#. | beloved leader (grantebridge)
shadxwcd · 2 years
@warmaiidens requested a starter from SOMA for EIVOR!
Soma knelt before her throne before three boys, two of whom looked various shades of guilty as the third looked cheerful. The leader herself looked serious, looking the two guilty ones in the eyes.
"I want to hear no more of this now. I will expect to hear from Ingrid that you attended her basket-weaving class tomorrow and you will show me the replacement baskets you made before you give them to Godwin's mother. Is that clear? Good. Off you go now."
The two boys scattered and Soma gave a reassuring smile to Godwin. "I will make sure that your mother gets no less than good quality baskets from them. I am proud of the way you handled this, you've got a calm head on your shoulders and that will do you well." Her hand patted his shoulder before she stood and he thanked her and ran off as well.
Spotting Eivor now, Soma walked over to immediately shake her hand in greeting. "I assume I am not alone in having to deal with those kinds of issues." She says in jest. "To what do I owe this honour, my friend?" Eivor seemed to be getting ever busier these days, Soma wondered if this was a friendly visit or if she was in need of aid.
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reiverreturns · 3 years
20 for the writing asks!
Tell us the meta about your writing that you really want to ramble to people about (symbolism you’ve included, character or relationship development that you love, hidden references, callbacks or clues for future scenes?)
I hope you know that you are enabling my bullshit and I love you for it <3 I talk enough about Eivor/Vili on main so I’m going to take this opportunity to wax lyrical about my other favourite duo - Birna and Rollo (my beloveds). It’s gonna be a long one so hold onto your hats!
meta writer asks
I adore sibling dynamics and when I was thinking through what I might do with these two in my fic things that kind of relationship immediately made sense. Because it’s not only the fact that they both have chaotic energy and are extremely fun to write - they offer each other pathways for growth.
When Birna joins the crew, she’s leaving an extremely tight-knit group in Grantebridge. Sure she has her opinions about Galinn and Lif, but Soma calls them all like-family, and I take that to mean that they all treated each other as such. Birna plays the fool, but she’s experienced - a brilliant strategist and incredibly observant. She’s also a classic extrovert, and I think she would really miss the closeness of those familial relationships if she didn’t go out and seek them in Ravensthorpe. Lets not forget that until she met Soma she never really had a family - when you find that feeling of purpose and belonging, it would be soul-shattering to lose it again. She needs purpose, a larger goal greater than herself. 
Rollo, on the other hand, comes to Ravensthorpe kind of solo. He’s so young, has carried so much responsibility on his shoulders, and nearly lost it all through his own carelessness. I think he joins Eivor’s crew a bit like a kicked dog: a little humbled, still hurt from his own actions and how they affected his crew, still stinging from parting with Estrid. He has these huge ambitions for himself but has a crisis of confidence in his ability to get to them. In my mind he’s almost the opposite to Birna - he wants to push everyone away and shed his responsibility, at least until he can find himself and regain confidence in his own leadership abilities.
So that sets up a really interesting dynamic where you have one older character who’s walked the walk but is looking for something deeper in her life to give it meaning, and a younger counterpart who knows his ‘north star’ but doesn’t have the experience or wisdom to achieve it. 
I think Birna and Rollo would get along purely because their personalities align - both fun and fearless fighters, both flirtatious and keen appreciators of carnal pleasures - but on a deeper level Birna would see helping Rollo and teaching him how to achieve his great vision for himself as her ‘purpose’. Rollo, on the other hand, would learn from Birna how to manage his impulses and selfish desires with the needs of his kinfolk, because as a leader your only true yardstick of success is how you build what’s around you. Hoarding power and glory you hoard for yourself is a poor measure and won’t outlast you (Soma taught Birna well *sniff*)
Last thing I’ll say - both characters know the value of their loyalty and hold it  above most things. Both have witnessed the heartbreak that happens when trust is broken and loyalty is misplaced. So to claim each other as brother and sister is something ironclad in their minds. It’s an unbreakable bond, not exactly chosen, but just is. That’s why Rollo is the only person Birna actually calls brother, in spite of arguing early on that everyone in a crew are brothers and sisters when Rollo is in a massive mood and lowkey threatened by the appearance of Vili. Similarly, Rollo won’t call anyone but Birna his sister - even if it is usually under duress. 
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shadxwcd · 3 years
@wolfkcst requested a small starter from SOMA!
With her belly full of food and her body warm from mead, Soma had been proud to look over at her people celebrating a victory happily. Eivor had joined her at the threshold of her office and together they had talked and laughed for some time.
