#anyway thanks for the ask!! i love ask games theyre so much fun!! have a good one :)
mylifeisweirdok · 1 year
31, 10, 12, 13
OOO YES ok let's do this in numeric order
10) has a written piece ever haunted me?
I in particular write some rather ~disturbing~ dead doves on AO3 (no I won't drop my user but if you find me, message me to win the contest!) and have created a small name for myself in horror poetry books. For my works, you can't not be haunted by what I write... The graphic, the terrible, the unwanted. I write not what comes naturally, but what is deeply despised.
My first "big" story to really become a hit was a story about a group of teenagers being trapped under layers and layers of broken and collapsed buildings after an earthquake. They were in the dark, with exponentially decreasing oxygen, the only sounds being created were by the settling of rubble and their friends rattled breaths. The MC fell asleep at one point (thought to be dead) and when they woke up they were topside and being treated. They recovered physically (slowly) and helped support their friends who were in the process of recovering, one specifically who had a pipe through their shoulder.
But they were so hungry.
All the time.
They made so much food and kept eating more and more and more. They became an amazing cook because they were starving. Their friends continued to praise their cooking skills as they grew and but they were hollow. They had the most rapid, drawn out, gradual decent into madness, and the story described every detail of it.
In the end, they never had escaped the rubble.
An obvious twist, even as you read it. You knew the MC never got the chance to escape. You knew what they were actually smelling when the MC opened the fridge to find rotten food. You knew, in the pits of your satiated yet somehow uncomfortable stomachs, why the MC was hungry.
You knew what the MC was actually eating, when they first got a bite to eat topside.
You knew what the MC was feeding their friends, when they were begging for comfort in the hospital.
And yet you, the reader, kept reading. You knew what the end result was,
and you
still finished it.
All in all my favorite work I've written so far, but alas that one hits differently in the back of my mind.
12) what three wishes would you ask a genie for?
The ability to separate water from other substances without physical repercussions, an RV skeleton that is in pristine condition, and a wifi router that provides the best wifi in any location.
I eventually want to travel the mainland Americas and explore inter/national parks. And hike the PCT! Love the outdoors. Plus I grew up with a dad who never quite knew what learning level I was at and would rant about certain things going on environmentally, so I was raised with an,,, eco friendly? mindset. If I had the powers, I would simply separate the water from the pollutants, and hopefully not get hunted by any governing body of power for doing so. And of course the wifi thing is fairly straightforward to me.
13) What is a subject hard to write about?
All of them! Words are hard
Nah but seriously? I can't go near anything inherently sexual I gross myself out and my intrusive thoughts eat it up. Consented stuff and not I am viscerally repulsed by any and all of my past attempts into the field of smut.
Any other subjects...? (I'm thinking) I guess romance too, unless it's really drawn out and vital to the storyline (I've only written a handful or romance works, I tend to stick to platonic and familial stuffs). In short I torture my characters, not a lot of room for romance in there ya know?
31) Write a short love letter to your readers!
My readers,
I apologize for any and all hurt I have done unto your beloved blorbos. I don't apologize for writing them though; when I open my website or my email and I see all the reviews left on my works I am filled with many emotions unnameable.
I adore your commitment to reading through my DDDNEs and smile at every comment saying you don't know how you finished it but did anyway. I cherish every notification letting me know my book has sold another copy to someone out there, looking for a story of hurt hurt hurt and finally a mite bit of comfort.
Does it make you treasure what you have, reading the torture I put fictional characters through monthly? Does it make you hold onto the life you live, allowing yourself to finally settle into your day to day life? Do any of my stories sit in the back of your mind, waiting to be remembered in the foggiest ways, so that you may dredge your way back to my works and lose yourself once again within my pages?
I hold all of my readers in the highest regards, and hope that every story of mine read is another person's motivation to keep going, for once you know the worst thing that may occur everything else seems much better in the end.
I love you all in the same way a college student loves coffee; you are the only thing keeping my blood pumping and my mind racing.
Thank you ✨✨
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xamaxenta · 6 months
….. feral jungle beasts sabo and ace both decide to take Marco to pound town and Marco is very much interested EXCEPT! The phoenix has standards thank you very much! Not like doesn’t wanna violently make out with the dude who just ate a raw liver the blood taste would be a bonus but standard as in if you wanna mate the phoenix you gotta prove yourself as a worthy of it.
This surprises even Marco as halfway into letting himself be pinned to a bed by sabo and ace he instinctively flips out and goes crazy zoan on the two of them. Ace asks what that was because the resulting fight was fun but he was pretty sure Marco was into what was going down and Marco is all ??? I was very into it I’ve got no clue.
Never fear though. While it was never worth it to ace to maul a bird because they were never big enough to be worth dragging home to feed the baby (luffy) sabo sometimes liked raiding nests and knows what’s up. Cue the moby being horrified watching sabo and ace bring Marco dead bodies, raw meat of questionable origin, the crews stolen items, and frequently the struggling and beaten WBP crew themselves (to be released once Marco has seen how the two are able to beat potential ‘rivals’ so soundly). Everyone is terrified and confused and Marco is blisteringly horny
OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS like without warning or realisation Marco flips the fuck out full phoenix form, screeching, talons splayed, impressive wingspan that can and will snap humans into broken pieces swept impossibly wide,
The golden plumage burning an orange almost red hue because it senses a challenge, goads the creatures that want to mate it into a fight which Sabo accepts with a revolting sort of gusto, dragon soul, he will tear the phoenix limb from limb if thats what ir desires
Ace is a bit more hesitant because Marco hasnt ever responded like this but he knows a challenge when he sees one, its a creature aching to claw into them a desperation is present but not the cornered kind
And it was fun, shame about the bed though, Sabo forced Marco into a half bestial form part way with haki just so they could fold him in half and fuck him mid fight lol
Anyway das so cute lmao they have to bring offerings and gifts to please and impress their feathery partner, they fell sea kings and other horribly large critters of the grandline, sometimes its a game who can bring back the larger prize the Phoenix is very impressed and Marco has never been harder in his life
He does get them to apologise to the rival crewmates tho like youve made your point they dont mean any harm they know theyre no match
Ace sighs and goes off to make the rounds in the infirmary like no hard feelings fellas
Sabo meanwhile scoffs like theyre the ones that cant handle it, bc hes got a mean jealous streak a mile wide that only becomes more unhinged the more he thinks about other people that are not him and Ace pursuing Marco
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molqr · 2 months
the ask game. can we get the soy
of courseeee you can its always spy pussy indulgence hour here. or however the meme goes. smiles face
this is loooowwwngg so im putting it under a cut for any poor fucker who may stumble upon it when they open the app lmfao. thanks for the ask mr musichead aka heavy tf2's husband. grins
how i feel about this character - gestures to bio and pfp and everything about me. god. im sick in the head about her. i originally didnt like spy all that much but, like a horrible mold, he grew on me when i realised that while he claims to be better than everybody else, he really isnt. maybe even a bit worse, and god, isnt that just the funniest, stupidest fucking thing ever. have you heard some of those voice lines, shes a fucking clown. anyway. i love spy tf2 but also dear god i hate him. if he was real i'd throw a brick at him and then kiss him. terrible choice really but i wouldnt have it any other way. thank you shithead frenchman with terrible horrible problems i like to study. as for a more comprehensive thing though: i really do just think spy is interesting. i think its weird and fascinating that hes so put together and so off-putting all at once. i love thinking about what happened between him and scout's mother. i like making him a pathetic absentee father. i like that he has identity issues. i like that i can make her a woman. that spy can be a bit of a wreck and extremely put together at the same time, that when a character wants to keep everything a secret, any information you have on them feels personal. i like it when spy is written the way thick fog feels. oh and did i mention i desire him most horribly. id assume thats obvious by now. spy is like a rubix cube to me. a boring little square who i regretfully want to shoot my shot at piecing together despite the fact i am not good at puzzles.
