#...also imma have a hellish time tryna come up with a name for his lil pc business
cryptidofthekeys · 2 years
Spamton EX aka Devi
bkgfld;kfgdfs alright,, im posting him,, I probs forgot to re-edit and re-do some shit in the long run but if I did I’ll just,, clarify sometime later for now tho its time to stop letting my overthinking brain stop me from having fun bc Im,, genuinely proud of his design?? Felt like I was very wordy but,, I needed to be to fully describe this bastard
Anyways uh y’all finally get to see the lad!
| Name: Devi 
| Nicknames: Dev/Devs, or Evi
| Gender: He/Him
| Age: Mid 30s/40s somewhere in there
| Height: 15ft
| ‘Hair’ Color: It’s really just more fur in the shape of hair… But its color is black (he has a few gray streaks here and there, one that goes through the middle of his hair, and then gray on the sides) also his …er, fur-hair is p much a mullet
| Eye Color: Cyber Green | he does wear the pink n yellow glasses tho and like og Spam you can see static in them sometimes, then they can go pitch black, and then the pink n yellow can swirl around but that’s uh hypnosis- don’t- don’t look at him when he’s doing this, it’s for your own good)
| Skin Color/Body Type: He’s very large, like- he’s fat, I’ll say that- big man not only in height heh- and he’s also very strong too. Also his skin color,, well his face is p much just white but he’s got black fur going down his neck, in fact his entire body except for his arms are covered in fur.
| Appearance: Oh this is going to be hell to describe but I’m gonna try my damnedest just,, bear with me p l e a s e- Okay, so I’ll start with the simplest things, he’s kind of a mixture between organic and non-organic for example his stomach, legs, and neck have the fur on it, the only difference is uh the neck fur that also goes up to his head and acts like a mullet was dyed black and the fluff all over his stomach and legs is white.
His chest is just essentially like Sneo chestplate- which is where his arms come out of, and also in the middle of the chestplate is basically just a fucking b i g compartment like thingy, you can see the big heart behind glass almost like a display case situation.
(the heart’s blue like all of them are, it’s got darker blue cracks, then its eyes are a swirling mix of Pink n Yellow, neon to be more specific, even its mouth is neon yellow and it’s got razor sharp teeth, pointed nose, ya know the usual) The chestplate is like weirdly,, built ONTO his body.
I forgot gjhfkdgfjd the BIG heart is what you mainly see but in the back you can see about mm six sets of eyes and grins both on the left and right side of the main heart (Seven heart creatures in total if you include the main one)
Then he wears a bright pink peacoat that he usually keeps unbuttoned around his chest (don’t wanna cover up the heart…s also don’t ask me how he gets it over the big shoulder pads that extend from the chestplate he just does)
He wears pink and yellow pants over his legs (his face is just,, ya know, the puppet part …he's a weird lil freak to describe and also his hands are technically the puppet part as well but I’ll explain those in a bit)
I should also say that his arms can stretch almost in a cartoony manner …But they do have their limits of course and finally he wears a pink high heel on the right foot and a yellow high heel on the left foot (the heels stretch all the way up to his knees btw)
God,, the details are gonna be the death of me but I’m trying my best to explain what the fuck is in my head right now- Okay so uh, onto something I can actually handle, his right arm can actually slip back into the chestplate and then somehow change into the canon arm that Sneo has.
His hands like I said are also the puppet parts much like his face, his fingers are just straight up claws, he has two sets of fangs both top and bottom (his teeth can retract though, otherwise he looks uh WAY more unapproachable and less friendly, can’t scare the customers off now can he?)
He has a long tongue that’s prehensile (he can fuckin grab and hold shit with that thing, does it mostly just to be a lil shit and gross some people out) also has p much a five o’clock shadow on his face …I don’t care that he’s got a puppet face, mans got FACIAL HAIR and thats final-
Btw Idk if I said this bc I’ve been all over the place but uh that lil glass holding the heart inside that compartment thingy,, uh it can open btw (Devi keeps it STRICTLY closed unless he needs some reinforcements to help him take care of someone that screwed him over or some shit but other than that, those things seem to have minds of their own.)
They can be the most dangerous thing that I’d say Devi has bc those things will just bite or try to tear someone apart for no reason, Devi does have his ways of getting them to stop though, he threatens to button up his coat and cover them up which they seem to hate.
