#.ೃ࿔*✉️:・ requests
minjix · 6 months
just saying → Vinnie Hacker x female!reader
summary: in which Vinnie doesn’t like your boyfriend
a/n: hello, it’s been a while lol, 2023 was literally the worst year of my life but 2024 will be my year.
warnings: swearing, fighting and blood
word count: 2.4k
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Vinnie never liked him, from the moment you told him about the new guy you met, to the moment he met him face to face. He never hid it either. A grimace of disgust tainting his face when your boyfriend was around. It got to the point where everyone took notice of it and sided with Vinnie; your boyfriend sucked.
He was never on time, even on date nights and always left the bill for you to pay. When Vinnie found out, he was sure he hated the guy's guts. Every complaint to you about your boyfriend ended with a not so nonchalant shrug and “just saying,”.
It got to you, it really did, especially when the tattooed blonde distanced himself, much to your boyfriend’s enjoyment. He knew he wasn’t well liked, and it gave him an air of confidence, Vinnie would go as far as to call him borderline fucking sadistic.
He remembers the day vividly when your boyfriend waltzed into the room with you in tow and that stupid smirk on his face. Vinnie immediately disliked him, purely because of that fucking smirk that spoke a thousand words, ‘I’m better than you’, blah blah blah, Vinnie knew his façade was a pile of stinking bullshit.
“Who are you?” Vinnie snorted as he leaned back on the couch, legs spread. Although the question was directed towards your boyfriend, his eyes were glued to yours, his gaze heated.
“Uhm, guys, this is my-“ he interrupted you. Vinnie didn’t like that at all. He forced himself to take a deep breath, fidgeting in his seat to get comfortable. It didn’t work. “I’m her boyfriend,” he gloated with a nasty grin, and Vinnie was caught off guard by your soft smile directed towards your shitty boyfriend. It was a punch to the gut, seeing you with heart eyes not looking at him.
“Boyfriend?” Noah gaped at you, his eyes sneaking looks at Vinnie to gauge his reaction. He looked upset, and Noah knew why, but Vinnie himself wouldn’t admit it. He was stubborn that way, enough to break his own stubborn heart.
You smiled sheepishly, shy from the feeling of vulnerability that took over you as every pair of eyes in the room stared you and your boyfriend down. You hadn’t anticipated their negative reactions, it made you confused and disappointed, and a small tinge of embarrassment grew in your gut. Shame set your body alight, why would you be embarrassed to introduce your boyfriend?
“How long have you guys been dating?” Vinnie asked, a fake smile on his lips, it made you cringe. You knew Vinnie, both in and out, and you knew when he was genuine. He wasn’t now.
You turned to your boyfriend, tongue tied, “uhm, well we went official three days ago-“ he interrupted again. You really wanted to disappear.
“Babe,” he chuckled in a tone that Vinnie knew was condescending. “They asked when we began to date, not when we became official.” duh, you thought to yourself and quickly nodded with a small and strained smile.
You felt embarrassed, if he had let you finish your sentence then he would come to find out that you would’ve answered Vinnie’s question.
“Uhm-“ you stammered, he interrupted once again, sighing, “two months babe, two months.” Your stomach was hurting now and your face was burning as did your palms, so much so that your boyfriend let it go to wipe his palm on his jeans. ‘Oh god’ you felt mortified, hoping no one noticed the gesture despite standing on display in front of your friends.
Vinnie spoke, his eyes dark, “Maybe, you should, oh- I don’t know; let her finish speaking?” Vinnie glared at him, his posture less relaxed but he was still in the same position as earlier, though his hands twitched.
“Excuse me?” He took a threatening step forward, but you intercepted him quickly with a forced laugh, “okay,” you dragged out, “how about we stop this, and leave.” So you did.
Vinnie texted you an hour later, an apology, ending with him admitting to not wanting to lose you over a petty dick measuring fight. You reassured him that you weren't the type of person to throw away friendships for one guy.
He read the text with stinging eyes and a chewed up lip. He genuinely thought his chest was about to cave in, he saw his future, a future of which he painted with you by his side, hands intertwined with loving whispers in your shared bed, hidden from the world under the covers. It all fell apart. But he knew better than to admit his feelings to you. You were everything good in this world and he knew he wasn’t enough.
Vinnie wasn’t a stranger to sarcasm, neither were you. Your new boyfriend on the other hand seemed to be.
It was supposed be a relaxed get together, celebrating summer with barbecue and drinks,
It was painful to listen to Vinnie disrespect your boyfriend whilst the boy in question unknowingly agreed to it all.
“You’re one of the nice guys, huh?” Vinnie smirked, his eyes mischievous as he stared at your boyfriend. His blood pumping the liquid courage through his body. Oblivious, he answered with a chuckle. “Yeah, totally dude, I hear it all the time.”
You went to interrupt before Vinnie took it too far, but your boyfriend quickly dismissed you with a hand on your thigh and a slurred whisper of “shh let ‘im speak, babe”
Vinnie rolled his eyes at the site, jealousy growing with each sip of alcohol. “Must be your pride and joy,” Vinnie murmured and your boyfriend huffed, “of course I pride myself in being a humble guy.”
“Vincent,” you snapped and Vinnie’s eyes went wide. “That’s enough.” You stared Vinnie down and he kept his eyes locked on yours despite your glaring, though your glaring eyes quickly turned soft the longer you stared at each other.
Your boyfriend spoke up, snapping your attention to him, though Vinnie didn’t care to remove his eyes from you. His eyebrows furrowed and a frown tugged down the corner of his lips, it looked ridiculous. “Is there something going on between you two that I should know about?” His words sounded forced as he spoke through clenched teeth.
You flinched from his words, your brows furrowed as you stared at him with a gaping mouth. “What?” Your voice shook and your face felt hot.
