snowy-dream-bunny · 1 year
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The Character of the right belongs to @liminal-station
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finelyagedlemons · 1 year
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average saturday night out with the bestie
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foreverg1111rl · 1 year
this is my 15,882nd post
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vhscorp · 1 year
Et puis chaque matin, comme tant d’autres ici, je me lève en rêvant à un destin meilleur, je sens monter en moi l’envie d’une autre vie et sens naitre en mon cœur un grand désir d’ailleurs…
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torneye · 4 months
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𝚃𝙾𝚁𝙽𝙴𝚈𝙴.𝚃𝚄𝙼𝙱𝙻𝚁.𝙲𝙾𝙼     ...     a  reese  production.      very  sporadic  activity  blog  for  a  yellowjackets  based  original  character,    DANIELLE   ‛DANNY‛   HALL.      always  the  scapegoat.     just  another  girl  doomed  by  the  narrative  asking    ———    WILL  I  EVEN  BE  REMEMBERED?   MOURNED?      [   twenty - six.   they / she.   est.   ]       minors  &  personal  blogs  dni.      *    sideblog!!   follows  back  from badbandits!
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affiliated  with   :       brontë  landry.
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basic  guidelines  &  rp  ettiqute  apply   ..     see  below  for  more  indepth  rules.
interactions   ..    open  starters  are  for  ANYONE   ( unless  otherwise  stated )   who  wants  to  write  a  character  that  fits  gender  of  character  is  open  to  replies  from  and  fit  within  my  rules.    please  only  submit  meme  prompts  if  we  are  mutuals.   i'll  write  with  anyone  18+.   don't  be  afraid  of  following  me  if  you're  interested  in  writing  with  me,    i'm  often  very  receptive  to  anyone  who  wants  to  write  with  me.   THERE  WILL  BE  CONTENT  NOT  SUITABLE  FOR  MINORS  ON  THIS  BLOG.
shipping   ..    always  down  for  a  ship  but  i  will  never  force  a  ship.   i'm  cool  with  assuming  pre-established  connections,  but  if  it  doesn't  vibe  right  away,   we'll  try  plotting.   even  if  a  ship  doesn't  work,   i  will  always  be  down  to  continue  writing  with  you!   just  need  to  try  other  connections!   i  would  prefer  writing  ships  with  anyone  20  and  above,   I  WILL  NOT  WRITE  SMUT  WITH  ANYONE  UNDER  THE  AGE  OF  21.
i  will  always  be  mindful  to  tag  anything  that  i  could  think  may  be  triggering  to others   ( or  if  i  follow  someone  who  has  it  listed  as a  trigger ).   i  write  trigger  warnings  as   " trigger tw ".   as  for  myself,   i  don't  really  have  any triggers,   besides  very  graphic  descriptions  of  eye  trauma,   fingernail / toenail  and  teeth  trauma  also  get  to  me  but  are  not  nearly  as  distressing,   but  a  heads  up  would  be  so  greatly  appreciated.   i  like  to  discuss  with  my  writing  partner  if  something  comes  up  that  feels  uncomfortable,   hope  you  will  as  well.
reply  style   ..    i  do  not  regularly  use  icons  or  gifs  or  graphics  in  my  replies.   however,   it  is  so  fine  if  you  do.   i  make  text  smaller  to  look  more  uniform.   i  do  use  icons  for  starters,   sometimes.   i  am  more  likely  to  use  icons  or  gifs  in  replies  if  there  are  resources  for  said  faceclaim.
simple  little  dni   ..    do  not  interact  if  you  are  a  single  muse  blog  portraying  a  real  person,   you're  under  the  age  of  18  or  a  personal  account.
disclaimer   ..    i  am  not  in  any  way  affiliated  with  ava  capri  or  showtime's  yellowjackets.   this  blog  is  for  the  fun  of  writing  and  roleplay  and  in  no way is  being  used  to  impersonate  anybody.
credits  &  such
the  psd  used  on  this  blog  and  graphics  is  back  to  basics  by  stephysource.    meanwhile  all  graphics  unless  stated  otherwise  for  this  blog  have  been  created  by  my  dear  friend  foster  💌
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badbandits · 1 year
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𝙱𝙰𝙳𝙱𝙰𝙽𝙳𝙸𝚃𝚂.𝚃𝚄𝙼𝙱𝙻𝚁.𝙲𝙾𝙼     ..     a  reese  production.      very  sporadic  activity  multimuse  containing  canon  and  original  characters  from  various  sources  of  media  from  films,   television,   video  games  and  my  own  brain .       [   twenty - six.   they / she.   est.   ]       minors  &  personal  blogs  dni.
