#. this is also ur reminder that he is almost always chewing gum.
be4tdown · 1 year
if u think vic is above spitting his gum in someones face before he fights them. then unfortunately ur wrong.
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wri0thesley · 7 years
> So... your askbox is always open, yes? I just... look. I loved P3. And I've just been thinking a lot about a chivalrous mom friend that joins the crew and just... takes care of these dorks. Like Kakyoin was going crazy over that evol baby? Someone please put an arm and hold this boy and listen to him for a bit even if you don't believe him but make him cALM. Or Polnareff and his brash attitude? Tell him you care for his well being and show him how to keep your cool. Jotaro and his awkwar
“-awkward self? Gently nudge him to get out with y'all and buy him nice food and enjoy the quiet and your surroundings. Talk with Avdol and his homeland and his language and just - more Avdol??? idk?? Avdol is so cool. Joseph seems like that cool gramps that has a lot of wisdom but can be a perv but he’s ok and you actually have a lot of comic talk and his adventures and– story-teller, this dude. But really let me have a polite frend in that crew that puts themselves in front of dangerfor these dudes because they have a stand that protecs, they want to protec, and they believe they’ll be ok in the end - and even if they don’t get out of this - they can pave way for these guys and save someone - Holly, an innocent bystander - and know they did the right thing. Lemme have a pal that bursts into singing and fencing matches with Pol Pol, or someone who teaches Kak too about other cultures and languages - actually just lemme have this calm, motherly pal to go along with them.   and I ranted a lot and Idk what I was asking for in the first place. maybe just. protector frend in the crew…? and maybe hcs of who falls for ‘em or becomes besties??? idk man. i just want to protect the whole crew and let them have a bright future and happines. oh. and Iggy. let them have the doggo nap on their lap, bond with them through trial and error, defeating enemies. … phew. lot of ranting. i just want some slow burn ok. srry but ur a cool approachable person so i ranted 
MOM FRIEND HEADCANONS BENEATH THE CUT!!! (also i’ve been saving this ask bc i knew i’d have fun writing it, i love you friend!!!
(First Impressions)
Jotaro has a mother, and despite outward appearances he’s very fond of her. It will take him a little while to warm up to anyone who reminds him of her; he’s on this mission for her sake, so liking somebody so much like her will make his heart ache. What if it feels like he’s replacing her? On top of that, he ordinarily can’t stand being fussed over. Kakyoin is drawn to people who make others smile, and that’s one thing that this particular friend is good at. He feels warmed by their easy nature, but still, frightened. He has seen first-hand what DIO can do, and he fears that their friendly nature will put them at a disadvantage when it comes to battle.Joseph likes that this friend of Jotaro’s is polite and well-mannered, that they speak to him with a respect that he deserves! Jotaro gets a lot of pointed looks and comments about kids these days. The ways in which the friend reminds him of Holly are numerous, but unlike Jotaro these just bestir Joseph to want to take care of them and make sure they’re safe. Avdol’s profession means he reads people well; if their stand doesn’t tip him off that they’re a protector, the aura around them will. He’s calm and collected and, as one of the more serious and pragmatic of the crew, is glad to have them around because a healer will be useful. Polnareff starts off with flirting because that’s what he’s used to doing; but, spending time with them and realizing that they genuinely care about what they’re doing and believe in the SDC as a whole will make affection swell up in him. He’s on this mission for his sister - everyone but the motherly friend is here for someone, and Polnareff respects that 
(On the Road)- MomFriend (hereby referred to as m/f) notices that Jotaro is awkward around other people, that he hides his eyes behind his hat and seems at a loss for what to do when not fighting. It’s m/f who slides in beside him; after ascertaining that he does not do small talk, they walk in companionable silence and Jotaro is glad for the company. As time wears on, they make sure to include him when the group is bantering, to pull him along when they go out for food - Jotaro rolls his eyes and yare yare dazes, but he’s glad to be involved. When m/f holds up the camera to take a Polaroid of all of the boys together, he’s glad that in ten years he can look back on his memories with a smile. - In the case of ‘BABY STAND’, m/f is outnumbered when they try to convince people to at least listen to Kakyoin and try and figure out what he’s trying to say - it’s they who sit with him and apologize for the rash decision, and Kakyoin is comforted that even though m/f clearly doesn’t believe him, they’re willing to try. They smile and clap their hands in delight when he drops out a new piece of cultural information, and Kakyoin finds himself driven with desire to tell them more - when they match with facts of their own that Kakyoin didn’t know, he’s delighted. He wants to talk with them forever and work out all of their secrets. He’s never had friends before, but now he has a group of them, and he can’t remember a time in his life he’s ever felt less lonely. - Joseph loves to tell stories about his past; sometimes they are deeply boring ones about real estate, but sometimes they are genuinely interesting ones about the time he defeated a group of Aztec Gods or the time he saved himself and his rich uncle from plane hijackers - Jotaro has heard the stories before, a million times, but m/f is fascinated and Joseph is glad for the rapt attention. Yes, he has a tendency to flirt - with winks and risque jokes - but he’s doing it for the blush on m/f’s face and not for any real interest in betraying Suzie, and m/f can tell. They sometimes even flirt back