#but that generally takes the form of him trying to be fatherly when he can and strict when he must be
gamebunny-advance · 10 months
Random Question Time (Side B)
Note: This question is more about "feeling" than the strict and literal definitions of their relationship. Since 1010 are robots, they can't "literally" be Neon J.'s sons. This question is asking how you think their relationship functions in human terms.
See the sister poll to vote on 1010's relationship with each other.
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impactedfates · 9 months
hello! platonic astral express (mostly welt and dan heng) + jing yuan with a teen reader like collei?
they were used as an experiment from a very young young thankfully the crew/jing yuan found and rescued them, they also took them in but they were still traumatized from their time as an experiment,they are chronically ill which makes them weak and are scared of being touched due to their time as an experiment subject
★ A/N: Colleis backstory makes me so sad :(( I love her sm. Characters here are just Dan Heng, Welt and Jing Yuan
☆ Genre/Trope: Platonic + Hurt/Comfort (kinda?)
★ Format: Mini Scenarios (Separate)
☆ Warnings: Implied torture + human experiments on reader // Scar/injuries mentions
★ Extra: Reader is shorter then characters // Reader is with the Express
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Dan Heng is very careful around you, whether or not he sees himself as threatening he doesn't know if YOU'D see him as threatening. He could quickly tell how untrustworthy you were when the Express found you. And based on the scars scattered around your body, some clearly new as it seems they were inflicted on you recently and how you held up a make shift dagger towards them, you seem to have a very good reason not to trust them.
It takes some time but eventually Himeko and Welt do manage to gain your trust and let you on board so they can give you a better life then what you had experienced.
Dan Heng makes sure to always be gentle with you and helps you when you need help, he himself isn't much of a touchy person himself but he still ensures to steer clear from any touches, even the lighter ones.
He allows you in the databanks, especially when you have nightmares. He has them himself, although he isn't completely sure about what the nightmare is about, he'll never pry. Only comfort you.
He's also a bit more hesitant to show his dragon form, he doesn't want to potentially scare you but if there comes a time where he for any reason NEEDS to get into that form, he'll inform you and if you want he'll ask March or the Trailblazer to bring you away.
Overall: Dan Heng is careful around you, making sure that whatever he does doesn't trigger you in anyway - he makes sure he doesn't touch you, even slightly and comforts you if you ever have nightmares. He thinks a lot of his actions through just encase it may affect you negatively.
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Welt was the first to attempt to gain your trust, his fatherly instincts kicked in as soon as he saw you, he could tell despite the face you put up to try and scare the others behind that was a scared child.
So he was patient with you, took the time to gain your trust, carefully tended to your injuries when you allowed him and as soon as you were comfortable to be on the express. He became your father, whether or not there was any paperwork done or not, you have eventually seen him as your father.
Due to his age (*cough cough* grandpa *cough cough*) he's very smart, so he takes the time to teach you, if you don't understand he'll go over it again and make sure he does it in a way that you'll understand.
He can tell that most of your childhood seems to be lost. So he attempts to make you smile, experience a good childhood you seemed to have missed.
He can also tell that your chronically ill, you're more weaker then others so he offers to get you a cane, something that can provide aid for you so it's hopefully more bearable for you, and if you ever get to weak for even that? He's more then happy to carry you, he'll always ask first as he does know you're a bit more hesitant on being held or touched in general.
If you ever have nightmares he'll make you some tea and listen to you about what it was, even if you decided to not tell him he'll keep you company.
Overall: Welt is a very patient man, who became your unofficial father, knowing that your childhood was seemingly mostly lost he tries to make up for it and he also teaches you the basics of everything. He offers a cane to hopefully help you with your more weak body.
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When Jing Yuan first met you, he knew something was wrong. Whether or not you looked better then how you looked before meeting the Express, he's still a General and can catch a lot of things. He won't pry at all but when you're not around will ask about it. He's worried, a child so young and it seems like you've been hurt more then you've smiled?
He doesn't wish to pry, he knows it's none of his business but the fact he knows something bad happened to you and likely at a young age doesn't please him one bit.
Just like Welt, he's patient with you. He's also very careful around you. One time when he was supervising you he happened to summon Lightning Lord as some enemies tried to ambush you and this seemed to send you into a panic, Jing Yuan quickly made sure the enemies were gone before checking on you, being careful not to touch you but still finding a way to comfort you.
Whether or not he manages to calm you down is up to you, however you'll end up with a blanket wrapped around you in the comforts of his office. He'll give you various of games you can play, books or whatever. If you want to try a new hobby he'll get someone to get anything needed for it.
