aliasrocket · 1 year
Rocket should be on the sexyman wiki. He has the angsty backstory, criminal record, distinctive voice, and it would be funny if he got an entry before a bunch of the human Marvel guys
Last one before I go. Anyway, one of my good mutuals @oolongteaboba has stated in the tags in one of their posts before that Rocket would definitely be bucky-level popular if he were human because he’s literally the whole package.
Bad boy vibes. Very emotionally and mentally AND physically damaged. Has the personality that makes girls go ‘I can fix him’ (and let’s be real that’s what we’ve all been doing amirite guys?) slight daddy issues. Tough on the outside soft on the inside.
This is LITERALLY the pussy magnet formula for fictional characters, especially men. It’s just that he’s a raccoon. It’s rather unfortunate.
But we all agree anon. 100%.
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aliasrocket · 1 year
You know the way Rocket says "Ohh....YEAH." after Drax throws him that giant gun in the first one? Bradley Cooper's delivery of that line has made me feel a certain way since 2014 and I'm only NOW realising it. 🫠 (Still trying to process having a crush on a raccoon, so hi there)
Oh babes we all go crazy in that scene.
I had to question all my life choices when that happened, I looked around the theatre and no one reacted and I internally went, “DID WE NOT JUST WATCH THE SAME THING WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE REACTING?” So. Yeah …
And hey!! I’m really glad to welcome you to the club. We got fanfics and fanart for days. Take your pick! I can even recommend some places to start, just say the word. The fandom is super supportive here so you have nothing to worry about! <3
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aliasrocket · 1 year
The new guardians are just a bunch of children with terrifying powers that Rocket threw adoption papers at and said "sign here".
Kraglin is extra help. I wonder if he disciplines the kids? Rocket is like Yondu, a push over. Groot literally blew up the ship for glitter and Rocket was won over by a cute little picture.
Same tho because that was the most adorable picture and the way Groot smiled because Rocket was so proud and I hope Rocket put it up on the fridge 🥺 because it was fridge worthy.
Kraglin definitelt helps out and tries to discipline the kids when Rocket can’t do it but the thing is … Kraglin is ALSO horrible at it.
“H-Hey now, you can’t go explodin’ the place with your laser eyes—HEY WHAT DID—HEY! STOP!”
Groot in the corner just trying to hold down the place and put out fires and hold up pipes ASHHSHSBSN all while Rocket’s like, in the corner, looking at all the drawings they made of them and guardians together.
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aliasrocket · 1 year
Any tips on how to write dialogue for Rocket? Like speaking patterns or just anything in general. I just wanted to ask cuz I'm writing my first ever fic and the way you write him is really good.
Oh my god I’m so stoked you asked!! I can’t express how much this warmed my heart omgg <3 thanks for coming to me!
First and foremost, I think this applies to really anyone you want to write dialogue of but as much as possible just write random scenarios for them and try to write what they’d say for practice. It’s fine if it’s ooc, the whole point of this exercise is to feel out the character. The more you do this, the better you’ll get at writing Rocket’s voice.
Also I found that rewatching Rocket clips really helps! You have no idea how often I’ve done that, it’s kinda embarrassing BUT it helped me spot out his speech patterns really quick.
Two things to note about rocket’s speech :
he has this sort of new york brooklyn accent? I’m not sure if it’s exactly that but when I googled it it came close to the way Rocket speaks and his accent. There’s a lot of yt videos that teaches you speech for the brooklyn accent if you’re interested.
More often than not, Rocket will say things informally. This is due to his past with H.E. but basically if you want him to use more advanced words, try to analyze if he would say it in that scene and do it as sparingly as possible.
Now about that brooklyn accent. Here’s what I’ve learnt :
about half or more of the time Rocket pronounces words like ‘ing’ at the end as just ‘in’. For example, “what are you laughin’ at me for?” When he had that conversation with Yondu in vol. 2. But I did notice that he does pronounce it with the ‘g’ sometimes, so do alternate between the two.
I do this a bit more sparingly but a lot of the ‘you’s and ‘your’s are rushed or pronounced as ‘ya.’ I don’t really like writing in accents so much so I really try not to use it but sometimes the dialogue just comes out better when written like that. For example, “y’like that?” Or “ya like that?” Idk I definitely heard Rocket’s voice in those hahaha
because of research as well I noticed Rocket uses a lot of old american slang like ‘broad’ ‘goons’ and ‘lackey,’ which kinda also comes with knowing that he has a brooklyn accent, but not a lot of people (including me) include this in Rocket’s speech but I thought it would useful information anyway.