just to see Joseph’s face, much to Jotaro’s abject horror. - Avdol is the quietest on the trip, preferring to speak only when necessary - m/f, when approaching him, is careful. They know the least about Avdol - he seems entirely self-possessed and dependent, but who knows what kind of temper he might be hiding? M/F, then, is delighted to find that Avdol’s serious demeanour hides someone who cracks jokes at the same pace as Joseph, even if his are many-layered. M/F begins to understand why Joseph and Avdol get along so well - and when m/f begins to ask questions about Avdol’s home, he’s only too quick to answer. He’s proud of his heritage, and of his little fortune-telling business, and as the others listen to the pride glowing in his voice they feel bad that they have never bothered asking. - It becomes clear to m/f that Polnareff is a goofball whose chivalrous demeanour can easily be derailed if one tells him a good enough joke, and it becomes somewhat of a game among the more fun-loving of the group (everyone aside from Jotaro) to see who can make him laugh at the most inopportune moments. When he puts on the radio and begins to bounce excitedly, m/f is so pleased to see him grin that they join in, much to Polnareff’s delight. He still flirts relentlessly with them, but m/f is now able to see that it’s just part of Polnareff’s charm - he barely even realizes he’s doing it, it’s so much second nature to him. When m/f heals him after a particularly harsh fight, he feels so grateful to them he almost cries. 
(Various)- It takes Iggy a while to warm up to them, as it does for him to warm up to any. He’s perturbed by how much m/f seems to like Polnareff, but he soon learns that m/f is a soft touch when it comes to anyone in their team, and he begins to slumber by their side and come barking at them when he runs out of chewing gum. He’s even more devoted to them after they heal his leg after the fight with Pet Shop - part of the reason he defends Polnareff so viciously and single-mindedly in the fight with Vanilla Ice is because he knows it will make m/f sad if he perishes. - If m/f lives, the most likely romantic link-up between any of the characters is Polnareff. He has no family, and during the time on the road he and m/f grow closer until the idea of being without them makes his heart hurt - m/f likes taking care of him, likes the goofy smile that blooms across his face whenever they tell him he’s handsome. They like how oblivious he seems when he’s being a dork. It’s a happy relationship. - They keep in contact with Joseph and Jotaro; Joseph excitedly invites them both to visit New York and meet Suzie. He doesn’t flirt quite so hard when they do - m/f can see why. Suzie is a formidable woman. 
(Extra)- In an AU in which everybody lives, it’s entirely likely that m/f could end up with Kakyoin. He’s reassured by their presence, likes the way their smile lights up the room, likes that they take care of him and everyone else. He thinks about spending the rest of his life travelling the world with them, soaking up knowledge and trading bits and pieces of trivia. He’s never had friends before, but with m/f he feels like he’s found another little piece of his soul. - Whatever happens, whoever it is that m/f ends up with, Iggy will want to follow them. Not just because they feed him gum and make a fuss of him (though that’s important to him too) - their presence calms him, and Iggy feels as though he’s had enough adventure in his life. He’d like to settle down and sleep in front of a fire. 
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kilnkin · 7 years
aud asks what nicks issue is, gets a very thorough and well cited answer
kilnkin that was really only one time whats your issue lol
nickatnightwalker you were obnoxious about wynn, then tried to fight me, and are generally unpleasant to be around i dont appreciate being blamed for other peoples dead love lives
kilnkin that was one time like months ago though?? like nice to know im still on ur radar but its weird that you keep bringing it up lmao
nickatnightwalker i dont see how thats weird it was annoying and youre still annoying thats all there is to it
kilnkin uh ok i guess
nickatnightwalker it didnt stop being annoying just because time passed and besides that it obviously showed youre the kinda person who's gonna get their ass in a twist at anyone who lands anyone youre even vaguely interested in and given my track record vs what i can see of yours im sure we'll be at that impasse again
kilnkin uhh
nickatnightwalker you asked just remember that you asked
kilnkin yeahh just uh. wasnt aware you had all this in the front of your mind every time you saw my url apparently
nickatnightwalker not true usually i dont think about it at all
kilnkin i mean work on your poker face then bc you seem to have a lot more feelings about this than me haha do you still like think about her or whatever cause shes gone so thats kinda weird
nickatnightwalker i mean actually i dont forget about people the moment theyre not in front of me because i have object permanence
kilnkin thats not what i meant but thanks for the hostility
nickatnightwalker np ifyoure asking if im hung up on her may i remind you she ditched me like 15 minutes in for damian
kilnkin i know thats why i dont get it
kilnkin like why you give so much of a shit about one stupid conversation lol
nickatnightwalker it was annoying youre like all the broni friendzonis who got pissed i talked to the girls they stalked
kilnkin lots of things are annoying? even my skins not that thin ummm ok so its a personal issue got it
nickatnightwalker no i agree lots of things are annoying i feel as strongly about you as i do that one chair in the back of the herbology level 1 class room that tilts from side to side
kilnkin thats what i mean why do you bring it up if you dont care
nickatnightwalker let he who does not bitch about annoying shit cast the first stone
kilnkin like youre just trying to embarrass me on the dash and wont let me have a fun conversation like would you pull this with some dude who chews his gum too loud what???
