#. ch / 01.18
iridcsccnt · 3 years
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「    “ Beautiful are the stars from a distance... as they ceaselessly burn themselves up. ”    」
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iridcsccnt · 4 years
✶  a small starter for  @storyteller-prince​  |  ジョーカー .
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「    How... peculiar. Did he make a wrong turn ? Perched high up on a ceiling beam like a dove, he was certain that he had memorized the layout when he did a reconnoitre of this building just yesterday...
So, how come the interior looks like it had gone through an extreme and bizarre-looking makeover ?    」
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iridcsccnt · 4 years
15. Movement in the dark ( your kai & my alex )
✶  RANDOM WRITING PROMPTS  |  [ → ]  . no. 15 — “ Movement in the dark ”  .
「    So far so good. He managed to make it past the police’s radar for now.
In exchange of the white suit, the sinner moved like a shadow in the dark, making his way further down the narrow path and distancing himself from the current chaos occurring in the main streets of the city. KID had no time to stick around to find out what the aftermath would turn out like, knowing that he had to vanish from the scene as quickly as possible.
The unexpected shooting on the roof had caused quite the ruckus for tonight’s heist.
“ Honestly, why are there so many troublesome guys showing up tonight ? ” he remarks for his own ears to hear, the dry words muttered like a passing whisper. Turning at a corner, the thief barely takes a few steps forward when he suddenly seems to halt his pace. Moving himself closer to one of the walls on instinct, he blends with the darkness as soon as he had caught sight of something moving farther ahead on the dark alley path.
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For a moment, he remains silent, listening attentively as he looks searchingly in the dark for movement, sharp eyes slightly narrowing under the visor of his black cap. Yet nothing seems to happen, making him close to wonder if what he saw was simply his imagination, when...
“ ... Do come out. I know you’ve been listening in on my frequency for a while. ”     」
@yoakkemae .
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iridcsccnt · 4 years
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「    “ ......... ”    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
“ what scares you more than anything ?” ( my shin to your kai )
✶  drunken confession .  |  [ → ]  .your muse is drinking with mine and has been given the chance to question my muse anything they want to know. send me 🍻 + a question you want to ask my muse for a tipsy, drunken ( honest ) answer  .
「    When he agreed to let the other ask him anything they wanted to know, Kaito had honestly — with valid reason — expected the great detective to ask him about something else entirely.
He’s had a few drinks by now, so it only makes sense that he stays surprised for another second or two, before eventually huffing out a chuckle. “ You want to know what makes me scared… ? ” He asks while raising his glass to his lips, as if not really believing what he just had heard. “ Why does Kudō want to know something as bland as that ? ”
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Truly, they could have asked him anything that he believes would be much more interesting to the detective — truly a shame, an opportunity such as this won’t come as easily the next time. Kaito has half a mind to blurt out ‘fish’ just to see Kudō’s reaction ( the idea alone entertaining enough, almost in a fondly kind of way ). Regardless, he decides against it in the end, downing the last remaining bit of his drink.
Lowering his head, Kaito’s face, although still smiling faintly, is somewhat thoughtful as he stares at the now empty glass resting in his hand. After mulling over his answer for a bit, his mouth tugs up its corners as he looks up to gaze at Kudō, eyes crinkling.
“ ‘Having something to greatly cherish’… that’s what scares me the most. ” he answers truthfully, almost too calmly ( smile gentle yet slightly bittersweet-tinged, a far cry from the more ‘happier’ and ‘smug-laden’ ones he often masks himself with ), the works of the alcohol softening his usual withdrawn self. “ Such a thing existing is truly scary, don’t you think ? ”    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
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「    well, well now.    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
Russian Classics Aesthetic
BOLD whatever applies to / attracts your muse .
