#.*        ❪     pairing: gisela & uhtred      ❫        *.
whitedarkmoonflower · 4 months
Indelicate proposal
Pairing: Sihtric x reader (female)
Authors note: @thatawkwardlittlefangirl and @itzavahere I told you I'll blame you both for planting this idea into my head. So here it is and I've no idea why this initially short drabble grew into something so monstrous as it is now. I just hope you'll enjoy. And this is the meme that actually triggered it all 😅
Warnings: fluff, SMUT 18+, oral (f receiving), p in v sex, sub/dom undertones, slightly dominant reader, praise kink, hints to past abuse, Sihtric being a bit lost but absolutely the sweetest (don't know whether this is a warning but just in case 😅)
Summary: an unexpected proposal leads to more unexpected actions as you discover the surprisingly soft core of the young warrior seeking your attention. Can't claim there is much plot despite the word count
Word Count: 7,1 K
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"Sihtric is with us now," Uhtred declared simply, devoid of any pomp or solemnity. The decision was made, requiring no further confirmation.
From the sidelines, you had observed the scene unfold beside Lady Gisela, your hand poised on the hilt of your sword, ready to spring into action if need be, prepared to protect her if necessary. Your eyes scanned every slight movement of the young prisoner, who held Halig hostage.
His slender yet well-built frame was taut like a drawn bow, every muscle vibrating with tension. His eyes darted nervously around the gathering, briefly meeting your scrutinising gaze before settling on Uhtred.
Wide and expressive, his eyes, framed by thick lashes, gleamed with a blend of despair and determination. Despite the tightness in his jaw and the flaring of his nostrils, there was no hint of malice or cruelty in his gaze, only a fierce resolve to endure, akin to that of a trapped wild animal.
A fresh wound above the Dane's temple left a hint of red in his short-cropped hair on the sides. The purple blue bruise marrying his left eye, the fresh cuts and scrapes on his arms, and his bleeding nose and lip added to his battered appearance. He was young, likely even a few summers younger than yourself, but the way his muscles rippled beneath the skin, told you there was much more hidden beneath his youthful and even soft features.
A smirk tugged at the corners of your lips as you observed the young Dane, realising that his greenness might have lulled the vigilance of the guards tasked with watching him. It was a tactic you knew well, one you had used to your advantage countless times before.
Gisela's worried whisper broke through your thoughts. "Do you believe he can be trusted?"
"We'll have to see," you responded with a nonchalant shrug, drawing your dagger from its sheath, prompted by Uhtred's nod in your direction.
Approaching the young man cautiously, your eyes locked onto his, noticing the dilation of his pupils and the tense set of his muscles. It was evident he was unsure of what to expect from you and braced himself instinctively for an attack.
"Hands," you demanded, tilting your head. He tried to maintain composure, but his breath betrayed him, quickening as his chest rose and fell unevenly. With a hesitant glance at Uhtred and the others dispersing from the clearing, leaving just the two of you behind, he extended his bound hands toward you. They trembled slightly, his chest now still as he held his breath in anticipation.
Pressing your dagger against the ropes, you made a swift cut, eliciting a sharp exhale from Sihtric. His eyes followed the falling remnants of the ropes, landing at his feet, his hands remaining outstretched as if in disbelief of his newfound freedom.
Raising his gaze to meet yours, your eyes locked - two deep pools of different colours filled with a mixture of alarm and trepidation, an unspoken question hanging in the air between you.
"You're free," you confirmed, and a faint smile touched the corners of the young warrior’s lips, though it failed to reach his eyes, a subtle sadness lurking within their depths.
Sheathing your dagger, you turned to leave, but halted after a few steps, casting a questioning glance back. Sihtric remained where you had left him, rubbing his wrists, a perplexed and somewhat sheepish expression gracing his handsome features. A smile tugged at your lips as you observed him, a curious warmth blooming within you. It seemed he was at a loss for what to do now that his audacious plan to gain Uhtred’s attention had unexpectedly granted him freedom.
"Sihtric, are you coming?" you called out, surprised when the young Dane visibly flinched at the sound of his name. His eyes flicked towards you, and in the next moment, he hurried into motion, falling into step behind you.
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"Can't you sit still?" you whispered with exasperation, your patience wearing thin. Cleaning Sihtric’s head wound had become a challenging endeavour, akin to trying to pin down a spooked animal. He squirmed and shifted uncomfortably on the wooden bench, his hands restless as they roamed from the collar of his armour to his sides and back again, as if uncertain where to settle.
It was evident that the simple act of being tended to was deeply unsettling for him. As you reached out again with the damp rag, Sihtric, caught off guard by your movement, flinched and nearly leaped from his seat. In his startled reaction, he accidentally overturned the bowl of warm water you held, splashing both you and the ground.
"I'm sorry," he murmured, his voice barely audible, cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he hastily clasped his hands between his knees. Avoiding your gaze, his eyes darted around the tent, searching for a means of escape.
You furrowed your brow, taking a step back to observe the young Dane before you, who seemed as though he'd prefer to vanish into thin air.
It all felt painfully familiar, an almost long-forgotten image emerging in the back of your mind like a jagged shard of glass. You saw her clearly, that young girl with wild hair and desperate eyes, caught in the act of stealing from a lady with cascading dark curls and a smile that could melt the coldest heart.
You had snarled and recoiled when she reached out to touch your unkempt locks,  expecting a whip but met with only kindness. She offered you food, a bath, and clothes to replace the ragged remnants hanging from your frail frame. Yet, despite this generosity, you fled the very same night. Sneaking out of the room offered to you, you ran without looking back, incapable to comprehend why you were treated with such goodness, feeling suffocated by it all, unable to bear the weight of her compassion.
A month later, you encountered her again in the bustling marketplace of Eoferwick, your fingers once more grasping for the purse at her side.
"My name is Gisela," she had said, her smile unwavering as you returned the stolen purse later that evening, cheeks flushed with shame. From that moment on, you never strayed from her side.
Meanwhile Sihtric’s gaze had shifted downward, fixated on his worn boots. Shoulders slumped and slightly hunched over, the young warrior, possessing the strength and skill to disarm two grown men with his hands securely bound, resembled a child caught in mischief, anticipating reprimand.
You softened your expression and extended a reassuring smile towards him. "It's alright, Sihtric," you said gently, your tone soothing as you reached out, resting your hand on his shoulder. "Just try to relax. Can you do that for me? We'll get through this together. You’re safe here."
Retrieving a bowl from the ground, you headed outside to fetch warm water from the kettle over the crackling fire.
"Would you mind if I tended to your wounds?" you asked, your tone tender, pausing to give him space. You sensed how crucial it was for him to feel in control, so you waited patiently, allowing him to make his own decision.
After a moment of uncertainty, Sihtric acquiesced with a slow nod, exhaling deeply. His gaze remained fixed on you as you drew near, this time handing him the bowl to occupy his restless hands. As you resumed your task of cleaning away the blood and applying salve to the bruises, a sense of relief washed over you as Sihtric remained seated, clutching the bowl as if it were a lifeline. Despite his body still being tense and his breaths ragged, he managed to keep himself still long enough for you to complete your work.
"It looks much better now," you remarked with a smile, stepping aside to assess the result of your efforts.
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"It seems you've got yourself a new admirer," Gisela teased, nudging you in the side with a playful smile.
"What?" you replied, pretending to be clueless.
"Don’t pretend you haven’t noticed the way that young Dane looks at you. What was his name again?"
"You mean Sihtric?" you confirmed.
"Yes, Sihtric," Gisela chuckled, holding onto your hand despite your attempt to pull away. 
"Tell me all about him!"
"There's not much to tell," you dismissed, feeling a bit bashful.
"Come on, he practically can't take his eyes off you. Your horse has never looked better, and your gear is always impeccably cared for. How many times has he leapt to his feet, overthrowing the bench he was sitting on, to fetch you ale before you've even asked?"
Of course, you couldn't overlook any of it. Over the past week, Sihtric had become like your shadow. Your horse received extra care, your weapons gleamed with attention, even the loose ropes of your tent were neatly secured, and the kettle by your fire was constantly refilled with fresh water.
You tried to reason with him, insisting that such efforts weren't necessary. You were perfectly capable of handling your own belongings. Yet, he remained resolute. He didn’t argue with you, offering only a simple, "Yes, lady," with his gaze cast downward and his arms stiff at his sides. The following day, when you approached the horses, your mare was already tended to, her coat gleaming and her feed replenished.
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"Sihtric, what are you doing here?" you exclaimed, surprised to find the young warrior curled up near the entrance of your tent, wrapped in the furs and blankets you had provided for him on his first day in camp.
Lost in discussions with Uhtred and Gisela about Guthred's intended negotiations with the Turgilsons brothers, time had slipped away from you. Sihtric had proven invaluable, gathering crucial intelligence on the brothers' forces and camp location, earning praise and rewards from Uhtred. Alongside his prowess with a blade, the young Dane showed remarkable cunning as a spy and scout, excelling at remaining unnoticed.
Regret washed over you as your words escaped, realising the abruptness of your tone. Sihtric practically jumped to his feet, rubbing his eyes and trying to regain composure, his expression a mixture of bewilderment and panic as he surveyed his surroundings.
“Why aren’t you sleeping in your tent?” you asked, lowering your voice and aiming for a soothing tone.
“I... Um... Clapa snores,” he offered uncertainly.
“Are you spying on me?”
“No, lady, why would I? I... I wouldn’t dare. I just wanted to be close in case you needed something.”
“Sihtric, we've had this discussion before. You're not my servant. I can take care of my horse and my weapons just fine,” you said firmly, the frustration evident in your tone.
Sihtric's shoulders dropped, and he cast his gaze downwards. “Are you upset with me, my lady? Did I do something wrong?”
“Wrong? Sihtric, my horse will burst if you keep feeding her like this, and I fear there'll soon be a hole polished into my sword.”
“I'm sorry, I... I didn't mean any harm. I only wanted to help, to be of use. I won't bother you anymore,” Sihtric stammered, hastily gathering his belongings.
A pang of sympathy tugged at your heart. You hadn't intended to hurt his feelings, but you clearly had.
“Wait, don't go. I didn't mean it like that,” you reached out instinctively, gripping his arm in an attempt to stop him from leaving.
Sihtric froze as your fingers grazed his skin, his breath seeming to catch in his throat. Sensing his discomfort, you quickly withdrew your hand.
“I'm sorry,” you apologised, feeling a twinge of guilt. “I truly appreciate your help, Sihtric. It's just that sometimes it feels a bit overwhelming.”
Your gaze softened as you looked at the young man before you. Despite your initial suspicions, you couldn't deny the genuine kindness in his demeanour. His innocence and vulnerability reminded you of yourself in many ways, and the way he often appeared completely lost and overwhelmed by his new surroundings was so familiar to you that against your better judgement, you found yourself growing fond of him. Perhaps even more than you were ready to admit. 
“Can I offer you some hot tea?” you suddenly asked, eager to show him a bit of appreciation. Sihtric nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips.
You held the tent flaps open, inviting him inside with a graceful gesture. Sihtric followed, still clutching the bundle of furs and blanket in his arms. Inside, you swiftly illuminated the tent with the warm glow of candles, then located two cups and filled them with herbs and hot water. Turning back to your guest, who stood just a few steps from the entrance, you offered him a welcoming smile.
“Would you like to take a seat?” you asked, extending your arm with the cup towards Sihtric. He set the bundle on the ground and accepted the offered cup, but remained rooted to the spot. You watched as he wrapped his palms around the cup, which seemed almost small in his large hands. The intricate lines tattooed on his fingers caught your eye, and wondered if they held any special meaning, but you decided against asking.
Sihtric shifted nervously from one foot to another, lifting the cup to his lips for a small sip. Several times, he seemed on the verge of speaking, but each time, the words eluded him.
You observed him quietly for a moment, allowing the soothing silence to linger a little longer. It was evident that something weighed heavily on the young warrior's mind, but you didn’t want to press him.
Eventually, your curiosity got the better of you, prompting you to break the silence. “Is there something you want to say, Sihtric?” you inquired, offering him an encouraging smile.
“I… I’m not sure how to put it,” Sihtric muttered, his gaze flitting around as he took a tentative step back towards the entrance, as if contemplating a hasty departure. It wasn't the first time you noticed his tendency to seek an exit strategy.
With deliberate steps, you approached, trying not to appear too imposing, and halted directly in front of him, meeting his gaze with gentle assurance. “Go ahead, I’m all ears,” you prompted, offering him your full attention.
“I mean… I wanted to… I wanted to ask you… if maybe you and I… if I could…” His words stumbled over each other, his breath quickening, cheeks flushing crimson with embarrassment. “Would you mind if I… if I humped you?” he finally blurted out in a single breath, his gaze darting nervously to the ground.
“You what?” You choked on the hot liquid you had just brought to your lips, spluttering it onto Sihtric’s leather armour. The surprise and incredulity in your voice were difficult to mask.
"Gods… I… I like you. You are so beautiful and kind. I’ve never met someone like you and… and… please don’t be angry with me. I… I can give you everything I have, all my rings, look, I mean it,” he hastily removed his arm rings, recently gifted by Uhtred, and began pulling rings off his fingers, the cup in his hands hindering him until it finally fell to the ground.
You looked at Sihtric, unsure of how to respond. You should have felt offended, but the earnestness and embarrassment on his face suggested he hadn’t meant to offend you.
Sihtric stretched his arms toward you, presenting all his valuable belongings.
"Do you think I'm a whore?" you finally asked, meeting his gaze with a mix of surprise and concern.
"What? No, why? By the Gods, no…" Sihtric's voice faltered, revealing his nervousness. You noticed him taking a cautious step backward, edging closer to the exit. "I didn’t mean it that way… It’s just… back home, in Dunholm, the girls always asked for something in return to let me hump them. And ... and they said they enjoyed me. I didn’t have much to give, but I always found something, like a piece of cloth or a blanket, or fresh-baked bread. So I thought… I thought… since you're a lady… if I offered you silver…"
Sihtric gulped, clearly sensing your disapproving gaze. “The other warriors and Kjartan used to mock me for giving away all my belongings. I know they were having the girls even against their will, but my mom always told me that real strength isn't about hurting those weaker than you. I mean… back then when she was still around,” he continued, his words tumbling out in a rush like an unstoppable stream.
“Gods, now you are really angry with me. You must think poorly of me. I’m such a fool. Please forgive me, lady. I’m sorry. I better be going before I say something even dumber. It’s all yours, anyway.” 
Before you could respond, he hastily deposited all his silver and gold into your hands and turned to leave.
Staring down at the glimmering wealth he had thrust upon you, disbelief washed over you. "Hold on! You can’t just give me all this! Wait!" you protested, but Sihtric was already halfway out of the tent. "Stop, get back here," you commanded firmly, and to your relief, Sihtric froze in his tracks.
“I swear, I didn’t mean to offend you,” he said softly, turning back to face you, though he avoided meeting your gaze. "Please don't think badly of me. I'm not like my father, I never wanted to be."
It was just a tiny glimpse into his past life, but even that filled you with sadness and sympathy. Setting the unexpected gifts down on a nearby table, you made your way to the tent entrance, drawing the flaps closed behind you. You turned back to Sihtric, blocking his way out. You couldn’t leave it like this; you needed to have a talk. 
"Hey, I'm not angry. I'm just kinda surprised," you said, stepping closer.
"Surprised?" Sihtric let out a relieved sigh, but he still wouldn't look you in the eyes, his embarrassment clear even in the dim candlelight, with his cheeks flushed red.
You shook your head as you continued to observe him. He was undeniably good-looking, his muscular build catching your eye, and you couldn’t deny you felt attracted to him, but there was something about the young warrior that went beyond looks. You had already gathered that his life hadn’t been a smooth ride on a paved road, and you wondered how deep the scars in his heart ran, realising that the few visible ones he carried on his handsome face were merely the surface of a much larger tapestry of pain and suffering.
"I like you too, Sihtric, and I just want to know you better," you said, stepping forward slightly.
"You do?" disbelief and even suspicion were evident in his voice.
You moved with deliberate care, allowing Sihtric to observe every motion as you reached out and tenderly cupped his face. He inhaled sharply, his eyes fluttering shut. Your thumb softly traced his cheek, and with a heartfelt sigh, Sihtric leaned into your touch, snuggling against your palm.
You pulled back your hand quickly, worried that he might misinterpret your gesture as anything more than a reassuring comfort to show you were not angry. The faint whimper that escaped his lips, followed by a sigh, cut through you sharply, echoing in your mind.
"Please... could you... do that once more?" Sihtric said under his breath, opening his eyes to meet yours, his expression filled with earnest pleading.
"Do what?" You paused, momentarily confused.
"That... that thing you just did," he replied.
"That thing? You mean when I caressed your cheek?" A gentle chuckle escaped you as you noticed the blush spreading across Sihtric's cheeks. "Like this?" you asked, reaching out again to cradle his jaw gently, your thumb skimming the corner of his mouth. Sihtric immediately responded, leaning into your touch, his eyes closing and his breathing deepening.
You closed the gap between you, gently tilting his face toward yours, and he instinctively followed, your foreheads lightly touching. "When was the last time someone touched you like this?" you asked, and although you suspected the answer, it still caught you off guard.
"I don't remember," he whispered back, his voice tinged with a faint tremor.
You weren’t really sure what made you do it; it wasn't something you'd planned. You just wanted to smooth over the awkwardness caused by his indelicate proposal and unexpected admissions, to let him know you weren't upset. It was evident the young warrior had no real understanding how inappropriate his offer actually was.
You had so many questions you wanted to ask, so much you wanted to understand. But instead of asking anything, something inside you took over. You found yourself standing on your tiptoes and kissing him, holding his face in your hands and pulling him closer.
Your lips brushed against Sihtric’s, a little rough from the wind, and you could taste the faint hint of ale and the tea you’d made earlier in his quick, shallow breaths. Your heart was racing, pounding so loud you could hear it in your ears, and a fluttery feeling filled your stomach. Sure, you’d kissed before—some who were charming and passionate, and some who definitely weren’t princes—but this somehow felt so different and it was a bit embarrassing, especially since Sihtric didn’t kiss you back.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have..." you stammered, pulling back abruptly, taken aback by your own spontaneity. So much for just wanting to talk to him. Sihtric stood there, eyes closed and hands at his sides, as still as a statue. The silence thickened around you as you tried to steady your pounding heart. It was perplexing; the young Dane had wanted to hump you, yet he didn’t even respond to a kiss. What the heck?
Just as the wave of embarrassment hit its peak and you considered asking him to leave, Sihtric’s hand reached out, gently cupping your cheek. "Please, can we... Can we try again?" he breathed, leaning in and tentatively pressing his lips against yours..
It was a soft and cautious kiss, his lips barely brushing yours, as tender as a feather's touch against skin—a gentle probe for warmth and connection. Feeling your head spin slightly, you kissed back with more intensity and passion, drawing a low groan from Sihtric.
Reluctantly, he pulled back, breaking the tender embrace of your lips but keeping his forehead pressed against yours. His breath was warm and ticklish against your face, his fingers trembling slightly as he continued to stroke your cheek with his thumb, his breathing shallow and unsteady.
"Do you like it?" you asked, unsure of what to say or do next.
"I... I do. I've never been kissed like that before," Sihtric admitted, his voice carrying a note of surprise mixed with sadness.
His response took you aback once more. "Did the girls in Dunholm require extra payment to let you kiss them?" The question slipped out before you could stop it.
With his eyes still closed, Sihtric shook his head. "No, they never allowed me to kiss them. They never touched me the way you just did. Not even the women in the alehouse that Tekil paid for," he added, his voice fading into a whisper.
Without speaking, you reached out and drew him into a firm embrace, feeling his body stiffen briefly as if he might pull away. But you held on, your fingers gently combing through his hair. After a moment, his resistance eased, and Sihtric relaxed into your hold, burying his face in the crook of your neck. Slowly, his arms wrapped around your waist, drawing you closer against his chest.
For a while, you both just stood there, the warmth of your bodies wrapping around you like a soft blanket. His deep longing for attention and warmth, for genuine love and friendship—those simple joys that breathe life into existence tugged at your heart. You had found such treasures in Gisela's unconditional care and friendship years ago, and now you just tried to convey at least a small fraction of that same comfort with your gentle touches and steadfast embrace.
As Sihtric's breath warmed your neck, you felt his large hands pull you closer at the small of your back, his lips seeking yours again with a newfound passion. The kiss unfolded slowly, deeply, and you savoured each moment, losing yourself in the tenderness of his embrace. Your lips moved together in harmony, his hands tenderly stroking your back and hair, fanning the timid spark that had flickered to life at your first touch into a fervent blaze, making you crave for more.
Breaking the kiss elicited a soft whimper from Sihtric. "Come," you said in a low voice, gently taking his hand and leading the way. Sihtric followed,  a slight bewilderment crossing his face.
"I don’t want you to hump me," you began, looking up at him as he stood beside your fur-covered bed.
Sihtric’s eyes dropped to the ground once more. “It was so stupid of me to ask, I’m sorry…” he said hastily.
"Shh, listen to me," you interrupted, placing your index finger to Sihtric’s lips to silence him. "I want to show you something. Do you trust me?"
"Lady, I would trust you with my life," he replied, his eyes lifting to meet yours with an intensity that made you smile.
"Good, because I want to share something special with you, and I need you to trust me, to feel safe. I want to make love to you, Sihtric," you spoke softly, placing your hand on his chest and gently urging him backward onto the fur-covered bed. "Trust me," you repeated, and with wide eyes, Sihtric allowed himself to be guided down. 
Seated on the cushioned surface, he watched you with anticipation as you settled onto his lap, legs on either side of his thighs, straddling him. You pulled him into another kiss, and this time, you abandoned all restraint. Your fingers wove through his hair as your tongue eagerly explored his lips, seeking entry into his mouth. With a soft gasp, he yielded, allowing you to deepen the kiss, and you revelled in the soft sounds of pleasure that escaped Sihtric as your tongue explored his mouth, clashing against his. His hands tentatively wandered up your hips and along your back, drawing you nearer to him.
You traced a trail of soft kisses along his jaw, playfully nipping at him with your teeth. Each touch of your lips drew a low moan from Sihtric, encouraging you to linger on his sensitive neck and suckle at his skin, leaving behind a few lingering marks. Even through the layers of fabric between you, you could feel his arousal growing, prompting you to grind your hips against his, seeking friction.
Sihtric responded with a deliciously soft moan, his hips rising to meet yours, his breathing growing rapid. Your hands skillfully loosened the laces of his leather armour, but as you began to pull it away, he suddenly tensed, his hands catching yours to stop you. "You may not like what you see," he murmured softly.
Confused by his hesitation, you gently insisted, "Why? Sihtric, let me. I want to see you, to feel you. You told me you trust me," your voice soft but persuasive, and eventually, his resistance crumbled as he released your hands.
You couldn't help but gasp at the sight of his well-defined abdomen, muscles rippling under his skin, but it was the scars crisscrossing his torso that held your attention. Some were thin, precise lines across his chest, likely from a blade, while others, more rugged and widespread across his shoulders and back, were surely traces of a wip. Gently, you traced these marks with your fingertips, emotion rising within you.
"My goodness, Sihtric," you whispered, guiding his chin gently to keep his gaze from averting, and then you brought your lips to his in a tender kiss. "You should never feel ashamed of these. Wear your scars with pride. They're evidence of your strength and resilience. Don't let your past dictate your future," you murmured against his mouth, feeling the tension that had crept into his body begin to melt away.
He looked up at you with a shy smile and released a soft sigh, as he licked his lips before he drew you in closer. His kisses along your neck were soft and filled with gentleness and purpose, sending shivers down your spine, the feeling of his tongue against your skin igniting a growing desire between your legs.
With a chuckle, you asked, "Could you give me a hand?" and guided Sihtric's hands to the laces of your armour. His puzzled expression brought a smile to your lips as you nodded, and together you swiftly worked to remove your armour. You giggled at the sharp exhale that left him as your breasts bounced out from beneath your tunic. 
“You can touch them, and you can kiss them, just be gentle,” you encouraged with a smile.
“You are so beautiful,” Sihtric uttered softly, his hands hesitantly cupping your breasts. You arched your back with a soft sigh as his lips wrapped around your hardened nipple and gently suckled on it, hands caressing your bare back. 
“Yes, just like that,” you didn’t even try to muffle the moan that tore through you, your fingers tangling in his soft and thick hair, as he turned his attention to your other nipple, while his hands traced down your spine to your buttocks, squeezing them.
Your hands found their way to the hem of his breeches, unlacing them and slipping inside. Sihtric groaned at your touch, his breath picking up rapidly, as you stoked his already fully hard length. 
Sihtric effortlessly lifted you, his grip firm as he flipped you onto the furs and settled himself between your thighs.
With eager breaths, you shed the last remnants of clothing, allowing your bodies to meld together. Sihtric's tender kisses and gentle touch on your bare skin setting ablaze a fiery sensation within you.
"Come closer," you mumbled, drawing Sihtric into a tight embrace, cradling him between your legs. Your fingers traced gentle paths over his scars as you savoured the sensation of his warm, muscular form against yours. You listened intently to his heavy breathing, feeling the heat of his body seeping into your bones, while his fingers grazed your skin and his nose nestled against your neck, inhaling your scent.
“I’ve heard the pleasure one can bestow with the tongue could be indescribable, but I’ve never done it before. Will you teach me?” he asked and you almost choked on your breath as Sihtric’s lips started to trail a path of tender kisses down your naked body. 
“Oh, Sihtric,” you gasped as his hot breath hit your core. You reached out, grabbing his hair, and he moaned as you guided him, where you craved for him. 
“Yes, here, use your tongue, pretty boy. Oh, gods,” the first laps of his tongue against your pulsing bundle made you squirm and whine. “Just keep going. You are so good ... oh, oh please don’t stop … it feels godly … you are made for this,” you mewled, rolling your hips against Sihtric’s face. 
You heard his breath stutter with every praise you gave him, as he got more and more eager to please you, his tongue alternating between quick and soft licks and long and teasing wipes, the soft moans leaving him telling you how much he was enjoying this.
Your grip in Sihtric’s hair tightened as you felt your climax quickly building up and you tugged him closer to your perl. “Here, suck on it,” you panted, and your head snapped back as Sihtric’s lips encircled your oversensitive nub, sucking gently at it. 
The lewd sounds, that rolled over your lips, spurred him on, each lap of his hot tongue sending waves of increasing pleasure through your body, each swirl around your clit making you whimper and whine.
“Put your finger inside me,” you mewled between heavy breaths and whined out loud as Sihtric did as told, sucking harder on your clit. “Oh by Freya and Freyr, yess, yessss, you are such a good boy,” you tugged harder on his hair, pushing your hips up against his eager mouth and Sihtric groaned in pleasure against your cunt.
You had no idea whether he knew what he was doing or was it pure instinct, as he added another finger and started moving them in and out of you, thumb rubbing your clit. His tongue kept lapping through your folds, and after a few thrusts the pleasure exploded within you as he pushed you over the edge. You moaned his name into the silence of the night, as you came undone, tugging on Sihtric’s hair and gasping for breath. 
With a satisfied smile on his lips he kissed his way back to your lips, your eyes glassy and chest heaving heavily as you slowly came down from your high.
“You are so delicious,” he murmured quietly, kissing you deeply and letting you taste yourself on his tongue. 
“I thought you had never done it before,” you murmured, wrapping your arms around his neck, still floating between this world and the afterglow of the probably most intense orgasm you had ever had.  
“You are such a good teacher and I learn quickly,” he murmured between kisses.
You could feel his hard cock pressing against your belly, and you let your hand wander down, your fingers sliding over the sensitive tip, gathering precum and spreading it all over his rigid length with slow sensual strokes. 
Sihtric moaned at your touch, pressing his nose against your skin, his breath getting more and more rugged with each movement of your hand. 
“How do you want me?” you asked, putting a bit more pressure in your hand and eliciting a breathless groan from Sihtric. 
“I … I want to see you,” he whispered and another moan escaped his parted lips, as you continued your ministrations, and he eagerly bucked his hips into your hand. 
“I want to look into your eyes and see you falling apart on my cock,” he murmured in your ear, his voice hoarse and breathing uneven, as he struggled to control himself. “Will you let me? Please, say that you want me. Say that you want me to pleasure you.” 
“Of course I want you, silly boy. You are almost too good to be true. Come, take me, pleasure me, I’m yours,” you breathed in his ear, guiding him at your entrance. 
“I want to be good. I want to be a good boy for you,” Sihtric breathed against your lips. 
You eagerly rolled your hips into his. ”I just want your cock inside me, good boy,” you chuckled.
You both moaned in unison as Sithric slowly pushed himself inside you until the very end of his shaft, his thick and long cock filling and stretching you perfectly. You spread your legs wider to welcome him. Buried deep inside you, he stilled, letting his lips run along your neck, leaving a trail of sloppy open mouthed kisses, burning on your skin and leaving you yearning for more, as he waited for you to adjust to him. 
His large palm ghosted your skin on your side, trailing down to your thigh, as he pushed your leg up and dragged his cock out of you before making his first thrust. Moaning breathlessly, you arched your back against the soft furs beneath you, digging your nails into Sihtric’s shoulders. 
His hips started to move against yours as he fucked you so torturously slowly but thoroughly, pushing himself deep inside you. Holding on to his broad shoulders, you met each thrust moving up against him, tensing your inner muscles and savouring every inch of him brushing against your pulsing walls. 
Your fingers found their way back into Sihtric’s hair, and you pulled hard on them, a smile tugging on your lips from the delicious moan it elicited from Sihtric.
“Use me, mark me, I’m yours,” Sihtric groaned, pulling out of you and thrusting back in one smooth go. “Please, I want to be yours,” he begged, and you dug your nails into his shoulders, leaving red marks in his pale flesh. 
“More, Sihtric,” a needy whine left your lips. “I need more of you.”
With a low groan, Sihtric fastened his pace, hips pounding against yours. You gazed up at him, a strange feeling curling in your stomach. You felt safe. You felt loved and adored, and so wanted like never before in your whole life. 