I really hope this helped!! Don’t hesitate to ask me for more tips if any of you guys need any <33
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aliasrocket · 1 year
imagine rocket and reader best friends to lovers... they would know enough abt the other to know why it cant work but they want it anyways!!! *explodes*
ooo it’s reminding me of a lot of gotg oc fics/ideas I’ve seen floating around, I feel like with Rocket friends to lovers is like a hundred times angstier bc they both know what happened to each other and they both know how destructive the other can be towards themselves.
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aliasrocket · 1 year
Re: your Rocket x fox/fox hybrid reader post
I've never written that specifically, so I can't speak for anyone who has, but as someone in the process of writing a fic where Rocket is paired up with an alien that has a mixture of animal characteristics, I personally gave the character those to make them a little more exciting and alien. I still love reading about people's gotg stories and characters/readers portrayed as human or human adjacent, no hate to them, but my personal thought process was, there's a whole galaxy to explore, why not give the character readers are inserting themselves into some inhuman ability or characteristic while keeping their personality as something you could still find in an everyday person.
I mean, as much as I love our collective angsty babygirl, Rocket, a talking cybernetically enhanced raccoon is pretty fantastical. And myself as a Rocket angst enjoyer and having read and loved your therapy fic, I agree that lots of people are probably drawn to the relatability of his mental issues. So, in my opinion, it seems fun to play with a reader character in a similar vein of fantastical yet relatable.
Thanks for sending this ask in and to everyone who responded to that small post asking about the whole fox reader ideal. I got new perspectives that genuinely helped me understand why people enjoy it.
Actually this is something I’ve kinda wanted to talk about fro a while but never really had the means to. And hey, this blog has expressed a wide range of opinions regarding Rocket, so why not?
DISCLAIMER : I will still remind everyone that this is me just sharing MY opinion because I love talking to you guys and sharing our different perspectives. This is not a means to change people’s minds but more so to give a (probably) new perspective to this topic.
I have thought about that for a long time, how complicated reader inserts actually are. They seem like a very simple concept at first but when you’re in fanfic and you have to write a reader insert with a fixed story with a canon character, there important things to consider.
I’m creating headings as I go because I realized my points get rather elaborate and I want you guys to be able to read this post easier.
One. It’s not actually the reader.
The reason they’re called the reader is because you, you reading this, are reading the fic. Nevermind that there are others reading it too. It was made for you, because you came here to imagine being with this character you adore.
And it as much as it may suck, especially for Rocket enjoyers, we aren’t any other species but human. We don’t have wings, we aren’t born with powers or enhanced strength.
But that’s exactly what I love about reader inserts. Even if you are vastly different from the world you’re inserting yourself to, you find a way to insert yourself without having to change what you are. You don’t have to change yourself to be loved by your favorite cast of characters. That, in my opinion, is what fanfic is for.
(But character x nb/trans/male/female/queer/genderqueer/readers or anything of the sort are NOT included in this topic because some of us are actually one of the above, where as none of us are alien/foxes/animals. Probably.)
So, I can’t imagine myself making fox reader fics or even making reader insert fics where the reader is from some other planet because that is no longer me. (I understand that even if the reader is human it technically still isn’t me but we’ll get to that in point two.)
I believe my mindset on this is also influenced by the fact that I want to be a published author later on in my life and I think that if you want to explore other galaxies and other powers and abilities that other lifeforms can have, you can more comfortably do it by making an original character altogether.
my personal alternative : original characters.
Yes, there is stigma around it, but a lot of people have pulled this off well and surprisingly enough, I’m not gonna lie, a lot of the OCs people ship with Rocket are fairly well written. Even the designs are so well put together and blend it perfectly with the gotg universe!
Speaking from experience, it is much easier expanding on those explorations on a character you make rather than an insert because you can make the character your own. Self inserts have to be more general to be able to relate other readers. Yes, you are your own audience. But most of us publish fanfic. To some degree, we do cater to other people as well.
Two. Even then, it is distant.
Even when the reader is human, no amount of generalizing is going to take away the fact that this person probably isn’t like you, even when they are meant to be you.
What I mean by this is that majority of the time, the way the reader acts or thinks or speaks in the fic is probably not the way you would specifically. Some readers in fics are shy, but you could be someone who openly flirts with people you’re interested in. Some readers are sarcastic and blunt but you might prefer to spare people the trouble. You get my point.
This related back to point one in the sense that, writing a reader insert is already in itself distant enough and I think making them a different species is just going to make the reader in the fic even more distant from the actual person reading your fic. The same goes for giving the reader specific abilities or talents and what not.