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affiliated  with   :       withbags  /  rewhy
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*   all  muses  are  18+,   often  played  between  -5 / +5  of  the  faceclaim,   but  there  are  exceptions  for  verses,   etc.
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film  muses
damian  hubbard  from  mean  girls :   canon  inspired / draws  inspiration  from  both  the  2004  &  2024  films  as  well  as  the broadway  musical  —   fc.   jaquel  spivey
gretchen  wieners  from  mean  girls :   canon  inspired / draws  inspiration  from  both  the  2004  &  2024  films  as  well  as  the broadway  musical  —   fc.   bebe  wood
amanda  young  from  saw :   canon  inspired / semi  to  completely - canon  compliant  —   fc.   shawnee  smith
jill  tuck  from  saw :   canon  inspired / semi  to  completely - canon  compliant  —   fc.   betsy  russell
television  muses
brittany  s.  pierce  from  glee :   canon  inspired /  semi - divergent   —   fc.   sabrina carpenter
sam  evans  from  glee :   canon  inspired /  semi - divergent   —   fc.   cooper  van  grootel
lucy  moore  from  love,  victor :   canon  compliant  ( mostly ) /  headcanon  based   —   fc.   ava  capri
leighton murray from the sex life of college girls : canon compliant - fc. reneé rapp
video  game  muses
sly  cooper  based  on  the  sly cooper trilogy   —   fc.   logan  lerman
murray  anderson  based  on  the  sly cooper trilogy   —   fc. christopher meyer
montgomery  brown  aka  muggshot  based  on  the  sly cooper trilogy   —   fc.   joe  manganiello
the contessa based on the sly cooper trilogy -- fc. vera farmiga
original  characters
peyton  ciccone,   fandomless  multi - use  oc  —   fc.   ava  capri
logan anderson,   fandomless  multi - use  oc   —   fc.   alexis   g.   zall
luna  joseph,   fandomless  musican  oc   —   fc.   paris  jackson
caroline  lawrence,   fandomless  college  oc   ( horror based )   —   fc.   natalia  dyer    [ bio ]
olivia  kovach,   fandomless  actor  oc   —   fc.   taissa  farmiga
houston  santos,   fandomless  oc   ( mostly  hockey / college  based )  —   fc.   michael  cimino
aspen jones, do revenge oc (son of carissa an gabbi jones, twin to willow) -- fc. finn wolfhard
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basic  guidelines  &  rp  ettiqute  apply   ..     see  below  for  more  indepth  rules.
  interactions   ..    open  starters  are  for  ANYONE   ( unless  otherwise  stated )   who  wants  to  write  a  character  that  fits  gender  of  character  is  open  to  replies  from  and  fit  within  my  rules.    please  only  submit  meme  prompts  if  we  are  mutuals.   i'll  write  with  anyone  18+.   don't  be  afraid  of  following  me  if  you're  interested  in  writing  with  me,    i'm  often  very  receptive  to  anyone  who  wants  to  write  with  me.   THERE  WILL  BE  CONTENT  NOT  SUITABLE  FOR  MINORS  ON  THIS  BLOG.
shipping   ..    always  down  for  a  ship  but  i  will  never  force  a  ship.   i'm  cool  with  assuming  pre-established  connections,  but  if  it  doesn't  vibe  right  away,   we'll  try  plotting.   even  if  a  ship  doesn't  work,   i  will  always  be  down  to  continue  writing  with  you!   just  need  to  try  other  connections!   i  would  prefer  writing  ships  with  anyone  20  and  above,   I  WILL  NOT  WRITE  SMUT  WITH  ANYONE  UNDER  THE  AGE  OF  21.
