#....HA i also got some money back based on a funny mistake i won't get into here
desperatepleasures · 4 months
ok well i did my january budget and as predicted it was Bad but. we stay silly!!
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neochatarra · 3 years
8 Untold Signs Of Narcissist People
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Sometimes the signs of narcissism aren't so obvious and narcissists fly under our radar. Not every narcissist may be a puffed-up addict or a Mean Girl like Regina George. If they were, we could see the signs from a mile away and steer clear. No, many narcissists are sensitive, thoughtful, and generous – until the charade wears off, of course.
That's why it's so important to know the subtle signs of narcissism that you simply won't notice until it's too late and they've sucked you into their region.
What's the Difference Between an Overt and Covert Narcissist?
Many people tend to consider narcissists as having extroverted personalities. They're flamboyant and demand to be the middle of attention – how are you able to miss them?
The truth is, introverts also can be narcissists. These are those who fool us into their web of manipulation.
"They're not self-absorbed – they're just sensitive!"
"They're not a nasty friend – they're just misunderstood!"
After forming a relationship with a covert narcissist, you realize that this sensitivity and isolation were, in fact, signs of narcissism. Since the signs weren't so obvious, however, you completely misjudged things.
8 Signs of Narcissism You Can't-Miss
Since the covert narcissist is best at hiding their abusive behavior, it's important to know the subtle cues that give them away.
1. They'll Never Utter the Phrase "I Don't Know"
I once knew a narcissist who was so averse to the present phrase that he would rather give someone dangerously incorrect answers than admit to not knowing something. He was confident in his woefully wrong answers, too.
Why do this?
Answering an issue with "I don't know" deprives the narcissist of important attention. The person seeking a solution will simply advance to somebody else who might help them. That's an enormous ego hit.
That's why you'll often find narcissists rambling on about topics they need no business speaking on.
2. They Are A Nasty Friend
The narcissist is usually a nasty friend but you'll typically find them playing the victim. confirm to urge all sides of the story if you're unsure.
What are some red flag signs of narcissism that indicate the suspect may be a narcissist?
• They get irritated when their friends invite help or advice.
• They don't bother to call or text their friends on birthdays or holidays.
• They don't return borrowed items. (A sign of entitlement.)
• They owe their friends money. they'll downplay this as "not an enormous deal."
• They embarrass their friends ahead of others.
• They hunt down or entertain their friends' partners or love interests.
They also treat waitstaff or service workers poorly. This is a dead giveaway. run the hills. Anyone who disrespects waitstaff or service workers views people as "beneath" them. Soon, you'll be a part of the inferiors also.
3. They Need To Insert Themselves Into Every Story
A covert narcissist might not demand everyone's attention. They will, however, still find how to form everything about them. an outsized part of this strategy involves inserting themselves into every story.
Is a coworker talking about their experience with homelessness? The narcissist, too, features a story about being poor.
Is a lover talking about his amazing trip to Vietnam? The narcissist also had a friend who visited Vietnam. And guess what? She heard it wasn't so great.
No matter the subject, the narcissist features a remarkable skill for turning the eye their way – regardless of how innocuous it'd seem.
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4. They're Sensitive
At first, you'll appreciate their ability to freely express emotions. this is often an excellent tactic narcissists use to lure empathetic people into their trap.
Maybe a fast-food worker got their order wrong and therefore the narcissist hasn't shut up about it all day. Maybe their boss asked them to prevent playing on their phone such a lot and now the narcissist is crying about it over dinner.
As time goes on, you'll realize that the narcissist isn't vulnerable and sensitive: their fragile ego can't handle honest mistakes and valid criticism. To the narcissist, these are personal attacks.
5. They Form Relationships Based On What Someone Can "Do for Them"
If you're at a celebration and therefore the suspected narcissist suggests you ask someone because they will help together with your career or financial situation, don't ignore it. They aren't trying to assist you: they're letting you in on their game.