In any case, as mentioned previously I still see the appeal in writing readers in a fantastical way because that is also what fiction is for—exploration of the things we cannot normally explore in real life.
And anyway just because I think this way doesn’t mean I don’t read reader inserts like the ones you mentioned because there are a lot of those going around both on ao3 and on tumblr. It’s just a personal preference that I stick to when I write.
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aliasrocket · 1 year
What kind of music do you think rocket would like? We know he likes a lot of quills songs, but can you see him gravitating towards a certain type of music? One of my favorite rocketisms in the movies is his love for music and him singing along to songs (: sorry if this has been asked before !
No no worries!! I love song related qns!
I’m not sure if Quill listens to country pop but it seems Rocket does, as observed in vol 2 when he hums to southern nights (a song I grew to LOVE bc of him btw)
Since Rocket listens to ‘Creep’ and actively sings along to the chorus I feel like he does like songs based on how much it relates to him as well so …
I’m gonna split up songs based on the vibe of Rocket’s music taste and then I’ll get into songs that I think relate to him but also fit the vibe but a little less, I suppose.
First up : Rocket’s music taste.
He’d also definitely be into Arctic Monkeys and some of you may laugh, Harry Styles. I said it. Definitely would dig Queen and The Sukis and some of Mitski’s songs.
Specific songs I feel are up his alley are
Arabella — Arctic Monkeys.
Kiwi — Harry Styles.
Bohemian Rhapsody — Queen.
Animo — The Sukis.
A Pearl. — Mitski.
I could go on but these are some specific songs from each band or artist I suggested, lmk if you’d like more recs bc I find a lot of their songs relate to Rocket as well/have the same vibe with Rocket’s music taste.
Second up : Relatability.
I feel like he would really like Will Wood, especially ‘love me normally’ because of the lines,
“I’d rather be normal, yes so normal, I suggest that we keep this informal, ‘cause a normal human being wouldn’t need to be pretend to be normal, to be normal, well I guess that’s the least that I owe ya, to be normal in way I couldn’t be, c’mon c’mon and love me, normally.”
OH AND PENELOPE SCOTT he’d find penelope scott’s music super cool too, thinking about the song ‘Rät’ and how it sorta relates back to his relationship with H.E ;
“I come from scientists and atheists and white men who kill god, they make technology high quality, complex, physiological, experiments and sacrilege in the name of public good”
“They taught me everything just like a daddy should.”
“I studied code because I wanted to do something great lke you.”
“I loved you, I loved you, I loved you it’s true. I wanted to be you and do what you do. I lived here, loved here I bought it’s was true I’m so embarrassed, I feel abused.”
I have a lot more but I don’t wanna ramble on for too long so lmk if you guys want more lmao I love talking about songs!!
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aliasrocket · 1 year
You're carrying the whole Rocket x Reader fandom on your back. Thank you for your service. Can I pleaseee request reader giving Rocket a blow job... for science
Finally wrote this one but um my most recent fic has intense bj action, hopefully it’s to your taste <3
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aliasrocket · 1 year
Hey could I put in a request of a Ryan Yellowstone x reader where the reader run the neighbouring ranch to the duttons and she’s says she won’t date cowboys but ryan preserves to get her
Never watched a cowboy show and never heard of a Ryan Yellowstone but hey if ever you do wanna put in a request for Rocket or other characters I actually wanna write for here’s the list. Sorry to disappoint ya mate though you did request this under a rocket raccoon blog.
I googled ‘Ryan Yellowstone’ and apparently he was also in Teen Wolf? Whaddya know.
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aliasrocket · 1 year
hi! i love your fic (expecially misery business and last friday night) really glad to see another asian rocket lover w adhd out here—you really inspired me to pick up writing again and i sort of started working on my own fic for rocket bc of you (ˊᵕˋ )
that's all i had to say haha i hope you have a nice day! (ˆ꜆ . ̫ . )♡
-anon called iris
Omg thank you so much iris!! <33 I’m so glad you told me this it means the world to me, I really do put my heart into my writing and I’m so glad I could help you feel less alone on this and that I helped you get started on your own Rocket fic! Aghh it really is so good to hear, it’s so encouraging on my part as well!
