#... but it is worth a shot esp since this didnt work
megaxard · 4 months
had a plan today. it was
remember that there's a place nearby where you can rent a fancy gaming pc for $12 (for an hour)
realize that this would probably be able to run the dawntrail benchmark
i could use this to see what i want to fantasia ahris'a into...
attempt to go there after bounsweet community day
its closed :(
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caplanbuckybarnes · 3 days
no worries, honey.. i figured that was the case. you want writing tips?? Sure.
Never force your writing. If ideas don't come to your mind, don't force them. It will sound like hell, and you will indeed hate yourself over it. Are you stuck on a scene in your writing? Skip it and write what comes after. The words will come eventually. I can't tell you how many times I was stuck on a scene to write out the following few scenes after, and then the scene I was stuck on came back to me in droves.
Write what YOU love and what YOU want to write if you don't want to write out a request/idea someone sent to you, then don't. You don't need to explain yourself. Don't feel as though you HAVE to accept a request from someone; you'll burn yourself out and hate yourself worrying over the request/idea.
Write about whatever you want to: your favourite character/blurbs. Write new AUs, write angst, fluff, smut, whatever you want. Ignore the antis; every fandom has them, and it's honestly not worth the time and effort. Block the people who try to bash you for writing a character/pairing they don't like. Fandoms are meant to be a fun, safe space. Write what you want, and love every word of it.
Don't proofread ANYTHING until you know you're finished with your piece of writing/art.
Get an extra set of eyes to look over your work, whether it's some stranger on the internet you trust or a person in person who you trust to be completely honest with you about edits/scenes you need to rewrite/whatever else they might ask. Sometimes, when we look over our writing, our brain ignores the mistakes, so get an extra set of eyes.
You don't have to post every day/week/month to be a writer. You're still a writer if only one word gets written/typed daily. Take care of yourself first & foremost. I know writers on tumblr/ao3 that have burnt themselves out writing nonstop, it's not mentally safe to force yourself to write just for a few commetns/reviews/kudos.
Which brings me to Ao3/Tumblr stats. DON'T compare yourself to other writers. EVER. Yes, there's always going to be a fic that's more popular then yours will EVER be. & that's totally fine. Whether you get one like/kudos/comment, or a thousand of them. ENJOY WHAT YOU DO! because guess what?? As they say on Whose Line Is It Anyway? THE POINTS DO NOT MATTER! you're writing for FUN, no other reason!!!
You'll be your absolute worst critic when it comes to your own writing. Don't be too harsh on yourself. The reason why you hate your own writing and think it sucks & nobody is going to read it is because you've read it over numerous times yourself and found it to be predictable; NEWSFLASH, DING DING! It's NOT!!
You will ALWAYS improve your writing. I recently went back to look at a bunch of my own writing from 2018 and noticed how much I've improved since then. Yes, the writing makes me cringe, but that's entirely okay. It means I grew as a writer.
Experiment with Aus that you wouldn't see in canon. I tend to always, always go for a good ole Mafia AU, because, let's face it, guns?? blood?? gore?? but also, fluff?? baking cookies with your lover ay 3am AU?? hellooo?? I never know where my mind will take me when I start a new drabble/one shot.
11. Take your time; don't rush a word out.
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vveakfish · 10 months
re: tags on lrb
thinking abt the journey and a half my DC hyperfixation has been.
I was a DCAU only girlie for so long. (BTAS, Batman Beyond, Teen Titans, YJtv, GLtv). I enjoyed the DCEU too, but i was WAY too wrapped up in MCU brain-rot to dive too deeply into those. But that was it. Zero interest in comics themselves as a lil squirt.
Eventually I stopped caring abt the DCEU entirely. (around WW’84, tho it had nothing to do with that movie, i just never saw it — and didnt see any of the movies that came after). And got WAY into Marvel™. And i kinda just rode that wave.
When Marvel started branching out into shows i was HYPED — esp since they started that shit off with WandVision. I’d always loved Wanda, and the fact that they brought Billy and Tommy in was all i needed to push me into reading comics
i tore through the young avengers (UGH i miss them <;/3), and other titles associated with them, and was having a blast. At some point around the season finale of Loki (good show, this was just also how the cookie crumbled) I just fell off Marvel in general. A lot of this probably had to do with school ramping up around this time — but i stopped reading comics & watching their shows and movies almost entirely.
Around this time tho, bc i Missed reading comics — i started reading webcomics. And as much as i enjoyed reading Marvel comics for that short period of time, webcomics were what made me fall in love with Comics™ as a medium.
6th semester ended, i was elbows deep in world building for my own webcomic project, and started watching anime while working on it. Again, anime was always one of those things i enjoyed (Digimon, Sailor Moon, and Pokémon were some of the most influential pieces of media in my entire childhood), but my love for it as an art form was really solidified during this time
[side note: can you Tell i was dealing with art school shit during all of this? couldn’t turn the critique brain off literally Ever, so anything i enjoyed got put under the art student lens]
But my interest in anime stayed entirely on the animated side of things for a Long Ass Time. It wasn’t until Jujutsu Kaisen that i got shoved headlong into manga. God that stupid fucking anime changed my life, ANYWAY.
