#. and he's a very LOUD and OBNOXIOUS gum chewer.
be4tdown · 1 year
if u think vic is above spitting his gum in someones face before he fights them. then unfortunately ur wrong.
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thetwiggiesttwig · 6 years
welcome to sonic headcannon galore-
Tails cannot keep his tails still! They'll constantly wave and wag all over the place, but they get especially bad if he's stressed
Sonic's 'house' is more of a hideaway. It's stuffed full of junk he's obtained. Sometimes he'll just randomly chew on things, or stroke them because he forgot where they came from-
Sonic's actually somewhat socially awkward. Around new people he tries to act all cool, but tends to come off as loud and obnoxious. Give it some time though, and he'll become a great pal.
Sonic was always kind of 'the weird kid'. He would never sit still for more than 10 seconds and spent all of his free time running in circles to let off steam.
sonic is a MASSIVE pacer. He paces whenever, wherever
Tails is massive on Dr. who, and will techno-babble for hours if you let him. Sonic normally just nods along, not getting much of it.
Sonic has a suprisingly morbid sense of humor, and the victim of said humour is normally Eggman
Silver just randomly makes stuff float for no reason
Silver and Tails have a big spread sheet filled with anything and everything about the multiverse theory
Sonic really likes Jacksepticeye, and will take any given opportunity to yell 'LIKE A BOOOOSSSSS'
Blaze was brought up without much company, and she's quite quiet because of this
Because Blaze had quite a boring and uneventful upbringing, she's ready to try anything! See the world, travel through time, build a boat, anything to spice life up a bit! She has to keep this under wraps though, because apparently it's not what 'a proper monarch' should do.
Sonic is a big gum chewer.
Tails cannot do loud noises. He's got really sensitive ears.
Silver's the resident memelord. Will spam your chats with the most nonsensical shit ever at 4:30am and then just pass it off as 'oh it must've lagged when sending'
Tails is such a big fanboy.
Amy's Bi, but scared to let on.
Sonic cannot and will not do any more clothing than a baggy hoodie or cape.
Espio's a low key anime fan-
Blaze very rarely wears dresses
Shadow uses a very varied mix of slag words-
Tails spends all his time daydreaming, lost in another world, probably full of ideas for machines that he's wanted to make for years but keeps forgetting about
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