#000 . answers / ic
forgottnseccnd · 6 months
"Have you ever had the chance to study the constellations above Colchis, Aurelius?" Lorgar asked one quiet evening. "The Chapters were named for them, and astromancy was widely practiced at one point in time."
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" Above Colchis... " Aurelius hummed quietly at that, head lulled back in thought as if he were trying to peer at the stars even now in this very room. " ... some, yes. " The usually silent Second Son muttered this out, his gaze becoming far more gentle now as they spoke of the stars together.
They always were such wonderful things, Aurelius silently thought-- the stars held secrets, yet so many opportunities and helped to show the future if you looked at them just right. But most of all, his sons found comfort in them. His helmed head tilted down to Lorgar as they spoke on the matter. " Your people studied astromancy at some point? I did not know that. Though, I expect no less of them, Brother. A hardy sort, they are. " While his delivery was deadpan, the way his glowing eyes squinted beneath his helmet showed that Aurelius could have been vaguely smiling.
" ... May I learn more? In turn, I could offer you details about my people and their faith, Brother. "
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criticalfai1ure · 2 months
send questions to my muses -> i dare you.
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palskippah · 8 months
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Based over the fact that my lil bro when like he just turned five cut a bunch of his hair off and my mom and I were like :000
Also, Mario connected the dots very quickly bc just that morning he told Nettarina they looked alike and then by afternoon she had many inches less of hair🧍but he didn't say anything.
BUT! Of course Nettarina did, and when Peach said "why,,?" like not really expecting an answer, she said "because mamma said I look just like him, but I didn't bc he doesn't have long hair so I cut mine!"
And Peach sent an unfairly killing stare to Mario who was like hehe sori :D
Then Mariella saw her sister and wanted to be just like her, so then they took both girls to a stylist to cut their hair properly and later after that they get ice-cream and go to a park and is very nice but Peach laments that they don't have their pretty long hair anymore, the whole afternoon alskdadf too big of a change maybe bc she wouldn't be able to braid their hair or do nice hairstyles anymore waa (she now can do the little palm tree pigtails tho and she's like aww like when they were babies! :'D)
(When Nettarina's older, she starts liking longer hair again so she returns to how she had it before the cutting from when she was five ajsdka)
BTW Mario and Peach have two more babies and they're both girls and one's called Carolina and the youngest is Giovanna and WA Carolina's design looks too much like Mario therefore too much like the twins aksjdajd but she got Peach's nose and also her big ol' eyes from the moment she was born (in Mario's eye color tho).
And Giovanna got Mario and Luigi's dad's hair (aka also Luigi's hair) so it's dark and more like Peach's rather than Mario's. She also got his nose and his eyes and his eyebrows and basically everything sjdsh
Anyways what I'm trying to get at, is that none of their four daughters look that much like Peach at simple view, but if you look closely, you notice that they got her eyebrows, or her smile or her eye color mixed in with Mario's or her eyelashes or the shape of her face whwhw
ALSO, Peach's height yippie!! They're all taller than Mario🧍and he's like psh the disrespect >:c because he gotta look up to any of their daughters, even Carolina, who is the shortest of them (by nature's laws Giovanna, being the youngest, is the tallest).
Sorry I love when children look much more like a parent than the other, especially if it's the parent that gave birth to them SJDK (it's only fair, since they carried the babies >:v)
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peterstamatin · 8 months
The Beginner’s Guide to The Void
(by caspiancomic)
The Void is my favourite game that I’ve never played.
Released in 2008 under the name Tension, it’s the second major release from Russian studio Ice-Pick Lodge, following 2005′s Pathologic. If you are familiar with this foreign indie art game, you are probably full to bursting already with indie gamer snob cred, but I implore you to help yourself to a bit more. If you’ve gone so far as to play it, you’ve got more snob cred than even I, so congratulations on that. For those of you interested in experiencing it, which will hopefully be all of you, it is available to PC users on Steam, but for the rest of you, I recommend CannibalK9′s spectacular Let’s Play.
Let me repay my debts right away. In this essay, I hope to open your eyes to some of the thematic through lines of The Void, encourage you to experience the game yourself, suggest that in the future you think more fully and deeply about the thematic core of your chosen games, and maybe expose you to a beautiful, little understood, and criminally under appreciated diamond of a video game. But if all I accomplished with this essay was CannibalK9 reading it and learning how much his LP affected my ability to read and appreciate games, media generally, and life, I would still consider it an unqualified success. CannibalK9 speaks beautifully, a trait I admire in others and seek to cultivate in myself, and he has a great deal of knowledge and wisdom regarding this game. Many if not all of my own ideas are indebted to his observations of and reflections on the game. If you know him, or are in contact with him, send him this way. I’d love a chance to thank him for everything he’s done for me.
And before we get down to it properly, one last thing. Ice-Pick Lodge is, at the time of writing, running a Kickstarter to fund their next game, called Knock-Knock. If you’re a fan of either The Void specifically, or atmospheric horror games generally, I’d highly recommend chucking them a few bucks. They’re only looking for a modest $30 000 to fund the game, and even a tiny donation gets you access to the finished game, so please do go check that out.
But enough sentiment for now, eh? Let’s get down to it.
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Once, when asked what Neon Genesis Evangelion is about, I cherished the opportunity to glibly respond with “everything.” It’s an answer that only makes sense to those already familiar with the series, and as such, was completely unhelpful to the person who asked me. But I maintain that it’s true. On a textual level, of course, Evangelion is about children who pilot giant robots to fight against alien invaders. But thematically, Evangelion is about religion, death, parent/child relationships (and as an extension, God/creation relationships), sex, puberty, loneliness, identity, free will, science, and basically anything you care to name. The Void is similarly weighted with thematic theses. The primary difference is that even on a strictly textual level, The Void is borderline incomprehensible, particularly on a virgin playthrough.
Still, that’s all just stage setting. I’m here to provide as in-depth an analysis as I can manage for a couple of The Void’s thematic hearts. Like Evangelion, The Void has a lot to say, and it says it quietly and clearly. For the purposes of this essay, I will be examining The Void’s relationship with death and the afterlife, and feminism and patriarchy.
But first, crib notes! The Void is dense with information, and I’m going to be referring to characters and concepts by their names from now on. The section that follows is more comprehensive than a “Beginner’s Guide to The Void” probably should be, but nowhere near an all-encompassing overview of the game. Some of the elements of the game that are not of importance for the discussion to follow- like glyphs, the presence and role of predators, etc- have been excluded from this explanation to keep the focus tight and the length tolerable. Also, where multiple characters give conflicting information on a topic (which happens all the time in this game), I’ve either attempted to include all the information, or focus on whichever version of events ended up being most true.
It features what you might call spoilers, but in order to progress through this discussion it’s important that we all know the characters and terms I’m about to discuss. So if you’re hellbent on a blind playthrough (the best way to play, according to CannibalK9), go play the game and come back when you’re done, the essay will still be here. As for the rest of us, let’s dive on in.
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How do you feel? Dizzy? Overwhelmed? Confused? Well, believe me, it only gets worse. This information is presented gradually, obliquely, and resentfully by multiple characters all whispering different lies and half-truths in your ear over the entire game. Detangling this particular Gordian Knot has taken a lot of careful examination and consideration of the game’s glut of information. Even so, I am 100% open to the idea that I have misinterpreted or otherwise misunderstood some element of the game and its mythology. Necessarily, any summary of the events of the game is going to involve some conjecture, a bit of artistic interpretation, and your own interpretation may differ from my own. This is as close as I could come to the “truth” about this game, but the beautiful thing about The Void is that finding your own truth amid the cacophony is one of the most satisfying facets of the story. If the above summary doesn’t mesh with your interpretation of the events of the game, I’d love to hear about it. Otherwise, definition of terms aside, we can now jump into an examination of the thematic undercurrents of the game.
