soikeo24h-blog · 7 months
soi keo - Nhận định, soi kèo Frankfurt vs Stuttgart, 0h30 ngày 26/11 25/11/2023 03:51
Nhận định soi kèo Frankfurt vs Stuttgart Frankfurt sẽ có cuộc tiếp đón Stuttgart, tại vòng 12 giải vô địch quốc gia Đức. Lúc này Frankfurt mới chỉ đứng thứ 7 trên bảng xếp hạng với 18 điểm sau 11 vòng đấu. Trong khi đó Stuttgart, vẫn đang đứng thứ ba với 24 điểm cũng sau 11 trận, nhưng đã kém đội đầu bảng Bayern tới 8 điểm dù thi đấu ít hơn 1 trận. Ở 5 trận gần đây tính trên mọi đấu trường…
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Durch die Nacht mit Flake Lorenz und Joey Kelly - Arte TV 2020
Documentary from german/french tv channel Arte TV, with Joey Kelly of The Kelly Family (for those who don't know them: An actual family who travelled around making music, all kids being part of the group from a very young age, and who where huge (Huge!) for many years, definitely in Germany, but also others parts of Europe and all over the world) and Flake, visiting Joey who lives near Cologne.
Joey nowadays is involved in extreme sports and also befriended with Till Lindemann with whom he did the Yukon expedition.
During clips of 'Deutschland' there is no audio otherwise the video would have been taken down.
Some snippits:
What is striking straight away is that Flake is driving a car with the steering wheel on the right side (an 'english car', normally in Germany a car will have the wheel on the left), but there's a simple explanation: his hearing is pretty bad on the right, so with a 'normal' car, he would be sitting left and his wife on the right next to him, which means he can't understand what she's saying.
Before starting a game of car-ball, Joey asks Flake if he's allowed to do dangerous stuff, and Flake says no, Joey gets it: they can't risk having a Rammstein member less on stage. Joey doesn't have the same problem, his family was huge, so there would be loads of people on stage anyway, rarely one would be missed; Joey actually missed one show because he called one of sisters a 'fat pig' and got grounded and wasn't allowed to play that evening. Flake thinks in that case he should start calling people 'fat pig' too 😊
(0h12) Flake has brought Rammstein fan Joey a gold record as a present, only remembers it when he opens the back of his car to get out his laptop, the record is tossed in the boot. The awards where under a desk at home but got wet a while ago, so the one he gives Joey is a little bent, so now Flake is giving them away before they get ruined.
Both Flake and Joey give readings/talks about their life, Joey about extreme-sports (he hiked through Germany, north to south, without money, food or drink, no begging, only living of the land), Flake about himself (he starts his talk pointing to himself on screen "Normally i look like this, i play in a music-group"). Flake shows photos, starting with Feeling B, playing in the GDR where their biggest enemy wasn't the Stasi (east german police) but the alcohol, especially singer Aljoscha on occassion couldn't even finish a show. Later, at abt 0h30, he explains that because of these early years he always thought that musicians had to drink, that it was part of the job. Only when he was ill for a while and wasn't allowed to drink, for the first time he did a show sobef and hated it, it was so boring and lasted so long.. (in the end it was his wife who convinced him he had a problem, because he needed alcohol everywhere he went, and who told him she'd leave him if he continued drinking, only after he'd done more shows without alcohol he learned to like playing without a drink, eventually even better than with alcohol.
After Feeling B he was invited to a rehearsal from these 5 guys who played for hours on end, it was the best night of Flake's live, so he decided to join. Only problem was performing live, so their first record label sent them to play at a gathering of people who had been listening to talks all day, and then in the evening expected a little music. So the first night it didn't work out at all, the public wasn't paying attention, the band was bored and wanted to leave, but they had to play another show next day. So they went to the gasstation to buy a jerrycan of gas (Benzin), Till had a few sparklers left over from a party, so before the start of the show they sprayed the gas on the floor in front of the stage, and when Till started to sing he pointed the sparklers to the floor. Even the band was surprised how well gas inflamed
Flake never locks his car (0h25) because there's always a risk you can't get it open again. Besides, anyone who wants to steal one of Flake's cars must be crazy, so they deserve to have it.
At 0h27 Joey asks if in Rammstein they also have the problem that there's always someone being difficult, making drama (like they have in The Kelly Family), but Flake says No. 😊 (good boy Flake, for being loyal to his mates).
