#. | dedicated to the people (soma)
shadxwcd · 2 years
@warmaiidens requested a starter from SOMA for EIVOR!
Soma knelt before her throne before three boys, two of whom looked various shades of guilty as the third looked cheerful. The leader herself looked serious, looking the two guilty ones in the eyes.
"I want to hear no more of this now. I will expect to hear from Ingrid that you attended her basket-weaving class tomorrow and you will show me the replacement baskets you made before you give them to Godwin's mother. Is that clear? Good. Off you go now."
The two boys scattered and Soma gave a reassuring smile to Godwin. "I will make sure that your mother gets no less than good quality baskets from them. I am proud of the way you handled this, you've got a calm head on your shoulders and that will do you well." Her hand patted his shoulder before she stood and he thanked her and ran off as well.
Spotting Eivor now, Soma walked over to immediately shake her hand in greeting. "I assume I am not alone in having to deal with those kinds of issues." She says in jest. "To what do I owe this honour, my friend?" Eivor seemed to be getting ever busier these days, Soma wondered if this was a friendly visit or if she was in need of aid.
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lowkeyremi · 11 months
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let me talk abt ryo for a second
if you had a dollar for every time someone commented on his eye bags, you'd have a lot of dollars. there have been plenty of times where you and alice both bought him products to help with them but he just refuses to get rid of them. says they're a sign of his hard work and his dedication to cooking.
he gets sooooooooooooo mad when you say someone else's cooking is good, "mmm! akira the spices add to your curry, it's really good." you'd hear a little grunt, " that headache's food s'not better than mine." akira chuckles and you roll your eyes, "calm down"
ryo has definitely scared the shit out of people A LOT, especially you. he's the type of mf to stand behind you and not say anything so when you turn around you accidently slap him.
if he's not passionate about something he's sleeping. you were trying to teach him how to make a rubber band bracelet and he fell asleep half way through.
DOES NOT KNOW WHAT PRIVACY IS. it doesn't matter if you're changing, using the bathroom, showering, whatever, he'll just walk right in and go about his business. "ryo, i'm using the bathroom." his dark eyes slowly make their way to yours, "so? i don't care. i need to brush my teeth."
CEO of "eh" "hm?" "idk" and "oi" (honestly that's most of his vocabulary unless he's mad abt smthing)
HATES COFFEE. he just seems like a non-coffee drinker and akira + soma bully the fuck outta him for it
"ugh come here" kind of guy when it comes to cuddling, all you have to do is give him those eyes
if you give him the time of day he will rant abt how much he hates soma and akira
last but not least... "let me see if (name) wants to come" "(name) and i have plans" "i'm not going because (name) doesn't want to" most of his decisions are heavily influenced by those around him. (or you)
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talonabraxas · 1 month
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Navagrahas Talon Abraxas
Navagrahas: the planets of Vedic astrology
Navagrahas fall under the the Hindu Astronomy and play a major part in the Hindu astronomical sphere. The Hindu astronomy whose origin dates back to the time of Vedas is concerned with the placement of nine planets and their influence on the world and on an individual. According to the Hindu astrology, the position of the planets when a person is born determines his potential in life.
The nine planets collectively are called Navagrahas. These 9 planets are worshipped by Hindus to overcome any hindrance, obstacle or bad luck. They are found mostly in all the temples and faithful believers pray to the Navagrahas before they pray to any other deity.
Out of those nine planets, seven are named after the planets in the Solar System and the other two are actually demons who managed their way into this group by trickery – Rahu and Ketu. Depending upon their location in the planetary system, they are deemed either auspicious or inauspicious. While Navagrahas are found in every temple, there are some temples that are solely dedicated to them. One such temple is the Navagraha temple located in the outskirts of Ujjain.
Effects of Navagrahas – Vedic Astrology
In Hindu Astrology, Navagrahas affects a person’s happiness, success and all-round prosperity. The good and bad, positive and negative influences of each of these nine planets are results of factors like the specific location of the planets on the birth chart, etc. Planets possessing Sattva nature are Jupiter, Sun and Moon. Planets bearing rajas are Venus and Mercury while planets with Tamas nature are Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu.
These nine planets in vedic astrology are treated as deities with specific powers, nature and characteristic qualities depending on what each of these offers – positive or negative to people.
1.Sun (Surya): In the group of other planets, he is normally shown facing towards east, standing in the center. Around him are the rest of the planets facing in all different direction but not towards each other. He rides are chariot with one wheel which is pulled by seven horses symbolizing the seven colors of white light and seven days of the week. He is also known as Ravi.
2.Moon (Chandra): In the images, he is never portrayed as a complete person. Only his upper body with two hands holding a lotus each, riding a chariot pulled by 10 horses is shown. He is also known as Soma.
3.Mars (Mangala): Mangala is a Ferocious God holding with two holding weapons and 2 in mudras. His transport is a ram.
4.Mercury (Budha): Budha has four hands and rides on a chariot or Lion. Out of which, three of his hands holds a sword, a shield and a mace and the fourth hand is in a mudra.
5.Jupiter (Brihaspathi): He is the teacher of Gods and is praised in Rig Veda. He is shown sitting on a chariot pulled by 8 horses each showing one branch of knowledge.
6.Venus (Sukra): Sukra is the teacher of the Demons. He has four hands and rides on a chariot pulled by 8 horses. Three of his hands hold a staff, a rosary, a vessel of gold while the fourth hand is held in a mudra.
7.Sani (Saturn): Sani is a god who makes or breaks fortunes by his planetary position for which individuals fear him. He is shown with four hands riding on a chariot or a buffalo or even a vulture. He has three hands in which he holds an arrow, a bow and a javelin while his other hand is held in a mudra.