Overall: I think he's similar to Welt however he does sometimes scare you unintentionally. Whether it be due to having to summon Lighting Lord or even hearing him talk in his more "General" voice, he does feel bad though. He doesn't mean to scare you and if you're around he does try not to do either.
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Sorry if this take a while to do wrjggdvg. This was slightly difficult to write as I wasn't too sure what direction to take but hopefully this is okay!
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maochira · 5 months
Being Ohma Tokita's adopted child
Characters: Ohma, Kazuo, Kaede (one mention), Koga, Ryuki
gn!child!reader, hurt/comfort, first part is about Kengan Ashura and the second about Kengan Omega (there will be an Omega spoiler warning!)
If it wasn't for Ohma, you would be dead by now. You barely would have had a chance at life.
Born as the child to a prostitute on The Inside and without your biological father anywhere near the first years of your life were... rough. You don't remember any of it, but your mother really tried her best to take care of you.
Until she was murdered.
Ohma found you by coincidence. And normally he wouldn't have cared about a lonely toddler on the streets. Death is a daily occurrence on The Inside, after all.
There was just something different about you. Something that made Ohma decide to take care of you for the time being. Maybe for a few weeks or months, just long enough for him to find someone who could take better care of you than he could.
Ohma never ended up giving you away. He couldn't get himself to do it.
One day you suddenly called him "dada" and that was when he realised how fatherly he felt for you. And he realised if he gave you away, he'd only worry about how your life would continue without him.
He promised to himself to raise you into a strong fighter so you can defend yourself even when he's not around.
You were 5 at the time when Ohma became a Kengan fighter. It was odd because you weren't used to being around so many people so you would always stay at Ohma's side.
You quickly got attached to Kazuo and Kaede and ended up clinging to them whenever Ohma was in a fight.
At first Ohma was critisized for bringing you along, especially when he took you to the Kengan Annihilation tournament, but that criticism went down when everyone noticed how much you love to watch Ohma (and everyone else) fight.
Especially when it became obvious how eager you are to become a fighter when you'd grow up, people stopped critisizing Ohma for the most part. After all, he's trying to raise someone who might become one of the strongest Kengan fighters of the next generation.
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After Ohma's "death" Kazuo decided to take custody over you. He's already raised two sons, so how hard could it be to raise you as well? It definitely was a lot harder than he expected.
Besides his new job and new life situation in general he was mourning Ohma's death just as much as you were. But every time you seemed to get better, Kazuo started healing a little more as well.
Despite the fact that you're not Ohma's biological child, Kazuo could always see parts of him in you. That motivated Kazuo to raise you into the fighter Ohma had planned.
Other Kengan fighters would help with your training and introduced you to all sorts of fighting styles. You learned the many techniques you were taught by them a lot quicker than any other child your age would, which impressed everyone.
When Koga showed up you got attached to him surprisingly quickly. To him, you're something like the little sibling he never had. You also ended up calling him "Nii-san" at some point because you spent so much time with him.
When you first met Ryuki, you were the first one to not mistake him for Ohma. At first you didn't want to be near Ryuki at all, but soon started feeling some sense of security around him. In some ways he still reminded you of your father who you missed so much.
And then everything turned around. The entire time, Ohma wasn't actually dead.
He hated how he couldn't be there for you the past two years, but what he hated even more was the thought of bringing you into danger.
The moment Ohma finally got to reuinite with you was the first and only time he cried in front of you. It wasn't much, but you could see the tears forming in his eyes.
If you liked this, please remember to reblog and write some tags! It's the easiest way to support me and reading them motivates me a lot!
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homestuckreplay · 2 months
Gamer Grandma Gits Gud!
(page 419-421)
7/30/2009 Wheel Spin: Captchalogue Lore Verdict: INCORRECT
7/31/2009 Wheel Spin: Parent Bad :( Verdict: EXTREMELY INCORRECT - true answer: Grandparent Good :)
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There's an absolutely overwhelming amount of stuff in only three pages and LOADS to say, so I'm going to bullet point this to keep this as brief as possible because I try to write these posts within the timeframe of a single Mountain Goats album.
Rose + Dave
Those notification bubbles above the computer really exist, in Sburb at the very least! Rose knows that Dave is wearing those stupid shades confirmed.
The command is 'Rose: Pester John.' and Rose only half obeys this - she pesters, but it isn't John. Always cool to see characters push against commands, and to have expectations subverted for the reader.
