#. ooc . › what’s a god to a nonbeliever .
tiderideraa · 1 year
that one interview of doherty where he was asked who he took inspo for for harry and they suggested j.ack sparrow and doherty was like " he's too soft ", and then said he was inspired by h.eath leadger's joker. he got it. he gets it.
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thiefscant · 1 year
all's well that ends...
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#THIEFSCANT;; an independent, selective, and private roleplay blog for ANAIS EVERNIGHT, my tav aka the PLAYER CHARACTER from baldur's gate 3. my name is bean (32, they/she) and i will be your guide! pls don’t hesitate to approach with questions or plot ideas. i'm here for it all!
a study in: learning how to trust, moving from chaotic neutral to chaotic good, what's a god to a nonbeliever?, discovering life can be about more than just surviving but maybe there are some things worth dying for.
beta editor + xkit rewritten only. rules under cut + everything else on carrd.
travels with: @bolyde. @crowshoots. @sacrificedmore. @stormlit.
currently playing: baldur's gate 3, act 3 (game unfinished) currently most interested in: canon/bg3 rp, dragon age rp, tolkien rp.
blogroll: @atomiqueen. @heartsdefine. @thiefscant.
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                                      ...not as bad as it could have.
GENERAL: SELECTIVE AND PRIVATE. this means i’m particular about who i follow and i will only write with mutuals. my blog is semi-iconless (depending on the muse/if i feel like making icons or not). NOT SPOILER FREE. NO GODMODDING, metagaming, etc. EXCLUSIVITY IS RARE but not unheard of so you can find my mains/exclusives list here 
WRITING: I USE PRIMARILY THIRD PERSON PAST OR PRESENT TENSE. i'm not entirely comfortable roleplaying in first or second person (yet). when it comes to verb tense, i'll often check to see what my partner is most comfortable using and go with that. i can do one-liners or multipara threads, but longer things will likely take a bit more time.
SHIPPING: I SHIP CHEMISTRY, and i do not force ships because i’m not a monster. i definitely enjoy a good romance, but platonic and queerplatonic dynamics, rivalries, etc. are just as interesting to explore! i am unlikely to ship romantically with more than two portrayals of a canon muse, so as to ensure things don't get stale for me or my partners.
FOLLOWING/UNFOLLOWING: IF I FOLLOW YOU, IT MEANS I LIKE WHAT YOU HAVE GOIN' ON AND WOULD LOVE TO INTERACT. it doesn't have to happen immediately, just down the line! i'll give most folks at least a week to follow back (thus indicating mutual interest in writing together at some point) before unfollowing. but if i really enjoy your blog/portrayal, i may stick around as a passive follower so long as i am welcome!
BLOCKING: I PREFER TO BE HARDBLOCKED IF YOU NO LONGER WISH FOR ME TO FOLLOW YOU for any reason. this is so i don't assume tumblr unfollowed you for me and refollow, inadvertently crossing your boundaries. if i suspect someone has softblocked me, i will likely hardblock them myself to avoid refollowing in the future. (i am generally quite liberal with the block button, as i'm serious about curating my online space.)
PRONOUNS: ANAIS USES THEY/SHE PRONOUNS INTERCHANGEABLY. you will likely see me alternating between them in my posts, headcanons, replies, etc. if there is ever a time when this is too confusing (ex: I am writing opposite a muse who uses strictly they/them pronouns, making the prose easier to follow if I use strictly she/her for Anais), I am happy to use one or the other. If you find it too confusing to use both in your replies, our preference leans towards they/them (but she/her is also acceptable esp if your muse uses they/them also).
PLEASE DO: BREAK YOUR REPLIES FOR ME UP INTO SMALLER PARAGRAPHS if we write together, as my adhd makes hugelong paragraphs difficult to read; ASK ME TO TAG YOUR TRIGGERS if i’ve neglected to do so (whether i’m following you back or not); like my starter calls, SEND ME MEMES, turn my meme replies into threads (if we are mutuals); SHOWER ME IN PLOT IDEAS and ooc chatter; HAVE PATIENCE with me on all of the above; FEEL FREE TO UNFOLLOW ME at any time for any reason, as i will be reserving the right to do so myself 
PLEASE DO NOT: USE SUBSMALL TEXT or multiple spaces between words in our threads as i find both difficult to read; UNFOLLOW/REFOLLOW to get my attention (it won’t be the kind of attention you’re hoping for); EXPECT ANY KIND OF IMMEDIACY FROM ME IC OR OOC. i love making friends via roleplay, but i’m one smol nerd just trying to have a good time and i won’t stress myself out by trying to keep up with everything at once. just know it’s not personal, and i’ll get back to you as soon as i have the energy.