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The world of The Void is married to death. The first character you meet, the melancholic Nameless Sister, is called Sister Death by her siblings. Throughout your journey, when you are approaching death, it will be Sister Death who warns you. Towards the end of the game, Sister Death will also make the ultimate sacrifice: she rips out her final heart and surrenders the last of her Colour to you to aid you on your quest. This act of generosity deeply disturbs the Sisters and Brothers, and I don’t mind telling you it deeply disturbed me. The characters of the game were shocked because “giving” in this world is either impossible or taboo, depending on who you ask. I was shocked because I didn’t realize until her sacrifice how much I really cared for Sister Death, and how much she obviously cared for me.
But for all Sister Death does to keep you alive, it is implied from the very beginning that our character is dead already. The Sisters, or at least Sister Death seem to believe you fell into the Void from above, while the Brothers insist you came up from below. Brother Triumphator insists that the Guest is “not alive, he’s quite dead.” In any case, Master Colour makes it perfectly clear (if his word can really be taken on the subject) that the only way to travel between Limits is to die. In the final leg of the game, Master Colour will also tell you that you are the soul of the Void- that you are the reason the Void is dead. Should that be true, you would be the wandering spirit of the well and truly deceased Sleeper, and therefor quite dead indeed. No matter how you cut it, the Guest is almost certainly dead, as the accounts of the various factions of the game only disagree in this respect on where you came from.
In spite of your posthumous nature, the threat of death still looms large over The Void. The sprigs of Colour you harvest to survive will periodically tell you that “there is no death in the Void.” This is, of course, patently untrue. Sister Death warns you early that beneath the Void is the Nightmare, the realm of Absolute Death. Should your hearts empty, you will sink into the Nightmare. In addition to this, Brothers can be killed in combat, and Sisters can be cannibalized with Aya’s Vampire glyph. At the end of the game, you will allow a Sister ascend, and if Colour is to be believed, travelling up to a new Limit requires death in the current one. As if that wasn’t enough, it’s made unambiguously clear that one Sister will ascend to the detriment of her siblings: everybody but the selected Sister, including the player character, must die for her to reach Breakthrough.
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When we examine these elements of The Void’s mythology, then, we can reach a conclusion about its thesis regarding not only the afterlife, but life. Let’s sum up. In The Void, reality is described as being like a chain of Limits, one above the other, travelling up infinitely high, but with a definite bottom in the Nightmare. Travelling between Limits is only possible upon death, and the deceased will either travel down, or with a great deal of effort and sacrifice, up. The Brothers, nightmarish creatures themselves who believe yourself to be one of them, and believe you ascended to the Void from the Nightmare, refer to the Void as Paradise. The Sisters, beautiful human women in appearance, aspire either secretly or obviously to reach Breakthrough and ascend. Sister Ole and Sister Yani, the uppermost Sisters in the Void, occupy chambers almost uncannily similar to the Limit above, and Sister Yani even claims she has been there. From these elements we can draw the conclusion that afterlife and life are, essentially, one and the same.
What we perceive as the world of the living is merely our own Limit, and upon death our spirit will either sink into the Limit below, which we will perceive as either a purgatory like the Void or a kind of hell like the Nightmare, or we will travel up, to what we might call Paradise. The Void suggests that there is no after life: only life.
There is, however, an interesting caveat to that unique interpretation of the after life. The chain of Limits has a bottom, the Nightmare, which we could call Hell, but it is infinitely tall. The Brothers (who, it is my belief, ascended to the Void from the Nightmare) refer to the Void as Paradise, in spite of the fact that to our eyes it is miserably bleak. From this we can infer that the Limit above our own would be perceived as a Paradise. In fact, ascending a Sister with the Rite of Devotio is said to create a world “for” or “from” that Sister- a world both created from and perfectly suiting the ascended soul. This is all evidence that the Limit above our own is equivalent to the concept of Heaven. But, the chain of Limits is infinitely tall- meaning that “Paradise” is, essentially, relative.
In a couple of ways this is sort of depressing. First, it implies that something approximating “perfection” can never be achieved. Sister Aya refers to Breakthrough as “creating a life from mere existence”, but no matter how high you manage to ascend, you will never reach a sort of “Absolute Life” to counterbalance the Nightmare’s Absolute Death. The second way this chain of Limits can be interpreted negatively is the implication that there is a Hell, but no Heaven. The Nightmare is a very real and definitive dead end on the chain of Limits, but no such finish line exists at the top of the chain. This means traditional western concepts of Heaven- perfect happiness, tranquility, peace, and togetherness with God- simply do not exist in the world of The Void.
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And yet in spite of this, I personally can’t help but interpret this positively. Consider it a facet of my- to borrow a phrase from CannibalK9- “gratingly optimistic” personality. For a start, as an atheist the idea of Heaven isn’t compatible with my belief system. But more than that, the idea of a final resting place in which souls spend the rest of time in perfect harmonious bliss is not in keeping with the tone of The Void. The Void is about struggle- tension, if you like- and it values hard work and dedication above all things. The idea of struggling your entire life to make the world around you a better place, and being rewarded with a higher Limit to work your craft on, is much more appealing to me than a kind of winner’s circle in which spirits congratulate themselves for the rest of eternity.
In his Let’s Play, CannibalK9 makes an inspired comparison between the infinitely tall chain of Limits and creative pursuits: you can always improve, but never perfect, your given craft. Perfection is dull. Everything interesting in life comes from tension, from learning, practicing, struggling, trying, failing, and succeeding. Why should the after life sanitize the most rewarding elements of life? In the cosmogony of The Void, there is no resting on laurels, no pats on the back, and no air of self congratulation. The end of every life represents a new opportunity to improve yourself and the world around you. How often have you looked back at your own life in abject embarrassment, wishing you knew then what you know now? Have you ever looked at something you wrote or drew several years ago and been repulsed by your own inexperience? Are you haunted by the time you were cruel or inconsiderate to someone who trusted you? Did reckless mistakes you made when you were younger have a disproportionately strong effect on the course your life took? In The Void, the end of every life represents an opportunity to approach the whole ordeal again with more and better wisdom, inspiration, trust, intelligence, and kindness. Consider it a New Game Plus mode for life. How many people here would prefer that option to an eternity spent strumming on a harp?
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You might think it’s strange that a game in which a host of powerful male characters protect and repress a sorority of helpless little girls could be considered feminist. Is it possible for a game in which women are literally bound, have no power except their beauty, and depend on a male spirit for sustenance, could have a healthy and sympathetic tone for women? What are we to think of a game in which the only female characters are forced to provocatively pose and strip in exchange for the substance they need to live, like a gentleman’s club where the dancers beg for food stamps? Well, it’s my opinion that this game has deep, strong feminist themes in its very DNA.
When feminism and video games enter the same conversation, more often than not attention is drawn to female characters with strength and conviction. Well, no, when feminism and video games mix more often the result is entitled children throwing their toys out of the crib and making fools of themselves. But in the more civilized corners of the internet (they do exist), great attention is payed to Lara Croft, Jade, Samus- the girls who kick ass and take names. And rightly so- a woman who can accomplish any task a man can and doesn’t make a big thing out of it is commendable progress in an industry that is overwhelmingly male-dominated.
However, while these characters and games are great examples of feminist game icons, I think they all fall into the same category: feminist power fantasies. There’s nothing wrong with a good feminist power fantasy, of course, but it’s only a single facet of what could be a much larger jewel. The Void has a more subtle, more literary feminist streak. It’s my belief that The Void can be very satisfyingly read as an allegory for modern feminism- a woman’s eye view of life amidst the patriarchy.
The Void’s gender politics are extremely obvious, and impossible to ignore. The Brothers and the Sisters have gendered names even as factions. They are totally segregated by gender, and the Brothers are the exclusive wielders of all the power there is to be had in the Void. With the exceptions of Echo and Aya, the sisters are prisoners in their chambers, each one both guarded and dominated by their respective Brother. Even those ostensibly “liberated” sisters are only free to move about the Void at the behest of the Brothers. In other words, the women in this game are utterly repressed by the men. This isn’t a coincidence- the singularly male ruling class keeping the female population in their place is a literal manifestation of the concept of the patriarchy, silently handicapping women to benefit a small ruling class exclusively composed of men.