Flake's brother also has a band (Rammstein's first gig was as a warmup for that band), they mainly do parody, like 'Wie ein Würstchen' (Like a sausage) on Madonna's 'Like a Virgin'. And what does his brother think of Rammstein's huge shows? Don't know, says Flake, it's been a long time since he went to a Rammstein show. Joey is amazed, but Flake considers it a job; a plumber also doesn't take his family to work with him. (I'm sure Flake exaggarates here by the way 😊).
0h39 they talk about Till cooking Flake on stage, Joey asks if this isn't dangerous, how do you breathe? Flake: "I don't breathe, because the flames take away all the oxygen". The dangerous stuff happens when they are rehearsing, because then they don't know yet what the best way is, one timeTill and Flake had practised a lot with the kettle, Till shooting flame after flame, and when Flake got out, he grabbed the rim of the kettle, that was red-hot, and seriously burnt his fingertips.
At 0h41 a Kelly-fan asks a photo with Joey, to which he kindly obliges (joking "you're probably a fan of Paddy or Angelo" (his brothers, generally the fan-darlings of that band), but she ensures him she's a fan of himself 😊 Joey then says "And here is Flake from Rammstein" but the fan admits a bit embarrased that she doesn't know him 😊 Earlier Flake talks about going walking for hours every day, when they are on tour as well, to which Joey asks "is that safe? don't you take security with you?" and Flake says "If i'm on my own no one recognises me.." (again showing how much bigger The Kelly Family is in Germany 😊)
Around 0h50 they visit a motorbike show, and Flake and Joey are invited to enter the dome the bikes ride in. Again they ask Flake if he's allowed, and he mentions he isn't really allowed to do anything dangerous; before they go on tour they have to sign an agreement to be careful of their health, because if one breaks a limb or something and a show has to cancelled, insurance doesn't pay, so that costs a lot of money.
Did Flake ever meet his favorite band Rolling Stones? (0h53) No, he was at a show of theirs only one, 1990 or 92, and he thought they were ancient back then, almost mummies. Only recently Flake realised that he is older now than they were back then, even over 10 years older, he feels like a total granddad and shouldn't even be allowed on stage anymore. He wonders why nobody has noticed it yet. 😊
At 0h57 they play a couple of old songs, like Kelly Family's first single 'David's song' which was a huge succes but they didn't earn much out of it (back recorddeal, Flake knows the feeling), and 'Kim Wilde' by Feeling B, on which Flake does the vocals. Joey: "That is you?" "Yeah" "You sing better than Till" Flake chuckles "Well.." 😊
And at the end, Flake gets a Kelly Family record in return, a new one, of the latest Kelly Family album, that went straight to Gold again 🌺
okay 'some snippets' turned out to be 'lots of snippets' 🍀
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encantados2022 · 2 years
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Lundi 19 septembre - sur la route :
Journée plutôt difficile.
Départ de notre hôtel à Lívingston à 8h30
Bateau jusqu’à Puerto Barrios : 45 min
Bus jusqu’à Corinto, à la frontière du Honduras : 1h
Sortie du Guatemala : ✔️
Entrée au Honduras : ❌
Retour au Guatemala pour remplir un document, montrer notre certificat Covid et prendre notre température. Temps de perdu : 1h
Entrée au Honduras : ✔️
Taxi jusqu’à Puerto Cortes : 45min
Bus jusqu’à San Pedro Sula : 2h
Attente du bus : 1h30
Durée prévue du trajet en bus jusqu’à La Ceiba : 3h30. Durée réelle : 8h… Un accident de bus nous a immobilisé pendant 3h.
Trouver un taxi pour aller à notre hôtel : ❌
Marcher jusqu’à l’hôtel : 20 min
Arrivée : 0h30
On est fatigué mais content d’être arriver entier et avec toutes nos affaires.
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jezatalks · 2 years
Je suis totalement paumée à cause de mes horaires et rythme de sommeil. Je dors entre 0h30 et 4h50, travaille de 5h30 à 9h, prend un petit déjeuner en rentrant vers 9h30, puis termine ma nuit entre 10h30 et 14h30.
Et j'ai accepté de revenir semaine pro aux mêmes horaires, je me laisse la 1ère semaine de décembre en repos, je suis perdue là.