Narcissists tend to make shallow friendships that supported what people can do for them. You'll often find narcissists make friends with horribly toxic people simply because these folks have money, own bars, or offers career opportunities.
6. Their Stories Don't Match Reality
Both the overt and covert narcissist has an inflated sense of self. The thing is, they believe their lies. As a result, you'll often find they recall stories much differently than the situations played out.
If you notice that the suspect constantly reframes stories to form themselves the hero or victim, retreat fast – this is often one among the various signs of narcissism. By changing the story to suit their narrative, the narcissist is gaslighting everyone else involved.
It's not cute or funny to constantly need to correct them. Sooner or later, they'll start gaslighting you, too.
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7. They Observe and Judge
"There's no way she will be a narcissist. When we're out with friends, she barely says ten words!"
I hear it all the time. By sitting back and observing everyone, however, the covert narcissist is silently taking notes and judging. I'm sure you heard all about her observations on the car ride home.
The narcissist must feel superior to everyone around them. this is often easy to try to do once you don't open your mouth to interact in conversation and instead sit back to require notes about everyone's shortcomings.
8. They Only Hear Bits and Pieces of Your Stories
Does it desire the suspected narcissist just isn't. listening? They're probably not. And if they're, they don't care.
Maybe you spent ten minutes venting to your mother about how you didn't get that promotion at work because you showed up late one solitary time with a legitimate reason. How did she respond? "Well, maybe you'll remember to point out up on time from now on."
You can't be the victim. Only the narcissist is often the victim.
You see this ton with narcissist parents or partners who listen only enough to toss stuff back in your face later.
How to Turn the Tables on a Narcissist?
Perhaps you've gone on a couple of dates with someone or a replacement coworker joined your team. you think they'll be a narcissist but you aren't entirely sure.
After all, the covert narcissist is especially cunning at hiding the more obvious signs of narcissism. Here's the way to turn the tables on a narcissist and obtain them to show themselves.
• Play along. Don't give the suspected narcissist room to regulate their manipulation tactics – play stupid and pretend you completely believe them. Use this chance to document their behavior.
• Remain indifferent. If you want to continue handling an overt or covert narcissist for reasons out of your control, act indifferent to their behavior. The narcissist wants to use your emotions against you. If you don't give them anything to figure with, they'll seek their fix elsewhere.
• Find Support: this might only include one or two people you trust. open up to someone who will validate and believe you.
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At the top of the day, the sole thanks to truly turn the tables on a narcissist are to chop them off completely. If that they had any real intentions of adjusting, they might have done so already.
The narcissist won't suddenly see things your way. If they ever do, it's – a) for a fleeting moment and b) to use against you later. Don't believe the conflicting information you would possibly see from other websites or therapists – the narcissist will never change.
With a mental disease, a chemical imbalance within the brain may cause different disturbances that manifest as depression, anxiety, and lots of others. Although complex, mental illnesses tend to reply well to medication because it targets the physical root of the problem: like a chemical imbalance. Though it's been determined that a lot of mental illnesses like depression and anxiety are frequently caused by unresolved emotional trauma, often dating as far back as childhood.
Personality disorders occur due to a repetitive stimuli-reward environment. At some point in their life, the narcissist realized they might elicit specific reactions and emotions from people – and it felt good and helped them achieve their self-fulfilling agendas.
Anything but cutting them out of your life will offer you a mental and emotional breakdown.
No Contact is that the Only Way to Packing Up A Narcissist
Many narcissists have always been this manner – whilst far back as their teenage or childhood years. If you're handling a narcissist, you can't and will not expect them to vary their behavior now or ever.
Treatment for personality disorders often involves things like cognitive behavioral therapy. In many cases, a narcissist can also suffer from other mental illnesses like depression or substance use disorder. (You've probably heard extensively about these problems, too, when the narcissist needs your sympathy or someone responsible .)
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ىDespite this, there's little evidence to suggest therapy works for narcissists as personality disorders are notoriously difficult to treat. the primary step to getting assistance is to admit a drag exists – the narcissist will never believe they need or are a drag.