Dave acknowledges that his bro might be taking puppet irony too far, and it's Rose he chooses to tell this to, explicitly saying 'don't tell John.'
Dave's bro's ventriloquist rap doll haunts him in his dreams?? This is definitely a normal sibling dynamic and definitely not something that's going to end up being super important given the general theme of the characters having dolls in their house.
What are Dave's bro's websites and are they anything like Dave's? Does Rose think Dave's bro is cooler than he is? Is this a sticking point in their friendship?
'I suspect he is preoccupied with the fact that he just had a bucket of water dumped on his head by the ghost of his dead grandmother, who also happens to be dressed like a clown.' Fucking insane thing for Rose to say. No wonder Dave has no idea what to make of it.
John + Nanna
Nannasprite is the coolest ever. Lots of her wisdom clearly comes from being a game NPC, but she dispenses it in such a grandmotherly fashion.
Nannasprite is also the most powerful character because she never has to retrieve her arms. She has one all the time, while everyone else is sometimes drawn without them.
Very interesting dynamic that John doesn't remember his nan from before she died, and is essentially getting to know her for the first time in gamesprite form.
Absolutely hilarious bit that Nannasprite pretends not to know what a computer is.
Dad + Imps
The imps on p.421 are both clown themed and have the same bodies, but different color schemes. One is a shale imp exactly like the one John thought - the other could be a different flavor of imp who drops different loot?
John is 'a fine young man just like [his] father' according to Nanna. I sure would love to know what Dad was like when he was young.
With the new knowledge of the strife portfolio, can we assume Dad uses both cakekind and broomkind? Possibly other fatherly household objects too?
Dad was kidnapped by 'the forces of darkness,' which doesn't sound very good. The imps seem like really low level enemies though, and not deserving of this title. Who do they work for? In D&D, imps are very low level fiends who serve devils and archdevils, and I believe this comes from Christian mythology. But imps aren't typically evil in and of themselves, just mischievous lackeys, so something bigger is happening.
The Lore!!!!
The Medium - makes me think of an artistic medium, as in a type/category of art or the material used to create art, or of a medium/middle between light and darkness or good and evil.
The Incipisphere - from incipient, 'beginning to happen or develop' + sphere, a uniform three-dimensional round shape. This is interesting, because the place is 'untouched by the flow of time' but also has just come into being with the beta release of Sburb and also 'somewhat paradoxically, almost has' existed apart from it. This works because I too have had older relatives tell me confusing stories that don't make logical sense.
John is not inside a computer or digital space, the computer served as a portal to a different physical space (which is also a ring of pure void). Computer (or fiction in general) as portal to another world is a common metaphor that is being made literal here.
Sburb probably dictates how much gamesprites know and how much they're allowed to tell the player. To what extent is Nannasprite 'pre-programmed' and to what extent is she making her own decisions? Is the lore she gives John completely reliable?
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windrsr · 2 years
How would your oc's react if they accidentally break their darling?
Tw: Manipulation and gaslighting on Miru's part.
(Male Yandere OCs x Gender Neutral Reader)
•Henry (Doll Maker) - This is what he wanted, actually. He wants you to lose your will to even fight against him, and to completely shut down so he can do whatever he wants to you, without you resisting. He enjoys dressing you up, controlling your daily life, and holding you in his arms, hoping that you know that this is your life.
•Micheal (Scientist) - He thinks it's pathetic. He thinks he hasn't even done his worst to you yet. But he would rather have you like this than be stubborn; he can tell you to do something and you'll just do it, without having any argument with you at all. "You're such a good, little pet...All quiet and obedient for me."
•Miru (Living Doll) - He gets really worried and frustrated. You're not taking care of him anymore and tending to his needs. He calls you lazy and tells you to do something for him, only to have tears of anger form when you wouldn't even respond to him or get up out of bed. He cries, and places his hands on your shoulders, begging you to stop playing hard to get with him and to just return to your daily routine, which is taking care of him.
•Ryan (Test Subject) - He's heartbroken. He didn't mean to break you! All he wanted was to take care of you and protect you. When he finds out that you're completely lost hope in him (or life in general), he feels like he failed you. He knows he's went too far, and he tries his best to bring you back, by telling you that he's here for you, but it's too late. He tries his best to reason with you and bring you back, but it doesn't seem like you're listening, so done with everything.
•Loki (Creature) - He thinks you're weak, but he also thinks that's his fault. He should have known better. He should have known to be more gentle and less harsher with you. Loki must have forgotten his own strength as a creature. He's disappointed in himself, and he's going back to the behaviors that he promised himself that he wouldn't have.