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gi8hey · 2 months
Hãy cùng Gi8hey lướt qua bầu trời đêm và hạ cánh tại sân vận động của Newcastle để chiêm ngưỡng trận cầu nảy lửa giữa Newcastle và Man City vào lúc 0h30 ngày 14/1/2024! Sẽ có cá cược, dự đoán kết quả và phân tích đội hình. Bạn đã sẵn sàng để đón nhận những bất ngờ từ vòng 21 Ngoại hạng Anh 2023/24 chưa?
#tran dau newcastle vs man city
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URGENT – DIRECT : Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct. Au Sénégal, le dimanche 24 mars, s’est déroulé le scrutin présidentiel. Restez informés de son intervention en direct sur Kafunel. Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct élection présidentielle du 24 mars au Sénégal Les premières indications issues des urnes laissent entrevoir une avancée significative pour la coalition de l’opposition, dirigée par Bassirou Diomaye Faye. Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct (vidéo) → A LIRE AUSSI Bassirou Diomaye Faye sans pitié pour Amadou Ba (PV) Cependant, l’issue de ces élections dépend largement de la réaction d’Amadou Ba, son principal concurrent, actuellement en seconde position selon les tendances observées. Présidentielle 2024 au Sénégal le vote en images 9 → A LIRE AUSSI Urgent : Le candidat Amadou Ba va faire une déclaration de presse Une annonce imminente de la part d’Amadou Ba est attendue, programmée pour 0h30 GMT, suscitant diverses spéculations. → A LIRE AUSSI HLM Grand Médine : Amadou Ba perd dans son bureau de vote
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sports-100-buzz · 3 months
URGENT – DIRECT : Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct. Au Sénégal, le dimanche 24 mars, s’est déroulé le scrutin présidentiel. Restez informés de son intervention en direct sur Kafunel. Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct élection présidentielle du 24 mars au Sénégal Les premières indications issues des urnes laissent entrevoir une avancée significative pour la coalition de l’opposition, dirigée par Bassirou Diomaye Faye. Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct (vidéo) → A LIRE AUSSI Bassirou Diomaye Faye sans pitié pour Amadou Ba (PV) Cependant, l’issue de ces élections dépend largement de la réaction d’Amadou Ba, son principal concurrent, actuellement en seconde position selon les tendances observées. Présidentielle 2024 au Sénégal le vote en images 9 → A LIRE AUSSI Urgent : Le candidat Amadou Ba va faire une déclaration de presse Une annonce imminente de la part d’Amadou Ba est attendue, programmée pour 0h30 GMT, suscitant diverses spéculations. → A LIRE AUSSI HLM Grand Médine : Amadou Ba perd dans son bureau de vote
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soikeo24h-blog · 7 months
Soi kèo 24h - Nhận định, soi kèo Getafe vs Almeria, 0h30 ngày 26/11
Nhận định soi kèo Getafe vs Almeria Getafe sẽ có cuộc tiếp đón Almeria tại vòng 14 giải vô địch quốc gia Tây Ban Nha. Lúc này Getafe đang đứng giữa bảng xếp hạng ở vị trí thứ 11 với 16 điểm sau 13 trận nhưng đã kém các đội Top 6 tới 6 điểm. Chuỗi trận bất bại của Getafe lúc này đã kéo dài lên con số 8 nhưng chỉ có 3 trận thắng, để hòa 5 trận, bao gồm cả trận thắng tại cúp quốc gia. Trên sân nhà…
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reussir-a-tout-prix · 3 months
URGENT – DIRECT : Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct. Au Sénégal, le dimanche 24 mars, s’est déroulé le scrutin présidentiel. Restez informés de son intervention en direct sur Kafunel. Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct élection présidentielle du 24 mars au Sénégal Les premières indications issues des urnes laissent entrevoir une avancée significative pour la coalition de l’opposition, dirigée par Bassirou Diomaye Faye. Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct (vidéo) → A LIRE AUSSI Bassirou Diomaye Faye sans pitié pour Amadou Ba (PV) Cependant, l’issue de ces élections dépend largement de la réaction d’Amadou Ba, son principal concurrent, actuellement en seconde position selon les tendances observées. Présidentielle 2024 au Sénégal le vote en images 9 → A LIRE AUSSI Urgent : Le candidat Amadou Ba va faire une déclaration de presse Une annonce imminente de la part d’Amadou Ba est attendue, programmée pour 0h30 GMT, suscitant diverses spéculations. → A LIRE AUSSI HLM Grand Médine : Amadou Ba perd dans son bureau de vote
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Flake's podcast - collaborations / Zusammenspiel
Published 2020-05-13, likely podcast earlier
This podcast is about collaborations of musicians who normally don't play together, like Nick Cave & Kylie Minogue, Karl Gott & Bushido, Die Fantastischen Vier & Herbert Grönemeyer, Aerosmith & Run DMC, Rolling Stones & Jack White, John Lennon & Chuck Berry all of which Flake plays in the podcast (and many more).