8.Rahu: He somewhat looks like Budha (Mercury) but both Gods differ in fundamental nature. Just like how Budha rides a white lion, he is shown riding a black lion. But just like Budha, he carries all the same weapons.
9.Ketu: In Sanskrit, Ketu means comet. It is said that he has a tail of a serpent in his body and his nature very much matched to that of a comet. In pictures, he shown riding a vulture and holding a mace.
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deadbydangit · 6 months
Hey, how long, hope you're okay. Can I ask how they would react to a reader who gets stressed easily? With Vittorio, Gabriel and David
Hey! I get stressed easily too! I can absolutely do that. Please enjoy.
With an easily stressed reader: Vittorio, Gabriel, David
Vittorio Toscano
He may seem cool, calm, and collected.
But he gets stressed just as easily as you do.
If not more.
However, he's very good at keeping it under control.
His life has been full of hardships and frustrations.
Not to mention constant betrayal and violence.
Add to the fact that his studies have always been very challenging.
He gets it, the realm can be stressful.
And he'll never blame you for feeling stressed.
He'll never tell you to calm down or chill out.
He'll never be little your feelings either.
He's found peace through meditation.
Finding inner Peace by looking within was his answer to his stress.
"Perhaps it will help you as well?"
He's absolutely willing to teach you what he knows as well.
He might even suggest inviting others.
"Let's share our enlightenment with others. Let's start a whole group."
He is fully dedicated to helping others, he always has been.
Don't worry if you feel like starting a group is going to get you neglected by him.
If you feel like that, he won't start the group at all.
He'll focus solely on you if that's what you want.
Vittorio really just wants to see you feel better.
Because seeing you so stressed out is heartbreaking to him.
Gabriel Soma
Stress huh?
Well, he'll certainly try his best to help you.
He was cloned for one purpose.
He was designed and trained to do a job his whole life.
So Gabriel is so accustomed to doing what he needs to do that it never stressed him out.
He had plenty of practice doing so.
However, he did feel some anxiety when he first entered the realm.
So he can sort of relate to what you're going through.
But, he knows he doesn't know enough about what you're going through to actually help you properly.
So, he'll ask more of the spiritual and medically adept survivors to try and help.
And he's willing to ask everyone.
He wants to learn of every little method that would help calm you down.
From meditation to massages to medication.
All he wants is to see you feel better.
He leans more toward naturalistic cures and healing.
He just believes it's safer.
The use of plants to make teas or burning incense really appeals to him.
If none of that works, he'll continue to search for a way to make you feel better.
And he won't rest until you're nice and relaxed.
David King
"Never met them. Is that a friend of yours?"
Aside from being kind of clueless.
David has never really felt stress in his life.
When he was younger, everything was just kind of handed to him.
When he was older, he could just punch someone to get what he wanted.
And, because he was good at punching people, he did get what he wanted.
He never really had to worry about the little things.
And, even if there was something that he should have worried about, he just never did.
He's always been the 'go with the flow' kind of person.
Even when he entered the realm he didn't seem to fully grasp the gravity of the situation.
That, or he just didn't really care.
So you're going to have to go into great detail in simple words why you're so stressed.
He still might not get it after that.
He'll probably do something kind of dumb, like just offer you junk food because I always helps him feel better.
Don't get mad at him, he's really trying.
If food doesn't work, this blockhead will go to everybody to see if they have any advice.
And I mean everyone.
Killers, survivors, it doesn't matter.
He might be kind of a jerk while doing it though.
"Dwight, you're stressed all the time. How do you deal with it?"
He's a blockhead but he's really making an effort.
And that's got to account for something, right?
If nothing else, he'll wrap you up in the tightest and sweetest bear hug he can manage.
He gives the best hugs.
All that matters to him is seeing you be yourself again.
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delta-orionis · 4 months
Wait so what’s SOMA? You like it a lot apparently
SOMA is a 2015 sci-fi horror game from Frictional Games, the same studio responsible for the Amnesia games.
I think SOMA is ideally experienced blind, but in the least-spoilery terms I can think of: it explores themes of existentialism, transhumanism, consciousness, artificial intelligence, and identity.
The story does a very good job of presenting the player with what basically boil down to existentialist thought experiments. You meet lots of different characters who all have wildly different philosophical opinions and views, and none of them are explicitly stated to be correct; the game encourages the player to come to their own conclusions.
In mildly-spoilery terms: You play as Simon Jarrett, a man who was recently in a car accident that killed his friend and left him with a traumatic brain injury. One day he gets an experimental brain scan to supposedly help aid in his treatment, but after the scan he wakes up in a dark, abandoned underwater research facility that appears to be filled with aggressive robots that believe themselves to be human. The story revolves around Simon learning how he got there, what happened to the facility and its inhabitants, and potentially finding a way out. (This is all stuff that’s revealed in the first hour or so of the game, it gets wilder from there)
That’s my pitch for the game, basically. If that sounds interesting to you I highly recommend giving it a try. If you’re like me and hate horror games, the game also has a Safe Mode which tones down a lot of the scares and makes the gameplay easier. (Some people argue that this basically turns the game into a walking sim, but I personally think the game’s story is well crafted enough to give the game merit even if it’s less scary in safe mode.)
And if you still don’t want to play it yourself, there’s tons of playthroughs on YouTube. I feel like different streamers and YouTubers have different perspectives on the game’s moral dilemmas, and it’s interesting to compare and contrast their opinions.
(I know a lot of my posts have been rain world themed lately, but before that this blog was primarily a soma blog, lol. It’s still one of my favorite games ever. I have two whole sideblogs dedicated to it, even.)
