#.//Gilbert and Sharon have the potential to be such buds tho
ravenretainer · 2 years
「 @universestreasures​ 」
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❝ ...I can’t believe I’m letting this get to me. I have more pressing matters to be worrying about. And yet-- ❞
This would be... the ninth time now. Or was it the tenth? As Duke Barma had recently reminded him. He had already quit trying to quit smoking, seeing himself completely unable to do so on so many occasions. But he had been far too busy as of late to restock his supply of his preferred brand of cigarettes. And neither was he gifted any since he also put off returning to the Nightray Manor whenever he could, meaning any pleasantry offered to him as a fellow noble would also be waiting on his return there. So he had little choice in the matter. If he was to quit, now would be the time.
It has weighed on his mind since it had been pointed out, really. He truly did smoke an awful lot these days didn’t he... now more so than before, he noted when he had tipped the last cigarette from the box he kept in his breast-pocket into his hand. He ultimately sighs, returning it to the box and back to his pocket. Instead he digs into another of his coat’s pocket in search for something Break had given him earlier. A single lollipop... The gift was more likely an attempt to tease to his situation, but Gilbert had accepted it nevertheless, mostly so Break would stop jiving him. But also because he’s curious if Break’s idea would work for him, as they often somehow did.
Perhaps the perpetual jokester of a man was onto something, Gilbert allowed himself to believe; if only slightly. He was spinning the lollipop stick between his thumb and forefinger, trying to convince himself it would suffice as a suitable replacement.
As if needing to force his own hand, he jams the candy into his mouth, nearly knocking a tooth out in the process. His muscle memory leads him to attempt lighting the end of the stick before realizing he shouldn’t do that. Then he sat there, on one of the benches outside Pandora Headquarters, giving the candy time to work it’s magic, at Break’s suggestion. Gilbert soon waves the man out of his mind though, feeling himself growing increasingly embarrassed as if Break himself was there watching over him, poking fun at his futile attempt.
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❝ ...No, I don’t think this is going to work. That man... He was just messing with me, surely. ❞
He felt ridiculous, but admits the candy busied him in a way much like the cigarette would. The overly sweet flavor in place of the usual smoke in his lungs made it obvious this was not the same though. He felt an odd sort of emptiness in him without the burn... But at this point it’d be a waste to abandon the candy, would it not?
But truly, what would be the difference in quitting with sweets? He mulled. Both in excessive amounts could cause one problems. Honestly...! Break should be the last person he should be taking health advice from! He’s just about to trade the candy out for the cigarette waiting in his pocket when he drops the pack in his hurry, his hands visibly trembling. Gilbert then kicking it by accident when he attempts to pick it back up-- and right into the walking path of someone passing by too! This was truly just not his day, was it...?
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