all the people i ship romantically with this character - ME MOTHERFUCKER!! kiddinggg. well. its true, but heres a better answer. tf2 is like the yaoi franchise to me, and spy is the most yaoiful of all simply because i specifically want to suck face with him, therefore, i make him suck face with many others. gay, i know. i fuck with most spy ships really, as long as theyre Good then i'll give them a shot. engiespy and sniperspy are classic general go-tos, but well written spoovy? yummmm my fucking dinnaaarrr. i also think that demospy and soldierspy can be fun if gotten right, and pyrospy just because i think it's really fucking funny. oh right and of course spyma. christ. they make me feel sickkk and one of them is barely even a proper character. sad. endlessly intruiged by their love nonetheless <3 still gotta write a fic for them sometime, i want to chew on em like a dog with a bone.
my non-romantic otp for this character - while i did literally just mention spoovy lmfao, i also just like it when heavy and spy are just close friends. they have many layers! im a sucker for the idea of spy knowing russian and that's how they start talking. i think they'd be teerrrribllleee gossips it'd be great. heavy never thought he'd be glad nobody else on the base can speak russian until he started gossiping with spy about the things hes seen on base. i know they talk sooo much shiiittttt. they probably have a bookclub too. // i also really like it when spy and pauling get to be friends, i feel like they entered some sort of understanding that while its paulings job to kill him if he keeps on snooping around, spy is going to snoop around anyway and just hope that when it happens, pauling kills him painlessly. but thats all theoreticals, right now they're talking about nothing- both kind of infuriating and relaxing for the both of them- while disposing of corpses. yknow, people who acknowledge that they might hate eachother in a slightly different world but right now they're friends because they realised overworked, tired, definitely too smart for this but still here anyway style bitches have to stick together. i think about the 'youve lied for her then?' 'oh! uh! not to you of course!' ' ,':I mhm...' interaction a lot. spy doesnt take it personally because she knows thats just paulings job, shes not surprised. she gets to be annoyed about it though, and will then do the same thing to pauling. i like their friendship. smilllessss.
my unpopular opinion about this character - i originally couldnt think of something to say in regards to spy but then it hit me like a flash of lightning. i think people make too much dark spyhead content. and i dont understand acting like the blu spy is better than the red one when theyre the same lady. back on the head though. like i cant lie i have a paticularly weakness for it at times but theres So Much Hard Angst. and it usually makes medic overly sadistic and horrible about it when i know thats not the case. 'but he kept him alive in the fridge!' says a theoretical hater. engineer was smiling when he blew of a guys arm in meet the engineer. soldier cuts off the blu teams heads and collects them. truly you can make near everything shit scary about these guys, but i just want to see more silly spyhead stuff if its going to be done so much. not to say i hate it perse i think its really fun, it just veers really heavily into overly sadistic torture stuff really fast?? my feeling on it is 'guy who watches cartoon violence and says what the fuck thats so fucked up what the hell hes dead you just hit him with a huge hammer' or something. its meant to be silly and i get wanting to have a dark spin on it, you cant forget its still silly at its core. i feel like ive complained about this before. anyway. lollipop chainsaw his ass! let him get back at medic but not in a paticularly sinister way! like, i dunno, dyeing all his birds an ugly shade of green or something. this seems more like me complaining about a trope of spy uhhh whats something more general about him as a character. errr. hes not as put together as it might seem? i think he'd be a bit more bloodthirsty about killing people when its not neccesary on missions and its just gross and weird? that people need to like, play into his grossness a bit more because hes wearing a full piece suit on a battlefield i know hes gross and sweaty. oh and that he wouldnt try to parent scout once he(scout) figures out theyre related because scout is 27 and doesnt give a fuck anymore. spy would sorta feel the need to from guilt but scout doesnt want that father-son relationship with spy because its too late and too weird. its just that spy is trying to project almost thirty years of feelings by imagining his son needs a father in his life as much as spy wanted his son in his life. but its too late. is that an unpopular opinion? idk. i just like making spy more torn up about the absentee father issue than scout is because i think its true. yeagh. out of all of them i feel like this is relatively tame in the 'unpopular opinions' levels. i have way more hot takes about the others. shruggssss
one thing i wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon - more making fun of him. stomping on his ego. being afraid of pyro for no reason. acting like a weird cat. acting like he hates hanging out with the others when its obvious hes having fun deep down. getting to be a weirdo. i need to see what the finale of the 'pretends to be tom jones while scout is dying' thing is. my prediction is that soldiers going to talk about killing tom jones in comic 7 and scout goes WHAT!! BUT HE WAS THERE WHEN I DIED!! and it all comes piecing together and spy has a Horrible day. if it was up to me i'd get to see more of spy and scout's ma on dates too or something because i think theyre really cute. i want more people to mention he smells bad because of the cigarette breath and to have him wheezing and coughing and spluttering after every 5 breaths. can medic have an organ transplant hall of shame with 3 pairs of spys shrivelled lungs? please.
anyway. im very normal about The Soy.
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i had to do something like this or id die. xoxo
oh and the ask game itself x <- behold
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whumpbug · 3 months
hi bug!!!! i am here to answer your call for the ask game. 5 for Archie, 10 for Simon, 11 for both!
- @whump-kia :D
hi kia!!!!!! this is too fun....
5. It's cold and wet outside, your OC has just come in the front door. What do they do to get warm?
im gonna take this as archie coming in from a rainy patrol into simon's apartment because these two are Intertwined. SO ANYWAYS archie hates being cold with a passion. the first thing he does is strip all the wet clothes off and immediately change into simon's clothes (simon tends to run cold and owns lots of sweaters). after that, he's clinging to simon like a parasite for the rest of the night and simon just has to Accept it. archie will probably whine for simon to make him tea and simon simply can not say no and eventually he gets the warmth he desires ( ๑˘ω˘ )
10. Does your OC nap easily?
simon naps very easily in the sense that he is Tired and kinda just. conks out sometimes completely on accident. the amount of times archie has found simon asleep in Weird places is getting ridiculous. some highlights include: the kitchen table whilst drooling into a textbook, the bathroom floor, in the shower, and ON HIS DOORSTEP (long story. simon locked himself out. not a fun night.)
so basically, yes, simon sleeps anywhere he can
11. Does your OC enjoy a cuddle?
oh BOY does archie enjoy a cuddle. he is a VERY tactile person, especially to those he loves, and his love language is very much physcial affection. he takes every oppurtunity he can to lay his head on simon's shoulder or link arms with him or even just have their knees touch if theyre sitting together. when it comes to actual snuggling, archie is all about it. it genuinely helps him regulate his over-active nervous system, and he really appreciates the closeness and intimacy in way he cant quite explain, but simon understands perfectly
simon, despite not showing it sometimes, is quite fond of the cuddles too. he started doing it because he saw it helped archie a lot, but he was sort of indifferent about it at first. after a while, he found himself feeling more comfortable with it, and eventually he would initiate physical intimacy himself (much to archie's delight) and really found comfort in it. he is not a touchy person with other people, but with archie he is completely the opposite (especially if he is not feeling well....) and archie ADORES it
thank u for the questions kia!!!!!