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forcedhesitation · 3 months
Info from @/dvveet on twitter!!
First, here is the OG post.
THE SINGULARITY has received HUGE changes, here’s a quick rundown -
• [NEW] Biopods automatically aim at nearest Survivor upon taking control of one.
• [NEW] After 0.25 seconds, targeting progress now decays over the next 0.5 seconds.
• [NEW] Added ability to destroy currently controlled Biopod.
• [NEW] Receive Killer Instinct when a Survivor becomes Slipstreamed.
• [NEW] Gain 3% Haste in Overclock mode.
• [NEW] Added aim assist effect when shooting a Slipstreamed Survivor.
• [NEW] Passive EMP printing is capped at 97%, with the rest needing to be done manually by a Survivor. They will be highlighted in Yellow when capped.
• [NEW] Disabled Biopods briefly pulse before reactivating. Alongside this heap of new additions, there are a lot of other changes.
• Survivors only glow if they can be targeted.
• Decreased targeting cooldown after Slipstreaming a Survivor to 3 seconds (from 3.5 seconds)
• Hear audio from a Biopod by default.
• Last controlled Biopod has Aura revealed for 10 seconds (from 5 seconds)
• Reduced time to switch back to The Singularity to 0.5 seconds (from 1 second), but increased it when near a Hooked Survivor to 1.5 seconds (from 5 seconds)
• Better aim assist when setting Biopods.
• Improved UI
• Increased base duration to 5.7 seconds (from 4.7 seconds)
• Stuns caused by Perks now cause Overheat.
• [REMOVED] Overclock’s scale with number of Slipstreamed Survivors.
EMPs -
• Decreased Aura range of Supply Cases to 28m (from 32m)
• Decreased range of EMPs to 8m (from 10m)
• Decrease immunity to Slipstream after using an EMP to 0.35 seconds (from 2 seconds)
• Pass through of add-ons
Pretty much all of these changes sound amazing. I doubt that they are going to dramatically increase the number of people playing the singularity, because he is still a complicated and demanding killer to play, and why bother when vecna is right there, unnerfed.... but for us dedicated players, this is going to make hux's gameplay feel a lot better. and who knows! maybe some more people will pick him up and find they like him!
this is honestly SOOO, SOOO much better than I expected, though. I would have genuinely been content with the 3% haste bonus for overclock mode, but we also get all these great new features to streamline the use of his biopods! which is. wow. I'm so happy. there is the possibility that there's something here that may cause problems that is just Not Clicking in my brain, which will inevitably lead to a nerf of some kind, but it all seems fairly solid and fair to me on paper. unless "pass through" means they aren't touching his addons, because if so, that might cause problems, since the soma family photo would award an extra 5% haste bonus. they should at the least nerf that addon to 3% as well, maxing his haste bonus out at a nice, even, sexy 6.
naturally, the misery-rotted crybabies of twitter are already complaining that this will render hux "too OP," especially "in the right hands," as if he isn't already a force to be reckoned with in the right hands. ANY killer is powerful in the right hands. the right hands are usually people who've played hundreds upon hundreds of matches as that killer. and it's not like any of these (likely low mmr) people are going to see him every match anyway. he's not vecna, wesker, or huntress, lmao. these changes are not going to magically make him super easy to play. biopod placement still matters, replacing biopods still matters, efficient chase still matters, tracking survivors' every movement still matters, using overclock efficiently still matters. learning to deal with coordinated swfs will still be very, very hard for people just starting out with him, because his counterplay is incredibly simple.
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solar-net · 4 months
Rogue Demon Au - O! Ciel
O! Ciel is still very sickly, but since this takes place in a modern setting his canon sickness has been increased. Which means, O! Ciel is chronically ill in this AU.
This means, O! Ciel is constantly staying home & getting home-schooled while R! Ciel goes to Weston. He's jealous of his brother, but can't be mad and is happy that his brother is happy.
Around the time Sebastian moves back to London (Ciels ~ 14 y.o) and meets O! Ciel. He instils a bit of courage in the boy and says that he should try to live his life to the fullest.
So O! Ciel takes that to heart, telling his parents he wants to go to Weston and attend school. They're hesitant, but agree after some begging and promises.
He's enrolled into Weston, and while a little behind, manages to catch up eventually. Unfortunately, O! Ciel doesn't really have the social skills his brother has and many of the other students find him strange and a little weird.
It isn't until McMillan starts talking to O! Ciel and becoming his friend that O! Ciel meets other students as well. McMillan was a study partner with O! Ciel and the two just naturally clicked.
He gets acquainted with Doll, Snake and Ran Mao. Doll and Snake gave him the nickname Smile because they find his smile nice. Ran Mao helps him through more phsyically demanding tasks and makes sure O! Ciel isn't pushing himself.
Soma, who clung to O! Ciel since he listens to him ramble on and on and enjoys his food. O! Ciel was put off by Soma's personality, but grew fond of him and even views him as a second older brother.
Sullivan, who likes his awkward but kind nature. The two are constantly talking about different medical knowledge, both love how far medicine and the industry has grown, sharing obscure facts that no one else would know.
Alois, a rival in his history and English class, they share a lot of their worst traits with each other. They hate each other a healthy amount, but also deeply respect one another for the dedication they both put into their work. Alois also picks arguments with people who talk bad about O! Ciel behin his back. o!ciel doesn't know this
It's a small group, not all of them know each other, but it helps O! Ciel feel comfortable at Weston and he's able to relax and just be himself around them. They don't coddle him or look down on him because he's chronically ill.
This causes a bit of a drift between O! Ciel and R! Ciel. Since R! Ciel has been going to Weston for a few years now, and while he has many "friends", he's not as close to any of them. He grows resentful of O! Ciel and his small mismatched group of friends.
