#1. the fact that she does is a marker of iris’ power
if you ask iris about her family she’ll list off like
drayden - grandpa the first, supervises her pokemon-wrangling, tries to teach her about politics and when it inevitably fails he just takes her to the park and pushes her super high on the swings
alder - grandpa the second, always has interesting stories and gives really GOOD advice, knows a million rhyme songs and jump rope games and stuff like that, always gets her souvenirs from wherever he goes
caitlin - big sister that is really good at doing hair in fancy styles, good resource for Teenage Girl Problems, will only do tricks with her psychic powers at iris’ requests (no one else’s)
grimsley - cringe uncle that gives really BAD advice, teaches her how to cheat at every card game ever invented and always lets her stay up as late as she wants even though he’s not supposed to
shauntal - world’s best auntie that has never once not told a good bedtime story, also lets iris stay up past her bedtime, good cook and fun to play make-believe with
marshal - cool older brother that can always be counted on for ice cream money, also always comes to watch her exhibition matches, fun to watch reality shows with
lance - epic win dad that takes her to the amusement park and checks for ghost types under her bed, lets her wear his cape around even though she drowns in it
diantha - awesome mom that makes her soup when she’s sick and comes to cheer her on at all her exhibition matches and gives her lipstick kisses on her cheeks despite all protests
leon and hop - cousins she doesn’t see in person that much but has very fond memories of and talks to on skype all the time, always sending and receiving silly christmas cards
clair - aunt that buys her crazy birthday presents and can pick her up and swing her around like she doesn’t weigh anything, always helps her with her math homework, took iris to get her ears pierced even though lance got mad
drasna - best grandma ever that also always has good stories to tell and lets iris wear her old dresses and jewelry for fun, takes her to museums and stuff all the time to look at the artwork
agatha - has asserted herself as lance’s (and now iris’ by proxy) weird witch of a grandma that knows all the swear words and offers to lay curses when people come to her for romance advice
plus like six other people but if you actually look into it the only ones that are actually related to her are drayden (not bloodwise but he’s her legal guardian) and the postwick brothers (kids of the sibling of one of iris’ parents assumedly? who knows they’re just her cousins) like the rest of them are just people she’s accidentally endeared herself to forever because she’s incredibly prodigiously loveable
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childofsquidward · 5 years
Speedy^3 Kids
Y’all can thank @temmie-loony for being subjected to my ramblings because she was the one who fed my obsession. Hope you like my the kids!
Zander Sebastian West (KJ Apa)
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born May 14th, 2015 (Taurus); 25; eldest of the speedy^3 disaster fam
Sebastian was actually his last name, but he took Wally’s last name after they adopted him, so it became his middle name; he goes by the name “Bounce” on the field
he actually wanted to use Blink, but there’s already a pretty powerful superhero who’s well-known throughout the multiverse that uses the moniker and Zander didn’t want to step on any toes, especially as a first-time hero
he almost went with Shortcut before his wonderful younger siblings all pointed out that it sounded more like a speedster’s name, which he begrudgingly agreed with
his top choice was actually Super Saiyan, but he thought no one would take him seriously; Cisco later on told him that Super Saiyan was his top choice as well
if one more person says some variation of “Bounce, let’s bounce,” he will start chucking people into the netherworld
metahuman: in short, his power is matter manipulation; this means that he can shape matter into anything that he wishes, which also grants him the ability to move just about anything and anyone anywhere his heart desires (he can telepooooort)
when they first met him, after Jesse has analyzed his powers, they thought that he might actually have telekinetic abilities as he could use his powers without physically touching anything while in reality just his very presence, regardless of proximity as they developed, was enough to take a building apart (which they later found out and Jesse geeked over it for a good two hours or so)
manipulating air particles allows him to teleport to the sky, which makes it seem like he can fly even though he can’t
his powers are tied entirely to his emotions, more so when he was younger and little control over his powers; he has grown to be so laid back and easy going that it’s almost impossible for him to ever lose control of his powers now
when he got a little older, he discovered that his ability disperse particles applied to living things as well; he pretty much just exploded into little scattered bits one day and Jesse had a meltdown
despite popular belief, no, he can’t just teleport criminals to the pipeline cuz they’re metas 99.99% of the time, and dark matter is not the same as matter, therefore, he can’t manipulate dark matter; this applies to dark matter objects as well, like, he can’t just move Cicada’s dagger into a volcano
very limited knowledge/use of combat skills; he learned basic self-defense from Alex of all people (he refused to learn from both his mother and uncle Ollie because he claims that running around an island that translates to fucking purgatory is insane, not mention just dramatic as hell)
he hates running with the white hot intensity of fifty billion suns; this is also why everyone was shocked when they learned he joined the track and field team of all things to which he promptly assured them, “as a high jumper guys, don’t be crazy”
they took him in when he was five after falling in love with his little puppy eyes and adorable smile (fucking Harry thought he was the most precious thing to ever walk the face of the Earth)
moved out about three or four years ago actually cuz the house is SO crowded, like geez, Connor thinks living with Dawn's bajillion pets is bad?
