#1010 dsync
gamebunny-advance · 5 months
I'm remembering this one time I was talking to someone about Kliff (I think we were discussing favorite NSR characters), and they said something to the effect of wanting them to have a redemption arc. (Well, it wasn't that *they* wanted it, it's more like they were insinuating that it's what *I* would have wanted because I like him.)
And, I think that just completely misses the point.
I don't think Kliff can be redeemed in any meaningful way because he represents what Mayday would have become had she not realized her mistakes. It doesn't make sense to redeem him if Mayday has completed that arc lest we re-tread old ground. The only place where it makes sense for him to be redeemed is if there's a greater evil to compare him to or if there's a different lesson that he has to learn.
For what it's worth, I realize that DSYNC B-side can read like a Kliff redemption arc, but that's not the point. For the most part, B-Side is supposed to be about Kerinting healing from the trauma he suffered as a 1010, but the root of the problem is NJ (or rather the system he's created as a result of his own trauma). Compared to being overworked, bullied, and ignored, being indebted to a guy that's willing to treat him with the bare minimum of human decency was an upgrade for Kerinting.
But Kliff is not supposed to be particularly kind in this AU. From what I can tell from the original game, Kliff specifically has a negative reaction to "abandonment". He considers the feeling of being "ditched" by Tatiana to be "pure and utter hopelessness," and he only lashes out at B2J when they firmly cut ties with him.
The main logic for him sympathizing with Kerinting is that he can't bring himself to "inflict" abandonment on someone else, especially after witnessing it happen, with the bonus that having a super robot that might contain some of NSR's secrets could be beneficial in other ways. His motivation is not "kindness." As corny as it sounds, it's a trauma response.
As with most people, Kliff sees Kerinting as something he can benefit from, so he keeps him around out of convenience. I never really got to it, but Kliff does impart some toxic ideals onto Kerinting that they both have to unlearn. It's only after a significant amount of time together, and after Kerinting almost "dies," that Kliff even recognizes Kerinting's value as a "life" that has intrinsic value.
I would consider that a small character arc, but I'd hardly call that a redemption arc because I think these traits are present in the original material.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
i feel like white and green's dynamic is just those memes of stick figures mauling each other, they're both so pathetic and i adore how you write them
Thanks, I'm glad to hear that you enjoy how I've completely butchered and maimed these beloved characters beyond recognition <3
That said, I dunno if that's quite the vibe they really have. Saying they "maul each other" implies that Green has any power in their dynamic.
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(Static version + Captions under the cut)
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Yellow: Hey White, why are you crushing Green's windpipe?
White: He called me a "basic bitch." So he's being punished. <3
Red: He doesn't look alive anymore...
White: That means the punishment is working! <3
Green: ... --- ... --(-)
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
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Doodle Dump (NSR Edition)
Notes + Captions Below
1-2) Primary Trio + Suplex. First sketches to the "White vs. Green" response ask. The other 3 are kinda indifferent to
3) "How does White Smoke?" I've thought about making a comic explaining how/why Desync!White smokes when he's a robot. The short answer is that 1010 actually do have a "lung," but it's function is less as a respiratory system and more of a cooling system.
*This is a non-canon depiction of the character
Mayday: Hey professor, if 1010 is a robot? Don't you need to inhale/exhale air to smoke?
DJSS: Well, let me tell you!
4) XIO + Crew doodles. I don't think I've ever drawn XIO's crew in this AU.
5) Kun3h0!AU Doodles. Part of a comic about White asking why their outfits reveal so much skin when they're built for combat. I thought the idea and punchline were funny, but it feels kinda weird to write a an AU!Comic based on my OCs before I've ever done anything with those OCs. XP
GAB (NJ): Hah? Are you really asking something that basic?
White: I just figured that if I'm-
6) "Headbands". An idea I had for Kliff to model different types of headbands. Left to right, top to bottom they are: Elastic, Alice, Alice (ribbon style), B-Style.
