ravenretainer · 2 years
universestreasures​:  「Oz Vessalius」
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This was such an Alice thing to do, Oz thought. The girl was a bundle of chaos ever since they met, and her disdain for his servant had become obvious over time. So, of course, she would go out of her way to mess with him. While the blonde himself did enjoy pranking on Gil from time to time, it was all in good fun. Whenever she did it, it was almost always with malicious intent. Today’s prank of hiding Gil’s cigarettes was no exception. 
Honestly, Oz wishes everyone could just get along and stop the stupid infighting, but he knows that wish will probably never be granted with stubborn people like Gilbert and Alice. That’s just how things were. He would still hope for the better obviously. Though, he wouldn’t hold his breath on it. Oz had always been quick to accept the reality of how things are in most circumstances, even if they were not desirable. It was something he developed to deal with the hatred his father had for him that just never seemed to go away.
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“Hey, maybe this is a good thing in disguise, Gil! I mean you have been wanting to quit, right?” Oz speaks, having just looked in one of the drawers in Gilbert’s room. He had his own feelings about cigarettes after having learned of the consequences of using them from his servant. However, he understands quitting such a thing is card. Oz will support and help Gilbert no matter what, whether it’s helping him quit or helping him in search of the toxic drugs. 
Most importantly, the boy will never reject him. Gilbert was his prized servant, and he promised as his master to take care of him. That vow was still in place even after all these years, and even after so much between them had changed.
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Gilbert was in a complete disarray. His room at Pandora turned on its head in his search. It wasn't like him at all, normally he had left everything of his in this room neat and in it's proper place, just as his cigarettes had been.
He eventually sinks to the floor at the foot of his bed, the mattress askew and the sheets pulled off the corners. His hands were tangled into his even messier than usual raven locks, tugging at them in this withdrawal-induced stress of his.
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❝ I have been, yes- ❞ he then rubs his palms against his skull as if trying to start a fire on the top of his head, trying to force the universe to show him an image where the brand new pack of cigarettes was hidden. ❝ But not like this!! I can't just quit cold turkey-- I’ve tried that at least four times already... ❞
Suddenly embarrassment showed on his face, as if he revealed some dark and dirty secret about himself to his master. Seems admitting his failure to quit right to Oz's face was enough to make him backtrack.
❝ T-That's not the point though, ❞ he fumbles, burying his flushed face into his hands. Although it wasn't physically possible he seemed to curl in on himself a bit, trying to vanish on the spot. ❝ The point is that stupid rabbit must have stolen from me! And all because I haven't gotten around to cooking for us! ❞ Gilbert had risen his voice but it was muffled behind his gloves, keeping his despair within the walls of his room for only him and Oz to hear. The last thing he wanted was to catch the attention of a certain Hatter who would love nothing more than to poke fun at him for his pathetic withdrawals again.
Eventually Gilbert's tantrum seemed to subside enough for him to lower his hands from his face, instead moving to grip at the front of his shirt to keep them busy. He was surely making his anxieties worse by hyper-fixating on the current situation. His golden gaze is focused on Oz now, looking up at him from the spot he’s made for himself on the floor. Like this... he’s reminded of their younger years. Even back then Oz would help him out, despite never needing to go out his way for a servant like himself. But Oz always did, without fail. His master, who was so very important to him, was still there for him even as he was acting a pathetic vulnerable mess before him some ten-odd years later. It was as if they were back in those days, as if nothing between them has changed. 
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And even as he sulks about, Oz kept looking. Even knowing how dangerous cigarettes can be now Oz was still going out of his way to help look because he knows how Gilbert relies on them, and how he falls apart without them. A sudden gut-retching guilt begins to bubble up inside of him. Was... was he betraying his master by being so devoted to feeding this addiction...? Forgoing his health and going so far as to waste Oz’s time all because he had grown weak to temptations. 
--Truly a miserable excuse for a servant. As unreliable as ever, Gilbert.
❝ ...I’m no good to you like this. ❞ Gilbert states suddenly after stewing in silence for a short moment, breaking line of sight by casting his gaze someplace Oz wasn’t. Seems he was pouting a bit now, his frantic panic buried underneath that dutybound loyalty of his. Right now he wanted nothing more than to change the focus of Oz’s efforts away from his own selfish needs. ❝ You do not need to help me with this, Oz... I brought this upon myself after all. ...p-perhaps if I make that feast she keeps requesting she'll give them back... ❞
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❝ --Or I could just drop it. Maybe you’re right. If I tried to quit on my own I’d just pick it back up again before the end of the week. If that stupid rabbit is keeping them from me... I suppose I could take advantage of the situation. ❞
Oh, now that sounded like something else Break would tease him about for sure. Taking advantage of presented opportunities such as these was the Hatter’s specialty after all.  -
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ravenretainer · 2 years
「 @universestreasures​ 」
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❝ ...I can’t believe I’m letting this get to me. I have more pressing matters to be worrying about. And yet-- ❞
This would be... the ninth time now. Or was it the tenth? As Duke Barma had recently reminded him. He had already quit trying to quit smoking, seeing himself completely unable to do so on so many occasions. But he had been far too busy as of late to restock his supply of his preferred brand of cigarettes. And neither was he gifted any since he also put off returning to the Nightray Manor whenever he could, meaning any pleasantry offered to him as a fellow noble would also be waiting on his return there. So he had little choice in the matter. If he was to quit, now would be the time.