She didn’t know quite how she got here, to their lips pressing together as feverently as they had, but it would be a lie to say that it wasn’t what she wanted. Not at first, but undeniably those thoughts had grown over time. Her eyes squeezed closed, hands brushing up their covered waist to hold them close. The one work-focused side of her screamed at her for this, for bringing only more sadness.
As soon as she felt Eivor begin to guide her back, she pulled their lips apart yet refused to look at them. Oh her head was spinning, and not just from mead.
“Eivor I- I can’t.” The words were barely a murmur.
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shadxwcd · 3 years
@asterriism gets a starter from SOMA for KASSANDRA!
When her men were resting and those injured were being tended to, Soma finally had a moment to breathe and address the newcomer. Someone she thought she’d briefly seen back in Grantebridge.
“Usually I would say I have little need for mercenaries, if that is what you are, but you had good timing and excellent skill. I would say my men and I are more than grateful for your presence, stranger.” Soma rested her hands on her hips as she spoke before lifting a hand out in introduction.
“I am Soma. We have not met yet, though I do recall seeing you in Grantebridge. Have you been nearby long?”
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shadxwcd · 3 years
@copiesofher requested a starter from SOMA for ANNE!
As with any victory, the air around them felt alive with the electricity of the fight and of the tides turned in their favour. No dead men on their side, few injuries and now far more resources taken to improve Grantebridge, be traded to further its wealth or to honour the gods. Soma raised her axe high and cheered with them all as some already brought out barrels of supplies to and others raised their hands in prayer to the gods above. A shouted prayer of her own was quickly given before her axe was put away and she made her way through the crowds to their fledgling drengr.
Grasping Anne’s head with both her hands, Soma pressed their foreheads together for a moment before releasing her and pulling her into a hug. A proud grin never left her lips that entire time.
“Your first victory Anne! Do you feel the vigor rushing through you? Savour that feeling! It never dulls!” She shouts over the chorus of voices, giving the former nun a squeeze. Oh Soma was so incredibly proud of her! Never was Anne on her own, nor unprotected, but they let Anne hold her own and put all of her skills to use. This final test was over.
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shadxwcd · 4 years
@copiesofher requested a starter from SOMA for ANNE a long time ago!
Soma had been pleasantly surprised with the speed at which Anne was progressing through the training Lif and her captain were supervising. It was something the jarlskona herself as Anne’s physique became more muscular and even her spirit stronger. Nobody could suggest that Anne was not serious about this, and so just recently Soma herself had come to watch one of her training sessions.
“Are you sure you have no Norse or Dane blood within you?” She asked, walking forward to offer Anne some water when it was over. “You fight with the same spirit and determination.”
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shadxwcd · 3 years
@copiesofher requested a starter from SOMA for ANNE!
“This is not a question that will spark much excitement but what was being a nun truly like?” Soma truly only had in depth experience with either pagan priests or priestesses. The closest she got to them was seeing them run away terrified from her when she had been in the army and raiding monasteries.
This was something she was curious about, at least to hear from a former nun about it. This fishing trip had been nice to get to know one another in a way that normal day-to-day life did not. It was nice.
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shadxwcd · 4 years
@ofmisthios​ requested a SOMA starter for KASSANDRA!
Word had spread and spread quickly of an unusual traveller entering Grantebridgescire. Now traders were not uncommon but her complexion and accent were not usual. Right now traders, again, were thinning in their population. As ever knowledge of Grantebridge as a trade centre had brought forth bandits, and this time a greater population than they were used to. 
Soma worried for alliances between them, or the Saxons, being made and another raid on the city. So word of this new traveller taking care of one of the camps for them. She had sent for men to come and summon her to the longhouse, where she could determine their reward, and motives. 
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“Ah our bandit-slayer. If you plan on doing more of that, Grantebridge would be delighted to keep you around.” She said, standing from her Lord’s chair to come forward and greet them. 
“Who are you?”
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shadxwcd · 4 years
@copiesofher​ requested a starter from SOMA for ANNE!
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“You hold your drink well.” Soma said, coming over to the patrons and taking some mead to down herself. It was from one of her men, one who was used to her antics. Often he would steal one of her mugs as payback. Coming over, she sat down on a stool with them with a friendly grin. Simply another in the friendly group the woman had joined, not too typical for a jarlskona.
“Have you ever had a drinking competition before? You would have a great number of eager opponents here.”
There were a wealth of new people coming into town, filling new houses built. So she felt oblidged to come and meet them, and mingle with the townspeople she worked so much for. 
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shadxwcd · 3 years
@tablemaiden requested a starter from SOMA!
