one-winged-dreams · 2 years
Okay DJD insert.
Under cut for potentially weird dynamics. And by weird, I mean kinda fucked up.
He was an Autobot named Arclight who was a medic, and his alt mode was a medical scanner that connected to a planet-wide database. War crimes abound, he was forced to become a medical tool for Decepticons, the strain and mistreatment basically sundered him, and the trauma and overwork damaged his processor to the point of delusion. Even post-war he fully believes that he's unworthy of being a Decepticon and has to atone for being an Autobot. So like, the exact opposite of Drift lmao.
Anyway, Tarn found his crazy ass, unstable to the point of being near-feral, and decided to rope him in because 'this guy and his weird delusion looks like a good time, look how cute he is.' Also, he'd be very useful as a tool because his medical database would give him access to the last treatment locations of their potential targets. Anyway, they discovered that a good way to subdue him when he gets feral and violent is to toss him to Kaon and let him give him the zappy zap. It temporarily fries his processor in just the right way that it makes him docile to the point of being faded. He's content, amiable, and speaks in the softest, lilting, high-out-of-his-fucking-mind tone ever.
But he always ends up spiraling again and so it's a repeat thing. He's been renamed "Heatsink" because of the way he actively volunteers for the DJD to use him to help blow off steam by, with them being living torture devices, playing around with him a bit.
Why is this okay, do you ask?
HE'S MASOCHISTIC TO THE POINT OF DELIRIUM! :D If he doesn't get his 'playtime' he gets EXTREMELY depressed.
They don't do it to fuck with him so much as show him their super weird ways of affection. He's very beloved by all of them but ESPECIALLY Tarn. He's Tarn's first and foremost and everyone pretty much respects his authority on that.
As for Heatsink, he's just happy to be here. Dude's just vibing with his murder boyfriends. That's a lot of love in one room for a homicide club.
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