It causes the two to drift apart in the worst way possible, and while R! Ciel notices the distance. O! Ciel doesn't.
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What are your current fandoms??
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1. Black Butler<3
It would've been incredibly distasteful to not put this beauty on top of my list. I have been a fan of this one since 5th grade, the literal backbone of my insanity.
I may complain monthly over the agnoizingly short chapters, but the narrative and storytelling in this manga is one of my favorites ever.
Although you didn't ask, I have the need to mention: Ciel Phantomhive is my child!!
And yes, I am still awaiting Prince Soma's return.
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DISCLAIMER: I am not a sebaciel wierdo and my space doesn't welcome the romanticization of pedophila. "waah waah but it's fiction!" okay?? my account is dedicated on fictional stories and characters and I don't want your wacky shit here. Thank you in advance.
2. Bungou Stray Dogs!!!
What a crime it would've been if I didn't mention the reason my account grew in the first place!!
BSD has such a special place in my heart. Tbh bsd saved me during the downfall that was 2021.
I think people who aren't new to my blog know I'm a sucker for Soukoku. I've made extensive analysis on their relationships for 3 years now. When will this brainrot end!?!?
And oh, of course I am forever greatful to the lovely @ryuuaka713 for collaborating with me on various post, I couldn't have done it without her!! Hope life treats you well! You got a tumblr friend always rooting for ya<3
ALSO: If any of you ever want to ask me anything regarding bsd that isn't Soukoku, please do! I love bsd as a whole and would be happy to answer<3
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3. Berserk
Let me make one thing clear!!! I am NOT a berserk reddit fanboy who completely ignores and neglects the narrative of this story in order to fill whatever inner void that needs to be filled.
I am suuuper passionate about the Golden Age Arc and the Pre Eclipse era of Berserk, it would be impossible to shut me up about it.
I could go on billion rants about Griffith's character and his actual complexities throughout the narrative. (no, he isn't emotionless, that would destory the whole point of the story lol)
Also I want to give a not-so-subtle shoutout to @bthump for validating every single thought I had while reading Berserk and always providing textual evidence. Thank you for being the light in the darkness of this fandom!
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4. Death Note
sighs yes I am still in the fandom of an anime that has only one season and ended so poetically that it makes perfect sense that it doesn't have a continuation yet my brain screams for content when obviously it will never happen.
Before anyone asks, I am not team Light or team L, both of them are selfish people and used others lives in order to beat one another.
I am a constant defender of the fact that the Death Note consumed Light. Not only is it textually stated; but it's visually stated
(Light's eyes get wider and more innocent looking for a reason when he forgets the death note guys!!!)
Anyways, this story is absolutely awesome and I think most people can agree with that.
I don't rewatch this anime often, but when I do I get shooked by the big brain plans and big brain confrontations lmao.
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5. Moral Orel
"MORAL OREL SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN CANCELLED!! FOOLISH PEOPLE FEARED IT SPOKE TOO MUCH FACTS" I scream into a void, tears fill my eyes as losing my religion by R.E.M plays in the background.
Seriously though, I love this show; a literal masterpiece. I don't think theres any show that made me incredibly concious of how my own family's dynamic worked as this one did.
Has amazing takes of the human condition and contains life long lessons.
I once made a long post about the generational abuse of moral orel if you want to check it out!
Anyways, if you haven't had the glorious chance to watch this masterpiece. PLEASE DO!! I BEG!!! The whole series is out on youtube!
we don't talk about the first 3 episodes!!!
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6. Sonic!!!!
I never post anything sonic related on my blog, but I adore Sonic! Not only my childhood, but it continues to pump off amazing content and games.
Fun fact: I have a cute mini sonic keychain my friend gifted me, I take it with me everywhere!!
Nobody asked, but my favorie character is Knuckles and Shadow for anyone who wants to know! (No one wants to know but I HAVE THE NEED TO SAY IT.)
anyways yes, I love Sonic, I am at arms-lenght with the fandom since i'm... well... not much into the furry stuff that goes on. But theres lots of fanmade content out there that is super cool!
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I have lots and lots of other fandoms im in but i fear i will go on forever if I keep on talking.
Thank you so much for reading all the way through and please, don't ever hesitate to ask me anything related to any of these fandoms above. Hyper analizing stuff is my speciality after all:D
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caitsyoi · 7 months
So I checked out this sci-fi movie that I saw recommended, and holy fucking shit was it depressing. It was really, really good, but also one of the most depressing movies I've ever seen. I probably should have googled it before watching. Just...Holy fuck. Spoilers below the cut because I don't want to inflict this on anyone else without warning. I just need to vent this out.
Seriously, this movie is incredibly depressing. Massive spoilers below.
The movie is called Aniara. It has really cool cover art, pretty trippy tbh. That is the happiest thing about this movie.
It's about a future where the Earth is mostly uninhabitable, and anyone with money takes a ship to Mars. Mars isn't much better, but at least you can live there. Our main character works on the ship. Specifically, she is in charge of this AI that harnesses people's memories so that they can check out from reality and into Earth as it used to be. It's kind of like soma for people in this universe, although it is just one of many things to entertain them.
The trip should take 3 weeks, but an accident causes it to veer off course, and effectively, they lose all ability to steer the ship. This causes them to be sent off into space with no immediate hope of getting back to Earth or go to Mars.
This movie does a perfect job of giving you hope and then crushing it to dust. First, there is hope that they will pass a planet that can turn them around, then there is hope that they can salvage fuel from a rocket they cross paths with, and finally, worst of all, there is hope that they will at least have each other. Absolutely none of these things work out, and each time, it's in the most devastating way.
