saheira-dreams · 19 days
Happy back to Hogwarts day!
Its happy to think and romanticise about but honestly I'm still kinda down about not receiving my hogwarts letter.
But the reason I finally thought to post: is it just me but isn't symbolism lowkey a variant of stereotyping? Like ok I'm not that well read of a person but why do owls symbolise wisdom, for example? Cuz I'm quite sure not all owls are wise in their actions right? Just like how humans have different personalities, like how each of my three cats have their own dynamic personalities, dont all animals have their own unique personalities??
Like I was thinking about this other post that was talking about how humans are social creatures at heart or smt like that and I just thought, like, for me, it makes sense cuz despite how much I enjoy being alone, being with my close friends makes me feel good and even energised during that time when I'm with them. But not everyone is like that. Like some people would rather stay alone than meet with even their closest friends when they're down or bored or just annoyed with life.
Like symbolism is such a huge part of literature but how do we know if thats really what the author wanted to use the object for? Like so many people perceive the hidden meanings behind objects in many different ways. Not everyone will say that the blue curtains in the sad character's room represents their sadness. It could represent the sense of peace and positivity they wished to feel in their home when they first bought it because the colour reminded them of the vastness of the sky and ocean. Or maybe that shade of blue was simply their favourite colour. There doesn't always need to be a why or how. Like some things are just the way they are.
Anyway, why so we need to use objects and events to sumbolise other things? I get that the point of a story is to convey a message, often through a character's experiences but it's really not realistic. Like in real life, not everything will symbolise something in my life. The dead roses I've kept on my desk are literally there just for the aesthetic cuz I was into dark academia at the time and now they've grown on me and I can't bring myself to throw them away. Its not like they symbolise that a part of me has died but that gave rise to a beauty of some other sort or idk smt like that. Like to an extent, that interpretation could apply to me but that's not the reason why I keep them so whats the point in analysing it?
Okay okay so maybe I'm just being frustrated with the concept of literature itself and why we spend time analysing these little things that are probably just things that the author decided to add in their story or poem. Like making a hot headed character having blue as a favourite colour doesn't represent their desire tobe more cool tempered like maybe the author's favourite colour was blue so they included it or maybe it was completely random. Who knows but the author?
Anyway, to those who reached the end of this, thank you so much for your patience with me, I'm not totally sure this makes sense but I just needed to talk to someone about it. (It's the school holidays and im not really able to contact the friends I normally talk to abt this kinda stuff) Again, thank you so much for listening to (reading) my lil rant.
Hope you have an amazing day, week, and really, rest of your life too 🌷
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saheira-dreams · 2 months
When you've been off Tumblr for so long you forget it exists. Then you come back for a bit and remember you have a blog in which you promised to try and be somewhat consistent and then you just don't know what to say cuz its not like its a famous blog or anything and it would be awkward to be talking to myself on a public blog.
So...ummm...Hi guys.
I'm alive. We're breathing air. Air contains oxygen which is necessary for life.
But I'm also dying. The passing of each day means we're getting closer and closer to death.
Yeah okay I'm writing in like 2 and a half months.
The pressure is fluctuating like crazy.
Have a nice day !!
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saheira-dreams · 6 months
That feeling of coming home to no homework for even a couple of days and just laying around and being useless and maybe reading webtoons and scrolling Pinterest and daydreaming of alternate universes and imaginary lives as different characters but still never writing them and just having all pressure removed for just those two to three evenings is absolutely heavenly.
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saheira-dreams · 6 months
When it's that kinda day when exams are over for a while, have a free evening, finish an awesome book and the ship SAILS (!!) and everything is just perfect for some time >>>
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saheira-dreams · 7 months
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saheira-dreams · 8 months
The anxiety and fear,
The stress that's so bad it makes me want to pull my hair out,
The time ticking away,
And the concepts that evaporate during the time we need them,
The panic, the spilled substances,
The insane mix of silence and rustling,
Whispered comparisons of results between neighbours,
That annoying kid behind you who asks you for that last answer,
The absolute CHAOS when the teacher says it's time up,
And yet, despite all this, I still absolutely love bio, chem and physics practicals.
And I'm so glad I do cuz everyone else in my form just dread them and are just confused as to why I enjoy them so much despite being stressed out myself during the practicals (esp chem)
Idk if I can call that poetry but, eh, I tried.