I finished the anime (umm maybe like. 5 times), and then HAD to know what happened next. So i devoured the manga. Every spare moment i had was spent reading it, until i was Done. then i was like orz. what do u do now ??
The answer was do the exact same thing with Demon Slayer. which was ALSO a life changing experience. read 鬼滅の刃 pls pls pls
Now. When i finished KNY, i was also like *head in hands* how do i even keep on living?? But this was also while working on my thesis project, and still doing a lot of work on the side as far as my own comic was concerned. (like… 60k words worth of world building & drafting scripts + designing characters), so its not like i had all that much free time.
anyway — i finished up my 8th semester, and barely gave myself a chance to breathe before i threw myself into working on my comic practically full time.
I was working on a one shot to submit to a contest for Webtoon, and they were asking for a pretty substantial amount of content (60+ panel Action comic one shot. and I, as always, love to make things harder on myself, so i think in one of the later drafts it ended up having over 100 panels).
needless to say, i Did Not finish the oneshot in time (its still not done to this day T~T i’ll come back for you forge, dont worry). But, toward the end of that… 3 month span of feverishly working on this project, i found myself falling in love with DC all over again.
I mentioned YJtv before, but that show was Also something that changed my life as a 10 year old.
(its really funny to think about that show now & how it’s release date lines up with the beginning of the N52 continuity, and how both the show & that particular reboot are so strongly disliked by a vast majority of DC’s fanbase — but thats a post for another day)
I’ve rewatched the show at least once a year since my roommate let me start using their HBOMax login. I know seasons 1 and 2 like the back of my hand bc of how much i watched them growing up, and i like season three well enough. But the thing was that on this unsuspecting summer night, i was about to discover that there were New Episodes.
Dude i was hyped, i was losing my shit. I had resigned myself to the knowledge that this show was never coming back. I was okay with it too. But here it was, alive and kicking after what felt like forever.
Heres the thing tho. They killed off Kon.
okay not really, but at the Time boy boy was Dead, and i was devastated. Thats My Boy. He had been my favorite character from the jump, and i did not know how to process him being gone. So i took a break from the show, and turned to ao3 instead.
At this point i was Not an avid fic reader. I wasn’t an avid reader period – outside of manga – but i had read a few really good fics recommended to my by some of my JJK pals. So i looked at the Kon-El | Conner Kent character tag on ao3 and just scrolled until i found something interesting.
In this case: a Timkon fic (this one in particular).
I knew who Tim was before this (He shows up in YJtv. He's there in BTAS), but I had never thought about him and Kon as... anything really. In the versions of them i was familiar with, they don't interact all that much. They're from different generations of heroes, but i was like, hey, what the hell this sounds cute. And man oh man, it was all down hill from there.
I read more TimKon fic, and just fell in love with them. But i was also... confused. Like... why do these two guys have such a robust fanbase... wheres the link.
THAT is what pushed me to start reading Detective Comics Comics for the first time. I wanted to get to know these guys For Real, and the only way to do that was by digging into the source material.
This post is So long oh shit. I have thoughts about How I got to know the kiddos & how the comics i read (as well as the order i read them in) have influenced my understandings of these little guys. But i think thats a post for another day. I have other things to do than write out a post about my media consumption habits
o7 signing off.
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matoitech · 4 years
also rly thinking a Lot tonight about how the burnish r written, the writing of the promare, how i wish trigger had considered both angles of the promare leaving which Says Things or the promare staying which Says Things and i get why they went the route they did bc w their mixed metaphors esp w the promare as a closest allegory 2 infectious diseases (tho its not supposed to 1:1 mirror or parallel anything).. literally ‘the planet/ppl r healing’ makes sense in the context of its CLOSEST metaphor being 2 disease which. man u could.. talk about that being a Weird metaphor already esp when u have like. man we hate 2 say it but w all the visual imagery and 80s and gay ppl ur kind of connecting it 2 the aids epidemic whether u want it 2 or not. and thats. i have not wanted 2 try n unpack that and i dont think i ever will bc i think its just.. writers not thinking hard enough and i dont rly WANT to follow thru any of its conclusions? im sure some things were intentional but its hard 4 me 2 figure out what was and wasnt, and its just not like, a fun topic or smth i feel like i Know enough about to rly talk about w any degree of authority
so like in the context of Healing.. i get it as smth that goes away 4 the better, but i just, automatically have kind of a rejection to the thought of a ‘difference’ in ppl being shot in2 another dimension and oh ur normal now sorry for trying to kill all of u lol we shouldnt have done that :) instead of the promare and burnish staying and r integrated in2 the rebuilt society which is like.. generally my preference since i think its.. LESS messy than the promare leaving? tho i think as soon as u even mention the closest allegory being infectious diseases n how ppl r ostracized bc of that. youre in some very weird territory bc like.. fire powers.. infectious diseases....  this is why i dont rly care 2 talk abt allegory w the burnish n promare bc nothing rly works and i agree w the writers saying dont try to attribute it 2 anything irl bc its not a 1:1 (but heres the Closest approximation we could think of) but even that approximation doesnt hold up. one of the prmr things i dont feel like i have like, the capability or knowledge to feel comfortable talking about it and Deciding on whether smth was a good idea or not.