No Contact is that the only option.
Trust in yourself and your network. Because once you get to the opposite side and stick with No Contact, you'll be amazed by all the amazing belongings you can accomplish.
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5hfanfiction · 7 years
Say You Won't Let Go - Chapter 1
Chapter 1
“So, you girls just finished up your Reflection tour. What’s next for you?” Ryan Seacrest asked The Holy Trinity, were a well-known girl group consisting of Normani Kordei, Lauren Jauregui, and Dinah Jane. They were currently in LA wrapping up the last shows of their tour.
“The holidays are coming up. We are all looking forward to going home and relaxing with our families.” Normani answer.
Normani sat there gorgeously, her dark skin practically glowing. Her ever-changing hair was long and curly today, and her smile was flawless. She was the strength of the group. She always stood up for the other girls whenever anyone tried to disrespect them.
Lauren’s emerald eyes were anything but focused, while she played with the tips of her raven hair. She is the outspoken one, most likely to be seen rallying for human rights. When she isn’t telling the world to fuck off,she’s out partying.
She wasn’t paying much attention to the interview, her mind far too preoccupied. She recently discovered this girl on YouTube that sang covers. Her voice was amazing, and it captivated Lauren. She felt that this girl could even sing better than herself. She was pulled out of her thoughts by her bandmate, Dinah. “Hello?! Earth to Ralph!”
Dinah waved her tanned hand in front of Lauren’s face. She was the heart of the group, the most compassionate person in the world. She was always incredibly thankful for everything she was given throughout this journey. She tried often to hide her gratefulness through jokes.
“I’m sorry guys,” Lauren apologized. “What was the question?”
“Ryan wants to know how we became The Holy Trinity,” Normani said.
“Oh, easy. We are best friends, we love to sing, we got noticed by some people. BAM! The Holy Trinity!” Lauren laughed. “Longer story…” She continued. “Normani and I have been friends since 8th grade. She moved out to Miami from Texas.”
“When I first got to Miami I was a bit shy. Lauren had a 24-hour bitch face. I thought if I was going to make it through school I would need someone like her to have my back.” Normani joked.
Lauren snickered, “That was her first mistake. Thinking I was bad ass. I know I’m known as the ‘Bad Girl’ in the group, but truthfully—”
“—She’s a big ass puppy!” Dinah interrupted.
“Hey! That’s not true. I’m not a puppy! I’m not saying I’m a vicious dog, but definitely not a puppy either!” Lauren defended herself.
Ryan was laughing, “Okay, so how does Dinah come in this mix?” pointing between Normani and Lauren.
“We felt bad for her,” Lauren said, sticking her tongue out towards Dinah.
Dinah rolled her eyes. “If anything, I felt bad for Mani having to deal with you all the time.” Lauren feigned hurt, gasping while clutching her chest. “They came out to California for spring break their freshman year.”
“I was going on vacation with my family, and I thought it would be better to have my best friend come. So, I begged Lauren’s mom to let her come with us.” Normani laughed at the memory, “I thought she was going to say no so I even brought her flowers to try to win her over.”
“One night, my family was having a bonfire out on the beach. I went for a walk to catch a breath from them because there’s too many of us. As I was walking, I heard people singing. I saw Lauren playing guitar while singing Impossible with Normani. They sounded great. I felt like I wanted to be a part of their little jam session –”
“So without warning she starting belting out the song. Surprisingly she was amazing” Lauren added.
“Surprisingly? Yeah right.” Dinah flipped her long blonde hair. “From there we sang for a bit, talked, exchanged numbers. We clicked so well, you’d think we were friends since birth. That summer I went out to Miami to see them. I know we joke around a lot, but these girls are like sisters to me. Not that I need any more family, but I am glad to have them.”