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yj-98 · 1 year
my brain is perpetually melting lately so im like not super comprehending it but i looove hearing ppl talk about what theyre into and i am just nodding along so enthusiastically when you talk about rdr2 . also take this as me asking about it as i said im nodding along
crow im sorry </3 honestly i understand 100% and i hope the brain fog lifts for you<3 but im happy its fun to hear about <3 thank you for nodding along and asking about it (in spirit) so let me lay the generic history + synopsis of both games because i have . sort of just been dropping context as i talk about two brothers and their horrible father (<3 and the good one)
anyways im about to be very autistic<3 buckle up
red dead redemption (2010) started off as a spiritual successor to a game called red dead revolver (2004) that rockstar bought after the game had been cancelled after it failed to follow thru with funding issues in 2000 (capcom. as in mega man capcom, was paying for a studio to make it, but funding dropped and and that studio closed so rockstar acquired the studio + eventually got the rights for rthe game). HOWEVER they wanted to do more w/ the concept
so john martson was born in 2010 w/ the first red dead game. youre introduced to a this former outlaw in 1911 who's family is being used for blackmail as he makes his way across a fictionalized version of the american south/west + mexico trying to track down his former friends because the US govt wants them dead. hes polite but no-nonsense and hes sarcastic sometimes and mentally unwell and also so kind. hes very funny honestly like rdr1 john my beloved. and he helps people along the way! he makes associates with all kinds of people. he deals with the people in his old gang (javier escuella and bill williamson), including his father figure dutch van der linde. hes described as his fathers greatest success and greatest downfall. hes returned to his wife and son and 'uncle' only for the US govt to raid their home, kill uncle, and it forces john to tell his wife and son to run while he makes a last stand, knowing that theyd stop at killing him. because ultimately these games are about redemption. and it almost succeeds, but his son grows up to avenge him
and its a fun game! its a wonderful story its really well done with interesting twists and turns and a HEARTBREAKING ending with this kid just. continuing that cycle. killing a government man puts a target on his head too. and rockstar couldve gone with a sort of . 1910s-1920s set sequel where you explore what the kids fate is. instead in 2018 we're given a prequel in the form of red dead redemption 2.
its 1899 and its the end of the golden age and the age of the "west" is honestly decades gone. dutch is clinging to an old life because he hates the US government, doesnt trust the law, etc. hes got a group of misfits including two men hes raised since they were preteens (arthur morgan + john marston) alongside his oldest friend (platonic life partner? sorry. theyre toxic old men* in love) hosea matthews.
(*old for 1899)
so arthur morgan is born in 2018. hes not mentioned once in rdr1 because he didnt exist! and rockstar gives themself the very hard job of making us LIKE a protagonist new to the story as a whole. and it works basically immediately. id argue its almost impossible to hate arthur when he feels so human. ive rarely like. played a game that beat for beat feels very much like reading a novel and i am. so honest when i say he feels human. they all do. but you hear his thoughts, you read his journal entries, you hear his comments to himself and his way of interacting with the world around you, let alone with other people. hes so endearing, if not a bit gruff and rough around the edges, and then he warms. especially around hosea, or in quiet moments with john or his friendship that blooms w/ a man named charles (i will not get into this.) or his kindness with sadie adler, a widow you meet in the prologue (shes sooo).
and then arthur starts dying. hes dying from the end of chapter 2. theres 6 chapters total + two epilogues w/ john. chapter 1 is essentially the prologue. youre given ONE whole chapter with arthur before It Happens. and hes declining. and you get hints. he starts coughing.
rdr2 is a story of arthur and the events that lead to rdr1 with a splintered family. you know the events of rdr1 will happen as absolutes: bill dies. javier dies. dutch dies. john and abigail (his wife) will die. jack, their son, who in rdr2 is maybe all of 5 years old, will one day kill a man. but that seems so distant
its a death march, its an avalanche, its a butterfly effect. its a car crash its a trainwreck. and youre a rubbernecker. you cant look away, you have to play his part in the play. the events that ultimately are the catalyst happen a month prior to the games opening: dutch picked up a man named micah bell, and micah is not a nice man. and he knows exactly how to play dutch like a fiddle. and dutch's ego is too big to know hes being played. they rob a ferry boat. it goes badly. people die. the pinkertons are after them all. they run into the mountains and almost die. dutch's ego is bruised and he Needs to correct it. they run into his old nemesis and they steal that guys plans to rob a train. you could say that this was the true catalyst for the events for the rest of the game but ultimately it doesnt matter. micah has his grip on dutch, and dutch just robbed one of thee wealthiest men in america, who has an ego that matches
meanwhile arthur is an attack dog, and he attacks the wrong target on orders he doesnt like. a weak man dying of tuberculosis. it infects arthur, unwittingly. arthur can quit these jobs. its doesnt matter. he will die in 6 months
rdr2 is a story of trying desperately to pump the breaks as more and more people die. its about hope and trying to save as many people as you can. its about people who fall through the cracks and who the 1% hate coming together and the reality of being used in a cult of personality. its about one man falling apart and taking 20+ people who looked to him like a shepherd, down with him. its about desperately clinging to the past as the future rockets forward. its about loyalty its about betrayal its about dying.
arthur is shown chapter after chapter as he gets weaker that his father is willing to let family die. that when dutch loses hosea in ANOTHER botched robbery he is not the same man. that he's willing to let both his sons die. and when arthur realizes his time left is short, hes desperate to make things right
arthur dies letting john escape. dutch and micah look down at him as hes dying and walk away. arthur is buried facing west. for the sun. john inherits his hat and journal. john tries to build that fateful home with abigail and jack. you spend the epilogue with him as he tries to make wrong puzzle pieces fit and shave down the parts of him that were his fathers son so that they can try to live normally. he succeeds. the epilogue lets you face micah and dutch as john and arthurs friends who survived (charles + sadie). you kill micah. he deserves it. dutch lets john live.
time does not stop. rdr1 looms ahead. you ignore this and play ranch simulator as john draws in arthurs journal and writes and scratches out words and draws hearts around his wifes name. you can find arthurs grave and sit with him.
i spent 1 month putting off arthurs death. i mourned him in real time when he died. games to CHANGE the brain chemistry
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catonatrain · 8 months
Hi, I hope you're doing well ! For the character ask game, what about Momoi Satsuki with 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 12, 16 & 23 ?
thank you for the questions !! finally able to finish this since i was a bit busy !!
everything will go under the cut because i ended up writing like a very mini essay
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
she is my daughter !! i rlly love the love she has to offer to the world !! and most importantly, i love her passion for basketball as well -- i rlly enjoyed how integral she was to the teams she was a manager to due to her data collecting, and how those analytical abilities made her a force to be reckoned with !! in conclusion, that's my girl !!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
ok i do feel like i answered that in the last question, so i'll add that im absolutely so endeared by the fact she nicknames many people :] honestly kagamin and midorin are amongst my fav nicknames from her... think kagami and midorima won there
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
i don't have too much experience with the fandom -- since i got into knb in mid 2022 and rlly have only interacted with a few ppl on tumblr and my friends -- but from what ive seen, i rlly love the amount of love ive seen !! most people ive seen like her a lot and support her !! even those in other fandoms (looking at my beloved a3! fandom the most) -- when momoi's on polls (ex. @/girlygirltournament, @/girls-in-love-bracket, @/pinkandbluebracket) there's always a lot of support for her !!
quick fun fandom thing -- i do want to say that in the pink&blue poll, an alliance was made with a3! fans because both a3! fans and knb fans were super supportive of each other and had a fun competition and ever since then... they have been brother in arms 2 me...
and of course my favorite is still @/pinkhairswagtourney where we arranged for muku (the a3! pink haired boy ever, i even have a little can badge of him) and momoi to tie and be a team together !! and then they won the whole tournament... being able to beat madoka :D and i like to think it is bc of our shared love for charas
(also to anyone reading this, i think you guys should vote for a3! charas when u see them on polls)
THIS GOT REALLY LONG but essentially, momoi is very loved from what ive seen and even to those outside of the knb fandom and that is smth i like a lot :>
8. What's something the fandom when it comes to this character that you despite?
again, i don't really interact with fandom, but i can guess (based on most fandom patterns) that there are people who likely ignore her in favor of the other (most likely male) charas and that'd make me :(
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
i like to think she and takao will eventually become besties and have a very fun group with midorima and kise
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
i assume this question excludes ships you would have no real opinion on (so probably some pairs where they dont interact that much -- even tho i have shipped charas who have very little interactions it all depends on the vibes...)
anyways that makes it a tough question for me !! i personally do prefer aomine and momoi to be platonic, but like. i get it. theyre childhood friends who love each other a lot. inseparable... their bond is just very special to me...
this ended up being me talking abt how i like aomine and momoi's bond but i think that's ok even if i basically didnt answer the question because like. after writing all of this im like... yeah its not my least favorite but i already committed to writing this much
23. Favorite picture of this character?
THIS IS SO HARD... i love so many momois in da world... but ill choose this one for now because she looks soooo happy in it !! look at her smile, she is everything to me...