i dont have a conclusion im just talking 2 myself im just thinking abt it bc a couple ppl have mentioned ‘i think trigger did a good thing w sending the promare away’ on my posts abt how trigger shouldve had the promare stay. and i have been thinking abt that, bc i think its worth considering, abt Why it felt like it didnt work to me and what couldve made that decision feel better. i think abt how the script shouldve gone thru at least another pass and things shouldve been sharpened wrt writing. i get its not supposed 2 rly b a metaphor 4 anything but i feel like it didnt have 2 b this confusing when u rly start digging in2 it. if this doesnt make sense thats fine its very confusing in my brain as well thats why ive been trying 2 work this one out since i.. watched it rly
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facialgirl2017-blog · 6 years
Kala and Wolfgang: Why they were supposed to be “Ride or Die” (and why Love Did NOT Conquer All)
I know there is war right now among the fandom: those who loved every bit of the finale, and those of us who are bitter, angry, and feel betrayed over what happened with 1 of the 2 left unresolved story arcs going into the finale.
As we all know, the two major story arcs going into the finale that still needed to be finalized were: The takedown of BPO/Freeing Wolfgang/Revenge on Lila and Whispers. You could possibly break these into 3 sep arcs but I consider them to be 1 since Wolfgang was being held hostage and tortured by BPO and Lila and Whispers although working for their own self interests, were also working for BPO.
Overall, I think the resolution of this was good, I give it a rating of 7/10. There were a few things I was not crazy about: First, who was the chairman? When his face was revealed, he was no one we had ever seen, so why the big reveal? Second, before we could possibly find out who exactly he was and what his true motivations were, his brains were blown out. Really, we couldnt have gotten some info there, first? Also, I felt the killing of Lila and Whispers was somewhat anti-climatic. Though I love that Will/Wolfgang ended them together and I love the reappearance of Wolfgang’s rocket launcher, I was expecting or would have preferred some dramatic words exchanged first between them, some words of goodbye before killing them. Or even better, for Kala/Wolfgang to have killed Lila together. That would have been poetic. And 3rd, I felt the reason given behind Whispers zombie project, his motivations was weak and didnt make sense to me, JMHO. Though IMO what did happen wasnt the best, it was still decent.
Anyway, moving on, the other story arc going into the finale: Wolfgang and Kala finally truly being together at last and Rajan discovering the truth! Being that I am a GIANT Kalagang fan (literally my favorite tv couple of ALL TIME), I must say that I do love EVERY couple in Sense8, but Kalagang reigns supreme. And from everything I have seen on social media, they seemed to be THE MOST POPULAR COUPLE ON SENSE8. Surely Lana had known this, even though she doesnt do social media. They were also the only couple (except for Sun and Mun) that were not a solid couple still yet going into the finale. We had no worries of all the solid couples breaking up. Which in a way, is refreshing for a tv show cause so often couples are constantly torn apart and if you are lucky, put back together or always in angst. It was great that Nomi/Neets, Hernando/Lito, Will/Riley, etc never were in jeopardy. So I, like myself, expected a HUGE payoff for Kala and Wolfgang in the finale. They were the only couple that were in constant angst throughout all of season 1 and 2. And bravo to Max and Tina, for being able to keep that explosive chemistry alive throughout all 2 seasons.
Why should there have been a huge payoff for this couple you might ask me? Well, because of their character dev throughout both seasons. From the moment they saw each other for the first time, just like Will and Riley, they were in love (that is because in sensate world, some cluster mates are predestined to be together, I think so anyway) BOTH of these couples were predestined to be together in this cluster. Why was it so much more difficult for Kala and Wolfgang to be together than it was for Will and Riley? Because Kala was already about to be married to someone else, and Wolfgang was entrapped in a life of mob danger and a life of being treated like garbage by his crap abusive and violent family. Like he said in the finale, he always thought he was not worth it. Which is the main reason why he never loved a woman before, until Kala.
Kala was a woman who was afraid of herself, afraid of all the facets of herself and what and who she wanted in life. she was a people pleaser, and a very moral person (nothing wrong with that!). A person of faith (I really liked btw that at least one of the sensies was religious, though in reality more than 1 of them should be. And I am by no means a religious person, but that would have been more realistic since 95% of the worlds population is, but I digress).
These two characters could not be more opposite, but yet were perfect compliments of each other. From the very beginning, they were constantly drawn to each other while (in season 1 esp) having not much sensate connection with the others in their cluster. They each gave the other what they were lacking. And through this growing love and attraction to each other, Wolfgang was opening up to being more of the good person he truly was inside while Kala was growing more into being the brave, firey woman she truly was inside.