he picked up Jesse's death smile, like that charming Disney smile she has before unleashing all hell
he's pure childlike wonder and basically a giant puppy
the goofiest of goofballs
fun fact: he once saw ‘Hogwarts’ as one of the WiFi accounts available on his phone and promptly exited the bus a good twelve stops before he should’ve, magically discovered a megaphone and shouted “will the house with Hogwarts wifi please speak up?” into it and a girl marched out of one of the houses half annoyed half amused
Zander asked if she believed in soulmates and then how she felt about the movies; she called him a doofus and said she’d see him tomorrow for the 2 o'clock showing of Kung Fu Panda
that was a five-year relationship
when he was younger, yelling or shouting of any kind, especially directed towards him, would immediately trigger panic attacks
the first time it happened, Zander was six and had been living with them for less than a year
they were at Star Labs, Wally and Thea were arguing about something and Jesse tried to intervene, which led to her yelling as well
it took all of ten seconds for Zander to start shaking uncontrollably and accidentally shatter the mug on Jesse’s desk in the process which caused his parents to realize that he was there
Thea was first to approach him, more adept to the symptoms of a panic attack than Wally and Jesse, but Zander backed away from her
Wally and Jesse were frozen in place while they watched their son curl up into a ball, continuously switching from chanting and mumbling to screaming “go away” and “stop it”
meanwhile Thea just sat across from him, keeping her distance so she wouldn’t make things worse, not saying a word - which helped because after a good ten to fifteen minutes of pure deafening silence, Zander’s breathing slowed down and his muscles relaxed and he didn’t flinch when Thea moved closer
from that day on, Thea, Wally and Jesse agreed that to never raise their voice around their kids, especially Zander
the second time it happened was two years later at Star Labs on Earth 1
now we all love Harry, and we know that him yelling and shouting is just a part of his personality
Zander, who hadn’t gotten to spend as much time with his grandfather as he would’ve liked cuz Harry always seems to be needed on different Earths, did not
Speedy^3 left Team Flash to babysit while they went on a mission, and only Harry and Cisco were in the cortex at the moment, and you can’t have Harry and Cisco be in the same room and not argue
so Zander was just doing his homework at what had become Iris’s writing nook, when Harry and Cisco’s argument turned into Harry yelling at Cisco and the latter marching out of the cortex in a huff
and that’s all it took to trigger a panic attack - he dropped his pencil and a beaker in the med bay burst before Harry finally turned to him
Harry had no idea what was going on because one, he had never experienced someone going through a panic attack or an anxiety attack in his presence, and two, none of Zander’s parents had ever mentioned his panic attacks to him
his first instinct is to immediately switch to a softer tone that he’s only ever used with three people - his wife, his daughter, and now his grandson
he started off by assuring Zander that he wasn’t yelling at him, and then he went on to explain that he wasn’t actually angry, and just a lot more of fumbling around for right thing to say until Zander didn’t look absolutely terrified when looking up at him
Harry actually kind of toned down his incessant need to just be shouting all the time - even after Zander had worked at understanding more or less that if his parents did end up yelling at him or at anyone else, it usually wasn’t out of anger, but out of concern and love
Zander was never open to talking about his panic attacks with anyone, it was kind of a struggle for him to even open up to his parents, like, if someone even accidentally let it slip or hinted at it, he would just shut down
he had actually been forced to go to therapy by the foster system he was under, and he hated every second of it, it was no help to him
at one point, maybe age 9 or 10, Zander just blurted out “What’s wrong with me?!” which led to a three hour discussion between Thea, Jesse and Wally as to how they would explain Zander’s panic attacks to him because while they know what triggers it, at that point, they still had no idea what exactly caused him to get triggered (they explained it to the best of their abilities though, because they can’t just not explain his panic attacks to him)
he hated that there was no possible way for him to control his panic attacks, they just happened, and he didn’t want anyone telling him how to go about dealing with them, so he was very adamant on finding his own coping mechanisms because he wanted to have some sense of control over the situation
he graduated from teachers college about four years ago and found a permanent teaching position at the local elementary school less than a year ago; he loves the idea of being able to have a positive influence on young kids and loves coming in and seeing their bright smiles at ass crack of dawn
always comes home with chalk and marker stains on his hands and clothes because what even is an eraser?
Zander is also not a morning person and is usually super cranky if woken up before 10AM, but being a teacher and having his one place has changed his daily routine in such a way that he may be turning over a new leaf
probably has a cheesy tattoo to remind him of home (trust me, he’s the type); maybe like the star labs logo? or the outline of the state of Missouri (which is where Central City is)
Francine “Frankie” Laurel Queen (Olivia Holt)
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born March 22nd, 2019 (Aries); 21; second eldest
she was named after Wally’s mother and Thea wanted at least one of their kids to have Laurel’s name as a middle name; goes by Eagle on the field
they found her on Earth 2 when she was a baby - Wally and Jesse were putting out a huge fire, where Frankie’s family died, so instead of putting her up adoption they just decided to adopt her themselves 
she looks like a young Moira Queen, it’s ridiculous, Malcolm (who shows up occasionally as he does, that relationship is just waaaaaay too complicated to pinpoint, much less explain) and Oliver both bring it up constantly
every time Frankie’s on Earth 1 with her mom, someone will mention how much she looks like Moira, right down to her mannerisms; like former Queen Consolidated employees have walked away from her accidentally the first few times she came around because they thought Moira Queen had returned
Thea doesn’t really notice it herself at first because she has adopted a lot of Moira’s tendencies herself without realizing, but when she finally did, she actually admitted that it was a little scary, almost like looking at the ghost of her mother
also, turns her biological grandmother was actually a Moira Queen doppelganger
this close to moving out
even though she constantly brings it up, Zander knows she never will; like, freaking Tess (their youngest sibling) will probably move out before Frankie ever seriously considers it because out of all her siblings, Frankie is the most attached to their parents
she and Jade both have keys to Zander’s place though
he doesn’t know (but he does)
since she is the only non-meta out of all her siblings, Thea had hoped that she’d take up archery, but given the amount of time Frankie spent around Sara, she quickly became infatuated with the art of knife throwing; her knives of choice include f-s fighting knives (because they’re practical and effective) and karambits (because they look badass and are great for interrogations and such); she rarely uses her knives to penetrate through flesh, she’ll actually throw them so they catch on someone’s shirt and nail them to the wall (her aim is scary good - I mean, we all know who one of her two mothers is - only to be rivaled by her younger brother Robbie’s)
Harry and Joe both had a heart attack when they found out
Wally thought it was cute… up until Sara started saying crazy shit like, “you know, Frankie would be a great addition to the Waverider” which led to Wally hanging up every time she called
Jesse was surprisingly only mildly concerned
Thea immediately bought herself some Aspirin before yelling at Sara
Sara responded by then teaching Frankie how to hotwire a car
she took karate (started age 5) and gymnastics (started age 4) as a kid
she gained her black belt at age 10
Sara tried to teach her kung fu, but Frankie insisted that karate was better for combat because she found kung fu to be too calming; Sara did however manage to interest in other forms of martial arts like taekwondo, judo and sambo
she actually got really into artistic gymnastics specifically and even seriously committed to competitions for a few years before deciding to get serious about college (to everyone’s surprise)
even though she’s never gotten the chance to meet Laurel, the former Black Canary has had a huge impact on her life, mainly stemming from Frankie’s curiosity of her middle name and things kind of just snowballing into Thea and Sara telling her countless stories about Laurel
she actually took up boxing after being inspired by the fact that it first was the first kind formal fight training that Laurel had before becoming a vigilante
unfortunately for the entire family, she gained Jesse’s spending habits, so Thea will find a thousand dollar inflatable mattress in the family gym, or Robbie (Child #4) might step on his sister’s spikes for shoes and hop around his room with blood and glitter covering his foot
100% the most anal of all her siblings:
she color codes everything (including her notes on the freaking Notes app)
would probably lose her head without her planner
can tell you exactly where everything is in her room and will know if it’s been moved
constantly reorganizes the pantry
Wally, at least once a week: “Did you alphabetize the spice rack again?”