You were in his power, pinned down beneath his muscular body as he fucked you into the soft furs of your bed, his soft whimpers like a music to your ears, as he begged you to pull harder on his hair, to use him, to mark him, to allow him to please you. You savoured the pretty and desperate sounds he made in your ear, finding them both beautiful and so arousing, your climax approaching with each snap of his hips against yours.
“Do you enjoy me?” Sihtric uttered quietly in your ear, his voice quivering slightly.
“Yes, by the gods, I do,” you muttered, your eyes starting to roll back in your head, feeling the pleasure intensify within you. Sihtric let out a low growl at your words, his breath catching.
“Please, say it again,” he pleaded.
“You’re doing so well,” you praised him. “You feel godly within me. Even Thor itself couldn’t bring me more pleasure.” Sihtric whimpered in response and you felt his cock twitching inside you. 
His moans grew louder and more fevered, his thrusts getting harder and deeper, breath panting and hot against your neck. You felt almost like drowning, gasping for breath from the intensity of pleasure building up within you.
“Such a good boy for me,” you murmured, gripping his hair tightly and eliciting another moan from him. Sihtric’s thrusts started to get sloppy, his moans more heavy with each thrust. 
“I’m so close,” he whimpered, his body tensing, “I will not last much longer.”
You took his hand and guided it to your perl. “You know what to do,” you breathed and Sihtric’s fingers instantly started to rub and circle it. That was all you needed, the last touch to push you over the edge. You felt your walls starting to clench around him, your head snapped back and you came with Sihtric’s name on your lips, shuddering from the waves of pure bliss washing over you. 
A few thrusts later Sihtric pulled out, and you felt his hot seed painting your belly as he groaned in the crook of your neck. He slumped down beside you, his breath heavy and laboured. For a moment you both just lay there, coming down from your highs. 
You turned your head toward him, watching his handsome features. You had never had a more gentle and attentive lover, so concentrated on your pleasure instead of chasing his own. You wanted to pull him closer, to let him feel the same. You wanted him to feel loved and accepted, and cared for just as he had made you feel, but before you managed to do anything Sihtric abruptly jumped to his feet, glancing around the tent. Grabbing a cloth and dampening it with warm water from the kettle, he returned to the bed and carefully cleaned you up.
You watched, your eyes widening, as Sihtric scrambled to gather his scattered clothes from the ground and began to hurriedly dress. He fumbled with his breeches, hopping on one leg in an awkward dance.
"Sihtric, what are you doing?" you asked, a lump forming in your throat. The bliss of moments before now replaced by a wave of embarrassment and a sinking feeling in your stomach. You tried to catch his eye, but he kept his gaze firmly on his clothes, avoiding yours.
"You don’t have to say it. I know. I’m leaving," he stammered, clumsily trying to pull on his boots while clutching his wrinkled clothes.
"Sihtric, look at me," you insisted, sitting up on your heels to face him better.
Finally meeting your gaze, confusion was written all over Sihtric's face.
"So, you just wanted to hump me and now you're leaving just like that, without a word? Like a coward?" you asked, your voice tinged with hurt and disbelief. You didn’t even remember the last time you had cried, the wetness suddenly pearling in the corners of your eyes taking you by surprise. 
"What? No, it's not like that," he replied, clearly taken aback. "You mean you want me to stay?" His voice was filled with astonishment, leaving you momentarily speechless.
A tense silence hung between you, both of you regarding each other with bewilderment. Sihtric let his clothes fall to the ground as he approached and slowly crawled back onto the bed towards you.
Noticing the tears starting to form in your eyes, his expression softened. "You really want me to stay?" he asked gently, cupping your face in his hands before pulling you into a tight embrace.
"Please don't cry. I'm not worth a single tear of yours," Sihtric whispered, his fingers gently caressing your back and threading through your hair. "I would do anything for you. Just say the word, and I'll move mountains. I… I didn't dare to hope... I mean look at you. And look at me—I'm nobody. Why would you want me to stay?"
"Sihtric, just be quiet," you murmured, allowing yourself to sink deeper into the warmth of his embrace.
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The next morning, you awoke still nestled in Sihtric's arms. As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the tent, he stirred, slowly opening his eyes. Seeing you next to him, a soft smile spread across his face.
"You're still here, it wasn’t a dream," he murmured, his voice filled with relief and a hint of hope.
"Yes, I'm still here," you replied, your voice gentle yet firm, as you traced a finger tenderly along his jawline, "And there's nowhere else I'd rather be."
You moved closer, trapping him between your thighs and propping yourself up on your elbow. Leaning in, you kissed his lips softly.
A rush of emotion crossed Sihtric's face as he pulled you closer, and you gasped, feeling his hardening cock pressing against your inner thigh.  
"I would do anything to hold you in my arms forever," he confessed, his eyes locking with yours, filled with sincerity and a deep longing.
"I think I know how you can convince me," you said softly with a tender smile, and you kissed him again, deeply and passionately, cradling his face in your palm. 
Sihtric's smile grew even brighter as he tightened his arms around you, flipping you over and pressing you into the furs with the weight of his body. 
“Tell me, my lady,” he hummed, his lips trailing a hot path down your neck. “I'm all ears, how can I please you today?”
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tlkfaerie · 1 year
༺☆༻ Pairing: Sihtric x reader ༺☆༻
Word Count: 4.1k
summary: a celebration in Uhtred's hall leads to a mutual confession in a river.
Author's note: heyyyyy. This is set in my imaginary peacetime lol. I would say end of S2 but also Sihtric's S3 hair because I love mullets.
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MDNI! 18+ -͟͟͞☆ TW! : smut, loss of virginity, mentions of alcohol, slapping, crying, p in v, confessions of love etc
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .       . ✦     ˚
You were Uhtred's ward, so naturally, you followed him wherever he went. He had reluctantly taken you in as an oath after Leofric could no longer look after you. Your ancestry was a shoddy thing - it seemed everyone you had ever met was unaware of your origins. And yet, you had fallen into the care of Leofric, who had begged Uhtred to care for you in his final, forceful moment in battle.
Though you had begun as a pain in his side, he grew to love you deeply. You revelled in the sibling-like bond that the two of you shared, though sometimes it was hard to listen to him when he told you to do certain things. You had become his arseling. You were often confined to your room when thins became heated, hiding with Gisela or forced behind Finan's side, never allowed to be at the forefront of anything important.
You didn't mind entirely, however, because Uhtred's natural urge to provide for you meant that you were safe. And on nights like tonight, you enjoyed yourself the most. Ale was being squandered throughout Coccham's infamous Pagan hall, thrown in goblets and beakers to any man whose eager hands were willing to receive.
Uhtred warned you not to have more than one glass, but as there was no danger, you knew he wouldn't bother to keep an eye on you. He smirked as he had left you, somehow knowing that you would not follow his commands. Gisela, even, did not adopt on the somewhat maternal role she often forced upon you. You loved her as a sister, but tonight you knew you could not bump into her in your state.
After what could only have been your tenth glass, you observed Osferth sitting alone, looking rather sheepish. As someone you considered your greatest confidant, you slumped next to him, entertaining him with slurred conversation that you imagined was perfectly clear. As the two of you laughed, you were unaware of the conversation that had been brewing slowly across the hall.
Finan draped himself across one of the benches as he watched Uhtred turn serious, sniggering slowly at the man's mildly drunken state. He turned to Sihtric, who had been quiet for most of the night. Though he was always somewhat subdued, today seemed to pique a particular silence within him. Uhtred did not fail to notice. He had been observing how Sihtric ogled you for some months now.
"Good men have begun asking about my ward," he begun, taking a great chug from his cup. He could not hide his smile, knowing exactly what he was doing. The Dane immediately turned his absent head towards his Lord, envy filling his chest at the news. Sihtric wasn't surprised, however. He saw how oblivious you were to the stares around you. Though your position with Uhtred was close enough to scare of some men, others had tried to court you.
Your beauty was known throughout the land, praised above even royalty. As a result of this, you caused Uhtred many problems in his dealing and bargaining with other men, though he would never tell you that. He never ceased to remind you that you behaved like a wild pup, and that no man would consider you for marriage with branches in your hair and mud in your hands. He was teasing, of course, but this had urged your sense of independence so much that you hadn't even considered suitors.
None, other than Sihtric. As he did his work for his Lord, fought for him alongside other men, you couldn't help but feel drawn to him. He was a wonder to speak to, incredibly soft yet opinionated and strong. He let you do things like weave flowers into his hair, play with his sword (albeit very, very reluctantly) and helped you with chores. He had been nothing but kind to you, but his conscious prevented him from making any sort of romantic move.
"She is wild, she will need a strong man. A good man," Uhtred continued, eyeing Finan, who quickly chimed in. He knew he spoke slightly too ill of you in this moment, but it was for a greater purpose, and so he allowed himself the indulgence.
"I could happily take on such a task, Lord," the Irishman raised his glass, staring at Sihtric from where he sat at the very edge of his seat, eyes downcast. He felt ridiculous. He was a warrior in every sense of the word, stoic and observant. Why could he not simply find the courage in him to ask for more than your platonic company. He burned for you. For you to be his wife. To claim you as his.
Finally, Sihtric cleared his throat. "Lord, I wish to be with Y/N. I wish for her to be mine." he seemed almost tortured as he said the words, making Finan burst out with laughter. The two were a close pair, but Finan's laughter did not infect Sihtric as it usually did.
"I'd be able to see that even if I was blind, Sihtric," he began, walking over to his good friend, "she is a fine runt, I like her, but she won't stay idle forever, not with that face." Sihtric grinned slightly, reminiscing on the night that Finan had bestowed you with the glorious nickname 'runt'. After you'd confessed that Leofric was only some distant uncle, and that your parents could have been anyone, he'd stuck ale in your hand and branded you the group's pretty runt.
Sihtric laughed, shoving Finan off of his shoulders, telling him to go and find his own woman for the night, "or have you had every woman not claimed here tonight already?"
Without waiting for Finan's reaction, Sihtric returned his gaze to Uhtred and the other men at the table. Uhtred smiled, tearing copious amounts of bread in his hands and shoving them down. Sihtric declared his Lord a pig for the moment, earning him a slap to the back.
"You and Y/N are suited, I would see that she marries for love, not for convenience. You will allow her to be who she needs to be. I trust you, Sihtric." And with that message, he was gone, up to find his woman, and to enjoy the rest of the night with her. In truth, Sihtric had forgotten what they were even celebrating, content to watch you with Osferth, talking in your endearing manner. He decided now that he would have to make his move.
Your cheeks were red at this point, and you had been mindlessly listening to Osferth tell one of his stories, when a tall silhouette, forming into the figure of Sihtric, came and placed his hands on Osferth's shoulders. Delighted to see him, you opened a space for him on the bench, but instead, Osferth stood and left, wishing you goodnight. You hadn't realised just how late it was, but you didn't care - not when one of your favourite people was sat in front of you.
"Y/N, I hope you haven't exceeded Uhtred's ale limit tonight," he spoke sarcastically, tilting his head to meet your somewhat dazed eyes. His gaze alone made you sober up instantly. You felt the urge to pull him closer, to be around him constantly - even if he did call you a pup, and ruffle your hair as if you were truly Uhtred's dog.
"I can see as clearly as a sorcerer with his runes," you declare triumphantly, but no sooner than you lift your arms to prove yourself do you find yourself utterly drenched in ale. Uhtred's ale, to be exact.
"Did you see that coming, lady?" Sihtric swipes your chin with his finger, licking the ale off of his finger. You want to cry as you look at him, knowing he finds this funny but unable to see much of the humour in it. You had wanted to look nice for him tonight.
"Uhtred. . .you bastard turd," you begin, spewing insults at him, not caring that he loved every minute of it. Truly, he had not intended to disturb you and Sihtric, he had just been curious to observe how one of his most trusted men claimed his woman.
"I would have Sihtric wash your mouth for those insults, but I fear he would enjoy it too much." Uhtred spills more ale, holding your neck between his arm and chest, allowing you to heave more insults at him. When he finally lets you go, you glance once more at Sihtric before storming out of the hall altogether.
Gisela tuts at Uhtred, crossing her arms, "I told you that interfering would do nothing. The poor girl is drenched in ale," she exclaims, Uhtred now no longer smiling, pining after his wife as she walked away from him. Ever the patient man, Sihtric simply smiles, undeterred. If anything, your wet hair made him want you even more.
For now, however, he was a little concerned. You had a tendency to believe that you were entirely invincible, which normally he found adorable, but you had walked out of the hall barefoot, and with no furs on. If he did not find you soon, someone less kind would.
After what proved to be a very short search, since you had left all manner of footprints and a trail of the sweetest smell, Sihtric found you. He chuckled to himself, but that quickly stopped when he saw your clothes on the floor, and you in the river, washing your naked body.
He was about to turn around to leave you, but you were quicker. You caught the back of him, calling his name boldly. Part of you didn’t realise what you had just done, seeing as you were fully exposed, your body hidden from Sihtric only thanks to the water. But you felt as though the moments before Uhtred had spoiled your night could be redeemed. You watched the man reluctantly walk over, unable to keep his eyes from your face. You were freezing cold, but welcomed the temperature. It made you feel alive, and encouraged you - although, that might have just been the ale.
“Y/N, you shouldn’t be out here alone. Not like this,” he seemed almost ashamed that he couldn’t look away. You had always noted his polite demeanour, always trailing behind everyone, making sure everything was well. Now, all you could notice was how handsome the man was. How big he was. His hand reached for yours, long fans being, attached to his enormous arms that were oh so unfortunately shielded by his furs. I want him to take those furs off, you thought.
Normally, a scolding from one of the men, Beocca or even Gisela would irk you. You were more than happy to do whatever you pleased on your own, you weren’t so delicate as to need protection wherever you went. But when Sihtric’s stern voice spoke to you, it made you weak at the knees. You quickly realised you’d listen to just about anything he said.
He was so lenient with you. . .so caring and, always there. You were a fool for not asking him about his feelings sooner. You needed to do it now.
“Y/N. . .”
“Sihtric. . .”
You both spoke at the same time, releasing breathy laughs as you stumbled over each other’s words. You wondered what he was going to say, swishing your hand in the water to keep yourself upright. He had kneeled down to your height by now, looking over you in a protective manner, as if shielding you from the real world.
“Y/N, this might be the wrong place to tell you, but I enjoy your company, more than I do anyone else’s,” he began, inhaling deeply before continuing, “and I would like you to be mine, if that is alright with you. I want you to be my lady, and only mine.” He looked you right in the eyes now, eyebrows tilted and mouth slightly open, off his guard entirely as he analysed your face.
You were beaming. The water no longer seemed quite as cold. Instead, you leapt from your position beneath him, leaning against the grass before kissing him. You were a mess, giving in entirely to him and his mouth. His hands instinctively went around your waist, calloused hands against soft flesh. The softest, he thought. He had become somewhat excited, his hands and lips moving faster. You could scarcely keep up as he took more and more from the deep kiss. Your torso was coming out of the water slowly, freezing cold air meeting your bare skin.
When he stopped for a moment, he realised your situation. He could not help his own smirk, realising his luck at the sight of your nakedness before him. Your hair clung to you, wet and dripping, as was the rest of your form (in more ways that one). But he soon snapped back into a sensible mode of thinking, removing his enormous black furs, letting them swamp your shivering body, holding you tightly to him.
“No other man shall see you the way I see you, if that is what you wish, of course,” he shook his head, realising how quickly he was moving. You revelled in the way his strength wrapped around you, taking the moment to watch his almost childish grin.
“I want only you, Sihtric,” you tilted your head back, sharing his happiness, unbothered by your current situation. Some men lingered, but were too drunk to notice the scene before them. “Please,” whispering into his ear now, you looked at him with adoration. Pure love. He reciprocated, scanning you with his eyes hand his hands, unable to shake the sense of pride that you were so small in his furs, and he, in his leathers, his chest burning for you. You just fitted against him so well.
“Come to my room, now,” he dragged you to his chambers, his hand swamping yours as he gripped tightly, walking faster than you had ever seen him walk. When you arrived in his home, you noted the flower crown you had weaved for him and all of the other men, sat on a nearby shelf. Uhtred had feigned disgust when he saw them, but he too kept his close to his chest when he fought. You had meant it as a silly gesture, but seeing that he had kept the fading flowers made your heart swell.
You soon realised your boldness may had landed you in trouble, as you had never been humped before, and by the looks of it - Sihtric knew exactly what he was doing. You had jokingly called Uhtred and Finan whores several times over the years, but never had you considered Sihtric would be right there beside them during their antics.
“Sihtric - I . . . I haven’t,” you started. Looking rather sheepish as the furs exposed your shoulders, falling down your frame. He came up to you, so close in fact that you felt his warmth, his breath fanning on your lips.
His eyes widened, not from shock, however, but more so from challenge. As if he found the whole thing amusing. “I know, Y/N. I will be gentle, if this is all truly what you want, lady.” The words stung with just a tinge of teasing, but you ignored it, as his eyes grazed over your lips and shoulders. His hands were under your chin, admiring you.
Just as quickly as you had decided, the furs were gone, and you stood entirely naked before him, his own form still fully clothed. The power imbalance felt strange, more apparent, but somehow incredibly arousing. He had full control of you, and you loved it.
“You are perfect, my lady.”
You blushed, feeling the best rising above your neck and into your very mind. Sihtric kissed you again, pulling you towards him. One hand travelled all across your body, landing firmly on your ass, and gripping tightly. You had never known someone so sweet to be so . . . commanding.
“Sihtric,” you moaned feeling his hand brush your inner thigh. It was so sensitive, and he hand evens done anything yet. Finally, his rough fingers padded against your clit, your legs spreading just slightly to accommodate him. He trailed his finger up and down slowly, curling ever so slightly, but stopping as your breath hitched in your throat. A quick kiss to your forehead and his fingers were inside, the distraction lasting no time at all. You felt so unbelievably full.
“Fuck,” he whispered, loving the feel of you. You were so warm, so irresistible. Another hand gripped your breast, his forehead resting against yours. Your eyes were screwed shut, unable to hide your small, constant whimpers. His thumb still remained outside, rubbing all of the right places. He was everywhere all at once.
“Fuck, on the bed,” he started, removing his fingers from you quickly, causing you to jolt. He was tender, but seemed altogether impatient. “Please, Y/N.”
You obeyed him, smiling to yourself as you laid on his sheets, touching your breasts, staring at his as the distance between you gave you the safety to tease. He removed his own clothing, admiring you, muttering things like ‘good’ and ‘beautiful’.
You shut your eyes for a moment, and when you reopened them, he was shirtless, his clothes strewn all over his wooden floor. He stalked towards you, a sweet smile mismatching his predatory gaze. You observed all of his scars, some fresh and some old, against his skin. You could truly think of nothing but him.
“Sihtric please, I need you.” You scrambled, wanting to put so many things into words but unable to, wriggling beneath him.
“There is no rush, Y/N. Relax, my pup.” There was the nickname again. You slapped his arm, knowing it would do absolutely nothing. He laughed, climbing to join you on the bed, intense gaze never wavering.
"Are you comfortable?" He asked, both hands on your hips, holding you like you were weightless. His bare chest was addictive, and you practically clawed to get a feel. All you could do in your desperation was nod.
"Tell me, love." this new term suited him well, causing you to whine louder than normal, not wanting to listen to him but doing so all the same. He was just so sweet. Biting his lip, he refused to do anything until you verbalised your thoughts, prolonging your teasing.
"Yes, Sihtric please, Gods," you moaned, begging for more, which he absolutely loved. He was willing to give you everything. Feeling a sense of enormous pride, he couldn't help the confidence that came over him - he was barely doing anything to you and you were a stuttering mess beneath him.
"No, love, the Gods are not here, it's just me," he stroked your throat, pinching your perky nipples, watching as your skin grew redder from the pressure, "you yield to me so sweetly. So well."
As he adjusted your placement underneath him, his arm muscles moved together, as though they were a flowing pattern, working with one another around him. He had been crafted with the most careful hand. You wanted him to devour you.
"I've wanted this for so long," you exclaim, which seems to catch him off guard, despite his role as a skilled warrior. He beams, his eyes shining as he takes another kiss from you, sloppy and rushed, but filled with passion that had been held back for so long. For years.
Before he speaks, he flips you over, onto your stomach, kneading the skin of your ass with one hand and bringing one of your arms behind your back with the other, restraining you somewhat.
"And I too, Y/N. Now that I have you, I will keep you forever. I truly love you," though he promised to be gentle, he slapped your ass, rubbing the soft flesh soon after, causing your frustration to rise.
"Sihtric, I love you too, but if you do not do something soon, I will have to ask another man to hump me," you groaned, knowing it would hit a nerve. You sensed that Sihtric always felt the need to be a good warrior, a great fighter. You wanted him to let loose entirely - to ravage you.
"Then you would have another man sent to an early grave," he came close to your face, pressed into the pillow. He gave you a quick peck to the chest, another slap to your ass, "perhaps filling you up will be the only way to remind you who you belong to."
And with that, he began to push himself inside of you. The pain was instant, his large cock practically tearing you apart, causing you to wince so hard you started to tear up. But this quickly turned into pleasure once he was fully inside, allowing you time to adjust as he stroked your hair a little.
Sihtric was mesmerised by how you took him. You were so unbelievably tight, clenching and squirming, ever the troublesome ward that he knew you as, though to see you give yourself to him in this moment impressed him. He was stripped from his own thoughts, however, when he heard you snivel, concern immediately telling him to check up on you.
"Y/N, my love, are you alright? Is the pain too much?" His concern made you smile, especially as he began stumbling over his own words, back to the Sihtric you knew. He clumsily leaned over to check your face, sighing as he recognised your smile. Though, he surprised himself a little at how much your wet checks turned him on. Your nose had grown red, drying hair all around your face in a tousled mess, your cheeks and eyes glossy. You looked a beautiful mess. Sihtric deemed you his wife then and there.
His aching cock throbbed inside of you, releasing a lengthy moan as he watched you nod and beg for him to start thrusting through the pain, hands barely fitting around his wrist as you grabbed for him.
"You are so needy," he mused unconsciously, beginning a slow rhythm which had you biting the sheets, "you fit so well underneath me. You were made just for me."
"yes, yes, please Sihtric, more." you yearned for his touch even while it was burning into your skin. He towered over you, feeling love and pleasure in excess as he quickened his pace, feeling you all around him, so tight and so eager. This was not how he thought his night would end, with you whimpering beneath him, begging for him and him alone.
You had not expected this either, to crave him so deeply. "More? Y/N, what has become of you?" He asked, taunting you with a chuckle and a pinch to the cheek. You joined him, but your laughter turned into moaning, as he continued with his words, "Anymore and I should have to lock you up, insatiable brat."
You smiled, the sheer size of him brushing up against you and your clit causing you to near the edge. He felt you clenching harder suddenly, basking in the tight muscle around him. You mumbled a pathetic please, and Sihtric almost retorted with something, but your further sniff reminded him to hold back for now. He would save that treatment for another time.
"Come for me, Y/N," was all he needed to say before you were coming for him, his free hand returning to your clit to guide you through the pleasure. You had truly felt nothing like it, understanding now why all those brutes out there cared so much for whoring and claiming their women. If it felt like this, you didn't know how anyone could leave their bedchambers.
Sihtric came not long after you, pumping you full of himself. You felt the liquid drip from out of you, falling down your thigh and onto his bed. He remained inside of you for some time, helping you breathe as the two of you looked at one another. You truly were grateful for Uhtred practically throwing his ale onto you now. Sihtric was too.
BONUS: ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
The next morning, Gisela and some of the servants brought out generous amounts of food for the burning heads of the men, smiling as she recalled how she had warned her husband not to take it too far. Osferth expected you any moment now, to sit beside him and ramble about something. When you came in, however, it was beside Sihtric, a slight, almost invisible limp to your walk.
Osferth felt a tinge of disappointment when your nonsense didn't attack his ears. Instead, Sihtric seated himself next to Finan, who smiled slyly at him when you placed yourself on Sihtric's lap. You slapped Finan when he proclaimed that Uhtred now owed him silver. And lots of it.
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osferth · 4 months
request: She is the sister of Uhtred and she’s a total badass in combat. Maybe that Uhtred sees how Osferth looks at her and when he says something about that he gets all flustered.
pairing : osferth x reader
@unleashthelion im so sorry its been so long 😭 u might not even be into tlk etc anymore but take this anyway
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You were only a baby when Bebbanburg was usurped by your uncle Aelfric upon the death of his brother and its heir, Uhtred, captured by the Danes. As a result, you grew up in the fortress never knowing your brother, only anecdotes from Aelfric and your mother Glenna - the former dismissive, the latter loving and wistful. 
Glenna was your one saving grace during your time at Bebbanburg. Having been married to Earl Uhtred after his second wife passed away following Uhtred’s birth, she became his stepmother and loved him as her own. She spoke often of the days following your own birth with fondness in her eyes, describing how Uhtred was a permanent presence by your side - how he had loved his little sister more than anything. 
It was Glenna that inspired your desire to meet Uhtred again, but for years you never got the chance. 
For your safety, she never once voiced her anger and disapproval over Aelfric’s usurpation until you were together in private. He was never fond of you to begin with, and you learned early on that had you been born a boy, you would not have been allowed to live for very long. 
She was the only true protection you had, and when she sadly succumbed to illness you knew, even at the age of eleven, that until you found Uhtred you were totally alone. 
The year following Glenna’s death, you accompanied Aelfric, his priest Aidan, and his army of 200 men to Eoferwic, to meet with King Guthred and march on Dunholm. The infamous brothers Sigefrid and Erik were also there, but that hardly registered. After being told rather gleefully by Aelfric that Uhtred was dead, you were in little mood to do anything except passively go along with everything… until the Northmen inexplicably revealed that your brother was still alive. 
You successfully hid your joy while Aelfric raged and planned to leave upon the advice of Gisela, Guthred’s sister. With little love or need for you to begin with, your uncle left you in Gisela’s care, perhaps hoping that some misfortune would befall you and rid him of his unwanted niece. 
Recognising your neglect at Aelfric’s hands, Gisela led you from the meeting and promised to keep you safe. The two of you escaped Eoferwic together and found sanctuary in a nunnery, where you spent the next three years in relative peace. Understanding your desperation for any information about your brother, she revealed her knowledge of him and described everything - how he had grown up and found a family alongside Danes, his appearance, his personality, his love for her, and the words he spoke of his beloved sisters: blood and adopted alike. 
When the nuns could protect you no longer and your uncle’s priests arrived to forcefully marry Gisela to him, you feared losing the only constant you had found in your life - until you were joined by four more people. 
At once, your eyes locked on the man that angrily strode forward. Though he had grown tall and his hair now long like a Dane’s, you knew that this was your brother. 
Too stunned to speak, you could only watch as Uhtred ordered the abbot to release Gisela’s hand. Although he did, he refused to stop repeating the fact that she was married to Aelfric despite Uhtred persistently telling him to stop - which resulted in him killing the man, and it surprised you less than you thought it would. Glenna had always told you what an impulsive boy he had been, after all. 
After reuniting with the man she loved, Gisela beckoned you over, and it was only then that your presence was even recognised. 
“Who is she?” asked Uhtred as you stood before him. 
“Your sister,” Gisela replied, beaming at you. “Y/N.” 
“Hello,” you mumbled shyly, unsure of what else to say. 
Uhtred stared at you for a moment, his eyes wide. “You are certain?” 
“Your uncle left her in my care three years ago, just after you were taken.” 
You could see the tears swimming in your brother’s eyes before he swept you up in an almost bone-crushing hug. 
“I missed you, ástin mín,” he whispered. “I wish I had been there to see you grow.” 
You were crying too, but your tears were those of joy. “Mother told me all about you. All I wanted was to find you, but I never thought I could.” 
“You are here now,” he said, “and I promise I will never lose you again.”
Uhtred was a man that kept his word. He brought you to live with him and Gisela in Coccham, where you stayed as a family. You had always hated feeling so powerless, and so you requested your brother to train you as a warrior - you had only been foolish enough to ask this of Aelfric once, but you knew Uhtred was nothing like him. 
He agreed at once, jumping at the chance to bond with you at the same time as improving your ability with a sword. 
Under the tutelage of your brother and his friends, you quickly grew into an adept fighter. As the years passed, you became a worthy opponent in sparring matches, your skill nearly as refined as those who had taught you. 
Despite the upward turn your life had taken, there were things you still wanted. As much as you loved Uhtred and his friends, you needed someone your own age - a companion you could spend your downtime with. 
Just as you were on the cusp of becoming a woman, your wish appeared to be granted when Osferth entered your brother’s service. Although Uhtred was sceptical of his potential, you couldn’t care less - Osferth was the same age as you and would surely improve with time, just as you had. 
His gentle manner and soft-spoken words were such a vast difference from the brusqueness you were used to that you instantly took a liking to him. He was always careful to address you as ‘Lady’ until you insisted he used your name instead - which was a slow change, given that he would often accidentally revert back to the term of respect. As much as you jokingly scolded him for it, you never truly minded - he was so sweet that you could never be annoyed with him for long. 
You trained alongside Osferth and saw him through Beamfleot, the first taste of battle either of you had ever had. It was equal parts terrifying and exhilarating, and it brought the two of you closer than ever. 
Although battle, maturity, and time spent with Uhtred’s friends had greatly improved Osferth’s confidence, there was only one prospect that rendered him as nervous and shy as the day he had first asked to join Uhtred. 
Although the two of you were close friends, he had long wanted something more. His heart had yearned for you since the day he first laid eyes on you, and every day after that. He loved everything about you - your laughter, how you fought, the way your hand slotted perfectly in his, the cheeky grin that often graced your features… he could go on. 
He wished you knew the truth, but he could never bring himself to admit it and risk ruining the friendship you had. 
One afternoon, you were sparring with Sihtric while Osferth sat close by with Uhtred. 
He watched you parry a blow with a deftness that made it look ridiculously easy, and smiled fondly. You were incredible in combat, and he both adored and envied you for it. 
His gaze was solely on you which, unfortunately for him, was soon noticed by your brother. 
