#001.  GOLDMINE. but i have promises to keep (in character)
coruscatiio · 2 years
tag drop, master goldmine / og goldmine (according to brent)
001.  GOLDMINE. but i have promises to keep (in character)
001.  GOLDMINE. we cannot become what we want by remaining what we are (headcanon)
001.  GOLDMINE. it’s the wild ones who will set you free (drabble)
001.  GOLDMINE. an invention of darkness (aesthetic)
001.  GOLDMINE. what matters most is how well you walk through the fire (isms)
001.  GOLDMINE. my heart‚ like a clenching fist (esque)
001.  GOLDMINE. something i've thought that i can't outrun (thoughts)
001.  GOLDMINE. we're leaving things unsaid‚ we sing ourselves to sleep (music)
001.  GOLDMINE. we have spoken of everything short of love (&porlyusica)
001.  GOLDMINE. there's really no way to reach me 'cause i'm already gone (&makarov)
001.  GOLDMINE. they said we'd understand when we were older (&bob)
001.  GOLDMINE. and days die young when you're gone‚ and you're gone (&team)
001.  GOLDMINE. freedom means to live in the present (&quatro cerberus)
001.  GOLDMINE. sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same (main)
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coruscatiio · 4 years
😍 from bob to goldmine ofc
➽ bobby:  you know,  bob,  as much as i admire your dedication to fixing the current mess,  you should not be taking this on all alone.  yes,  i know that you have three christinas now,  but  . . .  take it easy.  i worry about you  ---  and i’d prefer if you would tell me  (and probably sica too,  you know how she gets when she is left out)  what you need us to do so this burden does not rest on your shoulders alone.  if we go back far enough,  all of us feel some measure of guilt over what happened.
texting meme:  a loving text  /  accepting.
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coruscatiio · 4 years
😃 from dj to goldmine
➽ brent:  you were ratted out,  kid ➽ brent:  leja told me it was you who sent sica and bob letters to invite them to town for the weekend,  i didn’t even have to look /very/ strict.  so.  pick your co-conspirators better the next time you think i shouldn’t be alone on . . . a difficult day. ➽ brent:  but thank you.  i owe you one.
texting meme:  a happy text  /  accepting.
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coruscatiio · 4 years
“Always on the hunt for a little more time.” bob @ goldmine
it was the young people’s evening, they had been the ones to participate in the games, they had worked hard to get where they were right now, but goldmine had still made the mental note to ensure that no one from his guild would go overboard --- they had a long way home tomorrow and they would be leaving early. letting his gaze wander over the room, he found the odd mixture of smugness and frustration on ooba’s face much easier to bear than the crestfallen faces of the fairy tail members.
‘ ‘ there’s not enough time for some to catch to make the pain go away, ’ ’ he said as he traded a nod with lamia scale’s treasurer who was lurking in the shadow of their wizard saint, clearly not focused on the festivities but distracted by the admittedly rather loud discussion among her own guild. ugh, bob could probably not hear it, but the mage ooba was currently scolding had a very unpleasant voice. goldmine shuddered as he reached for two glasses of orange juice from a floating tray, handing one to bob before he sipped on the other. ‘ ‘ you think sica’s still in the infirmary? we should bring her something to eat, ’ ’ he suggested. ‘ ‘ the kids can do without our supervision, i’d wager. ’ ’
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coruscatiio · 4 years
“ before you reprimand me , take a moment to consider your own failings ” dj to goldmine LMAO
had his sunglasses not already been on his desk, neatly folded, they would have slid off his nose now. and for a brief moment, goldmine was almost sad that he had taken them off to clean them when he had gotten to his office, they did help underline his thoughts at times. in his chest, a soul was stirring awake from a nap after the others had begun to howl with amusement, and for a moment, the mage had to contemplate his life, trying to recall if there had been any failings on his part that had 
‘‘ brent. ’’
son, he almost said in a particularly sage tone but then --- he was not makarov, that would be the one failing he could never forgive himself for. he reached for his cold coffee, heating it up as he drank without batting an eye. ‘‘ i’m the first to admit that my youth was . . . ripe with foolishness, but --- in all my years, i never accidentally teleported myself into the treasury of iceberg’s parliament, causing immense disruptions, ’’ he cited from the letter he had received.
goodness, it’s fortunate the icebergian king has a sense of humour, his mother would say, and goldmine was inclined to agree with her there. there was an entire paragraph about how brent was welcome to return and help the court engineers figure out to shield against sudden teleportation, but nevertheless! he had to reprimand his mage, he had to remind him to be more cautious, especially since if brent ever teleported into another country’s treasury, the king (or queen or other ruler) might not be as amused --- and goldmine was fond of his mage. it would be a shame to lose him to something like this.
