#1 down..... 7 more or so to go ghfdyugfhdyughd
naernon · 6 years
27, 34, 22? :0
thank you!!!!! i got a bit off-topic on the third one sorry hhgvf
27: Favorite area/region  
out of all the games? I love roaming around every part of skyrim that’s not snowy (it may be kind of shit but i will always be a basic skyrim fan ghfudghugudf sorry yall) and i also love summerset in ESO, both auridon and the mainland! oh. and artaeum. i can navigate auridon like the back of my hand now (doing the start of the AD questline 3+ times will get you to that point) but i’m falling more and more in love with summerset. it’s gorgeous       
34: Which type of magic would you most like using?     
there’s quite a few i think would be absolutely neat to be able to use and also fun but the one that suits my “””character””” best and that i would probably like the feel of is healing! more combat-oriented, however, would be frost. 
22: Favorite side quest
the gay bosmer quest in valenwood (ESO) that made my sob hysterically and also “manor of masques” in ESO because alchemy and elder scrolls first (second?) trans character and ahhhhhhh……… ahhh. I love it a lot. makes my heart happy.
plus with my interest in the booth family of american history, which was essentially a theatrical dynasty, i inadvertently get to know a bit about american theatrical history of the 19th century which in turn gets me mildly interested in the stage as a whole. not as an actor (heavens no, you couldn’t get me on a stage to perform even if you tried), of course, a historian… but still an interest. point is, i love me some thespians, and i ESPECIALLY love me some elven thespians.
although, I actually hoped there was some cultural/historical lore in the manor of masques quest– or at least somewhere in the house of reveries– to tell us about its history, more of what they do, etc.. and maybe more about the individual characters of the house of reveries? alchemy had said that there were many other trans people in the troupe– i know ESO was probably a bit hesitant to put MORE trans people in as to not upset the ~anti-SJW~ crowd and also just respect to each member’s individual identity and choices but… ahh. my trans heart is curious. who are they? at least one…..
also side-note i know summerset is really just utterly FUCKED in the 4th era but….. in the 0.00001% chance that tes6 is summerset (it’s… it’s not i can tell you that much but hgfdhgfhgudfgh maybe we’ll get a DLC to auridon or something i don’t fucking know) we BETTER get the house of reveries in some form. just SOME theatrical group, i’m begging you, bethesda.
maybe by that point it’s less openand more uppity (not in terms of trans characters, the thalmor are shit but they have no reason to be against trans people so i don’t want to hear anything about that, ever. what we already know is enough.) but come on, there has to be something.
unless by that time summerset is truly just sucked of all true joy and happiness lmao
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