me, I'm enthralled ". I can perfectly picture Fit having flashbacks of those years he spent in that world of devastation and being brought to the reality by Ramon, his beautiful baby boy that makes his entire life worth it
I imagine Tallulah hugging and crying and showing Willbur all the letters she wrote while he was away at the part of "How you do and where you been and why you never call, say it all"
And aaaa there is so much more! Dapper and Bbh spending literal hours planning and building together and Richarlyson being a lil brat with his parents but loving them with his entire heart. Etoliess teaching Pomme how to fight and Baghera shielding her on the first day right after they met because she was in a corner scared. Vegetta and Foolish building a freaking mansion and train because Leonarda asked them for one....
And that is not even getting into how they behave w each other! Forever crying after visiting Tallulah's house, Bbh fighting in that dungeon and screaming for Richarlyson to stay back, to go home and be safe. Cellbit and Pomme always exchanging a different kind of flower when they see each other, Cellbit and Richas building a Coffe shop in homage for Bobby, Jaiden showing her secret house to Cellbit and Richas where she used to watch the sunset with Roier and Bobby. Roier and Leonarda getting into siblings fights. Foolish always teasing all the eggs everytime they see them. Felps pretending to be Richas and Richas pretending to be him. Philza protecting all the eggs that were left in his care when their parents went to explore the train. Baghera calling Bbh "bebbou" and making a room for Pomme in Cellbit's castle. Pac and Mike creating an entire room for hide and seek. Max and bbh creating more and more theories about how to escape from the island and destroy the federation. Chayanne being so protective of Tallulah. Dapper showing all his siblings how to build things they needed to complete his quests. Quackity calling Richas "mi hijo" and being sweet and spending time w him and saying "I love you more than the 1% of the parenthood I have over u". Dapper and bbh singing Happy Birthday for the eggs that have gone away. Everyone giving armor and everything else to Slime/Gegg so he wouldn’t be alone an unprotected. Baghera making an entire lullaby just for Pomme and each of them scheduling playdates w each other....
Every single time they call them MY son MI HIJA, MEU filho (idk how u say that in french :( ) like really??? That what you've all decided to do today?? To make me cry???
I just have a lot of feelings about qsmp man
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mc-rupige · 9 months
Hello useless ramblingly headcanons based on how I draw stuff ... I usually don't do this sssso:
I usually draw badboyhalo with diamond earrings ( I started back in dsmp and felt fitting to add in qbad design) and maybe they are the one things he brought to the island directly linked to skeppy( I subscribe to the (shape shifter)humanoid shed diamonds skeppy design + HE WAS SUPPOSED TO GO TOO why take stuff to remind you of your best friend WHEN your bestie is supposed to go with you)
But since dapper and skeppy first call I always thought it would be cute if bad gave one of the earrings to dapper y'know like something to feel near to his dad that he never met
but then in the last skeppy call he accepted pomme as his (with only a few questions asked)and now can't stop immagine bad giving his other earring to pomme and her and dapper going around with thes earning while bad has a sad smile on his face looking at them feeling like he wants to do everything to make his children meet his other dad
I try avoid on my badboyhalo design the cape look as much I can because I thought him giving it to dapper to calm him down after the pillager nightmare would be sweet (the following days dapper decided to wearing it around as some sort of "safety blanket" but he started wearing it less last few months (don't tell Ramon but he still uses it as a blanket in his bed))
This is based on other people fanarts
SO Y'KNOW HOW SOME PEOPLE GAVE RAMON THE CHECKERS SCARF? ( I think it's a way to incorporate spreen design) WELP what if BAD'S GAVE HIS ??? Maybe he lost his other one? or bad thought it could cheer him up as a reminder of his dad)
So this is my canon headcanon explanation on why I don't draw bad with his checkers scarf :3
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anachef · 5 years
What’s New at Disneyland Resort: Tinkerbell Glow Wings, Captain Marvel Updates, T-Shirts, and More!
