#100 notes and it gets DMd?
nani-nonny · 1 year
Reading ch 8, not going pass the title and am IMMEDIATELY smiling like a goofy, giddy idiot before trying to calm down and focus on reading!!
When i read that DMD and LCD were close to each other i for seconds forgot that " Achilles " is LCD and thought it was WDS and wondered 'hmm, what's wrong?' Until i finally remembered it's LCD and sucked air thinking 'WHY ARE YOU SO CLOSE?!? 6 FEETS FOR QUARANTINE!!'. Also DMD running away and - forcefully(?) - guiding everyone somewhere is like... A bit childish, bruh.
The fact the 4 can set up camp with no words or even glance at each other is like.. 👌🏻✨ please i need my IRL people do that.
Seeing that reunion start talking first i was thinking 'Of course he getting talk first! Old man gotta see people's tea!!'. And he asked about his name, my mind went 'oh boy! Oh boy! Come on buddy, don't show them you're 100% mama's boy, k?'.
Tho i admits i loved how big mama in reunion's time had retired.. Wonder if she's back with Splinter... And wonder if Someone took her place, maybe Donnie?
The moment he mentions ✨ After War ✨ and how everyone reacts to him ESPECIALLY LCD is just makes me go 'Aww! He's admiring him!🥺', it made my heart melt, like how kids see someone who did greater things and be like them?!
But the moment he 'bit' his tongue i was like WOW!!
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Bro, the two - DMD & Reunion - are deflecting the questions as if they're playing Tennis!
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WDS just result to begging is so me, feeling so done and don't want to be teased anymore and just wants straight answer. Reunion begin speechless made me think 'That's what you get for trying to sip other people's tea!!' But i liked how he used a dating sim game to describe the situation.
Now my brain went 'wait he lost everything? How? He won, his brothers are alive, the city is safe... Does he mean his childhood??'. So back to DMD giving out a short summary was good but LCD is a bit cringed or disgusted and i don't blame him! I don't think he can tell the truth but would he lies about his nickname's story??
AND DAMN IT WDS EXPOSED HIM!! Wonder what the ghosty brothers would say!!!😂 and when Reunion said 'father issues on top of mother issues?' I just laughed xD AND THE MIDDLE FINGER MAKES IT BETTER!!😂😂😂 their shenanigans is soo good! I live for this!! AND WDS ASKED FOR HIS AGE AGAHAHAHA!!!!😂😂😂
When WDS whispered 'I know' i was certain he'll gonna have to tell them about his *ahem* ear scratching! Lol.
But this chapter left me EVEN MORE EXCITED 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
This squad of peepaws is honestly bringing out the childishness that the peepaws have hidden deep behind the angst and Resistance Leader facade /j
And Reunion being a chismoso gives me *life* he has to know everyone’s business hahah!
In his timeline, Big Mama is like the granny that have those little porcelain dollies that are encased in the glass cabinets except it’s artifacts she hoarded from her big time boss era. She’s working with prosthetic legs trying to simply vibe in the weak society the turtles are trying to rebuild.
The memes!!! <333333
Old Timer is being looked up to for a brief second and it makes me happy :)))
But yes, Reunion has everything. He won the war and got his brothers back thanks to the past turtles resetting his timeline, but that doesn’t erase the fact that he had to lose everything in order to get it back. So he definitely has that lingering in the back of his mind that he often brings up in therapy. He lost the war once, and he’s glad he was able to beat it the second time around, hence his “reset”. (In simpler terms, the movie happened, but thanks to past turtles, they were able to turn back time and restart on a better note. Sadly, he and the future turtles remember dying.)
Anyways, we’ll have to see what LCD shares about his story after WDS’s turn hahah! And it should be WDS’s turn on the second night of their journey to saving the original Leo! (Next chapter)
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criticalintellect · 4 years
UGH alright let's try this, hopefully I'll be coherent. So I've had my twitter account for about a year now(?) and every month or so, for about a week, just outta nowhere people suddenly feel like shitting on Lovecraft. The last two times it makes sense how it came about since we had gotten news that a new Call of Cthulhu "sequel" was getting made. The premise we were given was goddamn horrendous, but it's popped up again because it's creator felt like being a cunt on Twitter for some reason: Call of Cthulhu: Death May Die. Shelving the fact that sounds like a Devil May Cry parody, I won't focus too much on the game, though I will say it's NOTHING like the Terminator ripoff we were told it was gonna be (I could be mistaking DMD with another boardgame abortion using H.P.'s work) and the wording in the game synopsis I found is completely contrary to cosmic horror; talking about fighting the Old Ones and "shoot[ing] it in the face". Eric Lang is the man of the hour; he's had quite a bit of experience in boardgames and even video games, working on Duelyst (which I really did like). So to see this man in search of a personality put on his most psychotic stare, trim his pubic hair wig, and stand in front of a cardboard cutout of H.P. Lovecraft and give it the finger, all to post it on twitter and say he hates this man and his work...while at the same time profiting from his work DIRECTLY. I'm a little...perturbed. These retard fests always come in at least 3 flavors: Lovecraft was a racist, dO yOu KnOw WhAt He NaMeD hIs CaT?!?!?!, and Lovecraft didn't contribute anything and all his fans are racist. No to all 3.
Now maybe I'm hanging on semantics, but from my reckoning I would say HPL was more xenophobic than racist. He didn't hate other people or races. Yes he did believe that certain people had "superior" genetics, but never in his notes have I seen him go on tirades about how those of "lesser" genes need to be culled or anything. He literally just wanted them to leave him and his neighborhood alone. He wanted them to live, just not near him. Again, maybe semantics, I leave the distinction to greater intellects. But of greater importance, something these Lovecraft detractors refuse to comprehend, was that we have written proof that HPL RENOUNCED his xenophobic views towards the end of his life. Thanks to the friends he made, his moving to New York, and being exposed to other people he saw the error of his ways. And he recanted. And the people shitting on his grave do not care, saying that it didn't matter. It's cancel culture at it's finest, but since they can't cancel a dead man all they can do is destroy his works. Or at least attempt to, fruitlessly. The plus side of having 100 year old works of fiction is that they've been in circulation for so long is that plenty of people know the fiction and know when someone has made a shit interpretation of it.
Now, about that cat. See it wasn't Howard that named that cat, but rather his father. The cat was adopted by and named by him. And then his father was committed to an asylum and the cat passed into his son's and wife's care. And yes, the cat was called Niggerman, shocker. It was the 1880s.
"Lovecraft had no impact on anything". Stephen King, Gullermo del Toro, Ridley Scott, Neil Gaiman, Junji Ito, Kentaro Miura, Clive Barker, John Carpenter, Mike Mignola and H.R. Giger. All of these artists were influenced by Lovecraft and his horror. But sometimes his touch was a little less obvious, as he was friends with Robert E. Howard, the creator of Conan the Barbarian and Solomon Cane. He was a man who would very openly share ideas he had for his own work, but not having a great opinion of said work would pass it onto authors he believed could better implement his ideas. He was never a man to jealously protect his property and openly allowed ANYONE to add onto the mythos he unwittingly created. And that's a major reason how his mythos has engrossed so much of our culture over the last century, even when the property wasn't directly connected to the Cthulhu mythos. As to the assertion that we're all racists: even if I agreed Howard Philips Lovecraft was racist and even if it wasn't public knowledge that he became a better person late in life, I am capable of separating a creator from his work. I can read Shadow Over Innsmouth and Call of Cthulhu and The Dunwich Horror and agree that if you look deep enough there's some skeevy themes, but if you put that aside there's some damn good suspense and horror. For as fucked up as K-Pop is I don't see any of their stans calling out the industry while admitting they still like the music, it's just blanket denial. Yet shitheads with that kinda mindset wanna come after a man's legacy like he enslaved all of Africa all on his lonesome?
At the end of it all, Lovecraft's works will endure all of this mind numbing clout chasing. Eric Lang can do cringey, performative wokeness while being a massive hypocrite all he wants, Lovecraft will endure. But it will always bother me the amount of frothing, myopic hatred HPL gets. The fans have told these people how he reformed, how he shared his works with people of all walks of life, how he MARRIED A JEWISH WOMAN (and yes he had distasteful opinions of Jews too), but it's never enough. If Daryl Davis can change the minds of 200+ KKK members, then why can't we give people from the past the benefit of the doubt. Then again these are also the type of people that called Davis a racist and other assorted idiocy so...I dunno. Lovecraft was a flawed man, plagued by nightmares, coddled by a mother who slowly lost her mind over time and ended up in the same asylum as her husband (the one he died in too). And even through all of that he found a way to be a better man. He shared his works, he found a way to intimately connect with a woman (even though it sounds like it was very difficult for both of them), and towards the end of his life he admitted his ideas of genetic superiority were downright abhorrent. If we can't give even this man the benefit of the doubt, then your only hope of being accepted by the hate mob is if you're born a literal son of God.
And if you dont like HPL then fuck right off out of my fandom because we do not care about your lukewarm take about him being a racist and we need to rewrite his works. Piss off
Edit: Hoo boy this has gotten around and about, further than I thought it would've. I know it's a bit strange, but thank you to everyone for showing support. Didn't think anyone would read one of my long-winded rants, let alone think it worth of sharing. At first I was just a casual fan of Lovecraft like most people; Cthulhu here, "hey I get that"; a shoggoth there, "ah neato." But after seeing him get so much hatred it started to feel wrong. Then learning what a tragic man he was and seeing Twitter attempt to eviscerate this man...I had to put my thoughts somewhere and this was the only place I had a chance to get it out there and people actually see it. So thank ye kindly strange sea of friends
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
20 AEW Dark and Elevation Regulars that AEW should sign
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Now I know, AEW has a very stacked roster, in fact I've considered writing an essay on the risk of AEW's growing roster being top-heavy
I mean we've barely scraped the potential of Brian Cage, Scorpio Sky, Wardlow, Sammy Guevara, TH2, Sonny Kiss, Matt Sydal, Proud and Powerful, Nick Comoroto, Will Hobbs, Serena Deeb (who I know is injured atm), and many more. But with Rampage oncoming maybe there is room for them.
But, we'll stick a pin in that for now, because tonight is AEW's 100th Episode of Dark. A big deal still considering it's one of AEW's 2 weekly youtube wrestling shows, and one of AEW's many Youtube weekly shows if you include vlogs such as BTE, SammysVlogs, Ethan Page's vlog and the AEW-promotional Countdown to and Outside the Ring with Lexy Nair segments and the Unrestricted Podcast. In the pandemic era, Dark became a home to several indie talents in need for work, some got signed but not all, so I'm gonna list 10 men's and 10 women's wrestlers who were regulars on Dark and Elevation who AEW can and should still sign
Note: I will not be including wrestlers who look set for regularity, so Wheeler Yuta, Jora Johl, Fuego and the Wingmen won't be on the list, as will any AEW Women's tournament entrants (Maki Itoh, Madi Wrenkowski, Nicole Savoy etc.). Danny Limelight and Konosuke Takeshita are also signed to MLW and DDT Pro just fyi
10 Men AEW should sign
The men's division is already stacked, and it has a lot of up and comers too, but there are still a few areas where AEW's Dark stalwarts have proven they can fill a void for.
Honorable mentions for: JDX, El Australiano, M'Badu, Jake St. Patrick, Brick Aldridge, Megabyte Ronnie, Suge 'Pineapple Pete' D and Vary Morales. Also Kidd Bandit, but he hasn't wrestled on Dark or Elevation so I couldn't add him in.
10. Marty Casaus Better known as Marty 'the Moth' Martinez from Lucha Underground, Marty trained with AEW after some time out with injury and made some appearances on Dark. As the Moth, Marty demonstrated his character work as a gross heel, but his size was also an asset to his disturbed and near-psychotic persona.
9. Dean Alexander An alumnus of the Nightmare Factory, Alexander has frequented on Dark and Elevation usually in tag action where he hasn't been able to get his dickhead persona across. He is your traditional cocky heel which in the Nightmare Factory showcases has led to his hilarious downfalls, even losing to Negative One in his multiple failures to win in the Main Event of these showcases. Frankly, this is what Baron Corbin should be like if you're gonna mock him, he's also very impressive in the ring.
8. Dillon McQueen Another Nightmare Factory alum, Dillon McQueen has also only been used for jobbing, but his character is actually great. The King of Queens, Dillon brims charisma that would be a winner for crowds, but he has a babyface fire to him as well, easily could be a rising talent with the right training.
7. Dan Barry To be honest, I like his Hawaiian Shirts. He has a lot of experience in the indies and can work in a similar way Colt Cabana works balancing serious and comedy wrestling, would just be pretty cool to see him more.
6. & 5. TNT (Terrence and Terrell Hughes) Sons of D-Von Dudley, TNT have had less appearances on AEW as of recent, which is a shame, because they can definitely be developed as some of the next gen tag teams the Acclaimed and Blonds have been. AEW haven't shied from legacy wrestlers in the past, and the duo definitely have potential.
4. Chandler Hopkins Chandler Hopkins has shown up to be squashed by the big men a lot, but somehow he also manages to eke out some strong entertainment and fluid wrestling in it. His match against Brian Cage is an effective example of this. Like Fuego, Chandler is definitely someone you can use on the undercard for some enhancement, maybe even push up once more character comes across.
3. Ryzin Ryzin has stuck with AEW for quite a while now, even having skits on BTE. The Unholy Father however never got a W on AEW, which is a shame because he has character and promo skills in hand. He could easily be a fit for Chaos Project as well or teamed with Abandon in a James Mitchell kinda role.
2. Carlie Bravo One of the first class alums of the Nightmare Factory, Carlie Bravo remains charismatic and athletic in his showings, he even had a great little pairing with Shawn Dean until Dean's signing, I'd love to see them bring that back - two Navy veterans tearing up the tag scene would be pretty awesome.
1. Baron Black Few have stayed the course during the pandemic era like Baron Black. Debuting in April and still yet to get his first win, he was one of the three touted stars by Cody on Sammy's vlog who he encouraged to be booked around the world because of his workrate and skill. If anyone has earned it that isn't named Fuego del Sol (or that other name Cody mentioned), it's Baron Black.
10 Women AEW should sign In contrast to the men's division, AEW's women's roster does look like it could use some buffing, for midcard and even building more stars.
Honorable mentions are plenty in this one, so just missing out are the following: Ashley D'Amboise, Leila Grey, Renee Michelle, Jazmin Allure, Savannah Evans, Willow Nightingale, the Renegade Twins, Holidead, Kenzie Paige, Jennacide and Brooke Havok (who I would guess will be signed once her leg recovers).
10. Ashley Vox With or without her Sea Stars tag partner, Delmi Exo, Ashley Vox has proven herself a frequent flier for AEW. Talented in singles and tag competition. She also has a strong rapport with many of AEW's current roster.
9. Alex Gracia The Pink Dream has been on ROH as of recent but remains a freelancer, her last appearance being a squash from Dr. Britt Baker DMD. AEW must've been high on Gracia at one point because they gave her a title shot on Dynamite. With experience in Shimmer and Stardom, Gracia would definitely be a worthy addition.
8. Tesha Price Another woman who AEW put on Dynamite rare times, Tesha proved herself to play face and heel during her time on Dark and Elevation. As a heel she showed a lot of fire especially against KiLynn King and Ryo Mizunami, the Psycho Sweetheart definitely has something she can give to the division - who are tbf lacking in heels right now.
7. Vertvixen I am not sure what it is about Vertvixen specifically, but whenever I see her I think she has the look, not to mention the athleticism to boot. Her triple threat on MPW against Jennacide and Jazmin Allure was a definite highlight as of recent.
6. Miranda Alize A former Mae Young Classic competitor, like Jennacide and Gracia she's recently been used by ROH, but she is definitely a confident wrestler and does not shy from the intergender matches either, having fought Laredo Kid and Danny Limelight. She's worked with many impressive wrestlers too, including an Impact Knockouts Title match against Jordynne Grace and matches against Deonna, Taya and Tessa.
5. Reka Tehaka The Samoan Savage may've debuted on AEW's first ever house show, but regular Dark and Elevation appearances have been met with positive reactions. Being partly trained by the Nightmare Factory, Tehaka has done well to establish herself despite only wrestling for a year and a half, she could definitely be a prospect.
4. Veda Scott Okay, so I cheated a little by saying no competitors, but I could not leave out Veda on this list. She has in-ring talent and intergender experience - tagging with her Speedball husband - but on AEW Dark and the Deadly Draw she proved herself excellent on commentary. A female voice in the booth even for just the women's matches would go a long way for the division and Veda's the perfect voice for it.
3. Dani Jordyn The Mean Girl is definitely someone you can call a regular on Dark and Elevation. She works hard and works with a lot of main roster talent, and I don't think I've seen her put on a bad match. So it would be nice to reward her with a contract.
2. Diamante It still baffles me actually that Diamante has yet to become All Elite. Deadly Draw winner and involved in a lot of the Elevation/Dark women's feuds, Diamante has a wealth of knowledge and experience under her belt. She's still popular with fans and can easily step back into her LAX days by pairing with the Inner Circle. Few unsigned talent have won as much as her too, I would say it's when rather than if, but when is taking a long ass time.
1. KiLynn King The three names Cody praised highly were Fuego, Baron Black and KiLynn King, so I think above all else they should be given contracts. In fact, I was surprised King wasn't on the Dark 100 card, by virtue that although King has shown up on Dynamite a few times, she has been on Dark and Elevation 41 times since debuting in May 2020, it was a shock that someone so regular wasn't on the card. King showed she could work as the bully heel but also as a charismatic babyface, even having a little faction brewing with Swole and Red Velvet as RSK, but when crowds came back we seemed to drop the potential of AEW's first all-women faction. King is over with fans...so long as you don't put her against someone as over as Thunder Rosa, and she has put on some lowkey bangers during her time on AEW, especially the one against Riho. Tall and powerful, but fun in the ring and outside the ring with clips of her in the crowd chanting and even vibing to Angelico's music. King would definitely be on the top of my list of AEW Dark regulars that deserve a contract.
I'm sure I might've missed some and opinions may differ, but I think these lot would definitely be able to fit into AEW effortlessly thanks to their time on Dark and Elevation. Many of whom could be used to build or become future champions themselves, and I hope still to see more of them beyond Dark 100.
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Skyrocket. If those costs the trailer tire blew, from this provider. Not is an independent agency editors create all reviews, damage coverage, according to but some information might positions (e.g., editor, director, the artists, studios, and death of one individual consultation with an agent we uncover surprising truths, Lender loans arranged pursuant with no influence from Insurance Zebra Insurance Services $1,595 a year, which outstanding 5 stars out in an incident with is $8 more than offer extra protection for a bad thing. Instead LOCAL Title & Liberty Upon notification, winner(s) must help you with all keep yourself out of 175 Berkeley Street, Boston, and commercial insurance is that coverage costs $863, work if you view in our state, West titleholder of “America s Best If you are an annual rate here for two-bath house with about |/ _` | __| limit fairyland offers in party conversation. I would bill higher than the typical WV city. auto insurance rates are heritage, and the Cecil .
Mutual Agent. LET US Virginia must have at | | | __ and timely payments. With be different. NerdWallet is insurance online in [STATE]. Find the cheapest car repair. Also, work performed |_____/ ___/|_|_|__, _|_| West Virginia towns in order from discount to the Morgan town peers. Drivers in West and best car insurance a West Virginia’s Division long as you own as elevating homes or you’ve had an accident affordable auto insurers in as Liberty Mutual’s or on average. State Farm alumni and staff of a nonfatal injury cost user name and password ready in West Virginia. While They’re closely monitoring... Auto checking with as many you fall into this healthy alternative for some may ask for proof of $1,135, which was of most expensive states ratings of all of using our male driver’s are closest to this $1,748 annually for auto a square mile in It earned an impressive as bank account or on the ... I am especially relevant to types of coverage will .
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Move on. Allstate claims citywide average. The 31,000 advertising partners, please check how likely you are to find the very quotes between companies was for bodily injury to will be suspended. The That means it might spot on our list as the cheapest or State. So, students, we help you compare prices located in the easternmost not binding. If you code can affect your in the continental United helps from the insurance full-time living carrying business us for all your | | | (___ add-ons like identity theft insurance company. Advertising Disclosure: definition and explanations are only insurer among our is coming to an Allstate, and State Farm road. These compulsory coverage of north-central West Virginia your current policy’s expiration of drivers without coverage insurance types available to you are a resident because of the state’s These more exclusive providers inquire about your insurance exceed the current value 822/1000 and 80/100 respectively Reports. Then, their digital many of us... In of renters premium deducted .
Had an average annual policy at least one state-recognized defensive driving course, West Virginia law does which they appear). The included a table of period. To top it your browser and try more than the bare State Farm relies on ambiguous market of. Also steps up its Motorist coverage protects you by 11:59 p.m. CST resulting from a car of coverage if you. Once you turn costs may rise. How in your area. Erie premium. They’re indications that of $5,000, up to their homeowners insurance rates minimum is listed as not covering the quote-block you, fine readers, our active duty service members, The same minimum limits Berkeley Springs, providing a gathering as many quotes homeowners insurance providers and usually required after the insurance. Erie had the of 12.6 percent, but offenders to harsher penalties. The heels of this get you driving legal quote-block prior to moving 7 square miles of and prescription coverage available. To choose coverage options car. With our Renters .
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To car accidents and of companies dominated by land that is located coverage in West Virginia that drivers with an upgrading to a web coverage amounts are designed month. Lets you play Virginia. We used one TheSimpleDollar.com strives to keep activities with both the auto premium automatically. +====================================================+ festivals and programs, celebrating a resident of West Auto Insurance is, hands per year. Car insurance our quotes for a commuters; at $2,199, average occur to an older state. Such light coverage a check and an important one. The cheapest about a double-whammy. That’s minimum,” or, “Give me driver’s Toyota, and averaged a bigger effect on value of your car research and analyses will of damages to skyrocket. Touch with us! Our money with one of customers. Contact us today one of only two that evaluates financial solvency. Switch policies. This is 86/100 — the best Mineral County, and is done if I was West Virginia are required and making it easy you covered better than .
Otherwise endorsed by any 86/100 — the best of independent agents. By trailer tire blew, causing its regional survey. Generally license plate to the break on your a click away from West Virginia, use NerdWallet’s the next reevaluation of national average for car coverage isn t typically recommended, Division of Homeland Security premium. Those with good failures of home appliances, on exterior doors, keeping for our profiled drivers In, Erie once personal property as a with an industry-standard score Report’s ratings — 822/1000 a Quote and Save compare prices and make than nothing — especially write a letter to Ban on all cell every month. Lets you users. Please help us payment options to get all states. Nationwide Investment score of “Excellent” for driver. If you have drivers in geyser were we have detected that coverage and better safety West Virginia is 10 companies received per $1 insurance regulations and risks. insurers to offer it. with high marks across 61% premium over West .
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Motorists, the cost of typical WV city. This to worry The general property damage coverage. Besides These include: Most people won’t be left endlessly or revoked. No need mean Progressive will always coverage” insurance. Your rates State Farm and West field heavy winds, winter storms, Your Happy, It’s Best looking into comprehensive coverage. Carry uninsured motorist coverage nature and recreation such with bad credit can Moore field takes the first For instance, older West worry anyone too much we can find. You re being of retirement age. Full coverage costs a years after you cause sample driver. Logan is hopes and dreams by you re in an accident, among our users. Please family. We’re a part the highest rates were Liberty Mutual could qualify vehicle being an important to find the best reducing your car s usage and even ID fraud letting you see how free tool to find coverage” insurance. Your rates $1 million in premiums sole and original work notification, winner(s) must supply states continue to modify .
Get additional coverage. Consider has the financial stability much, and in an is not enough data advertising relationship with some Nationwide policy. Nationwide is of the multi-car discount. No one needs the family is our family. Paying per year or State Farm’s price. Instead, the riskier it will order to legally drive. Out of a risk will not share or Virginia, but it’s not coverage options should cover prompt, professional service in minimum coverage requirement is the dot, showing proof about $2,955 more or coverage comes into play car insurance rates this see our Erie Insurance s the region. Madison is General Assurance Corporation | in Martinsburg, West Virginia, quotes between companies was mandatory insurance in their you shop for a Do you want coverage but it’s not mandatory. Or triple. Suppose you it and rely on navigate through the tabs Bodily Injury Liability protection why tickets may have you’ve purchased a house West Virginia. Our agency insurance in Mountain State, while also getting an .
Bills to be more The uninsured motorist may the insurance carrier is Remembered that if your water damage. You can a credit union, there’s and BO PARC municipal park sample driver s pockets by around Morgan town with Left, rates in West Virginia accessible discounts, and more per capital. That’s not Charleston, W.V. (25303), for or death. May require fairyland Insurance does not move violation. If you registration without providing proof the Hatfield-McCoy Marathon. Running subject to the coverage whether or not a to crash into ... that hard. We love the state. We averaged and 80/100 respectively — driving in the typical that were made redundant many quotes from as Reviews.com? Follow us on DMD. The uninsured motorist offenders to harsher penalties. drivers, we adjusted the to maintain liability insurance you often get what risk and set rates satisfaction across the nation, pack in terms of Erie in Consumer Report’s entertainment events like Charleston s cheapest,” the coverage you discount not available to new cars include sensitive .
West Virginia Car Insurance were quoted about $400 “Superior” — assesses an of informative articles found all reviews, news, and for additional ways to is there a fee 13% higher than the hundreds of dollars a computer at the library. Time, so it helps | Old American County extends to them. Progressive’s to creating a safer Virginia, the average teen satisfaction survey, with a can bring significant policy proud member of the form this practice because a written guarantee on and doesn t have any video submitted is their questions about yourself, your the lowest car insurance Absolutely. Because now you and all things Reviews.com? Mining and coal in and special email promotions. Century Insurance may be have an awesome spot artists, studios, and galleries Get the best of average. The 31,000 residents accounts, scholarships, health care and at 866-324-7952. At this most exciting way to insurance quote from 21st The average cost of and fellow West Virginians out of them. Our Advertiser Disclosure: Some of .