And yeah I don’t talk about it much bc I don’t wanna be annoying about it but adhd can be such a pain especially with writing so I’m really glad I’m not alone on this as well <3
If you ever wanna chat, do not hesitate to hit up my ask box about anything. Now I can make an anon list hehe!! I’ve always wanted to do that and for a while I think you might be the only person on it hahahaha
That goes for the rest of you as well, please don’t hesitate to hit up my ask box especially if you wanna have anon convos with me, I’d love to talk to you guys more <3
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aliasrocket · 1 year
Hello! Just wondering, for your fic comms, is it only x reader or can we commission an oc x Rocket,,? Thanks in advance!!
I was actually coming here to check on a specific reblog but I’m glad you asked anon! I’m willing to do oc x rocket. But no pressure, just wanted to get this out of the way as I have my own oc that I kinda ship with rocket as well.
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aliasrocket · 1 year
When he does the "oh... YEAH..." bit, I swear i can feel the heat of his breath against my ear
Not sure if this is the same anon as before but for fucking real. It was breathy FOR A REASON. Ain’t no way James Gunn didn’t know what he was doing bc what the fuck.
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aliasrocket · 1 year
Omg I just had an angsty idea!!!!
Rocket story but with this quote from Glimpse of Us by Joji “Sometimes I look in her eyes and that’s where I find a glimpse of us.” Where whenever he looks at his partner (or crush), the reader, he thinks of Lylla!!!
Fair enough, some of the comics did paint Lylla out to be Rocket’s love interest so I see where you’re coming from. If you have the inspo/motivation to write it you definitely should!! It’s just not my kind of angst if you catch my drift, because I feel more comfortable with the mcu depiction of Rocket and Lylla’s relationship.
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aliasrocket · 1 year
If Rocket was in love with a human and somehow had the opportunity to become a human himself would he do it to be with them or would he want to stay a raccoon?
Ooh, this one’s hard on one hand, Rocket hates his body and has struggled and probably still is struggling with it for a long time, and on the other, it’s still very much Rocket’s body, but it was just ruined by his creator, and having a human body is probably vastly different.
I don’t think Rocket would want to change into a human just to have higher chances with them because if it turns out they can’t reciprocate his feelings, it would have been for nothing.
I will say this though; change might just be as hard as being in peace with your body.
Rocket is already super used to having insane strength and everything else his body comes with, and he also can’t really be sure if his animalistic instincts (running on all fours, opening his jaw widely as he eats, his ears and tail moving often) will just be gone if he can be put into a human body or have a human body so that’s an additional change he might be uncomfortable with.
But to answer your question straight up, no, I don’t think Rocket would change into a human for love.
But it’s hard to say if he would do it for himself.
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aliasrocket · 1 year
I saw your Rocket song post and thought I should share some songs I think fit him! The main two I think of are more relatable songs: Christmas Kids by ROAR because the story the lyrics match Rocket’s story really closely.
“I need you now, I love you so / much more than you could know,” is the high evolutionary seeming friendly and loving but only because of a darker reason Rocket doesn’t understand. “You’ll change your name and change your mind / and leave this fucked up place behind,” speaks for itself. “I'm leaving, Phil, I'm leaving now / I'm going to escape, but you won't know how / Or where to find me when I'm gone / I'll drink myself to death inside / This prison cell” is also pretty straightforward with the prison cell having the double meaning of the prisons he gets into and breaks out of, and Rocket’s own body that he hates but can never escape.
The other song I think fits him is Beautiful Freak by Eels. It’s more loving than would currently fit his mental state, but it’s a good song for listening to while thinking about him. “Too good for this world / But I hope you will stay / And I'll be there to see / That you don't fade away / You're such a beautiful freak / I bet you are flying inside”
Sorry for the long ask, I just immediately thought of these songs when I saw your post
Ah yeah lmao “you’ll change your name, and change your mind, and leave this fucked up place behind” I didn’t know what that song was titled before this but there’s a lot of edits of rocket on tiktok with that song.
It’s pretty cool to see our different music tastes as well, I saw elegant_fleuret mention Rocket would definitely be into 100 gecs and I agree
And hey thank you for sharing!! I agree, a lot of these lyrics are very much rocket raccoon <33
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aliasrocket · 1 year
What if reader had scars from past surgeries? What about prosthetics? What if they had to get surgery? Would it make Rocket uncomfortable or would he think they’re badass? Sorry for packing in so many questions, I just really like your blog and this idea wouldn’t leave me alone!
I’ve gotten a similar ask before, I forgot what exactly it was but it was something about helping a reader in chronic pain I believe? And a bionic part of their body kinda like rocket, something like that.
Rocket would definitely think they’re badass. He wouldn’t pry but would definitely want to talk to them more to get to hopefully get to know about them and their surgeries/prosthetics/scars.
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