#. 01.18 / ic : k.1412
iridcsccnt · 3 years
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「    “ Beautiful are the stars from a distance... as they ceaselessly burn themselves up. ”    」
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iridcsccnt · 4 years
✶  a small starter for  @storyteller-prince​  |  ジョーカー .
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「    How... peculiar. Did he make a wrong turn ? Perched high up on a ceiling beam like a dove, he was certain that he had memorized the layout when he did a reconnoitre of this building just yesterday...
So, how come the interior looks like it had gone through an extreme and bizarre-looking makeover ?    」
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iridcsccnt · 4 years
15. Movement in the dark ( your kai & my alex )
✶  RANDOM WRITING PROMPTS  |  [ → ]  . no. 15 — “ Movement in the dark ”  .
「    So far so good. He managed to make it past the police’s radar for now.
In exchange of the white suit, the sinner moved like a shadow in the dark, making his way further down the narrow path and distancing himself from the current chaos occurring in the main streets of the city. KID had no time to stick around to find out what the aftermath would turn out like, knowing that he had to vanish from the scene as quickly as possible.
The unexpected shooting on the roof had caused quite the ruckus for tonight’s heist.
“ Honestly, why are there so many troublesome guys showing up tonight ? ” he remarks for his own ears to hear, the dry words muttered like a passing whisper. Turning at a corner, the thief barely takes a few steps forward when he suddenly seems to halt his pace. Moving himself closer to one of the walls on instinct, he blends with the darkness as soon as he had caught sight of something moving farther ahead on the dark alley path.
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For a moment, he remains silent, listening attentively as he looks searchingly in the dark for movement, sharp eyes slightly narrowing under the visor of his black cap. Yet nothing seems to happen, making him close to wonder if what he saw was simply his imagination, when...
“ ... Do come out. I know you’ve been listening in on my frequency for a while. ”     」
@yoakkemae .
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
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「    well, well now.    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
✶  kaivoleur replied to your post :
eager waving! hello friend!!
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「    And cheeks pull up as he smiles a bit more wider. A good evening to you too. ~    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
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「    Well, well... look at the date. ~    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
✶  showalupin replied to your post  :
Hands his double an ice cream cone. With sprinkles!
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「    Oh, why thank you – the sprinkles is a thoughtful addition ! But before he accepts the ice cream from his double with a pleased grin, kid snaps his fingers to ‘poof !’-summon a present for the other as well ~ ( spoiler alert : there’s french desserts in there ).    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
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「    Whistling out ‘clair de lune’ leisuredly... ~    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
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「    Hums the 1963 sugar crisp jingle while unlocking a jewelry casket in the dark.    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
✶  tokidokishoto replied to your post  :
shin vc: kid no
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「    “ Ladies and gentleman ! It appears that ‘Arlecchino’ himself has arrived at the stage ~ ! ” Bear in mind that no tricks are in his sleeves, as the detective gets spotlighted from a single snap of the thief’s fingers ( a sure work of magic, when the only ceiling above is the ol’ sky ), the same with the loud, disembodied cheer, applauding with him as he claps.    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
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「    ” Well, well... I sure wonder what’s in store today. ~ ”    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
"Ah uh that blond dude said if you come to the Poirot before noon you get free cake."
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「    “ Ah, but that’s no fun. ” Why get free cake legally, when you can get it illegally ?    」
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iridcsccnt · 6 years
❝I didn’t even have that much to drink.❞ ( my shin to your kai ?? )
Drinking starters  |  [ → ]  .
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「    The moment the detective had spoken, KID lets out a small snort, as he cracks a humored smile. “ Could have fooled me. ” is the unconvinced response he gives them, the thief having paid closer attention on Kudō, once he had realized the other wasn’t exactly standing upright on their feet ( at least not without their balance swaying a tad more for it to be… well, moderate ).
“ Maybe you ought to find your way home, detective. You’re hardly suited to stay up this late out here. ” and especially this drunk.    」
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iridcsccnt · 4 years
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「    “ Now you see me, and in the next moment you won’t ~ ! ”    」
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iridcsccnt · 4 years
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「    Summer solstice and new moon in Cancer. Guess today holds more personal significance to him than those of its ‘predecessors’ had in the foregoing years.    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
✶  ; munday questions  |  [ → ]  .the questions are for the mun, but must be answered by the muse ! .
☯ :  If you had a crystal ball, what is one thing you would ask it ?
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「    And it would appear that he’s been made in charge of answering ( for this question at least ). “ If she had a crystal ball… ” KID murmurs in a semi-contemplated fashion, giving a hum as well. “ Well. First, she would probably ask ‘does this thing even work ?’, and then… probably nothing ? ” Though, not that Riot’s dismissing the idea of a crystal ball without as much as sparing a glance, but more that she, kind of, does ( ? ) have a question, but is thinking against voicing it out ; and she doesn’t really have any other questions, so... “ I guess she’s secretive like that, who knows ~ ? ”    」
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