For a while, seeing Eivor was something that she could not bring herself to do even when they helped her in so many ways. They were just attached to memories that still were so painful to remember. Yet she knew if she did not feed such a friendship and alliance, it might wilt with time. She had also been curious about their prospering town, and it did give an excuse to leave her duties as jarlskona behind even for half of a day. It was decided, finally she would go as soon as the more important of her duties were complete.
It still early afternoon when she arrived in the Ledecesterscire settlement, it was certainly far improved from the rotting Ragnarsson outpost, now it was beautiful. Having settled her horse with the friendly stable master, she moved to enter the longhouse and seek out her friend, if they were here at all. If not someone who could show her about.
Seeing a woman at the war table from her entrance, she made her way over to them and stopped at the doorway.
“Greetings, I apologise for the intrusion to your work. I am Soma of Grantebridge, is Eivor about?” She asked once she had their attention, a friendly smile to her lips. It seemed Eivor truly was busy acquiring with endeavours of alliances, that map truly was busy. Her eyes were drawn to it for a few moments.
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shadxwcd · 3 years
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@tablemaiden​ asked: TACKLE for Soma !
potentially romantic prompts. | Accepting
Soma had been preoccupied with the two burly men currently meeting with her axes as the newest rain of arrows were prepared and rained on them from a from monastery guards on the roof of a church building. With some of her men off looting, she had taken on more of the brunt of the fights.
One now headless, her axe was slicing through the other’s throat as another being rushed at her from her peripheral. A wooden thunk followed and she glanced to see Randvi holding her shield above the both of them.
“Thank you.” She tells the other, giving a brief battlelusted grin. Randvi was impressing her, having watched her earlier in her own fights. “Let’s be rid of these archers before their defeat is admitted.”
She did not want them picking them off when they were lugging out supplies, unable to use their weapons.
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shadxwcd · 3 years
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@wolfkcst​ asked: “I know you wish to go home, but you must rest my friend. You are hurt.” -Soma 
unprompted ask | Always Accepting
“I can rest my body and still work, Eivor. I am of use to no-one laying in bed all day. I cannot stand this.” She complains, now sitting up in bed and composing a letter to Lif as they spoke. Her complexion was still pallid and drained, but she hoped her mental strength would spur optimism of improvement to her health.  “I am certain you would be as I am in this position.”
Eivor did not seem the type to let themselves rest so easily and without guilt.
“Besides, I must be strong for my men. They would only worry more if they were to see me laying and sleeping all of the day and night. What would happen if enemies heard of this? I cannot risk an attack on my home.”
Soma felt able to vent all of her frustrations and concerns to Eivor. They were what spurred her to push away the pain in her torso and keep going. Men came and visited her so regularly to gain advice, to check on her and complete errands. Any of them seeing her not getting better could spread word and spread uncertainty both here and at home.
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shadxwcd · 3 years
@annxlsofhistory continued from x
“Good evening!” Soma responded, walking up the path towards them - her horse left with Lif at the road. Her legs needed exercise after so long on horseback. She spotted the lamb eagerly devouring their feed and smiled warmly. A very cute distraction.
“You have a beautiful little one there. Do they have a name?” She asked, eyes back to them once need for respect won over the wish to watch the cute one.
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shadxwcd · 3 years
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@wolfkcst​ asked: Rests her head against her shoulder. -Soma // yee t
unpromped ask | Always Accepting
Soma immediately rests her head on theirs, eyes closing as she soaked in the affection. It was affection that was appreciated from someone she held so dear. It seemed they were both in need of slight comfort.
“What troubles you, Eivor?” She asks quietly, not wishing to disturb these few moments of peace.
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shadxwcd · 3 years
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@wolfkcst​ asked: “It is good to fight by your side again, my friend.” -Soma 
unprompted ask | Always Accepting
“It is good to have you at my side.” Soma adds, a hand reaching to wrap around Eivor’s shoulders for a few moments, greeting her friend. It had been a while since she had been in a fight and now, coated in blood and tired, but filled with the exhilaration of battle. As if Thor were spurring her in himself.
“You are a blur on the battlefield.” She says, grinning to them.
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shadxwcd · 4 years
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@fatedshare​ asked: “ i honestly , TRULY didn’t think you’d fall for that . ” -- Eivor
Soma wiped her mouth and grimaced at the disgusting taste of whatever it was Eivor had brought her to “drink”. Going to the window, she chucked the concoction out and had to hide a grin for a moment. To appear serious and hurt.
“Perhaps because I thought a friend of mine would never betray me like this. Especially when I was tired.” 
Chucking the mug to the ground, she came over and now lightly punched Eivor’s arm with a growing grin. Soma was not angry at all, just a little disappointed in herself that she did fall for it. 
“You’d better watch your own cups from now on, you mischievous shit!” 
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