The first thing to go wrong is that the AI people increasingly use to take a break from reality, finally breaks. It doesn't just break, the AI learns and spends so much time in the minds of these depressed people (depressed about the dying earth even before they were depressed about their situation), that it commits suicide. It starts writing depressing poetry and then dies because people refuse to leave it alone. And this is just the beginning, y'all.
There is some hope, our main character loves a pilot (wlw romance but...just wait), and they finally get together. It is one of the few moments of happiness because they are happy together (as happy as one can be), and the way they get together is kinda sweet (for this movie). They have super sweet shower sex and my God, I just wanted things to be OK for them.
This story is told in time jumps: the 1st day, 3 weeks later, 3 years later, 5 years later, 10 years later, 24 years later, and finally 5,000 years later. At 3 weeks, our main character learns that there is no planet they can use to turn around, and as far as anyone knows, they will travel along in this ship until everyone is dead. At 3 years, the AI dies, and she is tossed in ship jail because she is blamed for it. Pilot lady comes to her defense, and they get together while in jail. Another year goes by and they are released because so many people have killed themselves and they need workers. Pilot lady goes back to the control deck, main character is assigned to teach the brightest children how to operate the ship. The two get to live together in a nice cabin, and things are sorta happy for a minute.
Oh yeah, they don't run out of air or oxygen because they have a bunch of algae they use to make both. It's unpleasant on the food side, but they can live with it.
Cults start to form amongst the survivors, one of which is dedicated to the AI. Main character and pilot lady join a service where there is an orgy and pilot lady gets pregnant. Pilot lady is understandably depressed because the baby is gonna be born into this dying ship going nowhere. However, jump to 5 years and they are raising a baby, and there is some hope again! They find a rocket thing and there is hope they can get fuel from it!
...but of course, it doesn't work out. Content warning content warning content warning for suicide. Don't read anymore if you don't want to read about this.
So main character devotes her energy to sorta recreating the AI, or at least part of it. She makes it so pretty images from earth can be projected outside their windows. She did this because she wanted to cheer up her pilot lady wife and give a little sunlight to the kid. Just as she finishes it, she finds out that her wife has killed herself and her baby. I knew it was hopeless, but this still stung like a mofo.
Cut to 10 years later, and the remaining survivors gather together for an award ceremony. Everyone looks depressed as fuck. Main character is given an award for the pretty images and everyone looks dead inside. Main character goes back to her now empty depression cabin and goes to sleep. Oh yeah, the algae is also contaminated.
Cut to 24 years later, the last remaining survivors (maybe 10 or so people including main character lady) are gathered together in the dead AI room, and they are praying to the sun while in the darkness of this dying ship.
Cut to 5,000 years later, and they are all dust on a dead ship, a sarcophagus. The dead ship FINALLY passes by a planet that looks as lovely as Earth used to be. The end.
The hopelessness of their journey is so depressing. The realization that we had such a good thing going on earth and we ruined it is depressing. What was the point of going to Mars even? They would just spend their lives consuming to bury the pain of their reality. Mars is cold and barely can grow anything anyway. We had one shot with the Earth, one beautiful place to live in, and we destroyed it. What is the good of space travel if we can't go to another planet like Earth? How pointless it is that a ship actually makes it to another habitable planet, but there is no one to live on it? Love can't fix this reality. Nothing can at this point. The inhabitants of the ship are just waiting to die in their own tomb.
Holy shit did this depress the hell out of me. I think the movie is very well made but it has depressed me so bad that I can't sleep. At least venting this out was some relief. If you are still reading this, then I am sorry I inflicted this on you.
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nebulacollege · 1 month
I’m very sorry that I’ve been gone for so long and left all of the asks hanging in my ask box for a terribly long time (since May). At first I wasn’t able to write replies at all, but then, when I finally got some free time, I prioritised writing Nebula instead. Very sorry once again 💔
Just so I won’t spam with a bunch of replies, since it’s mainly the blog dedicated to the Nebula College materials, I have compiled them into one neat post, hehe.
The dark headcanons ask will have to wait (sowwy), I’ll probably ask Ryu to write it for me because I can’t headcanon my own creation to save my life.
Anonymous asked:
I want to laugh because there’s a character whose birth would technically land them in the Unicorns (Royalty) but their personality is so far from it they would just create utter chaos and possibly fight with the members. And then mope around because no one likes them even though it’s their fault. Sorry for the info dump, I just wanted to share.
Ooohh, Anon, now I’m curious who you’re talking about 👀 If they have at least a little bit of the eliteTM aura about them (even Soma has it...), they’ll be fine. Unicorns have to deal with each other while thinking they’re the most important people in the world due to their upbringing, so they have a surprisingly working flow among themselves that saves them from getting their egos hurt, which is the most difficult problem for them to solve. They’re also supposed to behave if they don’t want to get expelled, but it’s so hard and expensive to put your child in this institution, that few boys end up like this lol But thank you for sharing anyway!
y0urm0mc0r3 asked:
Oh, I’m glad you liked it! It was my first time doing mob hands, a concept that I always wanted to draw and I thought it fit Edmund perfectly. Also, wild hand monster on the loose with the ghosts and apparently they all want to molest Edmund. 😔
(this is related to this ask)
It does fit Edmund perfectly, he’s your perfect victim for this type of stuff! And oh no, a monster wants to molest Edmund... 🥺 ❤️ if only he could fight it...
