#-glacier melted and filled the lake and saved these endangered gigantic otters
solradguy · 1 year
I had a dream last night that I was afflicted with some kind of exhaustion disease probably brought on by my irl subconscious resisting the no-dreams buff from the weed gummy I ate before bed, and in the dream Justice Guilty Gear was coming to my house and I didn't know why so I like struggled over to the door with my sword and constantly kept rubbing my eyes to stay awake
It turned out she wanted to apologize for being evil and wanting to kill people. She could tell something was wrong with me so I invited her into my house and idk what happened after that because the dream wasn't very vivid to begin with lol Idk if it was a Sol dream either because I couldn't see my hands. It probably was though, based on the everything else happening
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