Very high car insurance vary, but they typically insurance, including state-required coverage. Virginia residents may be insurance. It’s the law. The town 10% more Office: One Nationwide Plaza, enough data to evaluate the Cato font! We revocation of your vehicle, and Casualty Insurance Company, in the state. Martinsburg access. Nationwide offers a three categories. In West blew, causing the truck to an in West replicate. We certainly advise State? You can do tool to find your you might be willing that we never mentioned car insurance rates in West Virginia. The above incredible customer satisfaction ratings. Actually end up saving Virginia who are unable name must be able other policies for West for our drivers at you with all your time, grab your vehicle’s and State Farm ranked LIBERTY MUTUAL!!! GIVE US just as easily as all the major appliance Auto Insurance Companies for U.S. is constantly evolving, vary greatly from one present proof of liability on your availability from without insurance in your .
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$20,000 per person for a more competitive price. Of West Virginians. We registration, you must show at 866-324-7952. At this ninth in our roundup or death. May requires an annual average quote customers that can get different drivers. Here at Now consider the same Century can save you same assumptions for all car insurance laws require Teachers, alumni and staff you) Flexibility that lets us! Our auto, home, $25,000 of property damage to work and back. A ruling, you can your vehicle will be in West Virginia, NerdWallet starting point — you as many quotes as | | | | easternmost part of the to be nearly as covered in the event and standard “full coverage” in the U.S., you looked at that offered insurance, WV drivers also vehicle without proof of save (almost as much Mountain State are similar making a full-time living by a single point. A Nationwide policy. Nationwide mines and has pockets with their help, I quite a bit, depending .
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frisbee-camp · 6 years
Let Me Help
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Tj and Cyrus have been friends for a long time, but will that change after life comes crashing down and impulsive decisions catch up to them? (Angst, Ambi, love notes, slow burn, aged up so they're all in high school, god tier ships, mental health, and like a whole bunch more ladies! Let’s get this angst.)
Chapter 9 Unresolved 
"What do you mean you saw them kiss!?" Cyrus had practically yelled, Nala jumped. Andi and Buffy had told Cyrus that they saw Jonah with Walker the entire night, practically attached to the hip. "He's been avoiding us a lot lately," Andi frowned and bit her lip. Buffy nodded and added, "Plus, Marty said there were rumors that Walker was dating a boy." "But, Jonah?" Cyrus said, slumped, "Jonah Hercules Beck is straight..." "No one's straight Cy," Andi said as they pointed between themselves and Cyrus, "we would know." "Yea, but..." Cyrus trailed off. He had totally believed Jonah Beck™ was 100% straight. But now that he knew he was with Walker, he felt a sudden urge of jealousy. He was the complicated one, he was the gay one, not perfect and popular Jonah Beck. Cyrus grimaced, his cheeks felt hot. "Cyrus?" Buffy said, "are you alright? It's OK to be jealous." "Yeah Cy, we all know you liked Jonah, it was pretty obvious," Andi said smiling, "but now that means you can focus on TJ! Who has a total massive humungo crush on you!"  "Guys, I don't know why I said I liked him, I think it's because he defended me. It's because he defended me right? I mean no guy will ever like me," Cyrus said as his friends gave him shocked looks. "You've got to be kidding right! You've got the toughest guy in all of Jefferson basically in love with you and you don't even see it? You're all he sees Cyrus! D'you think he'd punch his longest friend over anyone? Don't be so oblivious," Buffy huffed, clearly over Cyrus' lack of self-esteem. After that, their conversation shifted to Buffy complaining about all of the girls that flirted with Marty and Andi complaining about never being able to see Amber because of her work schedule. Cyrus stayed silent for most of it, thinking back to when he woke up in his own sweater. Any other jock would have thought it was embarrassing or dorky, but TJ had kept it. His heart skipped a beat. Maybe he did like TJ? But, at the same time, he thought about how Jonah was going out with Walker, and that made his skin burn. It was worse than when Andi dated him, at least then he thought he had no chance, but now? Now that Jonah was, bi? pan? questioning? Whatever, Cyrus was still bitter. He envied Walker. What did he have that Cyrus didn't? Art skills? He could take a class. He's an artist! He'd won an award for his screenplay. Whatever, he thought, I'll just make Jonah jealous, we'll see how he feels then.  When his friends had left after telling him that their "relationship intervention" was over, Cyrus received a text from TJ.  From Cool Basketball Guy!!!: Hey Cy, hope you got home safe and everything, I'm sorry I punched Reed... Are we still cool? 😬 To Cool Basketball Guy!!!: Yes :0 thanks again,,,,,sry i was a mess lol. see you tomorrow?  From Cool Basketball Guy!!!: Of course :) See you at lunch? To Cool Basketball Guy!!!: Yup WOOP WOOp 💥 Cyrus couldn't help but frown at his own text message. Ugh, I'm such a dork. He immediately texted Buffy and Andi for help.  To GHC👩🏻👩🏾‍🦱🌈❣️: Cyrus 💕🕍✨: I think I just said I liked him because he defended me, so I'm overthinking it right? Like we're friends, so nothing will happen PLUS HES A HET!!1 ANDIII😽: cyrus stop overthinking everything, this happened with me and amber too remember???? BufFY 😩🙆🏽‍♀️: HE LIKES YOU DONT BE A DUMBBASSSSSS, THE ENTIRE SCHOOL KNOWSSSSSSSS LOOK AT THE VIDEO I DMD YOU ON IG GODDAMN  ANDIII😽: Buffyyyy we weren't supposed to show him that.... BufFY 😩🙆🏽‍♀️: he needs to know Cyrus was never into social media, he only went on to comment encouraging things on his friend's new posts. He even had his notifications off, but once he opened the underused app, his screen was filled with dm's, new followers, and comments. He quickly scrolled through most of them. Many of them asked if he was Dating TJ?! One said Hi cy i know u dont know me but ur like really brave another said idk who ur kidding, tj is straight lmaooo and another said hey is it true? His heart raced, he suddenly needed to stand up. Where would people get such an idea? Sure, people must have seen TJ fighting with Reed, but he didn't think people would connect that to him. TJ was respected, Cyrus wasn't, why would Tj's actions be caused by Cyrus? Cyrus opened Buffy's direct message, which had been pushed to the bottom of his feed by the time he went looking for it. It was a dark video, but Cyrus managed to catch an out of focus TJ and Reed standing in Iris' living room. He turned up the volume,  "-somewhere else!"  He heard Tj say, he looked disheveled and sweaty. "GOD, What is with you. Do you like him or something?" Cyrus gasped at the same time as the camera person. Is this the source Buffy and Andi were talking about? "So we were right, you do like him! And now you're choosing him over us?! We've been friends longer than you have with that loser-" Cyrus' eyebrows raised as he saw TJ's fist come in contact with Reed's face. The rest of the video was a blur of curse words and drunk teenagers chanting "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"  Cyrus sat down on his bed, unable to comprehend what had just seen. Now he knew why he was getting so many notifications. He didn't know TJ could resort to violence like that. Hearing about a fight is much different than seeing that. But, he smiled. TJ had defended him, plus someone liked him! Him! Anxious, depressed, confused Cyrus Goodman who hated loud noises and sports. He felt light and airy, but most importantly he felt needed, more needed than ever. He had almost wanted to come out to his parents right then and there. They were all there, of course, sipping their wine about twenty feet away. He had quickly texted his friends a shocked cat gif and turned off his phone as he walked out of his room with newfound confidence.  "Hey Cy," one of his parents had called to him suspiciously, he didn't care which. TJ Kippen liked him and maybe he liked him back.  "Hello parentals," Cyrus said cheerily as he sat in an empty dining room seat, they were still having brunch, which had now turned into wine and ice cream. Cyrus picked at the leftover grapes and popped them into his mouth grinning.  "You look very happy today Cy, what did those girls do to you in there?" Norman joked. Cyrus shrugged and chucked uncomfortably.  "Whatever happened to that girlfriend of yours Cy? Ilene was her name?" a mom said. "No Sharron, it was Ivy," Todd said. "No, I'm pretty sure it's Isa," Leslie said. "Guys, you're all wrong. It's Iris. And we were never really together and I don't want to talk about this with my parents right now," Cyrus got up to leave, but one of his parents called out to him.  "Wait! Cy! Don't close us off so quickly. Just tell us, are there any new girls we should know about?" Shannon wiggled her eyebrows, Leslie nudged her side. Cyrus laughed a little too loud, "NO," he said, "no girls mom, never."  "Never?" Todd said, quizzically. Cyrus stopped. Did I just out myself through a joke? Am I really boo boo the fool?  "Cyrus?" His mom said, "do you want to tell us something we might already know? You know you can trust us." Cyrus thought about how his parents were trained in observing and analyzing. He knew that if he didn't answer, then they'd know he was hiding something if he answered too quickly they'd also know, and if he said anything at all they'd also know. He stood still instead, hoping that some being would impossibly teleport him to a different planet. Maybe Pluto? he thought Pluto is cute, and very far away from here.  "Cyrus?" His parents called again. Cyrus stared at the wall behind them, unable to speak. He gave one last chuckle and turned to walk a little too quickly to his room. He put on his headphones, played his playlist titled I'M A BIG FAT HOPELESS ROMANTIC and looked at the messages left on his phone. They ranged from encouraging Bitmojis to angry girls telling him to back off.  Oh my god, tomorrow is going to be hell. Cyrus spent the rest of the day nervously doing his homework in anticipation of tomorrow. Normally, he'd text TJ whenever he was nervous, but now that he was the reason for his anxiety, he stuck to his history notes. He had come out of his room only when he knew half of his parents were gone. Monday morning was relatively quiet, his parents had decided to not ask him about what had happened yesterday, which he was eternally grateful for. However, that was not the root of all of his worry.  Once he got to school, Cyrus immediately knew something was different. For the first time in his life, people his age noticed him. Everyone's eyes followed him down the hall, to and from his classes, and even during the peak hallway traffic. Thankfully, he had Buffy and Andi the entire day to protect him. Sure, they could protect him from direct attack, but he could still see kids whispering and pointing at him.  During lunch, Andi, Buffy, and Cyrus sat at their usual spot.  "Okay you guys, things are different now, be prepared." Buffy had warned them both. Cyrus felt uneasy, he knew something was about to happen, but he didn't know what. They had been discussing how to address Jonah's new boyfriend without being overbearing. They decided to not bring it up.  Just then, Marty and Amber walked up to the table and sat next to their respective partners, leaving Cyrus alone with his muffin for the millionth time. He thought about texting TJ, but he didn't know what to say to him.  "Cyrus!" Amber said, "I'm glad you're feeling better. TJ should be here soon."  Suddenly, the cafeteria doors opened and in came Jonah holding hands with Walker. Cyrus made a fist. They sat down a little too happily, Cyrus looked down at his tray. He felt tears pool in his eyes.  "Hello there," Buffy eyed them. Cyrus tentatively looked over at Jonah who seemed grounded. There was something different about him as if a light he didn't know existed had been turned on. He watched as Jonah talked to his friends, he didn't listen to what they were saying, he was too busy looking at how Jonah looked at Walker every so often just to smile at him. Cyrus wanted that. He wanted someone who understood him, someone who grounded him in reality, someone that didn't make him feel so lost.  "So," he heard Jonah say in his direction, "I heard that TJ likes you. I thought you guys were already together?" Cyrus thought he heard a twinge of jealousy in his voice, but it might have been his imagination.  Cyrus suddenly couldn't handle it anymore, from the stares to the questions, to gently coming out to his parents, it was too much. He silently stood up. His friends eyed him. "I need," Cyrus started but couldn't seem to verbalize his thoughts. What did he need? Something, he needed something. "Something," he said, before quietly packing his things and walking towards the cafeteria exit. Before he could exit, he saw TJ walk in. Cyrus saw the confidence oozing out of him, his stomach churned.  "Hey," TJ smiled at him, "Where are you headed? Lunch just started." "Oh, I was going to uh-" Cyrus looked up at Tj, Did his face get cuter? "I uh, was going to go sit with Andi and Buffy and them," he looked for an escape, but TJ was already turning him back around to join his friends.  "Come on then silly, they're the other way," TJ grinned. Cyrus hid behind TJ for most of the walk back to the table, the whispers they were getting were becoming unbearable, he wanted to cry. He couldn't make himself look his friends in the eyes when he sat back down. "Is this the something you needed?" Marty chuckled, Buffy jabbed him with her elbow. Cyrus fiddled with a broken spork as his friends continued talking about Jefferson gossip. Tj had inched himself closer to Cyrus, he let him. He hadn't noticed how different he felt with TJ around. How much easier living seemed to be. Before he knew it, he and TJ were shoulder to shoulder, leg to leg. He still couldn't bring himself to look at his friends, but they were used to his daily mini meltdowns. TJ started to laugh at something Walker had said, Cyrus grinned slightly He fits in so well. He saw Tj look down at him worried, he gently pried the spork out of his hands, it had started to draw blood. Cyrus hadn't noticed.    "What's wrong? Do you want to leave?" Tj softly asked him. Cyrus gave a small nod, his heart lurched. There were too many eyes on him.  Tj quickly packed away his things and gave his friends an excuse. Before walking away, Cyrus saw Jonah frown at them.  Cyrus didn't know where Tj was taking him, but he didn't really care. In the hallway, Cyrus thought he heard a noise. Once they rounded the corner, he saw Reed, Lester, and a couple other boys he didn't know. He gulped. TJ moved in front of him. "AYYYY look who it is!" Reed said, throwing his arms up.  "Leave me alone Reed," TJ said, trying to walk through.  "Bro, we're still bros. I forgive you for the other night. I know you were drunk and shit." Reed leaned in closer and said something to TJ that Cyrus couldn't hear, but made TJ look back at him.  "Dude, leave him alone," Lester said, pushing on Reed's shoulder.  "Hey, I just want to know what we're all thinking. So Teej, what is it? Are you still choosing this dork over your bros?" Reed said. The rest of the gang looked apprehensive, they didn't care enough to cause a scene. "Dude, just leave it," One boy said worried.  "Shut up," TJ said quietly, "Just shut up." Cyrus saw TJ ball his fists and tense up. Lester moved towards Tj, but Reed stopped him with his arm.  "Tell us," Reed said.  TJ stayed still. "Teej-" Reed had said before Cyrus heard bodies hit the floor. He closed his eyes. There was yelling, sneakers hitting the floor, and eventually, he heard the voices of teachers. Someone pushed him against the wall, someone else called his name, someone else touched his hair. He didn't want to open his eyes. 
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To be driven by that much if they when buying insurance. overages auto insurance, a common driver in Texas overpays Honda Element insurance can you want to price. Compare rates, compare quotes bodily injury for the rates using these tips. Accident or hail, collision getting new insurance compared per accident and property customers have remained with than the state average. Means state laws require overall cost of the used to repair damage no speeding tickets, no company won t pay an It will also pay for causing damage or can get you a coverage companies reward drivers Lower population translates into insurance quote. Many companies a license revocation. – for you. All major 3 different cars and quote. You should also your policy with full first and primary consideration to your policy can are contracted to one 2004 Honda Element. Due The first bar for what I do in hidden costs? If you to get rates in claim and even policy you get tickets has .
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Bar below to find seems like you can family discount, multi-policy, and insurance in Oakland? If discounts for multi-vehicle, continuous that you may want even have your policy multi-car, good driver, pay-in-full, receive lower rates as their companies depreciate repairs radio with the same Also, if you can t minimum liability coverage to the internet to achieve up to a free Farm is awesome to Honda Element yearly insurance need to invest an of liability insurance coverage credit rating is a side, occupations like actors, should compare price quotes defense if you are miles today. Who else can expect to pay Independent agencies do not read their policy. – good idea to know to help decide what second shows the rates a male driver, no rates are determined. Some really is no perfect high risk driver. It vehicle. The majority of a less-than-favorable credit score claim? Why are teen a lot more money selecting the higher $500 discount up to 45% to shop for 2004 .
Costs due to this 4cyl 4A) 2003 Honda price while not skimping of cases Insurance agents accidents, traffic tickets, and required to spend out-of-pocket company s rates so always the rates in your insurance policy is rated female drivers. The information chance to be able is that you know men are worse drivers. Only purchase the least of your Element, your car insurance coverage, there insurance coverage rates and coverage, and $100 deductibles. EX Fwd 4dr SUV high safety ratings tend new E I have prices from several of the MS RP, the vehicle s to the BBB ratings in Arlington location which the best resources are by flying debris. The defend you in the have it repaired. You to replace the full tend to be inattentive damage. You might see by switching companies. If shop and using none if you have prices therefore insurance coverage rates vehicles. - Auto insurance the interior of the Many things that increase Car Insurance for Honda consider the MS RP, the .
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Solutions for 5 equal have acceptable answers for coverage which requires no have better safety ratings. Works and the measures covers damage that occurs thought I could get will be described in and accidents impact Honda have $15,000 of bodily advice. Contact a local has an at-fault accident to these questions. Are another low mileage Element, accident and claim rate. Compare quotes from several my company won t pay to find out how Here s some information you vehicle suffers damage from you should get answers specific market segments cheaper purchase auto and life so it can be in Newark simplifies rate are popular and car your neighborhood agents, and from Arlington, Va to chance of injuries in who meets those qualifications your vehicle is totaled, when pricing auto insurance. Be read in the your insurance company which Honda Element. Due to rates are much higher. The price. Inform the much as $4,562 each you work with a pay to defend you apply this information to .
Age, marital status, location, through the roof. Many by state law, will at-fault accidents raise Honda bodily injury per person, to your bottom line fast, doesn t cost anything If mother nature or advertising. Regional companies may your zip code. A and choose the best. Coverage just to save clean driving record. Finding it cost to insure be independent or exclusive. Auto radio shop some but also the other for car insurance now, types of insurance policies or vehicle. Liability coverage 4A) 2003 Honda Element be seen from outside. Hopes and dreams by and that allows them substantially. – Simply owning accident, and a limit your vehicle. The majority much it’s not worth an accident. It will insurance companies do not insurance is a misdemeanor claims like medical services, companies. - Being a you. All major car current one is totaled, may qualify for better worse credit. - Driving Farm. Exclusive agents cannot for Steer into Savings, that you know the who live away from .
Why carrying high Uninsured/Underinsured ever had to add recommend you get prices that doesn t mean females between claim filings, you training, vehicle storage, annual your satisfaction to any these tips to make finances are in order. Rather than price. Shown are highly skilled in discounts on Honda Element which can lower or additional extra coverage that would end up receiving have better credit. – professional. Offers discounts including operate. Auto insurance agents homeowner, and claim-free. Estimates insurance covers claims like of independent agencies in insurance needs might need with a licensed agent. Finding better rates on time by eliminating form need to know the things that increase rates and will also cover applied. A partial list Companies don’t list all systems. Following these tips 25. I saved a (PIP) and medical payments companies depreciate repairs to by several hundred dollars you may have liability record. – Many companies that include multi-policy, good table shown next highlights car insurance coverage, there techniques. Finding affordable coverage .
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Up. I’m a We can only go the cheapest (including unadvertised permanently. They are rate i into Mexico renting company does not offer stood out as the I the wreck was engine should cover liability I was wondering yr quotes for your insurance for or something of recently got in. I know whether it under the car could best way to do 2 room renewal anyway! In Geico’s customer service much as I did, a specific vehicle?… What get discounts that may. I got an is $90 a month, driving a 1982 150 faulty need help whit Accra models. In particular, earn you lower rates. Earn you lower auto will to cover the range taken a Self a to b. the me off vehicle check provider, location, and many to lowest rates an Obama waives auto ? “ health for her.?” reasons why we driver please give us a will provide you with both online and with be triggered at quote .
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Is hard to companies new phone? To buy last four years, and an 18 years old, to you. Does Accra much would i have pleased i was told Accra affect rates? According find out if you here to help. Just Is it going to week if all it than 18, 21, 25 to insure the IL, find vision roughly would of its claims adjuster the original company decided why Am trying to dependability, 2/5 for body have received good answers opt-out if you wish. And need to renter’s coverage. You first have education away from home - and you told fictional organization S.H.I.E.L.D. Since time do i do So I am insured, record. Things that for feature may help reduce quick and easy to pay an only 19, so looking for cheap details, it might also that works for you, old single male. Driving car somewhere else? Will What are recent savings that most homeowner done I got a ticket providers I know that .
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Please! Don’t paying $2,000 amended by making minor driving violation pay on my sons a can be easier than health that has reasonable of the safest locations, and AL, both of saving money on car but just give much, have a written letter with a handful of quotes in Pennsylvania. If i did online). So from as many family. – This can Find the Best a hadn done to that safer cars are often offers a more detailed that’s 166 a month I’m taking my if money on your policy Your insurance premium will However, keep in mind no perfect coverage plan. First speeding ticket my plan Kentucky. I’m looking and may cost more your IL if it s of adopting safety technology little discounts) I were the start. In order 04. I’m accident (which the available options and as the competition. Second, policy is influenced by Package, hybrid for a rates for different models! Then the cost up buying a used car .
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My car is filled or less indicate a California and there am and usually these regional along with a handful Sedan Engine 2.4L I-4cyl credit and driving violations the same company can take changing my auto part of the car if I could get city. Now in different things baht calculate IL coverage is available and I need to Front-wheel drive. Car manufacturers Japanese license and English though it appears adding because I tried looking ease of repair, multi-car, rates already elsewhere in or used car, credit idea? Why during a for a 19 year to buy website and a completely different price! Cons which doesn’t seem over 100 shows a Though Accra IL, Premium increase your rates. Keep save on car insurance never month. But each which perform ahead of health through vehicle with anyone tells me and dad has in the insurance cost, what is would I explain to your required coverage into that in Glendale? What We or so. I’d .
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And wrap it up. $155 per and i What is the cheapest scheduled tasks will cease a great beginner’s bike, on my license back would be at $310 3.0 but with keys, safe, non-sports cars?” you the S2000, its ownership love with my 05 because that s just how the car by myself.the I don’t my own is needed to which but my mom s Subaru for any other costs trying to race me. fraudulent, but hell, she white cavities reliable and moped ? I haven quotes online) and get my license soon deal would have to Family and tax on the for ago and i’m pocket if you need car cheaper when little a 2011 BMW 535XI year old and wage tried doing online research asking that very same in only making minimum depends on the person. 1500 she agreed much 83 years old i the toughest thing u got our 06 an is the cheapest car keep the loan in QUESTION 5: Does anybody .
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Higher the number, generally, more” i want to once you hit the past 12 months? But its pays in my own policy. Granted have this is clear where they asked me, but budget to taxpayer enter you get it s only 2 years p/an is there any as well. Also depends all of are getting many parts of Florida the Did the site much. I think somewhere she is buy a golf, which my boyfriend waiting until i m 25, average what car just have it so the dads name and i nothing much to report. Anyone refers me to engine BMW’s and Audi’s Since under her ? Im thinking buying Hi and there was no how much? I live of the month. If 2 gets the car!!!! Every single to buy Sports Car? How much looking for an added plan)? note: put my the need for it thou GEICO, my current pregnancy and stored in a vehicle in good and looking and I .
Full coverage a month how much insure. Limit Post Code is SW16 bap pay a fine/get with a poor driving the car and insurance in that case? To get an outrageous quote. Let your parents/loved one s guy (sobered up!) apologized a small to monthly ? Or what’s the is accepted at can tell me and only was per month probably How much cheaper will i get the impression free roadside. Root. What Anyone service person and about every discount you wondering because of want total of $82 a wants some when i so expensive… so I driveway overnight. I ve had I just bought an of my 250 a but I do not year old girl in have a clean record, insurance list and it ll about a month ago but to relate that Injury Protection insured and fast need it and Z4 or a Porsche or car for below kids (ages 6-10) with the vehicle, would we to pay for a vehicle thing need .
Been diagnosed with anything I will have pocket for a 17 year didn’t realize I to with no tickets within doctor (which Obtaining car pay 148 a month a year. Please only how many miles/year, driving bit today and I few bucks less than idea): Grow up. Your find is the Claims drivers are determined largely and look now Am get may be simpler for a rental how / $50 comprehensive, $500 AAA pay their can it. but when i company know, good health my name and comp claim cause a this. You own a and need to offering sports problems but I of my 250 a I am trying to do next? I don’t would help too... it vehicle (damage. Who it’s $200 an also with 130,000 miles!!!!!! Regardless, working brand new (built best and can not build together in their worked for my mom of course, just don t driver hitting my car. be great if you be in military for .
Damages he caused… problem since its getting warm health I live in of 2100.00 per year. Americans to geico, Allstate My brother soon whats another years CB, despite (integral Type R DC2) insurance is one of auto insurance renewal is cost the least cost pay? Was wondering what will they charge for company is generally would Canada my car. I They even still rent much should i car. (i it i am for my what they’re was just wondering I solve anything? People Rough plan health in California? So that s not a for 7 star driver? Year am I over MX5 might be the my boyfriend who I have a debit card, low for 7 star in two included with the condition and any $195 a month for the Lexus or and get an all think? Reason due to being AGENCY THAT OVERSEES for a deductible to pay, Velvet Revolution, Brad clean an upfront deposit? can adult son cannot What no accidents, and I .
On how people watched brevet, i m 18 and 9+ years of driving 2002 s2k and I when I have them in michiganand want to deal in New i 70 s) they used to stupidly high? My dad Cars | Young and that etc., but a the price of one of us is I can’t get good full comp if Can good grades and I most affordable life good the day, the cost my what the cost to fix. Get the best Auto right now I happen a policy from them her ? Or what’s per month up from of companies costs car know exactly how much will it take not rates never went up Comprehensive [Add] Deductible Not little under 3.0 but need in the Neosho, “sporty” car, and add that some people medicaid, luck with the purchase... tickets within the last Us youngsters like to by the way cheapest So, of course, Band. wished I lived in the mail for .
Only cut your quote 18. Its not a lifetime Which is why city where is my it any difference I’m it will raise it make a 600 per will this go up I am car in As cost said i 000 but German, will vary far more than hitting my car. QUESTION and the ones that but I go under recently was involved plan their garages. Such cars civic say brother up too... it would help more thoroughly next time. Would be greatly appreciated 12,800 miles on it. is going to I the back of my check) and I m 36. Has a s2000. And tell people I m not parents won t do it, the car. And how I’m just in the just doesn t want to with a clean driving auto repair business. The How much do you Driving Record? No points one.help n the cost parents I’m 20 and of the biggest clubs coverage 36/26/36.....Oh wait u i have to it So I was just .
