#.⋆ ˚ ⁀➷ ❛  Don't worry 'bout me 'cause I'm doing fine  ❜  |  ( Musing ) .ᐟ
Purple One-Shot: Angst.
Angel, worried about his deal with Val, goes to the one person who he believes can help.
TW: Swearing.
Angel swallowed, before knocking on Alastor's door, brushing himself down. "Uh... Radio Daddy? You in there, I need ya help with something". There was a bout of silence before the door creaked open.
"Why hello, my feminine fellow, to what do I owe the pleasure?" asked Alastor, stepping aside so Angel could enter.
"I need ya help" reiterated the other, looking around before deciding to sit on the bed. "It's super fucking important and I dunno who else to talk to".
"Ha hah, excellent, do tell" remarked Alastor, tilting his smiling head at Angel. "Come now, don't be shy, tell me all".
"How do I get out of my deal?".
Alastor paused, blinking, before sighing- that creepy smile still plastered on his face. "Why are you asking me, my dear boy?".
Sigh. "Well, I thought if anyone's got the goods- it's gotta be Radio Daddy. You're an Overlord and all that shit, and you have the know-how and just- please, there's gotta be a way out...".
Alastor glitched, twiddling his cane. "Why do you want out?".
Angel stared at Alastor, before running a hand through his hair, sighing. "I've been sober now for about... fuck, time just melds together in this Hellhole- pun intended. And I- my shoots are getting... worse. More and more... just- I don't wanna remember them, you know?" remarked Angel, laying on his side and tracing his finger along the sheets. "But- I also don't wanna relapse... I've learnt how to- pretend, cause Val keeps giving me shit, but it's only a matter of time before I give in- I don't wanna! But I also- Radio Daddy... I'm being pushed to my fucking limit".
Alastor nodded before fiddling with his bowtie. "If you relay what I'm about to say, I shall tear your limbs off- one by one- in the most painful way possible" he informed, turning his head 90°.
"I'm proud of you, dear comrade," he said, nodding at the spider. "Sobriety is a celebration indeed. However, the constraints of your reckless actions... are harder to fight. But- check the Fine Print". Nod.
"Of your contract of course".
"... fuck".
"Fuck! There's only one copy, and it's in Val's office!"
"Ah, I see. Well then, fuck indeed".
"No... shit. Okay, just check the fine print... I can do that, somehow" mused Angel, fiddling and wringing his hands. "Piece of piss, maybe, not likely- shit. It's on the wall... no, no, I've got this".
Alastor smiled, turning his head again. "Wonderful. Now, kindly, leave. I have things to attend to".
Angel smirked, sliding off the bed. "So assertive, Radio Daddy," he purred, getting a blink from the other. "I was leaving anyway, got a contract to read" he stated, heading for the door.
Alastor watched him leave before- punching the wall. "Fine print, ha hah. Fine. Print. If only I had such a tool, freedom could be within my grasp!".
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ducknotinarow · 1 month
MM Raph - Family Meme; all that apply uwu
| Talking about family
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"Really right now? I'm on my way to practice." Raph states fixing them with a look of clear annoyance before rolling his eyes. "Look I know were like the talk of the school an' all but seriously you could have picked a better time to bug me. Fine let's just get this over with I guess."
TOTMNT gave me more on my Boi uwu
Send 👔 for my muse to talk about their father
"Dad? Well hes a giant rat that wears glasses and WORRIES way too much. He's getting better 'bout letting me and my brother just like live our lives and such. So thats cool. He's more cool than might think he tries a lot for us and ...maybe I could I dunno show I appreciate that more. Even when it comes to my anger he don't...give up on me when maybe he should."
Something I really love in MM/TOTMNT is that they do call Splinter Dad or refer to him as Dad and I feel it really shows. Splinter is just so damn patient with his sons. Raph seems to try his best to not take his anger out towards Splinter. Unlike past versions that could snap at or around Splinter. Raph tries to keep it more contained even having ways to work it out which ties in a lot to why he likes having excuses to work out his anger like fighting or wrestling even. When Splinter grounded the boys Raph was clearly upset but Splinter seems to hold some understanding to least see yeah my son is going to be upset which makes Raph not feel a need to burst out an over reaction just to be heard.
Raph dose listen to Splinter because of that and will even try to follow Splinters advice on how to go about his angry like mediating which seems to work but he's still very prone to exploding if ticked off enough and even then Splinter doesn't outright scold Raph since he can see him try. Which I feel shows a lot on why Raph has a good relationship with his Dad.
Send 🤜 for my muse to talk about (one of) their sibling(s)
"Eh my brothers are all just sort of dorks in their own ways. Mikey alway all hhhnn talk to the bad guys instead of beating them up, Leo's always being such a dweeb when it comes to the speeches and wanting to be the leader and then Don? Well he is the biggest nerd of them all always going on about anime and tech stuff jeez put a sock in it already." He grows quite for a moment.
"...I might complain 'bout them but..I dunno what I do with out my brothers either. I'm no good on my own but if I can't do enough to protect them?..I dunno I just really don't know."
