#1% conscientiousness lmaooo
trickstercaptain · 3 years
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You're the Stargazer — (A laid-back dreamer) You lie back, look up to the skies and dream.
Openness: 98% Your high level of openness suggests that you are imaginative, creative, and comfortable with variety and change. But you can also tend towards individualistic behavior and impractical thinking.
Conscientiousness: 1% You like to act immediately on impulse, which can be both effective and fun. But if taken to the extreme this can produce undesirable long term consequences for yourself and others.
Extraversion: 46% Your low level of extraversion suggests you are likely to be more reserved than other people, enjoy time alone and value maintaining strong relationships with a few close friends.
Agreeableness: 8%  You have a healthy sense of skepticism, and a strong resolve. You don't shy away from making those tough decisions which can't please everyone but still need to be made.
Neuroticism: 90% You are emotionally reactive and prone to react intensely to events with feelings that linger for some time. This can affect your ability to think clearly or cope with change and stress.
Outlook: Realist Realists like to think they see things the way they really are. But it's important to remember that everyone sees the world differently. You might tend to keep a level head, and don't excite easily, but this can leave you susceptible to bouts of gloominess. If you feel yourself moving towards a negative emotional extreme, try looking to other people for fresh perspectives.
Character: Indulgent   Indulgent people might have a tendency to be more concerned with their own comfort and pleasure than other people's. But they can also sometimes have problems identifying when their indulgences have become undesirable and unhealthy habits. You may fall into this category if you find it difficult to identify areas of self improvement from time to time.
Self Control: Impulsive   You're usually able to keep things under control but sometimes anger can sneak up on you and take over very quickly. And when it does it feels natural to express it pretty directly. It's important to think not just about how your anger makes you feel, but how it makes other people feel too. It's also important - even if it doesn't seem so in the heat of the moment - to learn when it's best just to walk away from a situation.
Composure: Direct  Direct people can find it hard to resist their urges and impulses. In fact, when they really want something it's hard for them to keep their desire in check. If you find it all too easy to sacrifice your long-term goals for instant gratification, or wake up with a major headache the next morning, this might be an aspect of your life that would benefit from a bit more concentration.
Taste: Creator  Your real interests lie in creative activities. You can seem like quite a private person, but you're equally comfortable pursuing your interests with a group of like-minded people or by yourself. People who share this characteristic like a challenge they can get their teeth into and really focus on without any distractions.
Sociability: Master  People with this characteristic can sometimes be a bit competitive when interacting with other people. Also, they value their privacy and sense of respect very highly, so can come across as quite distant and closed off figures. If you recognise this trait in yourself it’s important to think about the different ways of getting what you want from people, and giving them what they want too.
Action: Laid Back  Laid back people don't worry too much about big plans and goals. They're much more likely to keep a fairly clean slate so they're able to respond to those sudden important jobs that always seem to crop up. You might sometimes lack the motivation to take charge or avoid coming up with new ideas, but you know deep down that putting in the effort will benefit you in the long run.
Attitude: Analytical  People with analytical attitudes are true critical thinkers and like to consider each situation on its own merits in order to avoid being influenced by sentimentality or tradition. This leaves them free to think about every angle and option before making their own judgement. If this sounds like you, be careful not to disregard the feelings of other people in pursuit of 'the truth.'
Process: Dreamer  Dreamers get very excited by the prospect of new ideas and ways of seeing the world, but they tend to lose their way in theoretical possibilities and flights of fancy. If this sounds like you, you might be seen as a fantastic starter but not so great finisher. But, no one can fault your enthusiasm and ability to thrive in the uncertainty of the new. Force yourself to be a bit more organised and you'll blow people away.
Resilience: Sensitive  Sensitive people are extremely aware of potential dangers and problems around them - perhaps a little too aware sometimes. In fact, they tend to purposefully imagine worst-case scenarios. If you recognise this trait in yourself, rather than let yourself be overcome by fear use these theoretical situations to stimulate yourself to come up with imaginative solutions.
Tagged by: i stole this from @lighthouseborn​ a while ago and i’m only posting this now lmao​ Tagging: anybody who would like to do this!
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aqpippin · 4 years
22, 17, 14, 8, 3 and 1 for the telling asks game. ✨
thanks for asking angel!! ✨
1. how do you take your tea / coffee?
tea: black with two sugars
coffee: iced with oat milk, or an oat milk latte with one sugar
3. when do you wake up?
usually around 8:30ish if I have nowhere to be 👀 but let it be known i could happily sleep all day omg
8. how do you mark your spot in a book?
with one of those sticky note flags!
14. what is your defining personality trait?
if you look up Belbin’s completer finisher, that’s me to a t! I’m conscientious and good with the small details, but I sometimes struggle to look at the big picture lmaooo 👀
17. what would your superpower be? how would you use it?
if I could I would freeze time! my time management skills aren’t all that great and deadset thinking about how much I could achieve if the clocks stopped turning is just peak fantasy for me 🥵🤤
22. what spices do you always use when cooking?
ugh the way I love chilli flakes, paprika, fresh ground peppercorns, chinese five spice, garlic, ginger, cloves omg CUMIN 🤤 don’t even get me started on herbs (I have my own herb garden ✨) I pay the price for it (ibd gang where you at) but fuck it’s worth it
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wexhappyxfew · 4 years
Hi Shannon! I’ve got 4 OFC fics for Band of Brothers besides Catch Her If You Can 😬😂 so I’ll tell you about one of those!
Conscientious is one in super excited about - it’s about a conscientious objector who joins Easy as a medic! Here’s an excerpt:
“Who do you think’s most likely to get themselves killed?” Welsh asked.
“Guarnere and Winters,” said Lillie, gaze never leaving the patches she was sewing on to her jump jacket.
Both the aforementioned men had looked up and focused on the company Quaker.
“Why the Lieutenant and I?” Guarnere asked.
Lillie sighed and looked at him before rolling her eyes.
“You haven’t got an ounce of common sense, and Lieutenant Winters hasn’t got any when it comes to himself. You’d die doing something stupid, and Winters would die of starvation after giving away all of his rations.”
AAAAAAH I LOVE IT OKAY!! I hope you like it too, and have a lovely day my friend! 💙
PS: have some sunflowers
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JJ MY SUNFLOWER SISTER HELLO AND IM SO SORRY I JUST GOT TO THIS - struggling through statistics seems to remain my only *constant* persoanlity trait at this point and complaining of it daily seems to follow SO - SORRY ABOUT NOT ANSWERING UNTIL NOW. but i’ve turned to writing as i physically can’t look at another problem about conditional probabilities at the moment LMAOOO
i am HOOKED!!! :D
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