•Aaron (Best Friend) - He panics. You're not the same person you used to be, and it makes him feel like you hate him. He doesn't care what you do - you can hit him, yell at him, cry, he just wants you to say something to him, anything that reminds him of the person that you used to be. "C-come on, you still love me, right? Right?! I-I know you're in there, y/n! Just say something, anything!"
•Samuel (Fatherly) - At first, he refuses to believe it. He just takes care of you as usual, but he always notices that your eyes looks so grey and lifeless. You don't fight back anymore, which is something he's happy about, but it's not because you've finally accepted him, it's from losing hope. He holds your hand, "I know it may seem bad now, but please know that I'm doing this because I love you, sweetheart. I know that you will come to your senses soon, and realize just how much I care about you."
•Tyler (Bounty Hunter) - He feels like shit. He tried his best to be as gentle and "loving" as possible, but he's failed at that. He feels stupid; how could he, a bounty hunter ever learn how to love when killing is all he's known? Tyler thinks he should have known better than to try and have a lover. He doesn't let you go, but he leaves you alone and doesn't talk to you anymore.
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egg-emperor · 10 months
How do you think Metal would feel about Sage? Would he be jealous seeing Sage getting fatherly "affection" and praise from Eggy, while he himself get treated like shite?
I can definitely see there being animosity between them. Metal Sonic is very serious and cold and empty as a constant the way he's created and expected to be and would surely reject Sage's warmth if she tried to be friendly to him for their relation and tried to be a sister. I can see him brushing her off, always turning away from her and giving silent death glares from afar. Sage can't tell if he's super mad at her or if it's just his resting face but the answer is both lol
That increases seeing how she manages to please Eggman and get praised like he works so hard for. At first all he was fueled by was hate and the drive to kill but I imagine when Eggman alters his programming to restrict freedom and make him more loyal, he codes him to have an actual desire to please him as his master too so he won't betray again. But Eggman purposefully never satisfies that desire by never being happy enough with his work, to keep him trying harder.
So seeing Eggman attempt a completely different method with Sage, where he actually gives her what she desires and works hard for with praise and approval, he could feel more anger and hate build inside of him. He's been trying for years to prove his worth as the superior Sonic and be useful to his master but beyond the occasional boasting of him being the powerful creation of his genius creator and taking all the credit, he's taken for granted and mistreated terribly.
But he never receives the response he's been made to crave, so seeing Sage get it easily angers him. But the truth is even with Sage, Eggman still has same manipulative intentions, just with a different method. Where he gives Sage what she wants to keep her loyal but doesn't with Metal to keep him working hard because he doesn't have to encourage loyalty, he's been so restricted by programming that he doesn't have a choice anymore, no way to escape.
And the way she's seemingly treated better while he's treated terribly and receives a lot of the worst would also cut deep. Eggman doesn't hide his cruelty around him like he often does with Sage and when he's mad at him he gets it a hundred times worse unfiltered. And whether he realizes Eggman really is just as manipulative towards her or not, he can't tell Sage the forms of cruelty he's endured and let her know how dangerous it can be because he can't speak.
I think he'd feel jealous and increased hatred and a drive to be competitive against her and trying to one up her while continuing to try to prove himself and his worth in general. Eggman would be entertained and encourage it for how it gets extra effort and work out of Metal. But he still never praises or rewards him like he does Sage and he even plays up especially when he gives it to her right in front of him to make him extra jealous because he's an asshole lol
Poor guy always feels nothing but negative feelings of hatred thanks to Eggman!
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prongsmydeer · 1 year
Ayesha Liveblogs Shrek 3 and 4
The wild gendered expectations they have on Pinocchio to hate dinner theatre LMAO
"I am the rightful King of Far Far Away." On what grounds, Prince Charming?
Why does Shrek have to do all the knighting and christening of boats when Fiona is the royal heir? Even in Shrek we cannot escape the misogyny of inheritance laws
"Imagine an Ogre baby. They extra cry, and they extra poop." This is unfortunate foreshadowing for how many babies they're gonna have
"I am proud to call you my Frog-King Dad-in-Law." Ghkjhgkjhg Shrek is as preoccupied with Harold being a frog as Harold was with him being an Ogre
"You and Fiona are next in line for the throne." Again, I feel like Fiona has this whole like, princess her whole life thing going for her. Why does Shrek need to be ruling in any way
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Why has Doris been thrown out of the bar!! Who is Mabel!!
