#...i should try to do a comic about current and hideaway at some point
monotone-artist · 11 months
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zaps u zaps u zaps u
[id: two digital drawings of a rain world oc, the current. they're a black, scrawny slugcat with tall ears, several cyan-tipped antenna across their body, and a blocky cyan pattern on their tail. in the first drawing he is sitting down, holding a spear which he has set on the ground in front of him. they are leaning their weight heavily on it, their face partially hidden by their arm. they're peering over their shoulder, glaring.
in the second drawing, the current is on all fours, their back arched and their head lowered, their face angrily scrunched up. all of the cyan bits on his body, including his eyes, are glowing, and sparks of electricity dance on his antenna. end id]
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dc41896 · 5 years
Hey guys!! So I randomly had a dream that included Ransom even though I haven’t seen the movie yet (I know I’m trying lol). Although my whole dream wasn’t about him, this imagine is based off of a small part and hopefully you guys like it! 😊💕
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Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x Black Reader
Warnings: None
“ARE YOU MAD?! YOU THINK ITS OK TO STORAGE FOOD LIKE THIS?!!,” Gordon Ramsey yelled at yet another restaurant owner while going through their pantry.
Shaking your head, you laugh in disbelief as the kitchen staff begins the blame game pointing fingers at everyone else on why things aren’t correct. While sitting at home on a Friday night watching tv might not be ideal for everyone, you had been looking forward to it all week.
Although you loved your job of being a kindergarten teacher, and your students, you definitely needed some me time on the weekends. Thus why you were currently snuggled under your blanket in your pajama shorts and an old graphic tee with your favorite snacks beside you and loving every minute of it.
Just as a commercial comes on, a strong knock on your front door slightly startles you from the noise as well as the fact that you weren’t expecting anyone. Making your way to your front door, you look through the peephole to meet an unpleasant surprise.
Dressed up in black pants and dress shoes along with a white button down shirt stained with red wine, there stood your best friend since 3rd grade, Ransom Drysdale, looking rich and smug as always.
“Cupcake!,” he smiled with open arms.
You hated that nickname ever since he gave it to you in high school, and he knew that too which is why he kept using it. Long story short, never ask Ransom to pretend to be your boyfriend so a not so secret admirer can leave you alone.
“Hugh,” you smile back, arms crossed in front of you as he rolls his eyes. Just as you hated “cupcake” he hated his first name, Hugh, which was all the ammunition you needed to annoy him.
“What are you doing here and what happened to your shirt?”
“Well, lets just say Candice isn’t my biggest fan right now,” he explains, walking into your apartment and sitting on the arm of your couch.
“Ok so I’m guessing that’s where the wine stain came from, but that still doesn’t explain why you’re here when you have your own place you could be at right now.”
“Because she kicked me out of said place,” he sighs rubbing his temple. “We we’re having dinner and one thing led to another and she kicked me out, which is why I’m here.”
Knowing him for so long, you knew when Ransom wasn’t fully telling the truth. But in a situation like this, you thought it best to just leave it alone.
“Here give me your shirt,” you finally speak after a few moments of silence.
“Cupcake?!,” he gasps, hand on his chest and signature smirk across his face. “You know I always had my suspicions that you might have a thing for me.”
“Give me your shirt so I can wash it genius,” you retort holding your hand out. Laughing, he unbuttons his shirt before placing it in your hands.
“Let me get this started and I’ll bring you a new pair of clothes. Until then there’s food and drinks in the fridge, and don’t break anything,” you reply before disappearing to your laundry room.
He may not seem like it, but Ransom was grateful you were always there for him. Anytime he needed to get away from everything, or an irate girlfriend, he knew you’d welcome him in for as long as he needed. Well within reason that is.
That’s why Candice, or any of his exes for that matter, didn’t like you. No matter how many times you assured them that you and Ransom were just friends and you wouldn’t dare do anything to compromise their relationship, they still didn’t trust you. And in those times they found out he was hiding out at your place, it always made the situation worse resulting in a screaming match or a flat out break up.
Wrapped up in Gordon Ramsey gagging while trying entrees at a restaurant, a knock at the door makes him sigh at having to move from his spot on the couch.
“Oh hi I’m Bo, I live across the hall over there. Sorry for interrupting your evening I was just gonna give Y/N her mail, they accidentally put it in my box again.” About an inch taller than Ransom, a muscular man with short black hair and deep brown eyes stood in the doorway clearly just getting back from his workout from the clothes he was wearing and water bottle in hand.
“Thanks I’ll make sure she gets it,” he answers with a dry smile, taking the few envelopes from his other hand.
“So you must be her boyfriend,” Bo speaks up just as Ransom moves to close the door. Looking puzzled with one eyebrow raised, he crosses his arms in front of him to discretely show off his muscles and subtly say “yea, you’re not the only one who lifts.”
“Who wants to know?”
“Oh I don’t mean any disrespect, I just assumed since I’ve seen you around here a few times, plus I mean you did just open the door without a shirt,” he nervously laughs. “I mean if you guys are just friends though, I wouldn’t mind taking her out. Don’t tell her I said that though!”
“Hm, well good thing she already has a boyfriend then huh?,” Ransom smugly smiles before closing the door in Bo’s face.
“Who was at the door?,” you ask returning with a pair of sweats and shirt for him to wear.