will move the couch even while someone is sitting on it because she thinks it’s crooked
Kara, when she first witnessed it: “Are you sure she doesn’t somehow have Kryptonian dna or something? Cuz’ no speedster I know has superhuman strength.”
hates that one of their walls is a lighter shade than the others
Robbie: “Oh my god, you can’t even tell, let it go Frankie”
has only ever seriously committed to a few things, be it activities or relationships; she just has this need to always be on the move and feels the need to constantly change things up in her life
has been through many phases in her life as a result: her art phase, her music phase, her baking phase (which led to a cooking class at the community center, and then resulted in a life ban cuz she blew it up), her dance phase (twice), her ‘wanting to be a scuba diver so bad she was ready to start taking lessons before she remembered that she’s deathly afraid of water’ phase and so on and so forth
she tried ballet but quit after two days because she has zero rhythm
she wanted to learn guitar, and the poor instrument would be collecting dust in their attic if Zander hadn’t decided to pick it up
she also took piano for a hot second... a literal second
after quitting pro gymnastics to focus on school, Frankie immediately regretted it because she had no idea what she wanted to do; she didn’t want to sit in some boring lecture hall with 400 strangers for three hours every week, she wanted to do something more hands-on (hence she always enjoyed watching her hacker aunts and uncles - who 100% contributed to her taking apart just about anything with a circuit board - as well as learning from them), but nothing seemed to catch her attention
she eventually just enrolled in undeclared arts, which let her take whatever she wanted, and a lot of what she took ended up being criminology classes, which fascinated her to no end
with a lot of hard work, she ended up finishing a four year bachelor’s degree in criminology in just three years
the minute she graduated, she applied to take the LEE (Law Enforcement Examination), which surprised just about everyone
Joe bawled
next stop: police academy!
also, it should be noted that Frankie has made it a point to emphasize that while she carries small daggers on her off the field, she will not be doing so a cop, so you can breathe now Uncle Barry and Papa Joe
her favourite romcom of all time is hands down 10 Things I Hate About You, and it is one of the few things that she and Jade will ever argue about
Jade, every single time Frankie sits down to watch it: *groans in agony*
Frankie, who has perfected Thea’s (Moira’s) ‘i can and will fuck you up beyond your imagination’ glare: *hisses*
has an eagle tattoo on her forearm and Laurel’s calling card on her lower back (y’all know that classic Black Canary logo right? that’s what I’m talking about)
easily the bossiest person you will ever meet
gets in the most trouble; also most likely to throw a party when her parents are out of town
that one person who’s always like “ooo, what does this button do?!” and then proceeds to press it
this usually leads to everyone completely losing their shit (I on the other hand, along with Ralph of all people, think that it’s adorable - she’s just a curious kid)
easily the best driver in the family because Wally and Jesse never drive and whenever they do it’s like being in a death trap, Zander has switched to public transport because he tends to swerve a lot (you need to hold on to something while in the car with him, it’s a must) and just - parking in general is kind of a struggle (thanks Wally and Jesse), Jade has major road rage and this tendency to hit poles, so does Thea (where do you think Jade gets it from?), and Robbie and Tess haven’t gotten their licenses yet but they’ve already had four driving instructors quit and five classes kick them out
actually feels kinda’ inadequate compared to her siblings and has gotten really well at hiding it because if they ever knew she’d just feel even worse because they’d think that it’s their fault even though it’s not
she just always has this gnawing feeling in the back of her mind that she’s not living up to her parents’ expectations the way that her siblings are
and then she feels bad cuz’ parents are cool and even with five kids they’ve never, ever shown any sort of favouritism towards any of them
it’s just like, she sees Zander having his life together like a functional adult and being this amazing wise big brother, and Jade’s a genius like she easily the smartest person that Frankie knows and their family (including the never-ending extended family) is filled with intelligent people; then Robbie’s like this super friendly, charismatic class president/captain of the baseball team who is good at honestly everything that he tries his hand at, and Tess is just so responsible despite being the youngest and manages to keep them from falling apart and will probably end up with either her own multi billion dollar company or just the best president of the US that Earth 2 has ever seen
she’s super proud of all her siblings, but somewhere deep down she’s always like “what have I even managed to accomplish in life?”
