#.⚫🔴request accepted
citruscrisp · 1 year
Pikmin Age Headcanons Pt. 1
Kinda been wanting to share what I think each Pikmin character went through to get to where they are in the present! My only request is you don't hate on me for these. Just respect them or give me insight on things I might have missed.
🛠️Alph - Age 22 Grew up watching his grandfather Drake work on aerospace projects since he learned to walk. He goes through school, graduates high school at 18, attends KoTech (Koppai School of Technology) for 4 years and graduates at 22 with his Bachelors in Aerospace Engineering. Straight out of college, he is selected to join Charlie and Brittany on their Pikmin 3 journey to collect fruit and save their planet.
🪴Brittany - Age 24 Graduated High school at 18. Studied at KoTech, majoring in botany in the Life Sciences Academy of the school. Started off in small businesses that ranged from plant-based medicinal studies to help Koppai’s food crisis until being selected to embark on her journey with Alph and Charlie at the age of 24.
🦆Charlie - Age 28 Graduated High School at 18. Studied at Kotech and was part of the Ranger program. He became a space ranger at 22 and goes on ranger missions for years assisting in treasure collection to support his family financially until being selected to go on the Pikmin 3 journey with Alph and Brittany at age 28.
🔵Louie - Age 25-26 Graduated Highschool at 18. For a a year, he didn't do much with his life and often explored the area's around his grandmother's house, such as the mountains behind her house. He didn't go to college and didn't have an idea of what he wanted to do so his family forced him to start getting minimum wage jobs that constantly fired him due to his laziness and obsession with food breaks for years. He finally winds up in Hocotate Freight at the age of 25. Accepting him despite not having a college degree due to the business being pretty unprofessional.
🔴Olimar - Age 35-36 Graduated high school at 18. Studied Biology, got a BA at 22, but didn’t want to take it further. He falls in love in college and marries when he is 25, they have their first son when he's about 26. This makes his son about 9-10 years old. Then they have a daughter when he's about 30. This makes her around 6-7 years old. He ended up at Hocotate Freight, mainly excited to travel space. Hestarted here after a few minimume wage jobs out of college and started at 27. He has been working there for 9 years.
⚫President - Age 40-41 Graduated high school at 18, was very active in business and studied it, getting a masters in business at the age of 24. He became active in climbing the corporate latter at Hocotate Freight, but was also very gullible. He finally becomes president at the age of 35, being president of Hocotate Freight for 5-6 years, replacing Olimar's previous boss.
📡Yorke - Age 28-29 Graduated high school at 18. Studied at Kotech for 4 years and graduated at 22 with a bachelor's in Aerospace engineering. Went on treasure missions for years to send his family money. Currently continuing to do so.
This is prone to be edited frequently but this is just what I got for now!
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applepiesallibies · 3 years
This Is Your Warning /j
Greetings folks. We are Apple Pies & Allibies, a plural creature who intends to create content. You may expect a lot of edits to this intro.
You may call us Blurry or Katsuka.