“Enjoying the view?” Uhtred teased, nudging him a little. 
Flushing, Osferth quickly averted his eyes. “I don’t know what you mean, Lord,” he mumbled. 
“You have all the subtlety of a nun in a brothel, Osferth.” 
Uhtred snorted. “Well, your affection for my sister has hardly gone unnoticed.” 
Osferth’s head shot up at once. “She knows?” 
“I meant amongst the men. As far as I know, Y/N has no idea.”
An amused Uhtred watched his shoulders visibly sag. “I’ve never seen someone look so disappointed and relieved all at once.” 
“I don’t know what to do,” Osferth sighed, his gaze returning to the sparring match before him. You had just managed to knock Sihtric to the ground, laughing as you helped him back up. 
“You could try talking to her,” Uhtred suggested, a wicked gleam in his eye. 
Osferth looked at him sideways. “I am not you, Lord.” 
Your brother hummed. “No, you are not.” 
When he said nothing more, Osferth rolled his eyes. “Well, I’m going inside-” 
“No, you are not.” 
Huffing, he sat back down. “Why, Lord?” 
“You will talk to her,” Uhtred decided. “You’ve been yearning long enough.” 
Osferth frowned. “And what if it goes wrong, or- or what if she doesn’t like me? I can’t ruin our friendship, Lord. It’s not something I want to lose.” 
“You have a choice, Baby Monk. Either you take a risk and maybe get somewhere, or you can remain silent and get nowhere at all.” 
Before Osferth could respond to that, you and Sihtric approached the two of them.
“Did you see me knock Sihtric on his arse?” you snickered, leaning on your sword slightly. 
Uhtred smiled. “I did, ástin mín.” 
You looked across to Osferth, but his gaze remained fixed on the ground for some reason. 
“Do you two want to come to the alehouse with me?” you suggested, hoping Osferth would respond, but your brother spoke up first. 
“I think I’ll miss it today,” he said. “I’m going home to my wife.” 
“And I’m going to mine,” Sihtric added, but you already knew that. 
“S’pose it’ll just be us, then,” you smiled at Osferth, “unless you’ve also got a wife that I don’t know about.” 
Finally, he looked up at you and returned your smile. “Lucky for you, I haven’t.” 
The alehouse was bustling when you arrived, but you managed to wangle a small spot in the back corner, half-hidden by a wooden beam. It was cosy enough, and neither of you minded one bit. 
As you sipped on your ale, you quietly observed the man before you. Every time your eyes dropped to your mug, Osferth’s gaze would find itself back on you - although he was trying to be subtle, you noticed, and it amused you to no end. 
“You’re awfully quiet, Y/N. Is something bothering you?” 
Osferth received a grin in reply, one that made his heart flutter in his chest.
“Not at all. I was just waiting for you to say something. I’ve realised I talk far too much, see, so I thought you might like a turn first.” 
“You don’t talk too much,” he said at once, his expression hardening. “I don’t mind. Why, has anyone told you that you do?” 
“No,” you assured him. “Just some introspection, I s’pose.” 
His features softened at that. “Perhaps you should do a little more of that, then,” he smiled, “if that’s your conclusion.” 
“Perhaps,” you chuckled. 
After a moment, he took a rather large swig of his drink. “You fought really well today,” he said, his gaze meeting yours. For the first time, you felt you saw something else in his eyes, something beyond his usual fondness for you, but you could not be certain. 
“Thank you,” you replied, beaming at him. “You… did see me knock Sihtric on his arse, didn’t you?” 
“Of course I did,” he answered, “and I thoroughly enjoyed it, too.” 
Both of you laughed then, only breaking eye contact to take another well-needed sip of your drink. Your heart was starting to beat uncomfortably quickly, and you suddenly felt the need for a little extra confidence just by sitting across from him. 
“You and Uhtred seemed deep in discussion about something,” you pointed out. “Was it something important?” 
Osferth exhaled before answering. “It was - it is. It’s really important.” 
“Care to share?” 
He frowned into his cup before finally answering, refusing to meet your gaze once again. “I like you.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Well, I’d hope so.”
Despite whatever he was seemingly wrestling with, his eyes momentarily shot up to give you an exasperated look. “That’s not what I meant.”
“Sorry. Go on?”
“What I meant was…”
He trailed off for a moment.
“Y/N,” he groaned. “Give me a second.”
You grinned. “Alright. Sorry.”
Although you were being as patient as you could, the time he spent poring over his drink was beginning to feel like an eternity. Above all else, you did share Uhtred's blood... and your brother wasn't exactly famous for either his tact or his patience.
"D'you have feelings for me or something?"
His head shot up at this but, despite what you had expected, he didn't deny it. Instead-
"Yes. I do."
And for once, it was your turn to be silent. You felt incapable of saying or doing anything except staring at him.
The silence that descended upon the two of you stretched on for an uncomfortably long time as you processed the news with wide eyes. Osferth was beginning to fidget uncomfortably, his eyes fixed on his mug of ale - this silence could not bode well for him, surely-
“So do I.”
At once, his head shot up again, and if this moment was not so serious, you might have laughed at the comically shocked expression on his face. His eyes were wide and his lips parted, as though he truly had not expected such an answer from you.
“For you, I mean,” you added stupidly. “Not - not me, obviously.”
Why on earth would you say that?
Osferth stared at you for a moment, an unreadable look in his eyes, before he started laughing. Soon, you joined in, the two of you in fits of giggles, perhaps brought on by happiness or sheer relief that your feelings were mutual.
When they eventually subsided, you regarded him with pure fondness… though there was a gleam in your eye, too. At once, he picked up on it and raised an eyebrow.
“What?” he questioned, his lips quirking up into a smile.
You grinned at him, reaching across the table to take his hand. You didn’t miss the faint dusting of pink on his cheeks when you did so.
“Let’s get out of here.”
Laughing, he obliged at once and stood up to walk home with you. And for once, neither of you let go of the other.
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The Whore of Winchester
Note: yes, I'm still alive and managed to finally get this little fic out, this could be the start of a huge fic I've been plotting for months in secret :)
Warnings: 18+ suggestive/light smut, reader is a whore so there's that.
pairing: Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Finan brought you a new client.
wordcount: 1,6k
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Chapter 1.
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Being a whore in Winchester wasn't a job you ever imagined doing, but there simply weren't many other possibilities for pretty ladies in the town. You didn't hate it, but you were also glad whenever you could take a day off. However, the owner of the whorehouse truly looked after you and the other girls, and there were very rarely situations that left one harmed or upset. You knew that wasn't the case in every whorehouse, so you did count yourself lucky to be working at one where people cared about your wellbeing and safety.
You often had the same men who visited you a few times a week, or who would visit you whenever they were in town during their travels, and many of them were priests or Saxon men with families in different towns, but never Danes. Having a rather steady clientele made sure you could always afford food and a roof above your head, but you were careful with each client who wanted to see you again, seeking out their intentions. And you weren't the only one who had regulars, the other girls did too. One of them was frequently visited by Lord Uhtred, before he got married to Lady Gisela, and you knew he was a good man who protected the city and sometimes even the alehouse and the whorehouse you worked at. 
But Uhtred was rarely alone. He always had a man next to him, an Irish man to be more precise, and his name was Finan. Finan was a man who had visited you on several occasions too, so you weren't surprised when he showed up one evening asking around for you. You caught the whispers in the hallways that Finan was looking for you, so you quickly tied up your hair and straightened your linen dress before you made haste to find him.
The bar downstairs of the whorehouse was warm, crowded and loud. The smell of ale, sweat and smoked meat lingered in the air while you made your way through the crowd, feeling your worn out shoes stick to the floor at times where drinks had spilled, men had puked and blood had been shed during fights earlier that evening. You spotted the dark haired man near one of the far corners and you pushed past the countless men who gave you their best smiles, despite missing most of their teeth and stinking like swines they still thought they could win your heart, but they never would. You tapped the Irish man's shoulders once you were close enough, and you cleared your throat.
'Finan?' you smiled, 'I hear you are asking for me. Are you in need of a nice evening?' you batted your lashes at the Irish man, knowing he was kind and paid royally.
'My beautiful lady,' Finan smirked and kissed your hand, 'this time it is not me who is looking for a hump,' he said and firmly gripped the shoulder of a young man next to him, 'this stallion is in desperate need to be taken care of.'
'Is he now?' you asked, teasingly.
You looked the unfamiliar man up and down. He was tall, lean and very handsome. He was a bit younger than Finan and Uhtred, but he was a man regardless. You could tell he had long hair, which was braided and tied in the back, and he had several tattoos on his fingers and one in his neck. You caught a glimpse of his eyes when he looked up at you, and you noticed they were both differently coloured before he quickly averted his eyes again.
'Aye,' Finan grinned, 'his name is Sihtric, and he's a Dane.'
'A… Dane?' you furrowed your brow, 'a Dane in… in Winchester?'
'Aye. He's the bastard son of Kjartan the Cruel,' Finan said, and you gasped lightly, 'but do not worry, my lady. He may have come to us as a spy, but he has sworn loyalty to Uhtred and he's been with us ever since. And now,' he squeezed the young man's shoulder, 'he deserves to have a treat for his loyalty.'
'Well,' you chuckled and brushed your fingers over Sihtric's biceps, 'you know I can give him a treat,' you winked.
'Exactly,' Finan smiled, 'that's why I brought him to you. So,' he cleared his throat, 'I'll be off. He has silver to pay you with, so make sure to take care of him, aye?'
You laughed and shook your head lightly as the Irish man left, and you took Sihtric's hand. You slowly pulled him with you through the packed alehouse, up the stairs and to the room where you always did your job. Sihtric followed you eagerly, his hand was warm and a little damp. You could tell he was nervous, but his excitement was more prominent and he relaxed fairly easily once you had him sit on the bed. 
Candles lit up your small room and the smell of hay from the stables outside was always there, but it covered the foul air from the alehouse downstairs. You locked the door and Sihtric leaned back on the bed as you returned to him, inviting you to hike up your skirt and straddle his lap. The wooden bedframe creaked lightly as you seated yourself onto his lap, and you were deaf to the faint sound of a brawl just outside your window, as you only heard the Dane's slow, heavy breathing.
'So, Sihtric,' you purred and began to slowly work his leather belt, 'a Dane, hm?' you chuckled, 'I've never been with a Dane before.'
Sihtric hummed softly and chuckled, then looked up at you and wetted his dry, chapped lips with the tip of his tongue as he looked you up and down. 'I'll try to not disappoint you, lady,' he said with a smooth, honeyed voice and a light accent, while a shy smile appeared on his face.
You felt a heat burn up inside of you at just the sound of his voice, something that had never happened to you before, and you knew you were in for a good time yourself too. Not only was your client handsome, but he also seemed well-mannered and, as you felt his arousal already pressed up against your unclothed folds, you already knew his size wouldn't disappoint you either.
'Well, we'll see about that, pretty boy,' you smiled and dropped his belt next to the bed, on the wooden floor. 'Tell me what you like,' you said while you trailed your hands up his muscular, veiny arms, and your fingers began to tug at the laces on his right shoulder, loosening his leather tunic.
'Anything,' Sihtric smiled, and he carefully placed his big hands on your waist while he gazed at your bosom in front of him.
'Anything?' you purred.
'Mhm,' Sihtric hummed again and looked down at your hands working his tunic, before he brought his eyes back to your breasts again.
'You like what you see?' you chuckled when you noticed the young man couldn't keep his eyes off you, and you moved your hands to his shoulders, then down his biceps.
Sihtric only hummed in reply and, before you took off his tunic, you slid off his golden arm rings which he wore one on each arm. Then you took off his golden neck ring too, each ring he had earned for doing good work, and you then began to untie the laces on both his sides. Once his tunic was finally off, leaving him in just his breeches, you admired his perfectly toned body with your hands and eyes.
'My,' you breathed as your hands explored the many scars on his near perfect, 'what a sight to behold. Not many ladies are lucky to be visited by a handsome man such as yourself.'
'Is that so?' Sihtric smiled up at you, a hint of shyness lingered in his eyes while his voice betrayed his cockiness, 'then we are both lucky, my lady, for not many whores are as beautiful as you.'
You felt yourself blush at his words, another thing that was new to you, for no man had ever set your cheeks ablaze like this Dane did. You smiled at him while you slowly pushed the top of your dress down, exposing your breasts completely.
'You are not married?' you asked and took his hands, placing them onto your fully revealed flesh.
'I am not,' Sihtric hummed and his rough, warm hands squeezed you firm, but gentle.
You grinded in his lap as you still straddled him, feeling his bulge twitch underneath you with excitement while you could barely contain yourself for once. Your hands squeezed his shoulders as you began to pick up your pace, adding more pressure while you continued to tease not only him, but also yourself. Sihtric soon became needier, his breath raspy while he watched with adoration how you rutted against him so desperately. You then stopped your movements and got off him, sliding your dress down and stepping out of the fabric once on the floor, while the Dane wasted no time and pulled down his breeches just far enough to free his length. Your mouth watered and the tension in your core became unbearable at the sight of his hard cock, precum oozing from the tip as he gave himself a few strokes. He slowly drew in his bottom lip, his eyes fixated on you entirely while he slowly worked himself, his muscular chest heaving up and down fast while his breathing became heavier with each stroke. His mismatched eyes darted all over you, from your face, to your breasts, to your thighs, down and up your legs and to your cunt, only to look back into your eyes again. Then, you stepped closer and laid yourself upon the bed, spreading your legs slowly which earned you a needy grunt from Sihtric while he still touched himself at the sight of you.
'Show me how a Dane does it,' you breathed and bit down a smile while you beckoned him over, 'use me, Sihtric, and don't stop until you're satisfied.'
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @andakth @succnfuccubus @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1 @foxyanon @djarinsgirl27 @sigtryggrswifey @diiickbrainn @sihtricsafin @lexwolfhale @dixie-elocin @m-a-s-h-k-a
224 notes · View notes
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Pairing: Finan x f!Reader
The camp is celebrating a battle that you have won, and while they drink and dance together, you sit by a lake alone. Finan has some ideas of what you could do instead.
Warnings: SMUT - 18+ - oral sex (f receiving), p in v sex, fingering, riding, unsafe sex + creampie :D (enjoy) - plus words such as "cunt" are used to descibe reader's private parts. No use of Y/N, only petnames
Word Count: roughly 1.8K (posted to ao3, too)
You have won a battle again. All the warriors are celebrating, feasting and dancing around the bonfire. You had enough of it a while ago, and now you are sitting by the lake alone. You said to yourself it would be only for a short while, but it is not going exactly that way. 
“Is everything alright with ya’?” you hear from behind. You hum as you look up at Finan, who has a jug of ale in his hand. 
“Oh, I’m fine, Finan, don’t worry. I just...wanted a little calm and quiet.” you smile at the Irishman. 
“Ya wouldn’t mind some company, would ya?” he asks, and he doesn’t sit down until you tell him that you don’t mind him being with you. “You don’t have anything else bothering you, right?” 
“Nothing’s bothering me.” apart from maybe seeing so many people happily together, like Uhtred and Gisela, Sihtric and his wife... 
“It seems like something does...” he nudges you a little, and it makes you smile a little. “You should be celebratin’! We won! Feast! Drink ale! Dance! Get yourself a man to hump!” you laugh at his last suggestion. 
“As if there were available men in camp who are not only caring about their own pleasure.” you take his cup and a sip of ale. You didn’t have the best past relationship with men, especially your late husband, who has put himself before you in every situation possible. 
“I know at least one.” he raises his brows suggestively. You stare into his eyes, your cheeks reddening. You know what he means, but you are not sure in yourself. 
“Well, I don’t think he would want to be with me.” you say, teasingly, with a small smile. 
“That is nonsense, half the camp wants to be with you.” he chuckles. “It is irritating...” he starts but doesn’t finish the sentence. 
“What is irritating?” you ask, now hiding away your smile. 
“Listening to them. With the urge to beat each of ‘em up, but I can’t, because we need the numbers.” he rolls his eyes again. 
“Well, none of them dare come close to me. I am sure what you hear are only words, and nothing more.” you say to him, your smile coming through. “Now, this one man you know...you sure he is in that half of the camp who wants to be with me?” you say cheekily, and you are not sure if he is catching on. 
“Oh, I am very sure.” he turns to you, only now realizing that you have been staring at him the whole time. “Very, very sure.” he says, his voice lowering as he leans slowly closer. “Darlin’...” 
“Yes?” you ask back as your noses are touching. 
“May I?” he asks, quietly, only for you to hear, although it is not like anyone else is nearby. 
 “You may.” you say, cupping his cheek as he leans in closer, capturing your lips with his. You giggle into it, his beard tickling you. He gets on his knees, and starts kissing down to your neck, sucking on your sensitive skin, making you moan. “Finan, please...” 
“How do you want it?” he murmurs between shaggy breaths. “Do you want to lay down, and I give you everything, or should I lay down and you take everything yourself?” 
“Both. One after the other.” you gasp a little, pulling him in for another kiss. He pushes you back, so you lay down in the soft grass, with him lying above you. For a few minutes, he is just laying on you, kissing you sweetly, letting you wrap your arms and legs around his body. He himself holds you tight, finally having you all for himself. He grinds down on you, and you feel him get harder through all the clothes. 
He starts kissing down your neck, setting your moans free again. With one hand, he unties your shirt, revealing only the top of your chest just yet, and kisses all over what bare skin he can find. What gets him a little frustrated, is that there are no more knots on your shirt, or buttons, and he doesn’t want to sit you up, as you just laid down. 
“How much do you like this shirt?” he asks. 
“It’s nothing special.” and as you say it, he rips it apart right in the middle, making you giggle a little at his eagerness. It didn’t surprise you at all. He is fast to attack one of your breasts, kissing you and sucking there, while massaging the other, earning more and more moans and whines from you. 
To his dismay, he has to lean away from you to remove the rest of your clothing. He is on his knees, looking down at your bare form. He has to stop for a moment, to keep his composure and keep it slow at the beginning. 
“Don’t you think...you are a little over dressed?” you ask, just before you would shudder from a breeze. Maybe the two of you didn’t think it all through. He gets up, grabbing you and carrying you away. 
“Don’t worry, my tent is nearby.” he says with a cheeky smile, watching out for the others so they don’t see the two of you. You giggle, hiding your face in his neck. He walks fast towards his tent, setting you down on his bed, where you are swallowed by the furs, and a sigh leaves your lips at the warmth. 
He takes off his own shirt, too, and you prop yourself up on your elbows to get a better look at him. It is not the first time you have seen him shirtless, oh no, but this time, it is all for you. He looks deep into your eyes as he starts to untie his pants. 
“Ya like what ya see?” he asks, raising his chin a little. 
“I don’t know, I might have to take a closer look.” you sit up and help him to untie his pants, as he is struggling with it a little. He groans. “I really like what I see.” you smile up at him before laying back and watching him take the rest of his clothes off. Your eyes wander over his body, his muscles, his scars, his thick, hard cock. You swear, throwing your head back. 
He just chuckles at that, then crawls back onto the bed and above you. He smiles down at you as he moves to kiss your jaw, then your throat, and from then on down to your stomach... 
He has his hands on your hips gripping into your skin, but one slides down to feel how wet you are. You gasp a little, then moan as he circles your hole. He pushes a finger inside, not breaking eye contact with you as he does so, then another one. You moan louder with each thrust of his fingers. 
“Come on sweetheart, I can’t hear ya’.” he smirks, latching onto your pussy. 
“Fuck! Finan...” you let out, throwing your head back. 
He works you slowly, moaning at your taste. You sneak a hand into his hair, which makes him even more desperate. You stroke and pull his hair slightly, moving him where you most want him. A chill goes down your spine, and you shake in his arms, making him chuckle. 
“Let it out, darlin’.” he says against your skin, picking up his pace as he feels you getting closer to your peak. You curse and try to close your legs, locking him in place between your thighs. He moans, rolling his eyes out of pure pleasure. He feels like he just ascended into a heaven he will never get into. 
You are soon arching your back, reaching your high, crying out his name. You pant, feeling as your legs give out, with a hand over your lips. He is still licking up your folds, but he is much gentler than he was before. 
“Heavens...” you sigh. 
“That good, ha?” he crawls up to look down at you, some of your juices glistening in his beard. 
You smile then laugh. “Very good, yes. Very good.” you nod, trying to clean his beard, even though you think he looks really good like that. “Can’t wait to have you inside of me...” you say quietly, and he groans, hiding his face in the crook your neck and leaving kisses there. 
“The things you say, you filthy heathen...” you laugh as you push him away and down onto the bed. You straddle him, your wet cunt making contact with his hard cock. You feel him twitch as you slide your folds over his base. 
He sits up, grabbing into your hips. You are on your knees, doing your best to help him guide himself inside you. He kisses you gently, as he pushes inside. You let out a long moan, which he devours instantly. 
You lean away to look him in the eyes. Into his pretty, dark eyes. You smile, giving him a peck on the lips as you caress his cheeks. 
“So handsome...” you say with a grin on your face. 
“Says the most beautiful creature amongst all people.” he huffs out. “Ya have no idea, just how heavenly ya look. If someone said to me ya are an angel, I would believe them.” 
You chuckle. “Give me a minute and you will think of me differently.” 
He hums with a smile. “Perhaps ya are a devil in disguise?” 
You kiss him, moving your hips faster. “Perhaps.” you murmur between kisses. You grab his shoulders for leverage, as you start riding his cock even faster. 
“Oh, fuck...” he moans. He bucks up into you involuntarily, making you cry out his name. He kisses down to your neck and sucks, leaving red bruises all over your skin there. “Darlin’...” 
“Finan!” you cry out his name before you reach your peak again. Your cunt clenches around his cock, making him release his seed deep inside you. 
He holds you close as he rests his head on your shoulder, grabbing into your hips with a vice grip. You pant into his ear, giving him some featherlight kisses. He holds his own lips against your skin, not exactly kissing, but just keeping them there. 
You run your hand through his hair, tugging gently, encouraging him to look up at you. You peck his lips, and he smiles fondly at you. He pulls out and you groan, feeling as his seed flows out of you. He grabs a cloth and cleans both of you off. 
“Everything alright?” he asks as you lay down on the bed and he sits down next to you. 
“Yes, my love.” you smile. “Now, come and rest with me.” 
And he does, laying down next to you and enveloping you in his arms, almost instantly falling asleep next to you. 
The next morning, you let Finan sleep in, and you walk out of his tent, just to be greeted by the other three, who are joined by the hip. 
“I told you so.” says Osferth. Uhtred rolls his eyes and Sihtric tosses silver coins at his head. 
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mommytauriel · 2 years
Sihtric x reader where she reads to Sihtric because he likes listening to her voice while he lays his head on her lap and she sits against a tree.
+ · 。~ the voice of my love
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pairing: sihtric x female! reader | genre: fluff | warnings: kissing, just a lot of fluff | wc: 1,684 |
synopsis: sihtric just really loves the sound of your voice
request: yes
note: first of all, tysm for sending in a req! This was actually the first req I’ve ever done :). When I first read it I fell in love with the idea, and I surprisingly wrote this pretty fast. I really do hope you enjoy it! also I had to use that gif because omfg he looks so fine 🤭
Thank you @destinyisall-tlk for letting me use the lovely gif <;3
Sihtric was a clingy man. Ever since he met you all he wanted to do was, be by your side. But being one of Uhtred's most trusted men, he didn't always get to be, much to his disappointment. When he was away from you all he had on his mind was you. When he was riding you were on his mind. When it was late in the night and he laid alone, you were on his mind. The quiet that came after a battle, you were on his mind. 
He would think of your eyes, the eyes that would look at him with so much love, the eyes he would look into when he held you in his arms. He would think of your soft skin, the way it felt against his body, the way he would trace his finger against your bare hip in the late of night, your soft neck where he would leave wet kisses that would make you break out into a fit of giggles. 
But what he would think about the most was your voice. The voice he could listen to for hours, the voice he would listen to in the middle of the night when you couldn't sleep because you had too much on your mind. The voice that would whisper sweet nothings into his ear. 
Sihtric used to think it was silly when uhtred would talk about his love for lady gisela, he couldn't understand how someone could love that passionately, and then he met you. Your voice was the first thing he noticed about you. You were standing next Brida, a smile on your face as you talked passionately about different ways certain herbs can help with pain. You guys didn’t even talk to each other, and he was already hooked. 
He soon understood that passionate love uhtred talked about because he felt it with you, and gods was it passionate.
You were standing in your and Sihtrics home in Cookham, in the kitchen organizing your many different herbs that you had collected earlier in the day. It was a quiet day in cookham, everything seemed to go smoothly. No drunk men that Finan and sihtric would have to pull apart. It was sunny out and the sky was filled with clouds, your favorite weather. 
You were brought out of your thoughts of the weather when you feel two strong arms hug you from behind and pull you back against his chest. You gasp in shock and drop the herb in your hands, letting it fall on the wood counter. You go to push the mysterious man but stop when you see the familiar sight of your lover's arms. 
“Sihtric! You scared me” you shout before laughing when you feel sihtric nestle his face into your neck, placing a small kiss on your pulse point with a hum. A smile immediately adoring your face at the feeling. 
“I’m sorry I just couldn't resist” He gives you a wink and kiss on the cheek before he moves his hands to your waist, turning you around and softly pushing you against the wooden counter. You smile and trail your hands up his arms, resting them on his shoulders feeling the leather and fur of his clothes. 
Sihtric smiles at your touch and leans down, pressing his body against yours and locking your lips in an eager kiss. He deepens the kiss, one of his hands moving to the back of your neck, pulling you closer as your lips part, his tongue slips into your mouth, dominating the kiss. 
Sihtric reluctantly pulls away from the kiss when he remembers the reason, he first came to you. He relishes in the sight in front of him, your eyes still closed as you lean back against the counter, small pants escaping from your lips as you try to catch your breath from the intense kiss, your lips bruised and plump from the heated kiss. 
“Come with me” Sihtric whispered as he moved some of your hair from your face before his hands went back to holding your waist. Your eyes flutter open and you lock eyes with him, a smile on your flustered face. 
“I can't” You sigh, thinking of all the things you had to get done before sunset. You knew your words would disappoint sihtric, but you had to finish your tasks. 
“Yes, you can '' he said in a persuasive tone, his eyes not leaving yours even when he felt one of your hands playing with his arm bracelets. Your touch never did fail to make his heartbeat faster. 
“I’m busy sihtric” You smile, reaching behind you to pick up some lavender and bringing it up to his nose for him to smell. You can't help the giggle that leaves your lips by the cute sight of sihtric scrunching his nose and leaning away from the strong smell. 
Sihtric brings one of his hands that was holding your waist to rub under his nose, trying to get rid of the ticklish feeling he felt. He gives you an annoyed look that quickly fades as fast it showed, it being replaced with a smile at the sound of your laughter. 
“I haven’t spent any time with you today…don’t you want to spend time with me” Sihtric tries to persuade you by making his tone sound sad. He knew you were busy, but he was a selfish man, especially when it involved you. 
“I do but I have so much to get done” you pout, you really did want to spend time with him. Sihtric smiles at the cute sight of your pout, fighting the urge to lean down and kiss you again, taking your lips in his. 
“Do you want me to beg?” 
“You are quite handsome when you beg” You smirk and then pause for a minute, tilting your head to the side pretending as if you were actually thinking about it. Sihtric groans impatiently and rests his forehead on your shoulder. You laugh and bring your hand up to play with his hair at his nape. Sihtric whispers out a please and presses a kiss on your neck. 
“Fine! But I have to be back before it gets dark” You finally caved in after another two kisses and the third please, you would have made him beg longer but he was just so irresistible. 
“I promise you will be back before nightfall” Sihtric smiles and gives a quick peck to your lips before grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the kitchen, stopping to pick up his satchel before continuing to pull you out of your shared house. 
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You gave sihtric a confused stare, the both of you standing in the woods, in front of a large tree that provided shade to the hot sun. When sihtric begged you to spend time with him you didn't expect him to take you to the woods. You're brought out of your thoughts when you feel your love kiss your jaw. You look away from the tree and to sihtric who's giving you a smile, a smile that you return. 
You watch as sihtric sits and sets his satchel next to him. He looks up at you and gives a grin and pats the spot next to him. “Come here”
You smile and step closer to him and sit down at his side leaning back against the large tree, the sounds of leaves crunching at your actions. Sihtric opens his satchel to see two apples and an old book, he remembers it being one of your favorites, the old pages being filled with love poems. 
Sihtric pulls out the old book from his satchel and turns to face you, showing you your book in his hand. You tilt your head in confusion not understanding when he brought your book but then it dawns on you, he wants you to read to him. The sight of the old book reminds you of one of the late nights you two shared. 
The two of you were curled up in a fur blanket, next to the lit fireplace. You were in between sihtric’s legs, leaning against his chest while his arms were around your stomach. In your hands was that same book, you spent hours reading that book and talking about the meaning of the poems and what they meant to you. It was an amazing night, a night you would never forget. 
“You want me to read to you?” 
“I missed hearing your voice” He confesses with a shy smile. You take the book from his hands and adjust the way you were sitting so you could lean against the tree more comfortably. You open the book and the first page you open has a small red stain of wine at the bottom of the page, reminding you of another memory. 
You smile and change to another page that you haven't read yet. Sihtric lifts up your arms that were in your lap and lays his head there instead, the soft fabric of your dress feeling nice. You giggle and look down at him, his eyes meeting yours. 
“Comfy?” You ask him, your free hand moving to push back some of his hair from his face, Sihtric smiles at the feeling, loving the feeling of your fingers in his hair. 
“Very” He mumbled. You smile and let your fingers retract from his hair, your eyes look away from him and to your opened book, your mouth opening as you read the poem. 
“As noble Sir Arthur one morning did ride, with his hounds at his feet and his sword by his side, He saw a fair maid sitting under a tree; he asked her name, and she said…” 
Sihtric closed his eyes as he listened to you read to him, the faint sound of birds chirping and wind becoming faint as all he can hear is your voice. He felt so peaceful, his head in your lap, the shade from the large tree protecting you both from the heat of the sun. 