fiercely protective over her family
if she sees her five year-old brother get sand kicked in his mouth, she will hang the punk did who dared to do so upside down by his legs (she does not give a fuck if he accidentally stepped on your sandcastle, Billy, that’s no excuse to treat her baby brother like that)
if she sees some little brat grab her sister by the hair cuz’ she told the teacher that she and her friends were cheating, she will not hesitate to smack a bitch (tattling is not an excuse for you to get physical with her little sister, ‘mkay?)
it was sooooo worth getting sent to the principal’s office both times, and probably many other times cuz’ people are the worst
Jade Van Queen (Lana Condor)
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born May 23rd, 2021 (Gemini); 19; middle child
like her older brother, she now uses her last name, before Speedy^3 adopted her, as her middle name; goes by Owl on the field
highly skilled acrobat, after years and years of lessons from Thea, Sara and even Nyssa (don’t tell her parents, specifically her mother)
owns like five katanas and keeps leaving them around the house; also keeps making new katanas and experimenting with different materials
she actually doesn’t go out on the field and prefers to stay back with Frankie (who actually doesn’t really go out on the field either) and help from behind the scenes
unless they’re actually needed or there’s an annual crossover happening
also, Jade and Frankie make a really good team in general, hence why they’re usually sent on all the covert stealth missions, which leads to their parents and grandpa Harry taking over (Zander, Robbie and Tess hate every single fucking second of it)
has a bit of a knack for both welding and engineering (under the tutelage of proud poppa Wally and super psyched Uncle Cisco)
she actually managed to create her own version of the cold gun (upon Frankie's insistence), helped design her siblings’ suits, creates explosives for funsies, custom made Frankie's favourite knife along with a few others (gives anyone - Sara - who gifts her a knife the stink eye), built Robbie's bow from scratch, and the list goes on
is well on her way to sending Harry to an early grave with the shit she says/does
Jade: “I should be an actress. Like Angelina Jolie level famous, constantly photographed, but it's actually me in a wig under a stage name.” Harry: “Please don't. You can't draw that kind of attention to yourself and you absolutely can not live a double.” Jade: “It worked for Hannah Montana-” Harry: “She's not a real person.” Jade: “-and Bruce Wayne” Oliver, 15 galaxies away: “Batman's just a myth.”
Cisco ADORES her
her and Frankie have the closest relationship out of all their siblings
she's always wanted to be just like her big sister because she thought that Frankie was the coolest person to ever exist
continues to look up to her even though she's the biggest dork ever
Frankie thinks it's the cutest thing on the planet
she and Frankie still share a room to this day
she actually took ballet only because Frankie did, but while her sister quit, she continued for years, and is still continuing to dance, although she never had the urge to do it professionally much to the dismay of her many, many ballet teachers throughout the years
when they were little though, Frankie once did something totally stupid that she really shouldn't have and Jade was so upset that Frankie vowed to always strive to be someone that Jade will look up to; however, Frankie once got so in her own head about being the perfect big sister that it nearly cost Jade her life; when they're in the med bay later on, Jade says to her “I would never stop loving you just because you made a mistake dummy, and we were literal babies back then so just… be nicer to yourself.”
Vietnamese - self-taught because no one else she knows speaks the language, and the only three things she knew about herself before meeting Speedy^3 were one, her last name, two, that pomegranates were unnecessarily complex for fruits, and three, that she’s Vietnamese
Mandarin and Cantonese - Oliver offered to teach her, mainly because when she was younger and he would start speaking in another language, her eyes would always widen and she’d seem so fascinated by it that it made his heart melt
Japanese - started with Jade pestering her dad about how he learned Japanese, when eventually he got her to let the matter go if he agreed to teach her instead
Arabic - Jade and Nyssa were sparring one day when Jade just randomly went, “teach me how to speak Arabic” and Nyssa froze for a split second which led to Jade instantly gaining the upper hand on her; after their match though, Nyssa asked her if she was actually serious about learning Arabic, and Jade’s enthusiastic smile was all the answer that she needed
Spanish - Jade, age 10, went up to her Uncle Cisco and asked him if could he teach her Spanish so that she would have a more of a chance to pile on a variety of classes in high school so she could explore her areas of interest a little more; Cisco was more than happy to oblige for the sake of his favourite niece
German and Italian - started with Jade telling Nate how cool it is that he knows like six languages and then next thing you know, Jade’s skyping him every week and Cisco’s threatening to blast Nate because he is the favourite uncle so back off Heywood
Jade: Uncle Cisco, I can have two favourite uncles. Cisco: But I’m the favourite of the two favourites… right? Jade: *blinks, then leaves the room*
French and Latin - she needed an upper liberal and her college offered both languages; Nate was a little offended that she thought CCU could provide her with a better education on languages than he could, but he’s not Cisco, so he won’t be petty about it (lies)
strives to have five majors like her momma (actually might end up with six)
unlike Jesse however, she had no intention of skipping a few grades even though she very well could; she just preferred going through school at the same pace as her friends because the idea of skipping ahead and all older kids always judging her for being the youngest kid there sounded horrifying (she took Grade 11 bio in Grade 10 because it was normal to fast track, but everyone gave her the stink eye all semester which made her think that she made the right decision not skipping a few grades)
it is actually very common however for people to hold multiple on Earth 2 and have more than one or two majors; the most is probably Harry with like, idk 7 or 8? and then Jesse has 5
she’s in her second year at CCU as of right now
she didn’t want to take any math or science esque majors because she feels as though she already has/is exposed so much knowledge on that front, she wants to challenge herself and try a variety of majors so that she have a more diverse learning experience
History & Philosophy Dual Major
this was the first major she started with
Nate declared that she was his favourite niece when he found out
Cisco blasted him