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kindofsortofmaybe · 1 year
Gustholomule with 002 for the ask game!!
hi anon i'm so sorry i meant to answer this ages ago but i was swamped with finals all week! finally free though :)
when i started shipping it: pretty early in my watch through! i remember watching something ventured, someone framed and thinking hmmm... these bitches gay ?? and then once i got into the fandom and saw there was a following for it i really started shipping it! actually my first toh fanart was gustho haha
my thoughts: i don't think dana & co ever meant for us to ship them tbh, so even though i was disappointed that they didn't interact in the finale, i wasn't super surprised. but i think they have such an interesting dynamic!! gus is so cool and matt is not but also theyre both SO lame in the best way and they both have trust issues and also theyre like 12 and like... they are just so special to me
what makes me happy about them: how goofy they are. while i do think there's so much potential for their dynamic, i also think they're just two silly guys who hang out and i like the simplicity of that
what makes me sad about them: their lack of screen time :( (together and separately)
things done in fanfic that annoy me: hmmm tbh i've only read gustho fanfics that i've really enjoyed... i've never really had a negative experience with a gustho fic! all our writers are so talented! but i guess something that sometimes bothers me in fanon is when the hexsquad is rude to matt/don't give him a chance. i see why they might be wary, but Luz is the king of Befriending Everyone, willow is naturally very compassionate, and hunter/amity have both had their fair share of second chances! so even if they wouldn't get along right off the bat, i'm not a fan of scenarios where they just never warm up to him/consistently dislike him
things i look for in fanfic: i love when gustho fics have them just hanging out being teenagers. thats the vibe i think fits them best!
who i'd be comfortable them ending up with if not each other: hmmm i don't really have other ships for either of them! there's no one that comes to mind but i think if either of them were implied in the finale to be in a relationship with a hexside student we've met, i'd be like 🤷‍♀️ sure ig
my happily ever after for them: they continue to get close and become besties throughout high school, move in together after grad, and are so close that eventually they realize they've basically been dating for years and just kinda shrug like kay guess we're a couple and then theyre in love forever <33
who is the big spoon/little spoon: i think it depends! the both fill both roles at different times. though i do think that depending on when they get together, matty would totally be like "I'M the big spoon cause i'm MANLY" and gus is like "okay manly man" and makes him the little spoon anyway and he actually loves it
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: i'll bfr they're sex-neutral aces to me anyway so <3 (i don't really think about their feelings about sex since they're like 12 for most of the show, i just love to project my identity onto blorbos) so ANYWAY to actually answer the question, i headcanon that they LOVE to game together. video games and board games both - they just both get so competitive and have a lot of fun with it. their game nights are VERY loud and high-energy
thank you sm for the ask! i love thinking about these losers :)
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
footballers as pokemon types
OOOOH THIS IS PERFECT FOR MY POKEMON LOVING ASS. requested by @imjusthereforideasagain !! thank you sm for requesting <3
leo: psychic and normal type!! not implying its the reason for his skills, rather the way he hyperfixates on football reminds me a some psychic types. mans is using calm mind 24/7. also normal type, cause i feel like he rlly is Some Guy. hes OBJECTIVELY the goat n has more God given talent in a strand of hair than i do in my entire body, but hes also a dude you bump into at publix while in line for a pub sub.
ney: electric type!!! now if you play/watch pokemon you know pretty much everyone who trains a certain type kinda has a similar personality. ney definitely gives electric type. hes always "!!!" what can i say his personality is jus,,, electric ;))
jordan: hendos a fire type!! as captain he has to inspire his team n be their guiding light in a way,,, n also use will o wisp to burn em when they get outta hand.
virgil: ice and steel type!!! ice cause hes as calm (and cool) as you like. however ice is literally the WORST type in the game defensively, n that aint virgil at all. hes the goat of defenders, an abolute wall. a STEEL wall you could say. like literally there are eighteen types in the game n steel resists ELEVEN of em. i realize this leaves him quad weak to fighting n fire but IGNORE THAT.
luis: the mans a dark type. i love this lil blorbo but the man can play DIRTY. n the dark type is all abt using underhanded tactics to win (its actually called the evil type in the original translation lmao), with literally every move having some secondary effect. and how can i forget: bite is a dark type move (for some reason).
andy: a water type!!! like water takes the shape of its container, man can ADAPT. waters also the most abundant type in the game and has been paired with literally every other type. jus like how andy is friends w every one of his teammates!!
trent: grass type!! now what does trent do (well,,, besides defend). he ASSISTS. he DELIVERS. grass is an AMAZING supportive type, w moves like stun spore, grassy terrain, n how could i forget LEECH SEED??? not to mention cotton guard which literally raises your defense by THREE stages instead a two which is more than any other defense boosting move in the game.
sergio: he is a fighting type. what,,, what more do you want me to say. jus ask mo salah (sorry luv). hes kinda like if you skill swapped gallade to give it the contraty ability n used close combat, where instead of a defense DROP it jus,,, gets better every time.
milly: a rock type!!! hes become quite formidable over the years, n this is way overthinking but it could also parallel how rock type gym leaders tend to be the first you face in the game as theyre meant to show new trainers the ropes, jus like how milly does w the younger players of lfc!! also PLS gimme credit for holding back n not going w the "milly is boring" joke n making him a normal type. cause i did think abt it.
klopp: ok papas a GHOST TYPE. fun fact this is my favorite type in the game n the best in my opinion. anyway. klopp is so intelligent he feels like an old soul, passing on old ass wisdom. he works subtly, like how gengar sneaks around in the shadows before you actually see it. this MIIIIIGHT be (most definitely is) based off @liverpoolfanfiction 's AMAZING supernatural au now that i think abt it.
alisson: a fairy n steel type!!! he is jus,,, THE sweetest, how could i not slap the fairy typing on him. hes the kinda guy who knows his friends are upset based on lil tiny cues, like how the hatterene line detects strong emotions. n hes a steel type for the same reason virgil is. the most defensive type in the game!! resists more than half the fuckin types!! no ones getting through our keeper!!!
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sheikahwarriork · 5 months
Aww thanks you!! Now I can follow you too, because I'm sorry I tend to be really shy when I use anon ^^"
- Reincarnation AU? I can't wait to see how you're going to deal with the concept :] And it's lovely you included Mercedes/Byleth and Ashe/Dedue friendship. Also, ohhh Angst! I admit I looove hurt/comfort-
- You're right, I've never heard of it ( and I know ship like Kronya/Ignatz! ), but it could be so interesting :0 The enemy to lover, the whole confrontation between Nabateans and Agarthans, and their very particular situation- Also very funny, I'm sure they would bicker a lot :] Also, what do you like about Flayn and Shez? And I've heard of Marianne/Ashe before but it's definitely a rarepair, though a really sweet one. Very uderstandable with Dimileth, respect for sticking with your OTP!!