"And you, Frumpypigskin." "Rumplestiltskin." "Where's that firstborn you were promised?" I think this is supposed to be foreshadowing for the next Shrek movie
"How does it happen?" said Donkey, as if he did not have at least five children (six if we count the missing baby, whose name is apparently Éclair)
"My stomach aches and my palm just got sweaty. Must be a high school." Relatable. Also the implication that Shrek went to high school. Was it an Ogre high school or a general high school for fairytale creatures
"My friend Tiffany thinkest thou vex her so soothly. And she thought perchance you would ask her to the homecoming dance." Tiffany confirming that the Shrekfucker community is alive and well
Not Arthur Pendragon being bullied by the nerds omg
Fgjkhkghkgjh Guin being repulsed by Arthur. Rough
I guess we know where Doris is!! At Fiona's baby shower
"I got you the biggest one, because I love you the most." HAHAHAHA not Snow White giving Fiona a PERSON as a present
HAHAHAHAHA I love Pinnochio double negativing Charming into confusion
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"He'll never fall for your tricks!" [Nose grows] Pinocchio knows Shrek is very gullible
Most of Shrek's problems are related to just being too strong to handle his own body
How long does Shrek think he can hide the fact there are other heirs to the throne. Does he think if he waits til they're in Far Far Away, Artie won't turn back?
"Somebody help! I've been kidnapped by a monster trying to relate to me." This movie strongly feels like it was written by the parent of a teenager LMAO
"Please leave any bad vibes outside the healing vortex." Me trying to talk to my parents
"My dad wasn't really the fatherly type either." 1) The plot of this movie is simply Daddy Issues: Shrek Edition and 2) Are we finally going to find out where some of the other Ogres are?
I guess we have taken until the third movie to confirm that some, if not most, Ogres, are pro-eating each other, at least. Shrek's father said, I put you in this world, I can take you out
"People used to think I was a monster. And for a long time, I believed them. But after a while, you learn to ignore the names that people call you, and you just trust who you are." SOMETHING SOMETHING METAPHORS FOR OPPRESSION SOMETHING SOMETHING MY HEART
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"That Charming makes me hotter than July." Why did Rapunzel say 'ew,' isn't she the one that Charming calls Kitten Whiskers lmao
Update from 30 seconds later: I got an immediate answer to this question in the form of Rapunzel betraying them
Also: Is the topiary supposed to be Lillian or is the implication Charming's first act in this coup was to replace the garden sculptures jkhgkjhg. I've been thinking it for a while but Lillian and Charming really do have the same hair and general face shape:
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"Shrek will be back soon, and you'll be sorry." Fiona why do you need Shrek, you can take out a band of ten Merry Men by yourself!! Are you hesitant to fight because you're pregnant? This movie should really be about Fiona and not Shrek
"Get yourself back to Worcestershire, kid." Bold of them to choose this name for Artie's hometown hahahah
HAHAHAHA Artie defeats Merlin's magical insecurities by having a tantrum
Efhjkfhkfjh the implication that Donkey has been suppressing his inner heehaw for two whole movies. Poor Puss in Boots
"He's a star, people! Hello? I'm so sorry about this, Mr. Shrek." Artie's best quality as a leader is his ability to think on his feet
"I wasn't right for the job. I just needed some fool to replace me." IT'S A GOOD THING YOU'RE NOT THE ROYAL HEIR OF FAR FAR AWAY SHREK, FIONA IS! IT'S HER THRONE AND HER DECISION, U DINK
Shout-out to Cinderella's slowly dwindling mental health, she's got some of the most labour-intense and psychologically difficult backstory kghkhjg
Oh hell yeah Julie Andrews as Mama Lillian showing where Fiona got her fighting skills
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"Okay girls, from here on out, we're gonna take care of business ourselves." AS THEY SHOULD!
HAHAHAHAH Snow White's singing scene is all I remember from this movie. Get 'em girls!!!
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Cinderella throwing her glass shoe, Sleeping Beauty tripping them with her narcolepsy, Doris tripping the men up with her leg that didn't fit into the shoe. I love that the mechanisms of their fighting are the same as their confines in the story
"Shrek only said those things to protect you." And because they were true! He was also dishonest with Arthur lmao
Awwww the Shrek fan club in the audience. He really is a beloved by the people, in his way
"If you don't mind, could you kill me, and then sing?" Charming really should've put a muzzle on Shrek if he wanted him to be a silent participant in this play
Shrek's strongest asset by far is the community of people he and Fiona have built (the fairy tale creatures, the princesses, Doris, the dragon, the citizens of Far Far Away)
"Don't you ever wish you could be something else [other than a villain]?" Arthur yet again comes through with his gift of gab
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"What Steve's trying to say is it's hard to come by honest work when the whole world's against you." Steve and Ed the Evil Trees raise very point
"I grow daffodils, and they're beautiful." Love this for Captain Hook
"It's yours if you want, you know. But this time it's your choice." WHY IS IT NOT FIONA'S CHOICE!!!!!!!!! YOU'RE NOT THE PRINCE, SHREK!!!!