Although women in video games being attractive by traditional standards is nothing new, the way the Sisters’ loveliness contrasts with the monstrousness of the Brothers is significant. Divorced from its here strictly physical manifestation, The Void seems to suggest in this way that all women are beautiful (intelligent, courageous, selfless, inquisitive, creative, etc) while all men are ugly (vain, egocentric, hypocritical, self-righteous, pompous, and so forth). This is an extremely strong stance to take, and contrary to the opinions of many a Youtube comments section feminists do not believe that women are superior to men, and certainly not to the degree seemingly hypothesized by The Void. But, The Void does not strive to create an allegory representative of the real world, remember. The Void represents the patriarchy as viewed through the lens of its female victims.
As long as we keep this in mind, the loveliness of the Sisters and the striking grotesqueness of the Brothers will make more thematic sense. Through this lens, many of the character decisions made by Ice-Pick Lodge will come into focus. For example, the fact that the Brothers consider themselves the infallible champions of the Sisters, or that the Brothers consider the Sisters somehow dangerous or threatening, or even that the Sisters resent rather than fear their Brothers. Using this interpretation we can also make sense of the seemingly problematic concept of the Sisters being unable to free themselves: one of the core tenets of a functioning patriarchy is that it is a system in which women are powerless, subservient, and subordinate. If the Sisters were capable of fighting the Brothers themselves, The Void would cross over into the above mentioned “feminist power fantasy”, and would not be representative of a “pure” patriarchy. In order to represent an airtight allegorical representation of the patriarchy, the female characters are necessarily powerless.
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There are two factions still to incorporate into this formula, though: Colour, and the Guest. Colour is certainly a masculine presence, and Colour in The Void is representative of power. The patriarchy is so entrenched in the Void that the very voice of “power” is male, and what’s more, power itself desires to remain exclusively in the hands of men. In the final leg of the game, Colour begins speaking to Golden Eyes constantly and aggressively. Although Colour introduces the player to the concept of Breakthrough, and teaches you that this rite ought to be performed on a Sister, as the game progresses Colour at first suggests, and then demands with increasing annoyance, that Golden Eyes perform the Rite of Devotio on himself. It is never suggested that a Brother could achieve Breakthrough- although they are explicitly referred to as being able to “take”, they consider Nerva to be poisonous- so Colour’s only option for keeping power in male hands is to ascend through his male vessel, the Spirit.
The final piece in this particular puzzle is the Guest. The Guest is by all accounts outwardly male. He has a masculine body when you view his hearts, and he spends much of the game successfully disguising himself as a Brother. However, the Guest lacks many of the qualities The Void associates with masculinity. He doesn’t speak, which contrasts him with the Brothers and their interminable self-righteous tirades. He also, strikingly, lacks genitals. Don’t dismiss this as censorship or authorial restraint either: any one of the Sisters will stand as naked as a newborn should you unlock all her hearts, and all their sex organs are clearly visible. In these ways The Void differentiates between a character who is a pillar of the oppressive patriarchy- the Brothers and Colour- and a character who is simply male.
But why is the Spirit male at all? The suggestion to me seems to be that overthrowing the patriarchy and creating a society in which women are truly considered equal to men is the responsibility of everybody, including men. In the Void, Colour is power. In a power-unbalanced society, evening the odds requires the empowered party to sacrifice power to the powerless party. The relationship between the Guest and the Sisters is collaborative- it represents men willingly and happily draining their own privilege and power and offering it to women. With this interpretation, it makes one male character offering power to women under the disapproving gaze of ten empowered men that much more significant: according to The Void, the power equalization between men and women is going to come slowly, from a dedicated minority of male feminist allies, and is going to be met with outrage and violence from the vast majority of men.
This makes Master Colour’s description of the barriers between Limits as a “glass ceiling” much more meaningful. By willfully surrendering his own power to a woman, against the wishes of the ruling patriarchy, the Spirit allows a Sister to literally break the so-called glass ceiling, and ascend to a position above that of even the Brothers. Now that we accept that it is the responsibility of men and women both to overthrow the patriarchy, we can make more sense of the Spirit’s systematic elimination of the Brothers. The Void’s contention is that for women to truly ascend, feminist men need to not only empower women, but actively destroy the patriarchal elements in their society and themselves. The Guest- the male feminist- literally destroys the patriarchy in his quest to empower a Sister.
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Finally, the ultimate goal of The Void is coloured, if you will, with feminist (or at the very least, feminine) themes. The Rite of Devotio will allow one Sister to ascend to the Upper Limit- creating life from mere existence. This is tantamount to a kind of birth. If the Upper Limit is where true “life” occurs, then the Void is not only an afterlife, but prelife. You could call the Void a kind of womb, in which there exists the possibility for many different lives, but only one can be chosen. Even the concept of the Void- vacant, hollow, accepting- is symbolically vaginal. The layout and design of the Void even echoes the appearance of a uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. The Sisters in their chambers could be said to be unfertilized eggs. In this analogy, then, Colour becomes seminal. It’s the substance used to fertilize a Sister so that she can ascend to the Upper Limit to be born. After all, in order to perform Breakthrough, the Spirit must reach a state of Turgor- turgidity, the opposite of flaccidity, being the state of tissue that has become rigid with the absorption of fluid. In other words, for humans, an erection. In this light, try not to think too hard about the fact that the oldest Sister is nineteen.
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Well, that represents just about the sum total of my most concrete theories regarding The Void. The Void is a spectacularly nourishing experience, and I had to trim away several potential avenues of thematic exploration to save on space and time. In the future, I may return to The Void, and use it as a jumping board to discuss art, love (platonic, familial, romantic, sexual, it’s all there in some form or another, and every player will have a different reaction to every Sister), religion, truth and lies, how we define ourselves against those around us… essentially any topic you care to mention can be meaningfully addressed using the language of The Void. For today, though, I hope I’ve managed to enrich your understanding of this and all games, the way CannibalK9 nourished my own understanding of this and all games. Once again, I’d like to implore you to check out Ice-Pick Lodge’s Kickstarter, and for any PC users, don’t forget that The Void is available on Steam. If you good folks have something to add about The Void (and anybody who has experienced it must have something to say about it), whether you’re building on or tearing down something I’ve said above or you’d like to pursue your own avenue of thought, please feel free to drop a comment, or even contact me personally. I could discuss this game to the end of time, so it certainly wouldn’t be an imposition.
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turntableart · 2 months
I feel like they'd get along with Pinon and love Neopolitan ice cream with blueberry toppings :000
(Also I DO NOT SAY THIS ENOUGH but I love seeing your art on my dash Turnnnnnn it's so cool-looking and cozy :DD. Your art tastes like fairy floss in my mind, even the angst /vpos)
!!! ;∆; thank you for actually asking questions
And thank you for the art compliment ;w; I'm eating it like a 5 star stake
Soooo remember this fuck?
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Yeah same guy just new colours
that are more difficult to draw but oh well I love to suffer
So name Is slushon! Or slush or slushie whatever floats ya boat and he is a sad sad lil man, he's like in his 20s and just works at a cyber city equivalent of 7/11, he does nightshirts from 7pm to 6am it's mostly empty so he doesn't do much other than steal free refills from the slush machines and pockets sweet treats, he's allowed to don't worry he ain't gonna get fired
His angst? Uh well this is pretty tame for me but he's just lonely and rather miserable, stuck in a loop kinda guy ya know? He wakes up goes to work goes home and sleeps, he doesn't have friends or family or much of a name for himself, I don't even think he's hugged a person before he's that alone, he lives in a small apartment on his own of course and he just doesn't do much
Maybe I'll make him suffer a lil more :3 depends how I'm feeling ✨
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chacha-tortuga · 2 years
little game here tagged by @cerosin thank you so much!! diversifying my blog by not posting my art for once :•)
• Nickname : People online love to call me Chacha even though it's far from my name
• Sign : Taurus
• Height : 180cm or around 5'11
• Last thing I googled : 1905, a podacst about swiss ice hockey
• Song stuck in my head : Two songs batteling to stay playing in my brain are Դղյակ by The Bambir and On GP by Death Grips
• Number of followers : 714, which I can't believe
• Amount of sleep : Between 4 to 5 hours a night, plus multiple naps during the day is my usual routine
• Dream Job : Color Script for animated movies would be the best but I'd settle for anything in animation really, even the most tiring jobs, I'm made for those
• Wearing : In a train so leather boots and pants, shirt and wool sweater. Plus my heavy military coat and a poor excuse of an ushanka
• Movies/Books that summarize me : The movie Josep by Aurel (it's on youtube for some reason) and the book Acts of Worship by Mishima I guess?