He rolled his eyes, taking a swig from his beer bottle. “You heard me,” he spat as he glared at you and Vinnie, though your gaze didn’t dare to meet Vinnie’s blank ones.
“I-“ you began before Vinnie interrupted you, his voice expressionless and his face equally so when you finally looked at him.
“Fuck you.” Oh god, you quickly stood up and glanced around for help to stop the fight that would inevitably follow. “Noah?” You yelled out and the boy quickly appeared with a lazy smile on his face before it quickly dropped when he saw your panicked expression.
He quickly walked up to you. “Woah, what’s wrong?” You were just about to gesture towards Vinnie and your boyfriend, but quickly stopped when your boyfriend clumsily stood up and threw the glass bottle toward Vinnie. Glass shattered on the concrete before Vinnie’s feet, beer staining his trousers and skin.
A gasp left your lips before you quickly ran forward to intercept your boyfriend who obviously wasn’t done. Vinnie had also gotten to his feet now, his eyes dark and fist clenched, his body tense as he stared your boyfriend down.
“Lil’ bitch,” your boyfriend slurred, your hand grasping his arm to hold him back. You tried to ignore him instead focusing on Vinnie who was now being held back by Noah. You took notice of the circle of which has formed around you, people curious to see what the escalation would be like.
Fingers pinched your arm tightly, almost breaking through skin. You tore your arm away from your boyfriend to see his glare directed to you now. Your arm burned from where he pinched you.
“What the fuck?” You exclaimed angrily as you gave him a light push. He wobbled a few steps back before he spat on your shoes, a disgusted expression on his face. “You’re his lil’ bitch, aren’t you?” He wiped the stray saliva from his chin with a crazed smile. “You’re his whore aren’t you?” You felt your nose burn as tears blurred your vision.
One second you were staring at your boyfriend, the next his body laid upon the ground, Vinnie straddling him, his fists flying. You could vaguely hear voices screaming, before Vinnie was quickly taken away from the bloodied man you once called your boyfriend.
Through your blurred vision you saw Vinnie being taken into the house by Noah and a couple of other guys, their faces pale.
“Hey,” a soft voice spoke. A blonde haired girl stood before you with a soft, shaky smile. “Let’s get you inside.” She didn’t wait for you to answer before she gently took your hand and walked you inside. You were grateful but your mouth felt wired shut. You wanted to know what happened to Vinnie and where he was taken to.
“Where is he?” She guided you to the plush couch and kneeled down before you, her hand still holding yours.
“Who? Vinnie?” She asked, her eyes quickly darting to the backyard where a commotion was still going on. You could only nod, a tear tickling your skin as it slid down your cheek and neck.
“They took him to the front lawn, someone called the cops.” Your heart stopped. “They’re hoping to explain the situation or something.” She gave you a reassuring smile. “He only protected you, stupidly of course,” she chuckled and you let a teary one out too.
“What’s your name?” Your voice cracked. She gave you a cheeky grin before answering you. “Phoebe, and you?” You told her your name and took a deep breath, “how bad is it?”
She sighed and chewed her button lip, “it looked worse than it is.” And it looked horrifying. You turned around to get a glimpse of your now unofficial ex boyfriend, and he was being held up by two guys, his nose bent and blood covering his lower face with splatters everywhere. Vinnie had done some proper damage in that short moment.
“Oh, don’t look,” she tugged at your hand and made you focus on her. She quickly got up and nodded to someone, whom you didn’t know.”
“She okay?” It was Noah, his hair disheveled and he looked flustered, his eyes quickly glancing outside before focusing on you again.
“Welp, she’s definitely shaken up and could definitely use a friend and some reassurance.” She gave you a small smile before walking back outside again. You wanted to thank her but you found yourself tongue tied.
Noah took a seat beside you, his body slumped against the cushions, and dragged a hand over his face before sitting straight. He looked exhausted.
“Are you okay?” You whispered shakily, your lips trembling. He snorted, “I’m fine, just tired from dealing with cops.” Oh god, your mind drew a scenario of Vinnie in the back of a patrol car.
“Is Vinnie arrested?” Your voice trembled, ‘god this shouldn’t be happening’ you thought to yourself.
Noah laughed this time, the sound loud in the quiet and tense living room. “Psst, no. They understood and they’re actually taking your man in instead for being drunk and disorderly.” Your mouth fell open before you quickly turned around in your seat again to find him again, but he was already gone. The guests back to mingling as though nothing had happened.
“Where’s Vinnie?” You asked Noah, mouth still gaping.
“Here,” another voice answered. Vinnie. He stood by the doorway with wrapped hands and a change of clothing. A sheepish smile on his blushing face. You quickly got up and wrapped your arms around his waist, your head resting on his hard chest. His arms quickly engulfed you tightly. “Thank you for standing up for me.” You sniffled .
“Meh, I always hated the guy.” You lifted your head to stare at him and a smile grew on his lips. “Just saying.”
It took two months before you agreed to go out with Vinnie. He had planned the whole night, home baked pizzas with snacks and a handful of movies. You were both snuggled up under a shared blanket, hands intertwined. He rested his chin atop your head. “It feels surreal, you know?” He spoke. You moved to get a look at him. His dark eyes soft as they glanced at you under the glow of the lit candles on the living room table.
“It feels like I’m about to wake up at any moment and resent myself for this only being a dream.” He continued, he looked melancholy, as his inked hands nervously played with yours. “I never wanted to lose you, and I did anyway.” Your heart felt heavy as you listened. You wanted to say something but you could tell he wasn’t done speaking.
He sighed, forcing himself to let it all out. “I think I’m in love with you, I think I’ve been for a very long time. I don’t really know the definition of love but I know that you’re all I think about. You make me feel safe and nervous at the same time and it’s very confusing,” you both chuckled before he continued.