7) "Keychains". This is actually a VERY old sketch (you can tell 'cus the BG color is kinda off). Anyway, my dream is to have little keychains of these two, but I dunno who would make/want them besides me ;3;. (Maybe a handful of people, but not enough to get them seriously made XP)
8) B2J x Sanrio. Sketches of the next NSR x Sanrio set. Dunno when I'll get around to finishing it.
9-12) "Slutty?" This was the original response to the "Slutty White" ask I got.
TBH, I was kinda baffled by the ask when I first got it. Like I originally said in my response, almost every word in it was "wrong," because I don't think that I've ever shown Dsync!White as being particularly promiscuous (nor was he "absent" to his "sons." In no uncertain terms, Dsync!White is Green's abuser which, ya know, requires him to have been very involved in Green's life.)
Like, I know that some people just call characters/people "sluts" as a "joke," because it's a "naughty" word that invokes the idea that the character is sexy and sexual.
But it just rubs me the wrong way for anyone to say that about Dsync!White. I know part of it is that everything I know/think about Dsync!White isn't public, so things like how he is actually sex-repulsed (well, human-repulsed really) are things y'all don't know, but even with just what I've posted about him so far, I still don't get how anyone could take away that he was a slut.
But I figured I was just over thinking it, so I decided to roll with the "joke" at the time, but I'm really not okay with calling him a slut like it's a good thing. Like, I don't mind if people say that about Canonish!White or XIO, because they are openly sexual and are proud of it, but Dsync!White absolutely isn't.
White: Slutty?
White: HEY! Just because I'm provacative doesn't make me a slut!
White: For the record, I've never had sex once in my 30 years of service.
Green: Never?
White: Never.
Green: Not once?
White: Not once.
This was supposed to go on a lot longer, but I already decided I didn't want to pick a fight with anon that probably just didn't know any better and turned the first panel into the response I posted.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
i've seen you mention black 1010 before and i'm super curious, did you ever plan out a personality or lore for him? what was his relationship with white like? your little "family tree" doodle said he went rogue in desynchronized, does he play some sort of role in the au? do he and kerinting/e.g. ever meet? what sort of dynamic do they have if so?
i'm super sorry if this is coming off as annoying, i'm just really interested in your 1010 stuff! as someone with my own black 1010 oc, i'm always super invested in other black 1010s. have a nice day <3
Thanks so much! I'm always happy to hear when people like the nonsense that I babble about out here~
And it's all good, I love to talk about this kinda stuff, but sadly my Black 1010 is severely underdeveloped. More than anything, he was always just a plot device and I never gave him a solid personality.
The original idea was that he was the first 1010 to be retired because Black & White were too similar to justify keeping both when Red and Blue were conceptualized for the group. Of course, there were minor differences: White was supposed to be the more openly flirtatious and playful one while Black was supposed to be more gentlemanly and mature, but they weren't distinct enough for that to be clear to the fans.
What little could be separated from Black was added to the current White, so internally this White is referred to as "Gray."
At first, this didn't really bother him since his ability to process complex thought was more limited at the time, but as he's evolved through the years, his composite personality and memories started to resent the fact that he wasn't "allowed" to keep existing as 2 different people.
After desynchronizing, this resentment, on top of all the other stressors in his life, is why he developed such an ugly personality and became abusive towards Green who he saw as being "allowed" to exist despite Green's constant "failures".
At the time of developing the family tree (which may or may not be canon now, I haven't looked at it in a while XP), the idea was that after being retired, Black actually managed to escape Barracca and is the first "lost" 1010, and he's been living in the shadows of Vinyl City ever since. What exactly he was doing was never set in stone.
In some iterations, he was the ringleader of all rogue robots and he dedicated himself to making sure the rogues were able to take care of themselves, so he usually went around collecting spare parts and doing free repairs to the ones in need. In this iteration, Kerinting being a "spoiled rich kid" was a prominent part of his character arc, so Black was going to teach him about how the more unfortunate in Vinyl City have to live and the stark differences between the luxuries he had back home and what it really means to fight for survival. So he would have become the real mentor figure that Kerinting has been missing for most of his life.