• Favourite songs : Most disappointing answer is that I don't really have those... I like so many songs that I can't pick one or two in particular sorry :( (but I'll share Գիշերով by The Bambir, Пачка Сигарет by Кино and Supplique pour être enterré à la plage de Sète by Georges Brassens)
• Favourite instruments : You are not immune to Hurdy Gurdy (and guitar but only because I used to play it)
• Aesthetic : Mountains (snowy or not), forests, battered men, covered faces, shaved heads
• Favourite Authors : I don't really read that much so I'll go with Arkady and Boris Strugatsky
• Fun fact : Protons fired up in the Large Hadron Collider at CERN can make the 27km circumference trip more than 11 000 times a second before colliding. That's how we discovered (proved the existence of) the Higgs Boson for example. I've seen the detectors multiple times in my life! They really are as huge as cathedrals!!
I won't really tag anyone here but if you see this feel free to do it as well!
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enslaughts · 1 year
the dividends of experience. . .
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#𝙴𝙽𝚂𝙻𝙰𝚄𝙶𝙷𝚃𝚂   :   a  low  activity  horror - heavy  multimuse  roleplay  blog  for  characters  featured  in  mixed  media,  including life is strange,  the quarry,  the last of us,  stranger things,  dc + marvel, succession,  supernatural,  yellowjackets,  star wars,  twilight,  the grishaverse,  hunger games,  and more.     headcanon heavy.
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an ode to  :  teenage horror,  body terror,  ignorance as bliss,  mirrors behind sheets, and things that go bump in the night.     𝟶𝟺/𝟷𝟾/𝟸𝟹. written  by  jean,  23,  white,  they/any,  cst. on hiatus.
roster.     prompts.
currently consuming : the last of us part i and ii, the bear
high muse.
sean diaz.     life is strange 2. karen reynolds.     life is strange 2. jesper fahey.     the grishaverse.     @dvrast​ cat saetang.     the last of us. tommy miller.     the last of us. kendall roy.     succession,  not spoiler free. javi martinez.     yellowjackets,  not spoiler free. laura lee.     yellowjackets,  not spoiler free. cassian andor.     star wars. k-2so.     star wars. peter parker. the amazing spider - man. bruce wayne. batman: unburied. jason todd. arkham knight. peeta mellark.     the hunger games.
dash rules.
000. . .     disclaimer.
just a little one !     i am very new to dc + marvel comics and find myself often overwhelmed with the amount of issues there are to read.     i’ve got the spirit,  but i may or may not know the basics about your muse when it comes to comic based portrayals.     i apologize in advance,  but it’s nothing a little plotting can’t fix,  so if i pop into your ims with stupid questions about your muse, this is why.     but as always,  if you’re still down to clown,  i am very much too !
001. . .     activity.
i'll be frank : i write pretty sporadically, and this goes for ic and ooc interactions. i can get overwhelmed juggling responsibilities often, and socializing is one of the first things to go.     i un  /  fortunately work 40 hour work weeks,    and only get every other weekend off,  so my schedule makes consistent activity difficult on top of my focus. if i can successfully plot something with you, i find my muse is sooo much more involved, but i'm contradictorily bad at it due to the reasons above ; it's truly hit or miss, and i understand if that becomes frustrating for any of my partners.    sometimes i’ll be able to get out a couple drafts a week,  others merely once,  or not at all. if i haven’t replied or answered something in a while,  please know it’s nothing personal, i’m just taking my time until i feel good about what i can put down.     writing is a hobby i enjoy, but if you're looking for a blog with any sort of regularity, this isn't the one for you. i have other rp blogs i try to run as well,  therefore i might be very slow on this one at times.     i can be quite the flaky rp partner,  so i apologize in advance for that and completely understand if my antics   [  or lack thereof  ]   result in an unfollow. if i go longer than two months without activity, i'll try to make a hiatus notice.
002. . .     following.  
because of the previously stated,  i’m also highly selective with who i rp with.     i want to not to bite off more than i can chew,  and for the sake of pacing myself,  my activity will be reserved for mutuals only.     if my thread count gets too high for my liking, it's not uncommon that i drop threads, but i will absolutely try and let you know if that happens.     duplicates are always welcome <;3   [  let me know if you need me to tag same - muse posts and i’ll be happy to !  ] i regularly go on softblocking sprees to keep my follower count semi - low, but do feel free to re - follow if you feel like the stars merely misaligned for our first bout of mutual following and i'd be very down to give it another shot. on that note, it'll take me a week+ to follow back sometimes, as i like to read through not only rules, but dossiers and verse pages, especially for ocs, so it can take a hot minute.
003. . .     etiquette.
the basics  ;  don’t be an asshole,  any transphobia,  biphobia,  homophobia,  racism,  whitewashing,  pro - shipping,  incest,  etc,  will be blocked on sight.     no godmodding,  please cut your threads,  continue asks in new posts,  etc,  and no stealing of any personal concepts of mine.     loose inspiration is fine,  but if i see repeated similarities,  i may or may not approach you about it.     formatting - wise,  here is an example of my prose style.     i primarily use big ol’ text and static or no icons,  beta editor + xkit rewritten,  but feel free to format however you like and i’ll try to match you somewhat. since my concussion, however, i will no longer be threading with super small text or anything heavily formatted, as this can strain my eyes and make headaches worse, even with my glasses.
004. . .     shipping.  
i’m all about exploring meaningful dynamics,  whether they be platonic,  familial,  antagonistic,  pre - established,  etc,  so feel free to shoot me a message if you’d like to plot something out between our muses !     while the mun of this blog is 18+,  smut just really isn’t my thing  ;  referenced  ‘ offscreen ’  as it were is fine,  as are nfsfw headcanons and such,  maybe fade to black  /  time skips,  but for the most part,  you won’t find any roleplayed smut on this blog.     this of course is muse dependent and does not apply to any underage muses.     romance is fine to some degree,  but again,  if they are a child,  anything beyond lighthearted and innocent experiences are off limits,  no exceptions.     if i see you’ve aged up a minor character for shipping purposes,  it will result in an instant unfollow.     if at some point i flesh out adult verses for them,  these shipping rules will not change.     on that note as well,  i do prefer to rp with muns who are also 18+.     i don’t see your age somewhere in your rules or pinned,  it will affect my willingness to follow.
005. . .     memes.
memes from anyone,  anytime,  for the muse or for the mun,  are always welcome,  and often a go - to ice breaker of mine since starter calls make me nervous.     please don’t hesitate to send a good handful since i try not to cage myself into answering ones i just don’t have muse for.     i find if i force stuff,  i’m just less likely to ever actually get it done,  so don’t feel like you’re overwhelming me if you send more than just a couple for me to choose from.     please remember to specify which muse your asks are for unless it’s to one of my sideblogs.     if you want to start a thread from an ask,  i greatly encourage it since i try to write most answers as potential starters anyway ! lastly, any memes in my tag aren't expired. if i don't want them sent in anymore, i'll delete them from the tag.