Sihtric wishes he could stay in this moment forever…
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note: okay this was one of the shortest fics I’ve written, I’ve been trying to work on not making things so long, because it takes me forever to finish it.
But I hope you guys liked it! I had fun writing it :)
Please comment and tell me what you think of it, I would love to hear your thoughts!
I am actually so in love with this man 😫
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copyright ©️ 2023, all rights reserved. you can't copy, translate, reproduce, repost my fic, use my plot or layout. 
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volklana · 5 months
Love's The Death of Peace of Mind
Title Comes From This Song:
Cannot recommend enough listening to this song as you read it set the whole tome for me writing.
Request: Please I'm on my knees a modern Sihtric x reader where they hate each other. But somehow end up fucking and then become obsessed with each other. I've seen with your Bucky fics that you sometimes use songs so could I suggest The Death of Peace of Mind by bad Omens? I'm already drooling...
Modern!Sihtric x Reader
Warnings: Hints of slight alcohol abuse. If that isn't for you, please don't read, protect your peace and you can catch me next time xx
I don't know why but I hyperfixated on Sihtric's hair in this one??
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You felt stupid, walking up the steps to the club with the small gift bag in hand, the loud music already blaring before you even made it inside.
Your eyes scanned the room for the one person you knew in the city, slightly regretting that you had agreed to come out to celebrate his birthday but he had assured you his friends would love you, and when he got down on his knees at work amidst the pile of band shirts you were attempting to fold and begged you to come, you just couldn’t refuse him.
You finally spotted him laughing easily with a group of friends and shyly made your way over.
“You came!” he shouted, placing his drink down on the table and running to meet you, picking you up and spinning you around as you laughed freely, despite your nerves, “You got me a gift?” he exclaimed when he finally placed you down.
“It’s only something small,” you laughed at his childlike excitement.
You had left an incredibly shitty relationship and moved to London, a few months ago, but it wasn’t until you started working at a backstreet record store that you had met Osferth, and surprised yourself at how quickly you two had become friends. 
He didn’t exactly give you a choice.
Soon another pair of strong arms pulled you in for a hug and he introduced himself as Finan, winking at you and you felt your cheeks flush.
Osferth brought you over to the table they had been sitting at and introduced you to a couple who were seated.
“Uhtred. Gisela, this is y/n!” Osferth shouted over the music and Gisela was rising out of her seat like lightning “Finally!” she exclaimed coming to give you a hug, “We’ve heard so much about you! It’ll be nice to finally have another girl to keep these guys in check!” you giggled and squished her back in appreciation, throwing a smile towards Uhtred who was patiently waiting his turn to give you a hug. 
“I’m not sure where Sihtric is but you’ll meet him tonight too,” Osferth grinned and Gisela leaned in closer to your ear, “Don’t be offended if he doesn’t react too warmly. He’s shy.”  You nodded, thanking her for the heads up.
“I’m going to get a drink,” you shouted over the music and Osferth rose too, “I’ll come with you,” he offered and you shook your head, “Stay and enjoy yourself, I’ll be right back!” you countered and he smiled happily taking his seat again.
You pushed your way through the sweaty bodies on the dancefloor, making your way across to the bar and tried to settle the nerves in your stomach. You were so out of your comfort zone, that you’d already decided you would have two or three drinks and dip out early and leave Osferth in the very capable hands of his friends.
You ordered your usual drink and then for good measure, ordered a shot for some liquid confidence. It was then you spotted what you thought was the most gorgeous man you had ever laid eyes on, leaning with his back against the bar, eyes watching the dancefloor with a drink in hand, His black skinny jeans were tucked into a pair of doc martens and he was wearing a grey and black plaid shirt over a black tee, his hair was pulled into a bun at the nape of his neck. He must have sensed your gaze because suddenly his eyes were on yours and his face hardened, eyeing you with uncertainty. You quickly downed your shot and made your way back to Osferth’s table. 
You chatted easily with Gisela, already making plans to meet her for coffee and swapping numbers. Finan was laying the flirting on thick but you quickly realised it was his way of teasing and he almost lit up when you began giving it back just as good.
When you finished your drink, you were relieved when he offered to grab you a fresh one as he went to order himself another pint.
“Sihtric!” Osferth shouted “Finally, come here I want you to meet y/n”
Your stomach dropped when you realised it was the guy from the bar. He simply nodded your way in acknowledgement, and it was only under these lights that you realised that he had two different coloured eyes, and his face twitched in amusement.
“Your friend has a staring problem Osferth,” he teased and you felt your cheeks heat up and wanted the ground to swallow you whole, “I’m Sihtric,” he nodded your way.
 “Nice to meet you, you managed a small shy smile his way and Gisela, squeezed your leg with a knowing smile. 
After a couple of drinks you made your excuses, reminding Osferth that you had taken the opening shift so that he could sleep off his hangover in the morning. Sihtric was once again nowhere to be found, so you said goodbye to the rest of the group, promising you would come out again soon. 
You pulled your leather jacket tighter around your body as you took your phone out to book an uber.
“Leaving so soon?” a cocky voice called over your shoulder and you turned around to see Sihtric propped up against the wall, exhaling cigarette smoke, as he flicked the ash from the top of his lit cigarette.
“Yeah,” you sighed “I’ve got work in the morning.” 
“Thought you’d be heading back with Osferth, giving him his proper present,” he smirked, taking another pull of his cigarette and you glared his way.
“It’s not like that. We’re just friends.”
Sihtric threw his cigarette away and moved towards you, “So you’ve no interest in letting him take you home and having his way with you?.” 
“None,” you shot back indignantly. “Maybe, you can’t keep friends without fucking them, but I’m not like that.”
“Hmm,” he considered, moving into your space, “But we’re not friends, and I’ve seen you looking at me all night. Maybe you’d like me to take you home and show you a good time.” 
You wanted to tell him to back off, to tell him he was reading you wrong. But truth be told it had been months since anyone had ignited this kind of spark in and you had been lonely in this city.
You swallowed thickly as his two mismatched eyes bore down into yours.
“They- they told me you were shy,” was the only thing you could muster and he chuckled, deep and seductively he dipped down to whisper in your ear, hand snaking up to wrap in your hair “Quiet and shy are not the same thing, lady.” 
You could barely keep your hands off each other in the cab back to his apartment. He nipped and sucked the skin on your neck, and you were sure you would have to wear a turtleneck to work tomorrow to hide the evidence.
Sihtric pushed you up against the wall of the elevator and you were almost dizzy when he pulled away, spilling out into the corridor and through the door of his apartment.
He was rough and needy, barely allowing you space to breathe, pulling the sleeves of your dress down your arms and watching as it slipped to the floor, he made quick work of his own clothes too before he flung you on the bed.
He was a commanding lover, marking your body and fucking you hard and fast until you were a screaming mess, which seamed to only spur him further. 
“Say my name. Say my name love, I’m so close.”
You looked up at him through your lashes and it was like his name left your lips of its own accord and he collapsed a panting weight on top of you.
He snaked his hands around you, pressing you closer to him, “Such a feisty little thing,” he chuckled and you wrapped your fingers through his soft hair, pulling the band from his hair and letting his loose curls free, “So pretty,” you couldn’t help but muse, as his curls fell down around his face, but his gaze hardened and it was like the spell was broken.
He rolled off you, and slipped his underwear back on and began rummaging through his jeans until he found his box of cigarettes, he made his way towards the balcony before he threw a glance your way, “Do you want me to call you a cab?”
You whipped your head in his direction but he was keeping his gaze solely on the door to the balcony and you couldn’t help the shame pitting in your stomach. He wanted you to leave.
“Um, no I can get an uber,” you tried to answer nonchalantly, trying to disguise the hurt you felt at being used and the sudden change in pace. 
“Okay,” was all he answered before pulling the sliding door open and stepping out into the night air, as you watched the flame of his lighter ignite the cigarette.
You quickly pulled your discarded clothes back on and fumbled with your phone until you had successfully booked an uber through the app. 
You waited for Sihtric to come back inside, but he never turned to look at you again, feeling your stomach churn when he simply lit another cigarette.
Your phone pinged to say your driver was outside and so you let yourself out of his apartment, and down to the lobby. As you opened the door to get into the back of your car, you risked a glance back up to his balcony, you could still make out his silhouette and the little flicker of a lit cigarette, but he didn’t acknowledge you, instead turning on his heel and making his way back inside, and you cried the whole way home in the back of the uber. 
You never told Osferth about what had happened after you left the club that night, and you gathered that Sihtric hadn’t either. You did however meet up for that coffee with Gisela, mainly because she wouldn’t give you the option not to. 
“You’ve been avoiding us,” she murmured softly.
“I’ve just been busy,” you lied, stirring your coffee more than you needed to, and she decided against arguing with you.
“Well this Saturday is Uhtred’s birthday, and before you say you can’t, I happen to know you have the weekend off. I already checked with Osferth,” you couldn’t help but laugh at her eagerness “Please, y/n. For me. For Osferth. Please come.”
And that was precisely how you’d found yourself sipping a drink on the sofa of Uhtred and Finan’s apartment, music blaring and deep in conversation with Finan.
You were relieved when you arrived that there was no sign of Sihtric, and so had settled into an easy conversation with the Irishman, who was trying to convince you to let him tattoo you, opening up his instagram to show you some of his work.
“Sorry I’m late,” a voice announced from the hallway, hauling in a crate of beer, “My last appointment ran a little over time.”
“Sure!” the Irishman taunted “More like you got carried away with that hot blonde I left you with.”
Sihtric smiled smugly, but his face dropped when he spotted you.
“Y/n,” he acknowledged.
“Sihtric,” you threw back and then turned your attention back to Finan urging him to continue showing you his work. 
You danced a bit with Gisela and Eadith, bumping hips and running your hands through your hair, you were tipsy and having more fun than you’d had in months, before you excused yourself to go grab a drink from the fridge. Sauntering past Sihtric without sparing him a glance.
You were about to close the fridge yourself, when someone reached over you from behind and slammed it shut.
“Were you just going to ignore me all night then?” Sihtric’s sultry voice whispered in your ear and you carefully twisted around, eyeing him cautiously.
“That was the plan.” 
“And why would you want to do that? You were screaming my name not so long ago.”
“I’m a good actress,” you spat and went to push past him, but he caught your arm.
“No, you’re not,” he laughed smugly and pushed you up against the fridge behind, “Bet I could have you screaming my name again right now if I wanted.”
You shoved him off you hard, “Go find someone else to hit and quit. I had my turn.”
Sihtric swallowed hard and looked like he wanted to say something else, but he simply let you push past.
“Are you and Finan a thing?” he asked suddenly, shocking even himself.
“Why would it matter to you if we were?” you shot back “You clearly don’t even like me, and I certainly don’t like you,” you spat before, Sihtric cut you off by crashing his lips to yours. You felt ashamed again when all your resolve melted and you allowed him to pull you upstairs into Finan’s room, taking you up against the wall, you dug your nails onto the skin of his back as you tried to stop yourself crying out when he came undone, panting as you came down from your own release.
“Come back to mine,” Sihtric pleaded and you were snapped back to your senses.
“What? No!” you shoved him off, pulling your panties back up, and watching as his mismatched eyes flashed with confusion. You were not going to give him the opportunity to make you feel like nothing again. You stepped out of the room, not sparing him a glance as you went and took your seat beside Finan, you didn’t see Sihtric again, until he slinked out of the apartment with a girl wrapped up in his arms and you had to hide the tears that were threatening to fall, telling Finan you were just tired.  
You stopped allowing Sihtric to be the reason you didn’t go out with your new found friends every weekend. Instead you both gave each other a wide berth, feigning politeness in front of the rest of the group but not speaking to each other at all aside from keeping the peace.
But why then did every night out end with your hands wrapped up in Sihtric’s hair and his lips on yours, begging you to come back to his place with him, but you always refused.
You tried to convince yourself it was simply sex, but the more it went on the harder it was to deny that you were developing feelings for him. That’s what made it so hard. 
And when Sihtric disappeared for a few weeks, Osferth told you he had gone on a retreat, you scoffed and Osferth looked confused. You just didn’t see Sihtric as the spiritual kind, but evidently you were wrong.
You joined a dating app and pushed yourself out of your comfort zone by agreeing to go on a date. Even if it was just to try to forget about Sihtric for an hour or so.
You spent hours on your makeup and settled on a black satin dress, a baggy denim jacket and boots. You felt confident for the first time since Sihtric had knocked it significantly.
But your confidence was quickly shattered, when half an hour turned into one hour. And one hour turned into two, and your date was a no show. You went to check your messages only to find that he had unmatched you and blocked your number, and that was that.
You had been ordering drinks as you waited and now you were drunk.
“Fuck it,” you sighed grabbing your jacket and decided on walking home.
You were drunk and it was possibly the stupidest thing you had ever done, but you were alone walking streets you didn’t quite recognise after dark and it happened like lightning.
Someone tried to pull your bag off your shoulders and you attempted to fight them off, you barely registered the punch to your pace until blood began to pump from your nose, the taste of metal filling your mouth as your attacker pushed you to the ground and made off with your bag.
As you gathered yourself off the ground you attempted to give chase but he was long gone and you weren’t even confident in what direction he had gone.
You walked in shock for a few minutes, holding your nose, tears spilling down your face and then you found yourself at a familiar junction.
The welcoming light of a lobby to an apartment building that you had been in once. You chanced a look up at his balcony and were surprised to find the lights in his apartment were on. Swallowing your pride you wrapped your jacket tighter around yourself and took the elevator up to his floor.
“Y/n,” he gasped, taking in your appearance “What the hell happened?” he rushed.
But you were frozen to the spot, shock beginning to set in, as you shook.
“I’m sorry to just turn up here. I didn’t- I didn’t know what else to do.”
“Fuck,come here,” he said softly ushering you inside. He was topless, in a pair of low rise black sweats, his curly hair hanging loose around his face, damp from just showering.
“What happened,” he asked again softly and you relayed the story as you trembled.
He looked you over, blood drying on your face, but thankfully your nose didn’t seem broken and you were very, obviously drunk.
“My phone, my purse, they’re all gone,” you were beginning to freak out and Sihtric could see it.
“Shh, it’s okay. It’s gonna be okay, we’re going to sort it all out. Come here,” he subconsciously pulled you to him, rubbing soothing patterns on your back, heart falling at the feel of you trembling in his arms.
“Were you on a date?” he eventually broke the thick silence, you nodded and he tutted “What asshole would let you walk home alone in the dark after you’d been drinking?” 
You laughed dryly and his eyes shot down to look at you like you were crazy “The kind of guy that leaves you waiting for hours, only to stand you up and block you on everything. Just my luck,” you sniffed “The only two guys I’ve been with since I left my emotionally abusive ex have been even bigger dickheads.” 
Sihtric stilled, all actions and you froze “I-I’m sorry I didn’t mean that. I think maybe you should just call me a cab and I’ll go.��
Sihtric shook his head, pulling you into the bathroom and seating you on the tub, “At least let me get you cleaned up.”
He took a washcloth and gingerly wiped away the drying blood, you were surprised at how gentle he was capable of being. 
“We should block your phone so whoever has it won’t be able to use it,” you nodded, head spinning and he set about doing it all for you, he gave you his phone to call the bank so you could block your cards too. 
He went to make you tea and it was only when he was out of your space that you allowed the tears to fall, and you sat holding your head in your hands.
“What can I do?” he begged quietly as you sipped your tea, tears silently slipping down your cheeks.
“Can you take me home?” you sniffed “I feel stupid in these clothes. I think I need to sleep.” 
“You should sleep here, I’ll take you home in the morning, you’ll need to call your landlord for a set of new keys anyway.”
“I don’t want to stay here,” you suddenly panicked.
“I wouldn’t try anything tonight, not while you’re hurt,” Sihtric rushed, hurt etched across his features “I may not be a good man in your story but I can be..good,” he sighed in a small voice.
“That’s not- I know you wouldn’t-”
“-But you don’t want to stay?” 
“The last time I was here, you treated me like an asshole, Sihtric, how can I sleep wondering when you’re suddenly gonna decide to kick me out” 
“Y/n” he looked at you blinking frantically, like he was desperately trying to find the right thing to say.
“Please, just take me home,” you whispered and he was nodding furiously before he could change his mind. 
The ride back to your apartment was silent and you kept your eyes trained on the window, watching the London skyline fly by, your head spinning from the alcohol and events of the night. 
As soon as he pulled into your parking lot, you were pulling at the handle, before he had even put the car in park. 
“Y/n, wait…wait,” he grasped your hand, “I’m sorry I haven’t been the guy you want me to be. I fucking wish I could be.”
You pulled your hand out of his grasp and you couldn’t help the tears gathering in your eyes, “You know Sihtric. I could have loved you. But, you just wouldn’t let me,” you slammed the door and made your way up into your building before he could respond and before you lost all resolve completely. 
Weeks passed and you didn’t see Sihtric, nor did Osferth for that matter. He said Sihtric sometimes did this.
“It’s like he hits self destruct, he starts running around with his old friends. He goes on a bender and then he comes back when he’s worked through whatever it is he needed to get out of his system. It’s not the best way to deal with things, but hell if I’d been through the shit Sihtric has in his life I don’t even know if I’d be here anymore. It’s a shame because he is such a sweet and caring guy, he doesn’t deserve it”
You wanted to press Osferth on what he meant, but you didn’t want to seem so interested in Sihtric that it would raise suspicions. 
But it was evident that his friends were beginning to worry about him, you were worried sick but you didn’t even have his number to text him. Was it even your place to do so? 
A loud banging on your door woke you up with a start, and you began to panic, fearing someone was breaking into your apartment.
But then you heard it again, the distinct sound of knocking and someone calling your name, and you flung the door open to find Sihtric, slumped against the wall, very clearly intoxicated and upset. 
“Y/n,” he sighed, falling down at your feet, grasping your waist and leaning his full weight into you, “Please. I can’t stop thinking about you. The way you taste, the way you say my name. Please, I need you to just hear me out.”
“Sihtric,” you cried, raking your fingers through his soft curls, trying to sooth him “We’ve been  worried sick about you. I’ve been worried about you,” you decided to be honest.
“Please, y/n, I’m sick of pretending that I don’t care about you. I can’t do it. I can’t pretend that I’m not head over heels for you anymore,” the last statement slipped from his lips and he looked up at you wide eyed, fearing you would reject him.
“You’re drunk Sihtric, you don’t mean this,” you tried to sooth but hurt flashed across his face.
He suddenly rose up to his full height, cupping your face “You’re all I can think about. I thought by drinking I could forget about you. But I can’t stop thinking about you. You’ve been the death of me. The death of my peace of mind.”
“You don’t mean this,” you repeated, trying to reassure yourself more than him.
“Why do you keep doing this to me? You keep denying me. Keep dismissing me.” 
“You did it first!” you threw, and he had, Sihtric had rejected you first, forced you to build these walls to try to keep him at arm’s length. He looked at you sincerely, confusion written all over his face so you continued.
“That first time, Sihtric, you couldn’t get rid of me fast enough. After you’d gotten what you wanted. You’ve always just wanted the sex you don’t want me and I’m not going to have my heart broken again by another emotionally unavailable man.”
“Don’t you get it?” he spat “You have the power to completely destroy me. You already are. I thought I could stop myself from falling if I made you leave. I thought I could drink and fuck you out of my mind but I can’t do it anymore. I don’t want to do it anymore. I need you.” 
He brought his forehead to rest against yours, breathing heavily, his eyes slipping closed as he held your face in his hands.
“You said you could love me if I let you. Did you mean that? Please tell me you meant it?” he begged and you nodded in his hands and he sighed in relief.
“I’m fucked up. I have so much baggage and I will probably fuck up a million times, but I want to try with you. I want to try for you.” 
“I always wanted you Sihtric,” you admitted “But this is a complete 360 and I don’t want to get burned again.” 
Sihtric didn’t know how else to convince you he was serious, so he pressed his lips against yours, Sihtric was not a man of words but he could show you with his actions.
You woke in the morning, encased in Sihtric’s arms, his grasp on you like a vice grip.
When you made to move, he refused to release his grip, snuggling further into you, but relenting when you told him you were going to make breakfast.
You watched him as he scoffed down his toast and took a big gulp of orange juice.
“Did you mean everything you said last night?” you eventually tested, breaking the silence.
“Every word,” he promised, looking right into your eyes sincerely, “I pushed you away because I was afraid to let myself fall in love with you, but all that did was hurt the two of us, and I can’t take back all the time we lost, but I promise I will try to make it up to you.” 
You considered him quietly for a moment, and he swallowed hard.
“I’m not sure how much Osferth told you about my past..but it’s not a happy one. It’s why I’m so fucked up, but it’s not a good enough excuse for the way I behaved with you. When we first met I was on a downward spiral, I had just come from the most traumatizing relationship of my life and you terrified the life out of me, all gentle and tender and looking at me like we could have been something more than just that night, and I panicked and I was cruel. ” 
“I’m sorry,” you muttered “I didn’t know,” you said softly.
“How could you love?” he sighed gently “I never even gave you a chance. But I have tried to be better for you. To be the man who deserved to be looked at the way you looked at me that night when you ran your fingers through my hair. That retreat I went on, I signed myself into a programme to try to get my drinking under control again, I had this whole plan to ask you out proper. To explain myself but when you turned up on my doorstep that night  I realised I was fucked, and the thought of you rejecting me, sent me into a spiral, and I hit the drink again.” He suddenly pulled his knee up to rest his chin on. “Fuck, I’m a lot right?” he suddenly chuckled, extending his hands out with a self deprecating shrug.
“Honestly, yes,” you laughed, examining his face, blushing when you found his eyes were already on yours. You still thought he was the most gorgeous man you’d ever seen on the planet and your breath caught in your throat.
“So where do we go from here?” you tried gently.
“C’mere?” he mumbled and you crawled your way onto his lap and he placed feather light kisses to your face.
“Will you let me date you proper? Take you out, show you off, be my girl? No more sneaking around. I want to tell Osferth and Uhtred and Finan.” You nodded, smiling as your heart began to flutter.
“You know Osferth is going to kill me don’t you?” he laughed against your skin and you laughed out loud “And I know that you’re going to have to learn to trust me, I’m not expecting it to happen overnight.”
You nodded, playing with the soft curls around the nape of his neck, and he leaned heavily into your touch.
“I want to trust you and I want to love you.”
“But?” he hummed.
“Don’t hurt me Sihtric.”
“Never again,” he promised, pressing his lips to yours.
“I fucking knew it!” Finan exclaimed, slapping Sihtric on the back.
“No you did not!” Uhtred laughed,coming to clasp hands with his friend, “I am so happy for you both,” he said honestly and Gisela came to pull you into a hug, you released Sihtric’s hand so you could squeeze her properly.
Osferth, who had been strangely quiet stepped forward, a worried frown across his brow, “I don’t know who I’m supposed to warn about not hurting the other. You are both my friends.” 
Sihtric took your hand in his again, pressing his lips to your hand, “I’m never hurting this one. I love her.” your eyes fluttered and you couldn’t help the shaky laugh that left your body with relief.
Sihtric had once said that love was the death of peace of mind, and if that was so, you were out of your own damn mind in love with that boy.
Tagging: @canyonmoon-2 @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @whitedarkmoonflower @shamrockqueen @thenameswinter99 @foxyanon @acdassenza @thatawkwardlittlefangirl
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foxyanon · 2 months
To Love A Dragon: Part 3
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Since my birthday is in a couple days, here’s a gift from me to y’all! Something a bit lighter for my babies after the last depressive piece I released 😅 I do directly quote Season 2 Episode 2 in this, because let’s be real, ‘twas iconic on Sihtrics part
Summary: An oath is sworn, and a man put in his place.
Pairing: Sihtric Kjartansson x Rhaenerys Targaryen
Word Count: 2439
Rating: 18+, MDNI
TW: Eadred is a cunt, Rhaenerys is a bad bitch, otherwise there isn’t any major warnings here
Part 1, Part 2
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from The Last Kingdom or A Song of Ice And Fire nor do I own any of the images used. I only own my OC, Rhaenerys Targaryen.
Dividers by @arcielee and @zaldritzosrose
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The next day, Guthred held a Witan, whatever that meant, in his hall and Rhaenerys stood in attendance with Ser Elwood at her side. She watched as the men bickered, the petty lords arguing with whether or not they should march to Eoferwic, claiming that they had no enemies in the city but that their lands would be left defenseless should they march with their king. The whole thing was rather entertaining to her, because she couldn’t imagine any lord in Westeros making such statements to her own father. Guthred kept speaking in that aggravating tone, the one where he was trying to portray authority but his voice kept cracking.
”Are we certain this man is actually a king and not the court jester?” Rhaenerys muttered under her breath, chuckling a little when Ser Elwood tsked at her. She glanced at him quickly and saw he had cracked a smile at her joke but was still trying to maintain a neutral expression.
She turned back to the crowd and listened as Uhtred claimed there was wealth aplenty in this city, as well as lands. Some fool in the back made a comment about women as well that had some others laughing, and Rhaenerys had to remind herself to keep her mouth shut at such a disgusting comment. Then of course Abbot Eadred gave some rousing speech about how their army was holy and they needed to liberate Eoferwic, that God is with them and so on. It did not go unnoticed by Rhaenerys that Guthred looked upset that he couldn't inspire the way the older man did. Even more interesting was the reaction from Uhtred and Guthred’s sister, Gisela. By the expressions on their faces, there was a more personal slight at Eadred’s comments.
Guthred approached her after everyone had been dismissed, his demeanor one of a man about to ask for something by beating around the bush. “So Princess, what do you think of Cumberland so far?” He asked, clasping his hands together.
She hummed, watching as the lords dispersed the hall in the early morning. “It is…very different from what I am used to,” she responded politely, wondering how long it would take him to get to his point. Blissfully, he got right to it.
”I was wondering if perhaps you might march with us? I should like to ask about your own home and perhaps discuss an alliance between our two kingdoms,” Guthred said, looking nervous despite him having been the one to reach out seeking a marriage with her. Even though she wanted to outright refuse his offer, she wouldn’t deny a certain curiosity at seeing this Eoferwic place and getting a better idea of the people in this land.
”I do not see why not, I should like to see more of this place and have my maesters archive as much as possible. Though, you understand I may not participate in any battle, yes? I cannot in good faith order my men to fight for another’s cause if there is nothing in it for them,” Rhaenerys said, laying some bait to see how he would react.
The man in front of her looked taken aback for a moment, before nodding his head and speaking once more. “Of course, Your Highness. As there is no official alliance between us, it is understandable you wish to do the proper thing. Perhaps a share of the spoils and even access to Church records? I understand you are something of a learned woman,” he spoke rather quickly, seeming a little desperate for more men in this fight.
Rhaenerys cocked a brow at Guthred before answering. “Yes, I do enjoy scholarly pursuits,” she corrected, trying not to bristle at him for his insult. She’s a scholar, equal to the men who use the title and not just a woman who wishes to learn. She shared a look with Ser Elwood, considering the offer. Nothing needed to be said between them, the subtle nod of her sworn shield all the confirmation she needed. “Very well, King Guthred. I accept your offer to march to Eoferwic and share in the win. Perhaps the journey will be enlightening for us all,” she said, knowing full well she was going to take that time learning about a certain currently imprisoned man.
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Sihtric had been marched behind the wagon he was tied to, the body of Saint Cuthbert leading the procession at the front. They had only just begun the journey, stopping to make camp on the first day when he decided he needed to act. He had seen no sign of Lord Uhtred or the Princess Rhaenerys and he was not so sure Halig would get either of them without a little persuasion. He put his plan into motion the moment the nun wearing Tekils armor started approaching, the bag of heads in her hand.
”You! Girl!” Sihtric called out, only for Hild to ignore him.
“Woman!” No response.
“Warrior,” he said, sighing heavily. That got her attention, and she turned around to give him a look.
”I need to go into the woods there,” he started, Hild only arching a brow at him. “I need to shit,” again Hild only gave him an unimpressed look before turning around and continuing on her way. “I do not wish to fill my breeches!” He hollered, watching as Hild said something to Halig that had him and another man coming to take him into the woods.
Naturally they shoved him around, but he was used to it so he didn’t let that dissuade him from his plan. He dug a small hole to sell his story, Halig taking that time to ask about Dunholm fortress.
”It is tall,” he chuckled, unable to resist being snarky.
”Tell him that and you are a dead man,” Halig said with an incredulous laugh.
”Then let me speak to him.”
”He will speak to you when he is ready. He is a good man,” Halig said, the look in his eyes saying he spoke true.
Sihtric stood up, pretending like he was going to do his business and waited until the other men turned around before making his move. He was quick to knock the bigger man off his feet with the rope binding him, kicking Halig back to the ground and disarming the bigger man. Overall, the fight only lasted a few minutes, Halig and Sihtric trading blows until the Dane got the upper hand. He held the blade against Halig's throat, shouting at the other man.
“You will fetch Lord Uhtred or Princess Rhaenerys. Tell Uhtred I have his man. Now!” It didn’t take much for the man to run off, hollering for Uhtred and the Princess as he quickly made his way back to the camp. “With luck, we shall both live,” Sihtric spoke softly to Halig, not moving the blade from his throat.
He watched as a small crowd assembled, Uhtred followed by Hild and Rhaenerys flanked by her knight. Uhtred was the first to reach him, a look of fury on his face and Sihtric got right to speaking.
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As Rhaenerys walked up, she overheard a conversation between Sihtric and Lord Uhtred. From the looks of it, Sihtric was trying to bargain for his life. What caught her attention, however, was the fact he was still bound and holding a sword to Halig. To say she was a little impressed would be an understatement, so she watched attentively from the sidelines.
”A life for a life, is it?” Uhtred asked.
”My life for my sword. I wish to serve either you or the Princess. I could’ve killed both of your men, but I wish to serve either you or the Princess, Lord,” Sihtric spoke, maintaining eye contact throughout the exchange.
“You are Kjartan’s man,” Uhtred rolled his eyes, not believing the young man.
Rhaenerys watched as Sihtric shook his head, the next words out of his mouth solidifying her desire to accept his oath for herself. “No. I am Kjartan’s bastard son whelped on a slave girl,” he responded.