I WILL GLADLY: TAG NSFW AND TRIGGERS appropriately and accommodate those who ask to the best of my abilities; WELCOME LGBTQIA+ HEADCANONS; USE MY SHITPOST TAG (#blacklist for less soft nonsense.) on most of my inane ooc content so feel free to block it, that’s why it’s there
I WILL TRY: TO REMEMBER IF YOU DON’T LIKE TO BE REBLOGGED FROM, but please note that I have ADHD and may forget. Often and repeatedly. (A bit more info about this can be found here.) If being reblogged from on the reblogging website really bothers you, please feel free to soft/block me as needed. Relatedly, I don’t really care if you reblog things from me that aren’t in-character roleplay posts and/or headcanons. I do think it’s polite to reblog a meme from the source if you don’t send one in, but I don’t personally consider it a blockable offense.
MUNDANE: MY NAME IS BEAN/BEE. they/she. nonbinary lesbian. i’m 32, neurodivergent, and a full-time grad student with two jobs. I’M WHITE. in the event that i fuck up and/or swerve out of my lane, i invite my friends and followers of color (or fellow white folks who are wiser than me) to let me know. i can and will do better.
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von-eldritch · 2 years
//once again would like to point out, hellsa, for better or worse, is beholden to neither gods nor kings, she does not give a shit about any of them, she fears one thing only and none of them are even close to it, she is a beautiful primordial eldritch terror of a woman and even her own monster parents have never had any hope of controlling her whatsoever
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tag dump 01.
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tiderideraa · 1 year
lemme introduce you to harry's bg3 ego
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i'm using the ellian's hair mod via nexus
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tiderideraa · 1 year
thinking about harry boxing. thinking about how even if he's disarmed he will still be rocking everyone's shit. forget the hook and cutlass, harry smashing people with his bare hands is top tier. the fluidity of harry's fighting when he's bare knuckle boxing is so smooth and so graceful in comparison to the brutality and effeciency of his fighting when he's armed tbh
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tiderideraa · 1 year
me : am i making him too insane harry : not insane enough actually
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tiderideraa · 1 year
irl i would want my version of h.arry h.ook dead on sight but here, i understand him
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tiderideraa · 11 months
the way i am so eyes emoji @ the dis galaxy / auradon being a planet and the isle being an asteroid prison. can you tell the public (it's me, i'm the public ;P) some more about this verse?
oh, yes! it's my marvel / dc verse thing. a lot of it's the same concept as d/esc canon except on a larger scale. auradon is a planet with an extremely unique and complex ecosystem of beings similar to earth populace / earth mythos / folklore. rumors circle that many auradon travellers settled on earth at some stage but there's no physiological or scientific evidence to back it up.
many of the " magical " beings and creatures native to auradon cannot survive off - planet, those that can lose their connection to their " magic " unless they are particularly powerful ( auradon does have issues with intergalatic poachers / trafficking and crack down harshly on those found committing such crimes ). the origin of their magic is closely intertwined with the natural magnetic fields, energies, etc of the planet and so going too far essentially cuts them off while beings made entirely of magical energies will cease to exist entirely once they go off - planet. hence why the former rulers imprisoned their criminals on an asteroid just outside the gravitational field of the planet.
some hybrid beings can draw on energies of their own physical bodies when off - planet but their abilities are nowhere near as powerful as they would be on auradon. this is why many magical beings and creatures just doen't leave auradon, they'll die, they have no reason to or they would be significantly weaker because of it.
timeline of events follow typical d/esc canon. ben is crowned, 4 isle prisoners are allowed entry to auradon, maleficent escapes and is defeated yada yada. king gets kidnapped during a visit to the isle, escapes, action is made to improve the living situation on the isle, some isle prisoners escape, auradon is saved, etc etc. things change post - d3, the blip cuts the populations of both auradon and the isle in half, gives ben the opportunity to allow second/third gen isle borns / raised to relocate to auradon, another couple years pass and then everyone is brought back leading to mass destabilization and revived anti - isle sentiment.
the isle gains their independence, the majority of their income comes from intergalactic business / trade / and mining of valuable minerals found only in the atmosphere around auradon ( negotiations were made between isle representatives / auradon to gain " ownership " of these particular minerals ). as the majority of the isle populace are either non - magical or are so used to being without magic that intergalactic travel is pretty easy to adapt to, most intergalactic involvement from the dis region is with isleites ( isle born/raised/imprisoned ), unless travellers are visiting auradon specifically.
auradon itself has a thriving intergalactic tourism industry marketed as being clean, pure, and, magical. this industry has been around for decades before beast became high king, it's only in the last 30-40 years that auradon has seated a high king and ben has only been high king for 7ish years but there's been a massive move to become more involved galactically. similarly, there's lots of export of auradon goods galactically ( though disclaimers are made of magical products not having the same effect off - planet ). it's also insanely difficult to get citizenship or live on auradon if you're not either auradonian or an islelite. visiting's fine, wanting to stay? lmao, not in your lifetime.
harry is a space pirate, leading a bunch of other space pirates. think treasure planet style space ships / travel and the isle is kinda like omega from mass effect. uma is pirate king of the isle, but they do have a stand in for when she wants to go out and be a menace to society.
there's probably more but this is all i can think of right now
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tiderideraa · 1 year
thinking about harry. thinking about how unreasonable he is. thinking about how intense he is. thinking about how confident he is in the path he has chosen. " you're just like your father " " no, i'm better " " you became the thing you hate ", " no, i'm worse ( proud ) " thinking about harry and the person he made himself, how he was impacted by his environment and the people around him and the horrors he faced but he saw his options so clearly and he chose this. he believes he is the best version of himself ( he is ), he knows what he is, he knows his strengths and his flaws, and he's okay with them.