It has weighed on his mind since it had been pointed out, really. He truly did smoke an awful lot these days didn’t he... now more so than before, he noted when he had tipped the last cigarette from the box he kept in his breast-pocket into his hand. He ultimately sighs, returning it to the box and back to his pocket. Instead he digs into another of his coat’s pocket in search for something Break had given him earlier. A single lollipop... The gift was more likely an attempt to tease to his situation, but Gilbert had accepted it nevertheless, mostly so Break would stop jiving him. But also because he’s curious if Break’s idea would work for him, as they often somehow did.
Perhaps the perpetual jokester of a man was onto something, Gilbert allowed himself to believe; if only slightly. He was spinning the lollipop stick between his thumb and forefinger, trying to convince himself it would suffice as a suitable replacement.
As if needing to force his own hand, he jams the candy into his mouth, nearly knocking a tooth out in the process. His muscle memory leads him to attempt lighting the end of the stick before realizing he shouldn’t do that. Then he sat there, on one of the benches outside Pandora Headquarters, giving the candy time to work it’s magic, at Break’s suggestion. Gilbert soon waves the man out of his mind though, feeling himself growing increasingly embarrassed as if Break himself was there watching over him, poking fun at his futile attempt.
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❝ ...No, I don’t think this is going to work. That man... He was just messing with me, surely. ❞
He felt ridiculous, but admits the candy busied him in a way much like the cigarette would. The overly sweet flavor in place of the usual smoke in his lungs made it obvious this was not the same though. He felt an odd sort of emptiness in him without the burn... But at this point it’d be a waste to abandon the candy, would it not?
But truly, what would be the difference in quitting with sweets? He mulled. Both in excessive amounts could cause one problems. Honestly...! Break should be the last person he should be taking health advice from! He’s just about to trade the candy out for the cigarette waiting in his pocket when he drops the pack in his hurry, his hands visibly trembling. Gilbert then kicking it by accident when he attempts to pick it back up-- and right into the walking path of someone passing by too! This was truly just not his day, was it...?
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ravenretainer · 2 years
@universestreasures​  filing a report:
"Hey! Hey, Gilbert! I got a surprise for you, but you need to close your eyes!" Oz smiled, waiting patiently for his servant to do what he had asked. After seeing those golden hues close, the noble then rushes forward and wraps his arms around the taller man's waist.
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Gilbert couldn’t help but anticipate for the worst when it came to his master’s surprises; he couldn’t help it having endured all of Oz’s teasing and bullying throughout their time together when they were younger. But he does as he’s told anyway, as always without hesitation, closing his eyes and awaiting for his master’s following orders.
But they never come. Instead he’s caught off guard by the sudden weight thrown against him. But Oz’s small stature wasn’t nearly enough to throw him off his feet without Oz truly trying to tackle him down. Instead he stumbles back a single step, his eyes shooting open as if he needed to see what was going on to truly comprehend what was happening. He could feel the telltale signs of the embrace without needing visual proof, but the sight alone was enough to cause him to start spiraling into an emotional mess.
Gilbert was truly horrible at handling any and all shows of affection, be it a compliment or a hug or the like. He could feel his face flush, and it was as if he was but a young child again; flustered and confused at Oz’s actions towards him.
If Oz truly hadn’t intended on teasing him before, he surely would have a reason to now, Gilbert was sure of that. But despite knowing that, he couldn’t help but wear his heart on his sleeve. 
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❝ ??? Huh...? ❞  He’s unsure of what to do with his hands, and they hover awkwardly in the air behind Oz’s back. What did he do to deserve a hug from his master? Or was this truly just a surprise without any sort of prerequisite on his master’s part? The more Gilbert tries to reason with Oz’s actions, the more he finds himself unable to form a single string of cohesive thoughts. The only way he was truly going to understand was by asking. ❝ ...I...um...T-thank you, but...what did I-- or should I say... why are you-- ah...n-nevermind that... Thank you, Oz. ❞
Ah, in the end it seems he simply decided to give in to the embrace. Gilbert finding that he didn’t need to pressure Oz into always having a reason for what his master decided to do. Perhaps Gilbert was just too used to Break’s and Vince’s lifestyles affecting him; living lives where everything and everyone had an underlying motive to any and all things they did or said. But Oz wasn’t like them, with Oz... a simple hug could be just that; a simple hug. Nothing more. Nothing less. And it was Gilbert’s duty to allow Oz express himself without fear of Gilbert thinking there was motives to any and all of his actions as his master. That’s the last thing he wished for Oz to consider when conducting himself around him.
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ravenretainer · 2 years
.//tag dump #1
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ravenretainer · 2 years
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