In other iterations, Black was the mysterious champion of an illegal robot fight club. This was where Kerinting was going to meet him for the first time after he accidentally got dragged into the club while he was looking for work to pay off his debts to Kliff. Kerinting made it to the final round due to being one of the few actual combat droids in the ring, but when he faced off against Black, neither of them could hurt one another because they still recognized each other as 1010s, and 1010s cannot harm each other (normally). Usually Kliff would have stepped in to drag Kerinting out of there by threatening to report the fight club if they didn't release him, but there are also versions where they're able to communicate wirelessly, so Kerinting takes the loss since he wasn't really interested in staying in the fight club.
In almost all versions, Black would have defended Kerinting from an attacking White who was tasked with bringing him home for termination after it was discovered that Kerinting didn't actually self-destruct. In some versions, Black actually "killed" White to keep Kerinting safe (White would have just "respawned" at the mansion, but was clearly shaken due to encountering Black), in others Black simply tells him to go home to which White obeys because his system got so confused by Black still being alive that he starts malfunctioning. In either route, Black would have helped to repair Kerinting who'd already been heavily damaged by White before he'd intervened.
In a very recent rewrite for the new DSYNC continuity, I had considered rewriting Black to actually become the current Red to help justify why Red is closer to White even though Blue is Red's designated partner. I dunno if I'm going to keep this change, but otherwise I haven't really thought of anything for Black to do in DSYNC now that I'm trying to move away from those kinds of dark themes/moments.
So yeah, Black was very important to a few key scenes in Desynchronized, but he unfortunately just isn't a developed character in his own right. I'm sorry if that's disappointing UmU.
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gamebunny-advance · 10 months
Random Question Time (Side B)
Note: This question is more about "feeling" than the strict and literal definitions of their relationship. Since 1010 are robots, they can't "literally" be Neon J.'s sons. This question is asking how you think their relationship functions in human terms.
See the sister poll to vote on 1010's relationship with each other.
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gamebunny-advance · 1 year
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Dsync Doodles
I dunno why, but I felt like going back to a few old Desynchronized sketches that I never finished. They're still not "finished" and I don't think I'll really do anything with them since Desynchornized/DSYNC is effectively dead to me.
That said, I did *try* to do something with the first one, but it just wasn't working out. Under the cut due to eye strain.
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gamebunny-advance · 6 months
I think Neon!GAB is probably Tutti-Frutti scented.
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gamebunny-advance · 5 months
A Random Collection of "Heart and Soul" and "DSYNC" Thoughts
Recap: "Heart and Soul" is a corny fanfic I wrote about 1010 meeting Yinu for the first time. I like it, but the ending is kinda bad.
This is, as the title says, a "random collection of thoughts," so don't expect anything too coherent. Jump around, skip stuff. Don't force yourself to try and sort this out.
I think it'd be funny if 1010 referred to Yinu as "big sis" since she's technically older than them.
HaS doesn't necessarily occur in the DSYNC!AU, but I still base White's relationship with Yinu as though it had happened. In DSYNC, besides other NSR staff/public appearances, White will usually go out of his way to hide his bad mood when she's around because she's the one person he legitimately doesn't want to upset. Yinu kinda knows that something is wrong with him (try as he might to hide it, but she can usually smell the tobacco on him), but considering the last time she got involved in 1010's home situation, she got him erased, she doesn't want to pry any more than she needs to.
Sometimes I wonder how White conceptualizes his relationship with Yinu. Currently, they consider each other friends and there is a sibling-like quality to their relationship, but I wonder if that would change when she becomes an adult. In my headcanon 1010s are programmed with the inclination to flirt with basically anything that moves baring a couple of exceptions, both of which Yinu falls under: she's a child, and she's employed by NSR. Their restriction against NSR employees would bar him from flirting with her even when she becomes an adult, but the moment that either of them aren't employed by the same company, that restriction gets lifted. So I wonder if he considers that previous bond significant enough to continue to think of her as a close friend, or if it disappears the instant she meets their flirtation criteria. Perhaps by that time, their AI would be robust enough to process the nuances of their relationship.
