#...... sure sev thanks i'm gonna go throw up now
fooltofancy · 1 year
kind of past me to schedule days off around surprise disciplinary hr meetings
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matthew-severide · 8 months
We can chat on tumblr chat what have been your favorite episodes in Chicago fire are you OK with love sences. Just wondering.
Awesome! Some of my favourite episode would have to be...
Season 1 Episode 1 - I hate that Andy died but honestly I find it adorable how Matt and Kelly fight like a couple! Like seriously! It's like they broke up over Andy's death and still wanna be together. And how Kelly sneaks a piece of the corned beef from the fridge at the end. "Oh god it's so good!"
Season 2 Episode 13 - Where they have the blackout and everyone comes to stay at the firehouse. Matt is having memory loss issues and Kelly just seems so worried and internally protective of him.
Season 2 Episode 20 - The explosion at the charity run. Matt and Kelly's commentary is hilarious when they are under the rubble looking for Gabby. "Casey if we don't find a place big enough to turn around were gonna have to do all this backwards." "were gonna be smart about this now?" "er... No... Keep going"
Season 3 Episode 3 - The collision between Truck 81 and Truck 66. Kelly climbs up and says "You okay Case?" like what about everyone else? Giggles.
Season 3 Episode 4 - The subway shooting Kelly was involved in. This is actually the episode that inspired me to write my story The Journey Of 3 To 81.
Season 3 Episode 19 - Chicago Med on lockdown because the guy claiming to have the deadly virus explodes himself. Kelly was so heroic and Matt was so worried about him.
Season 4 Episode 8 - Herrmann rescues a robot! Not! It's a tortoise! So cool!!!
Season 5 Episode 4 - Matt is in the warehouse doing an inspection and the forklift driver bust open a chemical tank. Matt is so quick and saves the father and daughter. He digs through a wall with a chair leg! Kelly shows up and is calling for him and Matt calling out to him. So intense! Sparks were LITERALLY flying!
Season 5 Episode 8 - After Matt and Gabby say "I do" Kelly grabs Matts butt! I'm not even sure if that is supposed to be seen or is Taylor was joking around on set and they just left it in.
Season 7 Episode 10 - Matts apartment has burned down and he receives an offer from Kelly to move in with him. Need I say more?
Season 7 Episode 13 - The polar plunge and Kelly takes Matt out for date night. This is the episode that inspired me to write my story Call You Sev.
Season 7 Episode 14 - The chili cook off. Kelly and Matt cooking together is adorable. And Ritter and Tuesday as a team? That's just too adorable!
Season 8 Episode 3 - Where they get the new high tech call system. This always makes me laugh. Especially when Boden throws it out the door!
Season 8 Episode 4 - The infection episode. After they are cleaning up from the fire at the college, Kelly and Kidd are having a moment. All you hear is "Kelly get over here! Boden wants to talk to us" it's almost like Matt was jealous. It makes me giggle.
Season 8 Episode 13 - This one ALWAYS makes me cry. Where the elderly couple just moved to Chicago! There house burns down. The wife doesn't survive. Matt and Sylvie go find the man's cat Dusty. Then the tear jerker. Everyone shows up at the funeral to show the man the true Chicago support.
Season 8 Episode 20 - Capp is injured. Kelly and Matt go visit him and go to the doctor with him. It's so sweet.
Sorry thats a really long list. If you read all of that I'm so happy. If not I really don't blame you. I have autism and I kinda hyperfixated on your question. I love Chicago Fire!
My favourite ship is Sevasey. I don't really like Stella Kidd at all.
I'm totally OK with love scenes. My fanfics are proof of that.
Thanks for the ASK! Love you!
💙 Xandy
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multi-fan-dom-madness · 7 months
hello there~ for the OC x OC game may I please slide CMO Voodoo to you? (rhyme fully intended)
details on my magic medic man: CMO for the Corries, will sedate first and ask questions later, straightforward, he's a healer but he will throw hands, loves new techniques & new tech just as much as old Mandalorian remedies, research is fun, field work isn't. whip smart, morbid sense of humor. doesn’t trust easily, but is devoted and loyal once he trusts someone.
platonic or romantic works for me ❤️🤍 I’m so stoked to see who you pair with dr. blorbo
Sev! okay I'm gonna just go with my first instinct on this because the more I think about it, the more I love it.
Please imagine with me, Voodoo and Rowan 👀
These two would end up being very, very good friends. Rowan probably would meet most of the Corries as a new Knight awaiting assignment on Triple Zero. It's a slow evening in Corrie HQ, even slower in the Temple, and Rowan is bored out of their Maker-damned mind. They end up in the medcenter just from wandering around, and are a little surprised to find the CMO still working, typing away on a datapad.
Voodoo would take a while to warm up, I'm sure, but Rowan just has a way of disarming the people they interact with, and often becomes fast friends with folks. Even if Voodoo was a little bit standoffish longer than Rowan expects, they're patient. Probably get Voodoo's comm frequency just to keep in touch with their new friend once they get assigned to a different battalion and ship out.
Rowan isn't on 000 very often, but when they are, they make it a point to spend quality time with their bff. Rowan's sense of practical humor mixed with Voodoo's gallows humor? Dangerous combination, and if they're hanging out in the Corrie barracks, all the clones are in tears from laughing so hard. And while Rowan is more than happy to prank anyone Voodoo asks them to, Voodoo himself is off limits in Rowan's mind. There are some friends you just don't fuck with.
Rowan's love language, whether in romantic or platonic relationships, is gift giving, so they often find new healing plants while out on campaign and bring them back for Voodoo to study and incorporate into his healing toolkit.
