#..............what the fuck is going on ghlaskdfj
actualhumansunshine · 5 years
When do you think we will get the Spotify single?
i…had forgotten that even happened?? i have no fucking clue when it might be coming 🤔
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actualhumansunshine · 5 years
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actualhumansunshine · 5 years
I'm sorry, but, I'm confused as to why you think he DIDN'T record with a live band. We have no idea what he's doing 99% of the time. We know where he's been. There are big huge gaps of unaccounted for time. I also don't think we'll find out exactly which producers he's worked with till he starts single/album promo. Everyone seems to think it's either/or. But it can be all/both. Slow Hands says that he could be recording bits for the rest of the summer AND still writing. We will see.
i mean??? there’s really NOT all that much unaccounted time where he could have been recording with a full live band, from what i’ve seen?? doing that takes quite a bit of time, with jaquire and the studio sessions they had, it was six weeks booked solid for just studio recording time. and it’s not like there would be a day booked here, a day booked there, you know?? i think it’s VERY unlikely that they wouldn’t book out at least a full week or two at a time since live band recording is dependent on so many people being at the same place at the same time. and timeline-wise, there really haven’t been days and weeks on end of unaccounted time where he could have been recording with a live band unless he’s either got a) all of them traveling around with him, b) a different set of guys at each location, and both of those seem VERY unlikely to me, i think??? here look:
Feb 19 - “this is all just the writing time . we make demos and then go and record the songs properly at a later date” this was the last in a series of reassurances that he was only writing up to that point, so unless he’s lying, it’s unlikely that any recording would have happened up to that point.
Feb 19-20 - writing with ruth anne, julian, tobias
Feb 21-March 2 - unaccounted for in LA/heading to Nashville
March 3-8 in Nashville, presumably writing
March 10-march 19 - unaccounted for in London
march 20 - at jamie’s studio
march 25 - multiple answers to IG q&a that imply still in writing stage
march 27 - with jamie, mike, and dan, presumably writing
march 28-april 2 - unaccounted for in london/heading to LA
april 3-5 - in LA, tara also there, presumably for meetings?
april 6-14 - augusta, ga for masters
april 14-20, unaccounted for, presumably on yearly holiday in bahamas
april 22-28 - writing camp at santuary studios in the bahamas (specified as writing camp by santuary studios)
april 29-may 7 - in LA, generally unaccounted for other than
may 5 - at greg kurstin’s studio
may 8 - harper’s bazaar shoot
may 9-12 - unaccounted for in LA/heading to london
may 13 - "Will probably release something towards the end of the year, I’d like to think. I’m just trying to fine-tune a few bits, record some extra vocals, and I should be ready to go."
and this is JUST album related stuff and doesn’t include anything sport or golf related, so again i ask- WHEN THE FUCK DID HE HAVE THE TIME????? ESPECIALLY for recording with a live band, unless he himself was not in the room at the time??? but i don’t think that’s likely because it just Does Not Makes Sense to me that this man and who i believe him to be would give up control on his second album (HIS NEW BABY!!! :’/) enough to not be there for every second of the recording and creation of it. the only thing that MAYBE makes sense is that he’s got a producer in london that he’s been working with quite a bit 👀🤔
EDIT: i got so caught up in the timeline bit that i didn’t even answer the rest of the question ghlaskdfj but i don’t really know if it’s fair to compare the slow hands sessions to the possibility of writing and recording at the same time NOW, you know?? cause for that, he had those six weeks or so in the studio with jaquire, had the album in a place where he was feeling good about it, 8 songs complete. then he had those slow hands sessions already booked and decided “why not” for the fuck of it, and it seems like from what he showed us then, that was ALSO a case of completing those writing sessions before ever going back to the studio recording sessions with julian. 
with nh2, it seems like the bahamas writing camp was basically the end of writing sessions he had booked, and going off the timeline from nh1, that would mean that he would be transitioning to the proper recording time. obviously that might not be the case considering he’s saying that the album is DONE done, and that’s where a lot of the confusion for me comes from because he’s not following his own patterns and precedents halskjdf
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