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tiderideraa · 1 year
harry, shaking the bars of his cage : uma uma umaumaumauma
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tiderideraa · 11 months
i'm feeling the urge to remake
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tiderideraa · 1 year
i would pay good money for an uma and audrey spin off tbh
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tiderideraa · 2 years
harry’s whole aesthetic is red and black but harry in blue is *chefs kiss*
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tiderideraa · 1 year
halle bailey is the only little mermaid of my heart
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tiderideraa · 2 years
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○    name:  chey
○    pronouns:  she/her
○    preference  of  communication:  ooc  i  prefer  im’s  and  i’m  cool  with  sharing  my  discord  ( i’m  flakey  regardless of  platform  tbh )
○     name  of  muse(s):  most  active  atm  is  harry  and  @khozmoh​
○     experience/how  long  (months/years?):  about  15  years  give  or  take.
○     platforms  you’ve  used:  embarrassing  anyway,  habbo  hotel,  facebook,  bebo,  tumblr,  discord
○     best  experience:  i  had  the  best  time  on  bebo,  the  set  up  for  the  site  was  really  good  for  beginners,  i  met  some  incredible  people,  you  could  write  threads  both  publicly  and  privately  on  the  same  platform  and  being  able  to  write  in  the  inbox  meant  you  could  very  easily  go  back  and  re-read  them.  the  only  downside  was  it  wasn’t  very  good  for  having  multiple  threads  at  once  when  writing  and  replying  publicly  so  you  could  only  do  one  public  thread  at  a  time.  it  was  fun  though.
○      rp  pet  peeves  /  dealbreakers:  pet  peeve  is  passivity  ig.  i  get  irritated  when  people  continue  doing  things  they  don’t  enjoy.  dealbreakers  is  racism,  as  an  indigenous  woc  i  deal  with  racism  on  a  daily  basis  and  i  don’t  want  to  engage  with  any  of  that  in  rp,  this  extends  to  racist  muses  or  muses  that  commit  racially  motivated  actions.  even  things  that  have  racist  parallels  can  upset  me,  so  i  try  to  steer  clear. 
○      fluff,  angst,  or  smut:  i  like  them  all  but  i  find  that  i  prefer  when  there  is  a  purpose  to  the  angst.  i  don’t  want  to  write  angst  with  no  end,  angst  for  the  sake  of  angst,  i  want  to  write  angst  that  develops,  that  causes  muses  to  grow,  shift,  reflect,  either  regress  or  progress,  or  to  demonstrate  connection,  intimacy,  vulnerability  and  closeness  to  my  partners  muses.  only  writing  angst  or  only  exploring  one  sided  angst  doesn’t  really  do  it  for  me.
○      plots  or  memes:  another  bi  bitch  moment  where  i  say  both / all.  meme’s  are  fun  prompts  to  explore  or  opening  up  a  dialogue  and  seeing  what  happens  and  can  help  develop  dynamics.  i  find  them  a  lot  easier  than  attempting  to  plot  with  fresh / new  people,  memes  are  good  starter  prompts  and  good  for  exploring  new  ideas  without  having  to  stick  100%  to  one  idea,  i  like  the  flexibility  of  memes.  plots  are  cool  for  ongoing  interactions  and  development,  for  giving  use  a  little  kick  to  get  the  ball  rolling  or  to  give  our  muses  a  specific  arc  for  ongoing  interactions,  trials,  struggles  etc  and  to  provide  a  clear  setting  for  these  things  but  i’ve  found  that  too  much  plotting  can  be  a  bit  rigid.
○      long  or  short  replies:  long.  i  like  reading  and  writing  and  knowing  things.  tell  me  everything  and  i’ll  tell  you  everything,  include  all  the  context  you  want  and  i’ll  do  the  same.
○      best  time  to  write:  nights.  usually  around  6pm-1am  is  when  i  get  stuff  done,  limited  distractions  and  no  interruptions.
○      are  you  like  your  muse(s):  nope.  if  i  go  off  my  active  muses,  i’m  nothing  like  harry,  we  share  no  similarities  or  parallels  at  all  and  i’d  hate  him  if  he  were  real.  cosmo  and  i  have  some  similarities  as  far  as  depression  and  how  we  deal  with  it  but  nothing  that  really  leaps  out  as  being  like  him.
tagged  by :    seen  on  @tricursed​  tagging :    @detectiveconnor​,  @lighthouseborn​,  @rosewiltd​,  @luxoned​,  @coyotie​,  @soulvalor​,  @biteofwinter​,  @lockslei​,  @levered​,  @mimnghs​,  @rotturn​,  @zloslwy​ 
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