trans-parent-comic · 4 years
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Winter's rough at the best of times. Winter in isolation though... well I don't even have to explain it this year, do I?
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trans-parent-comic · 4 years
Good news that we deserve 😌
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trans-parent-comic · 4 years
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“C... for...” “STOP” 
(I know I missed valentines day by a wide margin. That’s it that’s the end of the sentence). 
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trans-parent-comic · 4 years
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Mama Mialf! 
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trans-parent-comic · 4 years
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Happy Valentines Day!! (Second text from @bigprettygothgf ‘s textpost which I get stuck in my head a lot)
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trans-parent-comic · 4 years
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I tried a bunch of Mii masks too, but you can't wear hats with them so that wasn't a long term solution
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trans-parent-comic · 4 years
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“Hey girl I'm in the undies isle, which size butt do you wear?”
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trans-parent-comic · 4 years
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I do actually wear scrunchies and let me just say, the “does not compute” face that people make is not subtle! 
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trans-parent-comic · 4 years
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Potty training cant come soon enough!!
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trans-parent-comic · 4 years
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Nothing wakes you up more than a hot cup of “your baby will not just make goo goo noises forever!” (i do still need tea or coffee though) 
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trans-parent-comic · 4 years
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trans-parent-comic · 4 years
How it started: 
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How it’s going:
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trans-parent-comic · 4 years
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This conversation happened almost exactly as depicted, lol. Here is my poor adult wife, confident in her understanding of her sexuality when boom, her spouse is now non-binary! Wat do??? 
While I stressed over how to talk about this with her, she doesn’t have to figure it out on her own! (5/5)
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trans-parent-comic · 4 years
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...but at least in this case, if you’ve been reading along this comic you already know that this story has a happy ending! That doesn’t mean I knew what was going to happen at the time - my fear was very real! I am very fortunate to have found someone who loves me for who I am (4/5)
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trans-parent-comic · 4 years
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Being unsure how your partner will take your coming out can be scary. Even if they accept who you are and are supportive, there’s always the chance that... they may simply not be compatible with you any longer. It’s a depressing thought, but I could not have made my wife stay with me if she did not want to anymore. (3/5)
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trans-parent-comic · 4 years
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Ending the year physically and emotional exhausted. It’s been an especially rough week leading up to Christmas, but we’re still here and excited for Bebe to have her first real Christmas! 
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trans-parent-comic · 4 years
So I had a hell of a week!!
Last week we had to leave our apartment building because of a fire! Fortunately the fire didn’t reach our home, but we weren’t allowed to stay in the building until the damage was repaired.  
Anyway, we had a pretty stressful week and a half there, but we’re all okay and we’re home safe now. 
I had a comic to post for last week, but rather than just posting it right away (since I’m already pretty behind) I might try to finish a couple back to back to put them out together rather than dragging it out. I also wanted to get a holiday pic out, but we’ll see if that happens…
Anyway, this isn’t meant to be a downer, we are glad to be back home again! I just wanted to give an update on where I was last week. So happy holidays! And I hope to be posting soon 
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