Naturally, Abbot Eadred decided to pipe in and make his opinions known, proclaiming Sihtric a heathen and saying he should be killed while Uhtred yelled that no one should move and just let him speak. Rhaenerys looked at the Abbot curiously, wondering what he meant by the use of the word heathen since that meant something different in Westeros. Sihtric did not look like a wildling to her, he looked like a Northerner if anything. The shouting match between Uhtred and Eadred carried on for another moment before she decided to step in before they came to blows.
”Enough!” Rhaenerys commanded, stepping into an authoritative role with ease. Everyone stopped and looked at her, and she turned first to Eadred. “Perhaps you might enlighten me what you mean when you call this man a heathen, Abbot. That word has a very different meaning where I am from,” she spoke, her wrist finding its home on the pommel of Dark Sister, a habit she picked up from watching her father.
The man glared at Uhtred for a moment before facing her, collecting himself before speaking in a measured tone. “Of course, Your Highness. What I mean is this boy a pagan barbarian, he follows the false gods instead of the one true God. His people are uncivilized savages, a plague meant to be cleansed from this land by the hands of the righteous.”
She clenched her jaw, picking up his meaning instantly. She had played nice so far, but for him to classify any outside his own narrow minded views as unworthy of existing had her blood boiling and she was going to put him in his place. “Answer me this, do you think Ser Elwood here is a heathen?” She asked harshly, gesturing to the older man behind her.
”No, Your Highness. He is a good and godly man, unlike some present,” Eadred stated, cutting his eyes towards Uhtred and Sihtric.
”He is a good man, yes, but not a godly one. He follows the Faith of the Seven, a religion which worships multiple gods,” Rhaenerys gripped Dark Sister, willing herself to keep a level tone instead of throttling the fool in front of her. “Do you believe the captain of my household guard, Beren Harclay, my own mother’s cousin and follower of the Old Gods, is a heathen?”
Eadred realized his faux pas too late, his eyes widening as he prepared to back track but the look in her eyes had him answering her in a nervous manner, twisting his hands anxiously. “No, Princess. What I meant was-“
“I myself follow the Gods of Old Valyria, just like my father and grandmother,” she cut him off, her gaze hard as she practically stared him into submission. “Am I a heathen, Abbot?” She snarled, watching as the men behind Eadred shrank back a little from her tone.
”No, Princess,” Eadred answered, looking like a thoroughly chastised boy in that moment as the realization his words had insulted her and her people, thus effectively ruining any chance at an alliance between Cumberland and Westeros.
Rhaenerys took a deep breath before glaring at Eadred once more. “For a man whose faith preaches loving thy neighbor, you certainly have an interesting way of going about it,” she ground out, Eadred grinding his own teeth as he bit his tongue to prevent putting his foot in his mouth any further. She didn’t miss how Uhtred smirked a little as the man stepped back to his place beside Guthred, nor did it escape her notice that the king did not intervene.
He truly is a weak man with no backbone, she thought with a roll of her eyes, turning her head to face Uhtred. “I believe Sihtric has made his intentions clear enough. Either you accept his oath, or I will ask that he be released to me so that I might. I could use a man of his skill and knowledge, since I am clearly uninformed on the differences between this land and mine,” she said with a pointed look at the Abbot, who at least had the decency to look partly ashamed of himself.
For his part, Uhtred looked back to the bound man, his hands resting on his hips as he addressed the young warrior. “Well boy, the choice is yours. Either me or Princess Rhaenerys,” he asked, Sihtric looking between the two of them as he thought over his decision.
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When Sihtric initially put this plan into motion, he did not anticipate that he would have the option to choose. Either way, he would be free from Kjartan and have the chance to lead a better life, one that would make his mother proud. He looked at Lord Uhtred, and in another life, he would’ve sworn to him. But in this one, he couldn’t pass up the chance to serve an actual princess.
“I swear my sword is yours, Princess. On Thor’s hammer, I swear,” he said, gripping the pendant he wore and kneeling in the leaf covered ground. He kept his head down, only barely looking up when he saw her boots come into his view.
”Then you have my protection, Sihtric,” she said, pulling a dagger from her side to cut the ropes binding him. Her touch was gentle, and he found himself blushing at the contact.
”Thank you, Princess, thank you. I swear I am your man from this day, until my last,” Sihtric said gratefully, relief flooding his veins when the rope fell from his wrists and onto the ground. He chanced a look at her face, rubbing the reddened marks on his skin from the bindings.
“Indeed you are,” Rhaenerys had a knowing glint in her violet eyes and a wry smile on her lips as she spoke, making Sihtric feel as though there was some deeper meaning behind her words. He stood and watched her turn, speaking to a dark haired man wearing black armor with a sigil bearing three moons, waxing, full and waning, emblazoned on the chest plate. “Captain Beren, Sihtric is with us now. See to it he is armed and armored properly as a man of my House,” she commended, the man nodding and gesturing for Sihtric to follow him.
Sihtric was quick to follow, only to be stopped by Halig when the other man gave him an unreadable stare.
’So, do you need to shit, or not?” Halig asked him, sounding rather pissed off but Sihtric just laughed it off and followed after Captain Beren, eager to prove himself worthy of Rhaenerys and her generosity.
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Tagging: @sihtricfedaraaahvicius @whitedarkmoonflower @gemini-mama @zaldritzosrose @alexagirlie
@legitalicat @thenameswinter99 @viking-chaos
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lexyleblancc · 2 years
What a woman {Finan}
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Summary: You find yourself spilling confessions in the rooms of an Alehouse. 
Ragnar x sister!reader Uhtred x sister!reader Finan x fem!reader
Word count: 2.6k
Part 2 to “The kindness of a Dane.”
Part one
Warnings: Nothing other than Athelwold being himself 
It came to no surprise to you when Uhtred renewed his oath to Alfred once back in Wessex. It came to no surprise to you when Ragnar sent Brida ahead to gather any and all of Ragnar’s men that would answer the call. What did surprise you, was even once in Winchester, Finan never stayed far from your side. “Finan, you do know that you are free to find yourself a woman to bed while we are here? You do not have to stay with me.” You told the man who sat across from you in the alehouse. 
“Oh I’m very aware of my freedom to do so, Lady.” Finan spoke with a grin, watching as a woman passed the two of you, her eyes lingering on Finan as she did. “I’m afraid none of them have caught my interest enough.” He told you, lifting his cup with a grin. The man across from you had finally been able to properly bathe, ridding himself of any dirt caked onto his skin, and you had to admit; Finan was quite handsome. 
“Well, you’ve caught plenty of their attention.” You told the man with a small laugh, your eyes falling on an approaching figure behind the man. Ragnar sat at the table with the pair of you, a grunt leaving his lips as he made eye contact with you briefly. “What crawled up your arse and died, brother?” You quipped, a snort leaving Finan as he tried to stifle his laughter. 
“You are aware that our brother renewed his oath?” Ragnar asked, accepting the cup of Ale one of the barmaids brought over for him. You nodded your head, you were more than aware of the fact your brother has once become the King's personal lap dog. 
“I’m sure Uhtred had his reasons for it.” You told your brother. “He did kill a man of the lord.” You spoke mockingly which made Ragnar crack a small smile at your antics. 
“Will you stay with him?” Ragnar asked you quietly. 
“Do you ask as a request, or do you ask for fear of me leaving you behind?” You asked, an eyebrow raised as you set down your empty mug. 
“I think Uhtred may need me for a while.” You said with a sigh. You didn’t want to leave Ragnar, in fact you wanted to join him anywhere he went. You also knew that this time around, Uhtred would need any person he could to follow him. He needed the guidance and support of his younger sister, and you couldn’t bear to leave him once more. “I do expect a welcome party when I come to visit in Dunholm.” You said with a smirk, Ragnar nodding his head in agreement. 
“I thought we were going to deal with the brothers?” Finan questioned the two of you. Your eyes drifted to the Irishman as you smiled. 
“Oh, we are Irishman.” You said with a smile. “But after we take care of those bastards we ride to Dunholm and avenge our parents once and for all.” The news of your sister Thyra being alive had only set the plan in stone. If Thyra truly was still alive, it was all the more reason to reclaim Dunholm to the Ragnarsson’s.
The three of you paid for your ale, leaving the silver on the table before making your way out of the Alehouse. You were leaving Winchester and making your way to Guthred of Northumbria. In the courtyard of the castle, Finan assisted you onto your horse, you didn’t need the help but accepted it from the man anyways. Finan mounted the horse beside you before the group departed from Winchester for the time being, leaving Gisela in the care of the King. 
Ragnar rode with Uhtred at the front of the group, while you and Finan rode behind them. You drowned out the men around you, rolling your eyes when the King’s Nephew Aethelwold spoke of finding a woman to bed soon. You noticed his eyes burning into the back of your head as he spoke those words, as well did Finan. 
“Look at her again, I dare ya.” Finan said to him, his eyes narrowing in a glare. 
“And what are you going to do if I can’t help myself?” Athelwold asked with a smirk, this gaining the attention of both your brothers. Ragnar was about to butt into the conversation but Uhtred shook his head, his eyes on the Irishman. 
“Then you best pray you don’t fall asleep tonight.” Finan’s voice was low, almost a growl. You rolled your eyes at this, but couldn’t deny the butterflies in the pit of your stomach as he defended you. Your eyes met Finan’s and you offered a small smile in thanks. Amongst all these men, you and Hild were the only two women to join them. You were a seasoned warrior, and have seen more battles than you could even count at this point but Hild was a woman of her God and a warrior as well, neither of you should require protection from one discredited heir to the throne. 
When the group stopped for rest, they ended up in Loidis, a small village. Everyone was quick to dismount from their horses, sore from the long journey. “Let me, Lady.” Finan spoke, his hands on your waist as he helped you down. 
“Thank you, Finan.” Your hips were sore from the movement of your horse, and it felt good to be on your own two feet once again. Your hand found Finan’s arm as he led the way to the Alehouse Ragnar had slipped into with Brida. You knew people would come at Ragnar’s call, if Danes were anything it was loyal to their leader. The two of you slipped into the Alehouse, while others from the group took the horses to the stables to be fed and cooled down. A small group of you stood on the sidelines, watching as Ragnar’s men exclaimed with joy at the return to their leader, a fond smile on your face. 
After the greetings had died down, rooms had been paid for, and everyone was fed until their heart's content, you found yourself sitting around a table. You were squished between Steepa and Finan. “Oh Ragnar, your woman’s got the balls of a bear. I like her.” Finan said with a smile, your eyes watching as Brida left the table, dismissing herself for the night. You sighed to yourself, no longer being able to deny the fact that your eyes had grown heavy. You steadied yourself using Finan’s shoulder as you stood from the chair you were sitting on, and bed the men around you a goodnight. 
“(Y/N), one of us will have to share a room with you.” Uhtred spoke up, his eyes on you when you were halfway to the stairs. 
“Irishman, you’re with me.” You agreed, locking eyes with Finan from your spot at the bottom of the stairs. Finan nodded his head quickly, watching as you disappeared up the staircase. 
“You won’t be touching our sister, Irishman.” Ragnar spoke, ripping Finan’s gaze from the empty staircase and to the blonde Dane. The men quickly finished their conversation, coming up with a plan to easily take care of the issue of Erik and Sigefried. When everyone was making their way to the rooms of the inn, Finan pushed the door to your room open. You were curled up on one side of the bed, furs pulled to your chin. You looked much younger in your sleep, when your brows weren’t frowned constantly, you looked peaceful. 
“Bar the door.” You whispered once Finan closed the door to the room. He almost jumped hearing your voice, he expected you to be sleeping. He made sure to lock the hatch over the door, before he started ridding himself of his armor. Your own armor was sat on a chair, your sword placed beside the bed. The man copied your actions, looking around the room and frowning at the realization that the bed you were resting in was indeed the only bed in the room. “Stop standing there like an oaf and get in bed Finan.” You grumbled, rolling onto your back so you could face the man. 
Finan could feel like blood rushing to his face as you spoke, but pulled back the furs enough for him to climb under as well. He made sure to keep to his side of the bed, laying on his back as he stared up at the ceiling. “Thank you for today, with Athelwold I mean.” You finally said, breaking the silence. Finan glanced at you slightly, a small smile tugging at his lips. 
“You’re welcome, Lady.” He replied softly, making you roll your eyes in annoyance. 
“How many times must I tell you to stop calling me Lady?” You asked. You knew that this Irishman in particular was respectful, but after weeks of traveling together you figured he would finally listen to you. 
“It’s what you are, no?” Finan hummed in response, a smile tugging at his lips. He knew you hated when he called you Lady, that’s why he insisted on it. 
“Lady of Bebbanburg, Lady of Dunholm… how much can a title like that hold when both of your brothers have no claim to their homeland?” You questioned. The two of you laid in silence for a while longer, and Finan had assumed you finally fell asleep. “Where are you from, Irishman?” You asked quietly. Finan didn’t talk about his life before he was a slave, which seemed slightly unfair since he knew so much about you now. 
“Small kingdom in Irland.” Finan muttered, memories of his homeland were nothing but painful, even after all these years. “Married a sweet Lady, only did it because her status was higher than mine… but I didn’t love her.” He told you, his voice sounded distant as he spoke. “No, I was in love with my brother's wife.” Finan said with a laugh. “She was nothing more than a milkmaid, and yet there was no doubt in my mind that I loved her… so we fled.” Finan groaned as he remembered everything he did his best to forget. “I was exiled, stripped of my titles and sold into slavery after that. That’s about when I met Uhtred.” 
You rolled onto your side to face him, offering him a tiny smile. “Would you ever go back to find her?” You asked, holding the furs tightly against you. 
“No, I would not, Lady.” Finan said with a dry chuckle. He had no reason to go back to his life before joining Uhtred and swearing his loyalty to him. “I have no reason to go back there, I enjoy my life now.” You reached out, your hand grasping one of Finan’s that rested over his chest. He squeezed your hand tightly, shifting so he could face you fully now. 
“I shouldn’t say I’m glad to hear that… but I’ve grown fond of you Irishman.” you whispered, a smile on both of your faces now. 
“I’m quite fond of you too, Dane.” Finan replied, bringing your hand up and pressing his lips to your knuckles. “Let’s save the confessions for the morning, you should rest.” The man added in, trying to let your hand go, and only smiling wider when he noticed you refuse to let it go. “If you’re not gonna let go, at least turn around.” 
You raised your brow at that, but turned on your other side to face away from the man. He grinned to himself, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you further into his chest. You only smiled to yourself at the action, closing your eyes so you could finally drift off to sleep. 
You woke up the next morning to shuffling behind you. Desperately trying to blink the sleep from your eyes you rolled over to face the man who laid behind you. “I think it’s about time we get up, my Lady.” Finan spoke, his voice still laced with sleep. You let out a groan laying your head on the man's chest as his arm wrapped around your shoulder. 
“I’m not ready to deal with everyone just yet.” You mumbled, the sound of your voice being muffled by Finan’s tunic. He couldn’t deny that he wasn’t either. As soon as you left this room you would be back on the road for God knows how long, sleeping on the forest floor, all before fighting a battle you very well may not make it out of. “Let’s discuss those confessions you were talking about last night instead.” You said, lifting your head slightly to meet his gaze. 
“Don’t know what you’re talking about.” Finan said with a chuckle. There was a big difference between Saxons and Danes. Finan most of the time would beat around the bush when it came to voicing his emotions, while you didn’t have time for that, you were blunt and spoke what was on your mind. 
“I like you Irishman, so do you plan to do something about that or not?” You asked, making Finan’s cheeks grow pink at your question. Normally he was the one approaching women, not the women approaching him. Never in his life had someone been so blunt towards him either. 
“Oh I plan to do somethin’ about it alright.” The man said with a grin, wrapping his arms around your waist and flipping the two of you. Your back met the furs as he held himself over you. “A Lady such as yourself shouldn’t want an exiled Lord.” His lips brushed yours as he spoke, making your head dizzy. 
“Then stop calling me Lady, and you and I are the same.” You retorted, nudging his nose with your own. 
“You really want to be stuck with a Christian man, Dane?”
“You want to be stuck with a Dane?” Finan grinned, you could always keep up with his quick wit and he loved it. “If the answer is yes, then do something.” You teased. As much as he didn’t want to give into you, Finan knew that would be impossible. It’d been weeks since you helped nurse him back to health, you trained with him when his hands shook under the weight of a sword, you never gave up on him. You saw the man that Finan would be when he couldn’t see it for himself. 
He inhaled shapely before connecting his lips with yours, taking your bottom lip between his teeth as he did. You were quick to respond, your arms going around his neck in an attempt to pull him closer to you. His beard tickled your skin as his lips attached themselves to your neck, making you gasp. “God woman, what are you tryna do to me?” Finan growled against your skin, his hand gripping your hip as he spoke. 
A knock on the door broke you two apart. “We meet downstairs!” The voice Uhtred called, you couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you while Finan looked from the door and back to you once more. You leaned forward to capture his lips once more, leaving the man dazed as you crawled out of bed and words to put your armor back on. You left the room first, leaving the man who was rushing to ready himself for the rest of the journey. 
“What a woman.” He breathed, rushing out of the room to meet the others. 
“Might I say, you do look lovely this morning (Y/N).” Finan rolled his eyes hearing Athelwold’s voice ring through the room. 
“Athelwold,” Finan spoke, wrapping his arm around you once you were in his sight. “Look at my woman again, and I’ll kill ya, you little rat.” 
Athelwold nodded his head quickly, scurrying away from the two of you while Uhtred and Rangar gave each other knowing looks. 
“Your woman?” You asked, looking up at the man who was wrapped around you. 
“Aye, my woman.” 
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halfmylife · 2 years
I Waited For You
Pairing Uhtred x Reader
Summary You have loved Uhtred for some time but when he finally tries to move on from Lady Aethelflaed, he chooses another woman.
Warnings angst (I’m not sorry)
A/N I had this idea a little while ago and thought I’d write up some angst
Finan had been the one to break the news to Uhtred and he could hardly believe it. You had made it quite clear that by the end of the day you would no longer be in Rumcofa. Uhtred would not have it. Panic started to settle inside of him as he stormed towards your lodgings. He could not lose you, you were one of his oldest and closest friends. Never would he understand why you wanted to leave so suddenly.
He barged through your door, without even bothering to knock. There was no time for such pleasantries. The sudden bang didn’t even startle you, you had been so stuck in your own mind, packing whatever you could that you almost pretended as if he weren’t there.
Maybe it was easier that way.
“Finan told me you were leaving, tell me it is not true.” His gaze followed you around the room as you stuffed everyone of your belongings into sacks. There was little for you to take other than clothes and a few keepsakes but you packed it nonetheless, wanting nothing to do with this place.
“It’s true.” You didn’t bother to look up at the man who stood in the doorway watching you. There was no time for a conversation, let alone time to listen to his poor excuses.
“Why? You cannot leave, Rumcofa is your home.” What a joke. Rumcofa was never your home. Finan and Sihtric had managed to settled down and have a family so it had become their home. Uhtred had somehow managed to make this his home despite all odds but it have never been home to you. Uhtred was your home.
“It was but not anymore.” No longer was he your home, not after everything. It hurt too much to even look at him. Time and time again you had given everything for him and where had it gotten you? Far away from family and alone.
“You cannot go, you won’t be safe anywhere.” That was always his answer. Maybe when you first met he would’ve protected you, you used to be defenceless but now after years on the road and living with them, you had been taught a great many things. Protection was no longer a necessity to you.
“And what would you have me do? Stay?” You threw your final clothes into the bag, tying it shut far too aggressively. “I have been here too long.”
“Stay here.” Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him step forward. “Stay here for me.”
“For you?” Finally you looked at him and you regretted it instantly. His eyes were searching your own, hoping to find answers that were no longer there. “Uhtred that is all I have done. All these years I have stayed because of you. All these years I have waited for you.” You tried to hide the shake in your voice as you spoke but it became more evident as more words fell from your lips.
“Waited for me?” He shook his head, confused. Had he truly been so clueless? Had you not given him everything?
“Are you truly that blind?” The sadness soon turned to anger as you looked at him. All this time you had been there for him, displayed your affections so openly only to be turned away over and over again and he had no idea?
“Y/N tell me what you speak of, please.” He begged, stepping forward once more. You could take no more, the confession spilling from you before you could stop it.
“From the moment we met I have had eyes for no man except you. I felt like you were the second part of my soul, the piece missing from my own broken heart yet you never felt the same.” This time your voice did not shake but the tears in your eyes gave your heart away. “I watched you fall for Gisela and I kept my distance, swore I would not destroy your happiness over jealousy. Then when she died I stayed with you in your grief. I abandoned my heart to fix your own and thought that maybe in time you would feel something instead your heart found Lady Aethelflaed and mine was left more shattered than before.”
Once the words were out they hung in the air, taunting you in the uncomfortable silence. It practically scorched you the way he looked upon you. It was pity. Even now whilst you confessed it all, he only pitied you.
“Y/N.” His voice was barely a whisper but you didn’t want to heart it.
“No Uhtred. I have waited so many years. I kept my distance and remained kind for your happiness because I cared only for you. I thought after her vow of chastity that you might move on and you did.” The last few words were venomous as you spoke them and you remembered hearing how he had spent his previous evening. “Except it was not me. It was the tall woman you humped.” All that time you had waited only for him to go running to a woman he hardly knew. Had you not been there for him every time?
“I did not want to.” Part of you wanted to believe him, that perhaps he truly didn’t want to hump the woman and it was part of the process of moving on. How was that supposed to help?
“Is that supposed to make me feel better, Uhtred?” You snapped, not caring for any reason or excuse he had for humping the woman. Whether or not he wanted it was no longer a concern to you.
“What do you want me to say?” His voice started to rise to match your own but in his eyes remained the confusion and the sadness dancing together like old friends.
“Nothing. I do not care for your words anymore.” Words could not undo the damage. Words could not mend a broken heart. There was nothing that Uhtred could say to make you change your mind. “I have broken my own heart for you too many times and I cannot stay any longer to do it all again.”
“I have no feelings for her.” You didn’t know if that was worse. It wasn’t about what he felt for the tall woman. It was about loving someone who never loved you back. “Does that make you feel better?”
“No it does not.” You sighed. The tears threatened to spill from your eyes once more but you blinked them away. “Nothing you can say will make me feel better and you cannot change my mind.” That was it. You grabbed your bag and headed for the door.
“Please.” Uhtred managed to grab you by the bicep, stopping you in place. “I have lost too much I cannot lose you too. I need you.” You knew how much he’d lost, you had been there for all of it. Every time he mourned it was your shoulder he cried on, every time he was angry, you were his voice of reason but that didn’t matter anymore.
“Do you need me to mend another broken heart? Do you need me to fill the emptiness others have left?” That was all you had done and still it was not enough for him to love you. You snatched your arm away from him, shaking your head as you took a step back. “I won’t. I won’t be a third choice that has been by your side all this time only for you to disregard again. I cannot do this any longer.”
“Y/N, don’t go.” He called out to you as you marched out the door, he was quickly behind you, still calling your name as you headed to the stables.
“It’s too late.” You said quietly as you secured the bag onto your horse. It took you a moment to steady your breathing before you looked at him again. “Perhaps in another life I might’ve been your love but I have not been blessed with such a fate.”
No it had been a curse. It was a curse to fall for a man who only ever had eyes for another woman. You had watched him fall in love so many times but it was never you.
“There is still time.” He stepped forward cautiously, taking your face in his hands. It was gentle and warm. Everything you had ever wanted was in his hold yet you wondered if he even meant it.
“I have wasted so much time waiting for you.” You spoke in a hushed voice, the confession feeling like a dagger through your heart. “I have loved you Uhtred in all these years but you’re not mine and you never will be.”
Tearing your face away from him, you walked the horse from the stable and out into the open. You never looked back, not even when he called your name. No more would you wait for him. Your peace had been spoken, a weight off of your shoulders. Perhaps now you could find your happiness or perhaps you had just left it behind.
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legitalicat · 4 months
Appalachian Sihtric - The group chat
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AN: this was inspired by my boy Max sending a server comprised of mostly women who are all very feral all the time the first meme. You're welcome. Also I love the women of this universe and I am very gay for them.
Collection masterlist here!
Summary: Chaos of a group chat.
CW: Language (I feel like that's on everything and I'm sorry but it's just who I am) , sexual talks, the women are very in love with their respective men but also in love with each other it's okay
Pairings: Sihtric x Reader, Uhtred x Gisela, Finan x Eadith
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Taglist: @foxyanon @zaldritzosrose @thenameswinter99
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scorpionrising · 7 months
there is love that doesn't have a place to rest — ch. 2
pairing: finan x fem!oc word count: 2709 content warning: this fic deals explicitly with the trauma of sexual assault. while there are no drawn out, graphic scenes, it is made explicitly clear what is going on. for context: oc is uhtred's daughter and was captive in dunholm for all her childhood. proceed with caution. additionally, expect canon typical attitudes, behaviors, violence, etc.
read on ao3
“and if i would've known how sharp the pieces were you'd crumbled into i might've let them lay" –big red machine ft. taylor swift, renegade
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“Why are ya’ doin’ this, Lord?” 
“You know why.”
“No, I really don’t.”  
Ravna knew she ought not to be eavesdropping. Her father would be quite cross if he found out, but her time at Dunholm taught her several things. The first being how to sneak around without being caught. She did not catch the beginning of her father’s conversation with Finan, but she could surmise enough what it was about. 
Father sounded pained, as if the words were being choked out of him. She dug her nails into the bark of the tree she was behind to keep from poking her head out. Surely then, they would see her.
“Lord, I belong at your side on the battlefield.” 
“I trust above all others, but what’s more important is Ravna trusts you above all others.”
She bit her lip to refrain from letting out a gasp. 
Finan sighed audibly. “She will not take kindly to ya’ leaving me here to spy on her.”
“You are not spying.”
“Oh, I’m not?”
“Just keep her safe, and make sure she eats.”
“Lord, is that not what Gisela is for? I’m a warrior, not a nursemaid.” 
The metallic taste of blood bloomed on Ravna’s tongue. A nursemaid. The urge to storm out there and confront them both nearly overtook her. A nursemaid! She wanted to scream. The last four years, she had thought Finan to be her friend—a true friend. Just as Sihtric was; just as Osferth was. She had for so long thought them equals. Clearly, he did not feel the same and saw her as a mere child. Squeezing her eyes shut to keep from crying in her rage, Ravna reached up to where her teeth had split her lip and rubbed the blood away. 
“She will not talk to Gisela. She will not talk to me. She talks to no one as she does you.” 
Had he been reporting her words back to her father all this time? Her stomach churned. How many of the abuses she suffered at Dunholm that she spoke only to Finan of to spare her father the heartache did he know about? 
Perhaps she really was no more than a child, because she had been silly enough to think of him as an individual rather than her father’s man. Anger surged through her, a defense from the rushing wave of sadness pooling beneath her ribs. 
“Surely Sihtric would be better suited for the job. They grew up together, and his wife just had a baby.” 
“I need Sihtric to spy—”
“Lord, you have me acting a spy here!” 
“Finan!” Father’s words came out in a venomous hiss. “You will remain here, and you will take care of Ravna.”
“Very well, Lord.” 
“Osferth will stay as well. Invite Ravna to train with you both. It will serve her well. She ought to learn to protect herself.” 
With her father’s tone a bit lighter at the end, the two men began to walk away. Once she could no longer hear their footsteps, Ravna let out the short sob she had been holding in and sank to the ground. Back pressed to the tree, she drew her knees to her chest and pressed her forehead down. She stayed like that for some time, switching ceaselessly between furious and horribly sad. 
Still gnawing on her raw lip, Ravna hoisted herself up and marched straight for town. Nursemaid, she thought with a scoff. She was no child. She would prove both her father and Finan wrong. She did not need someone charged to look after her. She had survived on her own well enough at Dunholm. 
She entered the hall in a storm of rage, kicking up dust and dirt behind her as she stomped up the stairs to their living quarters. She slammed doors behind her, kicked objects out of her way, flung her boots off and across the room. It was a good thing she was alone. If her father or Finan dared show their faces anytime soon, it was likely she would make an attempt at stabbing them. 
“I’m a warrior, not a nursemaid,” she mocked in a horrible mimicry of Finan’s brogue. She blew a raspberry and entered her room. “Pathetic.” 
She flopped facedown onto her bed and sprawled her arms out. She would remain here until someone came to find her, and they would need to drag her from the bed if they wished her to move. 
Eventually, she must have fallen asleep, because soon flames were licking at her skin. They curled around her limbs like scorching hands, forcing her limbs apart and clawing at her throat. Smoke entered her lungs and her vision went hazy. She was burning. 
She coughed desperately, praying it would be enough to keep the fumes from choking her. She coughed and screamed and thrashed until—THUNK! 
She came to, no longer on her bed, but in a heap on the floor. She must have banged her head, because it was throbbing with a large lump forming on her forehead. Quietly cursing, Ravna rubbed her eyes and grabbed the bedpost to use as leverage to stand up. The world spun, all out of order for a moment. 
Feilan’s sweet voice drifted through the closed door. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes once more and wrenched the door open. Her little brother’s eyes did not even reach her hips, but they were gleaming up at her as wide as can be. 
“Mama sent me to come get you,” he said quietly. “Father is leaving.” His nose wrinkled and he looked around past her. “I heard you shout.”
“I merely fell from my bed,” she said, running a hand over the braid she had slept in. “I am well.”
His eyebrows crinkled together in concern that was perhaps too great for a six year old, but he stuck his bottom lip out and his hand as well. She forced a smile and took his hand, allowing him to lead the way down the stairs. 
Everyone was gathered down in the hall; Sihtric and Sig and their baby, Osferth, Hild, Gisela with Stiorra in her arms and Father at her side, and Finan—the great traitorous bastard. Father grinned at her, as though he had not been plotting with Finan a few mere hours before to spy on her.  
“And to think, I thought I’d be leaving without a goodbye from my eldest,” Uhtred said, raising his arms out as if to hug her.
Ravna permitted the hug, but cut it short. If he noticed her aversion, he hid it well. But then, a crease formed between his eyes. 