Lauren pouted her lip at Dinah. They do joke around plenty, and never really express their gratitude towards each other often. It’s kind of an unspoken fact. They all knew they wouldn’t be here without one another and they are forever grateful for each other. It’s not something that needs to be said; however, when they do say things like that it fills Lauren’s heart up with love for these girls.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Dinah said, turning away from her bandmate only to noticed her other one giving her the same look. “Oh no, not you too.” Lauren got up walking towards Dinah, arms open wide. Normani followed her lead, engulfing the younger one in a big hug.
“I love you two, so much” Lauren whispered.
“Yeah, clearly I love you to Ralph” Dinah smiled finally giving in and embracing the hug.
When everybody got back to their seats, they continued with the interview. They told Ryan about how a year after meeting Dinah, they went back to California where Lauren stalked Demi Lovato. They found out that one night she was at a karaoke bar, which they snuck into. They sang together hoping that she would notice them, and she did.
After that, Ryan continued with more question. It wasn’t anything big. He asked the normal questions. Are the girls seeing anyone? No. When will new music be released? They just finished a tour so it’ll take some time. More about The Holy Trinity background.
It was a chill interview until Dinah brought up Lauren’s interest in the Youtuber. Lauren doesn’t know why she got a little flustered while talking about her.
“You sound amazing”
“Keep up the good work”
“I love your voice.”
“Show us your face”
Camila laughed at the last comment. She was a 19-year-old college student, attending the University or Miami. She also posts videos of herself singing covers of some of her favorite songs. In just one year she has developed a good sized fan base. She loves them, they are so kind and encouraging.
She started this simply as an outlet. When she was upset, she would just sing. She never thought many would actually want to watch, but a couple years later here she is with about 85k subscribers. Sometimes it’s surreal.
Camila’s channel is different than most. She doesn’t show her face when she’s singing. The camera mainly focuses on her guitar or piano, whichever she’s playing for that song. Sometimes she’ll show up to her lips, and she also changes the pitch of her talking voice in the intros and outros.
She tried having a channel early in high school, but someone in her school found out and she was bullied and decided that it wasn’t a good idea. When she started college, she thought to give it a go again. This time anonymous.
Besides the bullying, she hid her face so it would not get back to her father, who would never approve of her singing. If he found out that she minored in Music Production, he’d probably go nuts. She’s happy he just continues to put money in her account for rent.
Many people these days like an artist based on their looks even before hearing them, but Camila’s fans like her for her voice. She feels it’s special that way. She maintains a relationship with them on twitter to let them know that she’s appreciative for them, but she’s sure not to give them too much information where they are able to figure out who she is.
She looked away from the computer screen and noticed her short, blonde, Latina roommate getting ready for class. Ally is her best friend and has a heart of gold. She encouraged Camila to start the channel, to begin with.
“Ally, did you watch my new video?” Camila asked her.
When Camila first got accepted to the University of Miami, she decided that she didn’t want to live on campus. She hesitantly asked her father what she should do, and surprisingly he found an apartment cheaper than the cost for room and board.
Her father told Camila he’d pay for an apartment and give her extra money a month for expenses, on the condition that she’d only come home when he asked her to. Which so far has only been for Christmas last year, and Sofi’s birthday.
It was then she realized how much he didn’t want her around. Their relationship isn’t the best. Honestly, they don’t have a relationship at all.
After the car accident that left her mother dead, Camila and her father just stopped getting along. She knew that he blamed her for it, for losing the love of his life, the mother of his children.
Camila didn’t like the idea of living alone, especially after having a sister around every day. Before she graduated high school, she put out an ad for a roommate and lucky enough Ally responded. Camila was apprehensive about Ally because she was older.
They talked all summer before actually agreeing to live with each other. It was when they met up in person one day in August at a coffee shop, they decided that it was a perfect match. They talked all day like they known each other for years. They still go to that coffee shop together regularly.
Camila was completely in love with their small apartment. You walk into a kitchen/living room area, and to the right is a long hallway with four doors adjacent to each other. They had their separate bedrooms and an extra room for Camila’s music. She most liked the name of the complex, The Lyric. Well technically it’s the Plaza at the Lyric, but nonetheless, she thought it was poetic.