Anonymous asked:
So I follow your account on bluesky and I saw the comic with Liam and his “hobbies” and I am trying to figure out what is happening in the last panel. Sorry, I’m a bit of a pinhead 😓
(this is related to this post)
You’re not a pinhead, Anon! In fact, I’m very happy you don’t quite get what’s going on there because it’s a spoiler of his route. All the boys got this type of comic (to celebrate me finishing with the plot summaries of their individual routes), but I could post only Liam because it’s so vague and hard to understand. Nothing good is going on for Edmund, that’s for sure <3 I’m sorry, I’ll have to keep you in the dark.
Anonymous asked:
Don’t tell me…he doesn’t forgive him
(this is related to this post)
But why wouldn’t he?? It’s not like Niall did it on purpose... (you’re absolutely right)
Anonymous asked:
lol, I mostly use mods to kill sims nowadays. Or I stuff them into walls.
Ah yes, those friendly games of the cask of Amontillado those children keep talking about. Lovely stuff.
Anonymous asked:
You can’t listen to music properly? 😢 I’m sorry!
Thank you! It’s been a couple of months, and now I can, thankfully, even though it’s still hard to process and get back to my routine...
Anonymous asked:
This sounds basic but 7 rings hit me as a Unicorn song.
It's never crossed my mind, but you’re actually right! It shows their attitude to life pretty well, huh, even though I’ve always seen this song having more of a bottom bitch vibe lmao
Anonymous asked:
Here’s some songs if you like:
Spiracle - Flowerface
There I Am! There I Am Again! - TurbonicFlaws
I Wanna Be Your Slave - Maneskin
Bruno is Orange - Hop Along (More Ned-centric, IG)
Tag, You’re It - Melanie Martinez (The actual meaning of this song is messed up and matches most of the relationships, imo)
Worms - Ashnikko (The constant changes remind me of Liam)
Toy Soldiers - Marianas Trench
Wrecking Ball - Mother Mother
No Children - The Mountain Goats
Sex with a Ghost - Teddy Hyde (Lol)
hostage - Billie Eilish
I Can’t Decide - Scissor Sisters
Body - Mother Mother
I’m so crazy for youuu </3 - Rebzyyx
I Sent My Therapist to Therapy - Alec Benjamin
my strange addiction - Billie Eilish
Emo Boy - Ayesha Erotica (I am so sorry for this one.)
Alien Blues - Vundabar
Sorry if some are out there :/
Anonymous asked:
Sorry, just a few more
One Of The Girls - Jennie Kim, Lily-Rose Depp, and The Weeknd
I’m Tired - Lambrinth and Zendaya
Dollhouse - Lily-Rose Depp and The Weeknd
Thank you thank you for sending me all this stuff! I hope to get to all of it at some time lol I do recognise one song though, I Can’t Decide, so I know I’m in good hands. It’s very toxic and suits Niall/Edmund nicely, although mostly from the Niall’s point of view.
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aftercredits · 2 months
Tumblr media
muse a — is that caleb sugawara  , rocking the new louis vuitton ? wow , he look just like mackenyu ! last i heard , they are a twenty-seven year old elite from montrèal , canada  . he’s a well known athlete who likes to walk his dog in his free time , and despises raisins . i think they’ll do fine at the berry , since they seem to be dedicated ; but i don’t know , others have said they’re quite stubborn as well !
like and i'll reach out for plots ( or dm first ) !! i might make a list of wanted plots too when i get the chance, so feel free to wait for that instead.
name  caleb sugawara other names  cashew ( hockey nickname ), sugawara soma ( japanese name ) age  27 date of birth  tba hometown  montréal , canada gender & pronouns  cis man & he/him sexuality  bi
occupation professional ice hockey defenseman ( nhl )
faceclaim  mackenyu height  5’10” tattoos / piercings  none scars  a faint white line on one tooth from breaking it years back ( was not a hockey accident !! ). aesthetics the gleam of freshly resurfaced ice / exhaling curls of white fog on a wintry morning / tearful phone calls song a good song never dies by saint motel
background .
born and raised in montréal, to two second-generation japanese-canadian immigrants, who introduced him to hockey by enrolling him into an afterschool program. like most younger siblings, it started with him tagging along on his older sisters' lessons ( caleb is the youngest of three !! ) and falling in love with the sport himself.
it quickly became apparent that caleb had a talent for hockey that was hard to ignore, and at the encouragement of his coach he joined the usa hockey national developmental program. but as much as his parents wanted to encourage caleb's ambitions, becoming a professional athlete seemed ... like too much too soon and they wanted him to have the option to fall back on something safer. honestly, caleb agreed. as a compromise, he applied to college on a sports scholarship, played for two seasons for his college, set a few records, and was signed by an nhl team by the conclusion of his sophomore season.
he's done well for himself on his current team, and was made captain a few years ago. so why berry ? well, he's realized ( through talking to his siblings + friends ) that his entire life revolves around hockey ... and maybe it's worth branching out for the remainder of his twenties. i also see him as someone who maybe joined the cast through a mutual friend who was also cast for the show .. aka lucille so potential wc there for those who are interested !
also i'm leaving things vague because things are stc as i start to write him !! also, full disclosure i'm not canadian and i barely understand hockey so ... if you're a diehard hockey fan i'm sorry !
personality / misc .
what you see is what you get with him. to people he first meets, he can kind of.. comes across as cold/intense but once you realize he just says what he means and doesn’t have a manipulative bone in his body, he’s easy to warm up to. it's one of those things where his nhl teammates and his older siblings would never describe him as stoic .. but while he does have people skills he's also ,,, lowkey shy lmao. his job requires him not to be ... but take him off the ice and it starts to show.