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BROTHERS KARAMAZOV :  orthodox monasteries,  deep woods,  starry nights,  the sound of paper being torn,  dimly lit rooms,  withered roses,  an unfinished letter,  piles of books,  the sound of shattering glass,  ticking of clocks in a silent house,  heavy wooden furniture,  the air before a storm,  the smell of earth,  a crowd of people dressed in black,  distant murmurs,  emptied streets,  the fear of walking alone in dusk
CRIME AND PUNISHMENT :  coldness of the skin against a blade,  slender pale fingers & slightly shaking hands,  a red stain blooming on white fabric,  lonely steps in a corridor,  the slow dripping of water,  looking out of the window into the thickening darkness,  a single dying candle on the table,  listening to one’s breath & counting heartbeats,  too many stairs,  the desire to be invisible,  a subtle memory of kind words
THE IDIOT :  classical statues,  wealth covered with dust,  a dark house tainted with inherited madness,  an unsettling feeling,  long walks in a park,  useless chatter,  a silken ribbon forgotten on a bench,  a melancholic face,  an unexpected spring rain,  the joy of reading one’s favorite book,  the clarity of mind after fully perceiving the world around,  looking at a cloudless sky
ANNA KARENINA :  fields of crops,  flowers brought from an early morning walk,  the wind caressing a girl’s hair,  a bowl of fruit,  the smell of ripe pears,  the clatter of a spoon against porcelain when stirring tea,  children’s laughter coming from the garden,  soft sunlight & white curtains,  the sensation of velvet against skin,  pearls from a ripped necklace spilling on marble floor,  a sudden silence in a room full of people
WAR AND PEACE :  a glass of wine,  the brightness of a crystal chandelier,  white lace,  a raging snow storm,  the sound of a door being gently closed,  the moment of holding one’s breath before walking in a ball room,  indulging in looking at a beautiful earring against light,  closing one’s eyes for a moment while dancing,  the sweet smell of strawberries,  a pair of gloves left on an armchair,  the light scent of powder,  andrei nikolayevich bolkonsky,  gunpowder stuck on skin,  smoke inside a burning building,  the silence upon returning home,  an untranslatable distance,  the desperate lure of glory
THE MASTER AND MARGARITA :  the chaos of a lively city,  ambient jazz in an expensive restaurant,  jumping on a moving tram,  the sight of moscow from the roof of a house,  yellow flowers in a vase,  leaning out of the window,  shelves stacked with books,  a small tin box with old photographs,  strange shapes in the night sky,  laughing in the middle of the night on a balcony,  colorful posters for a surreptitious magician’s show floating in the wind
EUGENE ONEGIN :  a lonely mansion,  reading a book in the parlour,  a faint piano melody lingering in falling silence,  long evenings,  passing seasons,  discussing french novels of the moment,  unspoken thoughts,  leaning against the door frame,  a quickly averted glance,  eating a peach absent-mindedly,  bright mornings,  footprints in snow,  a loud gun-shot terrifying a flock of birds nearby
FATHERS AND SONS :  a birch grove,  morning mist,  moss-covered stones near a moor,  scientific books,  white roses,  cheap champagne,  a shabby pocket-watch,  light-hearted irony,  a maladroit cello sonata,  freshly mowed grass,  letting thoughts come & go,  a slow yawn,  picturesque plates & bowls filled with traditional dishes,  drinking tea on the porch
DOCTOR ZHIVAGO :  a strange feeling of loss,  writing poems in a diary,  traveling by train,  the hesitation before touching someone’s hand,  the gaze of one lost in thought,  the warmth of cinnamon,  a scarf brightly embellished with flowers,  a glass of water,  a threadbare jacket,  the tempting void,  the evanescent serenity of yesterday
CHERRY ORCHARD :  a lone chair in an empty room,  falling blossoms,  old samovar,  the unsettling need for change,  a mirror reflecting the full moon,  the disappointment of a glossy object turning worthless after second glance,  a piano out of tune
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
✶  kaivoleur replied to your post :
eager waving! hello friend!!
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「    And cheeks pull up as he smiles a bit more wider. A good evening to you too. ~    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
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✶「   »  I R I D C S C C N T  «   」。
❛ Cunning is the smile he dons ; bright yet ENIGMATIC as the sharp crescent on the sky . ❜  ––––  ch. 01.18  ·  黒羽 快斗  [  kuroba kaito  ]  ·  as penned by RIOT .
「    the STAGE  ·  the CAST  ·  the RULES  ·  the REGISTRY  ·  the MAILBOX     」。
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
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「    Well, well... look at the date. ~    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
olympian aesthetics  —  黒羽 快斗  .