“I can’t see anyone else being in your place and if I had the power to, I would freeze time so I could spend an eternity here with you.” You were crying now and his warm hand lifted to grasp your wet cheek. His eyes were alight and a smile grew on his lips as he laughed.
“Fuck,” you sniffled, a smile covering your lips as your heart pounded in your chest. You felt indescribable happiness and love. The type of love written in books and wished upon falling stars. “I think I’m in love with you too.” You answered and quickly placed your lips on his.
His hands found their way to your waist before guiding your body down. He leaned over you, his lips still on yours whilst his tongue begged for entrance, and you let him. His tongue fought for dominance whilst he fit himself between your thighs. He slowly separated his tongue from yours and softly nipped on your bottom lip. A breathy laugh escaped his lips, his breath warming your swollen lips.
He quickly kissed your face, speaking between his kisses. “I” kiss “love” kiss “you” kiss.
don’t forget to comment and reblog ♡
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kquil · 1 year
request : Hi, this is my first time requesting so I don't really know how 😅, but can you write something with Sirius being in love with reader and basically just like jily type of love where he always follows her and calls his future wife — @moonlightwonderland
length : 1.1k
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“There’s my girl,” Sirius grins, walking up to you with his arms open as if he was expecting a hug. 
“I’m not your girl, Sirius,” you huff, clutching your books closer to your chest and side stepping, avoiding his arms entirely. It’s been a year since Sirius Black has decided to pursue only you and abandoned his playboy persona. Now he was a committed man. His entire focus has zeroed in on you and you hate it. You hardly used to draw any attention but now, most of the female population at Hogwarts was glaring you down. It’s not your fault Sirius Black decided to turn over a new leaf and made you his primary objective; these girls need to stop making it seem like you forced Sirius to take amortentia. 
But, from the circumstances, you might as well have given him the love potion. He follows you around and does whatever he can to get your attention, even if he makes a fool of himself. He goes out of his way to buy and give you your favourite treats from Honeydukes and helpfully does your bidding wherever, whenever. It would have been a nice gesture when he brought down books from higher shelves for you that one time…if only he didn’t immediately demand a kiss as ‘thanks’ right after. He deserved being hit upside the head for that.   
You just want to be left alone so you wouldn’t have to worry about constantly being stared at by envious girls or gossiping teens who had nothing better to do with their time. 
“My future wife then,” Sirius’s boyish grin grows wider the instant you roll your eyes at him and stomp away, figuring a different route for your journey to class would help you avoid the rebellious teen. But Sirius is unrelenting, following after you with a skip in his step. 
“Stop following me, Sirius,” you groaned and quickened your pace but it was no use. His persistence is challenging and you eventually succumb to his irritable company. 
“But I don’t want to, wifey,” he protests. 
“Don’t call me that, and it doesn’t matter; I want you to leave me alone,‘ you counter. 
Your bickering is commonplace in the hallways and within classes now, although it’s more a legitimate argument for you and Sirius is just playing along. It truly was a mystery to everyone why the Sirius Black, notorious fuckboy and ladies man was suddenly abandoning all that for one girl. Only he knew the real reason. And it was frustrating, especially to you. He can’t just change everything about his mannerisms and force all that attention on you, his good looks, fun personality and enchanting eyes could only absolve him so much. You’d rather be dead before you ever confess that to him, though, it’ll only worsen your situation. 
You did have one saving grace, however. When classes were over, you could find peace and quiet down by the black lake, teetering on the borders of the forbidden forest. This was where you had met your year-long dearest friend, Snuffles. Injured and quivering from the cold, you nursed him back to health a year ago, abandoning your classes for the day so that you could make sure he got better. You knew that dogs weren’t allowed at Hogwarts so you didn’t want to risk anything by taking him to madam Pomfrey. Thankfully, his injuries weren’t too bad at the time and he just needed some company to care for him lovingly. 
“Hello handsome,” you smile upon seeing the familiar black dog through the trees of the forest. As soon as he makes eye contact with you, he bounds over with enthusiastic barks and happy tail wags, “I’m happy to see you too boy!” kneeling down, you hug him around his neck and press kisses into his soft fur, “How are we today, hm?” as if he could understand you, Snuffles barks and sits before laying down to rest his head in your lap. 
Cooing at the large beast, you begin your usual pets as you delve into how your day was going, making small jokes and giving the occasional complaint over workload and stress build up. Snuffles gives a gentle whine as he paws at your thigh as if distressed over your worries and you smile warmly. He seems so human, someone that really cares about you and your wellbeing, it was nice to have. 
“Thank you for worrying about me Snuffles,” you muse softly, “but I’m really okay…so long as Sirius Black stays the hell away from me,” you huff in annoyance. It’s only natural that the conversation directs itself to the man in question as he’s made himself a prominent part of your days for the last year, “ugh! He’s so infuriating,” you frown down at the black dog still resting in your lap, “he won’t leave me alone no matter how much I tell him to. He’s been doing it for a year now and I don’t know what’s gotten into him. Today, he actually called me his future wife! What’s that about?!” you groan and push your head back. 
The sky is a pretty blue and you stare at it for a while before you continue, looking down when you feel a significant shift in Snuffles’s postion. The large black dog sits up and leans over to prop his head up on your shoulder and press his muzzle into your neck. He finds a sensitive spot and elicits a dulcet giggle from you, “if only he was as sweet and gentle as you, Snuffles,” you sigh, a small heat climbing up your neck and settling into your cheeks, “maybe then he could finally get me, just like he wants,” Snuffles pulls away and huffs, his version of a subtle sneeze. 
“Excuse you,” you tease, reaching up to scratch at the fur on his neck before you cup his face and bring his nose close so you could boop it with your own. 
