#.im kinda tired n drained as hell right now so im not gonna respond. but kno ive read em n i rllybappreicate u guys
arcadequeerz · 5 years
I’m ok!
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samantha-tumbler · 5 years
Cought Offguard | Billy ST part two
M/C: (my comments) There is going to be a part three I just got tired of writing right now. This is my first fanfic so be nice. I hope you enjoy! PS the reader is suppose to be the same age as Max. And I don't think its weird that a 16 year old and a 17 yearly are flirting even tho they’re sophomores and seniors. 
Summary: You meet your new bestie Max and your fun leads to an unexpected encounter with her brother Billy. 
Warnings: Underage drinking. Little smut 
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Max and you had been friends hand in hand for the majority of the year. Sleepovers almost every weekend and you still barely knew about Billy. You would glance at him in the hallway and he would look at you and smile but you knew it didn't mean anything. He practically smiles at every girl in Hawkins.
You got to your locker and started daydreaming about Billy. Its not that you liked him or anything he just makes you feel a certain way and... “BOO!” Max had come up behind you and almost scared the shit out of you. “Don't do that” you said “Aw is y/n upset?” Max replied. “What were you thinking about anyway? I can see that look in your eye.” “Nothing, just forget about it.” you snapped back. She shrugged it off and you both headed to Home Ec. 
After class she invited you over for a sleepover and said that no one would be home. You happily agreed and you both started making a plan of all the bad stuff you two were gonna do. “First we obviously have to have boys over” Max said “Too bad we don't know any.” you said back “True, well were gonna have to think of something fun to do.” said Max “Trust me Im sure we can have fun with a little of thisss.” You smiled and opened your backpack revealing a bottle of alcohol. “Oh my god, where did you get that?!” “Steve and I are close and he just gave it to me as a present for Christmas”. 
School had ended and you were both heading to Billy’s car for a ride. He didn't like waiting so Max and you had to run out of school like crazy people. When you got in eyeshot of Billy you could see him talking to a girl “like always” Max had said under her breath. We waited till they were done talking and walked over to his car. “Your late” he said. “Its not my fault you want to get in every girls pants.” Max said. You raised an eyebrow in shock because she never snaps back at Billy.
He told you to wait in the car while he talked to Max. You obeyed because quite frankly you were a little scared of Billy. Max stoped you and told Billy “Whatever you have to say to me you can say in front of y/n.” Billy stoped and looked at you, and then back at Max. He angrily said “Get in the car.” to the both of you. Max was confused because Billy never gives up an argument.
The ride to Maxes was awkward and quite. Billy was just blank like something had come over him. When you pulled into the driveway you both quickly got out while Billy raced off god knows where. “Where are your parents anyway?” you asked Max. “I don't really know, Mom said she had a business trip and my stepdad just wanted to go with her I guess.” “Well as long as we're alone let's get this party started.” You said while pulling out the alcohol. Twenty minutes into the bottle you both started feeling light headed and dizzy. Max turned on some music and you had the best dance party ever. 
Not even 20 minuets later you hear Billys mustang pull up in the driveway and you have a small panic attack. You could barely walk and your body decided to collapse on the floor. Max was in the bathroom unaware what was about to happen. Billy unlocked the front door and quickly sees the open bottle of alcohol on the table. He yells “Max!” she didn't respond “MAX!” he said again. She answered this time “Yes Billy” she says remorsefully hoping that he hasn't noticed the bottle. 
“What the hell is going on here?” You have never heard Billy sound like this before. He had a deep voice and you could tell he was going to snap any second. “Maxxx” you groaned on the floor. Billy hadn't noticed you yet. He bent down and said “oh, hi y/n” in a sarcastic voice implying that you weren't the center of attention at the moment. Max started telling Billy that you guys were just trying to have fun and he about lost it. He took the bottle and drained it down the sink. “You are sixteen you don't need to be having this kind of fun!” “I hate you, you never let me do anything.” All this time they were fighting you felt like you were paralyzed on the floor. 
“How much did she drink?” Billy asked Max “I don't know like almost a 1/4 of the bottle.” Max replied. Billy shook his head in dis belief “oh god” he said. “What is she gonna be ok?”asked Max “She’ll be fine, just let me take care of it.” Max went into the bathroom to take a shower, while Billy walked over to you. “You ok?” he said turning you on your back. You could hardly make out a sentence. “Fine” you said. “Alright let's get you to bed” He picked you up and took you to his room. “You’ll be more comfortable in here.” Max only had a single bed so he was right. “ you sleep with me?” you asked. He smiled and said “I’ll be on the couch, call if you need anything.” Billy covered you with his blanket and gave you a bucket just in case. It was still pretty early and Billy is usually out at this time but he stayed in to make sure you and Max were ok.
You had fallen asleep for a couple hours but woke up at 1 AM really confused to find yourself in BILLY HARGROVES bed. You got out of bed and walked out into the living room to find Billy awake watching TV. “Well good morning y/n.” Billy said. “Why does my head hurt so much?” you said. “That would be called a hangover.” Billy responded “Ughhh, what even happened?” Billy spared you the details but explained why you were in his bed. Wow Billy actually caring about someone other than himself shocking. “Well thanks for taking care of me.” you said. “What are you watching?” you asked “Nothing that interesting, wanna join me?” sure why not. You sat next to Billy on the now very small couch. Your thighs had to touch in order to position yourself in front of the TV. 
It was actually kinda nice being with Billy when he wasn't so agro. Billy got up to get some water and he brought you a glass too. “It will help with the headache.” he said. “Thanks.” When Billy sat back down it seemed he was even closer to you than before. A scary movie had come on TV and your eyes were both glued. You loved scary movies and it seemed Billy enjoyed them too. Billy jumped and he had grabbed your hand. Not even noticing you hid your face in his shirt. The movie was so distracting you both didn't realize you were closer then normal. A commercial came on and Billy had noticed you two holding hands. You made eye contact he had a smirk on his face and was looking back in forth from your eyes to your hands. 
Part three on its way 
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