#dream hall of fame
alligator-dreaming · 6 months
Had a genuinely frightening dream. Lets see
I was sort of wandering around my home town, out for a walk. Somehow, I walked so far that I ended up in a tropical paradise. I stood on top of a hill of shells with perfectly clear water surrounding me in every direction. I planned to take some pictures to send to a friend
From far away, I saw my grandmother, who called me over, saying it was time to go home. She also asked that I retrieve a slip of paper she left at the bottom of the sea. I shuffled down the hill of shells down into the water. The sea was filled with every kind of animal: many kinds of crab, corals, turtles, fish, and sharks. I was wary of the sharks
As I dove down, I saw a shark that was blood red all over and the size of a bus. As I watched, it attacked a great white and devoured it. I became disoriented. I couldn't tell what was going on around me and I couldn't swim right
I panickedly swam away and found myself in a dark underwater cave where I was trapped by the blood-red shark. It chased me into a narrow crevice and pinned me against the wall. All I could see was its mouth, inches away from my face
It began to open its mouth and I saw all of its teeth. For a moment, I thought I could sink down farther into the cove and push off the wall to get away. I started to sink. The shark moved in. Its teeth shimmered away into stars and a single red eye replaced the inside of its mouth, boring down into my soul
The shark's red eye mocked me out loud for being afraid and said that my family couldn't help me. I tried to get away but I was still pinned. The shark's mouth flashed between teeth, stars, and eye, playing the scene for me over and over again with no escape
Finally, something broke, and the shark relented. He said if I could retrieve a slip of paper with a password from the bottom of his den, then he wouldn't kill me. But he warned me that he would be chasing me the whole way, so I had better be fast. Smile.
Somehow, I managed to swim out of its reach for long enough to snag the small slip of paper. It turns out that the password was to the blood shark's twitter account. With the password acquired, I swam and I swam as far as I possibly could. The seas were now dark, and I did not see any animal life for a long time
When I finally surfaced, it was twilight. I struggled out of the water and found myself in my aunt's house. There were lots of people at the house getting ready for a party. I was completely soaked and bedraggled, ready to collapse from a whole day of non-stop underwater terror. I found my aunt and uncle and my grandma (who incidentally was actually my grandmother from the other side of the family) and they hauled my shivering body upstairs to get a change of clothes and a rest.
Then I woke up
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lemonxlimee · 14 days
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Im going to cry JAZZY WHY
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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Leroy Robert "Satchel" Paige was born on July 7, 1906, in Mobile, Alabama. Though many speculate it may have been more like 1903.
According to Paige, his mother sent him to earn money carrying luggage for businessmen at the train station, but he was frustrated with the little money it paid. So he rigged a pole to carry several bags at once to make the job pay better, and his co-workers purportedly told him, "You look like a walking satchel tree." And his nickname stuck.
At the age of 42 in 1948, Paige was the oldest major league rookie while playing for the Cleveland Indians. He played with the St. Louis Browns until age 47, and represented them in the All-Star Game in 1952 and 1953. He was the first player who had played in the Negro Leagues to pitch in the World Series, in 1948, and was the first electee of the Negro League Committee to be inducted into the National Baseball Hall of Fame in 1971.
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putterphubase · 25 days
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What happened? If you've got something on your mind, Ai, you don't have to hold it in. Just shout it out if you want.
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silviaflowers · 1 year
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Made some fanart for @sweetest-honeybee 's grayscale wally au :)
This was sorta experimental since I've never drawn this pose before and have hardly drawn wally, so i hope yall like it :D
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prettyboykatsuki · 2 months
after following you for a few months now i’ve come to the conclusion that i need to put you in a dating sim where your two suitors are a doting older brother type who cares for you and coddles you to the point of yandere overprotectiveness/control and a bratty younger brother type who is mean and tsundere about his feelings and blushy and wants to get out of the brother zone but then actually still just wants to be babied but as a boyfriend rather than a friend. and they’re both your childhood friends and they’re both super possessive over you. i feel like you’d thrive /j
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chelseajackarmy · 6 months
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I’m incredibly grateful for everyone who has believed and have patiently been on this journey with me. The best fans in the damn world.
Via @itsBayleyWWE
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lemoneyshipz · 1 year
wanted to share the wip and the poll i put for my newest drawing here lol, I literally laughed so hard at this result this is going up my hall of fame
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bakersfield-row · 1 year
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calamitydaze · 2 years
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i love you like i love being hungry. it feels good to want things.
or: c!quackity, on starvation
the blind assassin, margaret atwood // nobody, mitski // abbey, mitski // stay soft, mitski // quackity’s tvtropes page // fish in exile, vi khi nao // moderation, florence + the machine // the complete short stories of ernest hemingway // unknown // unknown // i will tell this story to the sun until you remember that you are the sun, erin slaughter // crush, richard siken // children stories made horrific, daniel mallory ortberg // war of the foxes, richard siken // if my body could speak, blythe baird // euripides, medea // andy-deer // paper doll, flower face
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'tis me, very specific anon with yet another question(yes i have no schedule for this)
question #2: did you ever have a dream regarding this blog? if so, what was it about?
-very specific anon
hello very specific anon!!
so unfortunately I have not ever had a dream about this blog, or about Tumblr in general (that I can remember at least)
but! I sincerely wish I had…. so i’m creating one :)
(tbh this dream legitimately could’ve happened and i’m just so bad at remembering them it moved from my subconscious to my conscious and that’s how i’m making it now…?idk)
anyways, enjoy :)
i’m on my phone scrolling, checking notifications, etc. when I notice an ask, that’s simply a youtube link. I obviously open the link, excitedly expecting a rickroll of some sort and I am correct!
the “never gonna give you up” music video starts playing! but as I go to start to exit the app, something changes…
the music starts to fade away while rick’s voice slowly begins to get louder…more life like.
