david-box · 1 year
I think the main thing that fucks me about wwdits is that if they kept *one* of their big plot points they had for each character and *actually* worked that it'd be perfectly fine.
Nandor and Guillermo's relationship being defined by both of them wanting what the other has that they cannot obtain, forever, permanently, in diametric opposites with the sexual tension inherent to a LITERAL master/servant relationship that gets turned on its head is a GOOD fucking idea, and I don't even like the couple or ship it. Nadja's harebrained idea and asshole behavior devolving into her project being ruined in front of her could have been a GOOD arc and arguably still can be if they deal with it in this season, and I still don't remember why they turned her into someone that's really into starting a nightclub for ??? reasons after fully establishing that she's the most competent member of the house except I guess to give her something to fail at. The child Colin Robinson thing was wildly interesting for both lore (if there is even is lore, but I digress) and character reasons (they reacted so strangely to it!) and I didn't even like his face. The fact that Guillermo stayed behind for the kid, or to pilfer coin, and Nandor becoming openly shittier as a person, or getting really into trying to be different, or trying to be his own self, or Lazlo deciding to be better, or the DESCENDANT OF VAN HELSING TRYING TO BECOME A VAMPIRE, every energy vampire plot imo, the baron, were all good subplots by themselves, but half of them don't work together and they honestly didn't manage to wrong out a lot of humor out of it.
As it stands right now Lazlo is the only one who's been consistent without needing to be flanderized or have major character elements forgotten about to where it's practically a soft retcon and I don't even know how long that's going to last. And he's changed! He's actively a nicer person! I'm not looking forward to any arc he could have! I *don't want him to change now*! Fuck!
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