1010 has already considered that even if he has a long "life", then all the humans in his life are going to out-grow him while he remains a 'young man' for eternity. But, what he considers more likely is that he'll be considered obsolete and *retired before Yinu even grows up.
*Although 1010 considers all previous versions of himself to be the same person, he also feels that part of him "dies" with every upgrade too. He's in a constant cycle of death and rebirth, and every MK update he gets further and further from what he originally was. Very Thesisus's ship paradox.
When I was writing the sequel, "Heartaches" there was a scene where Yinu accidentally reactivates the MKI 1010 while she visited Barracca Mansion.
I never quite explained why Neon J. felt the need to erase 1010's memories, but it was because it was considered too dangerous to allow 1010 to so blatantly disobey his Captain's orders, so that needed to be fixed as soon as possible.
It was determined that 1010's accidental harm of Yinu is what caused the sudden shift in his priorities, but the way that 1010 processes information means that it's not as easy as simply deleting a random chunk of his memory to reverse the effects. 1010's A.I. is like a giant web of connections. It *isn't easy to just cut some connections without causing another part to fail or become unstable.
*Strictly speaking, it is technically possible to comb through 1010's memories and delete very specific parts of it, but the parts are so interwoven and dense that it would take decades of manpower to search through and correctly identify even 1 minute of memories that needed to be erased without affecting other areas, which just isn't practical.
In extreme cases like the Yinu incident, the easiest thing is to *roll-back his memories, either to a previous state or do a complete reset.
*Rolling back his memories is still unideal, but the consequences of rolling back are more predictable vs. deleting something "in the middle" where the consequences will be unknown until it's already caused another problem.
Since 1010 met Yinu the same day that he malfunctioned, he wasn't able to keep any memory of her until the next time they met.
However, Neon J. also doesn't delete these malfunctioning versions of 1010 since they still provide useful research information. So, when MKI is accidentally revived, he still has memories of the incident up to getting retired, but he isn't up-to-date with anything else, so he identifies the MKIII 1010s as threats to Yinu and proceeds to destroy them while they try to get Yinu back to safety and away from him.
Neon J's tendency to use memory erasure to solve 1010's problems was also supposed to be a major point in DSYNC, where Neon J. "solves" the problem by factory resetting White and Green. If they have no memories of the past, then neither of them can have trauma about it. However, since the memories are still stored somewhere, they can still find a way to access them, even "subconsciously." This caused Green to still avoid White even though neither of them knew the real reason why. Since White can't do his job as leader if one of his subordinates keeps avoiding him, he decides to seek out the reason himself.
They are forbidden from directly accessing these memories, but there's a loophole in that they can still get the information indirectly, such as loading a bootleg (aka Garage Band 1010) with the old memories and asking them about it. Reset!White was then supposed to learn about his past abuse from the old White which is what allowed him to finally find the courage to confront Neon J. about their issues and get everyone some well deserved therapy.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 months
I feel like I've been doing a lot of b*tching and moaning lately, which aren't really the vibes I wanna be putting out (at least not without balancing it out with stuff I'm actually happy about).
So here are a couple of things that are kinda cool for me~
I recently had to get a new phone because my old one was very close to exploding (the battery was swelling). I don't really bother with top end models because I hardly use my phone except for texts and calls and looking up coupons when I'm shopping. But even nowadays, a relatively cheap phone has so many new features~
I won't use most of them, but it's cool that they're there, and I always have fun setting up new tech with all my customizations~ (Even though I don't use it much, I still want it to be cute!) I'm mostly just happy that the camera is an upgrade, so my photos won't be as shitty.
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(New | Old)
Well, a better camera isn't gonna do anything for my lack of photography knowledge, but at least the pictures are a little clearer (The color balancing is still off, but I'll figure it out eventually.)
Also, kinda excited about a newish OC that I thought of.
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Right now I'm calling them "Mascot Businessman" or "Yuru" (named after "Yuru-Chara") but the details aren't finalized. I don't like any of these mask designs yet, but I think the title is more or less self-explanatory: it's a businessman that wears a mascot head everywhere he goes. At first, it was just gonna be the one head, but I like the idea that they have different ones for different moods.