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A P H R O D I T E  ——  laughter loving.  sweet smiles.  dressed in silk and satin.  flower in their hair.  sees the world as a runway.  unapologetically sexual.  the sea washing their ankles.  in love with love.  stirrer of passion.  cunning concealed by painted lips.  secret daggers.  doves.  revolution in their kiss.  delighting in the waves.  flirtatious winks.  strolling along the beach.  staring wistfully from a balcony.  this is how to be a heartbreaker.  wants to be adored.  gets turned on by danger.
A P O L L O ——  glitz and glamour.  art galleries.  turning the volume up.  being made of gold.  neatly organized music sheets.  notebooks filled with poetry.  bathing in the sunlight.  the powerful urge to create.  collecting vinyl records.  beautiful cover of wonderwall.  playing multiple instruments.  tasting like sunshine.  healing touch.  speaking in prophecies.  smile mingled with wrath.  shunning lies.  sporting shades.  hanging out at music festivals with their friends.  sleeps naked.  arrow to the heart.  paint brushes.  probably has a tinder account.
A R E S  ——  armed for battle.  wants to raise a dog with their significant other.  soft spot for children.  gives piggyback rides.  scarred body.  blood on their hands and face.  willing to fight the world.  fights against injustice.  warm hugs.  well worn combat boots.  boxing gloves.  bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles.  fist raised in protest.  ignites revolutions.  fear is a prison.  more sensitive than what their tough shell would have you think.  exhausted.  damaged goods.  force to be reckoned with.  red roses.  curses under their breath.
A R T E M I S  ——  keen sense of a hunter.  freckles like constellations on their skin.  piercing eyes.  dishevelled braid.  moonlight peeking through the shadows.  the calm of the forest at night.  lying on the grass and staring at the stars.  mother doe and her fawn.  protecting their kin.  the moon shimmering on a still lake.  quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree.  running with wolves.  bonding while circled around a campfire.  not being much of a people person.  arrow hitting a target.  popping egos.  patience on 3%.  touches heaven and returns howling.
A T H E N A ——  discerning gaze.  unreadable face.  quiet museums.  owl perched on their finger.  armour that intimidates.  eye for architecture.  plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses.  studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid.  big fan of logic.  loves brain teasers.  ancient buildings.  sweaters in neutrals and cool colours.  hair done up.  can kill you with their brain.  heads to the library often to research.  sharpened pencils.  abs that can cut steel.  stoic statues.  pottery classes.
D E M E T E R  ——  soil covered hands.  smile that can bloom flowers.  skin loved by the sun.  being the mom friend.  can lift you and your friends.  flowers kept in the pockets of overalls.  takes pride in their beautiful garden.  speaks to their plants.  leaves rustling in the wind.  stalks of wheat.  picking fruit.  greenhouses.  heart as strong as a mountain.  values simplicity.  daisies dotted across a collarbone.  curls crowned with flowers.  folded pile of sweaters in warm hues.  pulling out fresh baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air.
D I O N Y S U S  ——  drunk shitposter.  on their sixth glass of wine before you’ve even finished your second.  seductive smirks.  untamed curls.  rich fabrics on dark skin.  sleek furred panthers.  theatre masks.  stage productions.  receiving a standing ovation.  rose caught between their teeth.  being the baby of the bunch.  wild parties that last from sundown to sunup.  creeping vines.  inspiring loyalty.  grand opera houses.  masquerade balls.  rolls of film.  shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine spilled floor.  pouring champagne into flutes.  lives for the applause.
H E P H A E S T U S  ——  the calloused hands of someone who knows labor.  sweaty brow.  flame burning in their eyes.  inventive mind.  broad shoulders.  steampunk goggles.  nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes.  ashes.  striking a match.  blueprints for future projects.  fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades.  wrestles with bitterness.  work boots have seen better years.  wrinkled plaid shirts.  iron melted in blazing fire.  huge jackets.  crafting masterpieces.  greased stained overalls.  fascination with robotics.  pain is fuel.  stack of weaponry.  even their muscles have muscles.
H E R A  ——  resting bitch face.  dressed to the nines.  cows grazing on a pasture.  cool rain.  loving and hating fiercely.  hand clutching a string of pearls.  large chandelier with glittering crystals.  plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims.  romance to realism.  pictures of the sky while flying on a plane.  files that under ‘ fuck it ’.  downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix a good book.  like their selfie or you’re grounded.  knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man.  dark eyes that penetrate your soul.  marble and gold.