Raph talks one way about his brothers but it's clear he loves them and cares about them a lot. MM Raph seems to be a bit more gentle towards the younger half his brothers well being out lashing out more towards Leo. Felt needed and not needed since he will still shift blame on Leo and even take out frustration towards him XD Yet you can see he really loves being around his brothers happy to play around and joke around with them really shows off the usual siblings being your first set of friends.
Of course, Raph is closest to his twin Donnie uwu cause I say so uwu
I like to headcannon that Raph actually likes some anime a few he's watched with Donnie he tends to be more interested in sports and Shonen anime being lame and not owning up to it of course because he can't say he likes anime thats for nerds like Donnie and Von not him he just happens to go into Don's tent when hes watching one of the few Anime he happens to like uwu Raph also has a habit of snagging thing for Donnie if he can recognize its from a show Donnie likes.
I also feel despite Donnie not being good with emotions and such Raph just likes being around Don the most and can easily be stated as being Raphs first best friend before he met Casey. If Raph feels he can't talk to Casey about something he usually goes to Donatello. He may not really talk though but more just hang around Donnie even if he's with Von Raph will hang in the same space. He just don't need to really talk when it comes to Donatello.
He didn't mention her but to be fair he don't know her too well at this point. But Raph dose already see Von as a sister as well mainly because of the whole homework thing Raph and Casey for sure beat up all the kids who took advantage of Donnie XD Hes just happy that Donatello has a real friend himself now even if he thinks Vons weird as all hell he still gives glares at kids who might speak about her badly.
Send 🎣 for my muse to talk about (one of) their aunt(s)/uncle(s)
"I mean I don't really have any but I do see Rockstead and Beepbop as my uncles? And I think they are cool they sort get how I feel when it comes to be angry all the time after all. I work part time with them here and there too as a way to earn some cash."
I just love Rocksteady and Beepbop XD So Raph having a chance to be close to them? I am all about it. I know they see the other mutants as cousins and all but some of them seem much older so I can see them coming across more like uncles/aunts. I can just see Raph palling around with the two of them when they do come around and even hyping them up. Of course, he loves his Dad and all but it's nice for him to have some adult figures in his life that are more in line with himself.
Send 🤛 for my muse to talk about (one of) their cousin(s)/niece(s)/nephew(s)
"Oh boy..I mean it's cool we got more family and the other mutants can be cool even but ugh there is just so many of them when they are over at the lair it just feels so packed and I can't go anywhere without bumping into anyone. I usually got and hang with Case but if I'm stuck home? Its...it's too much."
As someone who comes from a huge ass family and has often had many living situations where I was with a lot of family outside my own unit? yeah it can just become to much you love them and all of course but it sucks feeling you can't have any scrape of space to yourself.
Raph seems closer to Beepbop and Rocksteady of course, since they seem to share in his anger issues and being more rough and tough mutants of action like he is himself/ But he seems to be fine with the rest of his expansive family now as well. Likely sharing in the sentiment of enjoying not feeling alone as the only mutants in the city. So having like the best of both words in a sense so to speak. I feel Raph is gonna see them more as extended family though not too close to any one of them like Don and Wingnut or Mikey and Mondo but hes happy to see them he just isn't likely to hang out with them outside like tv or meals.
Send 🐾 for my muse to talk about (one of) their pet(s)
"....i might be a dad now?"
XD he really don't this is me joking but I mean why not let MM Raph have a pet turtle like 12 did?
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XD if I just let him have a pet turtle likely gonna name it in reference to wrestling since he is very into it. Or make it Spike xD
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xnoctivagusx · 3 years
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              ✧*̣̩☽  TASK 001 : aesthetic & playlist  *.⋆
❛  This is not a game You want the strings so you can Pull at my soul and tear me down You want it all, I'm not your marionette doll So let me go, oh I'm taking back the day you tried to steal from me I'm going to make my voice, you'll never get my choice to breathe  ❜
                                      ft. @demiwonders & @veiledorigins​
                                                             press play ⋆   ( ♪ )
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[Foot!Casey and Karai] With the turtles believing he had to bounce due to something with Angel, Casey was quick to make a return to where they had all fought off the foot. He's glad to see Karai hadn't made it that far, but still felt his blood boil knowing how he couldn't protect her during those fights.
Skating over to her, he's quick to take a hold of her arm, trying to force it over his own shoulders,
"Don't even try an' give me some bullshit 'bout how yer fine, 'cause yer aint," He warns, giving her a soft glare, "I'm yer older brother, an' if I aint able t' protect yer when on missions, leas' I can d' is make sure yer get 'ome."
Ignoring any potential protests, Casey forces Karai to lean on him,
"C'mon, b'fore anyone see's us," Casey grumbles, leading the way, "B'sides, it's yer turn t' tell dad why our mission got fucked anyway."
| muse interaction
Was Karai worried about Casey what no of course she wasn't worried about that smug ass prick of a brother of hers. She was simply tossing in a bit of an unexpected fight just to observe and see how he doing on his mission of course. See how far along he was getting with getting closer to the turtles. He had befriend April and as they knew met the turtles not to long after that. But since then it was hard to say just how ell the idiot was keeping to his mission. Only made sense to drop in with a group of the foot bots.