slipping on his reading glasses --- the ones bob always made fun of because goldmine did not need them to read, he just liked their weight as he was used to wearing his sunglasses --- and pouring brent a cup of herbal tea, a calming blend, he tapped the end of his fountain pen against the paper. ‘‘ take a seat, kid, ’’ he sighed. ‘‘ we’ll go over this and then we write an apology to the parliament and see what we can do to make up for this mess. ’’
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coruscatiio · 4 years
@chaoticor sent →  “But for you, I’ll be making an exception.”
from:  bob  •  to:  goldmine  •  source: here
inside of him, five souls laughed softly and thus, his chest trembled. it was not for him that bob was making an exception. this was just the prettier packaging; helping others  ( old, old friends )  out was nothing out of the ordinary for bob. had sica asked for the same thing goldmine had, bob would have offered a similar solution. still, goldmine knew who would think that it was an exception that bob was offering so much, and it almost made him smirk.
but almost was the keyword, here. instead, goldmine nodded and tugged on his bracelet --- he had never liked it to owe another a favour, especially when the favour was not yet given any form, when it could be anything. and, hell, he was loyal to his friends, but with age, what little patience he had ever possessed had grown frailer and frailer.
‘ ‘  anything i can do for you, in exchange? ’ ’ he asked, tapping his fingers against his chin. someone else might tell him to relax, that bob had not yet delivered, but goldmine knew his old friend to be extraordinarily skilled when it came to these things --- to a point where waiting before offering compensation would almost be rude.
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coruscatiio · 5 years
▤ goldmine from bob (The Robert Collective days?)
goldmine was fairly convinced that this was how he was going to die — squeezed between bob and porlyusica as on the other side of the compartment, makarov and yajima were studying maps and whispering quietly as rob was reading. if he wanted to, he could listen to every word, but right now, he was more concerned with the way bob had fallen asleep. or more accurately: with how wrinkled bob’s suit was getting.
of course, one could say that bob had been reckless, that there had been no way his suit would not suffer during their journey; in fact, had sica not mentioned that she had never considered suits travel attire in the past? and really, she had been right! not that this was particularly surprising; she tended to be. so it was not goldmine’s fault that with every passing minute, bob’s suit suffered more.
he was entirely innocent — it was not like he had switched bob’s coffee for herbal tea or something similarly wicked. next to him, sica sighed quietly in her sleep before she shifted, resting her head against his shoulder. so much for any plans to move and hope that bob woke up and could do damage control before his clothes were rumpled.
and then, there was a reaction. / accepting▤ = falling asleep on them .
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coruscatiio · 4 years
‘  today i am thankful  ’ DJ @ Goldmine
most others had gone home for the winter holidays, but there were still enough left for him to keep the guild hall open, even if he would leave later --- bob was hosting a party  ( which could not surprise anyone at this point )  and had made vague threats into the direction of ending their friendship, should goldmine not show his face. it had been unnecessary, bob’s private gathering was nothing like the flashier party that his guild threw and goldmine had only ever missed it when he had been away on urgent business.
( which had happened about two times in over forty years. bob was being dramatic about this. )
and so there he was, dressed in his best velvet winter suit  ( and getting glitter all over it ),  sitting behind his desk as he wrapped bows around the last presents for his mages, handing them to brent so that the kid could deliver them in between bites of the cake he had brought back from delivering sica’s gift. she was, as always, far more generous with the fruits of her time and effort than many would guess. ‘ ‘ as am i, in general but also for your help with this, ’ ’ he said warmly as he poured them both another cup of tea, ‘ ‘ did you pick a charity we donate this years saved postage to? and you are sure you don’t want to come to the party later? ’ ’
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coruscatiio · 5 years
‘ thank god for the stubbornness of organs ’ ivan to goldmine LMAO
sica’s son was a riot, and chances were — ivan did not even realise it. goldmine remembered him well, the quiet boy, the gangly teenager. the grieving man at his wife’s funeral. of course, the older man would not tell him that he found his feathered colleague amusing. he had always been so desperate to be seen, to be taken seriously. to have his efforts acknowledged.
goldmine had long left fairy tail when the boy had been grown, had never been as familiar with him as rob  ( ah, there was the old familiar sting )  would have been, but he had known the kid’s mother for years. and ivan took more after sica than after makarov, and this — this was probably the best possible outcome anyway.
( the last this country, this world needed was another makarov. )
‘‘ y’know, kid, ’’ the old hellhound said as he flashed the boy a grin, ‘‘ your mum would’ve said the same. between the threats to bury me personally if i don’t get more cautious. ’’
@reivun / meme.
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