“It’s a real shame, though,” you sigh, wrapping your arms around Snuffles’s neck once more and tucking your face into his fur, “his looks are exactly my type…”  Snuffles stiffens under your embrace but you don’t notice, “and he has some good personality traits too…if only he wasn’t so irritating,” there was a stutter in Snuffles’s movement when you lean back and pet his head softly, “you know, he started acting strange like this after I met you, Snuffles…I-” it was just a passing thought but there was a sudden realisation that slowly consumes your features, reflecting primarily in your eyes. It doesn’t help that the large dog before you slowly morphs into the man you were just complaining about. 
“Clever girl,” Sirius grins as he takes your chin in his fingers and pulls you in close, his breath ticking your lips as he continues to whisper, “I expect nothing less from my future wife,”
When he kisses you, sweet but amorously, you kiss back.
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a/n : my first request! lets go! i hope i did it justice darling, and i hope everybody enjoyed the read!
navi. | more oneshots
taglist : @melinajenkins @astonishment @until-i-found-you @goodoldfashionedluvergirl @tiensmamains @celestcies @lovelydoveval @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @calums-betch @futurecorps3 @hihihi1112 @simpingforthe80s @yrluvjane @rosaleenablack
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baby-zakarii · 6 months
Cinnamoroll Agere Moodboard!
Requested by @angelicagerebaby
Do not repost - reblogging is okay
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nikiluv · 16 days
could you do one where riki and reader gets walked in on my someone from his fam when he visited home?
lowkey love this idea like I think riki brought you to meet his family for the first time in Japan like 8-9months into your relationship when things are getting serious yk
Like his fam knew he was in a relationship with you and have seen pictures of you before and heard about you before but never met you
So his family was so excited and happy to see you and they treated you very warmly like a third daughter
So obviously you would be staying with riki and not some random hotel
It’s also very obvious that riki is super smitten with you
So you would be staying at their house for about 5 nights because you guys are going to tokyo after visiting his parents for a getaway
Riki knows that he shouldn’t be doing anything with his family there so he’s been controlling himself until you guys get to tokyo because he wants to respect his family and also (see: you warned him not to do anything funny in his family house if not there would be a sex ban)
Riki has done a very good job in controlling himself, he’s always been very touchy with you so it’s normal but he does not let his hand wander or do anything funny
On your last night there you guys were resting in bed cuddling and making plans for the next days travels.
While you were talking riki was just too draw to your lips and he couldn’t help but crash his lips onto yours, cutting the conversation in half, lips moving in sync with with yours
Just wanting more and more, wanting to kiss you more, wanting to kiss you longer, wanting to kiss you harder and then….
His door swung open, revealing his mother. Feeling a sea of mortification and embarrassment hit you, immediately pushing riki away from you…. and his mother immediately leaving the room but not without a strangled laugh of her own
a/n: thanks for the request, was longer than I expected. not exactly smut but hope you like it
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saleeba · 1 year
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thigh riding ; jude bellingham 🖤
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summary ♡ i mean, literally what it says on the tin.
pairing ♡ jude bellingham x fem!reader
content ♡ 18+ (mdni), smut, established relationship, thigh riding ofccc, softdom!jude (?), dirty talk, reader is a whiny mess, tiny bit of cunnilingus at the start, lots of making out bc jude bellingham having the most perfect lips and me not putting them to work would be an injustice, teeny bit of tit play, 0 plot 100% porn
a/n ♡ (yet another repost since tumblr hates me & decided to delete the last one 🫠) anon hiiii tysm for the request and for the lovely compliment 🥺💘 i hope this is what ur looking for <33 pls lmk if u have any feedback/requests my luvs :3
“oh, oh my god,” you purr, legs akimbo on the soft couch where you’re engaging in all things sinful with your boyfriend who’s kneeling on the stone-cold floor, your back arching off the material which causes jude to moan from the way your pussy pushes further onto his face.
the room is cool but your bodies are lit with the fuel of arousal. you’re completely naked by the way, jude’s one remaining item of clothing being the tight black briefs that put a strain on his rock solid cock. to say you can only see the outline of it would be an understatement. you could have sworn you’ve seen it twitch at least three times.
he’s been at it for the best part of twenty minutes now, tongue dipping in and out of your wet hole, but most of his mouth’s focus is on your growingly sensitive clit, every muscle working hard to suck, tease and kiss the bundle of nerves.
you haven’t been given the gift of even one orgasm in those twenty minutes however, the requests coming from your boyfriend’s swollen and pussy juice-coated lips insisting on you not cumming just yet and if you can hold on now, i promise i’ll make it worth the wait, darling.
jude’s tongue laps increasingly faster as the seconds pass, your eyes almost getting wetter than your soaked cunt over how unfair he’s being right now. your hands restlessly pull at his dark ringlets of hair, the moans leaving your mouth starting to become even more frenzied.
“oh fuck, jude, please,” you elongate the last syllable of that plea to show how desperate you are to finish all over his plump lips and skilled tongue, spine curving even more in an attempt to make him change his mind; change whatever he’s been planning and to just let you coat his mouth and chin with your cum.
his lips pull away from you before his large hands bring your shaking legs together, and you’re unable to comprehend how he can stop eating out your pulsating cunt and leave you unfulfilled so easily. a whine of exasperation subconsciously exits your throat.
jude bites his bottom lip to stifle a chuckle, standing up and sitting in the space on the sofa right next to you, feet firmly planted on the wooden floor.
“i promised that i would make all the teasing worth your while, right, baby?” he leans in to plant a small kiss on your pouting lips, unintentionally deepening it when he finds you laying your palms on his chest and kissing back with all the misplaced fervour you’d lost while chasing a high that never came from when his lips were lower down your body. you whine against the softness of his mouth, your own lips slightly parting to leave breathy moans. jude partially gapes his mouth too, taking in all the sounds and sighs imparting from your throat before he takes your mouth in his again, the two of you now passionately making out on the couch. before you both get carried away in the embrace of each other’s wandering hands, jude pulls away, leaving a conclusive smooch over the pout on your sweet face.