The only logical and expected conclusion to what was going to happen in the finale was that they would save Wolfgang. Kala and Wolfgang would finally meet in person, they would finally consumate their love in person, and after Rajan found out everything that was going on, Kala would nicely break up with Rajan, ending their marriage but probably remaining friends. But nope, that is not what we got.
At the end of ep 2x11, we had Kala finally CHOOSE WOLFGANG CHOOSE THEIR LOVE FOR EACH OTHER. She was brave, and she was totally going to tell Rajan except that Rajan didnt give her a chance to say anything and shipped her off. Never once during any episode did Kala ever tell Rajan that she loved him. It was obvious she cared for him, but we were never led to believe she was also in love with him as well as Wolfgang. Everytime she was conflicted with her choice, what she was always saying about this conflict was: choosing between her love for Wolfgang, or choosing the life and obligation she had with Rajan. Also that she doesnt like to hurt people and felt bad about hurting Rajan because he was a good man. Never once did Kala EVER say she was in love with both and that was her dilemma. Had that been the case, then I could totally understand her in the finale, choosing both. But that was not the case.
In the finale, Rajan was such an after thought to her that in the first couple of weeks they were in Paris trying to rescue Wolfgang, she NEVER CONTACTED RAJAN IN ANY WAY. It apparently didnt even occur to her, nor did she care enough to do so. Rajan had to contact her, and when he did, she panicked. He shows up, and is very understanding of the whole sensorium reveal, but now suddenly Kala does not have the courage to tell him about her love for Wolfgang? When she was going to tell him before she left for europe?
When Rajan arrived and Kala talked to him, we are left with the impression that she left out that her and Wolfgang were in love with each other. Then later as we see, Rajan seems to know what is going on, though we dont know how. Did she tell him but that part got cut from the ep. or did he figure it out on his own by watching everything that was playing out? Or did Will or Riley or someone else tell him? We dont know, but I assume he either figured it out on his own or Will or someone spilled the beans, cause in that moment of opportunity, Kala choked. This was the start of Kala inexplicibly reverting back to her season 1 self.
Rajan decides to stay and help (or more like tag along) with the cluster to help them on their mission. During this time, are we supposed to believe that Kala has somehow quickly fallen in love with Raj as well? She still never tells him that she loves him, and he has done nothing extraordinary for her to do so. The only thing I see is Kala developing more appreciation and admiration for him for being so understanding, supportive, and taking everything in stride. And Raj should be commended for that. but that is not true love. Sorry but it is not.
Kala again has the opportunity to really tell or show Raj her true heart for Wolfgang, to truly reveal her truth and herself to him. When she arrives at the chateau to greet both him and wolfgang. She could have and should have redeemed herself here, and give Wolfgang the greeting he truly deserved. But nope, cowardice completely consumes her again. But I have to ask: WHY? There is no reason for this cowardice. Rajan already knows (somehow) at this point about Wolfgang. It was nice that she hugged and kissed Raj, but then she gives Wolfgang the kiss she wants to give him via visiting instead of in person. This made me so angry I wanted to throw a shoe at the tv! (I almost did!) yes she did give Wolf a really great hug in front of Raj, but she should have kissed him as well (and maybe at this time also tell Raj adios? In a nice way, of course). But she didnt. Second opportunity gone.
After that we get no real life physical love-in between Kalagang until Kala is shot and almost dies. Finally she and Wolf kiss in real life. But Raj is there (seriously?) and she has to make him feel good and important. To me that ruined the entire intimate moment of love between Kalagang. (another imaginary shoe thrown at the tv)
Last real opportunity for Kala to find her courage was at the wedding. I really expected it to happen here. I expected there to be a romantic scene between Kalagang, a grand gesture of love for everyone to see. Nope, didnt get that. All we got was them dancing together in the distance, Kala holding hands with Raj during the ceremony, Will asking Kala what is her choice and Kala shrugging her shoulders as if this is just a silly little choice (A CHOICE SHE ALREADY MADE BEFORE LEAVING FOR PARIS) and then one of the other clustermates ( I forget who) asking Wolfgang about it and him shrugging his shoulders as if it is no big deal to him who or when Kala finally chooses! WHAT??? This makes ZERO sense! This honestly ruined the whole wedding for me. It really did which also makes me mad!
This is long so I will briefly touch on why Raj and Wolf were also out of character for this whole thing. Wolfgang throughout the season is a Ride or Die kind of a guy. Extremely loyal and will do anything for the people who truly loves. he shows this over and over. He is like that with Felix, with his mother(in the flashback)  with all of the cluster, and with Kala. He is so ride and die that he has killed several of his close relatives for justice. He pressured Kala into choosing at the end of season 2. He basically said to her “stop playing games, now or never” (not a quote from him, just the feeling behind what he actually said) and he even told Kala “pretending isnt a life” this man has NEVER pretended who he was EVER in his life. But now he is going along with this pretend threeesome? Umm no that makes ZERO sense. The love between him and Kala was so deep, they were both willing to Romeo/ Juliet duo suicide for each other, but suddenly “meh, she can stay married to Raj and I will share her on the weekends”? No, I dont think so, that completely goes against everything Wolfgang is and always has been.