- I've never heard of Annette with Marianne and Bernadetta! I admit I really love developing platonic relationship and this one sounds so nice :] And to be honest I was kinda excepting the Faerghus four x)
- The Black Eagles girls!! ( With Shamir and Thyrus- ) I'm really happy to hear you like them!
- That's good because I love LGBT headcanons >:] Asexual spectrum Byleth is the finest, especially demi! 
To be fair there's not a single Blue Lions that doesn't have homoromantic subtext in some way- Dedue with Dimitri and Ashe, Annette with Mercedes, all the coding with Ingrid, and I don't think I even need to mention anything for Felix because his ending are some of the most obvious in the whole game. Sylvain is not even just in subtext anymore!! 
As for Sothis there's no way she care about gender anyway- And transfem Arval :0 I really like the story behind the headcanon!
And I'd love to share my thoughts and headcanons!! Though to warnw you I'm very invested in them and I tend to rant :') I have a lot too, is there any specific subject you like?
yayy new friend :3 btw sorry for the late reply, i was busy and then got sick these past days cwc
- yes i have few rarepairs but theyre very weird i know xD i like to think sothisxarval would tease each other all the time, also enemies to lovers!! about flayn and shez, i dont have much ships with shez bc i see them much more as aroace, but flayn's supports with f!shez are very funny and i like to think how seteth would react when hearing the two are dating! his brain first goes "thank the goddess my little daughter sister is not dating an ugly and insolent man" then he realizes flayn is getting laid anyway. eheh
- about annette with marianne and bernie: the idea was born when i first wrote the modern!au, because even if the blue lions are my fav characters, i wanted bernadetta and marianne to be there too since i love them so much!! so in my modern!au, they are all in the gardening club at school, and annie became friends with them bc theyre both shy but also sweet, and annette thought "i want to be friends with them!! they deserve to be happy so i want to see them smile!!!!" (in my au, mercedes and annette havent met yet at the beginning of the story). this is how the "chaotic singer becoming friend with depressed sweetheart and anxious writer" idea was born xD
but enough with my rambling lmao, it's your turn now! 👀 (as you said to me, feel free to respond whenever you can and to whatever you want! also do you prefer my questions to be in your inbox? if so i'll re-write them as an ask to you!)
1) i imagine edelgard is your favourite lord, but which route do you prefer the most?
2) your fav house and characters?
3) what are your OTPs in the game? and rarepairs?
4) i'd like to hear your LGTBQ+ headcanons too!
5) what is your favourite map in the game? and the best class?
6) best track in the game in your opinion?
(i'm having so much fun, thank you!!! <3)
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ko-odi · 10 months
I'm the guy who submitted the anon ask before (where u drew me a pic of Drake, thank u so much I will cherish it for the rest of my life!!!) and I'm in need of some Haunted headcanon inspo for a dnd game I'm trying to run soon!! Tell me some of ur headcanons, no matter how obscure, small, or seemingly insignificant
SRY THIS TOOK SO LONGGGG i. forgort BUT HERE R A FEW !!! :D some of these are my own and some of these are me parroting things ive heard from the haunted discord that i love (u should totally join the discord btw its fun i can give an inv to anyone not already there if anyone wants one!!)
-Drakes issues regarding tone and reading the room, such as 1) his default mode of speaking being thru sarcasm (no hes really not always trying to be rude, thats just how he communicates 😭), and 2) cracking jokes or quips at inappropriate times (like when graysons house was burning down and drake was all like “wow grayson sure does love his secret hatches lawl” and “he should really rethink his escape routes for next time haha!” like drake this is NOT THE TIME). Im not saying hes NOT sassy or rude (because he totally is <3) but like. its not ALWAYS ON PURPOSE OK LMAO he is autistic 🫶
-somewhat related to this is that i hc that he says cheesy lines like “erm… hes RIGHT behind me isnt he” and “um guys, you MIGHT wanna take a look at this…” all the time, and he does so bcs he repeats phrases hes read in books (or from movies/shows he saw before traveling to the future or whatever) a lot. either that or he just Says That Stuff which is almost funnier
-drakes sleeping schedule SUCKS dude and a big parta that is cuz enderman are nocturnal and his internal clock is all messed up. (the water up on his mountain canonically helps him sleep tho im pretty sure?)
-his bodys kinda awkward to move around in, and hes always tripping over his feet or bumping into stuff (hes just like me fr….)
-this ones odd, but the subspecies of enderman that drake is fused(??) with have rings all over their body that they use to light up dark areas (such as caves), and to communicate (blinking lights like fireflies, bright flashes to intimidate others, are dim when sick, etc). Theyre able to control this using their natural magic or whatever. HOWEVERRR drake is unable to control his himself! His rings are stuck at a set brightness, and he cant “turn them off”, leading him to always be expelling a small but steady amount of magic. This is part of why he runs out of mana faster than other magic users/enderman, and is part of why he tries not to waste his mana when possible.
-related to above, hes not ab magic doesnt last very long, but is very volatile and powerful in bursts. this is the OTHER reason he doesnt use magic willy nilly .. he has to learn how to harness it properly or else he might end up hurting people by accident (this might literally be canon but i thought id mention it anyway)
-in the haunting one, hes always stating things abt himself that we never actually get to see (like when he calls himself the builder, or good at parkour, or when armen said that he had a problem with breaking windows???? 😭) so i like to think that those are just collins memories slipping thru the cracks, and those memories dont rly belong to/are about drake at all. theres probably other shared fuzzy memories he has from collin too (like ruby shire perhaps) so thats super fun to play with!! I think this might actually be also canon but yk
-ARMEN iiii love this guy ok so i love to hc that, after hes revived/saved (IF you want to go that route!), he comes back not dead, but not quite alive either…. hes like sorta half and half to me lol. or maybe hes alive, but coming back to life has some side effects (like being cold all the time for example). Hes also suuuper sleepy all the time after hes saved LET HIM SNOOZE dude.
as much as it pains me, I also love the hc that armen comes back with his memory wiped (i think this is close to where the intended canon was supposed to head as well!). You can either go the “his memory is totally wiped, which effectively makes him a new person” route, the “his memory is wiped back to the fall into the lava, right before HB possessed him” route, or the “his memory gets wiped to before HB was involved in his life whatsoever” route. I like all 3 options aaaah idk what my favorite is!!! i’ll probably talk in depth abt these in a different post later bcs the fact that it adds more parallels between him and collin/drake makes me insane. either way he will sometimes have unexplainable deja-vu and things will feel familiar to him.
-armen is super cold all the time (always wearing sweaters and stuff) while drake is super warm all the time (always wearing thin clothes. but this is cuz hes always expelling some sorta magical energy involuntarily, so when he runs outta mana he gets cold as well) this isnt important or anything i just like it :3c
-i like to think that despite his affinity towards it before the fall, he tries to avoid combat & conflict when possible post-possession/revival. very “uhh im a lover not a fighter haha ..” (<- could kick your butt if he tried) vibes. or maybe he lost all combat ability post revival and totally sucks now !! either way man just wants to chill (he is traumatized)
-MIA shes lowkey scared of being on the water after her and her sisters shipwreck, the day she was captured by the empire. she probably slips back into familiarity when they take over that airship one time tho- maybe she gets an airship of her own in the future o:? haunted group sky pirate crew when 🤨???
-along with magic, she also GETS INTO ALCHEMY/CHEMISTRY !!! its like.. magic ??? without needing to provide any ACTUAL magical power yourself?? thats so fucking sick ok. She and drake do magicy-sciencey experiments together and they end up blowing stuff up a lot. despite what drake says, they BOTH enjoy the chaos.