triggers   ..    triggering  content  will  be  on  this  blog,   but  i  will  always  be  mindful  to  tag  anything  that  i  could  think  may  be  triggering  to others   ( or  if  i  follow  someone  who  has  it  listed  as a  trigger ).   i  write  trigger  warnings  as   " trigger tw ".   as  for  myself,   i  don't  really  have  any triggers,   besides  very  graphic  descriptions  of  eye  trauma,   fingernail / toenail  and  teeth  trauma  also  get  to  me  but  are  not  nearly  as  distressing,   but  a  heads  up  would  be  so  greatly  appreciated.   i  like  to  discuss  with  my  writing  partner  if  something  comes  up  that  feels  uncomfortable,   hope  you  will  as  well.
reply  style   ..    i  do  not  regularly  use  icons  or  gifs  or  graphics  in  my  replies.   however,   it  is  so  fine  if  you  do.   i  make  text  smaller  to  look  more  uniform.   i  do  use  icons  for  starters,   sometimes.   i  am  more  likely  to  use  icons  or  gifs  in  replies  if  there  are  resources  for  said  faceclaim.
simple  little  dni   ..    do  not  interact  if  you  are  a  single  muse  blog  portraying  a  real  person,   you're  under  the  age  of  18  or  a  personal  account.
disclaimer   ..    i  am  not  in  any  way  affiliated  with  any  of  the  faceclaims  or  fandoms  used  or  may  be  present  on  this  blog.   this  blog  is  for  the  fun  of  writing  and  roleplay  and  in  no way is  being  used  to  impersonate  anybody.
credits  &  such
the  psd  used  on  this  blog  and  graphics  is  hyacinth  by  jessource.    meanwhile  all  graphics  unless  stated  otherwise  for  this  blog  have  been  created  by  my  dear  friend  foster  💌
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mutumi-saito · 1 year
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untitled / 2023
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alligator-dreaming · 2 months
02-28-2023: Three Amigos Around the World
Had a dream that I was Puss in Boots, accompanied by my faithful companions Zorro (played by Antonio Banderas, who was himself played by Pedro Pascal) and Cyrano de Bergerac (played by Inigo Montoya played by Mandy Patinkin). I convinced my companions that I was not in fact Puss in Boots because I was not wearing my signature hat (instead I was wearing two baseball caps stuck on top of each other).
We went to a bar and ended up trapped inside by John Cleese’s Roman guard character from Monty Python’s Life of Brian and his soldiers. They collapsed the bar on top of us, but Cyrano stabbed the guard in the throat with a cursed sword and we escaped.
Then we went adventuring across Asia. I remember donning a special wig for our trip to Japan. The others made fun of me for it, but I told them to be respectful since it was a Japanese samurai style. (I don’t know why I said this. Out of the dream, I know for a fact that that hairstyle was particular to Song dynasty-era Chinese women. I saw it in a TikTok. I apologize on dream me’s behalf.) Every country we went to, we ended up wearing different red (me), blue (Zorro), and green (Cyrano) traditional silk outfits.
As we ventured across Asia, we fought distinct Metroid breeds particular to each country. We ended in Laos. The Lao Metroid breed was addicted to chips, which made them easy to ensnare, but they could easily metamorphose into the far more deadly Spicy Chip Metroid, which could write down its information to make a copy of itself and like hot chips. The dream ended as we engaged one such Spicy Chip Metroid.
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rostyslavua · 6 months
Зміни для ФОПів 3 групи: ставка податку до 17% та обовязок використання РРО за національною стратегією доходів
https://antiraid.com.ua/news/zminy-dlia-fopiv-3-hrupy-stavka-podatku-do-17-ta-obov-iazok-vykorystannia-rro-za-natsionalnoiu-stratehiieiu-dokhodiv/ Уряд ухвалив Національну стратегію доходів, яка передбачає суттєві зміни для спрощеної системи оподаткування. Нагадаємо, айтівці зазвичай ведуть справи як ФОП на 3 групі спрощеної системи оподаткування. І скоро вона втратить свою привабливість для них. Про основні нововведення розповів народний депутат Ярослав Железняк. Зазначається, що Національна стратегія доходів ─ це план змін в податковій та митній […] Повідомлення Зміни для ФОПів 3 групи: ставка податку до 17% та обов’язок використання РРО за національною стратегією доходів з'явилися спочатку на ANTIRAID. via ANTIRAID https://antiraid.com.ua/home/ December 28, 2023 at 02:30PM
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temosvagasrj · 8 months
Classificados do Edimilson: veja as vagas de emprego da semana de 23 a 27 de outubro
1 – Secretaria Municipal de Trabalho e Renda – Rio É do RIO DE JANEIRO? Venha fazer parte do nosso Grupo de WhatsApp com vagas diárias exclusivas para RJ! Os preparativos para a Black Friday e as festas de fim de ano já estão a todo vapor no Rio. E, com a perspectiva de aumento de vendas, a Prefeitura do Rio, por meio da Secretaria de Trabalho e Renda (SMTE), informa que há 60 vagas para…
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View On WordPress
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rosehillcountryday · 1 year
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𝚁𝙾𝚂𝙴𝙷𝙸𝙻𝙻𝙲𝙾𝚄𝙽𝚃𝚁𝚈𝙳𝙰𝚈.𝚃𝚄𝙼𝙱𝙻𝚁.𝙲𝙾𝙼     ...     a  reese  production.      very  sporadic  activity  multimuse  containing  muses  from  the  2022  netflix  film  DO  REVENGE   —   (  dir.  jennifer kaytin robinson  )     ...     crossover  and  oc  friendly.      [   twenty - six.   they / she.   est.   ]       minors  &  personal  blogs  dni.     *    sideblog!!   follows  back  from badbandits!