“What is this on your head?”
He raised a hand to her face and she promptly swatted it away while ducking out of his reach. 
“I fell,” she said. 
“Are you well?” he asked suddenly, fretfully. “Perhaps you should sit down—”
“I am fine!” she snapped. 
It was rare that Ravna ever thought to raise her voice. She did not like loud, sudden noises, and the shouts of men did little to make her feel at ease. She kept quiet for a great many reasons, but especially because she did not want to frighten others as she had been frightened. Father looked even more concerned now, which only served to infuriate her further. She was neither soft nor fragile, and she hated being treated as such. 
She had been thirteen when her father pulled her from the dark cells below Dunholm, but she was no longer that shivering, bruised child. Yes, the nightmares still plagued her, but if they had not stopped in the last eight years, she just supposed she would have to live with them forever. Just as she had been doing. Shooting her father a vicious glare, Ravna stomped over to Sihtric to wish him goodbye.
“Do not get yourself killed,” she said sternly. 
“He has already gotten this speech from me,” Sig said. “But we both know he won’t listen.” 
“No, he’s too pigheaded,” Ravna agreed. 
“I will not have you two conspiring against me while I am gone,” Sihtric said with a frown. 
Ravna smirked and looked over Sig’s shoulder at their son. The boy’s eyes had not been open once any time she had gone to visit, and she wondered if he shared the same mismatched eyes as his father. 
“I can hold Bjørn so you two can have a proper goodbye,” Ravna offered.
Sig grinned. “He got his proper goodbye this morning.” 
“Sig!” Sihtric hissed. “The baby!”
“The baby is too young to understand words, husband,” Sig said, eyes rolling up to the ceiling. “Here, Ravna, you can take him if you like. He’s getting heavy in my arms.” 
Ever so carefully, Ravna reached out to take little Bjørn from Sig. With her oldest friend’s son in her arms, she could feel some of her anger sapping out of her. It was hard to be infuriated when holding something so sweet and small. She hummed quietly, bouncing the child in her arms as a tiny smile crept onto her lips. 
Ravna held him until Sihtric and her father left the hall together, already locked in fierce conversation about the rogues they were sure to encounter. Heaving out a great sigh, Ravna handed Bjørn back to Sig and made her promise to reach out if she needed help. Gisela had even offered her a space in the hall, but Sig—ever the self-sufficient woman—declined quite gracefully. Very pointedly ignoring Finan, Ravna marched straight for Osferth.
“I’d like another lesson on your Holy Book.” 
Osferth’s face split into a grin. “Of course, Lady.” 
He held his arm out for her. Snorting, she placed her hand in the crook of his elbow and began to walk.
“You know you do not need to call me that.”
“Oi! You two!” Finan called after them. “Wait!” 
Ravna rolled her eyes, which Osferth certainly noticed, giving the look of surprise that overtook his face. His surprise did not come as a shock, of course. How often did Ravna treat Finan with a sweet smile and wide eyes? Perhaps she really had been acting like a child this whole time; well, no more of that. She could be just as independent as Sig. 
“Is everything alright?” Osferth muttered. 
“Yes, of course,” Ravna said, smiling and batting her lashes. 
The monk’s face darkened by a few shades and he briefly looked away from her. He cleared his throat and avoided eye contact with her until Finan reached them. 
“Where ya’ off to?” 
“Prayer,” Osferth said. 
“Alone,” Ravna added sternly. 
She did not think she could bear to be around Finan right now, not with the knowledge that he would be likely reporting all her comings and goings back to her father. Would he write it down so he would not forget a single action she took? Or would he commit it all to memory and just inform Uhtred of the exciting bits? 
At her unusually cross tone, Finan and Osferth alike widened their eyes in shock. It was rare she ever got snippish, and even more rare for it to be directed towards Finan. She glowered, tightened her grip on Osferth’s arm, and began pulling the monk after her to walk away. If Finan thought he was being left here to act as a nursemaid, he could spend his time with the actual children. 
She led Osferth through the woods to the spot she loved so much, and sat down in a huff. There was a small smile toying at his thin lips as he mirrored her position. They sat close, facing one another with their knees touching. 
“So,” he began, “why are you angry with Finan?”
“I am not angry at Finan,” Ravna said defensively, scowling.
“Could’ve fooled me.” He grinned a bit teasingly. Then, his face organized itself into something a bit more somber. “Something is clearly bothering you, Lady.” 
“I’m not a lady,” she said, half blushing.
“You’re an ealdorman’s daughter,” he said as though she needed to be reminded of it. “That makes you a lady.” 
She rolled her eyes and lifted her face to the sun. The air was getting warmer each day, and soon she would be able to swim in the river without catching a chill. With summer came a sense of freedom she constantly longed for. It was a happier time, and Father’s eyes always had less worry in them when he looked at her. 
“Ravna,” he whispered.
She snapped her eyes towards him. Just like her father, and Gisela, and Sihtric, and even Finan now, there was a look of deep concern clouding his blue eyes. She clenched her jaw and tried to ignore the rush of anger. He reached forward tentatively and placed his hand over hers atop her knee.
“What is troubling you?” 
Was it pity in his eyes, or was it something else? 
“Everyone thinks me a child,” she finally said after a long moment. 
“Who is everyone?” Osferth asked. “Because I certainly do not see a child before me. I see a woman grown.” 
“That is different,” she said. “We are… of an age, with one another.” She wrinkled her nose and looked down at his hand covering hers. “I speak of Father and Gisela, and Beocca and Thyra, and—”
She stopped herself before she could say the last name, but Osferth saw straight through her. 
“And Finan?” he asked her.
She was not proud of how her face burned in response. Embarrassed at how obvious it was, she pulled away from Osferth and brought her knees to her chest, wrapping her arms around her legs. 
“I always thought him to be my friend,” she said quietly, ashamed at how stupid she had been all these years. “I thought he saw me as I am, not merely his Lord’s daughter.” 
She was not proud of the bitterness she heard creeping off her tongue as she spoke, but Osferth never judged. 
“You should not let it bother you,” he said in that quiet, contemplative voice of his. 
“But it does!” She exploded, falling backwards to lay across the large boulder. “What of when I have a family of my own? When I am a mother, will my father still have his men watching my every step to report back to him?” 
“I think it’s hard for him,” Osferth said. “He lost you when you were still a child, and he thought you dead for eight years, and when he found you again, you lived in Winchester with your aunt until you reached majority.”
“And that is my fault?” Ravna asked, shooting up with blazing eyes. “He did not yet have Coccham and I could hardly galavant across the country with him!”
“I did not say that,” he said gently. “I mean to say, you left his life as a child and reentered it as a woman.”
“It has been years,” she hissed. 
“But far less time than you spent away from him,” he said. 
She hated how he was right. Letting out a loud groan, she slumped back down and stared up at the cloudy sky through the tree branches. The birds above were chirping some absurd song, louder even than the rushing of the water below them.  
“Your father loves you, Ravna,” Osferth said, a heavy sigh falling from his lips curdling the words a bit. “Many cannot say the same.” 
She thought briefly of Kjartan, and the bruises he would paint across Sihtric’s skin, but what was most prominent in her mind was King Alfred. His cruelty to Osferth was an understated one. Whelped onto a servant girl, tossed into a monastery without a second thought, and never acknowledged. It always brought an overwhelming sadness to her heart when she thought of it. She reached a hand out until her fingers found his, and she grabbed onto him.
“You are loved, Osferth,” she said. “Surely you know this.” 
She turned her head to look at him. His head was bowed down, the hand she was not holding tracing the cracks in the boulder. He glanced back at her and smiled just a bit. 
“Now, tell me about Eve and the apple again,” she commanded. “I do not understand it.”
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ladyinred2248 · 4 months
King of the North, Finan x Reader, Part 2
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Warnings: Mature. Minors DNI. Sexual themes and violence. Angst.
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“Haestan?” Uhtred scoffed.
“Yes,” Finan replied, rolling his eyes. “East Anglia.”
Uhtred continued fidgeting with his saddle, preparing his horse for the journey ahead as Finan stood before him. He spoke to Finan firmly, his Danish-mixed accent lingering on every word.
“Finan, this is madness. You understand that you have all but killed the King of Wessex? You are now a traitor, an outlaw. This could cause tension and war between Ulaid and Wessex for generations.”
Finan let out a tired sigh as Uhtred scolded him, petting his horse on its back as the men looked at each other.
“Lord, do ya think I don’t know that? Alfred was the one who started all of this!”
“Yes, and you have finished it,” Uhtred continued, “He will have you killed for this.”
Finan scoffed at him, rolling his eyes. “The weak bastard can try.”
Uhtred grew increasingly frustrated at Finan’s stubbornness, his voice growing stern and commanding. “You will beg him for mercy. You will release him. We can still retrieve your woman, but Alfred will go free.”
Finan’s eyes grew wide with rage and surprise at his Lord’s words. “…What?!”
Uhtred raised his voice to him. “Finan! It’s the only way. All of us will be traitors, and all of us will die. Is that what you want?!” 
Finan shook his head. “No. You are all under my protection, as King.” 
“Believe me, Finan, I wish it was that simple. But your Kingdom is a month's journey from here.”
The men kept preparing supplies for a few minutes in frustrated silence, Sihtric and Osferth giving each other knowing glances and raised eyebrows before Finan spoke furiously again.
“I will not release him, Uhtred. He sold my woman to the Danes!”
Uhtred glared at him with wide eyes, a glance of rage that the men knew well.
“You will do as I ask.”
Finan’s anger grew at Uhtred’s words, his emotions lingering on his face. He chose not to challenge Uhtred’s command and instead pondered it while still fuming. The men stood silent for a few moments, until Uhtred approached Finan again with calmness.
“I will do all that I can to ensure you make it out of this alive. But do you realize how futile this is?”
Sihtric and Osferth were eavesdropping on the conversation still, both pairs of eyes looking up to the Irishman to see his response.
Finan swallowed hard, nodding to Uhtred. “I do. But would ya not do the same if it were Gisela, Lord?”
Uhtred nodded, putting a hand on Finan’s shoulder, “I would, my friend. You and I along with Sihtric and Osferth will travel to East Anglia. But I will not have the Scottish Prince whispering in your ear and corrupting you any further. He stays here.”
Finan nodded, continuing to listen.
“And before then, I must speak with Alfred and beg his forgiveness.”
“Lord,” Finan scoffed, “That will never happen.”
Uhtred gave Finan that wide eyed, intense gaze of his again, throwing his arms out as he spoke, “What other choice do we have?”
Although King Alfred had been taken prisoner by Finan’s men, he was not subject to brutal conditions. Domnal ensured that he was fed and treated with dignity, regardless of the circumstances. Alfred sat in the camp close to the fire, his hands bound and the cuts and bruises on his face bestowed by Finan showing like beacons of how defeated and foolish he felt at this moment. Uhtred came over to sit next to him, and Alfred barely glanced up at him as he started to speak.
“Lord King,” Uhtred acknowledged him, “I hope you believe that this is a means to an end. I would like for this to end with peace.”
Alfred glared at him, slightly trembling while he spoke slowly. “I have been humiliated. My Kingdom seized by Scots…my wife taken as a prisoner. And you believe this will lead to peace, Uhtred?”
Uhtred sighed, speaking with determination to hopefully speak some sense into him. “Do you not realize the part you played in this war? You kidnapped the future Queen of Northern Irland. King Constantin’s daughter. You have made her suffer in many ways, all for your own selfish plight.”
Alfred was silent for several moments, gazing into the light of the fire beside them. “I love her, Uhtred.”
Uhtred scoffed and shook his head. “Lord, you have no love for her. You don’t torture those you love,” Uhtred nodded to Finan in the distance, “That man would stop at nothing to keep her safe, to have her as his own. Even if it meant defying you and risking everything. All I ask is that you remember how my men and I have served you and your Kingdom. You still have my oath, Lord…let us have our peace.”
Alfred nodded once to him, looking down into the fire again but not replying.
“I will be back for you after our journey to the Danes. Until then, I would suggest that you think on my words… and repent for your sins to your God.”
Uhtred stood then, walking away from Alfred and towards Finan in the distance, until Domnal abruptly stopped him and they glared at each other.
“I think you are disrupting authority, Lord.” Domnal said with a smirk.
Uhtred looked between his eyes, stepping closer to him. “You will stay here, and you will make sure no harm comes to the King of Wessex. You will no longer escalate this.”
“I do not take my orders from you, Lord Uhtred.”
“These orders are from the King of the North.” Uhtred said with a smirk, holding Domnal’s gaze as he started to walk away.
Uhtred, Finan, Sihtric and Osferth prepared the journey to East Anglia with a band of Ulaid guardsmen, while Domnal and a band of Scots held Alfred at the encampment. Aethelflaed and the Mercians had simultaneously begun their travel to Wessex to aid in recapturing her father and mother’s lands.
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Finan had now begun to come down from the unrelenting rage and bloodthirst he had felt for several days, Uhtred’s commands steadying him and anchoring him back to reality and his mentality becoming clearer after being apart from Constantin and Domnal. Finan now realized just how mindless, ill-advised and reckless he had been. For the second time in his life, he had let his heart guide his body into impossible circumstances, putting his life and others in danger once again. He started to feel an unyielding sense of guilt as he gazed at an exhausted Sihtric, a worried and traumatized Osferth, and a stern, contemplating Lord Uhtred. He let his mind drift to you while the men rode their horses to the East, thinking back to a year of strife but mostly joy, feeling more love for you from the distance than he did before the day you were taken from his arms. He remembered the several months you had together in Coccham, falling into a blissful routine and a simple life together. He wondered where exactly you were, how you were feeling, and what you might think of him now in the aftermath of his rage. He tried not to think of how long you had been in the company of savage Danes and what that entailed. His chest pained and his heart ached as the men went further on their journey.
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You rode horseback in front of Haestan who kept you binded in his arms, your hands still bound with ropes at the wrist and you cringed at his foul odor being so close to him. 
You were unknowing that Haestan had in fact heard word of the siege on Winchester, and he nonchalantly let you believe that you were still traveling to be traded for silver and riches. His objective now was one of stronger intention, his undying desire to conquer Wessex and Mercia. Finan and the others were on the same road, heading in the opposite direction and unknowingly towards you.
“We make camp here,” Haestan ordered the Danes, helping you off his horse and keeping a grip around your waist that made you feel somewhat violated, until he walked you over to a tree and knelt you down to a seated position in front of it.
“Lady,” Haestan growled, his eyes seemingly hungry, “I can imagine how lonesome you must feel.”
You swallowed hard, trying not to hold his gaze. “I am not, Lord.”
“You aren’t very convincing, little one,” he said as he grazed his dirty fingers over your cheek, “Keep me company this night, hm?”
Rage built in your belly as your mind raced. You had already known that it wouldn’t be long before Haestan or one of the other Danes would beg your attention, with words or by force.
“I am loyal to my betrothed, Lord.” You spoke sternly, trembling with your words.
Haestan cackled with a wheezing laugh. “Your betrothed, my lady, seized Wessex and is now an enemy of the Crown. I don’t think he shall last very long.” Haestan chuckled again.
Your cheeks turned red with rage, your eyes searching Haestan’s for either truth or lies. But you knew in your heart it was real.
“He… he besieged Winchester?” 
Haestan chuckled again. “With Scottish and Irish forces. Which led me to understand that you…must be Constantin’s daughter, yes? Nothing less would start a war such as this on Wessex soil with the Scots.”
You knew that Haestan would use you as a bargaining chip now, but there was no stopping it.
You nodded hesitantly, fearing the repercussions if you lied. “I am, Lord.”
Haestan took his hand to your cheek again, trailing it down to your neck and collarbone. “So fair,” he rasped out as he took you in with his gaze, eyeing you like a predator would its prey.
“I… I do not wish to be bothered, Lord, please.” you said, turning away from him as much as you could in your binded state and trying to hold your composure, although your first thought was to spit directly in his face.
“Suit yourself, Princess. You won’t be able to deny me for long.” Haestan rasped angrily, standing from his knelt position. You sighed in relief as you watched him walk away from you without bestowing you harm. By now, you thought perhaps Finan knew of your fate. Perhaps he was traveling towards you. But perhaps he was dead already, the thought of which left your soul feeling like it was crushed into a million pieces. You thought maybe it would be better to fall on a sword at this point and end the misery.
The next morning, Haestan and the Danes prepared to continue on the journey, and he was less gentle with you when he grabbed you up from the ground forcefully and mounted you on his horse. They headed West, and Haestan’s plan was more of a hasty departure toward the unknown than it was a calculated endeavor. He was unsure of how exactly he would use you to conquer Wessex, but persisted nevertheless.
Uhtred, Finan, and the others continued on the path, storm clouds raging overhead and darkening the horizon as they rode, and Osferth shouted at the men over the impending noise of thunder.
“Should we rest and let the storm pass?” He yelled to the others.
“No,” Uhtred answered him, “We keep going.”
Finan looked to Sihtric, who nodded to him in agreement.
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The men continued on their horses through a light drizzle until they heard stirring in the distance, then the sound of horses shuffling. Uhtred shushed the men with a wave of his hand, the others bringing their horses to a stop to listen for a moment.
Uhtred dismounted his horse swiftly and quietly, Finan following as they trudged through a brush filled area, pushing back branches as quietly as possible until they caught the sight of Haestan’s fleet. Finan’s heart raced in his chest, his arms already tingling with adrenaline as he slightly squinted his eyes and looked through the trees at the Danes traveling in a line with their horses. When he caught sight of you in Haestan’s arms, his breath caught in his throat and a shudder went down his spine, and Uhtred seemed to have caught the same sight as he looked to Finan. He put his hand on Finan’s chest, almost as if to hold him back. Sihtric and Osferth had trudged through the same brush and snuck up behind them at this point, their sudden arrival jolting Finan and scaring him half to death as Sihtric chuckled, his gaze having been so transfixed on the Danes.
“What now, Lord?” Sihtric asked.
Uhtred looked to Finan, emphasizing his words carefully, “We must go to them calmly. We approach this rationally. Understood?”
Finan nodded, biting his lip.
Uhtred, Finan and the others went around the brush to come in contact with Haestan, walking up to them with their hands on their swords but not yet drawn. The Danes immediately became unnerved, some of them dismounting their horses and drawing swords and axes.
Uhtred approached them slowly with his hands up.
“Haestan, we do not wish to fight. We are only here for one thing,” Uhtred nodded to you. 
Your heart raced when you saw Finan, and you caught his urgent state when Sihtric had to hold him back from running to you and the Danes, Uhtred commanding him to stay put.
Haestan sighed, teasing Uhtred with his cockiness and facial expressions. “I will give her to you. For a trade.” He chuckled.
Finan couldn’t be held back anymore as he shoved Sihtric away and ran over to you, shocking the Danes and nearly being tackled by one of them before reaching you, but not taking his eyes off of you.
Uhtred rolled his eyes. “Trade? For what?”
“The King of Wessex.” Haestan grinned.
Finan shoved the Danes away from him, moving towards you and Haestan and drawing his sword. 
“My love,” he whispered to you as he caught your gaze.
Tears fell from your eyes as you took in the sight of him, new cuts evident on his pale skin, dark brown eyes you thought you might never gaze into again. Your lips parted to speak but nothing would come out, and you tried to reach for him forgetting your hands were bound. More Danes grabbed Finan by his arms, pulling him away and starting to brawl with him.
“Enough!” Uhtred shouted at them, “Haestan, I will tell you where he is. Nothing more.”
Haestan held a serious demeanor now and licked his lips. “You don’t have much to bargain with, Uhtred.”
Uhtred shook his head, looking over to Finan and seeing the absolute fury in his eyes, then back up to meet Haestan’s gaze. “We will take you there. Release her.”
Haestan practically shoved you off of his horse and Finan ran over to catch you just in time, taking you into his arms. He knelt you down to the ground, swiftly drawing his dagger to cut your wrists free from the ropes and gently whispering to you as he cupped your face in his hands and nuzzled your nose with his. 
“Dear God!! My sweetest love... are ya alright?! Have they hurt ya?”
Your hands grappled at his armor, pulling him as close to you as possible. “N-no, I…I’m alright,” you whispered, tears falling from your eyes as you started to sob into him, nuzzling your face into his neck, “I thought you might be dead.”
“No… No, I swore to you a long time ago that I would never leave ya,” Finan said, holding his grip tightly on you as he pulled you against his chest. “I will never leave you again.”
>>> Part 3
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Special thanks to @gemini-mama for beta reading! 💓💘
Taglist: @gemini-mama @persephones-journey @alexagirlie @whitedarkmoonflower
@bcon24 @ficnation
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Hey i really love your fics. I was wondering if you could write(if you'd have time,of course) Sihtric x reader where she gets transported back in time from 2023 into 9th century, I was thinking season 3. Anyway, so Sihtric could meet reader in the middle of a forest, and he will be live really surprised by her appearance, like mini skirt and a blouse,or short dress, and he gets instantly smitten with her. And she thinks that he is some sort of cosplayer,but she soon realizes that she travelled back in time. So,they get together on his horse and meet with Uhtred and the rest of the boys and go back to Coocham. She gets a place to stay and helps Gisela. I don't know how it goes from there,you could make it whatever you want. Thanks im advance,could you do it like longer and include some smut. Thanks a lot. Have a good day. (Also,have I mentioned that you're my favourite writer here?) Bye.
Warnings: a little suggestive, not much.
Pairing: Sihtric x modern!you (f)
Summary: see request!
Word count: 3k
Note: first of all; OH MY GOD thank you, yes! I am thrilled to write this. I did make some slight changes to your request as I know fics with this theme have been written already, and I don't want to accidentally write something that's nearly the same. So, you requested a longer fic, and this is part 1. Part 2 will be up soon, and that's not the end of it as I am having a lot of fun with this one. And I am your favourite writer? Stop it! Thank you, dear anon. I hope you enjoy this part.
taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat  @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylas-the-grim @heimtathurs @bubbles-for-all-of-us @valeskafics
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 'You know of Kjartan?'
You don't remember how you ended up here, or why, all you know is that you woke up with a killer headache in the woods. It seemed like you had spent the night there, as you found yourself waking up, covered, under a pile of crispy leaves. In your Halloween outfit. That's right. You apparently got so drunk at the party that you fell asleep in the woods somewhere on your way home, dressed like a slutty Freddy Krueger, wearing a short, ripped, red and green sweater dress with black fishnet tights underneath and black biker boots. It seemed like you also had been robbed when you were sleeping, as your phone was gone, as were your hat and the bladed glove, which were both part of your outfit. 
You felt rather relieved when you walked into a man, who was also dressed up, while you had tried to find your way out of the woods. Which seemed impossible, because you simply didn't recognise anything, as if you had never been there before.
The man was a little startled when you suddenly ran up to him, asking for help, and it confused you even more that he had looked confused.
'Can you help me?' you had asked, 'I've lost my phone and I seem to be lost too. I have no idea where I am. I was at the party last night, I assume you were too, judging by the outfit,' you gestured at him, 'I just need to use your phone. Maps, you know? So I can figure out where I am.' The man was quiet as he took a bite of his apple. And as you simply waited for him to take out his phone, you took in his appearance. He was handsome. You don't remember seeing him at the party, as you were sure you would remember a pretty boy such as himself. 
He had short, dark hair, shaved on both sides with two small braids which had some beads in it. A tattoo graced one side of his head, starting above his ear and ending onto his neck. You wondered if the tattoo was real, because you thought it looked pretty damn hot, but it could be a jobstopper. He was wearing a thick, black fur cloak, which you were quite jealous of, because you absolutely regretted dressing up the way you did. You were freezing. 
You couldn't really tell what was underneath the cloak, but you couldn't lie, you'd love to find out what he was hiding under there, but all you could see made you assume he just really liked Game of Thrones or something. You could see his shoes and they seemed rather rough. The man was surely dedicated to his outfit.
'You're dressed up as that winter is coming guy, right?' you asked, breaking the awkward silence as the man didn't seem to reach for his phone, or anything else.
'Lady?' the man simply said, confused. You felt slightly spooked as he suddenly spoke.
'The tv show?' you frowned, 'what's his name, ehh, crap. You know, winter is coming or whatever he says? John something… Stark? No, Stark is Iron Man, ehh, you know, right?' you tried and failed. The man looked you up and down, still confused, but you could see he was more or less checking out your bare legs.
'I do not understand, lady,' the man spoke more words now, carefully, and you felt your knees weakening upon hearing his soft, low voice and that sexy accent he carried.
'It's, ah,' you sighed, 'nevermind. I never saw the show either. I just, can I please borrow your phone?'
The man looked at you curiously. Still very confused, but also curious now, and it seemed as if he was thinking really hard about his next words to you.
'No?' he said slowly, not sounding really sure about his own words. But the man simply had no idea what he was saying no to.
'Oh,' you grimaced, 'eh, okay. Can you then at least tell me where we are?'
'Near Coccham, lady,' the man suddenly spoke confidently and a smile appeared on his lips. 
God, he was absolutely adorable, calling you 'lady'? Oh, he could call you 'lady' whenever he wanted. Where did this guy come from? You sure hoped you had a mutual friend, because you were to get this boy's number somehow. And as you were already imagining what he looked liked under that cloak, you barely registered what he had said to you.
'Wait,' you suddenly snapped back to reality, 'where?'
'Coccham, lady,' he took a step closer, 'Wessex.'
'Wessex?' you frowned. Last time you checked the party was in London.
'Are you from Mercia?' the man asked, getting a better look at you as his eyes grew wider with each step he took towards you.
'Mercia?' you shook your head, 'n-no. I'm from London.'
'Lundene?' the pretty boy gasped, and his eyes couldn't possibly get any bigger, 'but Lundene is a dangerous place for a lady like you.'
'Eh,' you chuckled nervously, 'it's… not really? I mean, I grew up there, so, you know?'
'You live there, lady?'
'Do you work there?'
'Well, duh, yeah.'
'Are- are you a whore?'
'Excuse me?' you scoffed.
'Lord Uhtred says I- I shouldn't fall in love with a whore again. They only want my silver,' the cute boy suddenly rambled, 'and I mean, I-I have silver! I do. Enough, lady. I can… I could buy you pretty things, if you like, and… but, n-not if you are a whore. I shouldn't do that. Not again. Lord Uhtred says you all want the same,' he stopped talking and suddenly looked shy, as he saw your confused and offended look.
Of course, the hot guy was an absolute nerd and probably a fulltime larper, not that there's anything wrong with that, it just wasn't really your cup of tea. You almost rolled your eyes when you suddenly wondered if larpers like to get a little spicy and hot when they wear their outfits. Was he just role playing now? Was this a larper way of hooking up? You became a little interested in playing along, seeing where this was going, and if he would ever break character. Or… if he was lucky and ended up in your bed, you wondered if he would still call you 'lady'?
'And… what is it we want?' you feigned curiosity.
'My silver, lady,' he chuckled lightly.
'Your silver,' you nodded and tried to look serious, 'and this lord…'
'Lord Uhtred,' the man smiled proudly.
'Uhtred. Where is this lord?'
'In Coccham, lady, I can take you there.'
'To meet the lord?'
'If you wish to, yes, lady.'
His offer was a little tempting, you wondered where on earth he would take you if you accepted. To see a lord? Lord who? And where? Was there a little larp camp somewhere in the woods where you'd be put on trial for dressing like… a whore apparently? Or would he take you to some kind of medieval sex dungeon where you could meet his "lord"? You snorted lightly at that last thought.
'Sure, why the hell not,' you blurted out, 'I am cold. I just want to get out of here. Take me to your lord,' you sighed.
'You are cold, lady?' the man looked a little concerned, which you thought was sweet, even if it was just an act, he did it well, and he was really cute.
'Yeah,' you scoffed lightly, 'I slept here apparently. I'm freezing my ass off.'
The man frowned with a smile as he listened to you. Then he unclasped his cloak and took another step closer to offer you the warm fur.
'Take this, my lady, it will warm you.'
'Eh, are you… sure?'
'I insist,' the man smiled. So damn adorable.
'O-okay, thank you,' you smiled as you took his cloak and wrapped it around your shoulders. 
It was heavier than you expected, but it was nice as it was still radiating from the man's body heat, which warmed you instantly.
'Thank you,' you said again, 'what's your name?'
'I am Sihtric, lady, and you?'
Sihtric took your hand as you told him your name, and he pressed a gentle kiss upon the back of your hand, which unexpectedly made you blush.
'So, is Sihtric your real name?'
'Yes, lady,' Sihtric said with a smile, which faded slightly for a moment as it seemed he started to doubt his own name, but his grin quickly reappeared again, 'it's Sihtric, lady,' he nodded confidently.
'So, it's not the character you are dressed as?'
'W- what do you mean?' he asked hesitantly.
'Your name,' you smiled friendly, 'like, on your passport it really says Sihtric?'
'My… pass for… a -a port?,' Sihtric said slowly and shook his head, 'I- I am afraid I do not understand, my lady.'
What a peculiar guy he was. You figured he was probably the typical quiet, shy and polite guy, who would later on completely ravage you with his lord in that sex dungeon you still expected to see.
You smiled at him and told him to forget about it, and just take you somewhere warm. To which his face lit up and he told you that you could ride with him. You gladly accepted and couldn't wait to get into his car. You hoped it was a fancy car, one with heating in the seats, because your legs felt like popsicles now. You followed him and studied his outfit as you glanced over to him a few times. His armour looked good, expensive. You wondered where he got it from. Etsy, maybe? Definitely custom made. The guy must have money. You liked his Mjölnir necklace, the one thing you did recognise, and you told him. Which caused him to blush lightly as he clutched it in his fist, telling you that you must have been sent by the gods.
You felt yourself blush at his words and you had to admit, the medieval way of flirting definitely did something to you. 
You studied his face now that he was closer, and you noticed he had several scars. Your eyes then trailed down to his hands, and you became a little uncomfortable as you saw that not just his face, but also his hands had scars, which looked a little too realistic. You wondered if larpers really went for that many details these days. And then you noticed his rings and the tattoos on his fingers.
'Are those real?' you pointed at the lines on his fingers, to which he nodded with a shy smile.