-mia and armen would be BEST. FRIENDS. i think abt mia armen friendship literally all the time they would be so chaotic and thoughtful with each other i love mia armen friendship sm. maybe mia helps style his hair like hers since its grown out later :] They are so sibling core to me
-related to both yhings above, she shares her love of learning with armen. They learn tons of random stuff together :D chemistry archeology history magic biology etc. Mia loves learning anything she can get her hands on, and armen feels the need to learn everything he missed while he was gone.
(sidenote: if he comes back with completely wiped memory, him learning all different sorts of subjects is him trying to figure out what he enjoys, and who he is as a person. “building himself up from ground zero”. and mias glad to help ): <3)
-MIA AND GRAYSON ARE ALSO SIBLING CORE !!!!!!!!!! you are NOT immune to the “mia is everyones sister” propaganda …. im mind controlling you ….
-grayson my GUY dude ok. not rly a hc and more of an observation but i loooove how hes so serious and pessimistic all the time but hes also like…. friendly (yet distrusting) and silly (devouring and entire cake and being all like “:D” with a flower crown and slimey friend) like idk i just looav that contrast its yummy. cruel world forcing his joyous whimsey into hiding </3
-finds a sickening comfort in loneliness, while also being deeply afraid of it. no it is not healthy. i might have to describe this later, as ive not found the words to do so yet.!!! maybe others can add onto this if they wish :)))
-His wife was fucking awesome ok. She was totally anti-empire and wrote many pamphlets that hurt the emperor & his followers image under an anonymous name that spread around the public like wildfire. Did she initially start dating grayson to get more info on the empire without his knowledge? Was she herself high up in the empires chain of command, helping get grayson the job in the first place? Did grayson know and help his wife with her endeavors(im leaning towards yes but no would be fun)? idk but she was awesome and they committed treason together and were in love
-idk if im totally down with the idea, but graysons wife and/or kid ending up being ALIVE…. MANNN THAT COULD BE SO GOOD. SO DRAMA INDUCING. GRRRR i wanna play with this later
-if i start talking abt drake and grayson friendship i will not shut up about it so ill keep it BREIF ….. they are ambiguously romantic/ALMOST queerplatonic to me. they dont care abt labeling what they are, partially bcs they CANT. they r life partners who hold hands and find comfort in the others consistency and the stability their friendship brings. grayson calls drake his “darling husband” for shits and giggles and drake glares at him (while very obviously smiling). OK WE’RE DONE ..
-none of them are allocishet sorryyyy (<- not actually sorry at all) i can list out my queer hcs later if anyone wishes smile :))
-collin, luke, and lalea are still cooking in my head .. i dont have that many hcs abt them qwq i suggest looking to APPLE @apple-rose301 FOR THESE GUYS (she said i could @ her for this) and for any character hcs and analysis stuff tbh, their thoughts are basically canon to me /pos . would also love to hear EVERYONES THOUGHTS AND ANALYSES AND HCS EVER !!!! so if anyone sees this … u should totally list out ur own thoughts :)))) PLEASR PLEASEPLEA
i also have more thoughts on each character analysis wise, specifically the contrasts and parallels they have with each other and themselves, but that might be putttt into a different postttt
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bathroomgirl0024 · 6 months
Hii if u wanna talk ab anything feel free and/ or to keep ur mind off things fav Kuma sprite / art ^_^
Hiii sors for the late reply.
Ok so monokuma. Theres a lot of images I like of him (all of them) so theres likw be a lot of images but to heres a few that I find special lol. (Under the cut cause I theres is many I will aalao talk abt why I like them to for some lol so yeah) also I might miss stuff cause I still have yet to rewatch the games lol (I will prob in the future tho) so yeah more under the cut !
Ok so first off, sprites
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These too are probably my most favourite sprites of him him imo. Theyre both from V3 and are very nicely polished. I really like how cute he looks, especially in the first one even though that sprite appears only once in the whole game which I think makes it more special methinks. The other is also super adorable. I also like these ones from dr1 (especially the one with hes showing his black side more) and the bonus ones sdr2 too but these are my most fave bearsonally (tbh its actually all of them lol)
Oh yeah and his pixel arts are cute too :3 !!!
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Anyways now for art !!
There is many:
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He is looks very very cool in all of his splash arts. Love him. Love he has one for every game too lol (I also like how the v3 one falls down onto the throne in the opening)
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These close up shots of monokuma are amazing. Like the part where gets serious and menacing and you can see the inside of the red eye is asdffgghjjbbgyvvdt ygjju btuytdverc yeah. (I also really like the “despair, that’s all.” Line he says in the dr1 one)
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AND the ending scene In dr1 specifically like this art lol
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And also in the executions in v3 (specifically kaedes cuz that’s like the only one hes mostly in). Hes drawn so well in the executions compared to the rest of the game for some reason idk why??? But yea
(Speaking of kaede’s execution did you know theres a vine boom sfx when the ceiling or the trial grounds shuts)
Yea that’s kinda mostly stuff from the main games. Its not a lot cause its mostly just sprites of him shown in game (also cause I find all his art great but theres are specifically special 2 me) so yeah
I will also post more monokuma in the reblog cause Tumblr won't let me put imgs lmao
And yeah that’s all the art that that I like of monokuma, I love him very much ^_^ also thank you for the ask this was fun to do and also feel free 2 tell me you fave monokuma sprites/art of him !!!! That’s alls.
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shytastemakerthing · 1 year
hii!! U seem so cool- but anyway,, could i get a twisted wonderland match up? My grammar kinda sucks and my auto corrects off so😭
I would like for it to be more romantic, if thats ok! Also pls dont match me up with any of the 1st years since i would honestly just adopt them in twst😭
Sooo im an enfp 7w6, scorpio, green flag.. Yeahhh
But other than that,, (about to write a whole essay abt my personality) what abt my personality?
Soo im honestly kindaa uhm,, goldfish-like; i have a crap memory. and whenever in a serious situation, one where you need to stay on guard, i instantly calm down after someone cracks a joke and forget abt the whole situation.. So bcuz of that i get called "the goldfish of (gc name)" 🥲
But im really motherly and caring! I always take care of my loved ones like a nurse, so pretty much- im my friends personal nurse AND doctor (as someone who startes studying abt medical stuff when i was like 10,, young, ik) i also take care of stray animals whenever i get the chance. feeding them, taking care of their wounds, whatever! Im a good balance of childish and mature, though i fall more on the childish side! I honestly give out 'sad, wet cat' vibes at first, since i mostly spend time alone, sulking abt being alone, reading in the library alone.. but im the total opposite! Honestly kinda weird but in a good way? Super kind, and generous, and sympathetic, i always consider other peoples feelings first ofc! Honestly kind of a people pleaser🥲 softhearted person with anger issues huhu.. Also keyword 'with anger issues' because i can and will beat someone up who did one simple thing to make me mad, even if theyre like 6'2 IDGAF FIGHT ME IM 5'10 ITS NOT MUCH OF A DIFFERENCE🙄🙄 veryvery energetic or the opposite, depends. havent slept for like 2 weeks straight😇
Now I'll just say the exact words my friends said when i asked them what they thought of me-
"funny, cute, and she lavs astronomy ahhajaja" "ure the friend whos effortlessly funny but gay /j but srsly youre the friend whos funny but super girlboss whenever there are fights and uses emojis every sentence they send" "the fish i ate for dinner" "cute nmn, and fun too, but annoying sometimes😒" "youre literally just like your father but as a girl,, stubborn, charming, ignorant, brave.. And you even have the same facial feaures." "Soft girl vibes" "VOODOO DOLL SELLER IKAW"
And for my hobbies.. I have a lot tbh LEMME JUST-
Astronomy; stargazing.. IT GIVES ME SO MUCH PEACE OMG
Exploring; going to abandoned and apparently 'haunted' places brings me so much joy somehow
Dancing; practicing ballet but my friends drag me to learn the choreo of a kpop song😭
Singing; opera😻
Gaming; tbh i rarely do it anymore😭
Collecting; plushies, seashells, etc..