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affiliated  with   :       withbags  /  rewhy
*   all  muses  are  18+,   often  played  between  -5 / +5  of  the  faceclaim,   but  there  are  exceptions  for  verses,   etc.
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main  muses
carissa  jones    [  19 - 32  ] :   semi - canon  divergent / headcanon  based,   lesbian  —   fc.   ava  capri   /   clea  duval   [  fc  for  yellowjackets  au  ]     ...     primary.
eleanor  cutler  levetan    [  18 - 29  ] :   semi - canon  divergent / headcanon  based,   lesbian  —   fc.   maya  hawke   /   uma  thurman   [  fc  for  yellowjackets  au  ]     ...     secondary.
drea  torres    [  18 - 32  ] :   semi - canon  divergent,   questioning / unlabled  —   fc.   camila  mendes     ...     secondary.
montana  ruiz    [  18 - 28  ] :   semi - canon  divergent,   bisexual  —   fc.   maia  reficco     ...     tertiary.
russ  lee    [  18 - 32  ] :   semi - canon  divergent / headcanon  based,   pansexual  —   fc.   rish  shah     ...     tertiary.
upon  request
allegra    [  18+  ] :   canon  compliant  —   fc.   rachel  matthews
elliot  tanners    [  18+  ] :   canon  compliant  —   fc.   jonathan daviss
erica  norman    [  18+  ] :   canon  compliant  —   fc.   sophie  turner
max  broussard    [  18+  ] :   canon  compliant  —   fc.   austin  abrams
meghan  perez    [  18+  ] :   canon  compliant  —   fc.   paris  berelc
tara  scott    [  18+  ] :   canon  compliant  —   fc.   alisha  boe
the  headmaster    [  46  ] :   canon  compliant  —   fc.   sarah  michelle  gellar
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basic  guidelines  &  rp  ettiqute  apply   ..     see  below  for  more  indepth  rules.
interactions   ..    open  starters  are  for  ANYONE   ( unless  otherwise  stated )   who  wants  to  write  a  character  that  fits  gender  of  character  is  open  to  replies  from  and  fit  within  my  rules.    please  only  submit  meme  prompts  if  we  are  mutuals.   i'll  write  with  anyone  18+.   don't  be  afraid  of  following  me  if  you're  interested  in  writing  with  me,    i'm  often  very  receptive  to  anyone  who  wants  to  write  with  me.   THERE  WILL  BE  CONTENT  NOT  SUITABLE  FOR  MINORS  ON  THIS  BLOG.
shipping   ..    always  down  for  a  ship  but  i  will  never  force  a  ship.   i'm  cool  with  assuming  pre-established  connections,  but  if  it  doesn't  vibe  right  away,   we'll  try  plotting.   even  if  a  ship  doesn't  work,   i  will  always  be  down  to  continue  writing  with  you!   just  need  to  try  other  connections!   i  would  prefer  writing  ships  with  anyone  20  and  above,   I  WILL  NOT  WRITE  SMUT  WITH  ANYONE  UNDER  THE  AGE  OF  21.