006. . .     triggers.  
this blog leans horror - adjacent in many ways,  and this blog will be portraying that accordingly,  including trigger - heavy content such as  :  depression,  ptsd,  panic attacks,  violence,  murder,  kidnapping,  self harm,  smoking,  abuse  /  neglect,  animal death,  horror elements,  cannibalism,  torture,  brainwashing,  death  /  resurrection,  religious imagery,  etc,  but i will try to tag it as  ‘ trigger // ’.     on that note,  please do keep in mind  :  any abuse present on my blog will be in headcanons or backstories,  never actual threads.     if i’m writing with villain muses,  physical harm may be present,  but i refuse to roleplay any domestic  /  animal  /  harm or abuse in any form.     my personal triggers are visual eye gore,  visual self harm,  and visual vomit.     please do feel free to say something if i forget to tag a post and i’ll try to tag it for you right away !
whew. all that said, i'm jean, 23, white, and i use they/any pronouns ! thank you for taking the time to read my rules,  and rest assured if i follow you,  that means i’ve read through yours as well <3 discord is available for mutuals upon request.
007. . .     blogroll.
enslaughts.     a medium activity horror - heavy multimuse. dvrast.     a selective jesper fahey. low activity.     follows from enslaughts. wolfsp1der.     an original spider character. low activity. fists4once. a fandomless, original archie andrews. low activity. wayfares.     a selective western multimuse. hiatus. greatloss.     a selective slow five hargreeves. hiatus. clericlost.     a selective slow william byers. hiatus. mindsflayed.     a selective slow mind flayer + vecna. hiatus.     follows from clericlost.
2 notes · View notes
phumelelanene · 2 years
That is the only thing that was running through my mind on our way to the Hospital. Not counting the countless times the lectures have engraved it in our minds. Now that I think about it as the week comes to an end, I actually WANT to do it for the rest of my life.
Before fieldwork, it seemed to be 70% theory and 30% practicals but now I see it more of the other way around. Even theory comes from practicals(research).
Even though my supervisor had to remind me countless times that we are not assessing but treating, I have to say this is by far the best fieldwork I have been on. It was quite confusing always assessing and not knowing why or how this will help me help the client. It was exciting seeing the dots connecting and seeing the bigger picture that actually makes sense.
My first client had a spinal cord injury, level C5/C6, and in the great words of our former module coordinator Dineo Thupae I had to, ' Open that drawer' of learning that I thought I would probably never use, or so did, I think. One of the first questions we were asked was, what does your diagnosis affect and after the first, "Ohhh" a couple followed. We all left the OT department with bright light bulbs on top of our heads.
I assessed sensation, muscle strength, range of motion, and ADLs to name a few, but the real challenge was assessing the client factors that did not have specific forms that fit their diagnosis like balance as I could not use the Trunk impairment scale nor the Bergs Balance scale as one was for hemiplegia and the other had requirements my client could not meet. Now clinical reasoning had to come in. My favourite question to assist my self was, ‘What was my client’s highest level of function and how can I improve or compensate for maximum independence?’.
I saw my client's enthusiasm for OT as he is always in the department even when he did not have sessions, So I decided to channel that into participation. For our first session we did a leisure session, played a game to address a few client factors but also breaking the ice between the client and therapist so that intervention can be as therapeutic as possible. The following session was a dressing activity, and I’m still in the grey area on whether it went well on not, this is definitely going to keep me up at night.  
I truly believe me, and my colleagues secretly share the same sentiment that we have the best supervisor in this block. Even though I’m dragging myself to prac, I find myself with an urge to want to ask more questions even when I have none. My “take-away” for this week was when Yolanda said, ‘Always question yourself as to why you are doing what you are doing’ and I guess that is why my writes ups are full of whys, which I intend on answering. The positive criticism from our supervisor and the OT combined will influence my clinical reasoning not only for this block but going forward, after all Yolanda said,’ We are here to learn guys, don’t panic’.
 As masters of occupation, nothing is more encouraging than seeing a client attribute their progression to OT and regaining their independence. It takes 10 000 hours to master a skill and I can’t wait to produce my 10 001 hours, but this is where I start, https://learn2023.ukzn.ac.za/my/index.php
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpc_J9X6KiE – a treatment session for spinal cord injury.
Gladwell M. Outliers: The Story of Success. Little, Brown and Company; San Francisco, CA: 2008.
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fists4once · 1 year
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#𝙵𝙸𝚂𝚃𝚂𝟺𝙾𝙽𝙲𝙴 : a  fandom - less portrayal of  archie andrews, inspired by ethel cain's preacher's daughter and removed from canon.      often dc based, but very crossover friendly ! extremely personal + original take on the character, re - written as fandom - less and very headcanon heavy. sb to enslaughts.
a study in broken promises and fallen pedestals, bruised knuckles punching in the wind, hero complexes, lost childhood and butterfly nets, grief as anger, healing, what it means to have a body, and to not.     𝟶𝟼/𝟸𝟸/𝟸𝟹.     re - imagined  by  jean,  23,  they/any.
notes. prompts.
dash rules.
you do not need to be following my main to follow and interact with me over here.     however,  i do require that i be following you from there before interaction.
000. . .     disclaimer.
the rpc's distancing from riverdale is very much understood, however, my portrayal of archie is incredibly personalized and wholly adapted to a personal trajectory of mine over the last half a decade. inspiration is taken from the cw show for his backstory, but my default verse for archie is only vaguely season five - like, but that's about it as far as similarities go. this character is a comfort muse unfortunately and incredibly comfortable for me to write simply because of how long i've been doing it. if you hate riverdale, i promise i've heard it all before and am not here to hash it out, but to write what's practically become an original character for me. if you don't wanna be here, simply scroll or block, beloved.
001. . .     activity.
i'll be frank : i write pretty sporadically, and this goes for ic and ooc interactions. i can get overwhelmed juggling responsibilities often, and socializing is one of the first things to go.     i un  /  fortunately work 40 hour work weeks, and only get every other weekend off,  so my schedule makes consistent activity difficult on top of my focus. if i can successfully plot something with you, i find my muse is sooo much more involved, but i'm contradictorily bad at it due to the reasons above ; it's truly hit or miss, and i understand if that becomes frustrating for any of my partners.    sometimes i’ll be able to get out a couple drafts a week,  others merely once,  or not at all. if i haven’t replied or answered something in a while,  please know it’s nothing personal, i’m just taking my time until i feel good about what i can put down.     writing is a hobby i enjoy, but if you're looking for a blog with any sort of regularity, this isn't the one for you. i have other rp blogs i try to run as well,  therefore i might be very slow on this one at times.     i can be quite the flaky rp partner,  so i apologize in advance for that and completely understand if my antics   [  or lack thereof  ]   result in an unfollow. if i go longer than two months without activity, i'll try to make a hiatus notice.
002. . .     following.  
because of the previously stated,  i’m also highly selective with who i rp with.     i want to not to bite off more than i can chew,  and for the sake of pacing myself,  my activity will be reserved for mutuals only.     if my thread count gets too high for my liking, it's not uncommon that i drop threads, but i will absolutely try and let you know if that happens.     duplicates are always welcome <3   [  let me know if you need me to tag same - muse posts and i’ll be happy to !  ] i regularly go on softblocking sprees to keep my follower count semi - low, but do feel free to re - follow if you feel like the stars merely misaligned for our first bout of mutual following and i'd be very down to give it another shot. on that note, it'll take me a week+ to follow back sometimes, as i like to read through not only rules, but dossiers and verse pages, especially for ocs, so it can take a hot minute.
003. . .     etiquette.
the basics  ;  don’t be an asshole,  any transphobia,  biphobia,  homophobia,  racism,  whitewashing,  pro - shipping,  incest,  etc,  will be blocked on sight.     no godmodding,  please cut your threads,  continue asks in new posts,  etc,  and no stealing of any personal concepts of mine.     loose inspiration is fine,  but if i see repeated similarities,  i may or may not approach you about it.     formatting - wise,  here is an example of my prose style.     i primarily use big ol’ text and static or no icons,  beta editor + xkit rewritten,  but feel free to format however you like and i’ll try to match you somewhat. since my concussion, however, i will no longer be threading with super small text or anything heavily formatted, as this can strain my eyes and make headaches worse, even with my glasses.
