#..dvd commentary? director's commentary? w/e
shoshiwrites · 3 years
im back for some more commentary please!! this time from a day at the beach, this passage made me very 🥺
She knows it’s a joke, and that there’s nothing about himself Joe would consider romantic. Not the way he looked after her, or the way he cared. The way he waited up if she had a late night at work, heated up food and sat with her while she ate. Not the way he snuck her a shirt or two every laundry cycle, the softest ones, the ones he knew she'd like.
Not even the way he looked at her, like he was looking at her now. Like she was something precious to him.
If that wasn’t romance, she thought, swallowing hard, well. She didn’t care what was.
Promise me we’ll go, she says, and if he's surprised at the crack in her voice he doesn't show it. He knows the answer too, of course, only asks the question to hear her say it.
Tysm Cora!! I..honestly love this part so ty for asking for it <3
[send me a fic snippet & I'll do the director's commentary]
So with this section (which I am already looking at and thinking I could've axed the second sentence. A n y w a y.) I really just wanted..concrete examples. Like, how do the two of them show each other that they care? How do they live their lives together in the day to day? It's all well and good to be told two characters love each other but like...what are the things that they actually do to show it?
And knowing that is especially important with Joe because we know he's not a sweeping declarations of love kinda guy. That would read falsely for him under most circumstances. He's not a warm and fuzzy kinda guy. But he's very sweet and very warm and very tender in his own way. I mean... right..love languages...acts of service. We knew he was in deep when he used his day off to do home repair for a girl he'd known for two weeks. Big 'ol crush right there.
And on the same thought of no big sweeping declarations...Jo herself is not someone who would respond well to those. She rejects them. She doesn't care about them. She's about the 'quieter' things too. When she puts on coffee for him in the morning before he heads out, when she makes phone calls (doctors, bills, the VA) that he's tried getting through on but kept getting the runaround. They both want to make life easier for each other. Better. These things are a loving, insistent way of saying 'I'm here for you and I care about you.' Also I just couldn't pass up an opportunity to mention clothes-sharing. I live for that shit. Though it's not so much sharing as Joe knowing she'll just steal them anyway and getting out ahead of that but, the meaning is still there.
This is also something else about this whole piece which comes through in those last sentences, and it's that..idk how to explain. I finished this and then sort of sat back and went... 'this has foxhole energy.' Like obviously the circumstances are completely Not the Same but it's like... the dreams. Having the dreams and talking about them. Those far-off things that are basically fantasies. The wistfulness. It's a similar energy, at least to how I've written the two of them in that situation before. This piece is definitely something I want to keep in mind going forward for them (the beauty of AUs!!). Like, the first thing I said to Jenny after I finished this was, "I need to give Joe more ideas like this. He's very sweet when he talks about them."
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thelastspeecher · 4 years
eregyrn-falls replied to your post “eregyrn-falls replied to your post “I did some more work on the next...”
Oh man, that IS criminal! And wrong! (I can sort of understand some criticisms of it, including some tonal disparities, but for me what's good about the movie far outweighs all of that.) The art direction in that movie is just above and beyond. So many Disney movies are set in fantasy settings (which is fine!), and their landscapes are fantasy landscapes (which is fine!),
but the FIDELITY in BB to a very detailed depiction of a REAL landscape is just breathtaking. (And the char design is good and the moose are hiliarious, although I suppose I get that they are not for everyone. But I love them.)
And I mean, not JUST Rick Moranis! Dave Thomas and Rick Moranis! Is... is everybody else too young to remember Bob and Doug Mckenzie? Damn, I gotta go find "Take Off (To the Great White North)" on YouTube...
see, in regards to like, the criticisms of Brother Bear, I...don’t really get them?  I mean, Wikipedia claims the majority of the criticisms are directed towards the plot.  which doesn’t make sense to me.  yeah, the plot treads some familiar beats and follows a general trajectory that isn’t too surprising, but like.  it’s a Disney movie?  it has a Disney movie-type plot!  and, tbh, the premise seems unique enough to me!
I watched it a lot as a kid, which might make me a bit biased, but looking back on it as an adult, I still don’t really...see what the problem is?  especially because, like you said, holy SHIT is the movie BEAUTIFUL, and a representation of the natural wonders present in America.  like, this is a good movie to make you an environmentalist, just off the scenery alone.
and re: the character design - something I noticed when I rewatched it a while ago...they don’t give the Native characters white noses.  which...feels like something I should have to give props for, but...
if you like the moose, you would LOVE the commentary.  see, the commentary on Brother Bear’s DVD release isn’t from the cast or director or w/e, they had the voice actors who voiced the moose be the people commentating.  and had them be in character as the moose.  at one point, they order pizza.  I just.  it’s so good.
I managed to find the commentary for the transformation scene, here.  seriously.  it’s hilarious.
and.....sorry, I don’t recognize Dave Thomas :/  I only know Rick Moranis bc he was in Ghostbusters.  it might not be an age thing, tho, it might just be that I watched like three movies as a kid - Atlantis: The Lost Empire, Brother Bear, and The Blues Brothers
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