she started sociology at the same time as her dual major since they’re in the same faculty and therefore all her required courses like Critical Thinking I and shit are basically the same
Accounting & Finance
after her first year, she started taking courses in spring and summer for this major
Professional Communication
has just now started taking a crack at this during her second year
Social Work
has yet to take a single course for this, but with the co-op program and all the different concentrations, this is the only one of her majors that’s stressing her out
she might also be doing a minor in French and Psych
she’s literally always in school, no one knows how she manages to maintain a 4.0 while helping her siblings fight crime and then building the occasional bazooka while she’s at it - SHE CAN DO IT ALL
she takes at least ten classes per semester but only because one, that’s a limit that CCU has set, and two, her parents were firm about her not burning herself out even though she insisted that she wouldn’t
proud member of team ‘let’s annoy our parents into finally letting us get a dog’ along with her older siblings
when Robbie was born they thought there would be a strength in numbers but this little golden child claimed he didn’t care
Tess was then their only hope and she asked for a cat (traitor)
has like, multiple identities in multiple countries and on multiple Earths, across the multiverse
she has created lives for herself, LIVES
every time they go anywhere, Jade gets recognized, and some random stranger will be like, “Dr. Abigail Matthews, how nice to see you, I thought you were treating patients in Germany?” and her parents are immediately just like, “you’re grounded, you’re grounded for the rest of your life, let’s go Abigail”
she can multitask like her life depends on it
no, seriously, she once somersaulted through laser beams while writing her final paper, and also reapplying her lipstick in between
Frankie couldn’t decide whether or not she should be impressed or claim Zander as her new favourite because Jade apparently has their father’s incessant need for theatrics
Robert “Robbie” Joseph Wells (Amir Mitchell-Townes)
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born January 8th, 2023 (Capricorn); 17; the second youngest
named after both his biological parents’ fathers; goes by the name Red Arrow in the field which made Thea so happy
he uses a recurve bow like his mother did which Jade made for him out of iron wood
he has Wally’s speed, but he prefers using it as a last resort to one, fuck with people, and two, because he didn’t people suddenly getting bright and making a connection between him, Speedy-the-archer, and his sister, Speedy-the-speedster
random citizen: how does Red Arrow have super speed? are the rumors about Kid Flash and Speedy true? Robbie: this is an illusionnnnnn, you are having a dreammmmm
between his speed and flawless aim, Robbie never really saw the need for formal fight training; he can throw a punch, but he can’t parkour off of skyscrapers like Frankie and Jade
he also has very keen senses, and his reflexes are insane
the only one allowed to go grocery shopping because his family has no sense of anything, specifically, Frankie ‘what even is a nutrient? idk’ Queen and Tess ‘expiration dates are optional’ Wells; over 50% of the family is made up of speedsters, yet no one other than Robbie has half a mind to get something other than Big Belly Burger all day any day and everyday
Oliver, Caitlin and Alex cried when he brought home apples; they fight over who gets to give him a ride to the store
Kara once went with him and claimed that carrying groceries with him made her daily work out seem like a piece of cake, like, why does this child still continue to go to the gym?
loves to cook and is constantly experimenting with different flavours and combinations of flavours
usually they turn out well, but on the off chance they don’t, Frankie will eat literally anything that’s either carbs or sugar
he has all of Grandma Esther’s recipes and Iris and Joe both swear that Robbie chasing people out of the kitchen with a wooden spoon during Thanksgiving is like Grandma Esther come back to life
he prefers like, chicken dinners and pastas and lasagnas and such to desserts, which Frankie claims is such a waste because his matcha white chocolate chip cookies are the best thing on the planet
Frankie can reorganize their linen closet to her heart’s content for the gazillionth time, but she will never be able to fit months of Thanksgiving leftovers fit for five speedsters into their tiny fridge the way that Robbie can
he’s also great when he comes to packing
Frankie and Jade might be like martial arts prodigies or whatever, but Robbie’s the real ninja of the family - he sneaks up on everyone, and no one has any idea how he does it, and they can never tell when he’s about to strike
observant as hell, which means that he always knows what’s up with siblings and his parents and just about everyone, and can read them like an open book
which is annoying because they can never do the same with him; his poker face is on a whole other level, which is why he’s the one always chosen to go undercover cuz the rest of his siblings would probably have a meltdown and accidentally give their firstborn away
it’s actually a little scary; also, Robbie on vs off the field is like watching yin and yang; the first couple times he went out on the field, everyone was freaked out by his demeanor because he was so stoic and serious and not kind eyes and gentle smiles (which honestly is not a thing during his solo missions because he’s not the family prankster for nothing)
because of his observant nature, he also knows everything there is to know about everyone
which is a problem because he always knows when to call bullshit
has this tendency to second guess every single thing that he does; actually thinks that nothing he does is ever good enough
he’s a social butterfly, super friendly, life of the party - extremely different from Zander in that Zander is a ray of sunshine, but he prefers small groups of friends, like not more than three people please and thank you
remember when Frankie quit piano after two seconds? guess who ended up having to take her lessons?
Frankie: you’re a literal musical prodigy, if anything, I did you a favour Robbie: I dream of throwing you like a lightning bolt
sometimes he sees Jade conquering her life the way that she does and feels like crap because he needs to talk himself down from spiraling when he has too much on his plate, and he has WAY too much on his plate, like, drink a milkshake and chill
really good with kids, has been babysitting since he was twelve; he’s like the perfect balance of ‘tickle monster’ and ‘eat your veggies’
would use desserts to sneak in vegetables (it’s what he does for his siblings)
lives off coffee (literally walks away from his coach when he goes on this tangent about how ‘your body is a temple’)
functions on like three hours of sleep, like, what is sleep? 
