#.bloodlust is the ticket and contrition is fraud // sigma.
sagittaestardust · 10 months
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sagittaestardust · 10 months
What are some general hygiene things you do? How do you normally do your hair? What kind of products do you use?
☠ ― Questions the Muse Can Answer
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"I follow a 6 step routine when it comes to my hair."
"Step 1: A simple cleanse. Washing your hair is a basic step that everyone should do at a minimum, and at least every other day, as I do. Personally I recommend a sulfate-free moisturizing shampoo, which is beneficial to hair and the health of your scalp. You want to use your fingertips, not your nails. Again, I suggest every other day, as washing too often will strip your hair of natural oils and can disturb the scalp.
Step 2: Conditioner and nourishment. This part is essential. Conditioner, of course, detangles your hair, provides moisture, and seals cuticles. Shampoo can deplete moisture, so following up with conditioner, such a silicone free one, will benefit your hair health greatly.
Step 3: Detangle. This can also be part of step 2 if you use a comb while conditioning. Ultimately, detangling should start while in the shower, after you apply the conditioner. Leave-in conditioner is especially good for this. I recommend starting at the ends of your hair and working up towards the roots for easy detangling.
Step 4: Prime and styling. You must always prepare the hair thoroughly before using heated equipment, such as curlers and straighteners. Never use heated tools on wet or damp hair. You want to allow the hair ample time to dry after applying the heat protectant before using any equipment. And remember, when using a primer, a little goes a long way. Pea-sized blots are all you need.
Step 5: Moisturizing. To repeat myself, a little goes a long way. Any oil you use for this should be used in quantities of 1 to 4 drops depending on length and thickness of hair. You always want to warm the product up between your palms as well. Leave-in conditioner is also good for this as well, if you do not wish to use extra oils and cut a step.
Step 6: Treatments. These are sprinkled in throughout the week, with a rotation of every other day. I follow an oil treatment procedure. Section hair into two parts, coat each section, braid the hair, and let it absorb overnight. This step is entirely optional, however I try not to miss treatments."
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sagittaestardust · 10 months
When is your birthday? What is your ideal birthday?
☠ ― Questions the Muse Can Answer
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"I don't know. I do not recall if I ever had a birthday... well, when it would be, that is. Everyone has one, so no doubt I do as well. But I don't stop and think on it, much. I was being pestered by some employees one day, and blurted out April 13th, so that day is celebrated as my "birthday" for them, but I do not know when it actually is."
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sagittaestardust · 10 months
What are some weird interests or hobbies you have that people probably wouldn't expect you to have ?
☠ ― Questions the Muse Can Answer
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"I don't necessarily... think I have hobbies? Unless you count card tricks... or making things out of cards. I've made some card houses before... or I've painted over them to have different designs? I have a personalized deck that I'm in the midst of working on in spare time. I can sew as well, but that's more so just for when I notice I've torn something I wore, and not so much an interest. I can sleep standing up...? Ah, well, that would be more of a talent then a hobby, I suppose. And that only occurs after I haven't slept for a few days, as well, and not necessarily on command... I don't really think I'm that interesting of a person when it comes to personal habits, unfortunately."
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sagittaestardust · 10 months
How do you feel about makeup? Are you any good at putting it on? Do you wear it often?
☠ ― Questions the Muse Can Answer
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"I try not to use too much, but I do wear simple things here and there. Some gloss, eyeshadow, blush... my applications are simple, but effective. For more extravagant events, I do tend to do a little more work with contouring and other applications. I'll be a bit more bold with color choices rather than a "nude" palette, as well."
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sagittaestardust · 10 months
Are you happy in your own skin? If you could change something about yourself, would you, and what would it be?
☠ ― Questions the Muse Can Answer
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"I've heard comments in passing that my limbs appear to be rather... gangly, for a lack of a better term. While I feel as though I am proportionate, I can't help but wonder if maybe there is something a bit odd about my stature. It doesn't cause discomfort, per se, but it still is something to ponder. If I could change something, perhaps I'd like to be a bit shorter. Maybe that would fix the issue of my "gangly" limbs?"
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sagittaestardust · 10 months
If you were to describe yourself in a few words, what would those words be?
☠ ― Questions the Muse Can Answer
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"As the general manager of the Sky Casino, my image matters tremendously. I often hear words such as "dependent", "astute", "observant"... things like that used among peers to describe me. As they should, seeing that is the image I have carefully curated for myself in the public eye. And while the sentiment is very touching, them having that much faith in me..."
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"... I can't quite say they would be accurate if any of my staff would see me behind closed doors. "Calculating" wouldn't be far off, though... nor "observant", perhaps that is accurate. But I am not above calling myself a desperate person. Or, maybe even stubborn could work."
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sagittaestardust · 10 months
What is your favorite holiday? What makes it your favorite? Is there something in particular that you enjoy most about it?
☠ ― Questions the Muse Can Answer
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"Ah- Sky Casino tends to decorate for all holidays, even if I personally don't celebrate them... which is the case for pretty much all of them. Not that I dislike any, of course! I just... do not. But, if I had to choose... I think I enjoy Christmas the most, out of all of them. While the decorating for Halloween is far more impressive, and I enjoy seeing the creativity in costuming the guests here display, there's a certain feel around Christmas that is a little more... warm, I suppose. The scents around that time are easy on me, as well. And, ah, gingerbread is quite good, I will say."
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sagittaestardust · 10 months
If someone were to invite you to a party, would you enjoy it? What would you do during?
☠ ― Questions the Muse Can Answer
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"I am... not necessarily invited to parties, often. Hardly any time with everything going on that needs overseeing. Granted the casino affairs could technically be taken as a bit of a constant party, what with everything going on. And, if looking at it in that regard... I suppose I enjoy them? But more so from a respectable distance."
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sagittaestardust · 10 months
" WELCOME TO THE LACTOSE INTOLERANT CONVENTION, SIGGY ~ ! " milk proceeds to fly out at them through a portal!
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sagittaestardust · 10 months
a certain clown stares across the blackjack table at the dealer. he :3c
Slender fingers are trying (and failing) to smoothly shuffle the deck while under such an... intense (they suppose?) gaze. Normally there's no issue, Sigma is more than capable of cutting a deck and dealing out to their players.
But, and they're loathe to admit it, Gogol unsettles them. Deeply. It's as if there was a bomb sitting across from them. And now, Sigma was given the task of diffusing said bomb. But it's as if you handed them a pair of safety scissors to do so. Just don't ask, Sigma. Just cut the cards, and deal. That's all you have to do. Just deal them out.
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"Is there... perchance, something you wanted to ask?"
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