A pretty funny Flake ramble (in hindsight) is at 0h30 after Brian Adams & Tina Turner, who in their videoclip sang together in one microphone. Flake doesn't really like that idea, thinking back of Feeling B, they only had one microphone, which Aljoscha used, and after a while that would smell dreadfully of spit and other alcohol. They washed (boiled) the mic-cover regularly, but after a while the smell just returned. And singing with faces towards eachother...bad breath...spit... and anyway.. you should sing to the audience and not eachother, imagine if two gitarists would play at eachother instead of to the audience, why go on stage if you want to do that, you can do that anywhere (with the 2022 tour in mind...can someone please ask what Flake says to that now 😄).
Some other rambles inbetween that are only short, but could fill an entire hour by itself (Rammstein really should do a series):
(oh37) the biggest Culture shock Feeling B got, when they went to Switzerland, where everything was very clean and orderly and even homeless people had sleepingbags that East-Germans had to save up years for to get.
(oh43) after the Chernobyl calamity (after which a radiation cloud spread over large parts of Europe) the East Germans not knowing that it happened, Feeling B had a concert and they'd all been lying in the sun (which was probably unhealthy in hindsight), and next day there was a huge amount of fruit and mushrooms to buy (very likely because west-germans had sent these back because these were thought to be contaminated).
The penultimate collaboration (1h46) Flake plays is of Rammstein and Clawfinger who toured together for a while. At first they were in a completely different rhythm, because Rammstein only drank on concertdays and abstained on off-days (to give their bodies a bit of recovery time), and Clawfinger only drank on off-days and not on concertdays (for the same reason)...the issue was resolved by Rammstein starting to drink on off-days as well, and then the bands got along great. Flake plays the song 'Pet Sematary' ...and what do you know...there's a video from that collab as well, so enjoy 😊
more of my takes on Flake's podcasts
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ouyander · 3 months
URGENT – DIRECT : Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct. Au Sénégal, le dimanche 24 mars, s’est déroulé le scrutin présidentiel. Restez informés de son intervention en direct sur Kafunel. Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct élection présidentielle du 24 mars au Sénégal Les premières indications issues des urnes laissent entrevoir une avancée significative pour la coalition de l’opposition, dirigée par Bassirou Diomaye Faye. Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct (vidéo) → A LIRE AUSSI Bassirou Diomaye Faye sans pitié pour Amadou Ba (PV) Cependant, l’issue de ces élections dépend largement de la réaction d’Amadou Ba, son principal concurrent, actuellement en seconde position selon les tendances observées. Présidentielle 2024 au Sénégal le vote en images 9 → A LIRE AUSSI Urgent : Le candidat Amadou Ba va faire une déclaration de presse Une annonce imminente de la part d’Amadou Ba est attendue, programmée pour 0h30 GMT, suscitant diverses spéculations. → A LIRE AUSSI HLM Grand Médine : Amadou Ba perd dans son bureau de vote
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naantokhi · 3 months
URGENT – DIRECT : Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct. Au Sénégal, le dimanche 24 mars, s’est déroulé le scrutin présidentiel. Restez informés de son intervention en direct sur Kafunel. Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct élection présidentielle du 24 mars au Sénégal Les premières indications issues des urnes laissent entrevoir une avancée significative pour la coalition de l’opposition, dirigée par Bassirou Diomaye Faye. Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct (vidéo) → A LIRE AUSSI Bassirou Diomaye Faye sans pitié pour Amadou Ba (PV) Cependant, l’issue de ces élections dépend largement de la réaction d’Amadou Ba, son principal concurrent, actuellement en seconde position selon les tendances observées. Présidentielle 2024 au Sénégal le vote en images 9 → A LIRE AUSSI Urgent : Le candidat Amadou Ba va faire une déclaration de presse Une annonce imminente de la part d’Amadou Ba est attendue, programmée pour 0h30 GMT, suscitant diverses spéculations. → A LIRE AUSSI HLM Grand Médine : Amadou Ba perd dans son bureau de vote
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katakaal · 3 months