We use primarily it/its, you can also use these (🥺)
• nox/nox • noir/noirs • voi/voiz • ix/ix • 1t/1ts • ce/cirr • nor/nors • x/xs • eye/eyes • scream/screams • ash/ashes • byte/bytes • sin/sins • mal/mals • fir/ferns • net/nets • har/harms • cor/cors • disc/discs • gli/glitches • oney/oneys • ver/verz • wyr/wyrs • wyv/wyvs • py/pyls • lav/vens • wisp/wisps • xæ/xæz • vœ/vœz • v/vz • vin/vinz • 5he/5hems • ☻/☻s • 👥/👥s • 🦉/🦉s • 😶/😶s • 💜/💜s • 🖤/🖤s • 💙/💙s • 💚/💚s • 💘/💘s • 🦊/🦊s • 🦇/🦇s • 🕊/🕊s • 🐍/🐍s • 🐉/🐉s • 🐋/🐋s • 🦈/🦈s • 🦀/🦀s • 🦂/🦂s • 🦠/🦠s • 🥀/🥀s • 🍂/🍂s • 🧿/🧿s • 🎴/🎴s • 🗻/🗻s • 🌁/🌁s • 🌃/🌃s • 🏙/🏙s • 🌆/🌆s • 🌇/🌇s • 🌉/🌉s • 🌌/🌌s • 🎠/🎠s • 🎡/🎡s • 💈/💈s • 🎪/🎪s • 🛤/🛤s • ⌛/⌛s • ⏳/⏳s • 🌑/🌑s • 🌓/🌓s • 🌗/🌗s • 🌚/🌚s • 🌠/🌠s • 🌪/🌪s • 🌫/🌫s • 🌀/🌀s • ☔/☔s • ⚡/⚡s • ❄/❄s • 🔥/🔥s • 🔇/🔇s • 🎵/🎵s • 🎶/🎶s • 💿/💿s • 📀/📀s • 💡/💡s • 🔦/🔦s • 🏮/🏮s • 📌/📌s • 📍/📍s • ✂️/✂️s • 🗑/🗑s • 🗝/🗝s • 🗡/🗡s • ⚔/⚔s • 🏹/🏹s • 🛡/🛡s • 🔗/🔗s • ⛓/⛓s • ⚗/⚗s • 🧪/🧪s • 🧫/🧫s • 🧬/🧬s • 💉/💉s • 💊/💊s • 🚪/🚪s • ⚰/⚰s • ⚱/⚱s • 🗿/🗿s • ⚠️/⚠️s • ⛔/⛔s • 🚫/🚫s • ☢/☢s • ☣/☣s • 🔄/🔄s • 🔚/🔚s • 🔜/🔜s • ♊/♊s • 🔅/🔅s • 🔆/🔆s • ♾/♾s • ♻️/♻️s • ⚜/⚜s • 🔱/🔱s • 📛/📛s • 🔰/🔰s • ⭕/⭕s • ☑/☑s • ✖/✖s • ❌/❌s • ➖/➖s • ➰/➰s • ➿/➿s • 〽️/〽️s • ✳/✳s • ✴/✴s • ❇/❇s • ‼/‼s • ⁉️/⁉️s • ❓/❓s • ❔/❔s • ❕/❕s • ❗/❗s • 〰️/〰️s • ™️/™️s • 🆒️/🆒️s • 🆓️/🆓️s • 🆕️/🆕️s • 🅾️/🅾️s • 🆗️/🆗️s • 🅿️/🅿️s • 🆘️/🆘️s • 🆙️/🆙️s • 🆚️/🆚️s • 🔴/🔴s • 🔵/🔵s • ⚪/⚪s • ⚫/⚫s • ▫️/▫️s • ▪️/▪️s • 🔸️/🔸️s • 🔹️/🔹️s • 💠/💠s • 🔘/🔘s • 🔲/🔲s • 🔳/🔳s • 🏁/🏁s • 🚩/🚩s • 🏴/🏴s • 🏳/🏳s • 🏳️‍🌈/🏳️‍🌈s
We are a quoigenic, disabled, neurodivergent, alterhuman, and queer system along with some other things.
Stuff you may or may not expect from us (not strictly)
• AI Generated Images
• Flag Designs
• (Maybe) Coining Terms (we may accept requests)
• Artwork (who knows when)
We do not as of yet have personal tags, will be figuring that out.
If requesting a coining of something it heavily depends on if it matches our vibes and how many spoons (theory) we have. We only accept good faithed requests.
BFY (Before You Interact) below the cut
• Fit basic DNI (Do not interact) criteria
• Against Good Faith Identities
• Are an Exclusionist / Gatekeeper / REG
• Against MOGAI / LIOM / ETC
• TERF / SWERF / Truscum / Transmed
• Anti Aspec / Aplspec / Alloaro / Alloace
• Anti Mspec / Mspec Gays/Lesbians
• Anti Afab Transfem / Amab Transmasc
• Intermisic / Interphobic
• Sysmed / Anti-Endo / Anti-Systems
• Proship / Anti-Anti
• Anti-Decolonization
• Anti-Abortion / Prolife
• Anti-Self Diagnosis
• Stigmatizes/Demonizes Mental Health Issues / Ableist / Psyist
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