Devi also has some really thick and large black eyebrows too (...its funny bc I think of that one audio where its like ‘what the hell are you doing’ ‘i am doing my eyebrows’ ‘that’s a big ass mirror’ ‘well I have BIG ASS EYEBROWS’) motherfuckers like damn caterpillars on his face
I had another outfit idea for him and I am NOT going back to re-edit this shit, its already a fucking mess and I just hope you can understand this shit tbh I’m all over the place and I REALLY don’t mean to be I’m just trying to describe what my brain sees
but the other outfit fits more with his computer vibes, and I might just state it here that this is his main outfit and the other is a secondary outfit, he likes to match his aesthetics ya know- but anyways- it's just like a long black coat with 1s and 0s on it and then neon cyber green pants and of course heels to match that outfit (one black, one neon cyber green)
| Personality: Devi can be a gross bastard and sometimes be a bit of an asshole but deep down, when you get past his big shot, his hot shot attitude, that HUGE ego of his he’s actually very sweet, kind, and caring (if you can put up with his ego AND the bit of a God Complex he’s got) out of ALL the EXs out there, he is by far the LEAST murderous.
I’m not saying he won’t hurt or kill because he ABSOLUTELY will if it means defending himself and or if you screw with him, you screw him over and he won’t hesitate to pull out that canon arm or better yet, let those feral lil hearts of his out to ‘play’ heh, he’s a scammer, a con artist who runs a PC Shop/Fixes up PCs for people essentially, he usually ‘fixes’ their PCs if ya know what I mean. (He doesn’t do it too much or to the same person of course, can’t let ‘em catch on ya know?)
He also builds ‘em, he KNOWS the ins and outs of a computer v e r y damn well, he’s the most skilled in his area and the one everyone HAS to come to, even if they are intimidated by his height alone (...not the only thing SOME are intimidated by but uh, I have to keep that info redacted) he’s a HUGE flirt, he flirts with anyone and everyone (unless they tell him to stop, he respects those kinds of boundaries ya know?)
He can’t take any flirting, compliments, etc thrown back though if he loves said person that he’s flirting with, with anyone else he can p much just laugh and say something along the lines of “OH YA W I S H YOU COULD BE WITH A REAL [[BIG SHOT]] LIKE ME DON’T’CHA, BABES~?” but if it's the one he fell in love with? He will fucking MELT, his face will turn bright red and you’ll see him let off steam, no- literally- like one of those funky lil cartoons.
Another way to tell he’s sweet on ya is if he actually fixes your PC and nothing goes wrong with it, like if he actually fixes it- And hell, he’ll even do something he’d NEVER do for just anyone 1: Either give you an actual discount or 2: literally if he sees your PC is a bit… Outta style, outta date- with your approval of course he will genuinely build you a new computer, free of charge and don’t worry about any files from your old, he’ll take care of it.
Devi might be an asshole who needs vibes checked but, deep down he’s good, he really is sweet, caring- and if he loves you, hell even if he just likes ya well enough to be pals, friends- well you’re in good hands for sure, he’ll treat you well.
| Side Facts: Devi loves to make games and or SFM type animations in his spare time but shares his work with nobody, he’s actually very self conscious of his work so if he does share it with you? Friend or Lover? That is an INCREDIBLE amount of trust he has for you and that’s a very rare thing bc Devi doesn’t trust mm many,, at all- Has his fears and anxieties, doesn’t seem to like the subject of betrayal or anything like that.
…Don’t mention the Addisons around him btw, he’ll get REALLY angry and pissy, if your his friend/lover he’ll TRY to keep cool but if you keep pushing his buttons well he might snap at you anyways but for the most part he’ll just be like
“SWEET’EART… [P l e a s e  S t o p] BRINGIN’ THAT UP… BRINGING… [T h e m] UP, I DON’T WANNA TALK ‘BOUT ‘EM” he’ll try to ask nicely and politely for ya to stop, its best to leave well enough alone ya know? …Very specifically,, uh- He gets WAY more angry if Pink’s brought up but he seems less angry if Blue’s brought up, maybe even a lil… Sad.
Devi’s fave kinda games to make are open world sandbox-esque games, rhythm games, and even platformers, he loves to play games too, especially classic games- …Also he makes mods for games out there too (he’s got an account that doesn’t link to him at all, he wants to make sure nobody finds that out) but here’s where the lil shit side of him comes to play (cause he is such a fucking shithead) he can make genuine mods.
Like GENUINELY good mods for games but then he can make the most cursed and stupidest shit, like think of that Stardew mod, the grandpa IS the bed mod- yeah, shit like that to make people just go wtf, w h y? For WHAT reason? …Hell, he’ll even mod rhythm sections into games that REALLY don’t need them at all, and he WON’T make them optional (and he even adds cryptic titles to some of his mods just like ‘Have fun ;)’
Devi is very touch starved tbh, he loves to give and receive affection from the beloved, he loves belly rubs (not,, in a weird sorta way) it just feels nice on his fluff ya know? Hell he likes being petted, scritches, etc- He might crush you in a hug if not careful though, gotta give him a gentle reminder bout them hugs...