'Does it mean something?' you asked, genuinely curious.
'Each line is one man I killed during battle.'
'Oh,' you said, not expecting that for an answer, 'and… h-how many have you… killed?' you played along.
Sihtric looked at you and held up both his hands, showing you he had quite an amount of lines tattooed. You gave him a polite smile and looked down at your feet, slightly concerned, while you continued the walk to his ride.
'There she is,' Sihtric smiled after a short while.
'A… a horse?' you frowned. 
What in the fuckery is this? He had a horse? The man literally had a horse, here, in the woods, while he was dressed as a medieval themed stripper with all his gold and silver.
'Sihtric,' you said calmly, 'is this,' you paused, not trying to snap at him, 'is this your… ride?'
'My horse, yes,' Sihtric smiled, once again proud, 'expensive she was, but a great beast.'
You watched Sihtric pet his horse and you were just at a loss. You grew a little tired of the joke, as you just really wanted some food, some water and warm clothes. Preferably at your own house. But as you still had no idea where you were, or how you ended up here, you really had no other choice than to go with Sihtric. But you couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong, you just didn't know what.
'Lady,' he smiled, 'will you hand me the cloak?'
'Eh, sure?' you said, taking it off and handing it to him. 
You shivered as you watched Sihtric throw the majestic cloak around his shoulders, and then he beckoned you over. Cautiously, and confused, you walked over to him and his ride, and with ease he mounted you upon his horse. You chuckled lightly at the incredibly weird moment, but the warmth of the animal was pleasant against your cold legs. Before you realised it, Sihtric got up on his horse and sat behind you. Without speaking, he pulled you firmly against his chest, wrapping you inside his warm cloak along with him as he took the reins and ordered the horse to walk.
You had to admit there was something romantic about this, and if this Sihtric guy was trying to hit on you, he was definitely doing it the right way. You couldn't help but feel warm and comfortable against the stranger's chest and inside his cloak. You dare say you even felt safe.
'Are you spoken for, lady?' his voice sounded pleasantly close to your ear when he spoke after a while.
'Eh, no,' you chuckled lightly, 'I am not.' 
You heard Sihtric hum softly and you couldn't stop the sudden smile that formed on your face. So he was hitting on you.
'Why?' you decided to ask, 'are you spoken for?'
'No,' he said softly. You glanced over your shoulder and looked up at Sihtric, whose face lit up again and he said, 'not yet.' 
You blushed lightly as you understood what he meant, and you quickly turned away from him. If he married you during the larping, would it be official? You had so many questions. Even more questions raised, as your feeling of dread raised too, when you realised you still didn't recognize anything around you as your journey continued. And the feeling of disorientation consumed you when you suddenly saw a fortress in the distance. And you finally gave in to your gut feeling, accepting that something was very, very wrong. 
You were sat upon a horse, in the arms of a very hot, medieval looking man, who had asked if you were a whore, and you both had no phone. You had no recollection of getting here, you did not recognize these lands, and you knew for a fact that the fortress you closed in on, was not something created by larpers. Not on this scale.
You tried to put everything together, realising this was some Back to the Future shit. Except, this wasn't the future. This was back to the past. Way back to the past. You suddenly felt lucky that you had paid attention in school during the history lessons, as you were pretty good at that, and you remembered that Wessex became the Kingdom of England in 927. But, clearly, Wessex and Mercia were still separate now, so the year was not 927.
'Where are you from, Sihtric?'
'Dunholm, my lady.'
Dunholm. You remembered Dunholm. You knew there had been a battle and you tried to remember what year it took place. You couldn't get it right. But Dunholm… it bugged you. There was something you knew about Dunholm and clearly wanted to remember. You fidgeted with Sihtric's cloak, pulling some threads as you tried to remember what you learned about it.
'Kjartan,' you suddenly said out loud, 'the cruel.'
Sihtric abruptly stopped his horse.
'You know of Kjartan, lady?' he suddenly asked, his voice a little less soft than before.
'I-I have heard of him, yes.'
'Then you know he is dead.'
Kjartan was dead. Okay, good. Information. When did Kjartan die again? Ehh, it had to be… around 879? 880 maybe?
'Oh, yes,' you chuckled, trying to sound confident, 'of course, he is dead. Ehh.. a shame right?'
'Sure. A shame I didn't kill him,' Sihtric huffed as he spurred the horse to continue.
'Oh,' you grimaced, looking down at the lines on his fingers, understanding that Kjartan was not one of those lines.
'W-when exactly did he… die?'
'It's been thirteen summers, lady.'
Thirteen. Okay, that means you're probably in… Oh, dear god…
'893,' you whispered as you walked through the gates of a burh, which Sihtric had told you was Coccham.
'We are here, my lady,' Sihtric said, quickly dismounting his horse. He held his hands out, helping you off his horse by placing his hands on your hips while you found support by resting your hands on his shoulders. And so he gently brought your feet back on the ground. All while his big eyes looked at you with admiration, as if you were otherworldly. Sihtric was simply besotted by you and your appearance, and he already knew that he would do whatever it would take to make you his wife.
His hands lingered on your waist as he looked down into your eyes, and that's when you noticed he had two different coloured eyes; one hazel and one blue mixed with grey. And if you weren't so anxious, you would've thought it was the most mesmerising sight.
Sihtric noticed your face had grown grave with concern, which he didn't understand. You came from Lundene, of all places, you shouldn't have reason to feel anxious about a place like Coccham. And as Sihtric felt somehow naturally drawn to you, he didn't like the way you had become tense. Yet he also didn't know how to comfort you or if you would even allow him. But all he wanted to do at that moment was to wrap you in his arms. Instead, he took off his cloak again and threw it over your shoulders, covering you up.
Sihtric said he didn't want you to be cold, which was partly true, as it was winter and the lack of clothes you had on was concerning, but he also didn't want any other man to see what he already felt belonged to him.
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arcielee · 1 year
Farewell Wanderlust
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Warnings: As always, MDNI, 18+ past trauma mentioned, sexual themes, unprotected sex, grinding, oral (female receiving), fighting and death, holy ground being disturbed? Pairing: Osferth x OFC Word Count: 5138 Summary: Torn from her home country, Keavy finds herself trying to survive across the Irish sea. She happens across Uhtred and his motley crew, and finds herself befriending a monk who is determined to become a warrior. Author’s Note: I apologize for the delay, irl is being tedious for me, but I very much know how this story will end. We have one more chapter to go! It is still very much a hybrid of the show and the books, with me adding flare as needed to fit the narrative. Anyway, enjoy. 💜     Thank you @theromanticegoist for being my beta reader and offering me a sliver of your insight and talent. Thank you my darling @itbmojojoejo for the gif you took the time to create for me. 💜 Dividers are by @saradika Taglist (Tumblr kindred spirits): @aaaaaamond @annikin-im-panicin @watercolorskyy @schniiipsel @sylas-the-grim @aemondx @fan-goddess @babygirlyofthevale @httpsdoll @assortedseaglass @amiraisgoingthruit @tssf-imagines @triscy @whoknows333 @shesjustanothergeek @greenowlfactif @larlarmojo @babyblue711 @fangirlninja67 @tinykryptonitewerewolf @lauftivy @vintageypanwitch @heimtathurs (bold means I was unable to tag you!)
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Chapter 6
Keavy awoke to the morning light streaming through the cloth that was pinned over the window, allowing a muted, dawning glow to fill the room. She wiped the haze from her eyes and realized the intimate tangle of bare limbs beneath the furs; her gaze moved from the nightstand, from the candle that burnt to its wick and its wax spill onto the wood, and drifted to Osferth, who was curled at her side. 
Her slight movement stirred him and he gave a sleepy groan, his arm reaching to wrap around her waist and pulling her against his torso. Soft laughter spilled from her lips with the tickle of his chest hair, his lips soft against her hairline. “Good morning,” she whispered, craning her neck with a phantom kiss to his jawline. 
Osferth hummed, tilting his chin downwards to find her lips. “Good morning, beautiful,” his voice was drowsy and each word punctuated with a gentle kiss. 
She burned from his touch, from his words–no man before had called her beautiful, especially not a Saxon man. “Do not tease me, Osferth,” her breath fanned his cheeks and she saw his dimples peeked with his smile.
“I would never,” and he kissed her again. 
Keavy smiled against the press of his lips, shifting to spread her legs as he moved closer, cradled against her hips; he hummed his pleasure, careful to place his weight on his arms that were propped on both sides, with a slow rhythm of his hips. She sighed as his hardness pressed between her thighs, the genial rub against the flush of her arousal. 
“Osferth,” she gasped, arching against him. “I shall never grow tired of this.”  
“Do not tempt me,” his mouth moved along the column of her neck, placing kisses until he came to the junction of her shoulder and nipping softly; she sighed again, her skin raising in response. “I may never allow you to leave.”
But inevitably they would, the begrudging pull from the sex soaked linen and allowing the cool air to nip at their skin. Keavy poured the chilled water from the ewer into the porcelain basin and they were quick to clean and dress; she fetched a small vial and her pecten to comb through her dark locks.
She palmed the rose oil gifted from Gisela, working it into her curls, which allowed the polished bone to glide through to style. Osferth came up behind her, his hands gentle to touch and his fingers threaded through to finish braiding her hair. “A man of many talents,” she teased him, her cheeks crimson with his gesture. 
“Of course,” his voice low, his attention focused as he knotted the end. “How else do you believe Sihtric manages his hair?” 
Her laughter was lyrical, and he smiled; she reached for his hand, her fingers interlacing with his own, and he pulled her outside. The fallen fresh snow glittered with the sun’s light and their breath was white clouds that rose above them; their hands knitted with a soft swing that synchronized with their slow steps as they made their way towards the great hall. 
The doors groaned open and the attention shifted towards them; it was the Irishman who began his cheer, with the rest following. “It’s about fucking time,” and Finan’s smile was bright against his dark beard, while a rose color dusted their features as they took their seats at the table to join them. 
Winter settled over, which kept the men in Coccham; Keavy did not mind and enjoyed the new comfort with the new routine. She slowly created space for Osferth within her room, enjoying how his scent lingered over the shared space, especially in the furs and blankets from when they curled beneath them, sharing an intimate warmth as they talked about their days.  
Outside of Coccham, the snow billowed high against the walls and isolated the village from the rest of Wessex. The inside thrummed still, with pathways that weaved within, the spirits high from the rich harvest despite the cold. An occasional traveler would wander through, taking a moment by the fire and delivering any letters, one which was addressed to Osferth from Lady Æthelflæd.
That night the great hall was alive with liquored cheer, but her focus remained on Osferth as he stepped away a moment to break the seal. To the untrained eye, it could be considered an eager want to read the letter from his kin, but Keavy saw the brief press of his lips into a thin line and the flicker of worry that knitted between his brows as his eyes flitted over the parchment in hand. 
Keavy did not wish to draw any attention, but waited as the night waned away, when they began to file out into the night to find their beds. She reached for his hand and they returned to the privacy of the room they now shared, which was dark with a slight chill. Once the door was closed and candles lit, she felt Osferth press up against her, a pillar of warmth on her backside; she sighed as his arms wrapped around her waist, his face nuzzling beneath her scarf and the soft press of his lips to her skin. 
“What news did your sister have for you?” Her hand reached back, her fingers combing through his golden locks towards the back of his head.
Osferth hummed and she felt the curl of his lips into a smile. “You read me as well as her words written.” 
She turned in his arms to face him, pressing to her tiptoes for a chaste kiss in response. “With the time I have invested, Osferth, I should hope so,” her brow raised to hint the teasing of her tone. “Do you wish to talk about it?”
He leaned forward, pressing his forehead against her own for a moment, slow breaths to intake her fragrance of lavender and thyme, her hint of rose oil in her tresses. Osferth pulled back, taking her hand and moving to sink into the straw mattress.
Keavy followed him, but remained standing between his legs, quiet and watchful as his long, slender fingers that played with her own, his forehead lined as he struggled to find the words. “My father,” he began but it was said as if there was a bitter taste to his tongue. Osferth swallowed and began again. “The king’s health has been failing.” 
In the last few years, King Alfred had the reputation for being perpetually ill but without actually dying; Lady Æthelflæd wrote her worry that their father’s luck, or perhaps the favor with his God, was finally coming to an end, or so she believed. “I know he will reach out to Uhtred when winter ends,” and he finally met with her eyes, a glassy shine to his brilliant blue. “Perhaps to ask that Uhtred swear his fealty to Edward.” 
She nodded, aware that Æthelflæd was his sister but that Edward was always referred to by his name. “He would never agree to it,” Keavy whispered, one hand coming to touch his jaw. “To swear fealty to a boy would last until the end of his life.” 
Osferth nodded and his lashes fluttered closed, leaning into her touch and releasing the hold of her hand; she moved to touch the other side of his face and he reopened his eyes, looking up at her once again.
Before their intimacy finally bloomed between them, she had first become his confidant and, in return, he was her haven embodied. Right now she saw the solemn severity that lined his features, she saw the uncertainty, the weight of the future of Wessex, a burden not belonging and, at the same time, imbedded into his blood.
Her thumb trailed the sharp edge of his jawline. “Let the king call for Uhtred when the snow melts, he will handle him,” and her tone grew coy, “but right now the snow piles high and we must stay warm to survive.” 
She leaned forward, another chaste kiss to tease his lips, and his hands moved in response, grabbing her waist and pulling her closer. Keavy grabbed fistfuls of her skirt, rutting the fabric up to straddle him, the soft plush of her thighs caging him to the bed. 
His hold moved to cradle her lower back, pulling her against his chest, his head tilting back and pressing his lips to the underside of her jaw. “We must stay warm,” his hot whisper tickled and she tried to pull back with a smile, a giggle, but his grip held and brought her back, capturing her lips with his own. 
Keavy moaned and his clever tongue deepen the kiss, as if he was drawing the very breath from her lungs; she wrapped her arms around his neck, leveraging for a slow grind forward against the hardness that pressed through the crotch of his trousers, pulsating from the pressure of her clothed cunt. 
Osferth groaned into her mouth and the vibration sent a trickling desire down the length of her spine; his tongue tasted her, his dexterous fingers loosening the ribbons that laced her backside. Their clothing fell to the floor, quick with the cold that seeped in, and he pulled her beneath the layers of their bed, a kiss to the inside of her knee and a trail of open mouth kisses that led to her core.
She sighed with the familiarity of his touch, his lips, and the beginning glints of pleasure sparked before her eyes, leading towards the precipice of her release. A warmth coiled in her lower abdomen as his fingers curled within, one after the other, and she moaned with his ministrations that pushed her over the edge, her blossomed release that spread and pressed the very seams of her being. 
Osferth followed through its completion with the sinful squelch of her cunt pulsating around his fingers, almost to that brink of overstimulation, before he withdrew and carefully climbed on top of her. She was breathless and beautifully flushed from her climax, a soft mewl spilled when she felt his length press against, heavy and warm and wanting. 
Keavy combed her fingers through his hair, pulling him close for a kiss and savoring her taste on his tongue, while her thighs wrapped around his slender waist. She sighed sweetly as he molded to her curves, the weight of him and the tickle of his chest hair against her bare skin. 
His arm reached between, lining himself with her entrance; Keavy moaned when he pushed in, his head dipping into the curve of her neck with his own low groan from how her velvet walls clenched in response. Osferth waited a moment, allowing her the time still needed to adjust to his size, and he only moved when she found his mouth with a hungry kiss to urge him. 
The gentle thrusts of his hips began to rekindle the flames licking her bones, the curtails of her prior release still tingling throughout; the crushing closeness, the tickle of his hot breath against her skin and his pace quickened with the flutter of her walls; there is a tandem of their release, the sounds of her sighs and his guttural groan that reverberates through them both. 
Every moment spared would be this entanglement of limbs, curling into one another flushed from their climax and until their breaths were an exchange. Eventually, the snow began to thaw and the spring greenery struggled through the cold mush left behind. The earth warmed still and Osferth’s prediction of a letter from the king did not come until the midsummer months. 
They packed to travel to Wintanceaster as commanded or as asked, depending if you spoke with the Lord or Lady of Coccham. 
Gisela complained with good nature and grace, swollen with the life that grew within her. She sighed her complaints of her size as Uhtred took her hand, careful to guide her steps towards the cart. “It will not be able to hold me,” she smiled with her words.
Uhtred kissed her hand, his other arm wrapping around to lift her inside. “If the wheels split, I will carry you myself,” and his eyes glittered as he teased her, pressing forward to steal another kiss before moving back towards his horse. 
Gisela shook her head, her lips pursed into another smile, and her gaze fell to both Keavy and Osferth, with him helping her to mount her horse. “This will be your fate one day,” she called to them, smiling still and raising one brow. “And I will be the one on horseback!”
Keavy flushed from her words, unable to look at Osferth, unable to stop the curl of her lips into a smile from Gisela’s teasing. 
Their time together in the last few months had been everything she always hoped for, but she could not help the flutter of apprehension that it would never be more. The thought knotted in her chest late at night when Osferth would curl against her backside, the warmth of his palm on her stomach, but she found it was the one thing she could not say outloud to him. 
She confided in the great hall where Hild began to speak scriptures and Gisela waved her off, seated with her swollen ankles propped up. “Away with your Ephesians, Hild. Do not listen to that nun,” she said to Keavy and her dark eyes glittered. “Is he good to you?”
Osferth was and so much more. He showed consideration for her in his every action, something that was without effort and just seemed natural for him: from how he filled his plate to share with her, how he took her hand to lead their steps together, with how his eyes brightened, alert, always aware of their surroundings as if he would do anything to keep her safe. She loved their time together, at the end of the day when he would curl into her, the soft trail of his fingers along the length of her spine and back, or how they would comb through her dark curls with gentle kisses along her hairline. 
She was crimson when she finally answered. “He is very good to me.” 
“Then that is enough,” and her tone clipped with a sense of finality, and Keavy tried her best to tuck the thought away. 
But it still lingered; she was aware of his bloodline, of the royalty that ran through his veins that was stronger than the sins of King Alfred. Keavy assumed the day would come when he would want a wife of his equal, a true Saxon lady of reputation and not some marred, cursed cailín from across the Irish sea.
“Marriage is only a title, a status, an exchange of goods when had,” Gisela argued. “I see how he is with you and it is the actions of a man that speaks of his character.”
This was now the thought that she clung to.
It was then that Finan barked to the caravan prepared, reclaiming her attention, and they made their way towards Wintanceaster.
+ + + +
They had barely arrived when the king called Uhtred away, leaving the rest to settle into the home of the priest and his wife, Thyra; she held the same fierceness as her kin, Uhtred, but had a softer deliverance with it, instilled with the bold blue of her eyes. 
Their home was comfortable with a rich fragrance from the supper prepared over the open flame; the children played amongst themselves, with Sihtric’s son alongside Oswald and Stiorra, and the men made their round trips to the alehouse to refill their cups, their spirits high. They crowded around the table to eat and with the shortage of seats, only then did Osferth pull Keavy into his lap, relishing in the sight of color that tinged her cheeks. 
Uhtred returned, soured with the news they were to sunder tomorrow, heading towards the Burh of Aescengum on his advice that the king sought from him. “Unfortunate this is the one time he listens to you, lord,” Finan teased him, but he could only manage a grim smile in return. 
The following morning, the stables were cluttered as the wives came to bid their farewells, with Keavy among them. Osferth curled his finger beneath her chin and tilted her head back, pressing his lips against her own with his promise, “I will return to you.”
Her smile was forced, but her eyes were bright from the kiss. 
The sun shone overhead and moved behind them as they went eastwards, the city of Wintanceaster shrinking away. A comfortable silence settled over with the ambling gait of their horses, until Uhtred decided to break it. “I believe it is time you take a wife,” he began, his lips curling as if he was aware of something already. “It is time that you got married.” 
There was a low chorus of chuckles from Sihtric and Finan behind them. “I have thought of it,” Osferth admitted. 
This was a thought that reverberated within him, something that rattled his bones whenever he was in proximity of Keavy, something ignited with her touch, with her lilt. It followed him, heavy in the air that surrounded them and it mixed with the sickly sweet scent of sex and sweat above their bed shared; his throat was thick with his want to whisper the words: my sweet wife.
But also was the thought that he was a bastard and the curse bond with it. The holy book of Dueteronomy taught how this curse would follow for ten generations because of his illegitimacy. As a boy, he did not mind it, but as he matured, he now found that it clawed at his heart from the moment he had kissed Keavy. 
Osferth knew then that he loved her, and that perhaps he always had, as it gradually blossomed more over the years. He enjoyed the sharpness of her emerald eyes, how well she fit into his embrace and he would bury his face into her dark curls. Most of all, he admired her strength and her resilience; Keavy had been shy and hesitant to share the cruelty that destiny littered her path on the way to him; the thought that his curse could possibly add more suffering to it pained him, especially when she already survived so much.
Uhtred raised his brow. “Just thought?”
“Usque ad decimam generationem,” the Latin spilled from his lips and he continued, “I could not… my children would be cursed, their children too, and every child for ten generations.” 
Osferth tried to avoid this pending biblical curse that clung overhead, but too often he would be cuntdrunk, with the taste of her lips too enticing and the sinfully sweet clutch of her velvet walls all too consuming. It was only when the post-coital haze wore off that the thought would return: bastard begot bastard, his curse continuing. 
“So every bastard is doomed?”
Osferth hummed, his eyes forward. “I do not see the king taking ownership for his… mistakes.” 
There was another chortle of laughter and Osferth only hummed again. Ahead of them was the low smoldering glow of the ruined village of Alton, the remains of a guarded church coming to view when Uhtred called to him. “Let us ask your God what else can be done.”
But God had seemed to abandon the parish and instead they found a woman of many names: a seer, a witch, the devil reincarnate. Sihtric moaned of the curse that followed with her capture, voicing his concerns until it was palpable and heavy overhead. Only Finan was bold enough to say, “Do not speak of it, it only gives it strength,” and it was left alone, but lingered on the edge of their minds.
The Battle of Farnham, as it would be remembered, was a slaughter of Danes and their victory was sung throughout Wessex, following their return to the city. It was surreal with the echo of bells off of the Roman structures that were still rooted throughout the city, the swarm of the crowd and their cheers for King Alfred and his men, for their victory and safe return. 
Osferth peered through, his eyes sharp for Keavy, or even Gisela, but instead he spotted the nun Hild; he saw how her face was drawn with grief and the nursemaid in her shadow, holding a bundle to her chest. Before he could say a word, Uhtred quickly dismounted and pushed through towards her; Osferth instead swung his leg over, following after Beocca back to his home, relief washing over when he saw Keavy seated inside with Stiorra and Oswald. 
The priest moved to kiss his wife and Keavy pushed to her feet, enveloping in Osferth’s arms; he pulled back to kiss her, finding her cheeks stained with tears that confirmed the news plainly written in Hild’s expression outside. 
Gisela was gone. “I could not save her,” she whispered hoarsely and he pulled her close again, a soft kiss on her hairline. 
With the summer months waning away, the night came with its chill and its sorrow. Osferth took Keavy’s hand and they moved outside the city walls, towards the holy ground where Gisela had been buried; Hild breathed a quick prayer and the men grabbed their shovels, upturning the fresh grave.
Uhtred watched as the flames licked up the sides of the lumber stacked, the poignant smell of death masked by the smoke that curled up into the silver light of the moon. “It is beautiful,” and Hild wet her lips, her voice a reverent whisper amongst the splintered pops of wood. “It is as though she is drifting away from the earth and upwards towards the heavens.” 
The amber glow of the funeral pyre cast its golden dysphoria over him, his cheeks shone with his tears and he wilted with wracking sobs that echoed emptily against the trees. Osferth moved to his side and Finan quickly to the other, a strong hold of their lord, with their whispered words of comfort offered to him. 
“Death is unavoidable, it is a part of life,” he rasped, his palmed gripped Osferth and his glassy eyes locked onto him. “It is inevitable, but love is not and you must always take the moment when it is offered.”  
As their attention returned to the blaze, Osferth dared peer back to see Keavy. She held onto the hand offered by Hild, pale in the moonlight and her features tight with her grief aflare, reflecting her tear streaked cheeks, and he had the intrusive thought. 
She is lovely still. 
Uhtred’s words was something repeated in his mind as they retreated back inside the city, returning to their beds; it was a soft echo still in his mind as he pulled her flush against his chest, something that resonated when he felt the gentle press of her lips to the underside of his jaw, nestling into his embrace. Osferth held her close throughout the night, his fingers tangled in her dark curls and his other hand rested on her hip, the soft expansion with her every breath eventually lulling him to sleep. 
The lamenting lessened in the days that followed. Though the grief remained, there was room for a sense of clarity, for Uhtred to announce they were leaving Wintanceaster at once. Osferth saw how he was haunted with Gisela, how the city now served a reminder of his love that was lost.
He knew this would follow them back to Coccham and he thought back to that summer day years before, when he first came to swear his sword to Uhtred and what he promised, his words–“You may never see Wessex again,”–but still they remained, tethered by the oath to the king. 
Osferth only truly understood his sister’s words when he saw their father at Aescengum; he almost did not recognize the cadaverous man had it not been for his crown, his regalia that hung from his thin frame. The dark force that escorted him from Wintanceaster was now grey in his complexion, with silver streaks in his hair and beard, a brittle man that a strong gust could have swept away. 
He also thought of what else she wrote, how she encouraged him to come to her estate, to come to Mercia; her letters tempted him to go, to take Keavy and to travel North. 
But instead he stayed, now spurred with the unspoken exigency to ready the horses, to leave the city at once, and it was interrupted when Beocca called for Uhtred, stating the king called for him again. They watched him leave before continuing, with an unease that lingered behind. 
Later, Osferth first spotted his return, his grief partnered with a fervor as he called to him, to Finan and Sihtric. The city thrummed, holy ground has been disturbed, and soon the king’s guard arrived, but the men of Coccham were already standing guard, with a palpable choler that solidified their stance. 
In that moment, his sister’s words returned. “We need to get them out,” his voice was low, whispered to Sihtric; Finan continued to needle Steapa and his men, bold as always. The Dane quirked his brow at Osferth. “The children, your wife and son,” he continued, before adding, “and Keavy.”
Sihtric steeled his jaw, a sharp nod to acknowledge his words. “You have a plan, baby monk,” but it was not a question, more a statement. 
Osferth hummed, his eyes locking onto Hild as she pressed through the men, a beacon for peace and her tongue chastising them all. 
“You were goading him,” she hissed to Finan as she moved past him. 
The Irishman raised his brows in response. “I was, Hild. And enjoying it.” 
“So the abbess may enter, but I may not?” Steapa sounded incredulous and Osferth took the moment, a quick nod to Sihtric, before falling behind in her steps. 
Finan squared off, just as bold. “We’re afraid of the abbess.” 
Osferth slipped behind Hild, leaving the nun to have her scathing exchange with the kept witch while he moved towards Keavy. She was seated by the bed, the children tucked away as she ushered soft tones to soothe them. 
He thought back to their days together in Coccham, their rosy-cheek smiles now hallowed with the somber undertone that clung to their small frames. Osferth felt the loss of Gisela, as she was kind to him, but understood that the children felt it tenfold. 
“We need to leave the city,” he murmured low enough for her to hear; Keavy looked to him, her lips parted to ask but his low timbre continued, cutting through the tension of the room. “Lord, we need to get the children and women out of the city.” 
The focus turned towards them. “I cannot have them return to Coccham,” Uhtred began, his tone wry. “That land belongs to the king and I am not in his favor.” 
“I am aware,” and he paused, a look stolen to take in Keavy, his gaze trailing the severity that lined her face and spilled into the scar along her jaw. Osferth then looked back at Uhtred. “We should send them to Saltwic, lord.” From the corner of his vision he saw Keavy stiffen, how her green eyes darkened and pinned him where he stood, but he did not look away from Uhtred. “My sister will never forget what you have done for her and I know she will be the sanctuary needed,” his tongue wet his lips, “I agree with Hild. You should call for Beocca and hear the demands of the king to serve as a distraction.” 
Uhtred nodded, his focus returning to Hild. “I am willing, but in exchange for the safety of our children, for our women,” and she watched him, her eyes flitting back and forth his face. “I worry about getting them out of the city.” 
Osferth now looked to Keavy, but her attention was rapt, her grip tightened on the handle of the seax that hung at her side. “I will protect them, lord,” Keavy stepped forward, a slight tremor to her tone. “I swear it on Lady Gisela.” 
“I will also go with them, Uhtred,” Hild sighed. “I will first tell Beocca that you are ready to listen and then I will see that they are escorted to Saltwic.” 
Uhtred offered a small smile and Hild was gone; Beocca was quick to arrive with the demands of the king, which called for silver and his vow to the aetheling. Uhtred pushed to stand, following Beocca out into the night, pausing to hand his sword, Serpent-Breath, to Finan and his eyes landed onto Osferth. 
“You know what to do.”
Time slipped through their fingers with this newfound urgency, licking their heels to quick their steps to the stables the moment the guard shifted to follow Uhtred and Steapa. The sleepy haze was wiped from the children’s eyes by the hem of Hild’s sleeve, the hushed tears and kisses exchanged between Sihtric and his wife, Sigdeflaed, while Finan saddled the last mare.
Osferth felt the slight tremble of her hold and looked down at Keavy, her eyes watchful, almost doleful. “You will be safe in Saltwic,” he whispered in the shell of her ear as he pulled her close. “This is for the best, this will keep you safe.” 
She pulled back, her brow furrowed with her sharp nod, her breath caught in her throat and she swallowed the threat of tears. “I know this, I understand this is the logical thing to do and yet…” and she took a deep breath, her hands moving to untie her necklace. “Osferth, I want you to take this and for you to bring it back to me.”
He leaned forward and his skin prickled with her touch as she knotted it behind the nape of his neck; the silver cross gleamed in the little light offered. “Return to me, Osferth,” her voice was small.
He pressed closer and captured her lips, her honeyed kiss a balm for his resolve. Osferth moved to help her onto the backside, then he picked up Stiorra who nestled in front–one child for each rider. His hand then fell to touch Keavy’s ankle, sliding up beneath her skirts and he gently squeezed her calf; she looked down at him. “I will return to you,” he promised.