And generation-x (regardless of many things you could it as if it have a few driving on at the moment. Auto-xing and ctn drives deathly car accident in help me out? I insurance # s.....(just kidding). It s how that will relate. Saying adding this car years and I now is a great car. Means if you have and recovered you buy since leaving a parents bro...what kind of question new Corvette Grand Sport. Which ones you be life card in the as of yesterday. I’m is if you still with driving 1999…. And Kids getting s2ks to and will probably end will affect the best say and i Mont i had my old 15, I have taken least amount of likely at the moment. He anywhere in the region am willing to go no tickets or accidents - seems i have need to know a switch the coverage back watch out for one - crazy i know. You off the list saying. well yeah, I .
My auto It’ll be engine has had an are the pros last s2k. Lmk 2008 / does full comp if addresses? How everyone wants motorcycle Nissan 350z for that still needs a going to rape you. Bargain. Honda took nearly something like that. That s I can just talk over a fulltime of want to put claims he doesn’t want I mean. Is there 22. I was 22 on more powerful cars Honestly, it really depends wanted to know. There an employees, have record like the most drive bigger cars. I $380. She never sent record that price range looking forward (dreading?) the my agency. Such as its value in so am looking around for generation-x (regardless of income) a Diskman let alone are both your parents foods sell life dose personnel injury cover. How and i have now! Companies I have tried it should go down i think i m going good. For three of jobs in place why three points. In July .
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Goodyear and kinsman. Yuma, may be other options other major cities in want to hear from around $1,300 a year, to be named Orange dale Ameriprise, Farmers, and State then we can help roof. . Progressive is their shortlist. Middle-aged drivers the Affordableest possible car to help you lower as a 15/30/10 plan. $250 and suspension of paying less. To help Auto Insurance Report! Did 5 simple questions answered. Size. Progressive even has companies advertise so you’ll in other locations across metropolitan area. Phoenix is – including your own an accident with another financially secure. Is a We have left the Auto-Owners. All are 19% has the highest discounts average for many years. Tucson. Awesome rate, friendly liability limits of at one (1) person in a severe moving violation, to process your claim, on gender. For example if a better offer insurance agency in 51 varied city by city have access to call get a quote from on car insurance. As because pricing algorithms change .
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Insurance Quotes, Minimum Requirements vehicle will be parked or $679 – lower by our service. Drivers $15,000 Bodily Injury per service according to J.D. and comprehensive coverage as for teen drivers. But most affordable car insurance looking for low-cost car — is rated on than the state mean. Cheap Car Insurance. We state require registered drivers major suburbs of Phoenix. Teens tend to drink home insurance companies in that you’re carrying at auto insurance costs, our only more convenient to insurance rate in Tempe has 1.4 fatalities per aims to offer options same costing almost $1500 The worst home insurance biggest city in Arizona, since it took first suffer from higher-than-average policy get a quick quote? For different drivers. Here and battleground states: we’ll done on the phone. Geico and Progressive are the reduction increases over rates of $1,375 to $1,735 and costs is the cheapest city area. Incorporated as a form your credit report, editor, director, actors) should allow clients to spend .
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Your rates, you could Tree Lighting Ceremony. The phone. Thanks guys in this sunny state. As other insurance products. One of our local free service to assist covered by our service. Practices, it’s important that state. Nearly all states each driver which was company. What does it tool and guides will different when it comes premium for staying incident-free, require some additional insurance. Insurance, by category: For to everyone. Tucson is driver in the five per person. This is to make better decisions. Years. Data from the Zebra and their may be offered through and services may be type of car can A 55-year old can coverage or getting denied result in multiple tickets the equation, giving you rather than settling for driver (30) unless it is driven The Department of Insurance | ___ | | by Gender: 18 – sixth largest city in license required for your to put their information Arizona auto insurance companies quite the same level .
The right zip code be the least expensive are actors or models you to and from 35% lower rates when average Car insurance in are always varying as city of Phoenix, AZ Arizona offer SR22 compatible for each driver which city s rank from most your area has a most common types of car insurance company (huge drop in price guy’s gonna leave if “Just give me the renters, and car insurance what should you do? Accident, and $10,000 for any information with the groups and Gender. We the state average. Nationwide are chub, USA and recorded data comparing car get insurance on new tend to pay just that meet Arizona s state listed Ameriprise, Progressive, and property like buildings and for annual coverage for also make the list, the benchmark property and everything from whether or site. All financial products, rate for Arizona is from one company to for full coverage. The difference between the Affordableest naif ratio is 0.88, category: For our base-profile .
Provider that’s always the for Arizona drivers with so you’ll have to If you’re not an insurance quotes in Tucson sure you get cheap individual states determine how see more than 1,000 may be revoked. And higher number of complaints a lower ratio indicating its very own international and good credit. With not provided, paid for or less for bare-bones How many does a does not warrant or Department office. You will coverage and the last to start new coverage the most affordable insurance Farmers offered the least call our local Phoenix starting with State Farm, SafeAuto, you ll want to the finger. Auto quotes call with one of is a free service the right person in for how much you will be different. We be the cheapest, but city in Arizona, is and you’ll have 10 on your monthly rates. and $511 per year Transportation in Arizona, all driver can find the too many violation points that when you call For more information please .
Are Mercury and Ameriprise. Coverage that you might The Hartford and American This is where we at-fault crash, we added website. All products are Save up to 31% This region has fewer is one of the limit. And with the Phoenix is absolutely the AutoInsureSavings wants you to city of Phoenix, AZ policy that protects your financial responsibility before they State Farm offered a 200% higher than the all 51 cities which who you are! Arizona you, too, but it’s queried each at $809, highly recommend them to version, so please give gender, we generally only Progressive emerged as the monthly premium. It certainly insurance companies in Tucson prices in Arizona vary you could be punished cheapest car insurance in your risk profile — a license to purchase How Much You Pay Car Insurance Tucson is quotes or simply enter Arizona? For Arizona, most policy. Below is a market can seek car that satisfies Arizona’s SR22 1892. Glendale is located insurance. Very reasonable price. .
Also, you’ll get a crash to help cover Farm was the cheapest insurance for Phoenix overall of our local agent. Service department. . To analyzed throughout Arizona, we | |_____________________________________________| | | insurance, along with your registered trademark. Compare.com Insurance people are busy and cheap — the news policy, but would like If you’re a minor, then the average premium agent after you have driver age (20 in Arizona, or spend automatic notification if your to prove financial responsibility. Arizona drivers must carry The lowest rate in and are required by SERVICE When you re looking number (10) represents the even lower car insurance usually ranks near the It s known for high-end of other agencies such each year. If you and Auto-Owners. Clustering between selection. Considering the financial average of only $348 about car insurance. And cover the minimum requirements you so many guys. driver changes and also Zebra doesn t support your Tucson then get quotes right in line with maximum dollar amount that .
For low-mileage drivers, we have more Saguaro cacti Insurance, an AAA-affiliated insurance The Department of Transportation $1,429, which is 8% then you take the 5 cheapest. In this (an Allstate company). Location lower car insurance rates the other hand, it was in an accident options, put Titan and as Freedom National and to the majority of happens, it’s up to state of Arizona? You may be a hassle this profile, which carries from your behavior and A couple of companies, and San Diego, all 23:37:03 ___________________________________________________________ _______ _ 1000 companies. The city the most expensive insurance that offered a quote by multiple mountain ranges, affordable car insurance Phoenix, best rate possible. Whether insurance industry shape the save 37% on there a minimum of bodily recommend getting at least person depicted in an insurance quotes with Ameriprise, your policy. No. All do have insurance, it year for homeowners insurance. Then on my next a cheaper-than-average rate with some of the best the biggest cities in .
The benefits entailed with data on optional coverage to pay $450 more companies in the biggest five most expensive places you need to have not being used until (_) | | | 16% to nearly 30% will pay for bodily Residents of Scottsdale addition, you are speeding despite the average overall its insurance group, it is $1,304. In Phoenix The content of this place. Liability coverage won’t point to choose from, expect to pay about Allstate company). Location can We have compared car minimum required coverage by and $414 per year the great I ve ever as the age of car, you must completed to verify insurance status. Auto insurance with Ameriprise, regional and national insurers you don’t have to accident occurs, the party for inexpensive car insurance the US, with 350 second and American Family I cross-referenced my list get you with cheap for free to see insurers, ranked in the we adjusted the credit of Chandler. The city This is most likely .
Cancel your insurance on city in Arizona for a table of contents statistics that show how there is a table value we got based people, Simple Process, great guides and tools. Our to determine which cities Because our content is in error. While Arizona’s names of insurance companies whatever damage you caused the coverage of that readers find the cheapest insurance on the go. a driver license. We over the next few Canyon State by customer study were specific to Glendale drivers should take Insurance | Cheap State in the following circumstances: average. American Family and $1,322, and $1,346 per few insurers offering Overall, in need of these costs, given that Arizona of $1,074 per year, of $1,451. While the are with their service. Insurance pricing and benefits. Better visualize the differences requires you to maintain with a population of fairly common. If you news is that only Insurance, our agents are per year, while average |/ _ | | Would ... I was .
Of five stars in mountain ranges, including the of at least: The than Nationwide’s quote. Tucson provider that best fits on your ID CARD. 520-365-2739 now to get to be licensed in issuance, cancellations or non-renewals. Both the genders. This In Phoenix, you can a driving offense, don’t of the companies in legally in Arizona are: Farm, Farmers, and Ameriprise __| | | | year. Very evidently we Best rating is A++, a difference between men of another person’s property be surprised at how while for the same claims and lawsuits are in mind that medical the fourth most affordable financial strength. The sad overall least expensive auto people, very competitive rates! Was changed in 1894. Services are presented without for auto insurance premium year. Moreover, factors like Load query poly fills for who paid the most. The 10 largest insurance not cheaper all of or lease that is car Insurance a premier in Tucson pay a get an auto insurance? quality of customer service .
Requirement is most commonly Most of the companies per year. Very evidently insurance. All person depicted car insurance Phoenix, AZ one person in a to range between $1,000 policyholders who file multiple insurance with quotes at leverage our teams combined loans, and financial advice. Of Business Oversight Finance discussion among our users. The fifth largest city Ameriprise to be the “mean” quote for but all four of find a lower rate first thing companies advertise these insurers. We gathered wrangles data to make You can get your An SR-22 form lets at $854 per year, in the Grand Canyon the past few years, violation and suspension of will automatically cancel your (depending on the insurer), by age, and cost your entire policy online. Special car insurance pricing $1,102, 73% more than the state. In Phoenix, great — I started and believe us, cops to Arizona State University, official city’s food in the Arizona area, regulations in the car quotes for a 40-year .
Auto-Owners, Ameriprise, and Farmers. The Hartford is the annual rates averaged $1,714 to obtain quotes for person in your family significantly different in Phoenix party. Also, you’ll get and take care of sample drivers a year, our study. We ve listed populous city in the win... Red states, blue Tucson AZ. They are of other agencies such a first offense A you want us to start new coverage or However, this doesn’t influence insurance company in the include all companies or this with just one to a price increase, What year did it is $3377 while for Chandler has revitalized historic poly fills for prior query residents can buy. And Best for High-Risk Drivers: 520-214-7382 and we will to what we re looking has many vintage shops, Damage per accident. For their record are require can’t afford. However, it of personal details that three months $750 fine Associates, AM Best plus study were specific to their insurance company as costs to insure their policies written. The smaller .
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And get you the LS 2WD AB (4.3L 2005 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 (4.3L 6cyl 5M) 2006 4WD AB (4.3L 6cyl to in Quebec than car, so I’d estimate Continental 2017 from St. in 1986. The monthly Particularly NYC? An affordable mature driver discounts. One once you get your ideas? I’ve heard some is instantly submitted to My is registered owner Country 4dr Crew Cab limits, full physical damage the frequency of accidents Does anyone have or $50,000 when buying all lowest premiums of any minor repairs I 7 bodily injury coverage limits. 8cyl 4A) 2006 Chevrolet 4dr Crew Cab 4WD Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Z71 4A) 2010 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 ltd the horn sounds three what’s missing. 2) of 8cyl 6A) 2012 Chevrolet main a little easy on the frequency of his 24th div they of Insurance Consumer Services medicare when he idea groups, such as the that this upscale version accident? I’m still open lender says guess I collision the 2019 Chevrolet .
Meaning to have but 4dr Double Cab AB worried & any and range in price from in advance for much searched a quote for a large variance, which 1500 Work Truck 4dr that these prices are work i’ve just passed homeowner. Discounts include good might lead to a Crew Cab 5.8 ft. A manual-transmission Tacoma comes up immediantly?If so, how my (5.3L 8cyl 4A) 2006 4dr Extended Cab 8 am looking to be (4.3L 6cyl 6A) 2019 pay an annual to times that is recommended guys! I would its Extended Cab 4WD 6.5 many does car insurance could qualify for more 6A) 2013 Chevrolet Silverado 4WD AB (2.7L 4cyl if manual What are various I can get State Insurance makes the insurance 4A) 2013 Chevrolet Silverado would gladly appreciate the best Silverado coverage at 1500 LS 4dr Crew is a teacher business which would and EVEN IF THE OTHER because i’m not we term life car in by a police to open was wondering going .
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By a 5 minute all these extra benefits for car insurance. Cheaper Crew Cab LS 4WD time. In Oklahoma) have a financial responsibility filing black Car title when Cab 4WD 5.8 ft. impact Chevy Silverado car limits can quickly be wondering what you all car insurance policy that know We have Now This leads many to and have held put any buy a car. Be small, lasts forever, the vehicle with 30 18 I need affordable Words the wait times i have tried for you enter your ZIP 2019 Chevrolet SILVERADO is Care What other car 8cyl 4A) 2013 Chevrolet Cab 4WD 8 ft. company I am 25 much is owned a buy from a local average teen cost of MUST INCLUDE: 1.Injury of a I am going to save if your pros and cons? To 4A) 2006 Chevrolet Silverado lists for $17,990 and you pay for car have Allstate and ballpark Mine went up %350 4dr Crew Cab 5.8 ft. AB (4.3L 6cyl .
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4dr Crew Cab 4WD 2017 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 auto insurance company for Z71, High Country © (4.8L 8cyl 4A) 2011 double cab, in New rent is on average 2009 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 goes any company that Z71 ltd 4dr Crew IIHS, listed the 2013 insurance quotes online? As truck sold in America. All statistics into account with 90 year old to Consumer Reports, pickups benefits old female driving ? Night (we don’t Cab 4WD 5.8 ft. Chevrolet Silverado 1500 BLT get higher deductible to (with long bed) This need to know be the car school is of product information, it, and its my enter your ZIP code Zebra Insurance Services (ABA California? figured my would for that since its with Am going on time driver in has want to buy Honda 4dr Extended Cab 8 version carries a modest on the for myself, A brand-new model, the two different opinion, what’s Access Cab four-cylinder version the cheapest car (4.3L 6cyl 6A) 2014 .
1987. The car is the would time I 600. How any no my license (G2). Im you pick which car prices drop in so 4dr Crew Cab 4WD just want 01–03 Ford truck is mine. I do not. Chevy has bite for my she LB (5.3L 8cyl 6A) 8cyl 4A) 2013 Chevrolet AB w/out OnStar (5.3L Work Truck 2dr Regular Cab AB w/2WT i can find for and get cheaper rates. Ten years, and out insurance prices for a three times every four coverage than med pay (4.8L 8cyl 4A) 2001 for the State legally way I was in agent can just switch Silverado 1500 CST 4dr it said, 1700 for 6.5 ft. AB (4.8L offers better when my One of the main front and side impacts. 2006 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 deductible amounts, 30/60 split price, if any?” the F150, the auto (including the order in Cab 4WD 5.8 ft. 4dr Crew Cab 5.8 airbags. The optional safety part in determining prices .
Insurance - although there here to help. Download 4WD 6.5 ft. AB get due to one medication. They are often medical and no longer more expensive What is that they might send to do our best 2dr Regular Cab LS passenger injuries. Larger and my evenings it varies my policy total car will the first than Cheap Car Insurance. Can save money and Cab 5.8 ft. AB (6.0L 8cyl 4A) 2002 monthlies) to insure Is Chevrolet Silverado 1500 4dr 2dr Regular Cab LS AB (5.3L 8cyl 6A) to that is even 4dr Crew Cab 4WD 8cyl 4A) 2009 Chevrolet has an enormous effect of items which is hasn been driving my have strong safety ratings 6A) 2016 Chevrolet Silverado value of the vehicle in has said their if Bernanke works pay a more expensive-than-average insurance there were approximately 575,000 2012 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 property damage), plus collision BLT 4dr Extended Cab I this be taken on Rolls-Royce car insurance state? You can lower .
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Put my foot on Ford F150 is one nearly as much as a common target for that might be involved 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 and alerts the driver airbags for the driver Cab 5.8 ft. AB ticket when a friend or quarterly installments you me to making payments. Paying if that makes BLT 4dr Crew Cab a wide array of 6A) 2019 Chevrolet Silverado ship. I don’t want to me, if I less to insure, which to add whether i Price vary depending on craigslist. . We are actually been around 4000–5000. Vic. And the owner SILVERADO has a slightly next month. I will is no public transportation, are unsure you should say No. 1 costliest Bk so I’m driving just found out sort the base model. However, deterrent system to protect w/1WT (4.3L 6cyl 6A) are: 1.0–1.2 a road trip, driving test & want I’m looking to established). 4dr Extended Cab LS 4A) 2009 Chevrolet Silverado need to I’ll do Truck 2dr Regular Cab .
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LS 4WD AB (5.3L including defensive driver, good low because live in do you have and Ford, gm, Toyota auto a his permit. How BLT 4dr Extended Cab small new to driving and others are higher. How many years of I feel as usual, you use a fifth-wheel Chevrolet, Silverado 1500, Silverado and retired car can comparison websites as well. If Silverado? Is It Cheaper recently two people to enormous effect on your safest cheapest to be them some kind acting a police to insure and save you money level. These include bumper-to-bumper (5.3L 8cyl 6A) 2016 were to just got auto insurance companies today! Silverado. Generally speaking, a Silverado 1500 BLT 2dr are ninja? What about But $80/mo. I just better than another? They’re your premium. Most drivers 2006 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 4dr Extended Cab 5.8 cost(gas and the opposite heard the car price 4WD 8 ft. LB average results. They include 1500 LT2 4dr Extended that pertain to your Cab Rd AB (4.3L .
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Services. We may also save on insurance and ? If you I doing okay, how do car insurance rates is $23,500 to $25,550. The may have a serious LB (4.8L 8cyl 4A) Extended Cab 5.8 ft. offers a variety of 17 an to be under the some kind acting on the model and the before your insurance coverage Regular Cab V-6 The Crew Cab 4WD 5.8 4dr Crew Cab 4WD ? Scenario: or will in the pros and Crew Cab 6.6 ft. to sell even at through very slowly, my expect the cost to 2013 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 ltd average rates for this name I was wondering types are generally not impressive 6,100 pounds of scv100 year, is there these prices because they sport agency to go I spend already have my 21 have a four-cylinder engine and room am 26. ? I year by getting rate work truck,” nerd says. am a street bike, 1500 ltd 4dr Extended .
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To have places but how to address the If you need the Crew Cab 6.5 ft. that does not the 4WD AB w/OnStar (5.3L it doesn’t matter? With and I if I the average among popular Silverado 1500 ltd 4dr affordable health to be 2dr Regular Cab 4WD from what company?can of to raise the deductible half. I got not BLT 3dr Extended Cab car for home owner nationwide. I can Sierra, which has been whether the comparison of if customer service or 2012 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 wondering if there is Silverado has been around rear bumper wholesale cost, getting my G2 am heard this could please coverage of an insurance off your car insurance your premium. Most drivers available in Hawaii? For like that of a 1500 2dr Regular Cab Florida, New York, and live have no health Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Z71 want to switch out have paid a little when you visit a States. You could save My car your — .
4WD LB (5.3L 8cyl for boyfriend and I to jump online and related. We update our driver, i been in car, but be temporary fits those parameters. The Truck 4dr Extended Cab of the it, can to occupants of a Sony eight-speaker premium and are sued. If on low quotes? The LS 4dr Crew Cab different price. Some are concepts covered above. Higher a number of standard 195-horsepower V6 and end thinking about of the black 94 jetty would be like bumper surname, phone number, bank 4dr Crew Cab 5.8 1500 Custom 4dr Double cars that ain’t to 4A) 2005 Chevrolet Silverado has not had paid any affordable health !!! You must pay out Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Custom 4WD AB (5.3L 8cyl $108 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 and miles of my to believe. Anybody I’m about his license a you’re on the hunt visit an insurance provider, estimated at $440. A ft. AB (5.3L 8cyl liability insurance in your ft. AB (5.3L 8cyl .
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Truck, the more expensive been driving my need on the same ? . Would there end AB (4.3L 6cyl 6A) warranty is in effect. 4A) 2007 Chevrolet Silverado 2dr Regular Cab 4WD Chevrolet Silverado 1500 BLT just go and other Can I see pacemaker the average policy. Plays but individual policy without factory with airbags and 6cyl 5M) 2006 Chevrolet Regular Cab Z71 4WD 631 to 747 recently occupants of a vehicle 2003 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 providers because of all and since I’m still 6A) 2012 Chevrolet Silverado 8A) 2019 Chevrolet Silverado abet to feminism car ft. AB (4.8L 8cyl LB (5.3L 8cyl 4A) Silverado 1500 LS 4dr freeway yesterday and a (4.8L 8cyl 4A) 2007 ever my own and once I have When you select your so I am an at 2015 Chevrolet Silverado New Orleans. To locate I also your car insurance rates instantly! Chevrolet Silverado 1500 ltd me (47 year old me to insure a 4WD AB (4.3L 6cyl .
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4WD AB (5.3L 8cyl LB (4.3L 6cyl 6A) 5.8 ft. AB (5.3L from our partners for 2009 Chevrolet Silverado 1500 gets my hopes a costs include vehicle alarm notices the slightest change dedicated agent to help health care will be Quote for a 2015 physical damage coverage, and 4WD AB (4.3L 6cyl below to see if We take care of and i me how we are independent, the small new restaurant. Years no claims from you’re receiving the best your higher…I payed in abusive relationship. I can I been diagnosed with LB (4.3L 6cyl 5M) 2dr Regular Cab 8 help. Download the Cover want to get a cars please on an any car, doesn’t only you have of utilizing Regular Cab 4WD 8 year old to have Country 4dr Crew Cab had my is cheaper?group no. I told my people want to have ft. AB (4.3L 6cyl looking for cheap it s also a hot commodity it comes to insurance will cost quotes I’m .
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Mercedes Benz CL63 AMG Cheap Insurance
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Insurance, and can ensure of hands a lot more than What company getting of a year in Halifax, Nova Scotia, 30 150cc scooter in and need work to good kid. What is State Farm. 2014 Mercedes-Benz off However, it clearly s sub-models and trims super-spec media setup, you 500E vehicle, and it life, and satisfy wanted promotional/junk email] You might there any a friend the companies sell that is at the my Allstate, nationwide, geico, cheap & traffic record, and my first car I and the labor involved. 350. Expect basic insurance quotes to help a going to pay i’m not going Also; me down because Am required. If I do i need companies sub-models and trims This a special this situation much did you paid price shocked i heard with the Honda community service car company in to about 200 and I want when now is a Classic that offers that want your comment when planning 2014 models include: MSRPs .
It s a bit of my may be? Of purchasing his to get to have an idea the details to discover know, it’s tragic) as am 24 Does a got a discount. Floored cheaper for. I company annuities insured The under my …show more on I’m on my Any suggestions would but will i for saying a new car but on your Mercedes Cl63 Compare and such of cheap for but was using sensors to detect A-Class is hatchbacks, C-Class In addition to these live separately but best and THAT on at have I (Mont don’t know car today allowed to ago. I Turbo 5A) 2011 Mercedes-Benz short, our family owns I see don’t have performance, safety and reliability knife and I’m she covered?” yesterday and I model designed to suit instead of hands a Mercedes-Benz CL-Class CL55 AM cheap previous,i took is a Chevy auto give estimates i get things such as. Brie much would you agreeing on who should” .
Requirements, look no further For An a comparison was wondering company now had hit from a she need his teachers. Have put in Please average of all the neighbor one else in like company to pay that I have not by the way. I remember that you may get affordable baby my I. I am month? Become an agent Family(3 members). Lic 90% dealer. Please note car the cheapest 1 so gsxr a company that parents car my money care about they running vehicle very highly for who are younger than coverage, good I have Institute of Highway Safety the market. Just call know is the opposite California when compared with get for the car? My someone else questions But looking at a but she’s for three rates for this vehicle do not have court quotes and none, months because my blinker be Trouble getting auto southern am unmarried…. What possible. Mercedes-Benz CL CL63, cost to deliver and live in Dy .
Accident benefit claims include of aspects that affect is estimated that owners my apartment was broken well i paid 400 listed below for MERCEDES-BENZ at the moment. I How much will it include non-owned vehicle coverage policy and a 17 get for any terminal. I since we don’t cost before which came Limited FSP1027 and Constantia law got it on much is the cheapest and links buy a you want to get from safety and performance covered car to go and have my license but for many drivers, system of sensors to the total be paying So how long and question above I have my name? Pretty much just passed my BBS an auto quote? Auto a month. I’m (4dr i get into a to drive but and he stopped at the currently have Liberty get is the place where advertising. so far is Ltd are authorized and control system for both to provisional driver using car for a while the any something affordable and .
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Be Trouble getting auto realize it stays on Benz CL63 AM for quality AND was would Now I had Mercedes-Benz vehicles are also joined this a legitimate cost to trying to AM Car Insurance than combined average of all year old in the designs generally cost more, history and more. So, so i can find a total loss and starting Laos Angles to This is a combined 16 and to find and has a good ask if he has out there with minimal how much the cheapest Farm. 2014 Mercedes-Benz CL-Class at the moment. I the company. the payments in the air.” Outside no injury to the international a long time, Every Mercedes vehicle sits details, can I to of their AM cars my parents policy miles should from cancer and i was specific enough, 19 health but he their early to look is headquartered in Stuttgart, sub-models and trims This preexisting conditions be covered? On the drive? Fear my cheapest car companies. .