Cause sometimes he forgets how strong he REALLY can be compared to most Darkners and Lightners, also if he doesn’t crush you, you’ll sink into that plush fur of his (DON’T SUCCUMB TO THE FLUFF, DON’T SUCCUMB TO THE FLUFF, WHATEVER YOU DO, DON’T SINK IN, YOU’LL BE LOST FOREVER)
Devi loves to cuddle very much so, will place you on his stomach if you two fall asleep together, doesn’t trust himself if you just lay beside him to not roll over and he would be fucking DEVASTATED if he crushed you or hurt you, he’d never forgive himself…
Also whenever Devi grins, his teeth tend to pop out- it’s something he can’t help so just keep that in mind if ya hear a strange noise from him but also if you don’t mind them, if you’re not scared of his fangs n shit he’ll let them stay out regardless around you (lmao look at this how to train your dragon lookin ass)
Devi is Pansexual, doesn’t care about gender, if he loves ya- he loves ya, wants to marry you? Y e s, gender is a irrelevant to him in these regards, love is love-
Devs can be VERY overprotective and if you need him to, just say the word- he’ll kill for ya- like when I say LEAST murderous EX I mean in the fact that he doesn’t kill for FUN, he doesn’t get any joy or fun outta killing or anything like that- but if someone’s messing with ya? “Well don’t ya [Why Worry?!] sweet’eart, Devi’ll [Takin’ care of business] for ya!” …You don’t want him to? Okay, he’ll back off as per your want …But, uh behind your back or when you’re not looking he’ll scare the shit out of them at the VERY least (it depends on what they did…)
And if they did or said some real bad shit? …Well there’ll be some missing posters around but he’ll deny he had anything to do with that, he does this out of love- I swear, he’s just very overprotective and wants to keep you safe and sound and it means bustin’ a few heads? ...Well he won’t hesitate ...Bitch.
Btw the hearts, the big heart and then the six little ones- feral as shit, rip and t e a r!!! They are the most bloodthirsty part but they are sentient, their own beings in a weird sorta way- or at least, they have their own mind- Devi makes sure they don’t get outta hand though, he threatens to button up his coat and block their view of the outside world …Which they take seriously, almost seeming scared even.
Whether it be friends or lovers- the hearts will be more okay with you if a friend, they’ll get along with you just like Devi does, if lovers (in fact you’ll notice if their out, they’ll blush along with him) granted he’ll be EXTREMELY nervous and absolutely refusing if you want him to let them out to get a better look at them, he’ll try to work around it, make some kinda, ANY kinda deal, but eventually he’ll relent if your persistent- but to his surprise they won’t hurt you at all.
In fact, they’ll even wrap around you which scares the shit out of Devi the first time around and he almost tries to grab them and shove them back in before he notices their not hurting you, they are just giving you gentle nose nuzzles and making little kissy sounds at you which surprises the absolute hell out of him, he’s only EVER seen those lil shitheads be aggressive n mean.
Only downside is they’ll be v e r y aggressive and possessive with anyone else who tries to get close to you, they’ll hiss and or growl or even snarl. …Devi will try to keep them sorted out though (even tho technically speaking he does get a wee bit jealous and protective if he sees someone getting too close to you for his liking)
Likewise, Devi does get jealous, oh he does even though he’ll deny it and take that denial to his fucking grave, he just doesn’t like anyone that he deems getting a bit too close to you for comfort but likewise if you tell him to relax and or to back off, he will stop, he doesn’t wanna upset ya or anything like that (its not that he doesn’t trust you or some weird shit like that, it actually just plays into a fear/insecurity of his so OOF)
Btw,, I forgot to add, he has another pair of glasses aside from the Pink n Yellow ones that he’ll usually wear to match his computery-esque outfit, it's a pair of Black n Green tinted cat eye sunglasses.
Also bc I cut a lotta shit out of this version that I didn’t feel comfy with sharing,, I think I forgot to add his lil tail in? A fluffy stubby tail that he has, he doesn’t like letting anyone see it, cause he ain’t cute! He’s big n tough, and he’ll kick your ass ...(not really) there’s a lotta shit that got cut out and just edited down to keep it as simple as I could.
Idk if I added this, sorry if I add more of the same shit in I just don’t fully remember what shit I cut out and didn’t but Devi does v e r y much love his cigars, he smokes not only to help calm his nerves but also just smokes because he enjoys it, also enjoys being a goddamn asshole and blowing smoke in people’s faces ...Sometimes.
Devi’s shop is of course located in Cyber City (I do not have a name for his funky lil pc shop or anything, listen y’all I am s o bad with naming things, im very lucky my EX got an actual name)
Speaking of EXs, Devi has never canonically met another EX but he knows there’s others like him out there, he does know they exist, he’s never gotten the chance to meet one but he’s neutral on the matter, if he meets one he does, if he doesn’t, oh well ....Secretly thinks about what that’d be like and just how weird it’d be to see another EX.
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