H E R M E S  ——  devil-may-care smile.  always up-to-date on the latest technology.  will steal your french fries.  does it for the vine.  shitposter.  puts googly eyes on everything.  meme hoarder.  long drives on the highway.  ma and pop diners.  spontaneous road trips.  folded maps.  fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop.  shooting hoops on the basketball court.  chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations.  goes jogging in the morning.  mixes redbull with coffee.  menace on april fool’s.  hoodies and sneakers.
P O S E I D O N  ——  storm with skin.  colourful coral reefs.  waves crashing against the shore.  stroking the soft fur of a cat.  their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop.  tousled locks.  clothes smeared with paint.  owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns to own more.  leather jackets.  fondness for diy projects.  handwriting that flows across the page.  nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin.  velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams.  mood as ever-changing as the sea.  the roar of a motorcycle.  compass with a spinning arrow.
Z E U S  ——  thunder in their heart.  running on coffee.  flash of lightning.  un-natural charisma.  eloquence.  bad ass in a nice suit.  aficionado of history.  force of nature.  lenny face.  nightmare-filled nights.  proud arm around their lover’s waist.  high-rise buildings.  planes soaring through a cloudless sky.  technician on the piano.  maintains order.  strong handshake.  juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease.  expensive watch.
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
✶  showalupin replied to your post  :
Hands his double an ice cream cone. With sprinkles!
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「    Oh, why thank you – the sprinkles is a thoughtful addition ! But before he accepts the ice cream from his double with a pleased grin, kid snaps his fingers to ‘poof !’-summon a present for the other as well ~ ( spoiler alert : there’s french desserts in there ).    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
bold  or  italicize  anything that applies to you .
tagged by :  @zeromakessandwiches​  [ thank you for the tag ! ]. tagging :  //gestures at dash ! .
name :  黒羽 快斗  [ kuroba kaito ] .
been cheated on  |  been bullied  |  told a horrible lie  |  stolen something of value  |  overdosed on drugs  |  been drunk  |  passed out  |  cheated  |  bullied  |  punched someone in the face  |  been beaten up  |  broken a bone  |  been admitted to a hospital   |  had a near-death experience  |  been drugged  |  done drugs  |  smoked  |  kissed someone you weren’t attracted to  |  bled severely  |  killed someone  |  had an attempt on your life  |  made an attempt on your own life  |  lost someone  |  loved someone  |  gone without food for over three days  |  gone without sleep for over three days  |  been tortured  |  been slapped by a parent or higher up  |  been abused by someone who should have loved you  |  had a panic attack  |  been in a car accident  |   had sex  |  had sex with a stranger  |  passed out from pain  |  cried yourself to sleep  |  spent a whole day in bed  |  hurt yourself  |  taken your anger out on yourself  |  taken your anger out on someone you love  |  been used  |  felt used  |  used  |  been terrified  |  played a cruel game on someone  |  been dominant  |  been submissive  |  been forced yourself to smile  |  been misgendered  |  felt too many things at once  |  laughed when you felt like crying  .
name :  工藤 新一  [ kudō shin'ichi ] .
been cheated on  |  been bullied  |  told a horrible lie  |  stolen something of value  |  overdosed on drugs  |  been drunk  |  passed out  |  cheated  |  bullied  |  punched someone in the face  |  been beaten up  |  broken a bone  |  been admitted to a hospital   |  had a near-death experience  |  been drugged  |  done drugs  |  smoked  |  kissed someone you weren’t attracted to  |  bled severely  |  killed someone  |  had an attempt on your life  |  made an attempt on your own life  |  lost someone  |  loved someone  |  gone without food for over three days  |  gone without sleep for over three days  |  been tortured  |  been slapped by a parent or higher up  |  been abused by someone who should have loved you  |  had a panic attack  |  been in a car accident  |   had sex  |  had sex with a stranger  |  passed out from pain  |  cried yourself to sleep  |  spent a whole day in bed  |  hurt yourself  |  taken your anger out on yourself  |  taken your anger out on someone you love  |  been used  |  felt used  |  used  |  been terrified  |  played a cruel game on someone  |  been dominant  |  been submissive  |  been forced to smile  |  been misgendered  |  felt too many things at once  |  laughed when you felt like crying  .