triggers   ..    triggering  content  will  be  on  this  blog,   but  i  will  always  be  mindful  to  tag  anything  that  i  could  think  may  be  triggering  to others  ( or  if  i  follow  someone  who  has  it  listed  as a  trigger ).   i  write  trigger  warnings  as   " trigger tw ".   as  for  myself,   i  don't  really  have  any triggers,   besides  very  graphic  descriptions  of  eye  trauma,   fingernail / toenail  and  teeth  trauma  also  get  to  me  but  are  not  nearly  as  distressing,   but  a  heads  up  would  be  so  greatly  appreciated.   i  like  to  discuss  with  my  writing  partner  if  something  comes  up  that  feels  uncomfortable,   hope  you  will  as  well.
reply  style   ..    i  do  not  regularly  use  icons  or  gifs  or  graphics  in  my  replies.   however,   it  is  so  fine  if  you  do.   i  make  text  smaller  to  look  more  uniform.   i  do  use  icons  for  starters,   sometimes.   i  am  more  likely  to  use  icons  or  gifs  in  replies  if  there  are  resources  for  said  faceclaim.
simple  little  dni   ..    do  not  interact  if  you  are  a  single  muse  blog  portraying  a  real  person,   you're  under  the  age  of  18  or  a  personal  account.
disclaimer   ..    i  am  not  in  any  way  affiliated  with  do  revenge,   netllix  or  any  of  the  faceclaims  that  may  be  present  on  this  blog.   this  blog  is  for  the  fun  of  writing  and  roleplay  and  in  no way is  being  used  to  impersonate  anybody.
credits  &  such
the  psd  used  on  this  blog  and  graphics  is  vol.  39  by  manguitogay.    meanwhile  all  graphics  unless  stated  otherwise  for  this  blog  have  been  created  by  my  dear  friend  foster  💌
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How lock-in hurts design
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Berliners: Otherland has added a second date (Jan 28) for my book-talk after the first one sold out - book now!
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If you've ever read about design, you've probably encountered the idea of "paving the desire path." A "desire path" is an erosion path created by people departing from the official walkway and taking their own route. The story goes that smart campus planners don't fight the desire paths laid down by students; they pave them, formalizing the route that their constituents have voted for with their feet.
Desire paths aren't always great (Wikipedia notes that "desire paths sometimes cut through sensitive habitats and exclusion zones, threatening wildlife and park security"), but in the context of design, a desire path is a way that users communicate with designers, creating a feedback loop between those two groups. The designers make a product, the users use it in ways that surprise the designer, and the designer integrates all that into a new revision of the product.
This method is widely heralded as a means of "co-innovating" between users and companies. Designers who practice the method are lauded for their humility, their willingness to learn from their users. Tech history is strewn with examples of successful paved desire-paths.
Take John Deere. While today the company is notorious for its war on its customers (via its opposition to right to repair), Deere was once a leader in co-innovation, dispatching roving field engineers to visit farms and learn how farmers had modified their tractors. The best of these modifications would then be worked into the next round of tractor designs, in a virtuous cycle:
But this pattern is even more pronounced in the digital world, because it's much easier to update a digital service than it is to update all the tractors in the field, especially if that service is cloud-based, meaning you can modify the back-end everyone is instantly updated. The most celebrated example of this co-creation is Twitter, whose users created a host of its core features.
Retweets, for example, were a user creation. Users who saw something they liked on the service would type "RT" and paste the text and the link into a new tweet composition window. Same for quote-tweets: users copied the URL for a tweet and pasted it in below their own commentary. Twitter designers observed this user innovation and formalized it, turning it into part of Twitter's core feature-set.
Companies are obsessed with discovering digital desire paths. They pay fortunes for analytics software to produce maps of how their users interact with their services, run focus groups, even embed sneaky screen-recording software into their web-pages:
This relentless surveillance of users is pursued in the name of making things better for them: let us spy on you and we'll figure out where your pain-points and friction are coming from, and remove those. We all win!
But this impulse is a world apart from the humility and respect implied by co-innovation. The constant, nonconsensual observation of users has more to do with controlling users than learning from them.
