#... ((... does anyone have any good books or websites that cover the ace spectrum? asking for a friend))
mylifeisweirdok · 1 year
31, 10, 12, 13
OOO YES ok let's do this in numeric order
10) has a written piece ever haunted me?
I in particular write some rather ~disturbing~ dead doves on AO3 (no I won't drop my user but if you find me, message me to win the contest!) and have created a small name for myself in horror poetry books. For my works, you can't not be haunted by what I write... The graphic, the terrible, the unwanted. I write not what comes naturally, but what is deeply despised.
My first "big" story to really become a hit was a story about a group of teenagers being trapped under layers and layers of broken and collapsed buildings after an earthquake. They were in the dark, with exponentially decreasing oxygen, the only sounds being created were by the settling of rubble and their friends rattled breaths. The MC fell asleep at one point (thought to be dead) and when they woke up they were topside and being treated. They recovered physically (slowly) and helped support their friends who were in the process of recovering, one specifically who had a pipe through their shoulder.
But they were so hungry.
All the time.
They made so much food and kept eating more and more and more. They became an amazing cook because they were starving. Their friends continued to praise their cooking skills as they grew and but they were hollow. They had the most rapid, drawn out, gradual decent into madness, and the story described every detail of it.
In the end, they never had escaped the rubble.
An obvious twist, even as you read it. You knew the MC never got the chance to escape. You knew what they were actually smelling when the MC opened the fridge to find rotten food. You knew, in the pits of your satiated yet somehow uncomfortable stomachs, why the MC was hungry.
You knew what the MC was actually eating, when they first got a bite to eat topside.
You knew what the MC was feeding their friends, when they were begging for comfort in the hospital.
And yet you, the reader, kept reading. You knew what the end result was,
and you
still finished it.
All in all my favorite work I've written so far, but alas that one hits differently in the back of my mind.
12) what three wishes would you ask a genie for?
The ability to separate water from other substances without physical repercussions, an RV skeleton that is in pristine condition, and a wifi router that provides the best wifi in any location.
I eventually want to travel the mainland Americas and explore inter/national parks. And hike the PCT! Love the outdoors. Plus I grew up with a dad who never quite knew what learning level I was at and would rant about certain things going on environmentally, so I was raised with an,,, eco friendly? mindset. If I had the powers, I would simply separate the water from the pollutants, and hopefully not get hunted by any governing body of power for doing so. And of course the wifi thing is fairly straightforward to me.
13) What is a subject hard to write about?
All of them! Words are hard
Nah but seriously? I can't go near anything inherently sexual I gross myself out and my intrusive thoughts eat it up. Consented stuff and not I am viscerally repulsed by any and all of my past attempts into the field of smut.
Any other subjects...? (I'm thinking) I guess romance too, unless it's really drawn out and vital to the storyline (I've only written a handful or romance works, I tend to stick to platonic and familial stuffs). In short I torture my characters, not a lot of room for romance in there ya know?
31) Write a short love letter to your readers!
My readers,
I apologize for any and all hurt I have done unto your beloved blorbos. I don't apologize for writing them though; when I open my website or my email and I see all the reviews left on my works I am filled with many emotions unnameable.
I adore your commitment to reading through my DDDNEs and smile at every comment saying you don't know how you finished it but did anyway. I cherish every notification letting me know my book has sold another copy to someone out there, looking for a story of hurt hurt hurt and finally a mite bit of comfort.
Does it make you treasure what you have, reading the torture I put fictional characters through monthly? Does it make you hold onto the life you live, allowing yourself to finally settle into your day to day life? Do any of my stories sit in the back of your mind, waiting to be remembered in the foggiest ways, so that you may dredge your way back to my works and lose yourself once again within my pages?
I hold all of my readers in the highest regards, and hope that every story of mine read is another person's motivation to keep going, for once you know the worst thing that may occur everything else seems much better in the end.
I love you all in the same way a college student loves coffee; you are the only thing keeping my blood pumping and my mind racing.
Thank you ✨✨
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