#1. very clearly ignoring your attempts to open a dialogue about your current struggles
altruistic-meme · 1 year
life update: been incredibly dead and stressed about outside shit. been having approximately SIX Major Life Crisis’ at the same time. panicked while realizing that time didn’t freeze because i was/am depressed and now i have to make Decisions about whatever the fuck im doing next in life. car was dead for a week and that fucking sucked. had a fight with my mom and now i feel even more stressed in her presence than before. allergies are now kicking my ass by making my nose runny and my throat kill me. 
despite it all though, im trying not to be kept down:
i just went through my half-written scenes from the dare(d) universe (name subject to change soon as it slowly grows), found out that i have ~8k words written but most of the scenes are from much later in the story. but hey it’s a start. decided to take a pottery class whenever i actually remember to save a weekend to schedule it just so i can get my hands on something tangible and maybe meet some people. went Depression Shopping for food to keep me from being sibling 3/6 to be hospitalized from lack of nutrition after moving out. now i have food that is enough to keep me alive and doesn’t cost every ounce of my energy to prepare.  watched all 4 Hunger Games movies bc i don’t think i’d ever seen them all.
suez canal post slowed down much faster than i expected, maybe because it was started early. still getting lots of notes, but we’re no longer drowning in them. trying to figure out where i can just take a plane to and spend a week to escape my home for a while.
so im struggling but i am fucking alive and at this point, that’s what we’re aiming for. <3
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