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You know, if the only remaining complication of switching bodies is losing your tail for a bit, that's not the worst
"I think the kid's going to be a great king." "Well, for what it's worth, you would have too." SO WOULD YOU, FIONA, AS HEIR TO THIS KINGDOM!!!! Raised as a princess!! The plot of this movie is so bizarre
I love how much Lillian loves her weird little family. No Judgement Mum
Tag yourself, I'm the "Where's the Baby" Dwarf kjghjghjh
Well, even if it's not something Fiona specifically identified as wanting for herself instead of ruling, I'm happy they get to have their happy little family in the swamp and a nap
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Onto: Shrek 4
I will not lie to you, I am mostly watching the fourth Shrek because I went to Shrek trivia and we missed a bunch of questions related to the fourth movie LOL
Why does the animation look so funky in this one? It's giving a bit of Monster by Mistake/direct-to-video sequel
How are Shrek's babies old enough to speak but Donkey's still look the same even though they're at least 9 months older?
Is the plot of this, much like the second Incredibles movie, 'I can't believe that I, a father, have to parent'
I know people have been committing Ogre Microaggressions all day and that he wasn't the first to destroy the cake (Donkey licked and the Pigs ate the first one) but what kind of a father destroys his own children's birthday cake. Get some therapy, Shrek
"I wouldn't expect you to understand, it's not like you're a real Ogre. You spent half your life in a palace." "And the other half locked away in a tower." 1) What a thing to say to someone who became an ogre permanently FOR YOU, and 2) She got a point there, Shrek
"You have three beautiful children, a wife who loves you, friends who adore you. You have everything." Shrek said: God Fiona, have you ever heard of an introvert
Lmao @ this movie retconning the fact that Shrek and Rumplestiltskin have already encountered each other when Arthur took the throne
Shrek representing the very real experience of not reading the terms and conditions every time you sign off:
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"It's me, Shrek, your best friend." After four movies Shrek finally admits that Donkey is his best friend hahaha
Gingey being in a cookie fighting league jkhfkfh on brand for him
Why is there such a large proportion of witches in Rumpelstiltskin's palace hahaha, I get that there were more than a few, but Rumpelstiltskin seems to hang with witches exclusively?
"I ended Fiona's curse." Technically yes, but did u really Shrek? You just ended the switcheroo to her original human form, not the resultant transformation
I gotta say, the soundtrack moments in this film are so far a lot weaker, BUT I do love Shrek rescuing Donkey, His Best Friend Who Doesn't Know Him, and covering his eyes as they go through the roof:
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As if to challenge me on that last point, they had Shrek sing an off-key rendition of "You've Got a Friend," which was delightful
Donkey looks particularly off in this movie and I've just realized it's because of the texture of his fur. It was smooth and growing in a similar direction for three movies, and now it's super coarse and messy
"You should never sign a contract with Rumpelstiltskin." Not Donkey having more common sense than Shrek HAHA
"You gonna have to take me to dinner first." I will take this as Donkey coming out as bisexual
"Fate has delivered us a comrade-in arms and for that we are thankful." The implication that Ogres do have a society and Shrek just chooses to never interact with them bc HIS FAMILY is the only one who loves terrorizing is VERY FUNNY
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I love how Shrek also seems to be one of the smallest Ogres. Little man
I thought the idea of Fiona staying an Ogre was for her to subvert the beauty standard (which like, another conversation, 'cause she looks fine as an ogre) but they had to make a point of her being a sexy warrior ogre HAHA:
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(I can see why this film didn't do that well with audiences)
Why is Fiona the ONLY female ogre? Where are the women!!