004. . .     shipping.  
i’m all about exploring meaningful dynamics,  whether they be platonic,  familial,  antagonistic,  pre - established,  etc,  so feel free to shoot me a message if you’d like to plot something out between our muses !     while the mun of this blog is 18+,  smut just really isn’t my thing  ;  referenced  ‘ offscreen ’  as it were is fine,  as are nfsfw headcanons and such,  maybe fade to black  /  time skips,  but for the most part,  you won’t find any roleplayed smut on this blog.     this of course is muse dependent and does not apply to any underage muses.     romance is fine to some degree,  but again,  if they are a child,  anything beyond lighthearted and innocent experiences are off limits,  no exceptions.     if i see you’ve aged up a minor character for shipping purposes,  it will result in an instant unfollow.     if at some point i flesh out adult verses for them,  these shipping rules will not change.     on that note as well,  i do prefer to rp with muns who are also 18+.     i don’t see your age somewhere in your rules or pinned,  it will affect my willingness to follow.
005. . .     memes.
memes from anyone,  anytime,  for the muse or for the mun,  are always welcome,  and often a go - to ice breaker of mine since starter calls make me nervous.     please don’t hesitate to send a good handful since i try not to cage myself into answering ones i just don’t have muse for.     i find if i force stuff,  i’m just less likely to ever actually get it done,  so don’t feel like you’re overwhelming me if you send more than just a couple for me to choose from.     please remember to specify which muse your asks are for unless it’s to one of my sideblogs.     if you want to start a thread from an ask,  i greatly encourage it since i try to write most answers as potential starters anyway ! lastly, any memes in my tag aren't expired. if i don't want them sent in anymore, i'll delete them from the tag.
006. . .     triggers.  
this blog leans horror - adjacent in many ways,  and this blog will be portraying that accordingly,  including trigger - heavy content such as  :  depression,  ptsd,  panic attacks,  body horror / issues, violence / injury,  horror elements,   parental death, smoking,  religious imagery,  as well as past statutory rape,  but i will try to tag it as  ‘ trigger // ’.     on that note,  please do keep in mind  :  any abuse present on my blog will be in headcanons or backstories,  never actual threads.     if i’m writing with villain muses,  physical harm may be present,  but i refuse to roleplay any domestic  /  animal  /  harm or abuse in any form.     my personal triggers are visual eye gore,  visual self harm,  and visual vomit.     please do feel free to say something if i forget to tag a post and i’ll try to tag it for you right away !
whew. all that said, i'm jean, 23, white, and i use they/any pronouns ! thank you for taking the time to read my rules,  and rest assured if i follow you,  that means i’ve read through yours as well <3 discord is available for mutuals upon request.
007. . .     blogroll.
enslaughts.     a medium activity horror - heavy multimuse. dvrast.     a selective jesper fahey. low activity.     follows from enslaughts. wolfsp1der.     an original spider - person. low activity. wayfares.     a selective western multimuse. hiatus. greatloss.     a selective slow five hargreeves. hiatus. clericlost.     a selective slow william byers. hiatus. mindsflayed.     a selective slow mind flayer + vecna. hiatus.     follows from clericlost.
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wolfsp1der · 1 year
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#𝚆𝙾𝙻𝙵𝚂𝙿𝟷𝙳𝙴𝚁 : a  selective low  activity  kaeden ' kae ' klein  aka  wolf  spider  roleplay  sideblog  for  an original character  based  in  sony's into / across the spider - verse.      un - affiliated with earth - 13989's spider - wolf, crossover friendly !
an ode to  :  terrible, horrible,  no good, very bad luck, a good liar's web, and making a home in your own skin.     𝟶𝟼/𝟷𝟷/𝟸𝟹.     spun  by  jean,  23,  white,  they/any,  cst.
prompts.     footnotes.
dash rules.
you do not need to be following my main to follow and interact with me over here.     however,  i do require that i be following you from there before interaction.
000. . .     disclaimer.
just a little one !     i am very new to dc + marvel comics and find myself often overwhelmed with the amount of issues there are to read.     i’ve got the spirit,  but i may or may not know the basics about your muse when it comes to comic based portrayals.     i apologize in advance,  but it’s nothing a little plotting can’t fix,  so if i pop into your ims with stupid questions about your muse, this is why.     but as always,  if you’re still down to clown,  i am very much too !
001. . .     activity.
i'll be frank : i write pretty sporadically, and this goes for ic and ooc interactions. i can get overwhelmed juggling responsibilities often, and socializing is one of the first things to go.     i un  /  fortunately work 40 hour work weeks,    and only get every other weekend off,  so my schedule makes consistent activity difficult on top of my focus. if i can successfully plot something with you, i find my muse is sooo much more involved, but i'm contradictorily bad at it due to the reasons above ; it's truly hit or miss, and i understand if that becomes frustrating for any of my partners.    sometimes i’ll be able to get out a couple drafts a week,  others merely once,  or not at all. if i haven’t replied or answered something in a while,  please know it’s nothing personal, i’m just taking my time until i feel good about what i can put down.     writing is a hobby i enjoy, but if you're looking for a blog with any sort of regularity, this isn't the one for you. i have other rp blogs i try to run as well,  therefore i might be very slow on this one at times.     i can be quite the flaky rp partner,  so i apologize in advance for that and completely understand if my antics   [  or lack thereof  ]   result in an unfollow. if i go longer than two months without activity, i'll try to make a hiatus notice.
002. . .     following.  
because of the previously stated,  i’m also highly selective with who i rp with.     i want to not to bite off more than i can chew,  and for the sake of pacing myself,  my activity will be reserved for mutuals only.     if my thread count gets too high for my liking, it's not uncommon that i drop threads, but i will absolutely try and let you know if that happens.     duplicates are always welcome &lt;;3   [  let me know if you need me to tag same - muse posts and i’ll be happy to !  ] i regularly go on softblocking sprees to keep my follower count semi - low, but do feel free to re - follow if you feel like the stars merely misaligned for our first bout of mutual following and i'd be very down to give it another shot. on that note, it'll take me a week+ to follow back sometimes, as i like to read through not only rules, but dossiers and verse pages, especially for ocs, so it can take a hot minute.
003. . .     etiquette.
the basics  ;  don’t be an asshole,  any transphobia,  biphobia,  homophobia,  racism,  whitewashing,  pro - shipping,  incest,  etc,  will be blocked on sight.     no godmodding,  please cut your threads,  continue asks in new posts,  etc,  and no stealing of any personal concepts of mine.     loose inspiration is fine,  but if i see repeated similarities,  i may or may not approach you about it.     formatting - wise,  here is an example of my prose style.     i primarily use big ol’ text and static or no icons,  beta editor + xkit rewritten,  but feel free to format however you like and i’ll try to match you somewhat. since my concussion, however, i will no longer be threading with super small text or anything heavily formatted, as this can strain my eyes and make headaches worse, even with my glasses.
004. . .     shipping.  
i’m all about exploring meaningful dynamics,  whether they be platonic,  familial,  antagonistic,  pre - established,  etc,  so feel free to shoot me a message if you’d like to plot something out between our muses !     while the mun of this blog is 18+,  smut just really isn’t my thing  ;  referenced  ‘ offscreen ’  as it were is fine,  as are nfsfw headcanons and such,  maybe fade to black  /  time skips,  but for the most part,  you won’t find any roleplayed smut on this blog.     this of course is muse dependent and does not apply to any underage muses.     romance is fine to some degree,  but again,  if they are a child,  anything beyond lighthearted and innocent experiences are off limits,  no exceptions.     if i see you’ve aged up a minor character for shipping purposes,  it will result in an instant unfollow.     if at some point i flesh out adult verses for them,  these shipping rules will not change.     on that note as well,  i do prefer to rp with muns who are also 18+.     i don’t see your age somewhere in your rules or pinned,  it will affect my willingness to follow.
