#-vis trying to resist the urge to yell for the mod- guards to ‘get that guy’
kingcunny · 5 months
What do you think Viserys's reaction to first hearing Rhaenys be called "The Queen Who Never Was" was? I'm asking because I'm finding it hard to settle on my own personal headcanon.
going by viserys reaction to hearing it at the tourney, (~tongues will not change the succession…) i think with viserys, having such low self esteem, hed view “the queen who never was” title as a dig at himself. some part of him Knowing that rhaenys shouldve been chosen over himself. that he Took something from her.
so, with his guilty conscience, hearing that title for the first time i think hed be more concerned with trying to temper his own reaction (trying to Not look guilty as sin) to even think about how it would affect rhaenys. how she would feel about it.
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