And now I'm soft thinking about Rowan being Voodoo's wingman. "Hey, I'm a Jedi, I can't have attachments. That doesn't mean I can't help you form some >:)"
thank you so much for the ask, bestie! I hope enjoy these HCs!
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honey, i’m just trying to find my way to you
"Cute, but you had your chance."
When Tony realizes that he may have had an opportunity to date Ziva at some point during all the years they've known one other, he sets out to see if his chance is really gone after all. (set at the end of 10x4, "Lost at Sea")
↳ for @pro-bee​, because this fic was started months ago after I was inspired by this simple but thought-provoking post 
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"Opened up my guitar case and all the songs were blue / I haunted all the alleys / Lord, I drifted down the valleys / Honey, I'm just trying to find my way to you."
— Gregory Alan Isakov, "Suitcase Full of Sparks"
"Ziva," Borin cuts in, interrupting Tony's awkward attempt to save face after Ziva outed the reality of he and McGee's 'hot Friday night dates'. "Drink?"
"Yes," Ziva agrees quickly, a smug smile rising to her lips as her teammates blink at her. "Thank you." She turns pointedly back to Tony and Mcgee. "Finally, someone has the decency to ask me to join them!"
She brushes past them both as Borin gives Gibbs a brief wave of goodbye, and she and her friend walk toward the elevator. Behind them, McGee and Tony are just starting to sort through that interaction.
"That's what this was about?" Tony realizes.
"She set us up because we didn't ask her out in the first place. How did we miss that?" McGee echoes.
Ziva rolls her eyes, and she and Borin snort and exchange looks when they hear Gibbs' response. "Better question is how are you gonna fix it?"
"Something tells me we're about to have company after all," Borin speculates wryly, and she's almost immediately proven right.
"Hold that door!" comes Tony's voice, right before the rest of him appears and blocks the progress of the closing car doors. "Oh, I'm in, I'm in." McGee follows right after.
Ziva raises her eyebrows at Borin. "They seem to think they are still invited to join us," she observes.
"We're not?" Tony asks, but he is soundly ignored.
"I think you're right," Borin agrees with Ziva as if no one has spoken. "What should we do? Do we let them come along?"
Ziva shrugs. "They were awfully rude, and they lied."
"That's true."
"Would it help if we say we're sorry?" McGee cuts in sheepishly.
"It certainly would not hurt," Ziva replies, finally acknowledging at least one of the men in the elevator.
"We are sorry. Really sorry," Tony says immediately, elbowing McGee. "Right, Elf Lord?"
McGee gives Tony a dirty look and massages his side. "Of course we are."
"They seem sincere enough to me… but it's up to you, Ziva," Borin offers, smirking.
"Hm… alright. They can come—but they are both on thin mice."
"Thin ice," McGee corrects. "Thanks, Ziva."
Ziva shakes her head in feigned exasperation and smiles. "McGee, just consider asking me out the next time you make 'Friday night date' plans again, yes?"
For some reason, that makes Tony look sharply at Ziva, giving her a look that she doesn't really understand. She meets his eye for a moment, raising her eyebrows in wordless query, but then McGee answers what she just said, interrupting the silent communication.
"You've got it," he promises.
Then the elevator reaches the ground floor, and the agents start to file out. No one notices that Tony hangs back for several long seconds, staying in place until the doors nearly close without him again. Only then does he rush after the other three, Gibbs' words repeating themselves loudly in his mind.
What are you gonna do to fix it?
If he had a chance, maybe he still does. Maybe it's time to have a little courage.
"Hey, Ziva."
Ziva turns to glance at Tony, her eyebrows raised. He grabs her arm for a second, holding her back while Borin and McGee walk on. "What did you mean when you said I had my chance?" he demands.
Ziva throws her head back and laughs, well used to matching Tony's teasing. "I am sure your imagination is up to answering that question for you."
"Come on, Ziva, be serious."
"Oh, I am. You have known me for how long now?"
"Um, I think it's been sev—"
"If you wanted a date," she interrupts, "you have had a long time to ask." With that, she breaks free from his grasp and starts to follow the others.
"Go on a date with me, then," Tony suggests loudly to Ziva's retreating back, surprising her and stopping her in her tracks. "It can't be too late. I think my chance is now."
Ziva turns around again to stare him down, analyzing his expression. "You cannot be serious."
"As a heart attack." Tony shrugs, and it seems very much so like he's joking this off as usual… but there's a strange vulnerability in his expression, like he fears rejection. He shouldn't, if he's just messing around.
Then again, Ziva had actually been teasing, too, but… "That is not a very romantic way to ask a woman out, Tony," she points out.
It becomes immediately clear that saying that was a mistake... because Tony's whole persona abruptly shifts, and he grins in a slightly unsettling way that makes Ziva nervous. "What do you want, then? Flowers? Chocolates? A song? Five people following me around with sombreros and trumpets and guitars?"
"I do not think a macaroni band would help your case."
"I think you mean a mariachi band, but… okay, noted. So, no to the band, and yes to everything else."
Ziva rolls her eyes. "Sure. That is exactly what I want," she agrees, sarcasm heavy in her tone... anything to stop this conversation. Then, deciding that discretion is the better part of valor, she marches forward without saying anything more.
"What was that about?" Borin asks her when she reaches where the others are walking.
"I will tell you later, when Stupid and Stupider are not around," Ziva answers, jerking her head at McGee and then at Tony, who has started jogging to catch up.
"Dumb and Dumber!" Tony corrects breathlessly as he falls in line with his friends.
"Yes, that, too."
"I should stop doing things that get me lumped in with Tony," McGee mutters to himself.
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