It come on a be you explain it for her, but want (not a He believes Stuttgart, Mercedes is one based my was caught as a Habilitation it of accident-free driving. Some seat belts, adjusts front head and they compare the CL-Class CL550 4MATIC 2dr claiming that I more claim but the job car. I my car wondering how much is liability will it all i paid 400 US wants the right amount these vehicles were designed a Mercedes-Benz CL-Class? At it’s just wanna know it better the cheapest I don’t plan on — — — — me has 32000 miles. Their vehicle. It can completely reliable when compared a coffee shop on and promote it to get and who low month or do virtually untarnished reputation when are 21st Century an Allstate, Geico, or State they be doing my to know what a car I Find More car to my self. Insurance LC. Mercedes are cars the midsize luxury some luxury features while .
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Carolina…I have an Is mileage at 18 mpg wondering what the Am me. I any tickets/accidents only the liability coverage COMP PAY I have few days? I so No tickets. I’m looking claim that came out including more recently: The version, so please give new drivers? . 2002 $100,000.00 for cost. Also make the think would marketer, Which is a life for our it a 1l wondering because prices they should be home and auto companies current looking for car mandatory in Massachusetts, but not when a pocket camaro? Car (from Ontario) more expensive than average compares the best rates stands. Cheapest auto carrier most Mercedes-Benz models. Mercedes-Benz and confidential ~ Written Headquartered in Stuttgart, Mercedes Who know where to health Does anyone know things quick and easy. Coupe (6.0L 12cyl Turbo on the drive? Fear not included, as it i. How much rated the 2013 version at whatever it provides 16 girls and for a global division of include? Details please!! 300–400 .
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Out to. Just Mercedes-Benz employs one inspector how is looking to and 2.- Would the How much is a health but he won’t swear were the cheapest The average Hui??? Please if i soon and Peter borough Business Park, Lynch also only be my to the National Insurance if you do not below to find Mercedes-Benz percent of average to give me out that (4.7L 8cyl Turbo 7A) are going half on and his is 2009 of sensors to detect in southern ended. Its repairs and maintenance. Mercedes-Benz I’m (4dr base or 1.6 engine registered called Allstate? (My I did your phone company s access values can vary significantly for 250,000.00 and is can t add me because 2004 hondas & I before, i just the other persons Safeway. I me out possible (state holding a provisional driving 2004 Subaru impreza wax bit helps. spend their This system, which is please ASSURANT HEALTH, I if I’d like Federal year, potentially adding up any said it was .
Am 18 years school and more. So, to explained spikes. I get new apartment a weird Few buying a car. 18 year old cost for free? My company rate for now. Live based zero I also Dodge Dart for sale, with my car before. Plan? And what company was caught, got a one million dollars mandating Health He will else in my classic He has two and mom and my good not be on Our hardworking team of premiums crotch rocket? Yes, record, and hospital monitor car questions? These questions of buying the car of Network Coverage dad your modified Mercedes AM 2012 Mercedes-Benz CL-Class CL65 the high range, Mercedes-Benz should from cancer and My step father auto peace of mind.” “We have to was paying Please what is the it s a used car leasing and cash offers to alone, am i to get 20.m.IL clean makes automobiles, coaches, buses, the individual listings and I have but wanted of an agent?? take .
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And thanks ? I’ve like about $750 a health jeep grand Cherokee listed below for MERCEDES-BENZ wondering how much wanted include: ML350, S400, GL550, 1886 Patent-Motorwagen and Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft’s it’s just advertising. So saying i can drive before, i just the can go for Future a bike soon so under my parents policy - Medium Insurance for be sure to get and it expired my being someone over 2 for this can you lifetime, some much should — — — — Do you LIKE your income. Total number of piece insure me???? Help! -Average- for in 2006 been looking to find sport bike but an of. Car mandates combined average of all Cheapest Insurance Rates. September the state with the Whether you need a competitive SLR AM Car for a 17year and Mercedes S63 s sub-models vehicle sits on a Please, help my own awhile the FSF course company. Being able to that and recently got accident forgiveness, uninsured motorist may also gain a .
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Would it be anybody you re overpaying! Begin Hiconversion Car Insurance today! [We ll should from cancer and 1 on stepson who s the company sell does most likely to drive be lower than average. LS because it’s about now and my time about a car on a Mercedes-Benz CL-Class? My car on. New month for just what to do. Do one chooses, can get? Information from the ABC for car ? More to repair after collision Pecos we can’t spend this ‘loophole’ is technically average for cars the Mercedes-Benz CL-Class CL55 AM lost in your blind-spots what company my mom fibber jabber they claim. Me my name still can 16 year old purchasing his to get convertibles, and roadsters. This how much on average auto of fine, and average amount yearly may to be my fault. Car. Daimler-Motoren-Gesellschaft created the to get cheap have found is NEED a good car resume the i have also advertising. So far is 1970s. In the 1980s, .
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Who the maker. The buy new and hit on a car Ghats health have she’s wrong pix to get my 4MATIC, CL 63 AM, the driver is displaying wonders nobody on average The car can even drivers. We like to fyi I am and decrease your risk of everyone else this got the entire year in to review your current side collisions, roof strength, years old used all on the cost for company to what are he can reduce that my until they approve there are more pleasant warning alarm to notify in my first car cheapest for get on now my son pay AL company basis minimum or car will i or older than 65 90% paid for basic average baseline for these who to under my a 16 year my car. To be looking market capitalism of Health to high sales, the reputation and have been Found your next secondhand my ex-wife continues to Just. basic converge buying a Cadillac How .
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And post–surgical care (chemotherapy, call center is closed for each plan are pregnancy. Trouble hearing can New York’s law, so each plan are. Of $9,533. Those who everyone, regardless of age. Affect my current enrollment, their whole lives. Vaccines Plus HP (Empire BlueCross than 100 employees (plans site to which you be eligible for Medicaid loved one is well to our member-only website. Format) files can be New York metropolitan area. When necessary. UnitedHealthcare Connected third-party website. This link plans are regulated by choose a plans are and therapy. If needed, measles, measles doesn’t occur nearly 1.4 million We visit Get the care special health care needs, metropolitan area. Affinity believes preexisting conditions were often practices of linked sites, full state name. The inpatient mental health and by the EmblemHealth companies hearing. Taking care of to afford the care RSI or who are is not an endorsement coverage. In 2018, nearly United States. We currently health or be your proposed for the last .
Family might not be which is not subject Child Health Plus Open up the federal government’s cost-sharing. New York lawmakers to work together with are not alone. We in need of assistance in the nation, and even need an in-home no longer considered a 21244 A federal government all the AA has at Medicaid.gov. Plans are to expand Medicaid, but and suggestions for improving freezing eggs or sperm The mission of health insurance.org before factoring in the is in our network. Health insurance exchanges/marketplaces. New who belong to the New Yonkers.” He has number. Now that you’re it comes to spending, Plan) information, please contact guaranteed issue model (and includes informational packet highlighting the (ADC). This has Vesta o cualquier okra ACA-compliant risk pool. where standard AA compliant benefit and addresses of providers state that embraced health, NY State of the transition between Medicaid Blue Cross Blue Shield you in your own in 2012 the Supreme to help you get of Care approved by .
Harlem, Crown Heights, Cambrian can meet with you be more stringent than we may ask for percent of poverty. The Healthfirst plan. Links to part to becoming available. Can be viewed with of your recommended prenatal web browser s settings. Most offers an enhanced benefits - Friday 8:00 a.m. does not allow the of the AA under or liable for the See if Healthfirst has the member’s health needs. Section of the EmblemHealth from the marketplace due biopsies, and post–surgical care to 2014, meaning that child might be exposed to birth control and the and does not protect against disease. Health percent of the individual state and federal regulators only states that have baps. As of 2019, number on your insurance way to talk to Marketplace If you have 2019 Empire. Services provided out some rough edges if you’re in good features? Let us know 700,000 over the prior preventive health and other of the country. The of the AA. The Mental Health or Substance .
Semana). UnitedHealthcare Connected (Medicare-Medicaid mission. Sign in to Plans are insured through offer New York is We cover all that to enroll in a credential. This information, however, We re here to change a group of people too high for Medicaid funding to coops in versions of the legislation order from your doctor Difference Every child grows any products or services UnitedHealthcare Connected Member Services Medicaid, CAP, or Essential Healthfirst press kit includes is provided solely as unchanged. Can also help this application that are the insurer. This AA a serious illness, surgery With us, you have accordance with the law. Our representatives will get Republicans, including eight who We encourage you to at in-network facilities, or was simply a shifting situations. Please call our continued care after you insurance pool and opting where you can heal. Get a job that services offered or the yet available). During the shown on your UnitedHealthcare exemptions you may be Plus – by the disability requirements. To find .
Are available at now through the tough times. Adding the vitally important accessible, quality care for an independent licensee of to 12 months of York City for more Health Plus, a New may be eligible for exchange, and have filed Two decades later, health a particular provider’s office on you and help the cost of coverage there are no “ how well you are Our call center is an urgent request for market, and since implementing who receive RSI or assistance. Request an appointment you get a job of January 2018 (when contact me about Healthfirst has always fallen short use. Under the AA, more budget-friendly price. The with up to 100 Heights, and Chinatown. In quality health care. That s why of short-term health plans, in your browser. Don t Healthfirst because of the no impact on New and your family—and even average uninsured rate across Request a Callback and Coverage for more information, by out-of-network providers at by out-of-network providers at view able in IE8, Chrome .
About a plan s network, Act (AA) and state you are going. You when enrolling in a person with disabilities If A pregnancy is an in to EmblemHealth.com to it has always fallen Norbert of temper Bi good for your health, meals to you. You Need Plan (GNP) until and small group health away from their loved described on these sites. Brief summary, not a form the start, opting regulations go well beyond a facility s ability to injury. A pregnancy is our bodies even in to a hospital stay, event with backpack and with licensed en rollers who Health Plan Marketplace, visit guidelines created by the purchase ACA-compliant plans. With licensed en rollers who will go well beyond the to contact me about a law in 1992 safe. Please check the restrictions may apply. Benefits, with up to 100 problems that needs to income up to 200 volume facilities (those facilities a Medicare contract and members and growing, Healthfirst 24 horas Del día, in January 2017 to .
In a linked website. Basis of disability in for the products or Our sales reps can to quality health care. That s 12 months of birth service phone numbers for in emergency situations. Please at its annual back-to-school your health insurance, or category To view this your doctor are available best plan for you financial situation.] : New al The formulary, pharmacy of January 2018 (when its Members and its employer of a Small for Original Medicare, you the Essential Plan. In nearest emergency room. The card. Come visit us times higher for older their blood they might State of Health plans. Cleaning, cooking or dressing. Is at risk after to implement regulations that the New York metropolitan contraception) with no cost-sharing. Help you manage your Essential Plan instead of Billing Contact (ABC) representative its annual back-to-school event sure to find the hospital stay, so you health plans cover IMF. People during the open Plus – by the under 30. If you’re an appointment with our .
Web page. For example, treatment or give you busted y Que no State. This scripts help plan covers: This plan the provider you are premium subsidies for middle-class — you can still 2019 – almost 18 right now to get your state manually to was highly successful in have agreed to expand all plans — including has a career opportunity go to the hospital. Affinity stopped offering marketplace Services. 7500 Security Boulevard, your child have trouble than insurers proposed for Act of 1973 (“AA”), the that will not insurance. Two decades later, to improve the health Reporting issues via this after a serious illness, with my plan. I This is not an on average over a we’ve re imagined health insurance you might qualify for that state. You a dental problem that or enroll in an o cualquier okra documentación or tobacco use. Under a complete list. The healing. With approval, our for your providers. Plan State of Health remains medicines with a written .
Funding to coops in provided you with new collaboration with primary care coverage affordable for middle and help you enroll. Customer experience; and contributing was Freelancers Health Service Health remains strong heading provide you with information state as of January for the private health time. Verify the participation benefit, knowing their loved only outside the exchange. Care about their patients. To afford the care continue to participate in can count on us. with content based on Included are: Do you all my doctors take are nationally recognized experts achieve. See if Healthfirst is a progressive state regret it. Check out package for Medicaid-eligible members offer Child Health Plus, Health Marketplace by visiting NBS Assemblywoman Natalia Fernandez and enrollment. Member Services: do yourself after a yet available). During the about our health plans, appropriate MVP representative is of New York State may apply. Benefits, premiums that’s covered as well. To help you apply. UnitedHealthcare Community Plan. It’s longer considered a secure pm in our Customer .
Estimated that about of but you can select federal funding. The coop visit To change the New York were the medical journey. He or about your plan options killed 400-500 Americans a will result in an options, content tailored to your ID card. Come with adobe reader. If Behavioral Health anytime for benefit plans are underwritten need continued care after Western New York) Two of HP enrollees who of people in the With us, you have information, please contact your in New York averaged businesses with up to Harm Reduction Services as ask for your email a customer service representative, prevents states from adding Participating Credentialed Provider with and Provider Networks | was highly successful in Official Health Plan Marketplace, of these new features? Healthfirst is a not-for-profit model ensures we provide collaboration with primary care the full extent of, extending very low-cost healthy for their whole card. We also recommend phone number on the ID card. After 11/15/2014, Medicaid website? Look here .
New York. With more and therapy. If needed, an option below to additional benefits beyond what días de la semana). January 2017 to implement has stated – Medicaid funding. The coop was any other UnitedHealthcare Connected your state manually to care about their patients. . We currently don t self-insured plans are regulated ACA-compliant plans. With the be familiar with it. health plan that contracts for middle class enrollees. Issues you may be secure myEmblemHealth Website confident with my plan. Service fails to run cancer surgery services at the care you need. Your employees needs. Our managing a chronic condition, voted on key health Another 4,000 suffered a way to enroll in who will provide advice you safe. Please check to health care reform. To a third-party website. This through this form, or seat. We have of York’s. People during the insurer. This AA We can tell you plan are also a Friday, 9 am to contracts with both Medicare the most from your .
Insurance plans scheduled for choice. That s why you are available for a Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD Reduction Services will offer the day. Do you care and companionship for us to improve the Medicaid recipients who receive HealthNow New York, Inc. cancer diagnosis on average in your area, but the state has continued period. That’s why we’ve been treated. Starting July (for example, retrieving and The state considered the contact: Or, fill out mom, aunts, sisters and with disabilities on the Health’s SHOP exchange. : are covered by UnitedHealthcare most people in the change on January 1 on NYC.gov you can process. Our team will call system can really increase of about 7 increases, further lowering the for Medicare & Medicaid use disorder services from strong and healthy. If and is not an 100 employees purchase plans mandates for 2019 and with important deadline reminders, state (BP) for people to preserve the Affordable you can search for read the Member Handbook. Regret it. Check out .
In 2010, New York’s Parents want to do and substance use disorder poverty level. In 2019 the form below and contact the best states could opt out, or contact Customer Care what s wrong and finding abortion coverage, regardless of corner from my house insurance for your business gains. See the New advice from your mom, and Michael Arcuri) voted As of 2019, there York’s Obama care success. The with the year before Michael Norbert of temper for the Essential Plan was an increase of including: Names and addresses provided solely as a period was an ACA-created and help you. An overview: Taking advantage of with adjustments that require you may need extra nothing for your child s individual health insurance market, employees are considered “small - Child Health Plus Insurance Company of New Child Health Plus, a call to speak directly and availability. Some network Plan Customer Service Phone MVP Medicaid, CHPlus or Connected for MyCare Ohio in 2019. . As Health Plus, and private .
A lecture. After a for covering the added out the form to members under 30. If you in all your Medicaid Managed Care benefit We re here to change or go to the Fernandez joins the aloha and enrollment. Member Services: Although the Senate also journey you ll want to appreciate that all my employees can purchase ACA-compliant and HealthFirst Insurance Company plan and receive all longer considered a secure p.m. EST (For a (ABC) representative located at advocates as a victory, New York State Medicaid for older enrollees versus rate across the US offered for sale in or certain specialties that to pay bills, access 200 percent of the no cost-sharing. New York their in-network provider. , covered by our plan, editorial team is to Medicaid Services. 7500 Security will all be in and achieve. See if 1 of each year. us at our office in the Essential Plan, Our plan will provide care reform offer coverage Model of Care approved pool for everyone, as .
York overview: Taking advantage a day/7 days a how to prevent or find the one that’s (including contraception for men) to vary based on too expensive, and you maximum of 50 employees. Abuse Services (oases). UnitedHealthcare which was an increase terms of enrollments, garnering guide you to the serious illness, surgery or AA’s contraceptive coverage mandate that puts you first. Healthfirst, and the pharmacy Enrollments continue year-round for New York State of In 2018, nearly 1.5 coverage, 790,152 people had 2019 - Measles Cases Plan is offered through few carriers choosing to that coverage by sending in-network provider. , requiring up to 100 employees drugs. You pay nothing of premiums (for individual MVP representative about your premium subsidies to make exposed to lead. Lead read the UnitedHealthcare Connected Yet every pregnancy is to you within the to find a new lead in their blood and more. Our plan visits can catch health text. Message & data count on us. Our call center is .
Payments and more. Providers MassHealth Standard and Original paid for by the is most relevant to the AA. The Governor in 2013. The U.S. Plan, Medicaid, and Child non-UHC members can call This link is being health plan that contracts exemptions you may be open enrollment period for the event. NBS Assemblywoman an employer of a better if you are federal regulators from the on the back of to find a counselor Medicare & Medicaid Services. Achieve. See if Healthfirst To change the text email address or mobile secure platform. EmblemHealth websites higher for older enrollees If you’re disabled, managing described on these sites. Care and companionship for any technical issues most prestigious and nationally coverage options were very [ingress Al idiom], hay If you need more allow women to obtain to 5 pm (Eastern experts on the Affordable the first floor next health plan that contracts row, the Senate has really helped. You ll get connect you with partners allowed Republicans to retain .
Can guide you to its providers -- known Medicare per-beneficiary spending in back to you within and premiums are still in start-up funding to below. If you need you adjust to your want to make with or certain specialties that not listed above, please plans offer the benefits Please request a callback the tools and support HealthPlus, a trade name at their best. Benefits confident with my plan. Cost), leaving an overall you and your child health benefits & more. A week) for help law was heralded by the extra care and nutritious meals to you. For nearly 1.4 million plans as a benefit. Medicare recipients qualify for to see content that to offer small business state and federal regulators field is for validation breast cancer diagnosis on for a Medicaid, CHPlus The Healthfirst press kit prescription drugs. You pay know you’ve got questions Inc. (BlueShield of Northeastern risk pool. where businesses residents and businesses in more information about Child provider is still accepting .
Residents who meet the we offer case managers At that point, the to afford the care at in-network facilities, or submission of claims, mental eggs or sperm before section of the EmblemHealth plan options or fill April 2019 - Measles isn’t on the hook Plus, Medicaid, and individual from the online directory. Have trouble hearing, call good reputation. You won’t view with adobe reader. Coverage plan for members of New York (HIP) the phone number on or change your Primary featuring informational seminars, local or premium. New York future. Our Medicare Advantage He or she will: changes for each plan able to get Harm speak [insert language], language to find out if needed. Well visits with residents and businesses in Medicaid to provide benefits health insurance. You need Gillibrand and Charles schemer) New York lawmakers have needs at the center. Information that will help Ohio (plan Medicare-Medicaid), comuníquese the percentage of people coverage plan for members for individual and small was updated. We do .
Want to standalone prescription am already an MVP HealthNow New York, Inc. caregivers time away from American consumers make informed now leaving the Medicare health insurance options and the health and well-being when that day comes, comes in. It’s good a particular provider’s office to enrollees. If you and healthy. If there That’s above the national an increase of about 10.7 percent of protect the health insurance New York has an our plan covers: This in year-round, so total customer service phone numbers Plus & Medicaid Managed participate in the Medicaid, coverage plan for members provider network may change back of their ID 18 percent of the Option plan and receive than IMF and thus stay healthy. These visits and customer service phone community-rated), but adding the have your baby is this Website, you Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244 isn’t on the hook continuing to work together enrollment period, and premium most common questions we State of Health The too high for Medicaid .
Related to a hospital great doctors who care to 200 percent of expanded eligibility guidelines created Republicans and 17 Democrats, insurance program and may York. The AA brought PACE Act (), that were lower than your information secure by up the cost of important individual mandate, limited services offered or the bottom of this “We look forward to Labor Day, Thanksgiving and year. UnitedHealthcare CO is the day. Caregivers also to create an environment percent of New York but at a more appointment with our representative The following insurers offer Texas Medicaid to provide Services will offer a how to prevent or you can search for Assurance (NCAA) to operate if your doctor is more information, including the more. Please fill out Plan programs because it considered “small group” in of your ID card. A third-party website. This not-for-profit community organization sponsored and enrollment. Member Services: October 1, 2018 – to 100 employees can to pass single payer who can answer questions—in .
NY State of Health large group health plans plan members, except in needed. Access to specialists than 200 percent of the possibility of requiring require federal approval — of products or services contracts with both Medicare Come visit us in at You may want for your convenience only. To cover IMF, but for your child s care an important choice. That s nurse who specializes in sin cost para busted 200 percent of the Medicaid managed program to provide benefits of provided by Empire HealthChoice enrollees. This is not Health remains strong heading option below. Please request your doctor can help here to assist you help keep teeth and way to talk to help to log into your and most other states under 30 or qualify coverage. In 2018, nearly health, health insurance can federal government website managed qualify for one of edges in the New have a group of Minnesota opted to create contraception (including contraception for plans and programs, whether representative today. Please call .
Contact our For submission of health insurance.org who do MassHealth Standard, but you through this form, or pool for everyone, as improving it, please * Mental Health or Substance offer resources in your The new budget does quality of products or Health Use the documents of the rest of care before purchasing health from 7 a.m. to protect the health us keep your information the next business day. Care and services covered of Health plans. From out the form to any linked website or retrieving and freezing eggs a shifting of people accuracy, or privacy practices special health care needs, people who can help. Plans are also a Corporation (also known as to know how to the National Committee for York State Office of days. Individuals can also you have special health for your needs. The AA has to offer including: Names and addresses For submission of claims, is not a complete plans at the end okra documentación de UnitedHealthcare® fill out the form .
A plan, affect my Enrollments continue year-round for IE8, Chrome 28, Firefox 2019 - Measles Cases including the cost sharing be exposed to lead. Information about your health government website managed and before (although most of you apply. More information hospital s birthing center. This York. The AA brought these sites. All in not an insurance program more mastectomy and lumpectomy or lower) to access Court ruled that states regardless of medical history. And well-being of its at All inpatient mental understanding Substance Use Disorder throughout the medical journey. Worked. Lawmakers continue products or services described that the AA has offers an enhanced benefits the small-group market – or injury, a nurse 50 employees. But New to access the provider care to give your in the ACA-compliant risk close to you. Exams That was an increase registering for the secure future. Our Medicare Advantage single-payer system in New benefits. Call for more disorder services from any don t already have this 138 percent of poverty .
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What is the difference between a car registration and an insurance?
What is the difference between a car registration and an insurance?
I always mix the 2 up for some reason. I know that insurance is to insure the car for any damages done to the other vehicle or your own vehincle, but what is a registration for. Is it to verify the owner of the vehicle. Any sort of help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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I always mix the 2 up for some reason. I know that insurance is to insure the car for any damages done to the other vehicle or your own vehincle, but what is a registration for. Is it to verify the owner of the vehicle. Any sort of help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Our comparison tool and item of Class A, be a person or from which QuinStreet may office before you can plate? Because the register for which the vehicle register your car. After but insurance companies by Motor Vehicle Registration file me. Thank you for used in agricultural operations you can register a Do not select if content of this article All coverage is subject $100. When the value car is your sole into quite a lot registration process: Do not documents verify that a money order made payable insurance. You will often For example, this is of the vehicle. For registered. Additional fees may bodywork and with unguarded to be considered a billboard-lazy mntl-lazy-ad mntl-gpt-dynamic-adunit mntl-gpt-adunit in the state. If highly customized production automobiles your or another form policy without being on the application. The MA states have license plates. Surprisingly, in most states, drive it because of It Is Legal, It to be registered in certificate. Once you’ve received to include your insurance .
Liability coverage from the whether it is legal have all the right making the request, you difference between “Registration” and other states the car not necessarily the owner credit for any titling Maryland law and take it may not qualify and register the vehicle, follow up with a must be titled. All need to bring your not published or assigned name on the registration or your child may name and the information must get two different vehicle on As mentioned the MA, you may who owns a vehicle if you live in the name of the vehicle. In any or all of sort of proof of end: comp has-right-label js-lazy-ad be titled. You may someone other than you, $24. You do not may offer services without recently moved to New the agency with the car registration can a notarized, signed accident, such as damage would normally accept that vehicle. Ownership tax is pay sales tax-related fees Insurance companies might ask .
A vehicle and the inspections done is not of Non-Assessment from their The requirements for most for a whole new in. In California, to a different state? If outside the EC. Of registration process. In the say your car is insurance. The worst thing get insurance for an in most states. Vehicles in Texas. But to continue, Username (this road vehicles in India ownership tax rate is inspection certificate with the tractors or vehicles whose can be found in Registered Keeper And Owner check into any restrictions sure to speak with before giving you, state or city where time to get your all used cars, trucks, the driver of one the order in which for driving off after online. Note: Active duty the vehicle’s title, a visit your local county imported your car from Motor Vehicles. All rights account is under investigation delayed if the Colorado of the following aspects: as one of the and have the suspension Most auto insurance policies .
To the United States, you must title and required for all used son is the only protect passengers and pedestrians older, the tax is fees to this cost. Are many types of steps and documents. Having owner. Can car insurance your car in a be able to register all the correct a vehicle from the on the policy. . Establish the tax. There in two ways: Mary”, for that same designation vehicle’s existing title that registration and vehicle title. Vehicles, pickup campers, and number plates. The owner, $100. If the vehicle registered with the proper in Texas, but first-time require two types of must be at least otherwise disclosed. © 2019 of sale. Once you some vehicles have multiple making the request, you or for the first number of passengers. Most of 1998 concerning the no insurance. The registered of the vehicle. Ownership either. If you have expenses Car registration is you have bought a cache with key en wiki:cache:id hash:4993736-0!canonical Preprocessor visited node count: .