“come sit here then, darling.”
he spreads his legs and pats his left thigh, the one closest to you, and you almost haphazardly roll over in sheer desperation, the thought of your wetness on his bare skin creating a deliciously anticipating feeling in the bottom of your stomach.
as you hover over his thigh, jude can feel the heat of your cunt from inches away, gulping at the way your breathing gets shakier before you position yourself on his toned muscle with a satisfied groan.
“good girl,” he praises as you slip both hands onto his shoulders to anchor yourself, his own hands coming to grip you at the hips and hold you in place. “is my baby gonna ride me now, hm? ride my thigh until she gets what she deserves for being so good for me?” his wanton words make you clench down on the surface of his warm skin. you haven’t done this before but you’re determined to put on a show for jude and to finally enjoy the rewards of a well awaited orgasm.
you give him a hurried nod, shifting all your weight onto your hands and therefore his shoulders as you raise your body up slightly before coming back crashing onto him, a shameless moan leaving your lips when your cunt comes into contact with his thigh.
“ah, jude,” you whine out, hips rocking to run your slippery core up and down him. his spit from earlier and your own arousal helps to lubricate your gyrating movements, the ease of it all only making you move harder and faster on your lover’s thigh.
“you’re doing such a good job, sweetheart, fuck,” jude comments as he guides you on him, the slickness of your pussy turning him on beyond reason. “making a mess though, aren’t ya?” he looks down at the skin of his left thigh, now glistening with your juices.
you don’t move your eyes from his face but only whine some more, panting into the parting of his lips. “o-oh my god, jude, you feel so good.”
he grips onto your hips harder, surely leaving a bruise in the making, but you don’t care, the feeling of his muscular thigh so glorious under your drenched folds.
“you close, baby? let me help you out,” jude’s now grinding you against him himself, almost lunging your entire body into him. again you don’t mind because the sensation is so fucking good, your brain dizzy with the pretty image of his gritted teeth and dark furrowed brows. your clit throbs at the spectacle in front of and below you.
“want you to cum on my thigh, darling, need you to cum on my thigh,” he’s the one getting whiny now, voice reaching an ever so slightly higher frequency. “you deserve it, baby girl, let go for me, angel, cum all over me.” he slips the very tip of his thumb over your clit, making you nearly scream with the contrast of friction over the wet squelches of your cunt rubbing on him.
“jude, fuck, i’m so close, please,” you beg, not sure what you’re really asking for because jude is giving you his all, head ducked down and lips now on your left nipple, sucking and swirling it with his tongue, the stimulation feeding the journey to your orgasm. “shit, fuck, fuck.”
your mewling and moaning get louder, the sounds of your sopping cunt and the quiet groans coming from your lover heating up the air around you. jude pulls his mouth off your tit with a pop before his face comes into line with yours.
“cum for me, darling,” he coos, hands now at your waist to get a more centred control of your rapidly moving body. “my baby girl deserves to cum, been working so hard and so good for me, haven’t ya, sweetheart?” he flexes his thigh suddenly, the muscle seeming like it could almost penetrate you.
and with that, the cord in your lower stomach snaps. the explosive feeling travels right through to your weeping pussy where you make an unholy amount of mess on jude’s thigh, your cum gushing onto his brown skin.
you let out an almost anguished belter of a scream before jude catches it with his mouth, tongue slipping in to cradle yours as your moans get smaller and smaller, dissipating past his lips. pussy now clenching on him, he intensifies the kiss, guiding you to lay down on the sofa as he balances on top of you, hands still clasped on the contour of your waist, yours now hooked around his neck. your aching legs wrap around him instinctively and his mouth is hardworking as ever right now, dancing against yours in a heatedly sweet method.
it feels like hours before you both pull away for the sake of air, neither of you wanting to do so. jude leaves a romantically deep kiss on your lips before pulling his face up to look into your eyes.
“did so good for me, baby,” he mumbles, moving down to leave kisses on your neck as you take this opportunity to finally pant out the effects of your orgasm and catch your breath. “always so good for me.”
you experience the hardness of his cock twitch again, this time feeling it on your inner thigh. you’re not totally spent, right?
you lay a kiss on the tip of his nose before smiling oh so sweetly.
“let me repay you now, jude. please?”
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scarofthewind · 3 months
okay i know this sounds nuts but yk the whole supporting from under the desk sex trope ??? what abt that with vincent or tommy ??? like bj while they are working ??? somewhat crack prompt BUT i was convinced i was the smartest person ever thinking of this
A/N: this is sooooo hot omg! Also, this request was from a looong time ago so I apologize for the late response.
Warnings: oral m!receiving, cum eating, deepthroating, slight asphyxiation
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Thomas Hewitt: “What are you doing?” Thomas’ deep voice came out in a curious grunt as he watched you shuffle around him and under his work bench. “The floor is filthy-“
“That is what baths are for.” You quipped, looking up at him from your place on your knees. “Just keep working- ignore that I’m even here.” You smiled coyly, reaching up and unbuckling Thomas’ pants, opening his fly just enough to reach into his boxers and pull his cock out.
“What are you doing!” He grumbles, snatching your wrist and looking towards the door to the basement. “We could get caught.” Thomas presses, thinking about Luda Mae and Monty who were in the house.
“Isn’t that the fun part?” You sighed, shaking his hand off and spitting in your palm. Thomas mumbled a soft ‘Jesus Christ’ before you spread your saliva along his cock, pumping it gently and letting it grow hard in your hand. “Just focus on your work.” You said, looking up at him through your lashes as you pressed his tip against your lips.