That is, after all, the ethos of modern technology: the more control a company can exert over its users ,the more value it can transfer from those users to its shareholders. That's the key to enshittification, the ubiquitous platform decay that has degraded virtually all the technology we use, making it worse every day:
When you are seeking to control users, the desire paths they create are all too frequently a means to wrestling control back from you. Take advertising: every time a service makes its ads more obnoxious and invasive, it creates an incentive for its users to search for "how do I install an ad-blocker":
More than half of all web-users have installed ad-blockers. It's the largest consumer boycott in human history:
But zero app users have installed ad-blockers, because reverse-engineering an app requires that you bypass its encryption, triggering liability under Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. This law provides for a $500,000 fine and a 5-year prison sentence for "circumvention" of access controls:
Beyond that, modifying an app creates liability under copyright, trademark, patent, trade secrets, noncompete, nondisclosure and so on. It's what Jay Freeman calls "felony contempt of business model":
This is why services are so horny to drive you to install their app rather using their websites: they are trying to get you to do something that, given your druthers, you would prefer not to do. They want to force you to exit through the gift shop, you want to carve a desire path straight to the parking lot. Apps let them mobilize the law to literally criminalize those desire paths.
An app is just a web-page wrapped in enough IP to make it a felony to block ads in it (or do anything else that wrestles value back from a company). Apps are web-pages where everything not forbidden is mandatory.
Seen in this light, an app is a way to wage war on desire paths, to abandon the cooperative model for co-innovation in favor of the adversarial model of user control and extraction.
Corporate apologists like to claim that the proliferation of apps proves that users like them. Neoliberal economists love the idea that business as usual represents a "revealed preference." This is an intellectually unserious tautology: "you do this, so you must like it":
Calling an action where no alternatives are permissible a "preference" or a "choice" is a cheap trick – especially when considered against the "preferences" that reveal themselves when a real choice is possible. Take commercial surveillance: when Apple gave Ios users a choice about being spied on – a one-click opt of of app-based surveillance – 96% of users choice no spying:
But then Apple started spying on those very same users that had opted out of spying by Facebook and other Apple competitors:
Neoclassical economists aren't just obsessed with revealed preferences – they also love to bandy about the idea of "moral hazard": economic arrangements that tempt people to be dishonest. This is typically applied to the public ("consumers" in the contemptuous parlance of econospeak). But apps are pure moral hazard – for corporations. The ability to prohibit desire paths – and literally imprison rivals who help your users thwart those prohibitions – is too tempting for companies to resist.
The fact that the majority of web users block ads reveals a strong preference for not being spied on ("users just want relevant ads" is such an obvious lie that doesn't merit any serious discussion):
Giant companies attained their scale by learning from their users, not by thwarting them. The person using technology always knows something about what they need to do and how they want to do it that the designers can never anticipate. This is especially true of people who are unlike those designers – people who live on the other side of the world, or the other side of the economic divide, or whose bodies don't work the way that the designers' bodies do:
Apps – and other technologies that are locked down so their users can be locked in – are the height of technological arrogance. They embody a belief that users are to be told, not heard. If a user wants to do something that the designer didn't anticipate, that's the user's fault:
Corporate enthusiasm for prohibiting you from reconfiguring the tools you use to suit your needs is a declaration of the end of history. "Sure," John Deere execs say, "we once learned from farmers by observing how they modified their tractors. But today's farmers are so much stupider and we are so much smarter that we have nothing to learn from them anymore."
Spying on your users to control them is a poor substitute asking your users their permission to learn from them. Without technological self-determination, preferences can't be revealed. Without the right to seize the means of computation, the desire paths never emerge, leaving designers in the dark about what users really want.
Our policymakers swear loyalty to "innovation" but when corporations ask for the right to decide who can innovate and how, they fall all over themselves to create laws that let companies punish users for the crime of contempt of business-model.
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I'm Kickstarting the audiobook for The Bezzle, the sequel to Red Team Blues, narrated by @wilwheaton! You can pre-order the audiobook and ebook, DRM free, as well as the hardcover, signed or unsigned. There's also bundles with Red Team Blues in ebook, audio or paperback.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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Image: Belem (modified) https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Desire_path_%2819811581366%29.jpg
CC BY 2.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/deed.en
3K notes · View notes
maybe i should change his fake name, make it less obvious that it’s him? what would i change it too????
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elicatkin · 1 year
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857474234976673792 · 1 year
posted at 19:00:14 
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poem-for-each-day · 1 year
Lights bloom flowers,
Flowers bloom light,
Light blooms trees,
Trees bloom light,
Heaven and hell,
It reaches the same place.
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