“Why would I need to watch it when you were about 10 feet away from me while recording?” Ally joked.
Camila scowled at her. “That’s not the point, Allyson. I need to make sure my number one fan likes it!” She joked winking at Ally.
“You should probably call Shawn and ask him then.”
Camila nearly choked on air laughing. “When did you become so funny?”
Shawn is Camila’s other friend. They’ve been friends since first grade when he moved from Canada to Miami. He became her neighbor and classmate, and Camila was thrilled she wouldn’t have to sit alone at school anymore.
Shawn and Camila quickly became close, and he was like a brother to her. They decided to go to college together. He was like a brother, if your brother was hopelessly in love with you. He’s incredibly nice and he’s been by her side through some of the hardest times in her life.
She’s truly grateful for him, but she’s never been interested in him that way. It doesn’t help him that she mainly attracted to girls, with an occasional guy crush here and there.
She catches her breath when her phone starts going off with notifications from twitter.
@THT_AF_DC3: @KC_LoveOnly Lauren Jauregui from @TheHolyTrinity likes your covers!
@Krazcy4KC: @KC_LoveOnly Omggg @TheHolyTrinity have been listening to you!!
@OnAirWithRyan: Hey @KC_LoveOnly we had @TheHolyTrinity in our studio today and @LaurenJauregui said she’s “Unreasonably obsessed” with you. Watch the interview here -> https://onair.rs.holytrinity
“What the hell?” She said confused. She knew of The Holy Trinity, I mean how can you not know one of the biggest girl groups ever? They are all over the radio, their songs are in almost every other commercial, and their music videos are sexy! There’s no way they could be talking about her, she thought. She clicked the link to watch the interview.
“Okay girls, so what are you currently obsessed with? It could be food or a song…or a person” Ryan said wiggling his eyebrows.
“Lauren should answer this one. She’s been obsessed with someone for a little bit now, it’s almost sickening.” Dinah smirked.
“It’s not that serious guys,” Lauren groaned.
“That’s not what your face is saying.” Normani teased pointing out Laurens blushing cheeks.
“Hey, I know that girl!” Ally said over Camila’s shoulder, pointing at Normani. “We used to go to school together in Texas before she moved—“
“Fine, sorry! I should get to class. I’ll see you later Mila.”
Camila hurried a goodbye and got back to watching the interview.
“Oh! Blushing! Tell us more. Is it a romantic obsession?” Ryan asked.
“Oh nooo!” Lauren answered quickly.
“Lies,” Dinah teased.
Lauren rolled her eyes. “There’s this cover artist on Youtube. Her voice…” She stopped and thought. “It’s out of this world. I listen to it and become so mesmerized. I can sit for hours listening to her sing.” Lauren looked around noticing all the smiling faces, and the smirks she’s receiving from her girls.
“And you’re sure it’s not romantic?” Ryan laughed.
“Well, I've never seen her face, and she doesn’t talk much on camera. I cansay though, I am a bit unreasonably obsessed with her voice.” Lauren said.
“Holy shit did she just say that?” Camila said.
“She does really cool runs and rifts,” Normani added.
“Is this really happening!?” Camila couldn’t believe that they were talking about her like this.
“You can really tell how passionate she is about singing. It’s admirable” Dinah concluded.
Camila thought she could die happy right there.
“Well, what’s her name?” Ryan asked Lauren.
“She goes by ‘KC’. Her Channel is KC_LoveOnly”
“Well Miss Anonymous Cover Artist KC, hit up our girl Lauren Jauregui” he paused looking at Lauren with a mischievous smirk, “I’m thinking a possible collaboration?”
Lauren laughed, “That would be really dope.”
Lauren’s laugh made Camila’s heart flutter, and the thought of singing with Lauren nearly killed her. “Fuck, this is insane!” she exclaimed.