nickatnightwalker im not tryin to embarrass you on the dash im encouraging you to have your fun conversations elsewhere
kilnkin see thats so WEIRD what the fuck
nickatnightwalker i really dont see how it's weird that i dont particularly want to interact with you considering the only times we ever have it's been a pain in the ass and there's a real solid chance it'll continue to be
kilnkin if you keep shutting it down then yeah no duh
kilnkin i was making a joke with that fun hater thing people make jokes..just ignore it instead of being a buzzkill
nickatnightwalker and i should have known that was a joke because....youve always been so charming to meto me.
kilnkin ok this isnt going anywhere can you just
nickatnightwalker as opposed to me thinking that you just got a new hate on for me because idk maybe i talked to a girl you like in the dining hall
kilnkin stop that im not a possessive weirdo ok i didnt even like her that much and i dont like anyone else and i dont need you speculating on it leave me alone and try not to bring up what a weird pathetic person i am in public maybe if you can manage that?
nickatnightwalker yeah sure just dont get freaky at me for having decent social skills
kilnkin ohh is projecting your personal shit onto strangers considered decent social skills?? see this is the shit they dont teach you in the woods thanks (:
nickatnightwalker i could tell, seeing as you projected your failure to land a girl right onto me
nickatnightwalker tell you what hit me up when you can honestly in your heart of hearts tell me that if wynn were still here and i was still seeing her you wouldnt hate me for it look into your fedora'd, broni friendzoni'd soul and tell me you could act like a decent person to me if i was dating wynn then we can talk
kilnkin jesus hit me up when you stop being a freak
nickatnightwalker maybe i am a freak but at least i dont get possessive over people who arent mine
kilnkin oook. she flirted with plenty of people and i never said shit to them you know that right? i asked if you wanted to fight bc everyone was doing it why not and it was dumb but i dont care that much sorry to burst your bubble
kilnkin if she came back from i dunno, expulsion or soul searching or whatever the fuck shes doing and still wanted to go on the date she asked me for, ok if not eh? is that good enough for you to stop hounding me
nickatnightwalker you did try to drag me at the dance
kilnkin you were making an idiot out of yourself no way im the only one who said something and you were being a shit date so thats on you
nickatnightwalker i just felt myself physically care less how was i a shit date for letting her go dance with someone else you know what would be shitty
nickatnightwalker finding damian later and giving him crap about her because thats annoying, you see
kilnkin umm i didnt do that
kilnkin dont act like you dont give a shit if youre still hung up on this btw
nickatnightwalker oh my god i only give a shit when you get annoying it's possible to have feelings that arent at the forefront of your mind 24/7 because most of us have extra storage space up top for that kind of thing what you did do is start bitching at me for being a shitty date for letting her do what she wanted to do, which, dont kid yourself, didnt come from concern for her, it was just about you being jealous and weird not to mention you didnt go find damian and ride his dick about it later, which really adds a nice element of cowardice to the whole thing, only ragging on the short guy and not the 6f t fitness model
kilnkin ive gotten in his face for other shit lmao
nickatnightwalker eh thats fair
kilnkin listen do you want me to be a freak about her or not im getting mixed messages
nickatnightwalker no generally speaking id say no but as far as being a freak goes if you could at least be consistent then you could pretend it was some weird chivalry thing and not just you taking out your frustrations on the guy who COULDNT drain your blood
kilnkin ok seriously i have literally taken out my frustrations on him in the middle of the woods at night mere seconds after he sucked his fangs back into his gums you can ask
nickatnightwalker i have questions about almost every part of that sentence
kilnkin ask him then point is im not scared of him im not a coward and im not a jealous freak i was just being dumb one time months ago called mistakes ever heard of them
nickatnightwalker no for papa would beat us lest we become tolerant of our imperfections
kilnkin that joke is definitely funnier the second  time congrats (:
nickatnightwalker you cant blame me for not pulling my heart and soul into this conversation it's just kind of tiring on all fronts
kilnkin i gave you so many outs dude dont pull that
nickatnightwalker yeah those outs would require me pretending i can now suddenly tolerate you
kilnkin or just leaving when i said something dismissive. im not that into this tbh a lot of people dont like me i guess i can deal
nickatnightwalker oh see yeah about that i dont like being dismissed like youre my pre-k teacher, it's kinda grating
kilnkin talking to me..is grating. leaving is. also grating. sucks to be you i guess i made my point i guess so im not gonna reply again you can have the last word if you want it, sorry ive so grievously offended you. bye
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