"Well, I see who wears the chainmail in your family," said Donkey, both correct about Fiona's fighting prowess and unaware that his wife is a Dragon ten times his size
Took me a sec to realize why the water would be threatening to the witches kjhgjghjgh (not poison, just dealing with Dorthy Dousing Disease)
OHHH Cookie is an Ogre who loves cooking, I had wondered about that in the Shrek trivia
"Shrek, do my babies have hooves or talons?" Donkey is SO excited to be a father!! I love that for him
Lmao @ them suggesting Shrek stresses Puss into being physically fit with the fights he causes
"[Candy]'d work on me." I guess there is another woman Ogre, but not with a scanty outfit! Only Fiona gets Ogregectification
I do love the falling in love while sparring. Couples MMA league:
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I love that Puss in Boots is immediately Team Shrek/Fiona
"You are a catastrophe." "And you, are re-donkulous." [Shared laughter] Hahaha I like that the only obstacle in Puss and Donkey's friendship was they needed to meet sooner to avoid the competition for Shrek's attention
"I can't believe I let this happen, and it's all because of you." In fairness to Shrek, no one could see inside the carriage
They spent the entire animation budget on this frame of Puss in Boots:
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I do like them subverting the expectation that just a kiss would solve their problems when love is what they need
"Then where were you, when I needed you?" Thinking of ways to become an absentee father
"Please stay tuned for a message from our tyrannical dictator." I wish all political announcements were this honest
There is something fun about the circling back to Shrek 1 Mob
"If your life was so perfect, why'd you sign it all away to Rumpelstiltskin in the first place?" "Because I didn't know what I had until it was gone, alright?!" Fiona even reminded you! Get some therapy Shrek
"What are you talking 'bout, cracker?" I CANNOT BELIEVE THEY GOT AWAY WITH PUTTING THIS IN A CHILDREN'S MOVIE (point of clarification: It was said to the Gingerbread Man)
"I'm just a frightened old man." "Don't listen to him, these Ogres are crafty." "That is your father painted green." Pinocchio finally gets his revenge on his dad for selling him to the Duloc Guards hahahaha
Shrek giving up his freedom to save the other Ogres 😭😭😭😭😭😭
"Nobody's smart but me," said Rumpelstiltskin, while leaving the only two people who could break his spell together to fall in love:
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HAHAHAHAA how could they have Trojan Horse'd Rumpelstiltskin SO QUICKLY after being freed?? It is the SAME NIGHT, 2 MOVIE MINUTES LATER:
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"I'll call you! We're in love." If there's one thing Donkey is willing to do, it's commit to the bit
I love that the way they keep Dragon at bay is both a callback to the first movie and a callback to the phrase Fiona has tied knots with throughout the movie. A rare moment of good writing it in this funny little movie
I guess in lieu of Shrek's other friends knowing him, it's an Ogre-only revolution
"Looks like we're having curly-toed weirdo for breakfast." So ogres eat ogres AND people. Four movies for someone to confirm it explicitly!!
"You know what the best part of today was? I got the chance to fall in love with all over again." A very sweet reflection about a problem Shrek caused himself
Lillian is genuinely so accepting of her bizarre family 💞 She doesn't care if she married a frog or if her grandkids are ogres
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I can't believe they saved two of the best soundtrack songs and this fun character montage of moments throughout the series for the end credits!
Overall, I would say I prefer the first three Shrek movies (and especially the first two) but if they put out another one, I would probably watch it LOL
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
Hmmm let me think of a question
How does Techno and Phil start warming up to Tommy in the Vampire AU???
switching around my other plans, phil becomes more connected with tommy before techno does (unless that was in my worldbuilding for tiny workers..it all kind of blends together after a while 😭). phil kind of unwillingly does it also, but he's more aware of things and he doesn't actually get any instincts for tommy until after techno does. he just starts kind of being more courteous around the house, especially in areas he's picked up the scent of tommy in or has even seen him in before. he'll absentmindedly (though sometimes he'll wonder if he kind of does know what he's doing in the moment) keep cabinets open, maybe stop himself from picking up all of spilled food (not so much on the floor but like spilled on the counter, yk? dsfngfjdnf), and he'll just...be quieter in general. techno picks up on this and doesn't really care, he's just pretty neutral while still trying his hardest to stay away from the borrower (due to social awkwardness and probably other things he hasn't started to sort through yet,,,)
a few days after he realized he was being generous he didn't stop, but he tried to "accidentally" run into tommy more, sometimes in bat form---which is extremely rare for him, and unfortunately never worked. (for some reason wilbur was the only one who could seem to get tommy out in bat form. tommy stays away from them all as humans,,,,).