005. . .     memes.
memes from anyone,  anytime,  for the muse or for the mun,  are always welcome,  and often a go - to ice breaker of mine since starter calls make me nervous.     please don’t hesitate to send a good handful since i try not to cage myself into answering ones i just don’t have muse for.     i find if i force stuff,  i’m just less likely to ever actually get it done,  so don’t feel like you’re overwhelming me if you send more than just a couple for me to choose from.     please remember to specify which muse your asks are for unless it’s to one of my sideblogs.     if you want to start a thread from an ask,  i greatly encourage it since i try to write most answers as potential starters anyway ! lastly, any memes in my tag aren't expired. if i don't want them sent in anymore, i'll delete them from the tag.
006. . .     triggers.  
this blog leans horror - adjacent in many ways,  and this blog will be portraying that accordingly,  including trigger - heavy content such as  :  depression,  ptsd,  panic attacks,  body horror, violence,  murder,  kidnapping,  abuse  /  neglect,  animal death,  horror elements,   expirimentation,  death  /  resurrection,  religious imagery,  etc,  but i will try to tag it as  ‘ trigger // ’.     on that note,  please do keep in mind  :  any abuse present on my blog will be in headcanons or backstories,  never actual threads.     if i’m writing with villain muses,  physical harm may be present,  but i refuse to roleplay any domestic  /  animal  /  harm or abuse in any form.     my personal triggers are visual eye gore,  visual self harm,  and visual vomit.     please do feel free to say something if i forget to tag a post and i’ll try to tag it for you right away !
whew. all that said, i'm jean, 23, white, and i use they/any pronouns ! thank you for taking the time to read my rules,  and rest assured if i follow you,  that means i’ve read through yours as well <3 discord is available for mutuals upon request.
007. . .     blogroll.
enslaughts.     a medium activity horror - heavy multimuse. dvrast.     a selective jesper fahey. low activity.     follows from enslaughts. wolfsp1der.     an original spider - person. low activity. wayfares.     a selective western multimuse. hiatus. greatloss.     a selective slow five hargreeves. hiatus. clericlost.     a selective slow william byers. hiatus. mindsflayed.     a selective slow mind flayer + vecna. hiatus.     follows from clericlost.
0 notes
vigilaent · 1 year
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#𝚅𝙸𝙶𝙸𝙻𝙰𝙴𝙽𝚃  :  a  selective  low  activity  superhero  multimuse  blog  for  characters  featured  in  the  dc  universe,  heavily  based  in  rocksteady  studio’s  arkham  knight  and  gotham  knights,  influenced  by  other  media  such  as  batman:  unburied,  batman:  under  the  red  hood,  wayne  family  adventures,  hbo’s  titans,  +  some  comics  as  i  read  them.     very headcanon heavy.
an  ode  to  :  corruption,  generational  cycles  thanked  and  broken,  the  body  bled  and  divided  among  the  hands,  love as violence,  violence as religion,  religion as love,  and  being  born  again.     re - made  04/18/23.     performed by jean,  23,  they/any,  cst.
muselist.     opens.     dossiers linked below when available.
quick muselist.
dick grayson.     mixed media,  headcanon heavy.     pinterest. jason todd.     headcanon and arkham based.     pinterest. bruce wayne.     unburied and 2022 based,  arkham influenced.     pinterest. gar logan.     titans and headcanon based. koriand’r.     titans and teen titans influenced. rachel roth.     mixed media,  teen titans influenced. selina kyle.     very divergent,  original portrayal. jessie umeh.     original character,  arkham based. jim gordon.     2022 and unburied based.     testing. cassandra cain.     wfa based.     testing. komand’r.     hc based,  titans influenced.     testing. vic stone.     hc based,  doom patrol influenced.     testing.
dash rules.
000. . .     disclaimer.
just a little one !     i am very new to the dc universe and find myself often overwhelmed with the amount of comics there are to read.     i’ve got the spirit,  but i may or may not know the basics about your muse when it comes to canon dc characters.     i apologize in advance,  but it’s nothing a little plotting can’t fix,  so if i pop into your ims with stupid questions about your portrayal, this is why.     but as always,  if you’re still down to clown,  i am very much too !
001. . .     activity.
i'll be frank : i write pretty sporadically, and this goes for ic and ooc interactions. i can get overwhelmed juggling responsibilities often, and socializing is one of the first things to go.     i un  /  fortunately work 40 hour work weeks,    and only get every other weekend off,  so my schedule makes consistent activity difficult on top of my focus. if i can successfully plot something with you, i find my muse is sooo much more involved, but i'm contradictorily bad at it due to the reasons above ; it's truly hit or miss, and i understand if that becomes frustrating for any of my partners.    sometimes i’ll be able to get out a couple drafts a week,  others merely once,  or not at all. if i haven’t replied or answered something in a while,  please know it’s nothing personal, i’m just taking my time until i feel good about what i can put down.     writing is a hobby i enjoy, but if you're looking for a blog with any sort of regularity, this isn't the one for you. i have other rp blogs i try to run as well,  therefore i might be very slow on this one at times.     i can be quite the flaky rp partner,  so i apologize in advance for that and completely understand if my antics   [  or lack thereof  ]   result in an unfollow. if i go longer than two months without activity, i'll try to make a hiatus notice.
002. . .     following.  
because of the previously stated,  i’m also highly selective with who i rp with.     i want to not to bite off more than i can chew,  and for the sake of pacing myself,  my activity will be reserved for mutuals only.     if my thread count gets too high for my liking, it's not uncommon that i drop threads, but i will absolutely try and let you know if that happens.     duplicates are always welcome <3   [  let me know if you need me to tag same - muse posts and i’ll be happy to !  ] i regularly go on softblocking sprees to keep my follower count semi - low, but do feel free to re - follow if you feel like the stars merely misaligned for our first bout of mutual following and i'd be very down to give it another shot. on that note, it'll take me a week+ to follow back sometimes, as i like to read through not only rules, but dossiers and verse pages, especially for ocs, so it can take a hot minute.
003. . .     etiquette.
the basics  ;  don’t be an asshole,  any transphobia,  biphobia,  homophobia,  racism,  whitewashing,  pro - shipping,  incest,  etc,  will be blocked on sight.     no godmodding,  please cut your threads,  continue asks in new posts,  etc,  and no stealing of any personal concepts of mine.     loose inspiration is fine,  but if i see repeated similarities,  i may or may not approach you about it.     formatting - wise,  here is an example of my prose style.     i primarily use big ol’ text and static or no icons,  beta editor + xkit rewritten,  but feel free to format however you like and i’ll try to match you somewhat. since my concussion, however, i will no longer be threading with super small text or anything heavily formatted, as this can strain my eyes and make headaches worse, even with my glasses.
004. . .     shipping.  
i’m all about exploring meaningful dynamics,  whether they be platonic,  familial,  antagonistic,  pre - established,  etc,  so feel free to shoot me a message if you’d like to plot something out between our muses !     while the mun of this blog is 18+,  smut just really isn’t my thing  ;  referenced  ‘ offscreen ’  as it were is fine,  as are nfsfw headcanons and such,  maybe fade to black  /  time skips,  but for the most part,  you won’t find any roleplayed smut on this blog.     this of course is muse dependent and does not apply to any underage muses.     romance is fine to some degree,  but again,  if they are a child, such as raven in her hbo titan’s verse,  anything beyond lighthearted and innocent experiences are off limits,  no exceptions.     if i see you’ve aged up a minor character for shipping purposes,  it will result in an instant unfollow.     if at some point i flesh out adult verses for them,  these shipping rules will not change.     on that note as well,  i do prefer to rp with muns who are also 18+.     i don’t see your age somewhere in your rules or pinned,  it will affect my willingness to follow.
005. . .     memes.
memes from anyone,  anytime,  for the muse or for the mun,  are always welcome,  and often a go - to ice breaker of mine since starter calls make me nervous.     please don’t hesitate to send a good handful since i try not to cage myself into answering ones i just don’t have muse for.     i find if i force stuff,  i’m just less likely to ever actually get it done,  so don’t feel like you’re overwhelming me if you send more than just a couple for me to choose from.     please remember to specify which muse your asks are for unless it’s to one of my sideblogs.     if you want to start a thread from an ask,  i greatly encourage it since i try to write most answers as potential starters anyway ! lastly, any memes in my tag aren't expired. if i don't want them sent in anymore, i'll delete them from the tag.