In no world was Thomas going to focus on cutting up some random persons torso with your heavenly mouth on his cock. He tried, getting to the point where he was just about to slam the cleaver down but you took his cock so deep that he had to grip the table for balance. “Fuck,” he growled, tossing the weapon to the side and looking down at you. “Filthy fucking woman,” he groaned, gripping your hair and tugging you forward, his cock nestling in your throat as he held you there for a moment. Thomas waited until there were tears in your eyes before pulling you off his cock, saliva dripping from the tip and your lips as you gasped for air.
“Again,” you panted, gripping the fabric of his pant legs as he titled his head at you. “Please,” you asked and he obliged, bringing you down on his cock again and letting your throat constrict around him.
“You look so pretty like this,” Thomas said, brushing a few tears from your eyes before pulling you back just enough and then slowly thrusting into your mouth.
Your tongue traced the underside of his cock as you bobbed your head along with his motions. You could feel his cock pulse, a sign he was getting close and you moved faster. “Want my cum down your throat baby?” He groans, hips stuttering as he nears his climax.
All it took was a moan of confirmation from you and he was spent, his cum shooting down your throat and your eyes watering as you did your best to swallow it all. Once he stopped moving and let go of your hair, you made sure to clean his cock off before pulling away with a lewd ‘pop’. “Wasn’t that fun?” You said, standing up and tucking his member away.
A rough hand came to your neck and Thomas yanked you forward, pressing his mouth on yours. “Very, now hop up, it’s your turn.” He smirked as he pulled away, tapping the table behind you. Your eyes looked to the bloody table and the torso on it before looking back at him in disbelief. “That’s what baths are for, right?” He grinned wolfishly and hoisted you up.
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everyonewooeverywhere · 7 months
I need to get this out of my head cause it's been plaguing the shit out of me but
I think woozi calls his partner "lover"
that being said, what do you think the other members call their s/o?
ok wait i kinda love this question...
so i know for a FACT that seungcheol calls his s/o baby. it's always, "can i help you with this, baby?" "baby, did you eat today?" "hey, baby did you see the flowers i sent you?" he's so doting. he lives to take care of you. physically, mentally, (monetarily 👀) .
i feel like it's only fitting that jeonghan calls his s/o angel. it was first a nickname meant to tease you. to poke fun at your gentle nature, but it quickly turned into a term of endearment. he certainly treats you like an angel too, don't worry.
jisoo would 1000% call his s/o sweetheart. it's a classic, but, hey, he's a pretty classic guy. i can just imagine walking hand in hand in a park with him on a sunny day and you come across a ice cream stand. he pulls you toward it, "come on sweetheart, i'll buy us a cone to share."
sweetheart also fits junhui, too. but in a slightly different way than jisoo. it's less of a classic approach and more of him just genuinely thinking his s/o is so sweet. it's also a reflection of his attitude towards you. "hey, sweetheart how was your day?" "sweetheart i bought you this new jacket to keep you warm since it's gotten colder" etc.
soonyoung tells it like it is. he calls you pretty because you are. in fact, he doesn't think he's ever met anyone as pretty as you. he uses it to help raise your spirits, too, on days that he notices that maybe you're not feeling pretty. he uses it extra on those days. peppering your face with kisses at every opportunity.
he's a classic guy. for wonwoo, babe is perfect. he uses your name more often than not, but in moments he's feeling more affectionate. he'll kiss the top of your head and call you babe squeezing you into his chest. every night before you fall asleep he kisses you "goodnight babe, i love you." rahhhh.
anon, i fully agree that jihoon would call his s/o love or lover. like he'd refer to them as his lover and he'd call them love, if that makes sense. he may not be the most physically affectionate person, but, when it comes to his words, he's the most affectionate person you've ever met. you are his love. the only one (other than his job ofc).
lee seokmin has used every pet name under the sun. sweetheart, love, babe etc. but nothing has ever felt as right as angel. because that’s what you are to him. his angel. nothing will ever compare to the halo he imagines over your head every morning when you wake up beside him. it’s a match made in heaven, a ray of sunshine and his angel.
mingyu would definitely call his s/o, baby. he'd be super clingy about it too (in the most endearing way possible). like "babyyy, can you come here real quick?" he always needs your attention. like constantly, and that's how he gonna get it from you.
no doubt, minghao would call his s/o beautiful. all the time. at every waking hour. he's just so endeared by your beauty that he can help but call you that. his favorite moments are when you wake up next to him. he's already awake and carefully watching you. "good morning, beautiful."
similar to jihoon, seungkwan also calls his s/o love, but on most occasions, it's my love. it's not about him being possessive. it's like a constant reminder to himself that you chose him. you are his love. he hopes he can call you my love until the end of time because it feels like a privilege he has yet to earn.
i honestly feel like hansol doesn’t use any pet names for his s/o. just your name is enough for him. it feels more personal than anything he could come up with himself. maybe a shortened version of your name for efficiency, but he perfers to call you by the name he’s used since the moment he heard it first leave your mouth when you introduced yourself to him.
you're channie's princess. growing up with twelve doting/nightmarish older brothers, chan is well-versed in what it means to take care of someone. you're his passenger princess, too. in every way, he will take care of you and treat you like royalty. especially in bed.
this has been in my inbox for a minute 😅 sorry anon, thank you for your patience 💗
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sirenlulls · 1 year
lovers rock → g. clarkey
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pairing — george clarkey x fem!reader
summary — after one too many drinks on a night out with grace, you know you can always call george
but if you're too drunk to drive and the music is right, she might let you stay, but just for the night. and if she grabs for your hand and drags you along, she might want to kiss before the end of the song...
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you were sat at your pc, legs tucked under you as you edited down some footage for a new video where you heard george laughing on the bed behind you. "what?" you half-pulled your headphones off, looking at him with a small smile and a tilted head.