And I also dont believe Raj would go along with this. Yes he has always loved Kala even though he has always known that she did not reciprocate the same intensity of feelings for him and he just went along with it anyways. But we must remember, he did try to give her an out a couple of times in season 1 and also during their honeymoon. he also even said in 2x11 that he fully understands the future of their marriage is uncertain and he is fine with that. Also, I am pretty sure that indian men are not accustomed to sharing their wives with other men. Not to mention, I think Raj has enough self esteem to want a better and more complete love from a woman for himself. And being he loves Kala so much, he should love her enough to want her to go with her true love. I honestly think he would want that. Raj would not settle for this limbo, either. He could not be happy in the short or long term, taking turns with Wolfgang for Kala’s affection and attention.
So this shotty conclusion is just so wrong in so many ways and goes against all 3 characters and their entire story arc. Lana throws all of that away that she did with these characters previously, just so she can shatter societal norms by saying “why should a woman have to choose?” If that was your true intentions all along, Lana (which is obvious it was not) then you would have written their story development A LOT differently throughout the two seasons. Kala left immediately to go rescue Wolfgang, she cared less about her husband until he showed up. She broke through blockers and sedatives to connect with Wolf, she was willing to kill herself for him, Wolfgang felt he was not worth it and Kala assured him that he was, but yet despite all of that she cant find the courage to tell Rajan I want a divorce, I need to be with the man that I love? You titled the episode “Love Conquers All” yet you contradict yourself in the finale with this story, but showing that love does not conquer all. It was not even able to conquer a silly fear of speaking the truth and letting another person down. In the end you did a great disservice to all 3 characters, but Kala in particular. You who say are a champion for strong women, made her weak, cowardice, and selfish in the end. You had her basically show Wolfgang through her actions (or lack of actions) that he actually was not worth it. Shame on you, Lana. And that is why we kalagang fans are really let down by the finale.
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larksinging · 7 years
oh yeah i watched the uhhh rock river production of heathers since its nice quality and here are my thoughts
its not one of the versions that changed blue so dodged a bullet? 
actually seeing it in a decent quality is... really nice. you can see a lot of the expressions! it’s cool
normally a pretty limited set works fine for heathers but i found the lockers almost a little distracting? like in dead girl walking or our love is god it’s almost funny that the lockers are just, there
i felt the costumes on the main girls felt a little off? i can’t quite place it. maybe it was veronica’s weird pattern shirt 
the costumes on the minor characters and background ensemble were ON POINT though 
some mic issues.... 
the performances were all pretty good though 
the choreography is really nice? like esp on the ensemble pieces, i think i prefer this version’s choreography
they added a lot of really nice little physical moments between the heathers (and veronica) that actually make them seem more like friends. like mac helps duke up after duke gets pushed in candy store, they all act like friends in the background of big fun, veronica actually tries harder to catch chandler when she dies, and of course chandler being all over duke in big fun
honestly just watch the heathers in any given scene/song they’re just in the background. they’re great
they changed the “heather touching me” line to give it to kurt and ram in me inside of me. 0/10 no lesbians
idk if it was being able to see the expressions, the actor, or the direction, but they gave jd a few little things that made him come off as kind of a smug douchebag, which i thought was a neat touch. he’s like somewhere between the original run’s jd and movie jd 
i actually can’t remember if this happens in the bootleg everyone watches, but in the uhhh okay after jd blackmails duke and she goes “nobody cares about martha”, which martha overhears, they have jd notice martha and just walk away coldly. i thought that was a nice touch that makes it harsher
there’s a few lines that are tweaked but none that i would say are a real detriment. actually in big fun they have the “salt, then lime, then shot” be by mac and she compliments veronica instead, which was nice? 
in dead girl walking reprise they have the ensemble stomping which is something i didnt know i needed until right then
they kind of changed the section between dead girl walking reprise and i am damaged. i can’t place my finger on it, but it felt a touch more rushed
tl;dr it was a pretty good version and definitely worth the watch. the mic issue is really the biggest problem, if you like heathers and were considering it just go for it since it’s just on youtube. most of the differences were just neat little things. i enjoyed it! 