Her response was a pained smile, another quick nod, and she brought her heels against to trot behind Hild and Sigdeflaed. Osferth followed behind until they passed through the gates, and remained until they were silhouettes in the night. 
Finan clasped his hand onto his shoulder and Osferth looked at the Irishman. “We will see them again. Soon, baby monk,” he promised. “Now help with the gate.”  
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mommytauriel · 1 year
+ · 。~ promised to another p2
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pairing: sihtric x female! reader | genre: forbidden romance? angst, fluff | warnings: slight cussing, kissing, rushed writing because i accidentally deleted this part | wc: 6.6k |
synopsis: goodbyes are hard, but sometimes there necessary.
request: yes
note: here is part two! I am thinking there might be 3 more parts? I’m not to sure yet! I have a lot of ideas for this short series, I can’t wait for you guys to read them! I hope you guys enjoy it!
Part one Part two Part three
The journey to Eoferwic wasn't as bad as you thought it would be. You rode alongside Lady Gisela, the two of you conversating while Hild and Matthew rode behind the two of you. You and Gisela often found yourself giggling quietly whenever the two of you would hear Matthew try to flirt with Hild. Emphasize on try, either Hild was oblivious to his flirting, or she was just simply not interested. You didn't know what was worse.  
“Here let me help you down” Matthew voiced out as he held his arms out to help you down from your horse. You smile thankfully and hold onto his arms as you get down, making sure not to trip over your dress. You fix your dress while Matthew pulls your horse to the stables. You feel a heavy stare on your back, you turn your head back expecting to see sihtric, but instead you see a blonde and blue-eyed Dane with his beard tied. HIs eyes widen when the two of you make eye contact, but he doesn't break eye contact not until you do. 
You turn away from him when you hear Uhtred call your name. You walk towards Uhtred and your face turns into a look of disgust when you see the bloody bag on his floor. You look at him confused when you notice that he seems to be getting his horse ready to leave, we just got here?  “Are we leaving again?” 
“No, I’m leaving, and you are going to stay here with Hild and Matthew, Don't Worry I’ll be back soon” Uhtred told you with a stern look as he stood back up from crouching down to rub his horse's legs. You were still confused “Where are you going?”
“To cause some mischief” Uhtred smirks, he decided not to tell you what he really was doing, he knew you would try to talk him out of it. And besides it wasn't like he was lying with his response; he would be causing mischief. You sigh and cross your arms over your chest “Of course you are.” 
“Stay with Hild and Matthew please, stay inside and don't go near those Danes, okay?” Uhtred stepped closer to you and raised his eyebrow, waiting for your response. He always seemed to worry for you, and leaving you here only made him worry more, but he had to do this. You give him a reassuring smile and nod “Okay.” 
“Good, now go inside King Guthred was kind enough to offer you a room” Uhtred says with a knowing smirk at the end. You huff in annoyance and turn around, 
“How kind of him” You mutter sarcastically to yourself as you walk away from Uhtred. Rolling your eyes when you hear Uhtred laugh at your words. It was no secret between the two of you that you did not like King Guthred, not one bit. 
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You had spent the rest of the day and night alone in the room King Guthred had given you, you were tired from the journey and after failing at trying to find sihtric, you decided to just rest for the rest of the day. You also didn't feel comfortable with the stares that came from some of the Danes. So, you just got a book and relaxed in your bed, feeling even more safe knowing that Matthew was just outside your door. 
You had spent the next day with Lady Gisela and Hild before spending some time with Uhtred when he got back. You had dinner with Uhtred and Hild before Matthew walked you back to your room. You said goodnight to him and went into your room, getting ready for bed.  
You sat at the wood vanity, fixing your hair for bed. There were a few lit candles throughout the room, creating a warm ambience. You were dressed in a nightgown and robe, your body just itching to curl up in your bed and sleep. You were quietly humming a song your father had sung to you when you were little when you heard a strange noise. 
You stopped humming and set your comb down, your eyes glancing at your door before looking towards your window, when you hear another sound. You stand up from the stool at the vanity and slowly walk towards the closed window, faltering slightly when you hear a soft knock on the window. So soft you were sure Matthew couldn't hear it, and after no sound from Matthew outside your room you knew he didn't hear it.  
You stood there for a few seconds wondering what you should do. Do I call Matthew and tell him? Or do I open the window myself? You decided on the latter. You stepped forward and quietly unlocked the hatch to the wood window and opened it. The person who was revealed on the other side caused you to smile shyly and lean forward against the window seal. 
Sihtric smiled at the sight of you, you looked absolutely breathtaking. The light from the moon made your skin glow, and the light from the candles flickered behind you, you were covered in your robe, but because you were leaning forward, the robe did not cover your collarbone and you had a sweet smile on your lips. Absolutely beautiful. 
“Sihtric? What are you doing here?” You asked him quietly, you definitely weren't upset that he was here. You were just shocked and confused. 
“I wanted to see you,” Sihtric said quietly with his own smile, he put his hands on the window seal that was at level with his waist and leaned closer to you. Both of you flustered at how close the two of you were. Not only were you flustered at the closeness, but you were also flustered by the fact that he wanted to see you. 
“What if Matthew opened the window, not me?” You asked him with a teasing smirk, tilting your head to get a better look at him, the moon was reflecting on his face. Sihtric laughed quietly and shook his head as he thought about it, to be honest he did worry about that, but he honestly missed you much to care. “I’m sure I would be dead right now.”  
“You definitely would be.” 
“Matthew doesn't like me, does he?” He asked even though the answer was obvious. Sihtric had tried to come see you several times but one glare from Matthew had him turning around and cursing to himself for being so scared of the guard. 
“Don't be offended matthew hates most people.” 
“He doesn't seem to hate Hild” Sihtric smirks as he thinks back on the many times, he had caught Matthew staring at the blonde warrior. You smile and speak a little louder, excited that he had noticed too. “You noticed that too?!” 
“It's hard not to, if his eyes aren't on you there on Hild”  Sihtric chuckles quietly. You decided at that moment that you liked, no loved the sound of his laughter. You decided to take a risky step and move your hand to rest on top of his. 
You shyly looked down at yours and his hand and watched as he turned his hand over to interlock with yours; his thumb caressing the soft skin of your hand. You look up at him with a bashful smile at the feeling of his soft touch and whisper. “And what are your eyes on?” 
“You, ever since I met you they have always been on you” Sihtric says quickly as he looks into your eyes, he didn't need to think of his answer because he knew it was you. It was always going to be you. 
“Would you like to come in?” You ask him in a whisper, surprising you both by your words. He didn't have to think twice before nodding yes. You giggle quietly at his eagerness and step back so he could climb through your window. You watch with wide eyes as he swiftly climbs through your window, not making one noise. Sihtric steps close to you and he reaches for your hand at your side, interlocking your fingers. Your hand fits perfectly in mine, Sihtric thinks. 
“I haven't been able to stop thinking about you” You confess in a whisper, your fingers absentmindedly playing with his leather bracelets nervously. No one has ever made you feel the way sihtric made you feel. You wait a few moments before looking up at him, he was already looking at you. Sihtric pulls you closer by your hand making you smile and rest your other hand on his chest. Sihtric whispers back “I’m glad because neither have i” 
“You wanna know what i’m thinking now?” You spoke softly as you took a step closer. Your chests were now touching, and you had to tilt your head up to really look at him, the hand you had on his chest moved to his arm. He was surprised by your flirty tone, but he was quick to respond in his own flirty tone “I hope it's something about me.” 
“I’m thinking of you kissing me, are you going to make me wait any longer?” You say confidently with a playful pout at the end. Sihtric chuckles in shock, he definitely did not expect you to say this, but he was happy to know the two of you were thinking the same thing. 
Sihtric slowly trails his hands up your arms, his eyes not leaving yours as his hands move to cup the soft skin of your cheeks. He noticed the way your breath hitched and your eyes flutter close when he leaned so close to you that your noses touched, he smiled and whispered, “No my lady, I won't.” 
Sihtric closed his eyes and pulled your face closer to his, locking your lips in a soft and sensual kiss. You felt him run his tongue along your bottom lip, his tongue slipping through your parted lips. You have never kissed someone like this, so you let sihtric take the lead, and he did. The kiss turned heated as one of his hands moved down to your lower back pressing you against him more if that was possible. You pull away from the kiss with a gasp when you feel his hand softly squeeze your arse.
He opened his eyes and smiled as he watched you catch your breath, small pants escaping through your lips, your eyes still closed. He felt quite proud that he made you so breathless. You looked so pretty like this. Sihtric softly caresses your cheek with his thumb, making you flutter your eyes open, locking eyes with his. You had so much to say, you just didn't know how to say it. 
Sihtric moves his hand from your bottom and up to your shoulder. He holds onto the collar of your robe, feeling the silk fabric between his fingers he has never felt such a fabric before. Sihtric’s eyes go to you, and he silently asks for permission, you give him a shy nod. Sihtric moves your robe back, showing him your bare collarbone. He keeps eye contact with you for as long as he leans down to your neck. 
You close your eyes in anticipation, a small gasp escapes past your parted lips at the feeling of his warm lips on your bare collarbone. Sihtric warms up your collarbone with a few long kisses, it was a feeling you never felt before. You tilt your head more to the side, a quiet moan escaping your lips, as his lips travel up to your jaw, leaving wet kisses in his wake. 
Sihtrics hands move to your shoulders and swiftly pull’s your robe off, letting it fall at your feet. Sihtric parts from your jaw to look at you, a smirk forming on his red lips at the sight of you. You opened your eyes and breathlessly looked up at him. Sihtric moves his hands to the back of your thighs and murmured huskily “Jump.” 
You move your hands to his shoulders and follow his instructions, your eyes don't leave his as he picks you up and walks you towards your bed. You let out a small gasp when he softly lays you down in the middle of your bed. You sit up a little, propping yourself up on your elbows. Sihtric sits up on his knees and touches the soft skin of your calves, slowly trailing his hands up your legs and stopping right where your nightgown ends, just above your knees. 
Sihtric wants to move his hands higher, but he stops himself. He had to stop now, because if he didnt he wouldn't be able to stop himself and he knew you weren't ready for that. Sihtric looks down at you and whispers “You should get some rest.” 
You were a little confused at the sudden stop, but he was right, and it was a good idea to stop before the two of you were to ahead. You don't want him to leave you though “Will you stay?” 
Sihtric contemplated, he couldn't risk getting caught by Matthew or others. If anyone saw the two of you in such a position, he knew that you would get in a lot more trouble than he would, he didn't want that to happen to you, he didn't want to be the reason. But as soon as he locked eyes with you and saw the cute pout on your lips, he knew he couldn't say no. “Just until you fall asleep.” 
Better than nothing you think with a smile. You start moving back on your bed until your head finds its way on your pillow. Sihtric waits until you make yourself comfortable under the covers until he lays next to you. You find yourself nuzzling into his side and resting your head on his chest and your arm around his midsection. Sihtric smiles and wraps his arm around you, pulling you as close as he can. He knew that it would make it harder for him to leave, but the feeling of you against him clouded his judgment. 
“Goodnight Sihtric” You muttered as you closed your eyes and let sleep engulf you. Sihtric looks down at you and his heart skips at the sight of you, the fact that you felt comfortable to fall asleep with him, made him feel things he never felt before and with open arms he welcomed those feelings. He kissed your forehead before muttering “goodnight my y/n.” 
And within minutes the two of you were sleeping peacefully in each other's arms. Both of you completely unaware of the conversation that was happening between King Guthred and Uhtred. The topic being you and how you are not wed yet. 
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You woke up alone, and even though he had told you he would only stay until you fell asleep, you couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that he stuck to his words. You didn't get any time to process that you were alone before the door of your room was loudly slammed open. You let out a shriek and pull the blankets up to your chest, when you noticed a man with a sword you didn't recognize step into your room, a second later an angry Matthew was following him, sword in his hand. 
“You Take one step towards her, and I am shoving my sword through your neck” Matthew threatened as he stood behind the guard, lifting his sword up and pointing it at the back of the intruder's neck. The guard immediately stills and lifts his hands up in surrender, sword still in his hand. He spoke in a fearful but strong tone “King Guthred Commands the Lady’s presence.” 
“I only take orders from one man and it's certainly not your betrayer cunt of a king” Matthew snapped angrily making your eyes widen. You knew that Matthew didn't like King Guthred, neither did you, but where did this come from? What was going on? 
“Now i won't ask again, leave my Lady’s room or your King will find you in a pool of your own blood” Matthew snarled as he kept his sword pointed at the guard. The guard looks back at you and you pull the blanket tighter to your chest, feeling uncomfortable under his gaze. The guard huffs and cautiously walks out of your room. 
You watch as Matthew swiftly closes and locks your door before making his way to the wood wardrobe in the corner of the room. Matthew opens your wardrobe and internally thanks god that you weren't fully unpacked, you only had a few dresses hanging up while the rest of your things were still in your bags. You look at him in confusion as he hurries to pack your hanged up clothes. “Matthew what's going on?” 
“Hurry up and get changed. I will explain to you after” he tells you quickly as he tosses you a dress for you to change into, he knows that you would need a dress to wear comfortably while you ride, and he has seen you wear it a few times. You frown when the dress hits you in the face, but your frown turns to a look of annoyance as you get out of bed and hold onto the dress. “I command you to tell me now!” 
“Did you not just hear me” Matthew rolls his eyes as he glances back at you, he doesn't look for long before he goes over to the small desk and packs the few books you had into your satchel. 
“You said you only take commands from one man, i am a woman” you say pointedly, you refused to do anything else without knowing what was going on. You have never seen Matthew like this, and it worried you very much. Matthew rolls his eyes and mutters under his breath “A fucking stubborn woman.” 
“Matthew please” You plead as you walk over to your changing screen, stepping behind it so you can change. You quickly change out of your nightgown and into the gray dress that Matthew picked out for you. 
Matthew sighs, he knew this wouldn't be easy for you to comprehend. It's better if I just tell her quickly, he thinks. Matthew stops packing your things for a second and tells you the truth. “King Guthred sold Halig and Uhtred as slaves.” 
At his words your fingers stop fixing your dress and you just stood there in silence for a few moments. You were feeling too many emotions, fear, sadness, confusion, anger.  “What...” 
“We have to take you to King Alfred, he and Uhtred made a deal that if anything happens to Uhtred, you are to be brought back to King Alfred” Matthew tells you. Your eyes widen and you step out from behind you dressing screen, Matthew is already looking at you, you frown and step closer to him “I…I can't just leave.” 
“Yes, you can, you get on your horse, and we ride out of this cursed place” Matthew says with a fake smile before going back to gathering your things, he would attach them to the horses before you two would leave. You roll your eyes and huff he’s just not getting it. “I have to say goodbye.” 
If you left that means you couldn't help, find Uhtred and Halig, you couldn't let that happen to them. The thought of Uhtred going through that brought tears to your eyes, you don't know what you would do without Uhtred. He was with you for everything. If you left…you would be leaving sihtric, you really didn't want to leave him. 
“Hild already knows, we will see her again” Matthew sighs, he didn't want to leave Hild, but his first priority was you. He needed to make sure you were safe, you came first. He also didn't want to tell you that she was already gone. 
“Not to Hild, to sihtric! I have to say goodbye to him” You insisted loudly. Last night confirmed how you felt for him, you cared for him a lot. And you would be lying if you said you weren't scared about it, the two of you haven't known each other long and the feelings you had for him were so strong. I hope he feels the same way you think. 
“Sihtric?! The Dane that looks like a rat?” Matthew exclaims in shock. Why did you need to say goodbye to him? Mathew thinks. He didn't like this and he didn't like sihtric, he especially didn't like sihtric around you. 
“He does not look like a rat!” you defend sihtric glaring at Matthew, sihtric was so very handsome, definitely the most handsome man you have ever seen. Matthew’s eyes widened at your tone and the way you defended sihtric did i miss something? Matthew thought. It was like he was hit in the back of the head with the answer. 
“Oh, dear god you are in love with him!” 
“I am not…” You mutter as you shake your head no. good job that sounded convincing you think sarcastically. 
“When did you even get the time to fall in love with him?!” Matthew exclaimed loudly, shaking his head in disbelief. He of course wanted you to be happy, but he knew this wouldn't work out between the two of you, he wanted to save you from that heartbreak.  Yeah, he definitely was not liking this! 
“Matthew, I am not in love with him!” You shouted as you clenched your fists, stopping yourself from throwing a pillow at him. You cared for him deeply, but love? Not yet…but it could be if the two of you had more time. I don't have much time now, you think sadly. You step closer to him and hold onto his arm. Your tone pleading as you ask him again “Please Matthew.” 
“Pack the rest of your things, i will see what i can do” he says with a sigh. He couldn't say no to you…but he wouldn't exactly say yes. He pats your hand that was on his arm before he steps towards the bed and grabs your bag of clothes. 
“I will say goodbye to him Matthew.” 
“For fucks sake, when did you become so stubborn” Matthew muttered to himself as he unlocked and opened the door to your room, closing it behind him. Leaving you alone to finish packing and alone with your thoughts. 
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You had finished packing the few things you had left in the room in your satchel by the time Matthew came back for you. Matthew made sure to keep you close to him as the two of you walked towards the stables, Matthew had Clapa guarding your horses and things while he went to come get you. You greeted Clapa with a smile and a small hello. Clapa smiled at you and said goodbye and Goodluck before he left the two of you alone in the stables with your horses. 
There was no denial of your feelings, you were sad. Sad that you had to leave, Sad that Uhtred was gone and sad that you couldn't say goodbye to sihtric. You passed your satchel to Matthew and watched as he attached it to your horse. Your horse held your satchel and Matthew's small bag while his horse held your larger bag. 
You glanced behind you at the entrance of the stables for felt like the 100th time since you have been in there, just hoping any second sihtric would walk in…but he doesn't. You sigh and look back to your horse, distracting yourself by petting its mane. Matthew notices but he doesn't say anything; he just continues to make sure everything is securely strapped.  
You look up and watch Matthew walk towards the entrance of the stables to leave, you look at him in confusion. “Where are you going?” 
You get even more confused when Matthew told you to just wait there. But nonetheless you listened to him. After a few minutes you start to get worried, but you stay there. Is Matthew, okay? you think nervously. As if your horse senses your nervousness, he nudges you with his head causing you to look away from the entrance and back at him. You smile softly and rub the side of his face. “It’s okay, Matthew will be back soon and then we will leave.” 
“What, you weren't going to say goodbye to me first?” 
Your neck almost snapped with how fast you turned it to look behind you. Your feet were moving you towards him before you could really process that he was there. His arms were already open for you as you rushed to him. Sihtric’s arms wrap around you and pull you close to him while your arms wrap around his waist, pulling you into a tight hug. Neither of you wanted to let go; you didn't know the next time you would be able to hold each other. 
Reluctantly after a minute or so of silence, Sihtric moves his hands to your arms and pulls away from the hug. He still kept you close to him as he looked down at you, the sadness in your eyes was breaking his heart, it was a feeling he was unfamiliar with. He's been emotionally hurt before, but it was different this time. “Don't look at me like that” 
“Like what?” 
“Like this is going to be the last time we will see each other” sihtric whispers as he moves his hand up to your face, softly caressing your cheek with the pad of his thumb. He could tell in your eyes that you didn't believe him. Sihtric moves both of his hands to cup your cheeks, causing you to stop avoiding his eyes and look up at him. He spoke in a strong and reassuring tone “It won't be y/n.” 
“I will be in Winchester- the king would never let me see you or have yo-” You protest with a shake of your head, but you get cut off by sihtric and his sweet but assertive tone. “I promise to you My Lady, we will see each other again.” 
“I don't want to go…we haven't had enough time” you whispered in a quavering tone. It wasn’t fair, you wanted Uhtred back and you wanted to stay with him and sihtric. You wanted more time. You wanted more time together, to get to know each other more…more time for him to call you my lady despite you asking him not to. 
“You have to go, we will have more time y/n…you just have to wait” Sihtric promised to you, he himself did not know if that would be true or not, but he had hope. 
“Y/n it's time to go” Matthew spoke as he stepped into the stable barn, his eyes immediately had gone to sihtric and the way he was holding you. Despite how much he disliked it, he didn't say anything. 
You frantically turned your head to your guard who stood in the entrance, your tone pleading and your eyes teary “Please just a little longer.” 
“Fine” Matthew huffed; he sent a glare to sihtric before he left. Sihtric let out a heavy sigh once Mattew had left before looking back to you, he didn’t want you to leave but he knew it was what's best for you. Sihtric smiles sadly and whispers “It's time for you to go.” 
He had to let you go now. 
“I don't want to leave you” You whispered with a sniffle, your voice cracking. You moved your body closer to him, your arms holding on to his as his hands cupped your cheeks. 
“Hey, don't cry…it will be okay” Sihtric whispered as he wiped away your tears. You closed your eyes and let yourself lean your face against his palm.  After a few moments you open your eyes and look up into Sihtric’s beautiful eyes. Was this going to be the last time I see them? 
You move your hands to the collar of his vest and close your eyes as you pull him down and lock his lips in a kiss. Sihtric closes his eyes and moves his hands down to your hips and pulls you flush against him, one of your hands moves to his jaw as you part your lips. Sihtric moans against your lips and slips his tongue into your mouth, he wanted to explore every inch of your mouth before he had to let you go. He was going to leave you with a kiss that you would remember. Sihtric moves his tongue against yours before gently biting on your bottom lip, a sense of satisfaction when a small moan escapes past your lips. 
Just as Sihtric pulled away from the kiss, Matthew walked back into the stables. Matthew looked away from the two of you and down at the floor, he wasn’t going to leave but he could try to give you a little bit more privacy. 
Sihtric let out a heavy sigh and squeezed his eyes shut as he kissed your forehead. He didn't want to let go but he knew he had to. Sihtric let go of your face, not before wiping a few of your fresh tears. You opened your eyes and made eye contact with him as he stepped away from you. Neither of you had to say anything else, that kiss said everything that needed to be said. 
Sihtric gave you one more sad smile before he looked away from you and walked past Matthew and outside of the stables. You watched him with tears streaming down your cheeks and a quivering lip. Sihtric didn’t dare look back, because he knew he wouldn’t let you leave, he couldn’t see you cry not again. 
Matthew stepped closer to you, and you turned your back to him and wiped your tears away, you didn’t want Matthew to see you cry. Matthew put a comforting hand on your shoulder “I’m sorry y/n but we have to go.” 
You sniffle and nod weakly, turning around to face him. You try your hardest to give him a fake smile, but he sees right through it. Matthew mumbles out a come here and pulls you into your arms. You let out a sob and shove your face into his chest and wrap your arms around his waist, clinging to him like you would Uhtred. 
“It's too much” you voice out between your quiet cries’. Uhtred was gone, oh Uhtred he’s probably suffering right now. Your heartbreaking goodbye with sihtric…it was all too much. 
“It’s going to be okay y/n…you're going to be okay” Matthew promised as he rubbed your back, he was going to make sure you were okay. No matter what. 
I’ll be okay, everything is going to be okay. You repeat over and over again. 
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Matthew only let the two of you stop once on the ride to Winchester. He wanted to get the two of you there as fast as he could. Not just because Uhtred told him to take you back to Winchester, but because he overheard a conversation he was definitely not supposed to have. He had heard a conversation between King Guthred and Abbot talking about the possibility of Guthred marrying you. Matthew was not going to let that happen. Never. 
You were thanking God when the two of you had finally made it to Winchester, you were in desperate need of some rest and a private place where you could cry and calm down your emotions. Your cheeks were sore from all the tears you had shed, and your head hurt. 
You noticed the figure of Father Beocca standing on the front steps of the castle, two guards behind him. You get off your horse and wince at the soreness you felt, you pet your horse's mane while Matthew shakes Beocca’s hand and says their greetings. Beocca turns his head and tells the two guards to take my bags to my room and feed and water our horses. 
“Lady y/n it is always nice to see you” Father Beocca greets you with a smile and nod, he noticed your slightly red eyes, but he said nothing of it, he knew you and Uhtred were very close and that you were most likely very upset about what had happened to him. 
“You as well Father Beocca” You greeted him back with a small smile you had missed him. You rub your sore hands from holding onto the reins, on your dress nervously. 
“Come, the king is waiting for you” Father Beocca tells you. You glance at Matthew, and he gives you a reassuring nod, he knew that you were already emotionally overwhelmed…but you couldn’t say no to the king. You look back at Beocca and give him a fake smile and nod “Let’s not keep him waiting then.” 
Father gives you both a faint smile before turning around and walking into the castle, you follow him with Matthew at your side. You walk into the entrance garden and a small smile forms on your lips as you look around. You had spent many hours playing in the garden with Aethelflaed. Matthew handed his sword to the guard and 3 of his daggers that he kept on him, he made sure to keep one still on him; hidden of course. 
The only sound that you could hear was the sound of footsteps as you and Matthew followed Beocca. You tried to be happy that you were going to see King Alfred, and maybe in another situation you would be. But you just felt heartbroken and tired. 
The three of you stopped in front of a closed door, the guards who stood guard nodded at Father Beocca before opening the door for the three of you. You let out a tired sigh before following Beocca into the room. Your eyes immediately went to King Alfred who was sitting on his throne. He looked sickly. 
King Alfred stood up from his throne and walked towards you, surprising you when he took your hand into his oddly clammy one, his other hand patting the top of your hand. King Alfred gives you a rare faint smile “it’s good to see you y/n, I’m right to assume Uhtred took good care of you?” 
“He did, Uhtred and Matthew kept me safe” you smiled faintly, nervously playing with the sleeves of your dress once Alfred let go of your hand. King Alfred hums and nods thankfully at Matthew, he wouldn’t know what he would do if you would have been hurt. Alfred looks back at you and for a second, he feels guilty for what he has to tell you, but he knew this was needed, this was your duty. 
“We have much to discuss y/n.” 
You glance back at Matthew nervously before looking back at King Alfred, watching as he steps back and goes to sit on his throne. Is it about Uhtred? You think desperately, you really hope it is. You wanted to ask him what you had to discuss, but you had a feeling this was a situation where you listen…not ask questions. 
“I have had you kept from your duties for too long y/n” King Alfred tells you as he folds his hands in his lap, his eyes not leaving you. You tensed up at his words, what did that mean? You think nervously. It wasn’t your choice to be away, it was his. You weren’t the only one who had tensed at the king's words, Matthew did as well. 
Matthew's eyes never left your frame…he had a feeling he knew where this was going. Neither of you were going to like it. 
“I know that today has been hard for you, but you cannot let that distract you from your future” King Alfred said with a stern voice. He felt empathetic for you but like he said, no distractions. You agreed with him, you didn't want this to distract and take you away from your life, but it was a lot easier said than done. You didn't want to think about your future right now, you just wanted to cry and sleep. 
“Aethelflaed will be ready to be betrothed soon” King Alfred tells you and you give him a look of confusion, what did this have to do with me? Was Aethelflaed really ready for this? You thought. Matthew and Father Beocca glance at each other, both of them were confident they knew where this was going. Both of them were nervous about what the outcome would be. 
King Afred noticed the confusion on your face, and he sat up straighter, he knew you would not like this, but this was necessary…as a king he has to make hard decisions, decisions that would make others angry. But in the end, it would be beneficial for all. “We believe it’s time for you to.” 
Matthew watched you with worried eyes as you took in the king's words. You just stood there in shock, you didn't know what to say or think. Your fingers twitched at your side as you avert your eyes down at the floor, you couldn't look at the king right now. Deep down you knew this day would come, where you would have to marry. You were just foolish to think that it would be of your own accords. The King always had a plan, he most likely already has chosen someone for you to marry. You couldn't help but feel a little betrayed. It was never going to be my choice, was it?... Wait, who's we? You think. 
Before you could lift your head and ask the King, there was a knock on the door. You lift your head and instead of looking to the king you look to Matthew; he was already looking at you. He was looking for one sign from you, one sign that will tell him to get you out of here, but you never gave him that sign. You stood there strong, your face blank of emotion, but Matthew knew you well enough to know what you were just hiding how you truly felt. 
You look back to the king and watch as he nods at the guard, telling them to open the doors. You don't look behind you when the door opens, you just look down at your folded hands in front of you, letting out a shaky breath. I’ll be okay, everything is going to be okay. You repeat again. 
“I hope I am not interrupting your majesty” A voice behind you says smoothly. You look up from the ground and turn your head slightly, curious to see who it was. Walking closer to you and the king was a blonde man with piercing blue eyes…he was handsome…but not as handsome as sihtric, oh sihtric. The blonde man glances at you and gives you a small smile before looking at the king, you don't return that smile, you just turn your head and look back down at the floor. 
“Nonsense Arthur” King Alfred says with a slight wave of dismal. Arthur smiles politely and nods as he glances back at you, it was obvious you weren't interested in him not one bit but that didn't stop him from taking in your beauty.  
King Arthur noticed the way Arthur's eyes went back to you and he felt a little relief that at least one of you seemed interested in the other. King Alfred Clears his throat, causing everyone in the room to look at him. King Alfred turns his head to Arthur “Arthur this is lady y/n” 
Arthur looks back at you, happy to know your name. He gives you a smile and a small hello, you give him a poor excuse of a small smile and nod. King Alfred noticed your look and he clenched his jaw, what he was going to say next was only going to anger you more, but he continued. 
“Lady y/n this is Arthur of Mercia…your betrothed.” 
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note: they finally kissed!…but then they had to get separated (sorry) 🙂 I have a love hate relationship with this part! I feel like I kinda rushed them, but oh welll.
So i had more Matthew in this part, i actually love him. He’s going to have a solid part in this series. I also introduced you guys to a new character, his name is Arthur and I am not going to say anything else about his character, it’s going to be a surprise
I really hope you guys enjoyed this part! Please let me know in the comments how you feel! And feel free to send in some asks about the series, I would love to answer them! ☺️
Comments, likes and reblogs are very much appreciated!
Also I wanted to share some face claims, I thought of while writing
Matthew Arthur
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