"have you seen the video joe took of you last night?" instantly your heart sank. "george, please tell me he didn't post that." your boyfriend could barely look at you without suppressing a laugh. "no!" you yelled. "i have an image to uphold, people cannot know i'm a messy bitch."
"it's not that bad." he tried to reason, but with the no-bullshit look you sent him, he just nodded. "okay, it's a bit bad. but it's sweet!" you sighed, setting your headphones aside to lay beside him on the bed. "show me."
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"you! you are my soulmate. i love you!" you slurred with grace's face smushed in your hands while joe and max wheezed in the background, phones out and recording.
"love you too, babes." she laughed. "but maybe it's time we get you home, yeah?"
you nodded mindlessly before perking up with a gasp. "i have a boyfriend! i'm gonna call my boyfriend." joe filmed max deadpanning at the camera before rolling his eyes, sick to death of you and george. you rummaged through your bag before happily pulling out your phone and calling george.
a groggy "you alright?" was the first thing you were greeted with and with wide eyes and your hand covering your mouth, you remembered how late it was. "shit, you were sleeping, i'm sorry." "no, it's okay, don't worry." he was quick to assure you, but when you kept apologising for waking him, he simply asked, "is grace with you?" when you responded, he asked you to give her the phone.
"she's smashed, mate, i'm sorry." she said through laughter as you moved to hug max. "where are you? i'll come get her." grace sent him your location before handing you back the phone. max handed you a bottle of water from his bag while you waited.
after a few minutes, george pulled up by the club you were all huddled outside, immediately going to put his arm around you. "ew! get off, I have a boyfriend!" you squirmed away with a disgusted face before turning around and seeing who it was. with a bright grin, you flung your arms around his neck. "george!!"
your friends laughed from behind you, and george smiled tiredly. "hey." "hi." you grinned dopily up at him, your chin pressed to his chest. he nodded goodbye to the others, you waved dramatically while george guided you to the car and made sure you were strapped in before going to the drivers seat.
while george drove, streetlights flickering over his face, you stared at him, not saying anything. "you okay?" he asked, looking over at you during a red light. "you're really pretty." george huffed out a laugh, smiling. "you're really pretty too." "no, you're like really really pretty. like, are you real? are you an ai?" he threw his head back, laughter echoing through the car and your smile grew impossibly wider. "i can't proudly say i'm real, love." "i don't believe you. you're a liar." you huffed, folding your arms and looking out the window at the buildings you passed.
after a few minutes passed and george hadn't heard anything from you, he looked over and saw you with your face pressed against the window, soft snores falling from your lips. he turned the radio down. when you pulled up the the apartment, george picked you up and carried you in, opening the door as quietly as possible and setting you down on your bed. he went to the bathroom and grabbed a makeup wipe, gently taking off your slightly smudged mascara with a fond smile. he took off your dress and untied your heels, and when you were comfortably cozied up in one of his old t-shirts, he peeled back the covers and pulled them up to your waist, knowing you'd twist to curl into him when he got into bed.
he was right, of course, because the moment he lay down, you twisted on your side, nose to the crook of his neck and arm thrown over his torso. his hand snaked over your shoulder, gently toying with your hair until he fell asleep again. he kissed your forehead, soaking in the domesticity.
it wasn't how he'd planned to spend his saturday night, but if every night got to end with you tucked into his side like that, george was glad to be real.
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frillu · 2 months
hihi :3 can you make Newton Pud and Marlon Random (LittleBigPlanet 3) rentry graphics/icons please?.. (I know it's not exactly the type of characters you usually do on here but I refuse to let this fandom die)
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Here you go !! ^_^ I couldn't do much, so I'm not putting it in a separate post..
Reblog if using. My graphics require resizing. ( ; ^_^)
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asunsetgrace16 · 3 months
Hiiiii!!! Can I request literally anything written about Fraser Minten lol. I was thinking maybe she’s having a sleepover at his house for the first time and is a tad bit shy and nervous about them sharing his bed maybe with prompts 35 and 39 from your fluffy list???
Thank you so much!!!! I’m obsessed with ur writing
Saturday Sleepover ⎥ FM39
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Pairing: Fraser Minten x fem!reader
Warnings: fluffyyyyy, one kiss (I think), one swear
Summary: Y/N stays over at Fraser's for the first time after their usual Hockey Night in Canada Saturday date
Notes: Thank you so much for the request! I love writing for Minty and there is a lack of Minty content on here. Hope you enjoyed!! Prompts 35: "That's my girl" and 39: "You're blushing" "No I'm not". I also made up the entire game except for the misconducts that were given in an actual Florida-Ottawa game last fall.
masterlist⎥ navigation
Word Count: 978
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As per weekly Saturday tradition, Y/N and Fraser watch whatever hockey game is on TV. Both avid hockey fans and players, they both grew up watching Hockey Night in Canada, rooting for their teams with unabashed pride; Fraser for Vancouver and Y/N for Winnipeg. Occasionally, their hockey-watching dates are over FaceTime when Fraser is out of town for games and he often falls asleep, his phone dying overnight. 
Tonight, however, isn’t one of those nights. The Blades played a rare Saturday matinee game, ending just before four. This gave the couple time to make dinner before the start of the game. His billet family is away visiting relatives for the weekend, so it’s just the two of them. They settle in for the game with plates of spaghetti and salad. Ottawa is playing Florida tonight.
“This should be interesting.” Y/N comments, “nothing good ever happens when the Tkachuk brothers are on the ice together.”
“Very true. How many fights do you think will happen?” Fraser asks, half-Joking, half-serious.
“Oh, easily three or four.”
The game starts off fairly uneventful. No goals from either team and only a penalty or two. But you can tell the teams are chippy with each other. It's the start of the second when things finally amp up. It starts with a slash to the shins of Jakob Chychrun from Nick Cousins, sparking Brady Tkachuk to get involved. The refs are able to break it up before anything exciting happens. There is a pair of goals in the last 10 minutes of the first, so the teams are tied heading into intermission. The second follow is much of the same pattern; a goal for each team, a few minor penalties, and one scuffle. They had barely taken their gloves off before the refs broke it up, boring.