We’re back at Disneyland Resort to check out What’s New in the parks and Downtown Disney. We’ve got plenty of new t shirt designs, plus: Mickey’s PhilharMagic is open!
New California Adventure Park Maps
What’s New in Disney California Adventure Park
Guests arriving at Disney California Adventure Park were given this Avengers Endgame pin upon arrival. That’s a lot of superheroes on one button!
Avengers pin given out at gate
Over at Captain Marvel’s meet-and-greet location, there’s a new Avengers logo.
New Avengers Logo at Captain Marvel meet-and-greet
New Avengers Logo at Captain Marvel meet-and-greet
But the biggest news: Mickey’s PhilharMagic is now open! (See more here!)
Mickey’s PhilharMagic Now Open!
Mickey’s PhilharMagic Now Open!
Mickey’s PhilharMagic Now Open!
Everyone’s favorite duck graces one of the posters outside of the Sunset Showcase Theater.
Mickey’s PhilharMagic Now Open!
Maestro Mickey is on another poster.
Mickey’s PhilharMagic Now Open!
What’s New in Disneyland Park
In other movie news, the Disney Gallery currently has a neat sneak peek at Aladdin!
Disney Gallery Exclusive Aladdin Sneak Peek
The live-action Aladdin opens in theaters on May 24, and the Gallery has some awesome artifacts from the movie.
Disney Gallery Exclusive Aladdin Sneak Peek
Movie posters featuring Aladdin, Abu, the Magic Lamp, and Jasmine are highlighted.
Disney Gallery Exclusive Aladdin Sneak Peek
Disney Gallery Exclusive Aladdin Sneak Peek
And inside: costumes! We love seeing the detail of these up close!
Disney Gallery Exclusive Aladdin Sneak Peek
Also up close: the Magic Carpet! Look at the color, the images, the details!
Disney Gallery Exclusive Aladdin Sneak Peek
In other flying news, Astro Orbitor is back open!
Astro Orbitor Reopen
Astro Orbitor
What’s New in Disneyland’s Downtown Disney
In Downtown Disney, Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes is open — and they’ve brought the Crazy Shake to town!
Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes
Check out our FIRST LOOK and REVIEW here!
Outside Black Tap is a walk-up window that exclusively serves up the CrazyShakes and Classic Shakes. See the menu below!
Black Tap Craft Burgers & Shakes
Pop Up Disney! A Mickey Celebration is also open! This hard ticket event is a collection of rooms designed to celebrate Mickey (and his pals!) with larger than life displays that let guests really get into it!
Pop Up Disney! A Mickey Celebration now open!
Pop Up Disney! A Mickey Celebration now open!
Click here to see our walk-through — and lots more fun rooms and displays! (We’re talkin’ a wall of Mickey plush, y’all!)
Pop Up Disney! A Mickey Celebration now open!
Pop Up Disney! A Mickey Celebration now open!
What’s New in Disneyland Resort Merchandise
Disneyland’s got lots of new merch, much of which we’ve already spotted in Walt Disney World, too! At Elias & Co. on Buena Vista Street in Disney California Adventure, you’ll find these three character-driven shirts.
New tee shirts at Elias & Co. on Buena Vista Street
Jessica Rabbit is featured in this fun retro design.
Jessica’s Diner at Elias & Co. on Buena Vista Street
Emperor Kuzco is bringing the drama in his llama form on this one.
Drama Llama tee at Elias & Co. on Buena Vista Street
And with the live action Lion King opening this summer, we’re seeing tons of merchandise featuring characters and phrases from the movie. Here, Scar snarls “Long Live the King”.
Long Live the King Tee at Elias & Co. on Buena Vista Street
This Mickey Faces tee is also available at Elias & Co.
Mickey Faces tee at Elias & Co. on Buena Vista Street
Mickey Faces tee at Elias & Co. on Buena Vista Street
And in cute necklace news: Simba!
Lion King Necklace at Elias & Co. on Buena Vista Street
In Disneyland Park’s Adventureland Bazaar, we spotted this Indiana Jones tee. “Trust me”, it’s a good one!