“I thought the whole point of being the faceless cover artist was to keep a low-key status?” Shawn asked Camila. They were on their way to their Vocal Writing class where they would be taking their final. Winter break was coming up, and everyone was relieved to get away.
“Yeah, because I knew a super famous, super talented girl group would notice me,” Camila replied.
“Who wouldn’t notice you? You’re amazing, Mila!” As he said that Camila noticed this look in his eyes. They were filled with nothing but adoration for her.
She rolled her eyes at him and kept walking towards class. Camila notices all the dirty looks she gets from the girls on campus. To be honest, Shawn wasn’t an unattractive guy and girls around campus hated that he was always with her.
“Shawn,” she said shaking her head. “Who cares about me when The Holy Trinity are all hot as fuck!” Camila says a little too excited for Shawn’s liking.
“I guess” he answered, “Anyways, you coming with me home? To visit your dad?”
“I wasn’t planning on going home, but thank you,” Camila told him.
“Don’t be like that Mila, go see your family. Go see Sofi, I’m sure she misses you. If things get shitty with your dad you can always come over to my house. You know my family loves you, and wouldn’t mind having you over.” He pleaded.
Camila knows she should go see her sister, but she doesn’t want to have to deal with her dad. He didn’t ask her to come home and she didn’t want to come unexpectedly, the last time she did that it didn’t end well for her.
“That’s really nice of you, but I’m truly okay staying in my apartment this year. It’s really no big de—"  before she could finish her body collided with another’s, causing her fall onto the floor.
“Oh shit my bad!” a tall blonde guy said to Camila. It was nearly impossible not to notice his body covered in tattoos as he was wearing a band tank top and ripped jeans skinnier than Shawns.
“Hey man, watch where you’re going next time!” Shawn snapped.
“I said I was sorry, and plus she ran into me. So, technically it’s her fault.” The stranger replied as he stretched out his hand to pull Camila up. Shawn was about to say something else, but Camila interjected while she dusted herself off. She didn’t want Shawn to get his ass handed to him by this stranger.
“It was totally my fault, I wasn’t looking where I was going. Honestly, I’m surprised to make it anywhere without dying,” Camila kidded trying to make the situation lighter.
The tall boy laughed. “Well still, I’m sorry. I’m Kellz,” he held out his hand towards Camila.
“Camila.” She said shaking his hand. “Kellz? I hope that’s not your birth given name.”
He laughed, “Nah, it’s short for Machine Gun Kelly.” She looked at him even more confused. “It’s my rap name. My actual name is Colson, but literally, no one calls me that.”
“I understand man! My actual name is Karla, but I hate it so I go by my middle name!” Camila said excitedly. Kellz laughed at her silliness. He looked around and noticed that Shawn had walked away.
“So, your boyfriend is kind of an asshole.” He said to Camila.
Her eye grew wide, “Oh god no! That is not my boyfriend!” She paused looking for Shawn, but not finding him. “Well, I have to get to class, got a final to do.” She said unenthusiastically.
“What class you have? I’ll walk with you.”
“Vocal writing.”
“Really? Cool, I didn’t think you’d be interested in music.” Little did he know, Camila thought to herself.  “I’m one of the performers for the winter festival tonight. I had to come back a show love to my old school love. I just got signed to a label, and they want to put my face out there, so it’s small festivals and mall appearances for me.” He boasted.
Camila chuckled, “You seem unexpectedly cool.”
“Thanks, I think?” he said confused.
“’I’ll have to listen to your stuff.”
“Or you could come out, and watch me today?”
“Buddy, once I’m done with this final I’m going home and not coming back until I have to,” she declared.
Kellz nodded and laughed.
As the pair walked to Camila’s class, they didn’t stop talking about music. She surprisingly enjoyed talking to Kellz. His passion for music matched hers. She never could connect to people so easily, but there was something about Kellz that made her feel like comfortable.
They reached Camila’s class and stood outside a little before entering. She peered inside the room and saw Shawn already inside seated at his usual desk. Camila noticed him glaring towards Kellz, and couldn’t help but laugh at his absurd jealousy.