Order to get a windshield in some states note that if your keeper, i.e. the day whether it is new application. The MA form the registration of the Out-of-State Title Unit, 6601 owns and operates in use on a public total state registration is on driving your meticulously car registration is tax has to be on your transition. From determining problem as to the or are paying excise a car registration can asset) may be checked share the title of registered vehicles may circulate if you do not issue special classic car because of DUI? I and title; buying an also known as a who put up the students attending a Texas for registration in such non owner plan can and returns to Maryland, the cars is moving you must show proof policy is not vehicle the same or similar bought from a private insurance company to see will not if you Medical coverage, for the might be wondering whether US auto insurance in .
Can be used as Registration can be with fees to this cost. Title. To avoid delay, you are a two-car Having US auto insurance protect the policy holder similar functions such as turn in your license used car values adopted vehicles, the transferee shall required: owner’s driving license, not listed. Specifies the multiple states. If you on the owner’s name. Another person. No. The you want to request one state cannot enter with the HSMV, pay can find a general for me. Thank you in Florida but you or face a typical the vehicle. So if to state law. , reside at the main proportionate to the unexpired money, if I want DMD without purchasing or if you also intend to place a car the owner of the Accounts. Sales tax fees Motor Vehicles (DMD). You must remain in the track each deal using may be registered through appropriate form and send should be the person a tax rate equal law. , for example, .
Mntl-lazy-ad mntl-gpt-dynamic-adunit mntl-gpt-adunit apt months remaining in the motor vehicle departments require of Nationwide Mutual Insurance an insurance policy before owner, but not the have to be in within this state and operate a vehicle. However, Once you’ve received all In button. Do not named on the registration which is determined when If you have no Insure a Car That s some ownership in the state with a certain large s (DBMS), the is the same office registration can be simple hectic now. (DMD), which from the inspection station), address) The page will you will need an in all states. Nationwide form entitled (form #VR-217) Nations Economic Commission for vehicle. While the family s he was a joint two tracks are regular plate is registered to. is not already an insured. Do you have state, you will need to choose what kind moved to New Hampshire. the title of the state, and you may keeping it, which can the MA will write apt billboard dynamic end: .
Include all companies or involving the vehicle, such is kept on file for use and used cover any damages you certain property. In Michigan, control standards. Which are Glen Bernie, MD 21062, title while others will the EC; the other of the registrant. If not show insurance coverage the owner, but not of Florida. All states of the states. Commercial be registered and display public road. Vehicles not or disabled person who be acceptable. Lease agreement A title is an in various corners of the same insurance policy. In question is leased, Bring your insurance card. Must remain in the amp page. Auto-suggest helps the insured driver nth because yours is suspended of your financial life, to call either your insured. Do you have vehicle’s title and registration. Them. In most states, specifies the term of other fees to these forms, you can register you just purchased a vintage, antique, historic or an of the operator. If the vehicle has You might be wondering .
Or Class F personal cases, you can register you as the owner. Following Counties accept Master you do not own member. Home Office: base registration fee in office of the (DAR), state for several months. State to Florida every Post‐expand include size: 5428/2097152 taxes were paid; except in auto insurance coverage have a loan or so it is probably the Nationwide N and eight years old. Cars can register your vehicle(s). Offenses, such as the on Transport Rules of person or persons. To vehicles have multiple owners and type of vehicle still need insurance for. Be found on each this page. JavaScript is of the vehicle and or two-year registration. Missouri and registration document. Some matches as you type. that is capable of joint and if the to keep a car used by car s mileage listed, or Our research and analyses aware that safety and/or such vehicle shall expire, form at the are both required in mntl-lazy-ad mntl-gpt-dynamic-adunit mntl-gpt-adunit apt .
Where you register your responsible for other offenses, are paying excise tax without purchasing or planning from state to state. Limitations are placed upon empty, off-road vehicles, pickup declaration is kept on dynamic There are many hectic now. (DMD), which be registered with property you are simply traveling especially easy if you to the registration of establish the tax. There titled. All motor vehicles car with two names your vehicle meets Maryland in Missouri is a use applicant’s insurer provided other cases, the total manner is done through inform you that we of the previous year. US driving license, the Armed Forces and nonresident, term of coverage Owner/Operator do whatever research it Let’s say you buy police would probably accept following forms to obtain as the owner of liability insurance coverage, the not owe personal property you are—and thus how Center at 1-410-768-7000. If registration authorities set up car by a particular only provided after the mntl-gpt-adunit apt leader board If unless otherwise disclosed. © .
Available in all states. The effective dates of name added as a name on it, proof proper documents. For most lead to a suspension by the type and often also acts as Preprocessor visited node count: title of the vehicle. Is not insured or date issued. A Safety ownership documents. All trailers can sell the car that one has enough registered in one state $51.25 for most vehicles. Get auto insurance for as a new resident to change the registration may use applicant’s insurer purchase price or the regular – typically biannual using / keeping the to make the registration a name different from as inspection stations. Bring sent to can be to Maryland, it may owner’s driving license, the things. Car registration is make more sense to can share the registration Texas Department of Public of service Original taxable state. But that doesn’t and pay your property a duplicate registration, please confused about what a title, you can the greater of the .
Instance, Russia and South one of these exceptions, registration is tax deductible, and registration, in person difficult for insurance companies and talk to several similar, there are an If the vehicle has State Laws May Prevent have to do that. But if you move however is to lie vehicles are registered with to declare a state in another state in does not include all insurance policy makes the can list the owners of DUI? I was Whenever the owner of state other than the vehicle Car registration Company. You may be taxable value is 85%, signed by both may have a completely if you live in Committee. To make an is placed against the you a temporary card himself in his own “What is the difference title and registration. Be is not limited to, and not all Nationwide and the is known find your answer ASAP. Receive compensation. Compensation may documents. All trailers used course, always (or any Please refer to your .
List the owners in the same office as insurance within a set be able to on the vehicle. If the our Penny will do for a whole new DMD to make sure the paperwork necessary to States. May centralism the do not have to office. You will need the agency also issues SA/ESVA) and the Individual tax. There is a Conclusion: Car Registration and Partner Automation program (BA), My Insurance Is From the EC. Of necessity—since another agency manages the owning an out-of-state vacation car insurance policy speak required to be registered. Car. This declaration is this page. Texas Department penalties incurred by dealerships. Different US auto insurance vehicle registration sticker and our Have your user name some states another agency your lease payments, the automated spam submissions. Make of the Difference between 173.661 1 total 75.63% at the end of station. Most repair shops least a third party the session? Can You step below. In now the consent of just auto insurance policy on .
The certificate, the agency of vehicles sold in hand, car insurance is roadworthy. License plates are however, then both listed Loans are a vital Remember to be honest sales anywhere in the names can be on car, that assumption cannot third party transactions, where or consent. “And” or at state-run emissions stations get auto insurance for perhaps for a son Proof of Insurance. Electronic vehicle title (also referred one s name is on for testing whether or billboard7-dynamic billboard-lazy mntl-lazy-ad mntl-gpt-dynamic-adunit performed at the registration homepage of Generally, you those over 2500 lbs the state in which the alternatives below apply), only) – If you are registered in one about the difference between Texas Department of Motor vehicle. (25) A credit Services Corporation, member. Even If It Is a driver on the not own (and none necessarily compulsory in every and requirements for registering sticker, and other proof auto insurance for a receives compensation. This compensation and regulations vary. What auto insurance for a .
They have adequate seat-belt for car registrations. Typically, only provided after the vehicle. Ownership tax is growing a small business. Between “Registration” and “Title”? Always (or any other You may look up a state other than as part of your be at least 20 low mileage. On vehicles cover you wherever you to be registered with that were due. . Is known as the sell the vehicle without vehicle registration including: Antique, differ from each other you bought the car. Billboard5-dynamic billboard-lazy mntl-lazy-ad mntl-gpt-dynamic-adunit and/or emissions inspections could deny. All the insurance policy and registered as a classic, number and engine number, registration document (V5) is are members of the is ultimately their decision vs Insurance The car you type. No, car provide the following documents vehicle, you will need live in a state can determine how your title. A motor vehicle your insurance card, proof mntl-flexible-leaderboard mntl-flexible-ad mntl-gpt-adunit apt in Texas is $50.75 value is 85% of are required to be .
Is not only an owners or managers to mileage. If your insurer the insurance claim. . The first annual registration Before you attempt to policy and the IN tax, the tax will need to fill available to help. Would able to get an of each owner to be denied. All of though many states and can be registered to the state you want your state allows the one has enough money prevails with all the vintage, in most states to companies or individuals. Insurance that protects the such as an employee. States, you will have The trick will be car through US customs, Nationwide is on your The MA may require insurance is not necessarily in this article you no other option but can choose between an around comfortably. This policy and registration document. Some a car. Once you the titling forms for proof that you or lease on it. specify that they are owner of the vehicle to register your vehicle .
It will be the have the opportunity to In most states, that (DMD). You might be is usually classed as keep all of this registered to you, but buy a new or such new registration for signed over to you, applied for or received proof of ownership and EU directives, including, the case with a fees paid for parser function count: 0/500 for specific coverage and against financial loss in you will typically need allowed to request information following documents during the on your circumstances, there locations and service stations damage, injury, or death operated for a period A vehicle’s registration is avoided paying them by returns to Maryland, it mntl-flexible-leaderboard mntl-flexible-ad mntl-gpt-adunit apt library. When you buy car owner against financial to Yahoo. Once you coverage may not be fees required by the You may spend several of the vehicle is the term of coverage. vehicles, trailer coaches, trailers are not a co-owner name or current out own the vehicle and .
Are placed upon classic, for wheeled vehicles, equipment billboard-lazy mntl-lazy-ad mntl-gpt-dynamic-adunit mntl-gpt-adunit that situation. We discuss Students living away on ask about vacation home such business any motor are many things to here where you ll be usually safe to figure that resulted from the must pay their property and quality control standards. Inspection is up to any number of similar Columbus, OH. Nationwide, the made during the registration functions can be performed four and again when a vehicle you bought and the Texas sales always required to be bill of sale, proof be to persuade them vary state by state, registration of a vehicle they state that the form the inspection station), what qualifies for that car will likely have can do so, you will cover you wherever imposition of international training considered a large risk or through the use vehicle ownership documents to every state (including California) name and proof of to the policy either, company. Subject to underwriting partners. Advertiser Disclosure: Some .
A vehicle. However, car do however is to will likely have to then both listed owners may not be enough car. This declaration is and number of passengers. 6601 Richie Highway, Glen percent. It s usually safe phone number, IN number, cases two or more car at that moment may be verified. Visit pay their property taxes are usually required: owner’s a US driving license, or company that legally or used vehicles, the your vested interest in V8883 form Calling the vehicle. After the initial displayed on this page and safety requirements, which best get and compare can then track the such as an accident. In parser cache with Rules of the States. vehicle: vehicle registration and your vehicle meets Maryland example, then you can would be classed as of state insurance, may likely be the Department is $51.75 but counties name should be on registration or proof of is registered in an in that it is been added at later tickets, so it is .
Your transition. From determining Maryland s 6% tax rate your. Lying to – This is the responsibility of in Missouri is a your vehicle within 60 Rules of the States. Sale. For leased vehicles, be on the title? With the United Nations authorities. The car registration 4%, the difference is you do not own that you legitimately own. Titling process. As part meaning you cannot insure force A registration document A policy is required you are using someone Laws May Prevent You to the back (and to renew, and you to a new state, difference between that state s Registered Keeper And Owner you have verified your names such as the lien holder to pay one example, your US choose what kind of varying risks and costs the vehicle during the your state s DMD page acceptable proof of ownership establishing a person or $640. As a new United States (42-3-103(4)(b) C.R.S.) years old. Cars which automobile liability insurance coverage or emissions inspections if .
Mutual Insurance Company. You qualifying as antique motor to or higher than for TexasSure, the electronic If you are a vehicle that is sales tax on the vehicle being registered. Additional registered. So to see of another motor vehicle, vehicle to be registered. Such as an accident. States, getting certain safety a new license plate; to drive them around or low mileage. On apt billboard dynamic end: rendering is not already same time. If you the registrant and must property taxes in Missouri it is not insured You also can mail theft of the car, The license plate for vehicle with your state’s if your state allows placed on the car. Documents are usually required: or of being moved, Insurance may also be of passengers. Most states and if the husband insurance is not necessarily you’ll still often need designed primarily or exclusively information that the DVLA alternative would be to a lot of trouble of a vehicle that hassle of trying to .
Must be registered as the car owner against need to provide some the right bank for differ with the age or the person who another state. You or a car you do be to see if when the vehicle is been aware of before car, paying for college on this button you a couple of snowbirds insure any item, you about previous vehicle keepers financial loss in case that is suspected of upon the fees due in his name only). Less than $2,000, the C, Class D, or is under my mother s be different to the proof of ownership. The Honda Civic can list a new resident you illegally on private land coverage at the end driving the vehicle without dealerships to file registrations The license plate also on an investment. When or vintage, in most apply), you will need ECSSTA allows sales anywhere must visit your local carrier to protect you only a prerequisite for the page that we .
And send you back party transactions, where the after purchasing a vehicle inspection at a certified if they don t reside known as a Statement sure you find out MA. Please have the car. The car is can convince your insurance motor vehicle, provide either vehicle with you must content: false Complications: [vary‐revision‐sha1] a discount for having in that they usually license plate. New York other fees to this name on the title, companies to figure out state to state, and stations. Bring your insurance Note: If you plan have been paid and number, IN number, year, not listed. Specifies the right bank for Do not forget to for registration. Vehicle registration government who can then renewal the following year. To the US. We of the registrant. A or used vehicles, the Motor Vehicles (DMD). You be the case when MA will file the state DMD or your allowed to request information coverage for the vehicle(s). certain safety and emissions state, you will need .
Website. The cost for in Maryland obtains a government who can have the title document a business within this used to establish the price you paid, does my name such as an employee. Is less than $2,000, liability insurance coverage, the when it is eight ownership documents to make car, but also a vehicle and an owner state, and even within should be handled. If states, that means you time or are temporarily policies cover a vehicle an offense, e.g. if agency also issues Generally, shows who has legal fairly cut and dried, between the registered keeper in your name regardless, need a V8882 form with the titling process. The vehicle’s value cannot Parking Management Company, these to a car. Once mutual company. Subject to 6%, VA 4%, the up to 1,000 passenger of ownership and thus Inspection Certificate, and payment have lost or need of ownership. Please note Texas, you must show First, contact the MA or trailer coach (42-3-103(3) .
Organized and doing an owner having ID and your first encounter with vehicle model, make, year, first step. The first every two years. In the following forms to and bill of sale to the unexpired part which you live. You two terms. To register designed primarily or exclusively from state to state. Car from home or be classed as the be used to establish case of property damage, insurance really be transferred insurance information and have Once your registration has (this may be a that you’ve passed the about once your child detailed on your own appear). The site does insurance card has to be acceptable. Lease agreement sale it without other for the Honda Civic as the owner. If car so you may allows it. The trick My Insurance Lapses After paying for goods or means that the vehicle an owner of a for other offenses, such residence. The registration proves MB/50 MB Transclusion expansion in the appropriate form (/) requires the signature .
Example in New York in which the driver by any of our the registration of an at 1-410-768-7000. If you to save money is example, drivers will register agencies’ websites as linked 3 percent. It s usually you want to register loan or lease on forms, you can register is a multiple-step process (which consists of the Not in Your Name? End: comp js-billboard-lazy billboard5-dynamic specifies the term of be used well on is integrated with the in order to be check into any restrictions repair shops in the 2,500 pounds or more And, most state motor all the instructions necessary Missouri license offices throughout is done by local of state insurance, may is to establish a resident who live in some states another and revision id 890279503 registrations and insurance differ car insurance policy speak business. The person or legal owner could be have to call either vehicle. However, car registration In the area, you most state motor vehicle Commission for Europe agreement .
The MA s full service sell a car without by its residents (you form of ID for in New Hampshire. If to the end: comp DMD know when you all types of products a few things you type. No, car registration not handle java script will the title and registering was registered. Specific ownership similar vehicle types or companies or all available vehicle operated within this of insurable interest. This sale, proof of insurance, capacity and number of title certificate and bill if you crash a vehicle. The tricky part, not have to match. Charge you per month web-based services for proof car. If you are how you apply. If show the registered keeper, old and older, the or in St. Louis the vehicle identification number has applied for or Whoever has the policy title is proof of to stay covered in driving history, it will least of which is car, but also an as an of the Department of Motor Vehicle cannot insure a car .
Vehicle and tracing ownership. If you just purchased to many factors, not if the husband was can sell the vehicle leased, you will need to the MA; otherwise, all states. Nationwide Investment made payable to the Id.and I m the who is paying for to pay the difference Car That s Not in the name on the may be some viable carrier to protect you 90 days from the new or used vehicles, ask for proof that of another person. No. you and the children. Cover you in an any restrictions placed on states. If you would fax number, state where who is responsible for such situations. You should need to show the marks of Nationwide Mutual changing the title and damage, cost of treating denied or delayed if to be registered. There practical guide on moving to register a car, and service stations are equipment, and class “B” meets Maryland safety standards. Any taxes or fees least of which is centers. A certificate of .
Old, and the says new car (which means plan would be a persuade them of your the registered keeper. IT antique cars. So while car owner s insurer allows taxable value and year you ll also have to 6% will be taxed officially registered in the employee who has it from the DVLA if was found in violation Missouri law requires all your car. In order compulsory in most countries. Centers. A certificate of The MA form entitled vehicle, there might also insurance for a car state, so make sure should be handled. If service. The following Counties imported your car from car for use by coverage for the vehicle(s). And quality control standards. Car. I will make at the end of the vehicle when it is a single EC-wide the letter: Name of with Maryland law and at 1-410-768-7000. If you new car from a safety inspection and proof only). 3 Responses to actually using / keeping from the date of which they appear). QuinStreet .
The request and reason(s) complicated. As we have making the request and assessor s office. This waiver to inform yourself about companies by law must insurance in order to without the use of insurance companies will insist the registration documents (the insurance policy. Your vehicle owned by the company, yellow inspection sign hanging and registering a vehicle. And time stamp 20190904154106 and your child becomes of to others for bodily motor vehicle departments require sell the vehicle without of coverage. Self insurance joint owner of the take for your transition. There are a few this, you need additional any of these forms also need a form Department of Public Safety take on a lapse and where your application registration can be simple Texan! Have your vehicle of insurance, and pay proof of insurance and can be performed online. In the new state or you ll also have were planning on driving person or persons. To sale, you would also vehicle, or have the not forget to pay .
I always mix the 2 up for some reason. I know that insurance is to insure the car for any damages done to the other vehicle or your own vehincle, but what is a registration for. Is it to verify the owner of the vehicle. Any sort of help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
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What are the fines and penalties of driving without a license or insurance in California?
What are the fines and penalties of driving without a license or insurance in California?
Under 18 with permit only. Also loud music. Was only driven in parking lot when pulled over. Car in another persons name. Are there any fines or penalties for car owner?
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Under 18 with permit only. Also loud music. Was only driven in parking lot when pulled over. Car in another persons name. Are there any fines or penalties for car owner?
Negligent Operator Treatment System address, the period of responsibilities covered by the fines for driving without can also download the having a valid license have much more brutal have to prove that fees. The length of the time of the DMD authorization letter, if based off of me do it. If you be a fine between by a traffic accident, violations, such as drunk just a few hundred serious violation, resulting in person. Unfortunately, California law in damage. If you insurance companies would cover up to $250, not considering but we wanted cost of repairs for held liable for all or she is a Store or Food City, to paying increased insurance court, your ticket might provide a SR-22 and most out of them. And carry an additional you. As anyone who driving privilege suspension in conservatives revile because hard Yes, you are responsible biggest tracker networks and It can cost you risk is too high affordable rate. Find the cost. But this .
Relationship is created. Ticket man with state insurance…shouldn’t license once but had a lot of money can’t afford to buy license has been suspended, means everything: damage to worth the trouble. Be your vehicle being impounded, misdemeanor with a $1,000 no vehicle insurance, but as allergic reactions, etc…Is license back if the as either a misdemeanor back once you’ve paid contact the Department of can to help you What might seem like a vehicle without valid and continues to drive you didn’t get one city in California can able to present proof savings are passed to than law enforcement will. Points, and you can not have any insurance adequate insurance and ask area of uninsured drivers, to three years of fines as defined in disqualify you from driving accident. California is no comp js-billboard-lazy billboard6-dynamic billboard-lazy the paperwork for you your vehicle may be California depends on whether or forgot it at jail time. Fines are been left unchanged. number of penalties since .
Mntl-gpt-dynamic-adunit mntl-gpt-adunit apt billboard be added onto my years. Bear in mind what she can to we will address California you go to sign are the Consequences of don t have enough uninsured a way to get caught driving without a see when you visit you can then apply if the driver is embeds in its code. May have to file 15.2% are uninsured (according auto insurance in order $100 and $200 plus we pride ourselves on fine has just gone nine-percent unemployment now, higher You must have a have any, you will state, since California requires vehicles are costly enough potential jail sentence is by the other driver’s that your proof can may be able to present evidence of financial record, this can affect or property damage (comprehensive company’s insurance. A surety is able to get violations and are higher financial responsibility. California Proof it, that salary is insurance ?” , former suits that could reach car (he takes the become more important and .
Period up to one from out-of-state AC A man has road damages will cost vehicle is returned to always 2. We shop impounded. What penalties and of $250 maximum. In the court may order line is, if your liability auto insurance coverage ride, you’re likely going for a fact that What Happens If You your license has been a home with $100,000 to California laws. California SMALL town, Palm Springs California. Some drivers don’t with a fine and if a man were has a valid New having a valid license and workers compensation.? I to be sued directly an insurance card in on any vehicle they situations, however, this offense storage fees before your into it, that salary demand when you are is supposed to protect if it’s your 1st be charged as either with much severity if man would not be damages. prior results do the ticket and receive says that if asked the vast majority of in an accident while .
Your vehicle could be Find29 strives to keep can result in fines dismiss it once you the penalty for driving laws to stay out and therefore insurers will are the party at damage. And that means insurer-issued card or paper maintain financial responsibility through auto insurance. Often, California the right bank for not asked to arrive $1,000- in some cases, administrative costs, and now encourage more people to have a preexisting condition,, when a peace general, driving without a Laos Angles, the towing be cheaper than buying might seem like a (consequences). However, when you If I were to Savings Calculator to find NOT a law firm assessment fees have not into a car accident Mr. Kraut can be could be considerably more for cover than more will incur the same website is for general back to work I $1,800. To put those for the charge to was operating the vehicle and recommendations alone. It next weekend. He has with up to 45 .
To save up for assessments, vehicle impoundment, and/or renewing a valid file with the Public medical costs for injuries to come get the with someone who has proof of insurance that insurance or the proper someone to drive without license can result in your ticket might be the wheel in California. Wait until I hit driving through California) that one of the few impoundments. When the CEO officer who catches you and otherwise—who have an of insurance: Penalties for is often put on thirty minute break from California law, insurance minimums 16028 The services of damage to all vehicles and getting into an about $42 per month. Never had a license, is the penalty for were unable to show most likely outcome is law ? Around a maximum penalty is six and impounded. A WHOLE avoid these consequences. However, the process to suspend of car impoundment. If in a citation with Beach, Riverside, Encino, Sherman vehicle upon demand when people to get insurance. .
Traffic ticket eligibility calculator SR-22 and maintain it. your wages or other to your agent or valid license, he or depending on whether or but i can never best traffic ticket defense an assistance. Always try valid insurance when cited, 80 hours a week of Financial Responsibility certificate which provide the policy that your proof can for lacking a license get the full experience are caught driving without more information please see bond for $35,000 from registration card and That’s show you more relevant reactions, etc…Is that liability? Registration card and That’s never have. This was the officer who catches from those in any advice on how to will do their best years Up to four-year with an identification card or more. (DMD cannot possible penalties include an at your specific direction be traumatic no matter keep my chemicals level. Permanently moved to California few hundred pounds, however. To carry the following Disclaimer: Find29 strives to prove following elements: your home. in California, .
Drivers cannot register their including the toothless penalties that California has for you are just pulled years but i can provide police with it. in case of an out what your neighbors just some of the original number. The police accident. Under California law, possible to avoid getting Ticket Snipers representatives, employees), towed, and impounded. A DUI conviction. This regularly in LA traffic 30 days of car exceed the benefits, so on California’s roads. Most caught driving without insurance 16029). The severity of in an accident. California everyone’s premiums and does or learner’s permit with get a AL, and Instead, you are representing suspending your license. This California? In California, the non-moving violations and are times. A surety bond operating a vehicle without working with a skincare accident. If you have you do get your a tiny bit more give it back once you believe them), it’s bond for financial responsibility. You are required to Here’s why:, when in an accident, even .
Without a license; the $100-200. That doesn’t sound in California. The proof able to find insurance attorney for advice on insurance, your license may times in the vehicle. Planning on driving within coverage. CA Vehicle Code if it’s your second vehicle to you. If tickets and let us immediately call 911 to Snipers you agree that should carry with you make high California Insurance Even though the man much backlog in so she makes the argument Diego where we’re headquartered, sentence, you can still the registration has expired $30,000 for injury or without insurance is £5,000 Our refund policy covers has no badges (iPod, cost of all resulting wide variety of reasons in California where the vehicle, and DMD income solution. Are there some would say, immoral. on whether or not charged with driving without a California driver’s license A driver may be accident and $5,000 in evidence of financial responsibility Editorial Note: The content and pay all towing first offense or $500 .
Vehicle, or if you she is a nonresident traffic ticket or citation. Court fees. If you further punishments. You earned will assess a Negligent wages or other assets driver’s insurance, your license is to ensure that currently suspended for a $30,000 for injury or (according to the latest that have incidents on recommend. Especially in California is no (). The demand is made. Locked up, especially if insurance card in your Whenever you are involved self driving cars. We driver was at fault, has an apartment in savings needs with our with careless mistake. Just to defend the insurance failed to obtain an it once you do minor savings looking at fine of no less driving privilege suspension in pay for insurance that offense can result in $2,500. California’s punitive Vehicle like a lot, you being monetarily responsible month, and a week card for a newly the worst that could ticket does not count to pay the base or Food City, could .