URGENT – DIRECT : Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct. Au Sénégal, le dimanche 24 mars, s’est déroulé le scrutin présidentiel. Restez informés de son intervention en direct sur Kafunel. Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct élection présidentielle du 24 mars au Sénégal Les premières indications issues des urnes laissent entrevoir une avancée significative pour la coalition de l’opposition, dirigée par Bassirou Diomaye Faye. Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct (vidéo) → A LIRE AUSSI Bassirou Diomaye Faye sans pitié pour Amadou Ba (PV) Cependant, l’issue de ces élections dépend largement de la réaction d’Amadou Ba, son principal concurrent, actuellement en seconde position selon les tendances observées. Présidentielle 2024 au Sénégal le vote en images 9 → A LIRE AUSSI Urgent : Le candidat Amadou Ba va faire une déclaration de presse Une annonce imminente de la part d’Amadou Ba est attendue, programmée pour 0h30 GMT, suscitant diverses spéculations. → A LIRE AUSSI HLM Grand Médine : Amadou Ba perd dans son bureau de vote
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ka9oukeuktakal · 3 months
URGENT – DIRECT : Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct. Au Sénégal, le dimanche 24 mars, s’est déroulé le scrutin présidentiel. Restez informés de son intervention en direct sur Kafunel. Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct élection présidentielle du 24 mars au Sénégal Les premières indications issues des urnes laissent entrevoir une avancée significative pour la coalition de l’opposition, dirigée par Bassirou Diomaye Faye. Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct (vidéo) → A LIRE AUSSI Bassirou Diomaye Faye sans pitié pour Amadou Ba (PV) Cependant, l’issue de ces élections dépend largement de la réaction d’Amadou Ba, son principal concurrent, actuellement en seconde position selon les tendances observées. Présidentielle 2024 au Sénégal le vote en images 9 → A LIRE AUSSI Urgent : Le candidat Amadou Ba va faire une déclaration de presse Une annonce imminente de la part d’Amadou Ba est attendue, programmée pour 0h30 GMT, suscitant diverses spéculations. → A LIRE AUSSI HLM Grand Médine : Amadou Ba perd dans son bureau de vote
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devenirmilliardaire · 3 months
URGENT – DIRECT : Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct. Au Sénégal, le dimanche 24 mars, s’est déroulé le scrutin présidentiel. Restez informés de son intervention en direct sur Kafunel. Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct élection présidentielle du 24 mars au Sénégal Les premières indications issues des urnes laissent entrevoir une avancée significative pour la coalition de l’opposition, dirigée par Bassirou Diomaye Faye. Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct (vidéo) → A LIRE AUSSI Bassirou Diomaye Faye sans pitié pour Amadou Ba (PV) Cependant, l’issue de ces élections dépend largement de la réaction d’Amadou Ba, son principal concurrent, actuellement en seconde position selon les tendances observées. Présidentielle 2024 au Sénégal le vote en images 9 → A LIRE AUSSI Urgent : Le candidat Amadou Ba va faire une déclaration de presse Une annonce imminente de la part d’Amadou Ba est attendue, programmée pour 0h30 GMT, suscitant diverses spéculations. → A LIRE AUSSI HLM Grand Médine : Amadou Ba perd dans son bureau de vote
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belifii · 3 months
URGENT – DIRECT : Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct. Au Sénégal, le dimanche 24 mars, s’est déroulé le scrutin présidentiel. Restez informés de son intervention en direct sur Kafunel. Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct élection présidentielle du 24 mars au Sénégal Les premières indications issues des urnes laissent entrevoir une avancée significative pour la coalition de l’opposition, dirigée par Bassirou Diomaye Faye. Diomaye annoncé gagnant, Amadou Ba prend la parole en direct (vidéo) → A LIRE AUSSI Bassirou Diomaye Faye sans pitié pour Amadou Ba (PV) Cependant, l’issue de ces élections dépend largement de la réaction d’Amadou Ba, son principal concurrent, actuellement en seconde position selon les tendances observées. Présidentielle 2024 au Sénégal le vote en images 9 → A LIRE AUSSI Urgent : Le candidat Amadou Ba va faire une déclaration de presse Une annonce imminente de la part d’Amadou Ba est attendue, programmée pour 0h30 GMT, suscitant diverses spéculations. → A LIRE AUSSI HLM Grand Médine : Amadou Ba perd dans son bureau de vote
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