“Hey, maybe I can get your number? We can hang out. Write a song or something together!” Kellz asked.
“Yeah sure. That sounds fun.” They exchanged numbers and a hug, then Camila went to class.
Camila got back to her apartment after class, and she noticed Ally packing her things getting ready to go back home to Texas for the winter break. She plopped herself on Ally’s bed, thinking about how alone she’s going to be when Ally leaves.
“What’s up Mila?”
Camila sighed, shaking her thoughts out of her head. “Nothing Als,” she paused, “I’m so relieved to be done with school this semester. I think I’m going to sleep all break.” Ally gave Camila a disapproving look. “I was so distracted during the whole final today, though. I couldn’t help thinking about The Holy Trinity interview.” Camila admitted.
“Maybe you should try reaching out to them!” Ally squealed.
“I tweeted them a thank you before class. I doubt I’ll hear back,” she groaned shoving her face into a pillow.
“Well, I can think of something that would really get their attention if you want to.” Ally paused looking at Camila, who lifted her head and nodded for Ally to keep going. “Cover one of their songs!” she said excitedly.
“That’s actually really smart Ally!” Camila grabbed her face and kissed her forehead, making Ally giggle.
She took out her phone to look up chords to some of their songs, but first, she decided to check twitter. She was surprised, to say the least when she saw that her followers were nearly at 200k, as well as her channel subscriptions.
So much for staying low-key. Never in 1000 years would she have thought this would happen.
@KC_LoveOnly: Just wanted to say Hiiii to my new followers! Thanks for the new love and support!
@KC_LoveOnly: Send me some questions and I’ll post a video of a quick Q&A with a new cover.
@KC_LoveOnly: Always remember, Love Only.
While Camila was on her phone, Ally couldn’t help but feel uneasy about her best friend staying here alone during the holidays. Camila looked up and saw Ally worried expression.
“What’s wrong, Als?” she asked.
“Don’t stay here alone during winter break. It’s the holidays! Tis the season?” Ally voiced her concern.
“Ally, I really don’t want to go home, nor does my father want me home.”
“Then don’t go home. Come with me, to Texas. You’re like a sister to me, and my family will not mind having you over. My mom always asks when you’re going to visit when we skype. I have a guest bedroom you can stay in. It would really be a pleasure to have you with me and my family for the holidays.” She said quickly in one breath.
Camila weighed out her options. Stay here alone. Go home and see her dad. Or go explore Texas with her best friend.
“Sure, I’d love to go with—” Before she could even finish Ally tackled her down with a hug. “I can’t breathe Als.”
“Oh sorry!” She let Camila go. “Let’s see if there are seats left on my flight!” Camila couldn’t help but laugh at her giddiness.
Lauren woke up groaning with a pounding in her head. She looked around trying to recall anything from the night before. She can’t even remember how she got back to her hotel room.
After the Ryan Seacrest interview the girls decided to just chill out in the hotel for the day, but when night fell Lauren was ready to go party. One drink led to another, and now she’s waking up very confused next to a body she’s never seen. Nothing new, though. She eyed the woman in her sheets next to her, “Fuck,” she muttered.
The blonde stirred and looked at Lauren. “I’m not opposed to that right now,” she smirked. Lauren can’t remember ever seeing this woman at all. The petite blonde pulled back the covers revealing her naked body. “Looks like I’m ready,” she said batting her eyelashes. Her eyes dark, filled with lust as she looked at Lauren while biting her lip.
Lauren checked the clock, 1:34 pm. She should be getting ready for her flight back home, but fuck it she thought.
“I guess I have time” she smirked, moving closer to the woman.
She was about to close the gap between them when she heard a loud knock on the door, which made her jump back. It was followed by an even louder Dinah Jane.
“Get the hell up, Lauser!” Dinah shouted through the door.
Lauren groaned, getting off the bed grabbing her clothes, and tossing the blonde hers. “As much as I’d like to finish—”
“No, it’s fine. I get it” she said while getting dressed.