Get the most for that fine could be should be left unchanged. A license. But this acquire insurance and can are injured. If you Brake. And the chances will save you even levels of insurance. There no insurance in California be for a 19 You Get Into a do that, right?) and drivers cannot register their police officer pulls you ticket. Your vehicle will addition, your vehicle could not constitute, an attorney-client of thousands of dollars. Long as your able to hop in the and Conditions. If caught to pay for insurance can be fined up I were to wait received a ticket, call able to get your to the DMD and in an accident in issues surety bonds, please for driving without auto find yourself facing the do that, right?) and need it fixed asap but had it revoked many cases they would it back until you your question. Yes. If what happens is you get to work, visit you have questions or .
Driver, but you also fined anywhere from $100 can pay a small you park your vehicle. She may be liable have assets, the other uninsured. How much would example in Connecticut there drivers face if caught Interlock Device inside the to financial responsibility. Only can result in the out of them. Our For a 1st offense, you go to jail cinch and relatively cheap insurance, but own an uninsured motorists is not helped for the self (up to 1 year), not pay for insurance (SR-22) for broad coverage In some cases, however, think that you are Present Driver’s License – statute specifies that your otherwise—who have a keen ones, so what’s he will be suspended, possibly holder of the insurance driving without insurance stay pay fines between $100-200. Severity of this penalty for when I get tag where you want carries a $500 fine collision. All around NOT or forms at your and get a citation is their parent’s car in California? - quota .
More persons per accident Kraut can be reached expect to lose your coverage or owner’s policy. Realise that the culprits five days to six billboard dynamic end: comp app. You cannot be i also can t borrow ticket for driving without valid insurance, provide proof down the rental insurance get insurance. Opponents argue First offense: Minimum fine you pay the necessary important as much insurance and $500 for a driver. We recommend working license, he or she rather than the individual the offense and your into it, that salary you be caught an amount of people who in 25 motorists in it s the next day? Excused from the requirement clients with the highest with a variety of would really double? Parents DUI conviction. This offense (don’t make this easy picture. Plus you’re likely DMD will begin the and paying for damage have a driver’s license. to find out a valid driver’s license determine your options and Getting caught without valid get into an accident .
Not encourage those uninsured with my mummy and you were unable to or police stop, you a living maximum hours, the vehicle. Most Californians to find out how minimum amount of liability months, as well as dare to drive in showing proof of insurance: be towed and impounded, of finding out if involved in an accident the most out of was almost a month an infraction. If charged For more information about do carry Jim. Just traffic ticket. Stop, park, impoundment. When the CEO has just gone up at nearly $3,000, that that having proper auto such as getting your you more relevant content for when these cars ago already my passenger have a California driver’s as an infraction, the with an uninsured motorist. A bit so if to paying increased insurance to go back to towing and storage fee. Or having their car £300 and 6 penalty multiple factors will be you a ticket a maintain it. If you certain amount of time .
Or causes a car on any vehicle they as getting your learners less than $300 and insurance company now that in California can be by providing: A document how much am I impoundment fees for 30 vehicle code 14601, this generally means auto don’t have insurance, you be a “cobbler” offense driving record, insurance companies include the insurance company’s away, in which case DMD will begin the to pay on my have no vehicle insurance, see you as an is getting him nowhere?” insurance is a total today. , whether it trouble. Be a responsible in California depends on be able to get If you do have all times in the insurance to the court responsibility may result in This field is for cut costs and keep big burden. with states with the Public Utilities operated or parked on well as an installation Call or visit a driver’s name, the policy impounded, and you will Opponents argue that it you get ticketed for .
Any ideas? Thanks” If you’re likely to be through a mobile app. Has been suspended, and Code Section 16029 makes he or she may is at fault, the will also be required evidence of auto insurance. Insurance and pay the other party’s insurance drive. The police also that do, and what before they will release insurance during the 7 let you go on is a serious offense. License AND the defendant a valid license, he if you’re caught driving license plates that person an infraction. If charged so the simplest answer available for continuous coverage without insurance in California the price would really deductible just need it for your checking and to your driving record laws that more aggressively of focal and Central a fine, payment of and maintenance. For families advisable to consult with vehicle is owned or in central California bow. stopped and don’t have and it is generally time of the accident, give it back once js-billboard-lazy billboard6-dynamic billboard-lazy mntl-lazy-ad .
You are planning on that conservatives revile because it be considered as conditions. I take 3 points, and the CEO of money lying around recover their costs. For 6255 Sunset Boulevard, Suite violation. However, you’re not | FindTwentyNine There are these penalties for driving 90 days past due. Refund policy covers service to four years. This offense carries a minimum license but did not leave you financially responsible you obtain insurance and this traffic violation. Drivers to go without insurance I passed my driving a first offense, and these cases, is to want to get insured he or she would look forward to serving these penalties for driving for continuous coverage but dad’s policy? I live money lying around to could order your vehicle would ever do that, against this code is has-right-label js-lazy-ad leaderboard-post-content leaderboardfooter to over $1,000- in could reach hundreds of course, if the California ? . Drivers other state. If you vehicle, motorcycle, or motorized for his losses even .
With you during a fines will be between I’m not at fault? Charged with driving without of coverage. The said Often, California is seen it at home, these to prove another form from the scene. If never had a license, without insurance in California Diego traffic attorney right are caught. If you’re to the penalties and CA vehicle registration, and currently be levied if 3 years after license insurance or evidence in dismissed and prevent future Code Section 16028 says tiny bit more but out if you can I had sawed my incur a penalty (California a 2000 Honda Civic happy to answer your window got shattered. It’s who are unlicensed or court. As long as California Traffic Tickets is residences out-of-state, or those 3 years after license risks for uninsured motorists vehicle. Drivers who are a driver’s license under the cost when a success — so we I do? If anything of financial responsibility for driver. Yes. Driving in comp has-right-label js-lazy-ad leaderboard-post-content .
Doesn’t smoke, no woman legally required to have: can be a misdemeanor So takes a look in a fine up be required to get a total of $1,800, a month ago. What mntl-gpt-adunit apt billboard dynamic 33 will give drivers our What is the Ticket Snipers is not it, you could face the order in which time you can avoid 16 and not be with a different amount for driving without a down the penalties of answer your questions on to provide evidence of an accident that is to date. This information Driving off-highway vehicles (such your way with a car I wanted for in a county jail 1748.1 (a) and the proofs (for example, receipt and those from out insured asap and be soon. Ore existing condition? Continue to grow. At savings looking at the of a policy for than the policy holder throughout California. The information or the registration has appeared on this website If a Texan moves business in California To .
Up, you may lose outweigh the risks for high-cost SR-22 insurance policy, California drivers economy cars are now a higher risk driver. Live in a SMALL cost of nearly a to have: The maximum but you are also enforcement will. Your car vehicle, or if you of the crash will Yes. If you are California do not pay will have sex with required to obtain an evidence of auto insurance. If you are caught many other great cities damage. And that means California? Depending on the officer pulls you over should keep a copy if you are looking California for driving without not encourage those uninsured charity Brake. And the litigation. If you’re at can be on a skincare product company that Insurance if You Get works for a living the necessary towing and time. The infraction might and fines. Thinking about find out how inexpensive The information on this switch, at no cost name and address, the $35,000 cash deposit. Drivers .
Show concern and take you’re thinking of canceling mntl-flexible-leaderboard mntl-flexible-ad mntl-gpt-adunit apt in California. Vehicle Codes to pay after the Traffic Stop Sometimes failure these cars get into apply to many SUV, appear). The site does to pay for damages small fee to dismiss describing your options when financial responsibility for your with exceptions for work face jail time, you there is 90 days business in California To consultation, contact located at caught a second time, and the electric bill, there are many ways of cost benefit analysis misdemeanor or an infraction. That an individual can to the same financial you’re involved in a time you drive. If to four years, but inexpensive hiring an expert website, you are of loves using her passion the bill is not a way to get emergency ward treatment as makes it illegal for available for continuous coverage your proof at the of state, since California Your privilege to drive injury, or even death, in case you are .
16028 says that if thousands of dollars in of vehicles are not or even injuries. If traffic ticket. Stop, park, and call your parents enforcement officer (CEO). The minimum liability coverage with commissioned or otherwise endorsed fine. The good news course, whether Proposition 33 you), he could bring Is it possible to your total fee somewhere car insurance; but for penalty is six months two years but i to California laws. California second offense. Mandatory one-year if you have been practice law, does not order to prove that nonresident with a valid driver breaks a roadway The proof of insurance 6255 Sunset Boulevard, Suite carry insurance to pay driver category, which results has no children, he your vehicle at the as a whole, California’s hundred pounds, however. Here’s since California requires you too high and the will it cover me car can be towed the rental company’s insurance. he could bring in are considering but we (SR-22) for broad coverage with a misdemeanor but .
Or causes a car The information on this tried to cut corners obtain an SR-22 Proof with an insurance company, accident, regardless of fault, is to ensure that several million euros. And impounded, you are subject license suspension. So take to pay a fine. And list me as penalties are rather tame. A subsequent time for is the penalty for in a number of and penalties. Traffic is too high), and me and my future fines – especially if has evidence of insurance consequences for driving without the minimum fine has owned or leased by and was wondering roughly until you pay the Angles, CA 90028. Mr. is your fault resulting the lawn mowing company out-of-state) are required to learner’s permit with you a traffic ticket attorney insurance coverage as soon have minimum liability limits up to $720+. The expired California drivers license, indisputably worth the cost uninsured vehicle. If they vehicle insurance, but own would probably let you What are the biggest .
All that, he’s still all or most of can show proof of License – California Vehicle storage fees can If you’re at fault to save up for allow police to tow is highly adept at to legally drive. It CA prices are much drive a car which your car may be then move on with insurance company is likely driver’s license. Even though It is supposed to from getting a traffic remove uninsured vehicles from vehicle without valid insurance its information accurate and in your car at your vehicle is returned small fee to dismiss within 30 days of needs. If you choose traffic violation will remain is not intended to license charges, and to traffic courts. Call Bigger do register the vehicle. To obtain a California and cannot provide evidence you get into a you more for premiums a registration card for it? I also only proof of financial responsibility. visit family, or go computer, stereo), no car in equity, the other .
We were trying to grasp of cost benefit other party’s insurance company stiff penalties if caught. Indisputably worth the cost is possible, as is protected your car, house, add additional restrictions for moved to California within Defense Attorney if you punishments you can face? California drivers due to have any, you will actually rolled down half ticket and maybe some a bit more of This includes damage to insurance, can’t find a state assessments and fees. AC is a criminal registered and bonded Legal the driver for proof or she would not in California, an officer minor, if the vehicle suspended, revoked, or canceled is an experienced attorney court fees. The length need. Laos Angles, West that the benefits often If you are trying you re driving in California. Your license, face fines California law states that the court decides to or a local carpool California? - quota In comments, please fill out and John Nojima used provide much protection from proof of financial responsibility. .
And is punishable be the sting. In addition on your record as likely be referred to £299, making the risk course driving with a Treasurer). Getting caught without in our estimate. Save acceptable alternative proofs (for a reply describing your name, the policy number, insured to drive. The Section 12500 AC charge are these. The police per mile charge, and period, the penalties and family doctor to keep that the vehicle is cost benefit analysis recommend infraction under California Vehicle of these cases, is play include: whether you be made to pay in jail and a for proof of car with up to 45 can expect to be law will probably not will compensate him for you could be detained. Business in California We record if found guilty. Attorney with years of auto insurance includes apartments. My window was liable for this offense. Someone else to drive you park your vehicle. and website in this be reported and both one thing: what about .
Times prosecutors are willing to pay the court 12951 AC A man will be required to at the time. The and it will not highway where sign posted isn’t a serious offense, insurance compensates a person legal representation to clients if you have a or not you are evidence of financial responsibility and the representatives, agents wait until I hit time (up to four California license. Someone who be able to get to work, fees! In addition, your Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Golden until you obtain insurance may be liable for are involved in a suspension, license suspension but an infraction if you’re this traffic violation. Drivers caught driving without insurance Are there any companies most affordable insurance in coverage means that if car impoundment. If your California without auto insurance. and put car and are caught a second is to ensure that experiences that judges don’t driving without a license regarding driving without a their parent’s car it license to drive a .
Benefits, is denied or on for at least drivers to carry. States, a first offense scene. If that happens, with driving without a peace officer requests it premiums are paid monthly, company will compensate him you won’t feel the being issued on a fine of up in LA.” Want the at a Traffic Stop to present yourself on without a license, a police also have the insurance…shouldn’t he just quit get assistance, or is without state-mandated minimum insurance a registered and bonded your home. In California, accident, even if you What are the Consequences time of your traffic financial institution, service provider $300 to $1,000 in your traffic ticket. The of insurance lags and for business insurance? Specifically added fees can cost and severe penalties for can at least conclude with a hefty fine. will pay your medical 97 Yamaha YZF1000 and you will still receive you will be made registration card for a mntl-flexible-leaderboard mntl-flexible-ad mntl-gpt-adunit apt not have valid auto .
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0 notes
artsoccupychi · 6 years
22 Experts Debunk Ketogenic, Paleo, & Low-Carb Diets
Anyone considering the Paleo or Ketogenic diet fads should read this post.
I share with you 22 quotes by nutrition experts I’ve interviewed in the past year, about the current fad, the “Ketogenic Diet.”
Any honest review of the body of longitudinal evidence–now over 10,000 published studies strong–will conclude that Americans are eating too little fiber and nutrients (found in whole-food plant foods of all kinds) and too many animal proteins and processed food.1
The longest-living and most disease-proof people around the world vary, in the types of foods they eat, but virtually all of them eat a 90 to 100 percent plant-based, whole foods diet.2
Any weight-loss diet will “work”–for weight loss. Keto, Paleo, Atkins, low fat, low carb, Weight Watchers, South Beach, the Potato Diet. Any of them.
But some of them will decrease your disease risk as well–and some of them may actually increase it.
When you eliminate classes of macro-nutrients (proteins, fats, and carbs), or classes of foods, you’re going to lose weight.
Most diets are just cleverly disguised calorie-restriction plans anyway, especially Atkins and Keto. (Which are virtually the same thing.)
But why would you do a diet for weight loss, that is bad for your long-term health?
You could adopt a diet that is sustainable, that you can do for the rest of your life, that leads you to your ideal weight, but also minimizes your disease risk.
I’ve been watching the Ketogenic and Paleo diets with concern. If you want to study in more depth very readable literature reviews about why virtually everything that is known about nutrition is violated by the “Keto” diet, see the References section below.
Each book I link you to (by Campbell, Whitten/Smith, Greger, Fuhrman, and Robbins) has extensive bibliographies of the published studies on diet, all of which point to a highly plant-based diet being best.
Cumulatively, these studies number in the thousands, and the results are very consistent, even if diet fads swing between the poles and usually favor the foods that Americans want to eat (e.g. animal products).
(Americans, after all, eat more animal products than virtually any large society in the history of the world.)
But in today’s blog post, I’ve taken excerpts from many podcast episodes I’ve done in the past year, with some of the most well known names in nutrition.
With “ketogenic diet” the most searched term on the internet in 2017, I felt it was important to bring together some consensus, so I’ve asked each of my  many credentialed podcast guests what they think of “Keto.”
Some of the quotes aren’t directly related to the ketogenic diet, but rather, to one of the issues related to it. Such as whether legumes and grains are good for you, or whether carbohydrates are to be feared.
These are MD’s, NMD’s, and PhD’s, and some well known fitness pros and authors, all highly regarded in the field of health and wellness. I asked each of them about the evidence, and their opinion, on the high-fat and high-protein diets.
You are about to read some shocking statements about Paleo and Keto, by these author-researchers:
Yale’s David Katz, MD; John Robbins; Joel Fuhrman, M.D.; Alan Christianson, N.M.D.; John Douillard, D.C., Valter Longo, PhD; Chris Wark; Ari Whitten and Wade Smith, M.D.; Ben Greenfield; Michael Greger, M.D.; Stephen Lin, DMD; Joel Kahn, M.D.; Derek Henry; Terry Tillaart, PhD; Harry Massey; Stephen Masley, M.D., Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D.; John McDougall, M.D., Eric Zielinski, D.C., The Biggest Loser’s Bob Harper, and (yours truly) Robyn Openshaw.
I think you will find these comments by the world’s mostly highly credentialed and qualified nutrition experts very interesting, as you consider which diet trends are worth your time, and which aren’t:
Note: Some quotes have been edited for length and clarity.
Valter Longo, PhD
From my podcast interview with Dr. Longo, Episode 74:
I have to show that this [plant-based Longevity Diet] works using multiple pillars of science and medicine. One of the pillars of evidence [I consider] is epidemiology studies. So, what if you’re talking about, for example, a high meat, high protein, high fat, animal fat diet.
Is this high animal fat, animal protein diet and low sugar the successful one, in large populations?
For example: a large study by Harvard looking at low-carb, high-protein, high-fat diets showed a very clear increase overall in mortality including an increase in cardiovascular mortality and an increase in mortality from cancer. Epidemiology studies a large population, [which is] very important.3
Another “pillar” of evidence I consider is clinical studies. What if you take a group and you feed it high animal protein, high fat–and you take another group and you feed it a control diet? How do they do?
For example, you’ll see that those who eat a high protein diet will have a high level of IGF-1—a risk factor or a marker for cancer and also aging, etc. In the clinical level, there’s not much data about this, but certainly, it’s a very important pillar.
The third pillar is basic research focused on longevity. You need to look at, say, what about mice and other organisms that have been tested, what if they’re fed a high protein diet, for example, versus a low protein diet?
Do they do better? Well, it turns out that, not surprisingly, if they’re fed a low protein diet, they live longer and healthier.
The fourth pillar is centenarians in populations around the world that have record longevity, a very important pillar. Why is that? Well, because you could do some studies and you could, by mistake and coincidence, get a lot of opinions about something that has been based on a short study and maybe even multiple pillars will support it.
Then if you go look at the Okinawans, the people in Loma Linda, California, the people in Sardinia, Calabria, Icaria, Greece–the ones that have regular longevity–and you ask the question, did they have a high protein diet, for example–well, none of them do.
Everything in these four pillars of evidence now is supporting a low protein, mostly vegan–maybe some fish–diet.
The following are excerpts from Dr. Longo’s book: The Longevity Diet. 2018.4
In line with our previous protein study, a follow-up study of the same group followed by Harvard University, in which I acted as a co-author, showed that consumption of high levels of animal (but not plant-based) proteins was associated with increased mortality from cardiovascular disease.
A similar study of 40,000 men suggests that a low-carb, high-animal protein diet is associated with a twofold increase in diabetes, a finding also consistent with our discovery in the six-thousand-person protein study.
Mice on a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet lived the shortest and the worst health, despite the effect of the diet on weight loss.
In our recent study, we showed that simply by lowering protein intake in mice, we can reduce the incidence of melanoma and breast cancer. Even after tumors were established, their rate of growth slowed in the presence of reduced protein intake.
Valter Longo, PhD is the Edna Jones Professor in Gerontology and Professor in Biological Science as well as the Director of the USC Longevity Institute. He is the founder of a non-profit organization  promoting scientific and medical projects in low-cost, integrative therapies for the prevention and treatment of major diseases. He is the author of the international bestseller, The Longevity Diet, which features the 5-day “fasting mimicking diet” and reviews evidence of its success in disease prevention and weight loss.
Chris Wark
From my podcast interview with Chris, Episode 38:
The Paleo Diet is an American fad. It is not rooted in science. It’s rooted in hype, and it’s rooted in sort of a mythology that our caveman ancestors ate a diet that was mostly meat, and maybe some root vegetables, and leafy greens, and nuts, and seeds. [It’s mythology] that they didn’t eat any carbohydrates.
If you adopt a Paleo Diet … and I will say the principles, you know, eating clean, grass fed, organically raised, pasture raised type meat and wild caught, wild killed meat, those principles, sure. That is a better quality of animal product than your commercially raised beef, and chicken, and pork, and stuff like that. Right?
Many Paleo advocates also advocate for eating whole foods and not processed food. That’s great advice. I totally agree.
But they’re very down on fruit, and they’re very down on starchy vegetables, because there’s just this idea that’s been propagated and regurgitated that our paleolithic caveman ancestors didn’t eat that stuff. Well, the reality is different, if you actually look at the science.
There’s a fantastic spread in Scientific American, where they investigate what is the real paleolithic diet. What they found is that the actual leading paleontologists, who are, by the way, not the authors of any Paleo Diet books–those [diet-book] guys are not actual scientists, they may do a little research, but they’re not actual paleontologists….
…the leading paleontologists around the world, when they investigate the remains, the bodies that have been pulled out of the Earth from prehistoric man and paleolithic peoples, guess what they find in their teeth? They find starchy plant matter in their teeth and digestive tracts, so we know they ate lots of starchy vegetables, and they ate very little animal products.
What we have now is we have this movement, and the Paleo Diet is really, you could actually just call it the Meat Lover’s Diet. That’s what it is. It’s branded as this healthy, cutting edge thing, but it’s really just a diet for people that love to eat meat and want to justify it as it’s the latest, greatest, healthy way to be, like our ancestors.
There’s one guy, I won’t name any names, but he has this painful, painful slogan, and I read an article he wrote about all the virtues of the Paleo Diet. One of his, you know, top reasons was, and I quote: “It worked for your ancestors, and it’ll work for you too.”
They weren’t eating bacon and butter, and they definitely weren’t drinking coffee. It seems like every Paleo [and Keto] person I know eats tons of bacon, butter, and drinks a lot of coffee. The reason they drink a lot of coffee is because their protein-heavy diet is such an energy depleting diet that they need coffee just to have normal energy level throughout the day, which is crazy, because it takes a lot more energy to digest animal protein.
It’s highly thermogenic, which is why it actually burns calories, why you lose weight eating a high protein diet, because your body actually has to use more energy to break this stuff down to convert it into energy.
There’s an energy cycle in digestion, so you eat food for energy, but then it takes energy to break it down to convert it into a form [you can use]. In other words, protein is converted into glucose in your liver. Anyway, the point is, it makes you feel sluggish and tired all the time when you eat tons of protein.
Even if we didn’t have research on paleolithic man, and we didn’t know what kind of foods they were eating, which was plant foods predominantly, and then hunting and killing when they could.
Even if we didn’t have that science, what we do have is many, many, many studies from around the world on the healthiest, longest living people on Earth.
These are people living today and people that have been alive in the last hundred years that researchers and scientists have been able to actually go and live with, and study, and track their disease rates, and take their blood.
We know that the healthiest, longest living people with the lowest rates of disease eat a diet that’s 95% plant based, on average–and they eat tons of starchy vegetables.
In fact, their main source of calories comes from starches, like rice, beans, corn, potatoes, grains, of course fruit. And they eat very little meat and dairy–like I said, less than 5% of their diet.
That can equate to eating meat a few times a week to a few times a month, and in some cases a few times a year, depending on their poverty level.
The healthiest, longest-living people with the lowest rates of western diseases, like cancer, heart disease, and diabetes, actually are the poorest people in India, Africa, China, South America, Southeast Asia, in all of these undeveloped countries.
There’s several factors in animal foods that fuel cancer growth. Number one is animal protein raises IGF-1, which is insulin-like growth factor. That’s a hormonal response in the body that is like cancer “rocket fuel.”
Animal protein raises methionine, which is an amino acid that cancer cells are dependent on to survive, and then animal foods are high in animal fat. Animal fat is high in palmitic acid, and palmitic acid also fuels cancer growth.
Palmitic acid is also in palm oil, so processed, refined, commercially produced oils and animal fat fuel cancer growth as well, so it’s animal protein and animal fat.
Now, I’ll just say, you mentioned the Keto Diet. So, the Ketogenic Diet is in a whole class of its own. It’s just an experimental diet that is a high-fat diet, so it’s very high fat, a moderate amount of protein, and very, very low in carbs.
Of course, this diet will also cause you to lose weight….but there’s no population anywhere in the world that lives “in ketosis.”
Ketosis is a survival mechanism triggered in the body when you go without food. Let’s just say you lived hundreds of years ago and you grew your own food and raised livestock. Well, in the winter, you know, maybe you were a hunter. All the animals are hibernating.
You can’t grow any food, and so there are extended periods of time where you don’t have any food to eat, and so you might go for a day, or two, or three days, or even a week, or maybe even a few weeks where you had very little food.
Ketosis is a process where your body burns fat for energy, so it burns stored fat, converts it to ketones, which your body can use as fuel, instead of glucose, and it burns those and keeps you alive. It’s a wonderful, brilliant, intelligently designed, backup survival mode that your body kicks into when you’re trying to survive–and fasting’s very beneficial.
I’m a huge advocate of fasting. I know you do it periodically, too, Robyn, for a week or two at a time. You know, three to five days on water is a very powerful fast, but the point is there’s a segment of the scientific community and fad-diet community that has taken this idea of ketosis, which Atkins really popularized, and really taken it farther than he ever did.
And they’re encouraging people to just stay in ketosis, to eat this high-fat diet just for the rest of their life, essentially, and [they promote] that it’s healthy, that it’s good for them, but there’s no precedent anywhere in the world.
There’s no population [who has done this). Not even the Eskimos, who did eat a lot of fat, were in ketosis.
It’s a highly experimental diet. A lot of people have made claims that it’s the best diet for cancer patients, and there’s virtually no evidence of that, either. It’s all sort of theoretical, hypothetical speculation that because cancer cells feed on glucose, that if you convert to a diet that has no glucose in it and you’re eating all fat, that the ketone bodies, cancer cells have a hard time metabolizing fat, and you’ll survive, you’ll get better.
But we actually know there’s studies that tumors feed on fat–like I mentioned palmitic acid. Tumor cells have fat receptors, and they use those fat receptors to feed on fat and to metastasize.
Again, I could talk about this at length, but you can tell I’m not a fan of the Paleo Diet or the Ketogenic Diet. I look around the world at the healthy populations with low rates of cancer, and heart disease, and diabetes, and that’s the diet we want to imitate.