Thats all i think😔 I dont wanna waste ur time so thank you huhuu BYEE HAVE A GREAT YEAR MWAMWA
-lav hoshii
Hello and thank you for your request! Honestly I had a lot of fun reading over this and I believe I have just the guy for you so here we go!
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I match you with.......
Floyd Leech
🦐 You two bounce off of each other so freaking much that it is insane. At this point, you're the most interesting person in his life and he isn't planning on letting you go ANY time soon and that's a fact.
🦐 Floyd is someone who butts heads with a lot of people, and I mean, a LOT of people. He's not one to shy away from a fight, even in those ones where he is clearly out numbered. It's more fun for him. But what he really loves is how you patch him up after each and every one. Sure, you badger him about all of these fights, but it's only because you care about him, and as you place a kiss to each wrap and bandaid, he can only hopelessly grin at you...... he is smitten.
🦐 Your memory isn't the best, and while Floyd seems like the aloof type, he is actually very smart, very perceptive, and has an excellent memory. He will remember anything you can't and it greatly comes in handy when needed.
🦐 Being with Floyd, also means you will be seeing a lot of Jade. Sorry, they're a two for one package deal (Azul's words). And while his twin was highly skeptical of you at first (when is he not skeptical of someone?), just seeing you with Floyd, and all the shenanigans you both get up too and how you always take care of him, you're basically family now at this point.
🦐 He is in the basketball club! Which is perfect for you! You love basketball and you two have player 1v1 quite a lot. Just be careful, because he can and WILL get competitive. Also, if you wear his jersey to his games, he has this derpy smile the entire time and will be showing off just for you. He turns into an absolute beast on the court. You're now the good luck charm of the NRC basketball team and Ace and Jamil always make sure you're there.
🦐 He finds out early on in the relationship about your habit of collecting sea shells. Now, because of him that collection has expanded a great amount. Look, you're dating a merman, he can and will be going under the water to gather the best and biggest shells thay he can find for your ccollection. But your personal favorite is a little cream colored chipped clam shell. He brought that one back after finding it randomly on a walk and it is now the most cherished one in the collection.
🦐 The way your mood fluctuates matches how his does, and while it annoyed him at first (like, is this how Jade and Azul feel when his does that?), he was able to quickly find out what can set you off or change your mood and is able to quickly adjust accordingly. Though he will admit that you look pretty hot when you get angry and tackle someone twice your size.
🦐 He would absolutely love to go exploring with you. It can be boring, it can be dangerous, so much could happen that you just don't know and that's what makes it exciting! If you ever get bored of looking at the supposedly haunted houses, he'll happily supply a breathing potion and he can show you some really cool shipwrecks!
🦐 Overall, a relationship with the reckless eel with legs is nothing short of an adventure. You know you'll never be bored, he loves how considerate you are with him and how you take care of him. And Azul and Jade are beyond thankful that you can actually get him to focus on his work, only if you're there, though 😅
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love-nakamura · 8 months
For the character ask game, Percy Jackson numbers 4 and 18?
first of all HI FRIEND<33 thank you for asking you are so brave and amazing and I love you
[so the thing about Percy is 1. I love him and 2. I havent read the source material in.... Years.. but I shall answer most honestly]
4: If I could put Percy in any other media where would I put him?
a) technically he does have 2 movies hes in a TV show now my baby!!!!!!
b) actually I think this question is asking if I could put him in another world maybe..?
If so, with the pre-requisit he travels with Annabeth, I would honestly love to see him in a Brandon Sanderson universe, specifically the Reckoners series. I think it would be interesting to see him fight other People with 'powers' rather than gods/non humans.
All of the Percy Jackson series in my head always has people fighting for causes that are blamed on a higher power or another group/being (eg. the fights, although against another demigods, are people who side with demigods vs people who side with gods, titans, monsters, etc. to fulfill human desires/pride... yet at the same time these guys are being manipulated by others... ) and I would love to see him navigate slightly more human-blamed causes and issues!!
Also he would just be so cool and strong!!!!! hahah
18) A relationship Percy has in canon that I admire
all of them m...... Percy has great chemistry with Everyone, but two more specifically:
a) Grover. I think theres so much missed potential tbh in the series as time goes on. Grover is like a full ass adult but theyre also best friends. technically Grover lied by omission to percy for like the start and basis of their friendship but also they have an emotional and mental bond that connects them for life. they have saved each others lives a hundred times over. theyre brothers. also theyre stupid.
I think Grover must have felt a lot of like.. fakeness? Imposter syndrome? at first because dude hes basically a spy whos in charge of taking care of this kid, specifically a kid who reminds you a lot about a kid he Failed before.... and yet Percy forgives him and loves him and the fact that hes a half goat and an adult is like hey whatever since we're friends
It speaks a lot about Percy's character (and his loyalty) to me and also if you've read the other series you'll know Grover doesn't really go on quests anymore/show up a lot and yet their love for each other is still there and hey thats what friendship is yeah?
b) Nico. AHHH NICO *ahem* anyways. I Love Percy and Nicos relationship. one sided crush, percy is So Cool and like the Awesome Older Guy™ you know whose like..??? everything to you?? and also you're Gay and Percy freaking Hurt you and you feel like he was Wrong and Broke a Promise to you but you also realize as you grow older that guy is Literally Just A Guy™ and a Child at that.. and for Percy like.... this kid who looks up to you and hey this is actually like..? the First time in your life where someone explicitly states they think youre cool and a good role model and that Pressure!! and you feel that responsibility but also youre like 14????
and then later when you both get older you realize that the other person is so much more than you can ever see or understand and the portrait you had of them in your head barely scratches the surface and thats a Good thing because it means that people are so much greater than you knew and your past does not define you and moving on from something doesnt mean you dont love it anymore
I think Percy and Nico's relationship is admirable because theres so much forgiveness (both for each other and for themselves as they navigate what it means to have/make/maintain relationships with people that you've never experienced before) and thats beautiful to me.
this was Super Fun and I hope you have a wonderful day muah <3333
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ruerock · 2 years
What are your dr ocs relationships with each other! Like are any of them friends? In my mind I'm imagining Keiki and Chami being besties and throwing the best tea party ever
thank you so much for the question!!! and omg im absolutely delighted that people point out Keiki and Chami looking like they could be besties/gfs - because they are! im going to go into details under the cut :D
Keiki and Chami are what i like to call one-sided rivals to best friends- since they share a "similar" ultimate, from the start Chami feels a little bit thrown into a competition. See, the thing with Chami is that she tries REALLY hard to cater to other people and her perfectionism makes her push herself a little too hard to the point its overwhelming to others and in turn makes her insecure. this is the total opposite of Keiki who is an effortless people magnet- even the grumpiest in the group like her. this makes Chami really jealous so in her head Keiki becomes her rival and she avoids her altogether. Keiki doesn't hold any negative feelings for Chami although she can tell Chami dislikes her- so accordingly, she is not a fan either.
this changes after the second trial though- when Keiki successfully protects Chami from unjust accusations. Chami is like "WAIT so you actually don't hate me and don't want to steal all my friends from me???" and Keiki is like "girl NO? where did that come from, i was hoping for us to be friends!" and Chami is like "oh. oh 🥺" and they have a very heart-warming "conflict" resolving moment that is interrupted by Jun going "umm ladies i think we're in the middle of murder investigation?" to which they go "RIGHT. im so sorry"
they become best friends after that! inseparable too. turns out they work amazingly well together and like u guessed, they throw the best tea parties ever!