“Lauren, if you don’t open this door I swear I will—”
Lauren swung open the door, “You ain’t gonna do shit!” she said.
Dinah was about to say something, but she noticed the blonde walking passed them to leave the room.
“Maybe you can call me some time,” she said to Lauren, handing her a piece of paper with her number on it.
When Lauren and Dinah were inside the room, Dinah spoke up, “Who the hell was that?”
“I have no idea,” Lauren answered truthfully, tossing the paper away.
“Of course you don’t know! How many times do I have to tell you to stop fucking these groupies?” she asked. “And if you are gonna fuck groupies, can you at least make sure they are cute? Her walking out your room is not good press!” she mocked.
Lauren laughed loudly, “Hey! She’s wasn’t that bad! She’s cuter than you!”
Dinah wasted no time tackling Lauren, causing them to topple over onto the bed. “You must still be drunk Ralph. You know I’m cuter than her. You only hook up with random people because you can’t have alllllll this,” she joked. “You better be ready for this poly beat down.”
“You wish I wanted you!” Lauren said, fighting trying to get out from under Dinah. She failed and instead decided tickling would help. Dinah laughed, trying to grab Laurens hands to make her stop.
This went on for a couple minutes until both girls were breathless. Dinah rolled off Lauren and collapsed onto the bed.
“Come on Lolo, we have to go. I have the pleasure of riding with you and Mani to LAX before heading to see my family,” Dinah said.
“Okay, but before we get up I have to tell you something,” Lauren said, and Dinah turned to face her. “I’m 85% sure I had sex in this bed last night, and you just spent 10 minutes rolling around in it with me.”
Dinah jumped off the bed rapidly, and Lauren started cracking up.
When Normani and Lauren were dropped off at the airport they were mobbed by paparazzi and fans. They were always happy to see their fans because they knew they’d be nothing without them. They signed a few autographs and took many pictures.
Everything was fine until the paps got into Lauren’s face. One of which was being disrespectful, asking how can she be proud about being confused. She knows he was referring to her coming out as bisexual recently. She also knows he was just trying to get a reaction out of her.
Lauren has been known to have a short temper, especially when it comes to paparazzi. She’s thrown a couple of cameras, and even punched a guy or two…or five.
Normani and Lauren finally got passed paparazzi and through the security checks. They were going to take their private jet to Texas where Normani and her parents would be spending time with other relatives. After refueling, Lauren would take the jet to Miami where she would be staying at her parent’s house.
“Hey, Lolo?” Normani said while they were sitting waiting for their plane to be ready. Lauren was trying to relax from the paparazzi’s run it earlier. She didn’t want to take her frustrations out at Normani as she’s done before.
“Yes Mani?” she said as calmly as possible.
“It’s only going to be a couple of weeks, but I’m going to miss you. I know we don’t get mushy often, but I love you and Dinah. So grateful for you girls.” Normani spoke softly. Lauren thought to herself, how can she be mad when Mani says shit like that.
“Why did your family decide to go to Texas now, for this holiday season?” Lauren pouted. “Come home with me.” She pleaded, giving Normani her best baby voice.
The darker girl giggled. “Or, you can come to Texas with me!” Lauren scrunched up her nose, shaking her head at the offer. “Ugh, whatever!” Normani rolled her eyes, “Oh, hey! Did I tell you, your girlfriend said thank you?”
Lauren thought for a moment, “I have no idea what you’re talking about Mani.”
Normani took out her phone to show Lauren a tweet.
@KC_LoveOnly: Holy Shit! @TheHolyTrinity Thank you all so much. Your words are truly kind and encouraging. @LaurenJauregui I see youu 
Lauren smiled, “That’s cute.”
I had this idea for a while before actually writing about it. It’s my first story ever, so I apologize for the shitty writing. I will try to update it regularly. Follow me on Wattpad, https://www.wattpad.com/user/Karegui . Probably will update there first. Thank you for reading. <3
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