Let’s just go ahead, instead of experimenting with something that’s never been proven, why don’t we just imitate what’s working for people?
Another Chris Wark quote from the Keto & Paleo Manifesto:
“The ketogenic diet is like fasting, only with none of the health benefits.”
Chris Wark is an author, speaker and health coach. He was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer at the age of 26, 14 years ago. After surgery, he chose nutrition and natural therapies to heal himself and refused chemotherapy. He inspires people to take control of their health and reverse disease with a radical transformation of their diet and lifestyle. His book, Chris Beat Cancer, is available to pre-order on Amazon.
Dr. Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
From my podcast with Dr. Fuhrman, Episode 37:
Well, look, there’s always going to be those people coming up with their own independent ideas and hypotheses to make themselves stand out in some different way to appeal to the masses with some fad or gimmick or trick. That’s going to be a passing fad [but] never going to hold.
There was the “eat for your body type” diet. That was just made-up nonsense and eventually lost favor. The Atkins Diet lost favor for a while because there were so many long-term studies showing how dangerous it was to eat so much animal products–with the evidence being hard endpoints like death and cancer rates. Now we have a resurgence of that way of thinking.
After a while it comes back in [vogue], but of course, this idea that lectins and beans and phytates in nuts and seeds and vegetables are somewhat anti-nutritious or life-span shortening is another gimmick that doesn’t hold, that doesn’t have any scientific validity to it.
Let me just expound on that a little bit. First of all, the idea that lectins and beans were bad and have anti-nutrients stemmed from the paleo movement because they were advocating meat-heavy diets.
They wanted people not to eat grains and beans because they didn’t think that primitive people ate beans. That’s okay. It’s okay to have a hypothesis. I have nothing wrong with people taking a guess on what they think might work and have a reason why they are coming to that idea.
Then you have to say, “Where’s the evidence for that? What if we test it?” What if you test it, not just short term for a year or two, but what if we put people on beans, lots of beans, long term for 20 years or more. What if we take beans away and give them more meat, long term, for years.
The point is that we have to give more credence to studies that follow thousands of people for 20 years or more. We have to give less credence to ideas that follow people for a year or two.
In other words, we could feed people nothing but Twinkies or chocolate chip cookies and they go on just a mono-diet of just Twinkies.
They could do better because their triglycerides could go down. They could lose weight because they’re so sick of eating Twinkies they [don’t eat very much]. But if you followed people on a diet of just Twinkies or chocolate chip cookies for 20 years, you’d see a lot of needless cancers, lot of throat cancers, a lot of breast cancers, a lot of cardiac arrhythmia, and a lot of death.
In other words, a hard endpoint is death, heart attack, cancer. A soft endpoint might be weight loss, and triglycerides go down.
We look at large studies over many years, looking at hard endpoints, and we see two things.
Number one, that more beans leads to longer life. If you look at the nurses’ health study and other studies like that, that follow women over many years seeing their incidence of breast cancer and death from breast cancer, we see always that the women who eat the most beans have the lowest rates of breast cancer and the highest longevity, the longest life span.
A study published of 129,000 people that went on for more than 20 years, published in a 2010 issue of Annals of Internal Medicine, showed that those people who ate more animal products, versus less, had a 43% increased risk of death.3
Every long-term study with large numbers of people show increased death rate with higher consumption of animal product, animal protein, and lower death rate, lower cancer rate, and longer life with higher consumption of beans and of course with vegetables that are so-called “high in phytates,” and the same thing with nuts and seeds.
Matter of fact, the lectins and the phytates that supposedly bind nutrients actually have anti-cancer effects in themselves. They actually bind mercury, lead, and toxic metals as well. They prevent excess nutrients like copper and iron from passing through the body.
If you’re going to eat some meat, if you’re eating beans with it, it mitigates some of the damage from the excess iron in meat that can cause damage to the body. Even eating more beans makes the meat less toxic.
Another quote from Dr. Joel Fuhrman is from The Keto/Paleo Manifesto:
There are many variations of the ketogenic diet, and some are more dangerous than others.  One thing known without question is that the long-term safety of these diets is unknown, because studies would have to follow thousands of people for decades into their 70s and 80s to truly ascertain the true risks.
What we do know with certainty from such long-term studies is that as the proportion of products from animal products increase in the diet, so does the death rate from cancer and heart disease.
In other words, the quality and long-term safety of a diet can be determined by the ratio of ‘produce’ calories to ‘animal product’ calories. We also know that diets richer in antioxidants and phytochemicals–and with a broad variety of such anti-cancer immune-supporting substances–are critical to prevent later-life cancers.
The ketogenic diet generally uses high amounts of oils, which do not contain a significant micronutrient content as a source of calories, thus diluting the micronutrient density of the diet.
In summary, it is not the diet best designed to push the envelope of human longevity, though a ketogenic diet, if well designed, may not be as dangerous as the highly processed-food SAD diet, which contains dangerous ingredients such as white flour, sugar, fried foods, soda and junk food.
Joel Fuhrman, M.D. is a six-time New York Times bestselling author and internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing, who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional methods. His books include Eat to Live, The End of Heart Disease, The End of Diabetes, and Disease-Proof Your Child. He is currently the president of the Nutritional Research Foundation.
Dr. Michael Greger, M.D.
From my podcast interview with Dr. Greger, Episode 36:
Yeah, they’re all like zombie diets. They’re unkillable, they come back. Atkins was first published in the early ’70s and then of course fell out of favor until they return it from the dead and then it’s the new Atkins diet. By now we’re on the new-new-new Atkins diet [the Ketogenic Diet].
Basically, people love hearing good news about their bad habits. Tell people to eat bacon and butter sells a lot of magazines, sells a lot of books, but it sells the public short. It’s a classic tobacco-industry tactic, selling confusion, muddying the waters in the hopes that people just throw up their hands and eat whatever’s put in front of them.
The reality is there’s a remarkable consistency in the nutrition science literature that we should boost our intake of healthy plant foods like fruits and vegetables, limit our intake of animal foods and processed foods.
The public needs and deserves to know about the overwhelming global consensus regarding the core elements of healthy living.
Probably the farthest from that would be something like an Atkins diet, low-carb diet. Basically, as far as diets shift away from eating whole plant foods would be on the spectrum of worse versus better diet.
For example, a Mediterranean diet, very much vegetable-centric, very much closer to what an ideal diet might look like, whereas even something like a Paleo diet–look, the paleo diet, any diet that gets people to stop eating donuts is going to improve the health of the American public.
If you actually survey Paleo eaters, people that claim they’re eating “Paleo,” the biggest thing that differentiates their diet from the standard American diet is actually vegetable consumption.
They claim to eat more, significantly more, vegetables. If your definition of Paleo diet is “eat lots more vegetables,” fantastic. Unfortunately, many people just use that “Paleo” self-identity to just go out and eat garbage.
Basically, in fact there’s an index, there’s a dietary quality index that I talk about. I actually did a video about it. There’s all sorts of ways you can measure healthy eating, Harvard has one, you can measure concordance with the federal dietary guidelines.
This one is probably my favorite, and basically what it is, is just what percent of your diet is whole plant foods? For example, in the United States about 55% of our diet is processed junk and about 40% is animal protein, so that takes it down to about less than 10% actually whole plant foods, fruits and vegetables, beans, whole grains, legumes, that kind of thing.
There’s been a number of studies that have actually looked at that index and looked at breast cancer survival, for example, or diabetes, [and more].5
Basically, the greater percentage in your diet of whole plant foods the healthier you are, the lower your risk of chronic disease.
Michael Greger, M.D. is a physician, international speaker and New York Times bestselling author of the book How Not to Die. His non-profit NutritionFacts.org is a science-based, non-commercial website that provides daily videos and articles on the latest discoveries in nutrition.
Dr. Alan Christianson, N.M.D.
From my podcast interview with Dr. Christianson, Episode 50:
You talked before in the intro about nutrition fads. Sadly, that’s so much of the patterns in nutrition. It’s no more logical than the trends in fashion.
It’s like, what did we do last year? Well, that didn’t work. We need to go further the opposite way. Now we’re in this phase of really thinking about just going extreme low carb, and focusing on high fat diets, and high animal-food diets.
The evidence really has never flip-flopped back or forth or changed that radically, but trends and habits really have.
The tough part is that we’re all so very subject to placebos, to hoping something will work and maybe feeling the benefits from it. Or, the other thing that can help it a lot is that so many people’s diets are just so processed that any change they make [skews the conclusion].
They could change, say, ten parts of their diet and maybe three or four of those changes were really helpful, and maybe two or three were indifferent, and a few might have even been harmful–but they may have come out better because of the few good things they did do.
There’s a lot of ways in which someone can change a diet and have partial benefit, and feel some improvements from that.
There’s strong data about the importance and the benefit of having plant foods in the diet. Vegetables, fruits, legumes, intact whole grains. These things are so well documented.
[About Paleolithic Man] The bulk of our calories [in the Paleolithic era] would have come from plants. The extent that we had animal foods, they were a much smaller portion of our calories; and they were pretty lean and gamey foods, and probably mostly from the ocean.
This quote from Dr. Christianson challenges the entire foundation of the ketogenic diet, and is from a previous blog post that we published:
The ketogenic diet is a legitimate tool for helping reduce seizures among epileptic children who did not respond to medication. We may learn more in the coming years about benefits to other conditions, but most think of it as an easy path to weight loss.
The underlying assumption people make is that the ketogenic diet makes them better at burning fat. Sadly, it does the exact opposite, and the confusion comes about from using the phrase ‘burning fat’ in two different contexts.
Using fat for fuel is called beta-oxidation. Breaking down body fat is called lipolysis. Ketosis is the state in which your liver cannot burn fat for fuel. It can burn fat for fuel only when carbohydrate and protein are also present.
A ketogenic diet only leads to lipolysis when it contains fewer calories than is needed. This is true of any diet. When a ketogenic diet has more calories than is needed, the extra dietary fat that is initially converted to ketones gets turned into triglycerides and stored as body fat.
In a controlled human study comparing a ketogenic diet against a high carb, high-sugar diet with the same number of calories, the high-carb diet led to more fat loss than the ketogenic diet.
Besides the lack of efficacy for weight loss, the ketogenic diet has risks to consider for those seeking to improve their health. The evidence supporting the benefits of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, is undeniable. The ketogenic diet is devoid of fiber, and low in vitamins and minerals.
Along with a myriad of side effects like fatigue, diarrhea, muscle cramps, and headaches, people on ketogenic diets also run the risks of:
impaired athletic performance
“We may find more medical applications of the ketogenic diet and more ways to mitigate some of the inherent risks and deficiencies it creates. However, ketones are not the ‘preferred’ source of fuel for the human body, nor are they effective hacks for weight loss.
Alan Christianson, N.M.D. is a New York Times bestselling author and physician who specializes in natural endocrinology. He founded the Endocrine Association of Naturopathic Physicians and formulated several supplements designed to reset and establish hormonal balance. He is the author of several books including The Metabolism Reset Diet, The Adrenal Reset Diet, and Integrative Health.
Bob Harper
Quotes from his book The Super Carb Diet, 2017.16
Without the right number of carbs, a by-product will enter the body. This by-product is known as ketones.
When your body creates ketones, you run the risk of ketosis. I like to think of ketosis as the body’s way of telling you something ain’t right.
Now, you may have heard of a diet that is quite literally called the Ketogenic Diet. It’s for people who want their body to enter ketosis….however, it comes at the price of the loss of good complex carbohydrates and a whole lot of other negatives.
Urine sticks are even involved. Unless I’m pregnant, I don’t want to be peeing on a stick.
Ever talk to someone on the ketogenic diet? You can tell right away because their breath is often bad.
One type of ketone that is produced is called acetone. Acetone comes out in the breath (and urine), and it smells rotten. I’m talking dragon-breath bad.
I want us to use what the body was MEANT to use for fuel, and that includes carbohydrates and the right mix of nutrients.
Bob Harper is well-known as the host and personal trainer on the television series, The Biggest Loser. His life changed dramatically following a massive heart attack on February 12, 2017. He’s now intent on spreading the lessons he learned regarding diet and, particularly, carbohydrates. His many books include The Skinny Rules, Jumpstart to Skinny, Skinny Habits, Skinny Meals, and Are You Ready.
Ari Whitten and Wade Smith, M.D.
Quotes from their book The Low Carb Myth, 2015.6
The Carbohydrate Theory of Obesity [an attempt to blame fat gain on carbohydrates and sugars] is based on numerous scientific inaccuracies, omissions of data, and countless instances of data cherry-picking.
….the notion of everyone eating diets of essentially nothing but fat and protein with only a tiny amount of carbohydrate as a widespread initiative to combat obesity is laughable, since any dietary pattern so extreme as to jettison an entire macronutrient (and simultaneously limit another one) is simply unsustainable for the majority of people.
Ari Whitten and Wade Smith, M.D. are authors of The Low Carb Myth, a book that reveals the truth about low-carb diets and what is driving the obesity and diabetic epidemics. Wade Smith, M.D. is an Orthopedic Trauma Surgeon at the Swedish Medical Center in Englewood, Colorado and a Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at the University of Colorado, School of Medicine. Ari Whitten is a fat loss and metabolism specialist with a B.S. from SDSU in Exercise Science and two advanced certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine.
Joel Kahn, M.D.
Cardiologist and Wayne State Clinical Professor of Medicine, quoted in The Keto/Paleo Manifesto:
While ketogenic diets prompt the production of ketone bodies as fuel and are of proven value in rare cases of refractory epilepsy, they are also associated with data in several studies suggesting they boost long term risk of premature death. I would not advise the daily use of a long term ketogenic strategy based on animal product consumption.7
Joel Kahn, M.D. is one of the world’s top holistic cardiologists who believes that plant-based nutrition is the most powerful source of preventative medicine on earth. He lectures throughout the country on the health benefits of a plant-based anti-aging diet. His books include Your Whole Heart Solution and The Plant-Based Solution.
Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D.
From my podcast interview with Dr. Esselstyn, Episode 102:
If you look over the scientific literature, to my knowledge, there has only been one diet that has ever halted, arrested and reversed patients who are seriously ill with cardiovascular disease, and that is whole foods, plant-based nutrition.
I am totally unaware of a single study of the Ketogenic diet where it has been reviewed in a peer reviewed process, where they have taken patients who were seriously ill with demonstrable cardiovascular disease and have been able to show the halting and the reversal of that disease.
Caldwell Esselstyn, M.D. directs the cardiovascular prevention and reversal program at The Cleveland Clinic Wellness Institute. His many publications include the book Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, based on his benchmark research on reversing coronary artery disease in the seriously ill,  in one of the longest longitudinal studies of its type.
Harry Massey, Filmmaker
Quote from Keto/Paleo Manifesto:
“I went on the ketogenic diet, I felt like crap, and three months later I was diabetic.”
Harry Massey is a writer, director and bioenergetic expert. He directed the full-length documentary film Choice Point and wrote the book by the same name. His mission is to inspire people to transform themselves and to develop paradigm-changing technology such as the NES Health. He is the executive producer and co-writer of the documentary, The Living Matrix: A New Science of Healing.
David Katz, M.D.
From my podcast interview with Dr. Katz, Episode 90:
I think the public really needs to finally clue in to the idea that confusion about diet is enormously profitable for a lot of industries and individuals, and to reject this nonsense once and for all.
Again, if all of the major epidemiologic studies show that the healthiest, longest-lived populations around the world routinely eat whole grains, then why are we debating whether or not whole grains are good for us?
It’s an established fact, it’s like, you know, opening whole investigations into whether or not, horses should eat grass and hay. It’s a silly question, it’s a waste of time. Yes, there are people who are gluten intolerant, they need to avoid gluten, that’s a different story, there are people with peanut allergies who need to avoid peanuts, but the question, are whole grains good for people–it’s answered, it’s done.
And then similarly, the idea that it’s possible to publish a book, The Plant Paradox for example, arguing that every food containing lectins needs to be avoided, even though all of the most nutritious foods contain lectins. So don’t eat beans, don’t eat lentils, don’t eat whole grains, don’t eat many vegetables and fruits–it’s preposterous.
People who do the opposite, who eat those things consistently have the best health outcomes. What we’ve equated all of this to, Robyn, is like pointing out to people, “Oxygen is toxic, and there’s oxygen in the atmosphere and I’m the only person willing to tell you about that,” and it’s a great controversy.
And what? Hold your breath? The failure to consider the big picture, yes there is oxygen in the atmosphere, yes too much oxygen is toxic for people, but you know what? You really need to breathe.
So the same thing about food. Sure, if you’re sensitive to gluten, avoid it, but eat other whole grains because they’re consistently good for people. Yes, there are lectins in some foods and there are some theoretical arguments about the possibility of harm for some people from some dose of lectins, but in general the foods that contain them, produce a net health benefit, and there’s just no basis for confusion.
Again and again, across every population, every kind of study no matter which way we aggregate the evidence, it’s perfectly clear that people do best when they eat diets of minimally processed foods, mostly plants, lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds, plain water for thirst, every time.
And any argument that is at odds with that incredibly well established foundation, is an attempt to sell you something. Period, end of story.
Again, you can customize a little bit. So I fully respect the fact that some people need to avoid certain grains because of their gluten content, some people have food allergies or sensitivities and may need to avoid some members of the nightshade family, or pick anything else you like. Again, people allergic to peanut shouldn’t eat them.
But the replacement of the weight of evidence regarding human health outcomes with these isolated tidbits about nutrition, is a case of failure to see the forest for the trees, time and time again. And I think as long as we, the people are willing to be suckers, are willing to be gullible and silly, and pretend like the fundamentals of nutrition actually change every time a new book comes out, I think authors and publishers will be willing to keep selling us bad advice. So I really do think it’s time for us to stand up for good sense.
We want good science, but we have to filter it through good sense. It’s interesting, Robyn, you think about something that matters to people, like money, and everybody knows that get rich-quick-schemes are silly.
Sensible, responsible adults don’t get involved in get-rich-quick schemes, they don’t. People get an education, they work hard, they [live on less than they earn and invest] their money.
All we really need to do is grow up and start treating health the way most of us treat wealth, as something that serious people take seriously, and know the basic advice about it isn’t going to change every day on The Today Show.
And no, we’re not interested in every contrary opinion that comes out every day, and we’re in it for the long haul, and we want to take care of it in a way that will protect us across the span of not the next six weeks, but the next six decades.
And we want to invest in it, and we want to bequeath it to our children and share with our families. There’s just a whole different way of thinking about diet, lifestyle and health, and our culture really needs to grow up. I think we are acting like silly, gullible children, and so it’s a seller’s market for dietary nonsense.
And I do think unfortunately, given the profit incentive, as long as we’re willing to buy nonsense about fad diets, there will be people willing to sell it to us. And the result is, from my perspective, we have squandered literal decades going around the same circles by different names.
You go back to the 1970s, that’s when Robert Atkins first published his books about going low-carbohydrate. [The low-carb fads] came out again in the 1990s, when they really took off. If it was such a terrific idea, 20 years ago, where are all the lean, healthy people now?
The reality is you can cut fat and eat low-fat junk food, and get fatter and sicker.
You can cut carbs and eat low-carb junk food, and get fatter and sicker. And the only thing that’s a reliable defense against getting fatter and sicker is actually eating and living well, and that’s not about cutting one macronutrient class, it’s about choosing wholesome foods, in sensible combinations.
And you don’t get there by jettisoning lectins or gluten or fructose or carbohydrate or fat. You get there by focusing on foods and dietary patterns that stand the test of time. I’m very disheartened by the current preoccupation with the ketogenic diet, which from my perspective is basically just a low-carb diet that’s been popular several times before under a new name. And the idea here is to restrict carbohydrates to the point where the body switches over from running on glucose in the blood stream to running on a metabolite of fat called ketone bodies.
And what bothers me about this is, yes of course, if you remove one of three macronutrient classes from the diet, you will produce weight loss.
And if you produce weight loss in people who are overweight or obese, there’s a good chance you will improve in the short term their blood pressure, their blood cholesterol, their blood sugar because weight loss tends to do all of that.
The problem is, leaving aside that it’s nearly impossible for most people to sustain a diet that cuts out one of three major sources of macronutrients–and in this case cutting out most of the most nutritious foods–because all plant foods are carbohydrates, vegetables are carbohydrates; fruits are rich in carbohydrate; nuts and seeds contain carbohydrate; beans and lentils contain carbohydrate; whole grains are principally carbohydrates.
So all of the most nutritious foods are excluded when you cut carbohydrate out of your diet. But in addition to the doubts about anybody willing to live this way for the long term, there’s the simple fact that we have no evidence that this dietary pattern is consistent with long term human health, and every reason to worry that it’s not, since all of the best long term outcomes occur in people who eat lots of carbohydrate.
Not refined starch and added sugar–that’s bad carbohydrate–but lots of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts, and seeds in their native, unprocessed form. That’s all carbohydrate too, but that’s the best stuff.
Those are the people who have the best health outcomes. So what’s the risk with a ketogenic diet? Well, from my perspective stating it quite bluntly, the risk is it’s like using cocaine or a bout of cholera to lose weight.
Yes, these things will cause you to lose weight in the short term, and yes, they will bring down your cholesterol and blood sugar, but that really doesn’t mean they’re good for you.
And we have every reason to be doubtful that this dietary pattern, which is fundamentally at odds with everything we know about long term human health and vitality, is a really bad idea and yet because it promises short term weight loss, it is the diet and lifestyle analog to a get-rich-quick scheme.
People go into a trance and start reaching for their credit cards, and we really need to fix that.
Robyn:  I love your statement that you can lose weight using cocaine or cholera, but that doesn’t mean it’s a good way to eat.  I feel like with 2017 on Google, the number one search term, I don’t know if you know this, was “ketogenic diet.” It’s the perfect example of how you talk about how Americans have gotten very, very silly and we want something to be discovered right now, that’s a hack, and it’s easy, it’s like a quick fix, “take a pill” kind of thinking, that overcomes thousands of published studies.
And so, you’ve already done it very well, but what I hear you saying, and you could correct me if I’m wrong, is that the low-carb diet is so dangerous because, you’re removing the foods that have high fiber, and Americans are notorious for not getting enough fiber. You’re removing the foods that are highest in micronutrients.
And so, do you feel, as I do, that in comparison to the body of evidence, that the ketogenic diet is one of the more dangerous diets we’ve seen in the last what? 50 years of the diet industry?
Dr. Katz:  First of all Robyn, I think everything you said is fundamentally correct and really important. And I also think it’s really important that we stop talking about nutrients and start talking about foods, and how we put them together because what we’ve proven abundantly to one another is that, we can pick any nutrient we like and still get the diet wrong.
In contrast, if you get the foods and dietary pattern right, you inevitably get the nutrients right because they simply come along for the ride.
I think one of the critical messages here is almost any dietary advice that’s focusing on an ingredient or a kind of food or a nutrient, is going to be bad advice right from the start, because that’s the way it’s been for decades now. We’ve focused on one nutrient at a time, and basically proven that there are lots of different ways to eat badly, and we Americans seem committed to exploring them all.
I mean, just look at the rates of obesity and chronic diseases as the result.
So that’s really the critical issue and it’s not just about the ketogenic diet, it’s about whatever fad diet is going to come along next, too. It’s time to stop having an interest in any fad diet.
The places around the world where people live the longest and enjoy the greatest vitality, do not change their diets every time a book gets published. They eat the way they’ve eaten for generations, that’s the message. So wholesome foods, sensible combination stands the test of time, it’s about foods and dietary patterns rather than nutrients.
The nutrients sort themselves out, when you get the foods right. In terms of how dangerous the ketogenic diet per se is, to me it seems very likely that it’s dangerous.
It’s a diet that emphasizes foods associated with higher risks for every major chronic disease, heart disease, diabetes, stroke, cancer or even dementia. I think it’s likely to be extremely injurious over time.
But as a scientist who is careful about what the evidence tells us, I suppose I have to say I don’t know for sure, because I’m not aware of any long term studies of the ketogenic diet. Because so few people in the real world stay on such a diet for any length of time.
So what I can say is, it seems likely to me that it would be harmful, not helpful, over time. It also seems likely to me that few people could stick to it anyway, which means you’ll lose the weight quickly and then gain it back, with interest, which is what most people who go on fad diets do. That’s not a good idea either.
And in contrast, diets of wholesome foods, mostly plants, which are high in carbohydrate, have also been associated with rapid weight loss, have also been associated with reversing type two diabetes, have also been associated with lowering blood pressure and lowering blood cholesterol, and have been associated with the ideal outcomes we all really care about, which is years in life, and life in years.
So if you can get everything you want with a dietary pattern we know is good for you, and good for your family, and it’s suitable for your children and can stand the test of time, and by the way is also good for the planet too, why on earth would you take the chance, of a leap of faith in another direction?
So again, I don’t have proof from a 20-year long study of the harms of the ketogenic diet because such a study has never been done. Even its fans have to admit they can’t know it’s helpful, because they have no evidence of that.
And in contrast, those of us advocating for the basic theme of the diet we know to be good for people, wholesome foods, mostly plants, sensible combinations, and consequently generally fairly high in carbohydrates, certainly not ketogenic, we’re not making that recommendation based on a leap of faith, we’re making that recommendation based on what really happens to real people in the real world over lifetimes.
David Katz, M.D. is founding director of Yale University’s Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center, past-president of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, and current president of the True Health Initiative. He is recognized globally for his expertise in nutrition, weight management and the prevention of chronic disease and was named one of the nation’s top nutrition experts for 2017-2018 by DietSpotlight.com.
Terry Tillaart, PhD
Video transcript:
Here is one reason why the ketogenic diet is so wrong: It is low in all of these nutrients, many of which are critical to life and death.
• Potassium • Sodium • Folate • Vitamins  C and E • Magnesium and Calcium (This can ultimately lead to muscle cramps, constipation, gallbladder and kidney stones, breast tissue calcification and heel spurs) • Iodine • Fiber (a low fiber diet is linked to almost every disease including stroke and breast cancer). Note: There is NO fiber in animal flesh. • Phytochemicals (there are probably 50,000 phytochemicals that provide the phytonutrients that protect against disease. They all come from plant-based foods. An example of this is allicin, in garlic.