I try to close the app but it’s frozen, and the screen starts to fade to black…. expect for rick’s face.
when the song finally ends, my entire phone crashes. as i’m anxiously trying to turn it back on, the song starts again…except for the voice sounds like it’s directly behind me.
I turn around….. and a tiny phone sized rick astley is on the ground, dancing his heart out.
turns out- I had now acquired a genie/loyal companion for life in rick astley form, that i’m now stuck with…because he’s never gonna give me up :)
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alligator-dreaming · 6 months
In my dream my dad told me not to buy a bird. I did anyway and it was awesome and I left it in a bowl of water in my room and petted it on the head. It had dog ears and was cute
Behold. It had a life cycle
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lemonxlimee · 2 months
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Me and my evil mirror twin skipping ropes together
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thiscatisonfire · 21 days
Who cares about dream blunt rotations I wanna hear bout yalls dream fishing trips. Like I think it’d be so fun to bring jerma fishing cause he’d be really bad at it
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monards · 8 months
i still think the way the general idea of symbiotic relationships as a can be applied to both of magnolia's most prevalent relationships in the game makes me sooo emotional.
Magnolias and Doves are entirely different organisms; so obviously they have no relationship in that regard, however they still benefit each other in a ton of different ways. Doves often nest on the branches of magnolia trees; and can help with things such as seed dispersal and tend to drive pests and other insects away from the tree; helping its growth-- but obviously, they can come and go as they please, and aren't really confined to one tree or place. And even more; Doves and many other birds don't have any real impact on Magnolia trees and other similar plants. And that relationship is SO well demonstrated between Magnolia and Dove!!!!!! Dove was never confined to Magnolia; we know she has interests and beliefs outside of her, and has in all insistences we've seen her explicitly established that she doesn't full heartedly agree with everything Magnolia does in one way or another, be it through her saying Magnolia had been too harsh with Orion, was being too secretive & suspicious, and attempting to finally have her arrested for her crimes; showing that she still very wells has a separate code of ethics, morals and beliefs in spite of whatever Magnolia herself may have believed or followed at any point. Plus, Dove never had any true and huge lasting impact on Magnolia. Dove, as long as she was married to Magnolia, did manage to help her. But that was purely situational. Since, even if Magnolia was likely far more composed and morally-there while with Dove; that definitely went STRAIGHT out the window the moment they got a divorce and she ended up leaving all her coworkers to die, while going along to become a mass murderer, too. Even though Dove did have some effect on Magnolia, most of those real changes were transient and for the most part only manifested in Magnolia's relationship with Mint.
Mint is an invasive species; meaning as a whole, they're hard to get rid of and more often than not leave lasting effects on the fauna and environment around them. And that's EXACTLY what happened between Mint and Magnolia!!!!! Mint, unlike Dove, dug his way into Magnolia's life. While Dove would always be on the surface and need to worm her way in herself; Mint would already have 'roots' in the ground and be able to far easily effect Magnolia as a whole. And he did!!!!!!! We know that having Mint obviously changed Magnolia,, a lot. She obviously mellowed out a lot; and Dove herself notes that Magnolia would've never taken this course of action if Mint hadn't been someone she explicitly loved and was in some way attached to; a DIRECT contrast to her generally easy abandonment of Dove in their divorce. Even more, in both endings, Magnolia WILLINGLY changes a great amount just for Mint-- with in Ending A, her sacrificing the chance she could very well be caught or worse by leaving to the city to give Mint a better life, and Ending B where she gives up Mint to live with Dove- despite how much she loved and was attached to him- because she knew she would never provide him the life he deserved; when we know that previously, Magnolia would've never sacrificed that much for someone. As seen through a certain ex-wife she has, (cough cough)
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silviaflowers · 1 year
Something that I haven't seen talked about a lot is that during Belos' death scene, while the boiling rain falls on the Boiling Isles, melting Belos, Luz is unharmed. Luz is unharmed, and in fact the drops make a sparkling splash when it lands on her. The very island, the very rain accepts Luz and harshly rejects Belos.
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Belos, the monster who blames witches for everything that happened to him, never owning up to his mistakes, is melted by the very Isles he "ruled", the most natural occurrence in them. And it's because he didn't respect them. He never respected the land he walked on; he despised it. He's melted by the boiling rain because he's as alien to the Boiling Isles as he believes witches are to Earth. He never accepted their natural beauty, the red grass, the bones of the Titan, the witches themselves. He tried to eradicate them.
Luz, however. Luz not only accepted the Boiling Isles, she loved them. She showed care for the witches in them, learned how magic worked. She was shown the glyphs by the Titan himself, the very Boiling Isles she walked on and cherished for all of its weirdness, its demons, its people, its life. She was rewarded for showing respect to them, able to save King and Eda and the Isles themselves, with a form given to her by the Titan. She was given the glyph language Phillip, Belos chased all these years, she only had to listen.
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So Luz is left to watch as the nature of the Boiling Isles melts away the monster that was once human who treated the Isles as a lump of clay, or rather, something closer to the meat magic Hunter used back when he used the staff Belos gave to him, something to mold into a copy of Earth. Luz watches like the ghost of Caleb as Belos digs his own grave.
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