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bestillmybeefyheart · 7 years
As an amateur "pro level" photographer who shoots film, I live and play in a pretty crazy world where my competition is 50x better then me and I am surrounded by 200x the people with nicer digital cameras. Reading the news every morning, which I have tailored to show photography news as well as tech, it's like a punch to the balls each day. I see more and more people taking photos and more and more getting recognized and awarded and featured, and I'll be honest it kind of pisses me off. It's partly my fault, I don't shoot for awards or accolades, I don't shoot for money, I do it because I like old cameras and film. And In years past I shot hundreds of rolls a year, all developed by me and shared them on Lomography, competing with a lot of really great "nobodies" like me and a few one-gimmick shooters who everyone oohhhs and aaahhhs over their 5 shots they post a year that are the same damn thing over and over. That and the big names in the Lomography world make it hard to compete. THen of course the Lomography magazine features a lot of digital people (on a film site) shooting their lenses, usually people who arent even Lomographers, and then there's more competition and "Why didnt they let ME shoot that new lens/camera?". Of course I get to shoot protoytypes and unreleased gear too but I can't tell anyone or share my work. But it seems like I am slowly losing my grip on what was once an area of hobby and fun for me, one I was in the top of, all because of 2 things... I got sick and couldnt shoot film to post or like others pics. And digital keeps getting better. I have shot a TON of Instax Mini using my LomoInstant Automat this year, it's easy, quick, and for a sick person, much easier then trying to go out and walk and shoot.. esp when walking is painful, and for a few months my GI system was not happy so even getting out was nearly impossible. Ive still managed to keep shooting. I also think my style is one of the reasons I am not a top rated photographer. I don't shoot perfect photos every time and only share the best of the best of the best like some do. I snap anything and everything and share EVERYTHING. Seriously, if I take 28 pics and 2 are great, 15 are soso and the rest suck, you see them all, all together. Because I shoot for the heart and soul not to win some award or competition. When I scan film, I crop and straighten to compensate for the scanning process (my film scanner doesnt exactly hold film straight sometimes) and I sharpen a tad to compensate for loss from scanning, but minus an occassional dust or spot removal, and maybe a tiny exposure bump if I screwed up when developing (or the film was older then I shot for), I dont mess with my shots. Vs many of those out there, esp the digital pray and spray generation, they edit the **** out of their works. And because digital has gotten so good and so affordable, its getting harder and harder to stand out. Anyone with a modern mobile phone has a class A camera now, and anyone with a few hundred $$$ can buy a really nice digital DSLR or mirrorless even used, and do amazing works. The mirrorless ones especially since they can also use inexpensive adapters to shoot vintage lenses, giving the pack yet another edge. I have 2 digitals myself in addition to my 80+ film cameras and hundred plus lenses... one is a mirrorless which I literally have every adapter for every kind of lens made for. Even though I have 2 perfectly good native lenses, I shoot M Mount, M42, Nikon F and G, Pentax, Canon, LTM, and many more kinds of lenses on it when I do use it. Ironically, my most used lens on that particular body is their cheapest more barebones native lens. And that body is 3 years old now I think, very outdated and not even fullframe, so it's showing its age. And yet I keep going back to film. I have loads of the stuff filling my freezer, fridge and office, camera bags filled with it and cameras and lenses to grab and go for shoots at anytime, and I still don't get out like I used to due to my leg/foot. I've considered selling most of it, getting a nice new mirrorless, and doing mostly digital, but I cant help but hold onto the film. Even if I am a nobody taking nothing photos at this point... I still treasure that process from picking a camera and some film, to going out to shoot it, coming home and developing and then scanning it. I could pop off a few hundred digital shots. Sure. But 1 roll of film is worth 1000 digital shots to me. And I am learning to face and accept the fact that I am not nor will I ever be a super star in photography. And I am trying to learn not to be pissed when some rando pops off some shots that get awards when I think the shots are just soso at best. I keep reminding myself its not a game, its an experience. It's just an experience. And I have to keep my eye on that fact because Im never goingto be Ansel Adams and I dont want to be. I just want to have fun.
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alienvirals · 7 years
The X-Files episode two recap with an autopsy and aliens, all’s well
Kicking off with a mysterious death and some admirably tasteless shocks, the new season is picking up although William, Scullys son, remains annoying
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I havent known pleasure for quite some time
The second, much improved episode of the X-Files reboot after last nights mildly appalling agglomeration of false starts begins on a perfectly series-appropriate note, which is to say a gruesome death by invisible means. The first thing after the last-on recap we see in the latest hour, Founders Mutation, is Dr Sanjay, a harried-looking scientist guy with some broken blood vessels in his eye. He departs this plane of existence five minutes in by dint of a none-too-comfortable-looking letter opener in the ear, apparently self-inflicted. Its good to be back.
The episode then follows a lot of the conventions of an old-fashioned detective movie: postmortem investigation of the subjects secret life, and then the larger conspiracy obscuring its most important elements. Sanjay tells his work buddy on the way in that he hasnt known pleasure for quite some time but that appears to be only partly true: hes in the closet, and his hook-up buddy is codenamed Gupta, which we are told is marathi for secret. (Sanjay and his boyfriend Gupta, though? Could the scientists surname not have been Patel or something?)
Thus begins the investigation, a touch abruptly, since theres a lot of connective tissue missing between the first two episodes. At the end of My Struggle, were told that the X-Files have been reopened in the final shot, but by the next day (although who knows how long in TV time) Mulder and Scully have been reinstated completely and are waving badges around and arguing with officious Department of Defense guys trying to abridge their investigation in the name of security clearance.
But frankly, this is what I signed up for: Scully does an autopsy, Mulder steals a cell phone (and then argues with Scully about whether hes invading Sanjays privacy or not) and the two walk around a dark apartment with their Maglites out instead of turning on the lights. Much is right with the world.