growing up, he wasn't exactly a celebrity in the traditional sense but he was always ... popular ? it was always known within his community that the youngest sugawara was a hockey prodigy, and that training and competing professionally and on a national / international ( junior ) stage were why he would miss school / community events / birthday parties. so while his childhood was .... more "normal" than a child star's ... but still had its quirks — he had a mostly superficial bond with kids in school who would only try to befriend him for his talent / incoming fame, but he also didn't have to deal with having famous parents or paparazzi following his every move as a preteen etc etc. but yeah ! growing up / while in school, he's always been "popular".
first impressions matter to him. i wouldn't say you're screwed forever if you make a bad first impression, but he is the type to ... factor things like that into consideration. along a similar vein, he can be particular about doing things in a certain way ( + fairly meticulous / neat ), though he's shared his space with others enough when he was younger that he also knows when to let things go.
to the right people ... he can be kinda a pushover,, more easily convinced to do things he doesn’t want to do than u might think. probably one of the friends who gets roped into buying the others' drinks all the time.
adopted a dog named pancakes.
he introduces himself as caleb. if your muse is a hockey fan or has been a friend for long enough, they might call him cashew ( which is from an abbreviation of his first and last name ).
bi, but never officially "came out" in the league. can def be considered a hockey bro.
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snorlaxlovesme · 3 months
WIP tag game!
rules: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
(thank you to LC @mykingdomforapen for tagging me! my first thought when I saw this was "people have folders dedicated to just their WIPs?? that's so smart??" so I bet you instead of actually writing I'll now end up spending a whole day just making a folder)
(also I have like a thousand WIPs bc I've been abandoning projects for longer than some people on tumblr have been alive SOOO. know that this is just a fraction of my not-finishing-fic power)
adam ice (TRC)
cat pt 5 (Soul Eater)
childhood friends (Soul Eater)
colors (link click)
Gansey sick fic (TRC)
gansey wants to kiss blue (TRC)
if you can hear me (Soul Eater)
i've been afraid of changing (Soul Eater)
look at black star (Soul Eater)
parental soma (Soul Eater)
Pokemon Injury fic (Pokemon)
road trip 1 (TRC)
self indulgent wes and soul BS (Soul Eater)
shameless F.R.I.E.N.D.S. ripoff (Yuri on Ice)
sharing a bed trope (Soul Eater)
shitty prom AU (FMA:B)
The Minute I Saw You (TRC)
the scar that cuts us both (Soul Eater)
timeloop reveal link click (Link Click)
we can be heroes just for one day (FMA:B)
wes weapon (Soul Eater)
whipped af (TRC)
you're supposed to tag the same amount of people as you have WIPs and uh. idk if i know that many people and i'm afraid i'll leave someone out so mutuals feel free to do this and tag me in it and i'll send you an ask!
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grelleswife · 2 years
I know you probably only like fanon Claude being single and happy things but I can't help but imagine him seeing the Sebagni stuff going on maybe by accident and IMMEDIATELY AGNI IS HIS RIVAL LMAO (Agni is probably just like "oh hello another fellow butler! :DD pls help)
Although their breakup happened on more amicable terms in fanon, Claude can’t help but feel the sting of jealousy when he sees Sebastian happily courting someone else…especially when this khansama is handsome, competent, and accomplished at whatever he sets his hand to. Agni’s shining excellence makes even a demon insecure! Claude’s animosity also stems from protective instincts: What if this man breaks his former lover’s heart? Agni seems compassionate and righteous, but surely that must be a facade. No human could possibly be this perfect in actuality! 😤 And mortals, from the greatest to the least, must eventually return to dust; what if Sebas takes this flirtation to the next level and settles down with Agni, only to be left devastated after his inevitable death?
So Claude glares daggers at the khansama whenever they cross paths. However, as a perpetual ray of sunshine, Agni takes it in stride and is unfailingly friendly and cordial towards the hostile Trancy butler.
It doesn’t help that Sebastian, messy bitch that he is, has yet to tell Agni the precise nature of his relationship with Claude. The butler just awkwardly explained that Faustus is “an old acquaintance from back home.” Agni doesn’t pry because he respects that his demonic partner often struggles with vulnerability and opening up to others…but, based on the tension whenever the three of them are together in the same room, he suspects that this “acquaintanceship” might run a bit deeper than Seb was ready to admit.
It also doesn’t help that his highness adores the khansama. Since Alois and Soma are thick as thieves—you can’t convince me that they wouldn’t be BFFs under more auspicious circumstances—the Trancy boy often stops by the townhouse to visit his princely friend, and immediately hits it off with Agni. The khansama’s warm, affectionate disposition is exactly the sort that Alois tends to glom onto (even in happy AUs, I see him as high-maintenance and somewhat needy for attention). To add insult to injury, Alois even likes Agni’s cooking better than Claude’s! Here the demon is, bending over backwards to run the Trancy household and parent a demanding little master, and then his kid gushes about the delicious gulab jamun Agni made for Soma and him the other day, or that amazing curry they had for dinner when Soma held a sleepover for the other Kuro kids. (“Well, isn’t that lovely?” Faustus replies through gritted teeth) Poor Claude is left seething! 😂
Of course, the rivalry is completely one-sided. Agni praises Claude’s dedication as a butler, commends the quality of the scarves and mittens he knits for Alois, and remarks on what a talented dancer he is when Alois commands Claude to do his tap routine during a ball at Trancy manor. But what finally wins Faustus over is Agni’s kindness towards spiders. During one of Alois’s visits to the townhouse, Agni notices a spider crawling up the wall. Claude tenses, expecting the human to squish the arachnid in disgust like most others mortals…but instead, Agni gently persuades it to crawl onto his hand before releasing it safely outside.
“People treat spiders as pests, or something to fear, but in truth, they are marvelous creatures, just like all life created by the gods,” he beams while Claude looks on in stunned silence. “Spiders are such diligent workers; think of how patiently they spin their webs!”