Karai took the opening she had to make her escapes leaving her group of foot bots to keep from any of turtles from following right after her. Struggling to stand and breath hard against the pain, don't show weakness echos in her head as she smiled and ran off as if she hadn't been bleeding. She have to cut he losses in order to get away well she could. A few foot bots lost would get her a earful from her father later but it was better than taking a full loss right? She panted hard a moment as she ducked down into the alleyway not far from the fight luckily covering her escape from the fight. She bind her time for them all to leave and then she make her way back home she figured. Looking down to her side as she went to inspect and see how bad it was. The cut did damage getting between her armor with a precised cut to her side. That what she gets for egging on a little to much in a fight though. Hand set to her side as she let her head tip back to rest against the cold brick wall. Eyes closed as she controlled her breathing and applied pressure to her cut. It wasn't dangerously deep but not shallow enough to ignore. Slow, and steady breaths focused on as she tried to bear the sharp sting in her side. If she focused on her breathing she would be ready to continue on her way home. She slightly groaned at that, it be faster from the rooftops but with this cut she would risking opening it up more with all the jumping.
"ugh I'll have to walk." Great how graceful for a foot clan member, stumbling through the streets of New York after losing another fight. Oh she could see that look over her fathers face behind his metal helmet now. It was enough to keep her lingering a bit longer than she really should right now.Not looking forward to having to go and face her father after another failed mission. Alone. She can just about hear a soft sound working against the concrete as she resting carried down her place. Letting her eyes snap open and turn, with a lot of regret as she jerked her body to the back further trying to take cover best she could. Ready to grab for another she hand on her. Only to find Casey at the end of the alley.
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"oh it's just you shouldn't you be messing around with you 'friends' after taking another win?" she snaps a bit as she moves to ease her stance. Slight wincing from the motion, she near forgot about it when she thought one of the turtles had double back or something just then.
Casey was quick to glide his way down over to her ignoring her remark as he got in closer to her. Grabbing at her arm as he tries to duck in under it and give her a hand. Karai hissed slightly in pain from the motion. Pulling back from him as she shrug her arm out from his hold. Fixing him with a glare to tell him off but Casey was faster to speak.
"Don't even try an' give me some bullshit 'bout how yer fine, 'cause yer aint,"
She resorts to a simple harsh glare instead for now against Casey's own soft one. Because yeah she was going to claim she was just fine and not in need of his help right now. Instead she turns her attention back to her side hissing once more at the pain, her sudden jerk away might have been a mistake on her end just then.
"Comes with the job Casey, which again what are you doing here?" Shouldn't be off getting chummy with the turtles after you little win? though part of her was happy he came to check on her. It was kind of easy to see that his mission was bringing him closer to the turtles, just a bit more than the mission may be calling for. He was befriending them..like family. Karai could see how he seemed to fall inline listen to Leo's orders. Even seeming to have some idea of what to do when they didn't out right voice what to do. Mostly he seemed to pair along with Raph that was interesting on it's own.
"So, don't go and do me any favors Casey. I don't need any hand holding unlike you. You sure seemed fine being on the other side in the fight anyway."
"I'm yer older brother, an' if I aint able t' protect yer when on missions, leas' I can d' is make sure yer get 'ome."
That got her to shut up, she felt childish at how she was lashing out just now. Like when Shredder brought Casey and Angel back with him that first day. Fearing her place was in danger. And suddenly she was in that same feeling again. Maybe she was just the slightest bit jealous of what she been observing between him and the turtles. Like Casey might be pulling away from them, her. Casey seemed content with them like him growing closer might be more than just to earn their trust. That he truly held some connection with them or forming one. She let a slight smirk tug at the corner of her mouth a moment as she rolled her eyes. Flickering her tongue against her teeth to make an audible 'tsk' as seh rolled her head of to the side. "Casey you're not my older brother you are only older by a month." She comments on. no longer fighting his help as he managed to get her to lean against him. She hissed once again but settled in against him.
"C'mon, b'fore anyone see's us,"
Oh, of course, I wouldn't want anyone to know Casey was nothing more than a softie after all. Karai thought to herself, as lear Casey set the pace and take lead back to the foot clans. Well aware it was more because they couldn't risk hus cover being blown just yet.
"B'sides, it's yer turn t' tell dad why our mission got fucked anyway."
That slight ping of fear before was still there but knowing Casey would be there as well? She simply sighed and threw more her weight against Casey to throw him off balance and get him to stumble as he let the playful smile show over her face. Taking her steps carefully so nit to make that cut any worse. She'll have the stop to get patched up first that'll buy he time to excuse what happened she figures.
"Actually Cay, this wasn't one of dad's orders...I was just." She chewed on her bottom lip a bit "i was just checking in to see how things seemed to be going. It hasn't been that long sure but." She trailed off a bit refusing to fully express her sentiment here. "I gotta say you seem to be finding a rhythm with them mostly the angry one, Raphael right?" She's prying just a little here as if she didn't know who was who hey just because they had a mission didn't mean she couldn't tease what seemed to be going on there. "i know dad said get close but I don't think he meant getting cozy with the enemy."
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