name :  宮野 志保  [ miyano shiho ] .
been cheated on  |  been bullied  |  told a horrible lie  |  stolen something of value  |  overdosed on drugs  |  been drunk  |  passed out  |  cheated  |  bullied  |  punched someone in the face  |  been beaten up  |  broken a bone  |  been admitted to a hospital   |  had a near-death experience  |  been drugged  |  done drugs  |  smoked  |  kissed someone you weren’t attracted to  |  bled severely  |  killed someone  |  had an attempt on your life  |  made an attempt on your own life  |  lost someone  |  loved someone  |  gone without food for over three days  |  gone without sleep for over three days  |  been tortured  |  been slapped by a parent or higher up  |  been abused by someone who should have loved you  |  had a panic attack  |  been in a car accident  |   had sex  |  had sex with a stranger  |  passed out from pain  |  cried yourself to sleep  |  spent a whole day in bed  |  hurt yourself  |  taken your anger out on yourself  |  taken your anger out on someone you love  |  been used  |  felt used  |  used  |  been terrified  |  played a cruel game on someone  |  been dominant  |  been submissive  |  been forced to smile  |  been misgendered  |  felt too many things at once  |  laughed when you felt like crying  .
name :  毛利 蘭  [ mōri ran ] .
been cheated on  |  been bullied  |  told a horrible lie  |  stolen something of value  |  overdosed on drugs  |  been drunk  |  passed out  |  cheated  |  bullied  |  punched someone in the face  |  been beaten up  |  broken a bone  |  been admitted to a hospital   |  had a near-death experience  |  been drugged  |  done drugs  |  smoked  |  kissed someone you weren’t attracted to  |  bled severely  |  killed someone  |  had an attempt on your life  |  made an attempt on your own life  |  lost someone  |  loved someone  |  gone without food for over three days  |  gone without sleep for over three days  |  been tortured  |  been slapped by a parent or higher up  |  been abused by someone who should have loved you  |  had a panic attack  |  been in a car accident  |  had sex  |  had sex with a stranger  |  passed out from pain  |  cried yourself to sleep  |  spent a whole day in bed  |  hurt yourself  |  taken your anger out on yourself  |  taken your anger out on someone you love  |  been used  |  felt used  |  used  |  been terrified  |  played a cruel game on someone  |  been dominant  |  been submissive  |  been forced to smile  |  been misgendered  |  felt too many things at once  |  laughed when you felt like crying  .
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
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「    Suppose one should take it easy and call it a day... ?    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
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「    Whistling out ‘clair de lune’ leisuredly... ~    」
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iridcsccnt · 5 years
Kaito: “+” x3
✶  “+” for a completely irrelevant hc !  |  [ → ]  .hcs that never come up in writing, bc they don’t matter that much, but we have / think about anyway .
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「    01. Whenever he leaves the house, Kaito always at least carries around a deck of cards on his person, as though it possesses the same amount of importance like a wallet and a bundle of keys would. Of course, he does have other magic tricks items that would be hidden on his person, though he doesn’t always carry them all with him, at least not as much as he would with a good ol’ package of playing cards.    」
「    02. Kaito’s civilian handwriting is pretty much a messy ( and sometimes even illegible ) bundle of scrawls that ( besides himself ) only his best friend, Aoko, seems to be able to decipher — given how long she’s known Kaito, and because she had to deal with trying to make heads and tails of whatever he’s written for years. His handwriting for KID, however, is a vast contrast to his civilian one, and it is way more proper looking, cursive and elegant, as though written with expert penmanship.    」
「    03. Tinkering with things is a bit of a hobby for Kaito, and it’s one of the few activities that require both his concentration and him staying in one place, but that he doesn’t get restless from. If he has the time, he’ll make improvements on his KID gadgets and other devices that’ll help him during heists, sometimes remodeling or repairing other objects and tools. A number of vintage items ( his father’s and some of Jii-chan’s ) have also been gradually restored to their pristine condition. In return, Kaito has accumulated a bit of a knack for engineering and a background knowledge in how to operate and fix a number of things ( both contemporary and vintage items ), which only adds to his innovative mind.    」
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