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saheira-dreams · 8 months
Happy belated new year!!!
So I was abroad this holiday and basically FORGOT that Tumblr existed and that I had even started a blog which, now that I think about it, really annoys me. Like, how do I forget about something like that?
Anyway, school started a couple weeks ago and I'M WRITING MY IGCSEs THIS YEAR. I have like 8 months left which actually seems like such a short time and I'm not JUST a science student so if you put together bio + chem + physics + comp sci + HISTORY (there's an actual shit load of content there) + all that french VOCAB + those 15 poems for literature which I haven't touched since last year along with a novel, and two other plays we'll be doing this year, all for literature, I get a TON of stuff of study.
And because it's our IGCSE year, our teachers are taking things really seriously-- we've got afternoon lessons and Saturday classes. This is all really hectic and tiring but you know what?
I actually enjoy it.
I feel like, we're making valuable memories which I may think back to a decade later. Who knows where I'll be?! My friends and I try to be there for each other, make jokes, chat in between (and sometimes during) classes, pass notes and just have a good time together through the dreary lessons. Honestly, when I think back on it now, the events of today, of Saturday, of Friday last week, my heart feels...warm?
I don't know if it's like 2024 energy or something but I think I decided to better myself, for myself. I started journalling, I think. I made a pretty cover for the month and a habit tracker to track my daily goals like drinking more water, studying and reading every day etc. And honestly, I'm not doing too bad. I was pretty consistent in recording during the week and only did none of them on Sunday which is now my only weekend day so I shall forgive myself for missing Sundays.
I've been obsessed with green and stem academia more (I even edited my intro). I don't know why, green academia kind of just resonates with me and STEM academia just gives me motivation. For the longest time, I just didn't know what I wanted to do, despite taking quizzes and stuff, but finally decided that I would be a doctor or somewhere near to that. But I didn't know what kind of doctor I wanted to be, nor did I have any motivation, and STEM academia just gives me an insight into the life I may lead by pursuing medicine which gives me motivation to work hard now rather than to regret it later and get a life I will be proud of. Chaotic academia is still a part of me, no question! I'm generally chaotic so my lifestyle just has chaos integrated into it. I can't get rid of it anytime soon XD
Anyway, that was a long rant. I'll try to post more often so that my posts will be shorter and not as long as this XD
To all the students out there, good luck with your studies, exams, homework and school life in general!!
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saheira-dreams · 9 months
the fact that Israel can precisely target ONE apartment in an entire residential block in BEIRUT to kill two hamas leaders, proves once again that they CHOSE to carpet-bomb Gaza and murder 31.000 Palestinians to "defend themselves" against Hamas. Israel CHOSE to kill civilians, they CHOSE to bomb every hospital, every school, every refugee camp, every residential block. israel does NOTHING to spare the lives of palestinians, they want to thin out the population of gaza so they'd be able to settle their citizens there.
this is a genocide it's an ethnical cleansing PLEASE WAKE UP don't stop talking about Palestine it is not a trend, people are still dying, Israel has no plan to stop if WE don't force it to, through public pressure and protesting and boycotting. it's the least we can do.
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saheira-dreams · 10 months
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saheira-dreams · 10 months
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saheira-dreams · 10 months
This is so beautiful.
If my thoughts about life were this poetic I would actually never experience boredom or mental breakdowns.
Have you ever had nights when the moonlight seems to slowly melt and pour all over your skin? When you're hit by the awful realisation of beauty actually existing despite all the chaos, because of the chaos? When you marvel at the cruel ways the universe works? When you just...
But have you ever sat there and realised how small we truly are? A mere static in a sea of numbers much larger than us? How- while the problems we face may feel like the end, the world continues to spin? That sinking realisation that the girl with the green shirt you saw in the bus or the man with headphones plugged in both live entirely different worlds from one another? That people can feel sadness and happiness and loneliness just as us? The way someone out there is probably laughing at their own joke while another contemplates their next haircut? The way one prays to the moon and another curses it in vain? And what about our ignorance? We live our whole lives in a planet we hardly understand. Only 5% of the universe has been deciphered and even within that there are languages, religions, places and species we’ve never heard off? Eyes we haven’t gazed into and flavours we haven’t tasted? And still when all that is brought to light , our problems seem to swallow us whole. Because one can only truly ever understand themselves if nothing at all
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saheira-dreams · 10 months
This is so true. Like honestly, people who have opinions without educating themselves first are the most infuriating people ever.