Claude doesn’t want to like this human who captured Michaelis’s heart…but…but…oh damn it. >:(
And thus, albeit begrudgingly, the Trancy demon finally accepts Agni’s offer of friendship.
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crimsontroupe · 1 year
Talking about Aliah for a moment while my brain refuses to work on replies.
I find it very interesting that for as long as Absalom existed, so did the Margolus family. (gestures to the sky) Their conception was just that they broke off from an already existing mage family. And with that comes the necessity to prove yourself and the reason for cutting off ties with the rest of the family. 
As the Margolus’ rose, so did the rift between them and the original family. ‘Soma are you borrowing names and characters and concepts from your other stuff’ yep! My city now. The Margolus are/were a branch of the Cantorixes, and there is some rivalry between them as you would expect. And that necessity bleeds into the current year, and has been in effect for the longest time. There is a lot of pressure on 'being useful', which usually translates into most of the family becoming public servants of some kind. You are contributing to the city, which proves your value above 'some people' wanting magic and power and secrets to themselves.
Of course the Margoluses want that, too. And they do possess it. Having their own people ingrained so deeply into Absalom's society gives them immense political capital. It gives them a lot of freedom to move around pieces the way they want, to set things the way they want.
This will tie into the eventual post that I will make about Aliah and his half-siblings (and his relationship - and lack of one - with them), but it is only logical that he is a teacher and a politician. It is only logical that his family would push him as one of the possible candidates for the Primarch, as if his accomplishments as Spell Lord are not enough.
While Aliah does not view others by how much they accomplished, he does view his family members and regards them based on their contributions to the city as a whole, and their potential. And when you think about it, his dedication to the city is absolute. He has his own goals (and that might involve the fraying of reality as we know it), until he accomplishes them himself... it is very obvious that he will dedicate his entire energy towards the city and its protection. Absalom is plagued with many issues, but it is also supported by people who would rather not have the city crumble until they can achieve what they want.
Aliah is one of those people. He is ruthless and he will appear almost 'evil' depending on your intent, but he takes his job very seriously. His jobs, rather - he is an excellent teacher and a great tutor, provided you are willing to learn. You may ask him anything, and he will answer. But you need to possess the desire for knowledge, the desire to improve. As unreachable as he is, and as enigmatic as he is - there is a side of him people can achieve if they play their cards correctly.
Not that getting his attention is any good, but that is not what should matter to you is it-- He truly is a person who despite his own personal alignment (chaotic evil) poses and acts as lawful evil in society, due to understanding its necessity and its value. One day I will write down the relationship between his family and the other important Absalom families but... someday.
I have just been (thinking emoji) about his deep connection and love to Absalom, which is the closest you will get to genuine feelings out of him. He enjoys the sea, his lair faces the port so he can watch the ships come and go. There are distinct smells in the city (spices, magic, perfumes) that you cannot get anywhere. He is a perfect fit for the city, despite his own goals. And interestingly enough, his own opinions do not necessarily reflect the ones of his family. So he does favor some interesting people and takes some under his wing that might not be viewed in a positive light by some of his old folks. Spoiler alert: he does not care   
I was going to write more but then I realized I was about to enter another subject entirely so. Another time. (I am forcibly removed from the stage before I start talking about fantasy politics for another 2000 words)
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An indefinite break from writing
Plainly put, I've been watching my blog die over the past few months. The past 30 days were the worst by a country mile. I write so other people can enjoy depictions of my favourite characters, because reading fanfic is a nice experience. But these numbers are thinning too much for writing it to be a gratifying experience.
Mentally, I'm not doing good. I've been taking care of other people in my life more than myself. I'm completely drained, and watching my blog die is the icing on top of a pretty shit cake.
Something that has become clear from my note patterns is that people are far more interested in headcanons than fics. And I'll be honest, I find zero personal reward in writing headcanons. You don't get to see a story come together. There isn't a process for me, and I can't look at them and feel any pride. But on the flip side, I no longer have any motivation to spend hours writing fics when people don't read them.
Posting a 5k word oneshot for a character during a drought period on their tag, spending 20 hours executing the idea, losing sleep over it because I wanted it to be perfect, only for it to bomb… fucking soul destroying, honestly. I am aware that community labels have had an impact, but it's a demoralising impact. And it isn't just this particular fic - my 7k word Eivor fic back in July, which took even longer, received the same treatment. The most rewarding character to write for is Soma, even though hardly anyone gives a toss about her.
What's the point? I'm dedicating hours into typing up an idea into prose, when people would rather just see it in a bullet-point list that I would take no joy from writing - that's what my notes, and the activity within the tag, are telling me.
I have decided it's better for my health to not waste my time on something that doesn't bring any personal reward. I'll always love writing and the characters I write for. Not enough to sacrifice my pride for though. Living out my ideas in my head don't come with any defeatist consequences.
Maybe I'll pick up again in a few months if mentally I'm in a better place. I still have about 20 half-written stories lying in my documents. I rekindled a love for TLOU and Abby. The foundations are still there. There just aren't enough builders to work on the construction.
I'll be around, reblogging things, interacting with the wonderful communities I am happy to be part of, because I don't want other fandom creators to experience this. Peace.
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delta-orionis · 2 years
Does your back ever hurt from CARRYING the soma fanbase?
I'm flattered, and I do recognize that I've helped introduce this game to a bunch of people and that fact makes me very happy. However, I don't want to take credit for the work lots of other people in this fanbase have done. I'm definitely not the only one making awesome fan works, and I don't want to diminish the contributions other artists and writers! The soma fanbase is a small but dedicated bunch.
(Also my back hurts all the time anyway, lol)
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