Theresa “Tess” Morgan Wells (Talia Jackson)
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born November 5th, 2024 (Scorpio); 16; youngest; Jesse was so adamant on not having kids because being a meta and a speedster at that, she didn't want to risk it, but after running into her doppelganger on Earth 22 who once had similar concerns, she changed her mind
she was named after Jesse's late mother Tess Morgan
Harry got so emotional he actually had to leave the room so no one would see him cry
goes by Speedy on the field
Cisco: You can’t be a speedster named Speedy. Thea, who only heard ‘you can’t be’: My daughter can be whatever the hell she wants. Wally & Jesse: Aw, babe, that’s so sweet... but like, think this through. Tess: Ignore them. I chose my superhero name. Thea: Awesome! What is it? Tess, using the same smile that Oliver once did when he ‘accidentally’ ran over Thea’s lego castle: Speedy. Thea: You’re grounded.
Tess has the spirit of an elderly person screaming “you kids get off my lawn” and fun fact, she once did so at age 4 and the kids on the lawn thought it was super adorable until she started throwing toy cars at them
Jesse blames Oliver
Thea blames Harry
Wally blames them all
despite being the youngest, Tess is the one to mother them all, she is the only responsible child in the family
she is actually the closest to William in that they're constantly going off about how stupid their siblings are; Tess claims she has it worse because “Dawn and Connor may run in without a plan and whatnot, but at least they've never accidentally launched a space shuttle to freaking Saturn (Frankie), or cut the Eiffel tower in half (Jade), or gotten banned from Nevada because they accidentally sent it spiraling through a black hole (Zander), or caused a war between Earth 3 and Earth 19 (Robbie)”
she’s also the biggest worrywart, and because she is allergic to emoting and basically a splitting image of her grandpa Harry, her parents and siblings and just about anyone really always feels super guilty when they do something stupid to worry her and then hear that Tess cried
you'd think that being the little angel she is, she'd like to keep her space tidy, but nooooooo; her room is a pigsty which she likes to refer to as organized chaos
Frankie calls it a toxic waste dump
Jade swears that she once sat in Tess's bean bag chair and ended up getting sucked into an alternate dimension
has this aversion to doing chores and can sense when she will be asked to do something, which leads to her promptly exiting the premises
being the control-freak that she is (like her mother, Wally, Jesse, and Oliver all say, with even Roy chiming from the great beyond or wherever), everyone assumed Tess would be an archer like her mother but she straight-up said that a bow and arrow on the field is impractical
Thea grounded her for a month
Oliver wrote her out of his will
having two speedster parents led her to have the strongest connection out of everyone to the speed force to the point where the idea of losing her powers isn't as daunting as losing her connection to the speed force
a cat person, hence why Zippy the ninja with a penchant for hiding out in people’s closets exists
Zander, Frankie and Jade refuse to believe that this kid just went up to their parents at age seven and asked for a cat, and then got one
despite the huge age difference between her and Zander, and being closest to Robbie in that they share literally everything, she actually has this tendency to cling to him whenever she’s scared or confused
she’ll always pick him for advice over anyone else
Zander actually used to sing Cheer Up by A Great Big World to her when she was younger
even when she got a little older, she used to poke him awake and he’d always go back to her room and stay with her until she fell asleep
Tess was by far the most affected by his moving out, sometimes she’d just got into his mostly empty bedroom and sit there and stare at every item missing from his room (no one else in the family ever made any move to disturb her)
Zander started calling every night to check up on her
she’d pretend to be annoyed, but he knew she was smiling the whole time
oreos are her weakness
enjoys photography
married to her computer, aka, the love of her life (her words)
A few things that I want to point out…
Speedy^Cubed got married on Earth 2 and decided to permanently move there mainly because Earth 1 already had so many superheroes and Wally and Thea ended getting more attached to it than even Jesse is.
They weren’t sure if their kids would want to operate from Earth 2 because like their father, all of them were out on the field during massive team-ups, and they were worried that their kids would love the idea of working with everyone else so much that they’d want to move (which all three of them of support, but later on tear up about). To their surprise, every single of their kids preferred to operate as part of Team Speedy^Cubed on Earth 2, mainly because Earths 1 and 38 have like four teams between them and Earth 2 has like, two heroes outside of their parents, both of whom are retired. It might also be because they love their parents, but no one other than Zander would ever admit it.
All three of them made a collective decision to keep their own last names though, that’s one thing that they were very adamant on, which their kids are constantly complaining about as they made that decision when they were at a point in their lives where having kids was the furthest thing on their mind.
This obviously means that their kids all have different last names, but they secretly think that it’s actually kind of helpful because on whatever Earth they may be on, each of their parents’ last names comes in real handy! Like, “oh, a Queen?! can’t piss you off in any way, shape or form!” // “detective/captain/lieutenant/sergeant West’s grandchild? by all means, have the key to the city!” // “professor Wells’s grandchild? well damn, now I have to give you clearance to enter this highly secure facility that not even the president knows about!”
KJ Apa, Olivia Holt and Lana Condor are all 21, which boggles my mind because if you’d told me that Olivia was 21, I would believe no questions asked, but KJ and Lana?! KJ looks at least 25, and with Lana I MIGHT believe you if said she was 19, so it all works out in the end.
I wasn’t sure what codenames to give Frankie and Jade. I nearly had them be Artemis and Cheshire before I changed Frankie’s choice of weapons and decided that the team is better off with one archer. Then, as I was thinking of a cool name, it kind of dawned on me that a common theme among assassins and special ops and such are to have bird names as their codenames, so I chose literal birds of prey as their superhero names because I just thought it would be cool to include the Birds of Prey somehow. This also means that I saw a lot of pictures of birds and had nightmares for the three consecutive nights.
Personally, I think Jesse seems like the type of person who has zero self-control when it comes to impulsively spending her money. She’s like that one person who has to get something from Cinnabon every time she walks by it, and she doesn’t even really like Cinnabon to begin with. Wally is big on saving and Thea’s just a lot more tactful when it comes to her spending habits because unlike her lovely wife, she’d probably get something on sale or use like 100 different coupons (she owned a nightclub, businesses are already so expensive to run, but alcohol being sold at the price that it is makes it 400x worse, she knows what her money’s worth).