006. . .     triggers.  
this blog leans horror - adjacent in many ways,  and this blog will be portraying that accordingly,  including trigger - heavy content such as  :  depression,  ptsd,  panic attacks,  violence,  murder,  kidnapping,  self harm,  smoking,  abuse  /  neglect,  animal death,  horror elements,  cannibalism,  torture,  brainwashing,  death  /  resurrection,  religious imagery,  etc,  but i will try to tag it as  ‘ trigger // ’.     on that note,  please do keep in mind  :  any abuse present on my blog will be in headcanons or backstories,  never actual threads.     if i’m writing with villain muses,  physical harm may be present,  but i refuse to roleplay any domestic  /  animal  /  harm or abuse in any form.     my personal triggers are visual eye gore,  visual self harm,  and visual vomit.     please do feel free to say something if i forget to tag a post and i’ll try to tag it for you right away !
whew. all that said, i'm jean, 23, white, and i use they/any pronouns ! thank you for taking the time to read my rules,  and rest assured if i follow you,  that means i’ve read through yours as well <3 discord is available for mutuals upon request.
007. . .     blogroll.
enslaughts.     a medium activity horror - heavy multimuse. dvrast.     a selective jesper fahey.     low activity.     follows from enslaughts. vigilaent.     a selective dc multimuse.     low activity. wayfares.     a selective western multimuse.     hiatus. greatloss.     a selective slow five hargreeves.     hiatus. clericlost.     a selective slow william byers.     hiatus. mindsflayed.     a selective slow mind flayer + vecna.     hiatus.     follows from clericlost.
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pietonki · 2 years
Caffeine in caramel macchiato mcdonalds
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Likewise, how long does 200mg of caffeine stay in your system? The answer: Caffeine lasts in oursystems anywhere from 4 to 6 hours on average, and it hasa half life of about 5 hours. Inthe average adult, the half-life of caffeine is about 5-6hours. After that, your liverwill start breaking down the caffeine into caffeinemetabolites, which you will eventually excrete in urine. Once you take in caffeine, youll feel itsfull effects within 15-45 minutes. For a mere 65p to £1.30, the burger is actually a surprisingly healthy snack, Dubner argues. The double cheeseburger, with one slice of cheese, comprises of 23 grams of protein, 7 per cent of the daily value of fibre, 20 per cent of calcium and 19 grams of fat, making up a relatively low 390 calories. We make it like we always have: two slices of processed cheddar cheese with two 100% Canadian beef patties, pickles, onions, ketchup and mustard on a freshly toasted bun.Īre McDonalds double cheeseburgers good for you? Our Cheeseburger Combo Meal is a simple, satisfying classic McDonalds 100% beef burger, served with our World Famous Fries® and your choice of a Medium McDonalds soda or soft drink.Ĭonsequently, what is on a double cheeseburger from McDonalds?ĭouble Cheeseburger. McDonalds Prices UK Double Cheeseburger 1.59 Bacon Double Cheeseburger 1.99 Cheeseburger 0.99 Hamburger 0.89Īdditionally, what number is the double cheeseburger meal at McDonalds? Cheeseburger Combo Meal. McDonalds Menu Prices and Price List UK 2020 This copycat Starbucks drink has a light fruity flavor, and is a healthier choice. The drink is also shaken with coconut milk and ice, and it contains caffeine and coconut.Ī dreamy blend of fresh mango, dragonfruit, and metabolism stoking green tea. The ingredients include fruit juice with mango and dragon fruit flavors, as well as a scoop of actual dragon fruit, Starbucks says on its website. The Dragon Drink is packed with dragon fruit, hence its cool name. One may also ask, what is in a Starbucks dragon drink? One may also ask, which Starbucks drinks have a lot of caffeine? The Iced Caffe Mocha and Iced Peppermint Mocha have the most caffeine of the Starbucks Iced Espresso drinks: Tall - 95 mg. A grande-size Mango Drangonfruit refresher has around 45 to 55 mg of caffeine in it, so the Dragon Drink probably also has about that same amount. Like all Starbucks Refreshers, the Mango Dragonfruit Refresher is also caffeinated - but not because the drink includes coffee or espresso. In-N-Out headquarters at University Tower in Irvine Number of locations 347 Area served Arizona California Nevada Oregon Texas Utah Key people Lynsi Snyder, President Mark Taylor, COO Roger Kotch, CFO Revenue US million (2017 estimate) The initial investment ranges from ,000 to ,000, with cash liquidity of ,000 and net worth of ,000. The franchise fee is reported to be ,000 but has not yet been verified. People also ask, how much does it cost to buy an In N Out franchise? Their average check is likely higher than McDonalds and Burger King because their pricing is higher. Secondly, hOW MUCH DOES IN N OUT make a day? So Ill use what I know to make some directional guesses: The average In-N-Out grosses approximately ,000,000 annually. In- N- Out remains privately owned and the Snyder family has no plans to take the company public or franchise any units, the company reaffirms on its website. No franchising: In- N- Out President Lynsi Snyder has said the company will never go public or franchise its restaurants.
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@fantasmacore asked: “come here. ” | for Nairobi 🥺
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Things had been rough ever since the heist had started. The stress was almost too much for Nairobi to take. Plus, in the back of her mind, there was the constant threat of what would happen if they didn’t succeed — but what if they did? Would Axel actually want to see her? Would he remember her? What would happen? As the days passed, the fear had grown exponentially. Plus, she was exhausted. None of them had the privilege of a good night’s sleep. Nairobi didn’t slack off, and she never would, but it was hard sometimes.
The breakdown was inevitable, but what she hadn’t expected was for Berlin to come around the corner and see her on the verge of tears. The words he spoke nearly broke her — she had to bite her tongue as hard as she could to keep from breaking into sobs as she let herself relax into Berlin’s arms. Her heart was pounding; she was pale and sweating; she looked like a mess, and he cared. He noticed. Her arms wrapped around his waist as she buried her head in his chest, still refusing to let herself cry despite how close she was.
“You don’t have to do this, you know.” Her voice was quiet and muffled, slightly shaky from the repressed stress. “I’m fine.”
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eyenoir-a · 4 years
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❝ do you not get what “done talking” means ? ❞
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                     “ nah, sorry i must have missed class that day. ”   words drip with sarcasm, it’s not a slip of the tongue really, he just doesn’t try to stop the response as it leaves his lips, doesn’t filter it. deciding that polite professionalism might be too much of an effort for today.   juno shrugs rather carelessly. it isn’t a personal dig by any means, he just doesn’t see the point in giving the extra effort if he’s going to be shot down anyway.   “ let me take a guess, something along the lines of shut the hell up, and piss off, right ? ”    he hums.    “ am i close ? ”
*    ⟢  @vcrtigoes​︱ accepting .
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crownbrn · 3 years
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⸺   @tiderider sent  🍷  for  a  drunk  text  from  my  muse
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   [ sms 📲→ hook jr. ]: heeeeeey you    [ sms 📲→ hook jr. ]: how u doin    [ sms 📲→ hook jr. ]: been AHIWLE    [ sms 📲→ hook jr. ]: boop
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limelited · 4 years
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happy valentine’s day, heather. i’m at a loss for words but hopefully the flowers make up for it. ❤️
- erika @kamauea​
she didn’t expect the bed to be empty first thing in the morning. or, maybe she just hoped it wouldn’t be cold to the touch. sleep still heavy on her eyelids, she stumbles her way through the chilly apartment, bare feet padding against the wooden floor in her search for caffeine. and while she didn’t expect the bed to be empty, she could have never imagined such a beautiful bouquet would greet her instead. 
in the solitude of her own home, her eyes fill with tears, obscuring the scrawl on the note attached. she wipes the emotion from her eyes away as she pulls the bouquet close, breathes in deeply before exhaling with a grin. all she needed to do now was decide on the appropriate response.
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