they're hinted to have feelings for each other too- after Paris (who went to american school before) suggest they organise a prom night, Keiki and Chami work hard for it to be perfect. and when the prom night comes they also realize they were so busy they forgot to get a partner!! which, you know, isnt that tragic because turns out they both planned to ask each other <3
me when i go on 34324 pages essay on Keiki and Chami ANYWAYS. one last fun fact i wanted Keiki's hair to resemble cinnamon rolls and for Chami's hair to resemble croissants with the ribbons being like "chocolate toppings"! not sure if it shows through so i thought ill throw it out there :3
from other's distinctive relationships we have Paris and Yami- theyre complex as they are kind of working against each other all the time, but Paris wants to prove herself innocent to Yami and by proximity pretends to want to befriend her. Yami is very weak for kindness shown her way but shes also very smart so this is very hard for her- she's basically having to battle between rationality and feelings. if the game was from her perspective it would be "danganronpa: yami's struggle between wanting justice and crushing easily". Although Paris quite literally gaslights her all the way, she does eventually put so much work into befriending her that the feelings overtime just become a little bit real
i think im gonna wrap it up so no one falls asleep on my post (although if you're curious about anyone else im super happy to answer! :D) BUT i also wanted to mention Kei here since i noticed a lot of people like him- Kei is bros with Kenichi, friends with Akane and also the only person Yami has to a real friend too, he's super sweet to her! Kei is "autistic - loves to talk" and Yami is "autistic - loves to listen" so theyre very wholesome together :'3
IF ANYONE GOT THIS FAR THANK YOU FOR READING it means a lot to me that people r actually interested in it wah!! <3
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neolxzr · 1 year
Music ask game: 2 and/or 28!!
wahhhh thank u for the ask loki!! hmm lemme see
2) song you like with a number in the title
obligatory enstars entry BELIEVE 4 LEAVES!!! i love alkaloid i love this song i love mayois voice in this song he sounds so damn good i wish the full ver was longer i need more of whatever all that was dude
as a hyperpop listener this is a fun question there are so many songs with numbers in the title shdkghf i love 8 now by food house and 1:15 by 8485!! OH and i <3 harajuku by alice longyu gao!! (if that counts. technically its a heart but like its always spelled as the emoticon? idk)
28) song by an artist with a voice that you love
oughhfhgdhhdsjf this is just a chance for me to gush abt shu's voice again. and mika too. theyre both such good vocalists waugh eternal weaving and uruwashi no nightingale come to mind specifically,,,, and raisanka,,, OH and memoire antique i will never be over the shu motomeru ever
USEE USEE USEEWA ough i love ado so so much i love her voice i also love her cover of senbonzakura its SO COOL have i ever talked abt ado on here? i dont think so anyway ussewa is my number 1 favorite song like ever fun fact
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6okuto · 1 year
QKHDEKRBWBDJDH Im too shy to go off anon but just know that im ur secret admirer ahshdjshdjejd also sending u anon love is fun hehe 💓💓😚😚
im glad to hear that ur eyes r getting better! Hope ull be able to get the rest u need and deserve after ur sem is over <333 im doing great myself !!seeing ur reply to my ask just made my week 💗💗💗💗💗 i hope u too r eating well and staying hydrated and most importantly get enough sleep 😭😭😭😭 i hope ur day continues to be filled with happy things love u !!!💕💕💕💕💕
U dont know what kind of beast uve unleashed when u said u wanted to know more abt my ocs ong...Osjxiejdieje pls dont mind my rambling im so shameless byeee 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️ also these infos might be weird its just based off my own understanding of stuff and not accurate to common knowledge so ⚰⚰
The alchemist- she's a bit on the gloomy side and honestly just tired of life 😭😭 i went with this origin first so her personality is like pretty much based off the game mc we play as, just a tad bit more passive 🚶‍♀️will melt down and turn into mush at the slightest bit of affection so i paired her with leander, and since shes gone through a lot i thought, she deserves some treat <3 and throw in mhin into the equation too hehe another random fact abt her is that she loves plain water... a LOT. Since shes a mage apprentice, i imagine that she probably learn a lot of magic stuff after meeting leander, mostly to get stronger and for self defense
The hound- she got massive trust issues (being betrayed by her friend in the thief syndicate and all) so shes extremely wary of the LIs, like if u think the in game mc is wary of the ppl in eridia, she's like 10x worse. Honestly lowkey like mhin 2.0 except a lil bit snappier 😭 i pair her with kuras and their relationship is kinda like him trying to get a stray cat with human issues to warm up to him 😭😭 doesnt get along with any of the LIs at all and always keep an arm's length around them, but she only lets kuras into her life (and fun fact he loves feeding her) surprisingly tolerates mhin too, and learns a lot abt how to use weapons from them, and since she was in a thief syndicate i imagine her agility lvl is v high (and dont tell this to my unnamed mc but my alchemist and hound mc is my favourite children...)
The unnamed- shes raised like a royalty all her life, since being an oracle means that everyone borderline worship her, but being raised at a temple also means theres many restrictions and shes honestly lowkey sick of being treated like it, though she keeps the perfect facade up, all smiles and all. Shes kind of a lil shit since after running away from the temple, she finds it hard to keep her nice facade up but still tries too hard to keep em (this results in her going 😄😄 but when she suddenly snaps she was like- omg i accidentally let my true colours out- and went back to being nice and all smiles as if her previous outburst didnt just happen- yes shes two faced) i pair her with ais and vere (aka the lil shits 😭) honestly their relationships r just ais and vere trying to make her snap and drop her nice facade its kind of hilarious
Andd yeahhs thats abt it abt them !! Sorry this got much longer than it shouldve been 😔😔 but thank u for being curious abt my silly goofies 🥺🥺 my personal fave is mhin!! And after finish talking to ais and kuras i...im lowkey interested in them disjdjejdjejdj theyre so fun??¿¿ 😭😭 leander is high up in my list too but i mostly see him as a big bro figure bc of his friendliness 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️
its fine i know who u are. im lying. im not. i have a hypothesis i wont say bc well thatd be awkward if i was wrong wouldnt it. STAY PERF! SENDING U ..NOT ANON LOVE...wtf is the opposite of anonymous. KNOWN! IDENTIFIED! jesus. i need to go back to sleep i think i slept for like 3 hours my body hates me or sometign....THANK YOU!!!! i will continue 2 look 4 happy things 2day. reacted under cut 2 save space :heart:
HELLO ALCHEMIST MC!!! the plain water imcirny?@%? that's real actually stay hydrated OMGG learning magic after meeting is saur smart... is she ending up w leander... WHAT IS MHIN DOING. stay so strong
HOUND MC AND KURAS that's so real. handling 2 mhins...u can do it bro... LOVES FEEDING HER 🙁 i cannot wait 2 hear abt how she lets her walls down i think the hound option is just soo good for that and kuras is an interesting choice 4 it.. + w mhin's own...defensiveness and such....yeah . stuff is going to happen here
WOWW. UNNAMED FACADE OF HAPPINESS...love the trope I LOOVEEE WHEN CHARAS DO THAT i giggle a little like omg AIS AND VERE. jesus. wow. oh wow. there is so much u can do there. oh that sounds like itll be so fun to develop
DO NAWTT APOLOGIZE i like 2 hear abt everyones ocs bc i dont make them LOL i am sure mhin would love u. i think they need the same amnt of support + self care reminders u give me like TAKE CARE OF URSELF...LET PEOPLE TAKE CARE OF U... i hope something so awesome happens for u today :heart:
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