Tess Morgan was actually Earth 1 Harrison Wells’ wife, so since we never learned Jesse’s mom’s name, I made the executive decision to declare that it’s Tess Morgan.
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curtishoney · 8 years
The Best Friend / Part 1
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Pairings: Barry Allen, Iris West, & Reader (Trio of Besties/BestFriends); Team Flash & Reader (BestFriends); Eddie Thawne & Iris (Dating)
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1,037 <—- WHAT? This is literally the longest thing I’ve ever written… I’m not even joking…
A/N: “Hello everyone! I hope you like it! I know the reader isn’t really in this as much. But she will be in the next part a lot. Also, please send me some requests. :D”
Third Person POV
“Hey, I’m ready to see this atom smasher smashing. Also, (Y/N) is going to meet us there,” says Iris.
“There was a shooting today, and Joe needs me to process some evidence. And I don’t know if we’re going to be able to make it to Star Labs,” he says.
“Seeing this thing turn on is like your dream. Your little sad nerdy dream,” she says before taking a fry from Barry’s box.
“I canceled a date for this.” she said while chewing on a fry.
“Hey! Hands off my fries,” he told her. “Unbelievable.”
Then, a familiar woman walks in with a bright smile.
(Y/N)’s POV
“Hi!” you say excitedly.
“(Y/N)?” they both say in shock.
“In the flesh!” you say to them.
“What are you doing here?” said Barry.
“Well, I thought that I could surprise both of you,” you say. “Seeing the particle accelerator run for the first time is like legendary!”
“What’s so important about this particle accelerator anyway?” asks Iris.
“Well, Harrison Well’s work in quantum theory is light years ahead of anything.” says Barry.
“Which is extraordinary!” you beam.
“You two are doing that thing where you don’t speak English again.” she says.
“Imagine this dot represents everything we the human race, know as of right now.” he says.
“Does that include twerking?” she asks.
“A very weird question indeed, but yes.” you answer.
You pick up a dry erase marker and draw a big circle around the dot. “This is what we can learn from the particle accelerator. It’s a brand new way of looking at physics!” you say with a mixture of happy and very very very excited.
“It will literally change the way we think about everything!” he beams.
“You’ve got to get yourself a girlfriend.” says Iris while resting her hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, leave him alone,” says Joe. “He’s working.”
“Hi dad.” says Iris with a warm smile.
“Hey, Joe!” you say before you hug him.
“Hey (Y/N),” he says with the same warm smile that Iris had. “Glad to see you back in Central City.”
“Your test thingy is done,” says Iris.
“I think the Martin brothers are hiding in a farm,” says Barry. “The fecal matter I found on the street was cow manure, which contained traces of oxytetracycline. It’s an antibiotic. There are only four farms in the area that still use it in their feed. And if you find a really sweet Shelby parked at one of them.” Barry then gives Joe a paper.
“So, since Barry solved your poop problem. How about letting him go to Star Labs,” says Iris with her arm wrapped around Joe’s neck.
“Please Joe?” you beg.
“Fine, go.” replies Joe.
“Yes!” says you and Barry before high-fiving.
Iris smiles and kisses her Dad.
“Thank you, Joe.” says Barry before running off to get his coat.
“Bye!” you tell him before leaving with Barry and Iris.
“So, Barry how was your trip?” you ask. “I heard that you went to Starling City for a bit.”
“Did you find proof of the impossible?” added Iris. “Or did you just make my dad mad for no reason?”
“Sorry guys, I have to go in. I’m supposed to be in the cortex soon. I’ll see you guys in a bit, though.” you say before walking away to the back entrance.
“Okay!” says Iris.
Third Person POV
“Actually, while I was away I had a chance to think about you know relationships,” he says. “Oh, well… I’m not in one. And you’re not in one either. You’re my best friend, Iris.”
“You’re mine too,” she says. “Why else would I be here?”
“That’s not what I meant-” he says before getting cut off by Iris.
“I know what you’re going to say, Barry.” she says.
“I’m not sure you do.” he says back.
“Even though we pretty much grew up in the same house together and that we’re pretty much like brother and sister because we’re not brother and sister.” she continues. “It can get… weird and awkward to talk to me about girls I just want you to know that it shouldn’t be awkward.“ 
He nods knowing that she really doesn’t understand what he’s really trying to get out.
"There’s nothing that I want more than for you to meet the right person that totally loves and adores you for the wonderful guy that you really are.�� she says with the warm smile that he fell in love with.
He smiles trying to cover up the fact that it’s really not what he meant.
“Took the words what out of my mouth.” he says.
“Aw, aren’t you glad that I know you so well?” she replies.
Everyone starts to clap for Harrison Wells.
“Thank you,” he says. “My name is Harrison Wells. Tonight, the future begins.”
Cameras start to flash while he speaks.
“The work my team and I do here will change our understanding of physics. We will bring about advancements in power, advancements in medicine. And trust me, that future will be here faster than you think.” says Dr. Wells.
Then, suddenly a man walks by Iris and grabs her bag. She turns around quickly.
“No! Hey! That has my laptop in it! It has my dissertation!” cries Iris.
Barry turns around and runs after the man with Iris’s bag.
He runs into a gentleman and says sorry to him. Quickly out of breath, he continues to sprint towards the robber after a quick breath. The burglar hits Barry with Iris’s bag, Barry falls back and tries to consult the teenage looking boy. 
“Alright kid, you don’t have to do this. Alright? Just give me back my friend’s bag, and we’ll call it even.” he consults. “Yes, alright…”
The teenager slowly holds it out forward and then instantly shoves it up to Barry’s stomach, and runs off.
“Barry!” says Iris worriedly. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” he says trying to catch his breath.
The teenager runs away and climbs over the fence. Looking back once, a light is shined at him.
“Freeze.” says a man. “Police, or do you want to find out the hard way with a bullet?”