Find her
The death which isnt exactly a murder is the fault of a teenage kid with superpowers whos trying to find his twin sister; because this is The X-Files shes of course held in a sterile windowless laboratory by an evil scientist working for the DoD with dozens of other children, a lot of them with deformities.
This feels like the right place to point out that the episode is written and directed by James Wong, not merely a TV vet going back to 21 Jump Street and one of the better writers on the original X-Files (he co-wrote the classic episode Tooms with Glen Morgan, among many others), but also the director of the popular Final Destination horror movie franchise. The X-Files isnt exactly a horror series, but it isnt exactly not a horror series, either.
The central gimmick of the episode that theres a character who remains largely unseen until the last few minutes who causes crazy, in Sanjays case terminal headaches as he uses his ESP is visualized in a very clever and simple way: as the victim (first Sanjay, then Mulder) writhes in pain, the other people in the room appear to be saying what the off-screen mutant is trying to communicate to him, in Mulders case, the words Find her. Its something a horror director would come up with, and its very effective.
The most important thing to remember is that I love you
And it would all have been fine if we didnt start getting flashbacks of Mulder and Scullys kid, William, far and away the least interesting thing that ever happened in the final few seasons of the shows original run. I guess the kid has alien DNA, too, since it was revealed in episode one that Scully has.
In practice it seems to mean that the kid turns into a monster during his teenage years, which I call par for the course. The flashbacks, though, are ridiculous, forced, and adulterate what was for about 25-minutes a pretty compelling monster-of-the-week story. (I infinitely preferred the monster-of-the-week episodes of The X-Files to the grander conspiracy episodes.) If you are a person capable of taking the latter seriously and had some kind of emotional investment in William, I apologize for this and all future recaps of the X-Files, because I hate him so, so much.
Anderson has an unbearably syrupy scene with William (whether flashback or dream, it looks like it was inserted very late in post-production indeed) in which she tells him as he heads off to school that the most important thing to remember is that I love you, because thats a thing Scully apparently says easily and with none of her trademark iciness when William is in the frame; Gillian Anderson is a wonderful actor but its hard to play completely against your character. Theres a better flashback with Mulder that includes some freaking out over Williams terrifying physical changes, but both reek distinctly of having been shoehorned by Carter into an otherwise interesting episode.
We choose to go to the moon
Because this is The X-Files, things dont get less complicated, but they do get back on track, sort of. With everybody talking about The Founder Mulder and Scully finally finagle a meeting with him hes Dr Goldman (Doug Savant, a blast from the 90s all by himself many nostalgia-seekers will remember him as Melrose Places Matt Fielding), a creepy dude with creepy obsessions involved in a creepy baby-stealing plot.
Said plot may or may not (prediction: it will) involve Scullys own weird immaculate conception of William, but Wong uses it to create some genuinely disturbing moments including a DIY abortion scene that leaps boldly across the bounds of good taste; he also directs a scene of superpowered twins reuniting at the end of the episode thats straight out of an X-Men movie and well worth putting up with the missteps.
And look, if you really like William, theres a genuinely sweet scene between him and Mulder at the end of the episode in which the two launch a model rocket and Mulder quotes JFKs we choose to go to the moon speech to him … and a shocking revelation about what happened to him, if you think that a show repeatedly revealing that everyone on it was abducted by aliens (or, I guess, using alien technology, if were buying Carters retcon from last episode) is shocking.
Part of the trouble with this reboot is that The X-Files predates serialization and Netflix bingeing, so its possible to see all the shows flaws in stark relief. As I say, the show kind of perfected a sort of horror mini-movie style of TV, and its a little disappointing to see it mired in nonsense while its trying to reinvigorate that form. There are very, very few dramas Black Mirror, maybe, and a couple of others trying to do anything but serialisation at the moment. I have high hopes for next weeks episode, which colleagues tell me is the best of the bunch so far.
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
The post The X-Files episode two recap with an autopsy and aliens, all’s well appeared first on AlienVirals.com - Latest Alien & UFO News.
from AlienVirals.com – Latest Alien & UFO News http://www.alienvirals.com/the-x-files-episode-two-recap-with-an-autopsy-and-aliens-alls-well-3/
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alienvirals · 8 years
The X-Files episode two recap with an autopsy and aliens, all’s well
Kicking off with a mysterious death and some admirably tasteless shocks, the new season is picking up although William, Scullys son, remains annoying
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I havent known pleasure for quite some time
The second, much improved episode of the X-Files reboot after last nights mildly appalling agglomeration of false starts begins on a perfectly series-appropriate note, which is to say a gruesome death by invisible means. The first thing after the last-on recap we see in the latest hour, Founders Mutation, is Dr Sanjay, a harried-looking scientist guy with some broken blood vessels in his eye. He departs this plane of existence five minutes in by dint of a none-too-comfortable-looking letter opener in the ear, apparently self-inflicted. Its good to be back.