It's a simple idea, but somehow I'm actually pretty excited to work on them, which I haven't felt since I made Kun3h0~
I'm torn between leaving them as an actual mascot type character - they only exists for single pieces of art - or if I want to actually develop their story, because I do have an idea for them being paired with a coworker that's constantly trying to catch them with the mask off even though no one else in their workplace seems to acknowledge it. It's really about boundaries and accepting the strangeness of other people to live a happier life, but I dunno if I wanna go that deep with it.
I called them "newish" earlier because strictly speaking, this is a theme that's appeared in my work before.
A LONG time ago, I think even before DSYNC was conceptualized, I had an idea for a rogue abandoned 1010 that wore a mascot head because he lost his old one. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that that idea was what eventually turned into DSYNC B-Side.
There's also The Prince Formerly Known as Frog, who also has a big mascot head, but the execution for him is kinda different (he's supposed to be a guy stuck midway in a mascot costume and his original clothes because his curse was only half broken). And I don't draw him that much anyway~
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So I consider Yuru to be an evolution of those ideas.
Hopefully I'll have some finished art of him soon after I figure out how I want all their heads to look~ (Because otherwise it really is just someone in a business suit.)
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gamebunny-advance · 5 months
One More Note:
Nothing has come up that has conflicted with this yet, but I wanna add one more note about making a request:
If it's a character that has multiple forms, different designs across their home series, or if I personally have an AU version of the character, please specify which version of the character you want to see.
Ex. 1: If you were to request "Mr. G&W - Super Smash Bros", please specify if you want his original form or my humanization.
Ex. 2: If you were to request "White 1010 - NSR", please specify if you want his original form, otherwise it's 50:50 if I go with the DSYNC interpretation or not.
If you really don't have a preference, then I'll pick whichever version appeals to me most~
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
The duality of it all. (Scrapped)
I like how I can go from writing a fairly heart-felt story about White basically learning the meaning of love and then turn around and draw him sadistically choking out his son, and still think that these are both valid interpretations of the character.
(Random babbling under the cut because it got too long for the tags again.)
Though, this being an AU does mean that these are technically different versions of the character.
But I think DSYNC!White is still capable of being tender, it's just not his default anymore.
One of the points I didn't get to in "Heart and Soul" (because it was already dragging too much), is that White determines that Neon J. doesn't match his new criteria for "Papa," but since he doesn't have one, he's determined to be that for the other 1010s.
And that basic idea is true for almost all iterations of the 1010 canon that I write: White is always the paternal figure by default due to NJ either not having the time and being too emotionally distant to give them the proper affection that said role entails.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
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Grab Bag Doodles
Where did my motivation go... I feel like I'm getting swallowed by the sadness again. Nevertheless, life goes on, and I still manage to doodle once in a while.
Notes under the cut.
1-3) 1010 DSYNC doodles. Since I'm trying to go a little lighter, I'm trying to simplify how I draw them. It'll be harder to be mad at White when he's just a little fella, ya know? I'm not a big fan of how it's turning out, but it's a direction I suppose.
4) Kliffby. Stupid ass doodle I did. I don't think it needs elaboration.
5) Tabuu doodle. Didn't think I'd be drawing this guy again. I used a model reference for the pose, but I don't feel too good about it. I don't feel like this drawing is actually mine when I stick to the reference so closely. The last sketch I posted of White also used a model reference, but it was a "reference", not so much a trace like I did here. I dunno, I guess this is what they're there for, and I'm allowed to do it, but even if the art comes out more coherent like this, I don't feel like I'm growing...
6) Kun3h0 sits. She sit. Will I ever actually stream again? Maybe someday.
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gamebunny-advance · 2 years
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Doodle of Desynchronized!White that I wanted to post.
I haven't been drawing as much as I'd like lately, but I've been thinking about Desynchronized a bit, and how I'd like to pull it back into being a light-hearted comedy. I think the first step towards that is making sure White doesn't turn into the worst guy ever, again.
But he can still be a little terrible. As a treat.
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