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cwdcshows · 5 years
Well, I can't believe it; first Arrow, now the Flash is going to come to an end this year too?   What's that?  The show's not ending?  But how can the show continue if the speed force is going to die in this episode? You say it's probably not actually going to die in this episode; and the title is just a ploy to make us watch?  Yeah, alright.
"Why is it every time I visit all hell breaks loose?" Because you're dating a semi-retired, quasi-superhero who's on a team of superheroes, in a city in constant dire need of saving?  Or maybe because the producers like the woman who portrays you and just want an excuse to have you around? Either way, acknowledging that you're developing a tendency to be at Star Labs during moments of crisis, without actually offering an explanation, is not itself an explanation.  You're just making it more obvious that there is no reason for you to be there; something I hadn't really given much thought until you mentioned it.  I just chalked it up to the fact that you're in the know now and, in spite of Cisco's absence, have becomes friends with the rest of team Flash; which makes you a de facto member of the team, if albeit maybe an auxiliary one.  It's basically the Scooby Gang of Buffy; no one asked why Cordelia all of a sudden started hanging around before she started dating Xander, or after they broke up.  She was there because Charisma Carpenter was on contract, dammit.  This would be like Cecile exclaiming, "why am I even in this episode?"  It's a level of self-awareness that isn't necessary; especially if the writers do their job and make-up a fucking reason. I'm much more interested in the fact Caitlin actually gets to be Caitlin in this scene and not Frost. So the Star Labs equipment can tell them when a speedster is running around somewhere in the city, but isn't programmed to tell the difference between Barry or Wally.... Yeah, alright... Random observation - would Eva really still be wearing heels in this mirror dimension after 6 years?  I mean, I supposed all of that could be relative, given some of the other things that are relatively, like needing to eat or change clothes periodically in general.  And while I've never worn heels myself, I understand they can get pretty uncomfortable pretty quickly; so what would be the point in wearing them in a universe you're alone in, or even now where you have just one other companion? Wait, Eva's husband knows she's in the mirror and spend time trying to get her out?  I feel like they glossed over that little tidbit. Wait a fuck second, Eva's drinking water?  How the fuck is she drinking anything?  Does this mean they do get hungry and thirsty in this dimension after all?  Where the fuck is she getting fresh food, much less water?  I've brought up before that it makes no sense for some of the other trappings of this world to even exist; like a marker board or canisters of liquid nitrogen.  Do they somehow have running water in this backwards reality with all the stuff humans made, but no actual humans beside  these two people?   I'm not even going to broach the logistics of the other end of the digestive cycle. So how much of this mental breakdown is an act and how much of it is actually Eva?  Because in the previous episode when Iris walked away, Eva's mentality switched from someone on the razor's edge of sanity, to someone much more composed and intent.  This episode would suggest that things like her nervousness and focusing on the number of days she's been in this dimension are real, given how she's involuntarily manifested all of that in the Iris double. Yeah, Barry, let's just assume there's absolutely nothing wrong with the speed force; and not, I don't know, look into and check.  I'm sure if your speed force guide was dead, they'd have told you. Okay, two things.  First, if this meta-of-the-week can kill whomever this woman was with the wave of her hand; why not just do that in the first place, rather than whatever they apparently did to the helicopter at the start of the show? Second, not that I want to see the transition, I take the show poured the vast majority of its effects budget into some combination of Crisis and the recent Grodd episode; which would explain why all we're going to get is the rendering of a green bubble forming over the victim and then a shot that goes on for too long of the other woman just waving her hand, before cutting to the woman on the ground mummified.  And we're just going to have to fill in the exact effect of that with our imagination. "Other people? From other Earths? Not really, because any doppelgangers who managed to make it here, they would all be dead by no due to neurological degeneration." Shit, they must be dropping like fucking flies in National City.Good thing Other Winn snuffed it when he did.  And let's not forget that it's not just the doubles, but their counterparts who are indigenous to this Earth start to die too; and without some type of intervention that would allow one of them to die first, both would die at the same time.  That's a whole lot of fucking deaths; and a shit ton of stupidity they're carrying over from Batwoman. Wow, I never noticed how cluttered Star Labs is, or how many counters it has until recently.  You'd think they'd design the set better, to give a clearer shot of people; especially Caitlin.  But I guess on the upside, they're making up for it with a lot of close-ups; I assume because she's so beautiful, which she is.   On a completely unrelated note, I look forward to next season's story arc for Supergirl, where the big bad will be a hoarder; who fills National City is 3' tall stacks of old magazines and others odds and ends that Kara will spend most of the season wading through. Jesus Christ, Crisis is the shitty gift that keeps on giving.  So during Crisis they made it seem like Oliver was connected to a source that was somehow related to the Speed Force; or that it was all somehow different names for the same broad reaching thing and that they were as much entering Oliver as the Spectre as they were entering the Speed Force.  And they sure as hell acted like Oliver supercharging Barry was a good thing.  Oliver even says, "I've unlocked your potential, Barry." Which would suggest that Oliver, the man who had the power to reboot the universe and reshape it into a better world where all his loved ones didn't die and crime wouldn't happen in Star City for decades, knew what the fuck he was doing; and that it was a good and safe thing to do.   Now it would seem that Oliver basically gave the speed force syphilis. The speed force avatar speaking to Barry as if it really were his mother is just fucking weird. "We still have a residual amount of speed force left in us...." Wait, wait, I've seen this one. I've seen this one.  They need to stop Rita from burning the green candle, before it kills Tommy; I mean, Barry.  And then the other Rangers will need to use some of the energy from their power coins to infuse him with power.  But eventually he's going to lose his powers entirely, until Zordon makes him the White Ranger. I'll give them this, "Thawne" not realizing he has no powers in Nash's body, while predictable, was still funny. Ah, why do they have a season 1 Flash costume hung up at Star Labs, where his current costume usually hangs?
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