I'm sorry but most of the time it's not even laziness it's just stubbornness. These people have already engraved it into their minds that, for example, Oh, Palestine is wrong, Israel is right, and they will downright REFUSE to educate themselves.
And the worst part is that once they believe one source and fully convince themselves that that source is correct you can't change their minds.
I don't understand how people can act so accepting and open for so many other things but when it comes to a situation like this where people are dying and HAVE BEEN DYING FOR AROUND 75 years, they can't see who's right and who's wrong.
Educate yourself. People can't afford to be ignorant in today's time.
the most dangerous thing you could do is have an uneducated opinion . we live in the 21st century with access to technology and education. do your part.
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saheira-dreams · 10 months
Today was our first end-of-year written exam: English Paper 1. Honestly, it wasn't so bad so hopefully, I should be able to score a decent mark.
Last week we wrote our practical exams for biology, chemistry and physics. I don't want to have any expectations so I'm going to work harder for theory to make my grade higher.
Normally, during exams, on each day there are two sessions. Today was English and business studies (which I don't do) so I had a free session where I just went to the library with some friends and we studied and I'm honestly so grateful for that free session because I got to do some chill studying for chemistry tomorrow and got started with computer science for the day after, and now after coming home I'm tired as hell so I'm glad I could absorb some info so that I can rest a bit and then continue studying later.
To all those who are also writing exams, I wish you luck!!! 🥳🥳
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saheira-dreams · 10 months
“Palestinian men are literally fasting so that their families can eat and drink of what little they have.They're the ones digging through the rubble to find their neighbors and their loved ones and carrying broken bodies on their backs. They equally deserve respect and compassion and are totally left out of the narrative. Enough of "Women and Children" only frameworks. Scream for the men of Palestine too!!They're our dads and brothers and uncles and grandpas and friends, they are Press/Journalist and Photographers who've been trying their best to show us what is truly happening inside "Palestine" They deserve love too. They deserve to be mourned. Both men, women and Children deserve to be mourned!!!”
credit / unknown
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saheira-dreams · 10 months
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saheira-dreams · 11 months
November is here already!!
It's been quite a tiring week what with our end-of-year exams LITERALLY just around the corner. We have our practical exams for Bio, Chem and Physics next week and then our written exams the week after and it's honestly so stressful because the whole of last week our teachers had been bombarding us with homework so we had minimal time to study.
Now I realise just how much more I have left to cover and it's starting to feel overwhelming. However, YES, THERE IS A HOWEVER FOR ME (T_T), I am formulating a game plan and hopefully, shall get my studying up to date.
For those of you who are sharing the same problem (or aren't but are writing exams soon), I wish you all the best of luck!! 🥳🥳
There is a very very veryyyy high chance I don't know who you are but if you are struggling with studying, I believe in you, YOU CAN DO THIS!! EVEN IF THE WHOLE WORLD IS TELLING YOU YOU CAN'T, JUST REMEMBER THAT ONE RANDOM TUMBLR USER ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE GLOBE BELIEVES IN YOU!!!
Okay so now go study guys!!
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saheira-dreams · 11 months
First post!!! (An intro)
My online name is Saheira-- Heira for short. I'm an IGCSE student studying science subjects along with history and computer science, and due to write next year.
I love animals in general, but cats the most! My favourite colour is dark green. My favourite book series is Harry Potter, and my Hogwarts house is Slytherin. The internet aesthetics I follow most are chaotic academia, STEM Academia and Green Academia.
I love reading, writing (when I'm NOT frustrated at my characters and my scraps of plots, anyway), daydreaming, listening to music, talking to my friends, scrolling Pinterest and Tumblr, and learning new things.
I started this blog as a personal blog, where I will just vent or share little things that inspire me, and maybe even tidbits of my writing, such as extracts and poems. I expect that most of the posts will be me venting/rambling but we shall see!!
I'm quite new to blogging in general, so if I make any mistakes, please let me know, and I will try to improve.
Let me tell you in advance that there is no guarantee that I will post regularly. You may hear me consistently for days and then I could disappear for a month, though I promise to try to post regularly.
ANYWAY, that was a long first post. I hope I don't end up being a bore, and I hope that you all (if there is anyone) have a great day/night!!
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