“ Boo.” Fraser says to the TV, “Let them fight, it’s more exciting that way.” 
Y/N laughs and rolls her eyes. But he's not wrong, “You just like to see Matthew stir shit up.” 
“You've got me there.” 
It's in the dying minutes of the third one Fraser gets his wish. A cheap shot from Carter Verhaeghe sends Parker Kelly into the boards awkwardly. He doesn't get up as both teams end up in the corner. Claude Giroux tries to pull Parker away from the fight. The rest of the guys grab each other and start fighting, well most of them anyway. Brady and Matthew are both in the mix. Helmets are off, gloves and sticks are scattered on the ice and the refs are circling. Parker got some help getting to the bench and is getting checked by a trainer. The fight goes on, eventually guys are in headlocks, jerseys are half off, and others are piled on the ice, still swinging punches. The refs break up the fight, sending the guys towards penalty boxes before dishing out the penalties. 
“Every player on the ice gets a 10-minute misconduct, except for the goalies and Ottawa number 27.”
Both Fraser and Y/N are staring, absolutely dumbfounded. Almost never do 10 players get game misconducts. 
“Well, there's the entertainment for the night.” Y/N quips.
The last few minutes pass quietly, the benches are looking very bare, five guys gone from one side and four from the other. Fraser has nodded off by the time the game ends, and Y/N isn't far behind. She turns off the TV and folds the blanket that she used. She sighs tiredly, looking around the dim room. Fraser’s half-asleep on the couch, all sleep-warm and face cast with shadows from the kitchen lights. Y/N moves about the room, gathering her bag and phone. She smiles softly, love in her eyes as she looks as Fraser. She wakes him gently, prompting him to go to bed.
“Just stay.” Fraser mumbles sleepily, yawning. 
“I…I don’t know.” Y/N hesitates, wanting to say yes.
“Please.” He interrupts, giving Y/N a soft, pleading look.
Y/N stays quiet for a minute, reaching out to brush a piece of hair off of his forehead, “Ok. I’ll stay.”
“That’s my girl.”
Y/N flushes, turning shy all of a sudden. She looks away, avoiding his gaze. They haven’t slept over at each other’s places yet, and it makes Y/N’s cheeks warm.
“Why’d you get shy?” He asks as they walk to his room.
“What? No I didn’t”
“Yes, you did. Look, you’re blushing.” He grins at her, poking her cheek.
“No I’m not.”
“Yes, you are. And it’s cute.”
Y/N gives him an exasperated look, she will never admit it but Fraser is right. It’s their first night sleeping over together so it takes an extra few minutes to get everything sorted. She is a little jittery, nervous to share Fraser’s bed with him. Her brain goes into overdrive as she tries to avoid making things weird. Fraser gives her a shirt to sleep in and he pulls on a pair of sweatpants. They stand on opposite sides of the bed, unsure of how to proceed. Sure, they have cuddled before, but usually that was on the couch or her cramped twin bed at school. Fraser climbs in, throwing back the covers and he holds his hand out for Y/N to grab. She takes it climbing into the other side. He pulled the covers over them, rearranging his pillow for optimal comfort. Y/N does the same, relaxing more as the minutes go by. Fraser reaches over and shuts off the lamp, sending the room into darkness. By the light of the moon, they face each other. Fraser pulls Y/N closer, giving her a sweet kiss on her forehead before tucking her into his chest. Before long, the couple has drifted off, wrapped up in each other’s arms like it's the most natural thing in the world.
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xzinbdg · 8 months
helluu!! i saw your post and i was wondering if could request ateez reaction to them missing/forgetting about a date? thank you and i hope you have a good day <3 remember to drink water!
hello!!! thank u sm for the ask!! and for the water reminder!! not sure if that's what u meant but I hope u enjoy this! have a good day as well! 🥹💝
ateez reaction to forgetting about a date
paring: ateez x reader
ateez masterlist // my masterlist
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(date* instead of day...)
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(sorry but I can't see jongho forgetting a date and the "a" was supposed to be after the "did"...)
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sugutiva · 18 days
erm,,, it depends on the day or my mood actsually 🌚🌚🌚 they troll me for being a jogo girlie ( a lie that they pulled out their STANK ASS ) and i troll them for having the hots for toji’s worm ( WHICH IS VERY TRUE )
the toji worm liker in question: @screampied
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baby-zakarii · 4 months
Max & Ruby Agere Moodboard!
I'm sorry this took so long! I tried to find m&r merch but there's almost none so I added general bunny-themed stuff too :>
Requested by @qpeek-da-bandit
Do not repost- reblogging is okay
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nikiluv · 12 days
can you please make some headcanons about niki's dick?
I think he has a good sized dick, big enough that it’s really good and can be borderline too much but not too big to cause you too much pain
like 7 inches ? Giving me more long rather than thick vibes yk, maybe just because he’s really lean too, but I think average thickness, not too thick but not too thin either
Would have 1-2 prominent veins on the underside or side which would be really sensitive, pretty head, gets a really agitated red almost purple when really aroused and, head is really sensitve too
hygiene wise, I don’t think he would be bare, would be neat, would trim for the first time, cares about what you think of his d a lot, so he make sures to clean it well
cum wise I think it would be like opaque sticky but quite liquidy and not clumpy, salty but slightly sweet taste
Overall 10/10
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pet-cemetery-emotes · 7 months
ccan we have zombie versions of te canibalism ones if u arent doing that already :3
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mtsodie · 1 year
Pls pls pls do a drawing of yellow guy going jellyfishing like in Spongebob 🙏 Thanksss
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he got u one
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