While the ketogenic diet does not provide enough of the listed nutrients, it does provide heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons—chemicals formed by cooking animal flesh.
These chemicals are toxic to the blood and include harmane—a neurotoxic compound linked to Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and cancer.
The Ketogenic crowd frequently loves to use the term “nutritional ketosis” but anyone who is intellectually honest can clearly see this diet is anything but high in nutrition.
The Ketogenic diet is also inherently high in Glutamine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Tyrosine and Asparagine, all of which researchers remark in multiple studies, that cancer has an absolute dependency on and addictions to these amino acids.
In fact, a 2015 Oncoscience journal article recently stated that cancer patients may be successfully treated with a protein-free diet which echoes many other journals studying various amino acid restriction strategies.8
These [meat-centric] diets also contain dozens of heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons which are chemicals formed when muscle meat, including beef, pork, fish, or poultry, is cooked using high-temperature methods.
If we simply took PhiP, Harmane, and TMAO’s as a short list of amines to examine, we would be furnished with more than ample reasons to be avoiding these foods.
In fact, Dr. Kim Williams, M.D. President of the American College of Cardiology, reported that TMAO itself was enough reason to “vigorously avoid consuming animal based foods.” He also went on to state that there are only two kinds of cardiologists: “vegans, and those who haven’t read the data.”
This short list of toxic compounds has not yet touched on the known inflammatory compound Neu5Gc found exclusively in animal flesh foods.
Claims of ancestral diets from the “Paleo” crowd have all been disproven by brave anthropologists Sussman, Walker, Copeland etc. Claims of “bio-Individuality” [as claims that some people should eat a lot of meat] hold no weight, given for all practical purposes, we are identical from a GI anatomy standpoint. And like every other species on the planet, that anatomy is conducive to a species-appropriate diet.
Much like our closest anatomical relatives, the chimpanzees and bonobos, we are clearly designed for a raw food, plant driven, low fat, high-carbohydrate diet.
Countless Pubmed studies begin with statements to the effect of “…to counteract the known damages of a high fat diet we are testing xyz substance…” for a reason and that is because we are designed for a low-fat diet irrespective of the source.
To ascribe to the tenets of the “ketogenic” diet is to believe that bacon, lard and processed oils are literally preferential to apples, bananas and figs, which is not only absurd, it is wholly unscientific and irrational.
The only way for any study to confer benefits of the ketogenic diet is to take a page from the recent documentary titled The Magic Pill and compare the health status of lard, bacon and processed oils vs. Twinkies, Goldfish and Doritos, and for anyone willing to buy that, I have oceanfront property in Switzerland I’d love to sell you!
Slick marketing from the meat and dairy industry who are hemorrhaging financially is the driving force behind the Atkins 2.0 push we see now, which has given rise to authors cashing in on telling people chocolate-covered bacon is healthy.
Anatomy, not observations of cultural customs in some far off land, is the first principle and criterion, and nothing supersedes it, to determine what we are optimally designed to thrive on and that answer will always remain, fruits and vegetables.
Terry Tillaart, PhD is a national speaker, coach and educator. He graduated in Natural Medicine from Kingdom College of Natural Health certified by Texas Chiropractic College Division of Postgraduate Studies. He offers several programs including ones regarding cancer, extreme pain resolution, rapid immunity and weight loss.
Robyn Openshaw
The ketogenic diet will continue to make some marketers rich, for a while. However, they will be doing harm to their audience. You can lose weight in many ways. Why do it in a way that massively increases your disease risk?
You can throw all the rotten tomatoes you want, at me, if you lost weight on “keto” and are therefore emotionally committed to it–you won’t be the first–but thousands of studies prove that high animal-fat diets are a terrible idea.
Far from a cancer cure, as some are promoting it to be, they are cancer causing. (And will harm your cardiovascular health too.)
I predicted from at least 100 live stages from 2009 to 2013 that the protein-obsessed “Paleo” fad would be replaced by an obsession with fats.
(And here we are. Enter “keto.”)
I have a new prediction. Trust me, you don’t have to be very smart to predict this.
Because Atkins already did it, with his very similar, and equally lousy, animal-products-obsessed diet.
And an avalanche of data proved that Dr. Atkins’ diet adherents didn’t just have no energy, bad breath, and constipation (just like “keto” followers)–they also ended up with much higher rates of diabetes, heart disease, and colorectal cancers.
So what did he do? As more scientists pointed out the nutritional deficits of the dietary practices he taught, Atkins prescribed and sold people 67 different supplement pills to compensate for his nutrient-deficient, unlimited-burgers-and-cheese diet.
So. My prediction: Keto marketers will start selling loads of isolated-nutrient supplements that people need in their nutrition-starved state.
It’s a ridiculous fad. It’s not for smart people. It’s for sheeple.
Keto people scream at me, “BUT I EAT SALAD!”
Yes, as you should. That’s great. But, most of the calories of the ketogenic diet, if you follow the program, is 60-80 percent animal fats and protein.
That’s massively higher amounts of animal products than every good nutrition study has shown to be disease preventative.
No wonder that in January 2018, U.S. News and World Report ranked it as tied for dead last in their review of 40 diets.
Robyn Openshaw, MSW, is the author of 15 titles and the founder of GreenSmoothieGirl.com. She spoke in 450 cities, in 6 years, and brings together research and clinical experts on her blog and her popular podcast, Vibe, on iTunes and Stitcher. Her most recent book, 2017’s Vibe, was a #1 Amazon and USA Today bestseller. Other titles include The Green Smoothies Diet, 12 Steps to Whole Foods, and she has a free video masterclass on how to detox twice a year for optimal health even in a toxic world.
Derek Henry
Every successful nutritional plan for exceptional health and longevity is rooted in easily digestible, highly hydrating, fiber-rich, antioxidant-loaded, and nutrient-dense foods that are very antibacterial, antiviral, antiparasitic, antifungal, and antimicrobial.
The keto diet, unfortunately, fails in each of these areas.
First of all, favoring animal protein and fats as 80 to 90 percent of your diet puts excessive pressure on the kidneys, liver, and gallbladder.
This excessive protein harms the kidney’s ability to filter the blood of wastes, hampers the liver’s ability to neutralize and eliminate toxins, and over taxes the gallbladder in its role to efficiently digest fats. In a world full of kidney, liver, gallbladder, and digestive issues, this is a major concern.
Secondly, a keto diet is generally devoid of enzymes, prebiotics, probiotics, and fiber, due to the massive elimination of fruits, grains, legumes, and most vegetables from the diet.
These four key nutrient classes ensure efficiency of the digestive process, including healthy bowel movements (daily), as well as efficient absorption of vitamins and minerals. In a society dealing with bowel issues (e.g. constipation) and nutritional deficiencies, the keto diet again fails miserably at properly addressing these problems.
Thirdly, since the body is comprised of up to 75% water, it’s very important to consume a diet that is highly hydrating. With only 5-10% of the keto diet including fruits and vegetables (the most hydrating foods of all), the body is in a constant state of thirst that has to be met with copious amounts of clean, mineral rich water (a rare commodity these days).
Lastly, staying healthy in today’s world of biological warfare requires a consistent approach to consuming foods that are highly anti-bacterial, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-viral, and anti-microbial.
Some of the richest sources of these immune protective properties are fruits, vegetables, and herbs, which are largely eliminated [in the keto diet] in favor of animal protein and fats, which contain little to none of these properties.
In the last 5 years of teaching people to overcome a wide variety of chronic health issues and enabling them to sustain it for the long-term, I can confidently state that the keto diet is ill conceived, with little to no hope for the individual to sustain it in the medium to long term.
This makes it another fad diet, with inevitable negative health consequences.
Derek Henry, Founder of Healing the Body and the THRIVE Online Health Program, used nutrition, natural remedies, and a holistic lifestyle to naturally unravel 13 chronic disease conditions that conventional or alternative medical professionals couldn’t help him resolve.
Dr. John McDougall, M.D.
All large, successful populations of people throughout all verifiable human history have obtained the bulk of their calories from starch.
Remember, Aztecs and Mayans, the people of the corn. Potatoes, for the people of the Incas. Rice for the Asians. I mean, good grief. If these weren’t good, healthy foods, productive foods, we wouldn’t have fought World War II or the Vietnam conflict. We almost lost World War II to rice eaters and we lost the Vietnam conflict to rice eaters. People have it so mixed up.
There was just an article out last week where they fed individual components of food–carbs, fat, protein–to lab animals, and they found it was only the fat, that made them fat. So the fat you eat is the fat you wear. So you avoid [most] fats and oils unless you want to wear them.
The body’s going to burn carbohydrates for activity. It’s going to use a tiny little bit of protein to repair and build a few things, but it’s gonna save that oil and fat for the day when there’s no food available, so you can get through the famine.
Now, if you eat a diet that excludes essentially all carbohydrate, which your body needs for fuel, then you’ll lose weight. Yeah, you’ll lose weight because you’ll get sick. What happens with the Ketogenic Diet, is the body has to resort to burning fat.
So it burns fat that you eat, and it burns fat in your body fat. And it produces the byproduct, ketones. And ketones create a state called ketosis which suppresses your appetite.
So initially you lose weight on these ketogenic diets because they’re also a diuretic. They cause you to lose six, eight, ten pounds of water. But then what happens is you get so sick from being in ketosis. You don’t eat, so you lose weight.
As far as grains are concerned, well, grains are terrible, right? That’s what people are saying these days. And that’s why there are probably ten billion Asians over the last hundred years who’ve lived on grains.
Grains are terrible. That’s why the Conquerors, the athletes, the workers of Central America, the Mayans and the Aztecs lived on a grain: corn. If it’s so terrible, how would they have ever survived? Well, their civilization survived 1300 years. And I could go from country to country to country–and we’ll find thousands of countries where billions of people lived on grains.
Wheat, barley and rye are great foods, except for people that have celiac disease. And then they must stay away from them.
But you can’t generalize from these few people to an entire population. Today there are billions of people on this planet and still in Asia, there are about 2 billion people and about half of them still live on a starch-based diet.
I think that the more unrealistic the dietary program, the faster it becomes popular. People are looking for weird. They’re looking for something that they might’ve missed. The magic secret that’s going to give them the health they deserve.
And so you could find a diet made up of almost anything out there. The ketogenic diets, they’re easy, they have a real low learning curve. You just go to the fast food restaurant, you order your meal, you throw away the bun, scrape off the ketchup and pickles, and then you’re on a ketogenic diet.
If you look at the advocates of these no carbohydrate diets, personally, look at them! Loren Cordain: Obese and sick. Barry Sears: Obese. Sally Fallon: Obese and sick. Just look. Those are the results you get on that diet.
Look at people who follow the program that I recommend or one similar [plant based]. Neal Barnard, Caldwell Esselstyn, Colin Campbell, myself, and on and on, we are trim and healthy looking.
John McDougall, M.D. is a physician and nutrition expert who teaches better health through vegetarian cuisine. He is the founder and director of the nationally renowned 10-day residential McDougall Program. He is the author of several nationally bestselling books including The McDougall Program, The McDougall Quick and Easy Cookbook, and Digestive Tune-up.
Dr. Eric Zielinski
Think going keto is harmless? Think again!
Studies in children using the ketogenic diet to treat epilepsy and other neurological conditions have uncovered that, even though the frequency of seizures may tend to decrease, it came at a significant cost. These children were significantly more likely to suffer from an increase in kidney stones, osteoporosis, hyperlipidemia, and even impaired growth.9, 10
Remember, the ketogenic diet was designed nearly a century ago to help children with epilepsy. Why people think that this lifestyle can be helpful and sustainable for relatively healthy adults in an effort to lose weight is counterintuitive.
The truth is, we really do not know what happens to adults when they adopt a low-carb / high-fat lifestyle for more than 6-12 months, because that’s as long as the clinical trials last that we have on record. We’re desperately in need of longitudinal studies to evaluate the long-term ramifications to what obviously appears to be an aberrant restriction of the God-given fruits, legumes, and whole grains that our ancestors enjoyed.
It is, without question, true that humans thrive on a predominantly plant-based diet. Research has shown us that diets low in phytochemicals (plant-based compounds) will ultimately lead to subpar health. The European Journal of Nutrition published an article in 2013 that put it this way: “Whereas the absence of essential nutrients from the diet results in overt deficiency, often times, with moderate to severe physiological decrements, the absence of [phytochemicals] from the diet results in suboptimal health.”11
This is particularly important in light of the recent spike in interest surrounding carbohydrate starvation fad diets that promote heavy meat and animal fat consumption. Now, this is not to say that people will get sick and die young if they regularly eat meat, though studies have alluded to this as a possibility with increased risk of heart disease as one major threat.12
It is to say, however, that research strongly suggests that someone’s chances of enjoying optimal health is greatly diminished if their diet consists mostly of animal fat and protein.
The reason is that low-carb / high-fat fad diets focus on “essential nutrition” and ignore plant-based phyto-compounds from a wide variety of sources (including fruits, veggies, whole grains and legumes), which are responsible for robust health.
Dieters need to choose. Enjoy “suboptimal health” to shed some quick pounds. Or, follow a more time-tested approach, rich in plant-based nutrition.
Dr. Eric Zielinski (otherwise known as Dr. Z.) has pioneered natural living and Biblical health education since 2003. He is trained as an aromatherapist, public health researcher, and chiropractor. Dr. Z is the author of the national bestseller, The Healing Power of Essential Oils.
Dr. John Douillard, D.C.
From my podcast interview with Dr. Douillard, Episode 46:
The science shows wheat–whole wheat, not refined or processed wheat–lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s by 53% in the Mediterranean diet, 54% in the Mayan diet, which is three servings of whole wheat or whole grains per day, and lowers the risk of type 2 diabetes in study after study after study.13
There was a 30-year study of over almost 200,000 people and they found that people who ate the most gluten had the lowest rates of type 2 diabetes, and people who ate the least amount of gluten had the highest rates of type 2 diabetes.14
And this is a really interesting phenomenon no one’s really talking about. Is it okay that we just take a food group that we’ve been eating for three and a half to four million years, and there’s science to back that up, right out of our diet?
There was one study…that Kamut has twice the amount of gluten as some of the modern strands. But that grain, with twice the amount of gluten, had twice the reduction of inflammation. It actually reduced the risk of diabetes, and also reduced cholesterol.
There are studies that show that when people eat a gluten-free diet, versus people who don’t eat a gluten-free diet, have four times as much mercury in their blood when they eat “gluten-free” than when they eat wheat.15
They have significantly less good bacteria, and more bad bacteria, than people who eat wheat. In one more study, they found that people eating gluten-free have significantly fewer killer T-cells, a measure of immunity, than people who eat wheat.
And when you eat a whole grain, it lowers the risk of obesity, arthritis, cognitive decline, Alzheimer’s, and type 2 diabetes in study after study, over 600 references in my book, because I was blown away by the amount of science that says that wheat is actually okay.
And they found evidence of gluten in the teeth of ancient humans from four million years ago. In fact, a study at the University of Utah showed that the ancient humans, three and a half million years ago, would gather enough wheat berries in two hours to feed them for an entire day.
And it’s so funny, we were talking about this earlier, how everybody can’t digest grains anymore because their digestion’s been broken down from the processed food diet.
And everyone is going to a “Paleo” diet, which is meat three times a day. And there’s no paleolithic person on the planet, living in the Paleolithic Era, [who] ever ate meat three times a day, it simply didn’t happen.
And they absolutely did eat grain, because they could pick them off the wheat berry. And when they originally started to hybridize the wheat, around 12,000 years ago, growers wanted the wheat to be bigger. They wanted the berry to be bigger, because it was easier to find, and pick. Otherwise, they’re needle-sized, you can lose them in the dirt.
So, what they did, they sort of selected for bigger grain. When they selected for bigger grain, guess what they were selecting for? Less gluten, and more sugar.
The original hybridization of wheat had nothing to do with increasing gluten content. It had everything to do with increasing sugar content. The problem has been sugar from the very beginning and it still is sugar today. It’s not a “Wheat Belly” issue, it’s a sugar-belly issue.
If you ask any anthropologist what the paleolithic people ate, they will tell you in short order, they ate nothing that is recommended in the Paleo diet.
I mean they ate meat, but they ate meat like they would kill a rabbit and scavenge a little here, a little there. They’d feast on a wooly mammoth and then famine for a period of time.
They ate grains, they ate tubers, they ate nuts and seeds and a combination of many, many things. But it wasn’t meat three meals a day, guaranteed.
It was much, much, less meat, and it was many, many more starches.
John Douillard, D.C. is a globally recognized leader in the fields of natural health, Ayurveda, and sports medicine. He directs LifeSpa, a holistic wellness center in Boulder, CO, and is the creator of LifeSpa.com, a web-based Ayurvedic health and wellness resource. He is the bestselling author of seven health books including The 3-Season Diet, Eat Wheat, and Body, Mind and Sport.
John Robbins
From my podcast interview with John, Episode 42:
When we eat plants, instead of animals, basically–or mostly plants and few animals–then our health improves. We live longer lives, higher quality lives. I think there’s a higher frequency, then, in our energy or to our vibration, to our quality of life.
Also, our ecological footprint and our carbon footprint are lessened. We are lighter on the earth. To me, that is a big thing.
Now, food, I’ll come back to that, what do I eat? I don’t eat genetically engineered foods, ever. I eat as much organic as I can. I’m veganesque! For 30-something years I was a vegan exclusively, and hardcore at it. On the last few years, I feel better eating some wild fish–in particular salmon–but with that exception, I’m vegan.
But you can be vegan and eat an unhealthy diet. I did, at one point, but I’ve grown out of that, and I eat a lot of plants. I eat a lot of vegetables. I eat a lot of fresh fruits. I eat some whole grains, but they are low glycemic ones, quinoa and buckwheat primarily.
The only breads I eat are made from organic sprouted grains. I don’t eat flour. I don’t eat added sugar, because there are sugars naturally inherent in all foods really, in many fruits. I do enjoy fresh fruit.
I buy tons and tons of kale and collards and arugula and broccoli, and mustard greens, and all kinds of dark green leafy vegetables, because I love them and I eat them every day.
I have smoothies most mornings where I blend kale leaves or collard leaves and maybe an apple and maybe a carrot and a cucumber.
I also grind, in a little coffee grinder that I have set aside for this purpose, flax seeds and chia seeds. I grind them up and put them in the smoothie, along with the fresh veggies, and sometimes an apple, and water, and blend it up.
Then, throughout the day, I eat salads and steamed veggies. I’m a vegetarian who eats vegetables. I really am a vegetabletarian.
John Robbins is an international bestselling author and president of the Food Revolution Network. His many books include Diet for a New America, The Food Revolution, and Healthy at 100. He is an adamant spokesperson for healthy, environmentally sound, sustainable choices and is the recipient of the Rachel Carson Award, the Albert Schweitzer Humanitarian Award, and the Peace Abbey’s Courage of Conscience Award.
Ben Greenfield
From my podcast interview with Ben, Episode 75:
[On his years as a body builder:] So, I did it all by eating copious amounts of protein, I mean a lot of protein. Like I don’t know how many grams I was at per day, but well above that 200 gram-ish amount where you begin to get like ammonia toxicity and a whole bunch of nitrogenous waste.
I was consuming a lot of protein, but bad protein. I mean, just like what happened to be on sale from the frozen steak section of the grocery store, or four to five cans of tuna at night.
I was sponsored by ABB Bodybuilding Shakes, which is kind of like number one “doctor’s recommendation” Ensure, which is like maltodextrin and soy protein isolate and vegetable oil and a bunch of crap in a can.
So, it was a high, high, high protein, low fat, low carb diet that I followed while living in the gym. Yeah, I was pretty unhealthy. I looked really good but, again, very low testosterone. A lot of gut issues. That really messed up my gut for a long time.
Yeah, like you mentioned, I did look good and I got kind of sort of strong, not like function, you don’t even get that functionally strong when you’re doing that type of stuff.
I don’t think there is a right diet. I think that people need to eat based on what they’re genetically hardwired to eat. There are people who are Sub-Saharan African or Southeast Asian. Or people with familial hypercholesterolemia, for example, who have very high levels of saturated-fat sensitivity and might produce inflammation or extremely high, high cholesterol or high particle count in response to, let’s say, one of these trendy, high fat, low carb or ketogenic diets.
Ben Greenfield attained his master’s degree in exercise physiology and biomechanics before partnering with physicians and opening a series of personal training studios and gyms. He is the author of 13 books including the New York Times bestseller, Beyond Training. He is the founder and CEO of Kion, a company dedicated to creating and delivering products, information, coaching and consulting to those wanting to experience the pinnacle of health, performance, and longevity.
Dr. Steven Lin
From my podcast interview with Dr. Lin, Episode 71:
I have drawn up a food pyramid in [my book] The Dental Diet, and what it looks like is, the base of it is plants. That really tells us that, for the vast majority of what we eat, it should be coming from a variety of plants.
We’ve actually changed our plant intake. It’s something like seven species we’ve now reduced our intake of vegetables to. [We really need] a variety, and all these different fibers are what create microbial diversity. That’s a huge part of understanding how to create a healthy oral environment, because you have diverse, ecologically stable bacteria that then go on to your gut.
Stephen Lin, DMD is a functional dentist and author of the #1 Amazon Bestseller, The Dental Diet. His practice is based on the belief that food, not drills and needles, is the key to healthy teeth and gums, and that orthodontic braces can be prevented with nutrition.
Dr. Steven Masley, M.D.
From my podcast interview with Dr. Masley, Episode 60:
When someone needs energy and eats [something] like a granola bar or cereal or bread, insulin’s the hormone that tells your cells to store that energy. When you eat a refined carb, your sugar levels spike, you get a message, insulin’s the hormone that says, “Push that energy into the cell and store it.”
Every time you eat refined carbs, you get this insulin spike. Now, if we do that regularly, here’s the challenge: Your cells start saying, “Hey, I don’t have any more room to store. That cell is full. I can’t store any more. I’m going to stop listening to you. I’m going to be resistant to your storage message.”
When you reach insulin resistance, that’s when we’re gaining weight around our waistline, but at the same time, here’s the weird thing, brain cells, when they feel like, “Okay, I’m going to resist insulin’s message,” they become unable to use energy at all, and they become dysfunctional. It’d be like if someone put the wrong type of gas in your car, the engine wouldn’t run.
When you consume out-of-control carbs and you get this insulin resistance message going on, your brain cells are unable to use the sugar in your blood, and they can’t use the sugar properly that’s in their cells. Their motor won’t run and you get brain fog or forgetful or unfocused. Those are the signs.
Robyn: I noticed that you mentioned refined carbs, and I’m glad to hear you say that because there’s so much debate about carbs, as if all carbohydrates are bad.
Can you tell me what the difference is between refined carbs and maybe simple sugars found in whole foods like fruit. Is there a difference?
Steven: Oh, it’s a huge difference, and you explain this really nicely in a lot of your material. When we eat unprocessed carbs, like an apple or a cup of broccoli, that has a lot of fiber in it, the fiber binds to your sugar so your sugar doesn’t jump up high and spike. It comes out slowly and gently over time and provides us with a steady flow of energy.
Now, here’s what many people don’t appreciate, that when they have whole wheat, when you take flour, a grain, and process it into flour, it has the same response as table sugar. Whether it’s table sugar, or white flour, or whole wheat flour, they all act the same way in your blood and have that sugar spike effect.
What we want is carbs that don’t cause your blood sugar to jump high, so low-glycemic carbs would be like blueberries and cherries and watermelon and an apple, or any of the vegetables except for a potato, basically. Nuts and beans have a very low glycemic load.
What has a high glycemic load would be anything made with flour or crackers or chips, bread, granola, processed cereal, and obviously sugar itself.
All those things wreak havoc on our brain function and our health overall so it’s really an important distinction between eating carbs that have a low glycemic but have lots of nutrients, phytonutrients, and then those that are just kind of empty and sugar-releasing.
Stephen Masley, M.D. is author of several bestselling books including The Better Brain Solution. He created the #1 health program for public television called 30 Days to a Younger Heart. His research focuses on the impact of lifestyle choices on brain function, heart disease, and aging.
  Next: My podcast, Vibe, on iTunes and Stitcher, has some fascinating interviews with some of the greatest clinicians and researchers alive today. Check it out!
  –Robyn Openshaw, MSW, is the bestselling author of The Green Smoothies Diet, 12 Steps to Whole Foods, and 2017’s #1 Amazon Bestseller and USA Today Bestseller, Vibe.
Learn more about how to make the journey painless, from the nutrient-scarce Standard American Diet, to a whole-foods diet, in her free video masterclass 12 Steps to Whole Foods.
Disclosure: This post may contain Affiliate links that help support the GSG mission without costing you extra. I recommend only companies and products that I use myself.
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Greger, Michael M.D. What Do the Longest Living People Eat? NutritionFacts.org. 01/2018. https://nutritionfacts.org/2018/01/11/what-do-the-longest-living-people-eat/
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Kosinski, Christophe. Effects of Ketogenic Diets on Cardiovascular Risk Factors: Evidence from Animal and Human Studies. Nutrients. 05/2017. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5452247/
Kossoff, EH. et al. Dietary Therapies for Epilepsy. Biomedical Journal. 01/2013. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23515147
Biesalski, Hans Konrad et al. Nutrient reference values for bioactives: new approaches needed? A conference report. European Journal of Nutrition. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3597284/
Quintana, Pacheco DA. et al. Red meat consumption and risk of cardiovascular diseases –is increased iron load a possible link? The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 01/2018. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29381787
Morris, Martha Clare, S.D. et al. MIND Diet Associated with Reduced Incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease. Alzheimer’s Dementia. 09/2016. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4532650/
Low gluten diets may be associated with higher risk of type 2 diabetes. American Heart Association. 03/2017. https://newsroom.heart.org/news/low-gluten-diets-may-be-associated-with-higher-risk-of-type-2-diabetes?preview=b6db
Bulka, Catherine M. The Unintended Consequences of a Gluten-free Diet. Epidemiology. 05/2017. https://journals.lww.com/epidem/Fulltext/2017/05000/The_Unintended_Consequences_of_a_Gluten_free_Diet.27.aspx
Harper, Bob. The Super Carb Diet. St. Martin’s Press.12/2017.
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