The episode then follows a lot of the conventions of an old-fashioned detective movie: postmortem investigation of the subjects secret life, and then the larger conspiracy obscuring its most important elements. Sanjay tells his work buddy on the way in that he hasnt known pleasure for quite some time but that appears to be only partly true: hes in the closet, and his hook-up buddy is codenamed Gupta, which we are told is marathi for secret. (Sanjay and his boyfriend Gupta, though? Could the scientists surname not have been Patel or something?)
Thus begins the investigation, a touch abruptly, since theres a lot of connective tissue missing between the first two episodes. At the end of My Struggle, were told that the X-Files have been reopened in the final shot, but by the next day (although who knows how long in TV time) Mulder and Scully have been reinstated completely and are waving badges around and arguing with officious Department of Defense guys trying to abridge their investigation in the name of security clearance.
But frankly, this is what I signed up for: Scully does an autopsy, Mulder steals a cell phone (and then argues with Scully about whether hes invading Sanjays privacy or not) and the two walk around a dark apartment with their Maglites out instead of turning on the lights. Much is right with the world.
Find her
The death which isnt exactly a murder is the fault of a teenage kid with superpowers whos trying to find his twin sister; because this is The X-Files shes of course held in a sterile windowless laboratory by an evil scientist working for the DoD with dozens of other children, a lot of them with deformities.
This feels like the right place to point out that the episode is written and directed by James Wong, not merely a TV vet going back to 21 Jump Street and one of the better writers on the original X-Files (he co-wrote the classic episode Tooms with Glen Morgan, among many others), but also the director of the popular Final Destination horror movie franchise. The X-Files isnt exactly a horror series, but it isnt exactly not a horror series, either.
The central gimmick of the episode that theres a character who remains largely unseen until the last few minutes who causes crazy, in Sanjays case terminal headaches as he uses his ESP is visualized in a very clever and simple way: as the victim (first Sanjay, then Mulder) writhes in pain, the other people in the room appear to be saying what the off-screen mutant is trying to communicate to him, in Mulders case, the words Find her. Its something a horror director would come up with, and its very effective.
The most important thing to remember is that I love you
And it would all have been fine if we didnt start getting flashbacks of Mulder and Scullys kid, William, far and away the least interesting thing that ever happened in the final few seasons of the shows original run. I guess the kid has alien DNA, too, since it was revealed in episode one that Scully has.
In practice it seems to mean that the kid turns into a monster during his teenage years, which I call par for the course. The flashbacks, though, are ridiculous, forced, and adulterate what was for about 25-minutes a pretty compelling monster-of-the-week story. (I infinitely preferred the monster-of-the-week episodes of The X-Files to the grander conspiracy episodes.) If you are a person capable of taking the latter seriously and had some kind of emotional investment in William, I apologize for this and all future recaps of the X-Files, because I hate him so, so much.
Anderson has an unbearably syrupy scene with William (whether flashback or dream, it looks like it was inserted very late in post-production indeed) in which she tells him as he heads off to school that the most important thing to remember is that I love you, because thats a thing Scully apparently says easily and with none of her trademark iciness when William is in the frame; Gillian Anderson is a wonderful actor but its hard to play completely against your character. Theres a better flashback with Mulder that includes some freaking out over Williams terrifying physical changes, but both reek distinctly of having been shoehorned by Carter into an otherwise interesting episode.
We choose to go to the moon
Because this is The X-Files, things dont get less complicated, but they do get back on track, sort of. With everybody talking about The Founder Mulder and Scully finally finagle a meeting with him hes Dr Goldman (Doug Savant, a blast from the 90s all by himself many nostalgia-seekers will remember him as Melrose Places Matt Fielding), a creepy dude with creepy obsessions involved in a creepy baby-stealing plot.
Said plot may or may not (prediction: it will) involve Scullys own weird immaculate conception of William, but Wong uses it to create some genuinely disturbing moments including a DIY abortion scene that leaps boldly across the bounds of good taste; he also directs a scene of superpowered twins reuniting at the end of the episode thats straight out of an X-Men movie and well worth putting up with the missteps.
And look, if you really like William, theres a genuinely sweet scene between him and Mulder at the end of the episode in which the two launch a model rocket and Mulder quotes JFKs we choose to go to the moon speech to him … and a shocking revelation about what happened to him, if you think that a show repeatedly revealing that everyone on it was abducted by aliens (or, I guess, using alien technology, if were buying Carters retcon from last episode) is shocking.
Part of the trouble with this reboot is that The X-Files predates serialization and Netflix bingeing, so its possible to see all the shows flaws in stark relief. As I say, the show kind of perfected a sort of horror mini-movie style of TV, and its a little disappointing to see it mired in nonsense while its trying to reinvigorate that form. There are very, very few dramas Black Mirror, maybe, and a couple of others trying to do anything but serialisation at the moment. I have high hopes for next weeks episode, which colleagues tell me is the best of the bunch so far.
Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/us
The post The X-Files episode two recap with an autopsy and aliens, all’s well appeared first on AlienVirals.com - Latest Alien & UFO News.
from AlienVirals.com – Latest Alien & UFO News http://www.alienvirals.com/the-x-files-episode-two-recap-with-an-autopsy-and-aliens-alls-well-2/
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