bali8rhl · 4 years
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Shruti Bhagwati (Ved) tells us to control our anger. Also it is important to control all the other senses if we want to attain Moksh @ Rig Ved 1.24.14 अव॑ ते॒ हेळो॑ वरुण॒ नमो॑भि॒रव॑ य॒ज्ञेभि॑रीमहे ह॒विर्भिः॑ । क्षय॑न्न॒स्मभ्य॑मसुर प्रचेता॒ राज॒न्नेनां॑सि शिश्रथः कृ॒तानि॑ ॥ Translation:- अव॑ ईमहे - Faraway. ते॒ - Yours. हेळः - For anger. वरुण॒ - Oh Varundev! नमो॑भिः - Through Namaskaars. य॒ज्ञेभिः - Through Yagya's. अव ईमहे - Faraway. ह॒विर्भिः॑ - With materials for Offerings (Havi). क्षय॑न् - To reside. अस्मभ्य॑म् - For us. असुर - To provide Power for life(Jeevanshakti). प्रचेत राज॒न् - Bright Intellectuals. एनां॑सि - Of sins. शिश्रथः - Weakness. कृ॒तानि॑ - Been done. Explanation:-This mantra is about Varundev who tries to wipe away the pain of his devotees and provides them with power to life(Jeevan shakti). He is intelligent and bright.He gets terribly angry but he controls it by arresting this anger. Actually this mantra portrays the solutions for peace. We should therefore fear Varundev. But if Varundev is pleased with someone he not only provides them power for life but washes away their Sins. Deep meaning:- Shruti Bhagwati (Ved) tells us to control our anger.Also it is important to control all the other senses if we want to attain Salvation. https://www.instagram.com/p/CBht_CWJGHSlzc8GyWv9EhcOMORx5TbOmKWh7E0/?igshid=1nbzfg9d95tzg
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topelpexfrompiandra · 5 years
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mjae · 10 years
Apple, 1.24.14, Behind the Scenes
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icgeeks-blog · 11 years
Posted by 1.24.14 backstage video
Posted by 1.24.14 backstage video
Posted by 1.24.14 backstage video
Apple has just posted on Youtube a new promotional video backstage video posted yesterday .
1.24.14 is the title of the video that Apple wanted to celebrate 30 years of the Macintosh. This video is a behind the scenes showing the attention and commitment to the realization of the spot. Recovery teams were sent to 15 different locations in 10 countries with…
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ithinkimian · 11 years
The final product #TechnologyIsAmazing.
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applesencia · 11 years
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natgeocreative · 11 years
Apple in the field
By Sam Peters
To celebrate Macintosh’s 30th birthday, Apple wanted to showcase “people doing amazing things with Apple products.” Apple’s advertising agency, TBWA\Media Arts Lab, reached out to National Geographic Creative’s commercial sales manager, Sara Snider Papademetriou, for help with their short film “1.24.14,” produced by Ridley Scott’s RSA Films. After a few exchanges, Sara and TBWA\MAL honed in on not one, but two people from National Geographic Creative’s roster of talent that rely on Apple products in the field: Beverly and Dereck Joubert. As accomplished photographers, cinematographers, and conservationists, the Jouberts were a natural fit for the project—and, most importantly, they were already in the field working on their next production.
“Dereck and Beverly not only shoot and film beautifully, they make beautiful subjects themselves,” says Sara.
With the Jouberts in place, the next challenge was quickly getting one of the 15 crews for RSA Films on-the-ground access to the Jouberts’ remote camp on the Duba Plains in Botswana.
“Location access is always challenging when you’re working somewhere remote like Botswana,” says Sara. “But part of our expertise is managing logistics for location-specific shoots, whether they’re in urban environments, like New York City, or more remote areas—in this case, the Duba Plains.”
What Apple products do you use in the field?
We carry two iPhones, two iPad Minis, and a MacBook Air. In camp, Dereck has a MacBook Pro, and we have the larger iPad 2 and the obligatory iPods.
How do you and Dereck use Apple’s technology in your photography and cinematography?
Sometimes we might use our MacBook Air to immediately test exposure in tricky light or to look at the effects of filters or experimental shots. We use our iPads to read downloaded research in the field.
Scripts are written on the MacBook Pro, sitting behind a steering wheel, waiting for lions to move, or even on an iPad Mini while flying our small Cessna.
Dereck has just been filming some interesting stuff with the iPhone 5S. It shoots slow motion, something that was impossible 10 years ago, except with a refrigerator-sized camera.
Why Apple?
Dereck and I would have nervous jitters if we were without an Apple product of some kind for very long. We have formulated a 360-degree system, from Instagram to full-on 5K editing, based on Apple systems and technology. In conservation, so much now is about communication and being instant. Apple products get us right in everyone’s faces right away, so we can have the conversation about our work right from the bush.
I dislike having to learn a dozen different technologies to seamlessly move from one application to another. With Apple, they are all basically scaled versions of each other, with only small differences. So moving from one to the other is easy.
Explore the 30 years of Macintosh on Apple’s website.
This interview has been edited for clarity and length.
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mjae · 10 years
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spotland · 11 years
Apple - "1.24.14" (Agency: TBWA\Media Arts Lab)
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elliottpesut · 11 years
"1.24.14" (by Apple) Simply amazing.
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helal1991 · 11 years
"1.24.14" Behind the Scenes
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ithinkimian · 11 years
Behind the scenes of Apple's amazing "1.24.14" short film.
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teknopol · 11 years
Le making-of en vidéo de la pub "1.24.14" d'Apple
Un nouveau clip montre un peu le making-of de la publicité sortie hier à l'occasion des 30 ans du Mac. Un clip filmé uniquement avec des iPhone 5s puis monté sur Mac. Des iPhone comme unique caméra, accompagnés dans certains cas de matériels plus pointus pour stabiliser l'image. Réalisé par Jake Scott - fils de Riddley, présent à ses côtés, le réalisateur du clip 1984 - le jeune cinéaste explique à nouveau le processus de fabrication.
Communication avec les équipes par FaceTime, sur écrans géants
Les séquences ont été filmées le 24 janvier, date anniversaire du Mac, par plusieurs équipes envoyées dans 10 pays et 15 lieux (Paris et Lyon pour la France). Décalage horaire oblige, cette journée a duré 36 heures, débutant en Australie et se terminant en Californie. Le QG - la salle de montage est d'ailleurs assez impressionnante - était à Los Angeles (pleine d'iMac, à défaut de Mac Pro, mais on ne montait pas du 4K…).
La salle de montage et de communication
Lee Clow (face), l'homme de toutes les grandes pubs d'Apple, et Riddley Scott (profil)
Les équipes étaient en relation directe avec le réalisateur, à travers FaceTime et d'immenses écrans. Les consignes pouvaient donc être données en temps réel à l'assistant-réalisateur de chaque équipe. Tout ce qui était filmé était visible en même temps par Jake Scott.
Le film est malheureusement assez court, le dispositif mis en place étant assez étonnant à observer, tout autant pour le résultat que par la manière dont il a été obtenu.
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