Indiana Jones “Trust Me” tee at Adventureland Bazaar
Indiana Jones “Trust Me” tee at Adventureland Bazaar
And World of Disney is bringing more character tee fun with this Hangry tee featuring Kamari, Shenzi, and Azizi.
Hangry ringer tee at World of Disney
Hangry ringer tee at World of Disney
Zazu is super fly on this tee.
“I’m so fly” tee at World of Disney
“I’m so fly” tee at World of Disney
Wear your Family Pride on your chest with this cool tee shirt.
Family Pride tee at World of Disney
Family Pride tee at World of Disney
And finally, in tee shirts DFB needs ASAP: Timon, the foodie, complete with grub.
Foodie tee at World of Disney
Foodie tee at World of Disney
There’s not a fairy among us who doesn’t need these Light-Up Tinker Bell Wings!!
Tinker Bell Light-Up Wings at World of Disney
Tinker Bell Light-Up Wings at World of Disney
Tinker Bell Light-Up Wings at World of Disney
At The Dress Shop, you can pick up this dapper Mickey Mouse Dress complete with cardigan, belt, embroidered MM, and colorful skirt covered in the many faces of Mickey Mouse (in addition to iconic Disney images)! Click here to see more details on ShopDisney!
Mickey Mouse Dress at The Dress Shop
Mickey Mouse Dress
There are three purse options to match as well!
Mickey Mouse Designs at The Dress Shop
Mickey Mouse Designs at The Dress Shop
Mickey Mouse Designs at The Dress Shop
Also at The Dress Shop, shoppers can find the new Kate Spade New York and Disney collaboration. See our full post on these here!
Kate Spade Mickey Ears Collection at The Dress Shop
Kate Spade Mickey Ears Collection
Disney Clothiers has some cute Sleeping Beauty apparel, including the “I woke up like this” shirt.
“I woke up like this” shirt at Disney Clothiers
“I woke up like this” shirt at Disney Clothiers
It’s perfect with this fun Sleeping Beauty leggings!
Sleeping Beauty Leggings at Disney Clothiers
Sleeping Beauty Leggings at Disney Clothiers
Sleeping Beauty Leggings at Disney Clothiers
Disney Clothiers also has a Briar Rose Mickey Mouse Jewelry collection. It combines rose gold with some pretty Mickey designs.
Briar Rose Mickey Jewelry at Disney Clothiers
Briar Rose Mickey Jewelry at Disney Clothiers
Briar Rose Mickey Jewelry at Disney Clothiers
Briar Rose Mickey Jewelry at Disney Clothiers
Briar Rose Mickey Jewelry at Disney Clothiers
What’s New in Disneyland Resort Food
And finally, last but definitely not least: food news! Jolly Holiday Bakery has a fun and colorful Donald Duck Bundt Cake.
Donald Duck Bundt Cake at Jolly Holiday
Donald Duck Bundt Cake at Jolly Holiday
The cake is filled with lemon curd and blueberry compote. See the full review here!
Donald Duck Bundt Cake at Jolly Holiday
And if you’re visiting Disneyland with Mom, be sure to stop into Trolley Treats to spoil her with this Mothers’ Day treat!
Mothers’ Day Treats at Trolley Treats
Mothers’ Day Treats at Trolley Treats
And we popped in to visit Ramone’s Serv-Ice this week, where guests can score loads of funky slushy drinks! See our review and PHOTO TOUR here!
Ramone’s Serv-Ice
Ramone’s Serv-Ice Options
Ramone’s Serv-Ice
And on that cooooool note, we’re done! Thanks for coming along, and we’ll be back soon with more What’s New from Disneyland Resort!
Check out more Disneyland Food Reviews Here!!
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With so many character shirts from which to choose these days, we want to know: which one do you love the most? Let us know in the comments!
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from the disney food blog http://bit.ly/2PALVbB via http://bit.ly/LNvO3e
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