“Just one of your comical neighbors giving you your mail, and are you hoarding my stuff now?”
“No, more like holding it in a lost and found since you keep leaving stuff over here!”
“Like you don’t like having little momentos of me here,” he smirks putting on his plain dark grey shirt. “Plus I know you wear my shirts sometimes.”
Scoffing, you laugh as you sit down on the couch to continue your “Kitchen Nightmares” marathon while he goes in your room to change his pants. In all honesty though, he was right about you wearing his shirts. So yea you sometimes wore them when you wanted to feel extra cozy, what girl doesn’t like oversized shirts?
And yea you might’ve also liked how they somehow still smelled like him, that didn’t mean anything!
Before he could sit down coming back from the bathroom, he looks down at his vibrating phone before sucking his teeth.
“Yes?,” he answers sounding exhausted and not in the mood to talk as he leans against the counter.
“Where are you?,” Candice asks. Shrill voice traveling all the way to where you were sat on the couch.
“Why does it matter, you kicked me out remember?”
“I know but that doesn’t mean I don’t care about you or want to make sure you’re ok.”
“Well don’t worry I’m fine.”
“Why are you talking so low? Wait are you at her place?!”
“Candice don’t-,”
“No Ransom Drysdale are you at Y/N’s apartment yes or no?!”
Hearing him get quiet, you slightly turn to see him look at you before looking down at the floor. “Yes”
“Why am I not surprised. You know what, since she’s the one you always want to run to, she can have you because I’m done! Hope you both have a nice life!”
And with that, her voice was gone and you could hear Ransom put his phone in his pocket as he sat beside you.
“I’m so sorry Ransom, I didn’t mean to cause anything-,”
“Don’t apologize. This happened because of something going on way before I came here tonight,” he interrupts looking straight ahead at the tv screen.
“But that’s the thing, I’m what’s been going on and it’s been that way for a while now,” you respond. “Look Ransom, maybe it’d be best that you not come over anymore or that we not even be friends.”
Muting the tv, he turns to look at you. The intensity from his blue eyes making you slightly nervous from never experiencing it before.
“Is that what you want?”
“I mean of course not, but your girlfriends-,”
“Let me worry about my at the time girlfriend, ok? But if you don’t want to be friends anymore, or want me over, then say the word and it’s done. So I ask you again, is that what you want?”
“....No it’s not.”
“Then it’s settled,” he responds turning the sound back on the tv. “So how are those germ infested piranhas of yours?”
“1. Don’t call them that and 2. They’re good,” you laugh taking a few sips of your juice. “You should come during story time one day and read to them!”
“I think I’d rather swim with actual piranhas,” he answers stealing a few of your chips.
Waking up with a stretch, you look at your phone to see that it’s 2 am and that both you and Ransom had fallen asleep on the couch.
“Ransom, wake up we fell asleep.” Lightly shaking his shoulder, his eyes flutter open as he yawns lifting his head.
“What time is it?”
“A little after 2 am. Since it’s so late you can crash here if you want.”
“Ok just hand me a pillow and I’ll sleep out here,” he sleepily answers, rubbing his eyes as he sits upright.
“You can sleep in the bed you know, it’s not like we haven’t shared before.”
“Trying to take advantage of me in my vulnerable state huh?,” he smirks removing part of the blanket from his lap.
“Whatever I was just offering because I know a certain spoiled brat is gonna complain about his back in the morning if he does sleep on the couch,” you counter with a smirk of your own.
Rolling his eyes, he helps you clean up before following you to your room and taking off his shirt and sweats before sliding into bed. Wrapping your hair up in your bonnet, you climb in your side of the bed, cutting off the light on your bedside table.
“Night cupcake,” Ransom smiles.
“Night Hugh,” you softly laugh, turning away from him towards the starlit sky outside your window.
Feeling the bed shift beside you from his movements, you start to turn your head to tell Ransom to calm down, but are cut off by his strong arm wrapping around your waist and gently bringing you towards his chest. With his breath lightly tickling the back of your neck, you weren’t sure if it was your heart racing or his from how close you were.
Again, you’d shared a bed plenty of times, but never gotten this close before so you were definitely caught off guard. However, you couldn’t lie that being there made you feel comfortable, secure, and more relaxed than you had been in a while.
“Um Ransom you awake still?,” you ask barely above a whisper.
“Hm,” he replies basically telling you that in the next few minutes, he’d be in a deep sleep.
“I doubt you’ll tell me, but what did you and Candice fight about over dinner?”
Only hearing his soft snores, you figure you’ll never know what happened, and took that as a sign that you probably shouldn’t, since he would just tell you not to worry about it if you asked him tomorrow. Before drifting off to sleep yourself though, you hear him mumble something you couldn’t quite understand.
“What did you say?”
“You,” he repeats burying his head into the back of your neck as your heart beats so loud, you doubt you’ll ever get back to sleep.
Again hope you guys like it and sorry if it’s super long or non-canon😬 (hopefully it’s canon though since I tried really hard to capture Ransom and his Ransomness lol)
Taglist: @nunubug99 @crushed-pink-petals @honeychicana @fumbling-fanfics @themyscxiras @lady-olive-oil @lovelymari4 @melinda-january @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @itshinothey @wildfirecracker @nina-sj
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