phil eventually stopped entirely and kept to himself, until wilbur was upset over something (which he learned to be tommy putting two and two together), and he managed to snag tommy into a little fatherly chat,,,, (a primarily nice one dw)
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for techno, pretty much the opposite happened with him and he randomly found himself having instincts for tommy even though a. he'd never really met him and b. he does not really like him. as the oldest, his senses were stronger and he picked up on tommy's scent everywhere. he knew tommy was a borrower, but what he did not know was wilbur was visiting him as a bat, considering the fact that wil was trying to not let anything about that slip after phil got pretty pissed at him when wil brought it up one day. techno was not there for that.
anyways---so techno always just...has the most odd urges to guide wilbur somewhere else. he doesn't know where these urges come from, but at least daily he steers wil away and takes him somewhere else because of the tight feeling in his chest and his screaming thoughts.
his instincts started purely because of tommy's scent. when he's around something a lot he develops urges to protect them, therefore because tommy had made home in their territory and it felt like he was exploring every inch of the apartment, he just slowly developed instincts.
the interacting starts after the three of them discuss the whole territories thing and whether or not they should a. turn tommy, b. kill him, or c. kick him out (scare him out knowing them LMAO) somehow,,,, not sure how the interacting starts but i can tell it'll come to me some sunny day !!!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 3 years
My friend is a big fan of you as well and asked me to request this:
A Janus fic based on the song Monster by Dev https://youtu.be/5iA_oFDNt9E
I think the song could fit him quite well, maybe with the others being like “out of all of us, h i m???”
Songfic?? With Janus angst?? My time has come *ascends*
CW: Unsympathetic Light Sides (they're not assholes but they're basically unsupportive, concerned for Reader, and hateful/distrustful of Janus)
Call the doctor, call the doctor Must be something wrong with me He's a monster, why do I want ya Please tell me, please tell me
"What?!! [Y/n] this..this cannot possibly be true!"
"You could've had any one of the fine gentlemen here...but more importantly me.."
"Roman, just calm-"
"And yet you chose him?! That wretched slimy snake?!" The princely Side pointed rudely at Janus, who was just sitting on the couch beside you. He frowned as he fiddled with the chain of his capelet, finding more interest in that than the uncomfortable conversation currently taking place.
This wasn't even the direction you nor him expected it to take. It was already going south..straight towards hell.
All because Remus couldn't keep his mouth shut and blurted out the revelation that you and Janus were dating.
Ironically, he was the one who confessed to you first--something that you're certain no Side would ever believe.
"There's got to be something wrong with your head." Roman shook his head in dismay, before approaching you. "Come now. We'll find you a true Prince Charming! One that's not a vile fibber like-"
Suddenly you sprang up, moving away from him. "You don't get to choose who I fall in love with. Remus.." You glared at the dark half of creativity. "I'm gonna kick your ass if you don't leave right now."
"Do ya promise~?" He giggled, refusing to acknowledge the seriousness of the situation. "You know I'm into that."
"Let it go, [y/n]." Janus tried to assure you. "They're both bumbling fools."
"A fool?!" Roman gasped. "The only fool here is YOU!! Trying to tempt them with your false promises of love and affection! What do you know about romance?!"
"Apparently more than you." You interrupted, standing by your lover in a defensive manner. "I know this isn't exactly how I planned to tell you but god just calm down for a minute."
You definitely didn't anticipate this kind of freakout from him. You thought he'd be asking about the how's and when's of falling in love, as one would expect from the "romantic expert" of the Sides.
You had a plan to tell all of them individually, but..starting with the guy who was deceived most and openly mocked his name probably wasn't a good idea.
Eventually the two halves of creativity left you both alone. And only then did you sit back down next to the now-dejected Janus, holding his hand. "Sorry you had to hear all that."
"Oh don't worry, it'sss new to me." He muttered, squeezing your hand in turn. "I'm sure Roman will have a tough time realizing he's definitely the most handsome one around here." The smirk he gave made you chuckle.
"Yeah, well..he'll get over it. We got off on the wrong foot with him, but I'm sure the others will be more accepting."
He's a monster He's a monster That boy, he's a motherfucking monster But I love him, yeah I love him Ooh ah, ooh ah ah
"Seriously? That guy?"
"Just hear me out, Virgil-"
"Oh I've heard plenty. I'm just warning you that it's a bad idea." Virgil huffed as he put his phone down. "He's a monster who's gonna use you for some selfish gain. You've seen it. He only cares about himself and hurts people to keep it that way."
"I know you've known him longest but...I'm pretty sure at this point he's moved past all of that." You pointed out. "Honestly, the only one being hurt here is him. First Roman, and now you?"
Despite your arguments, he just didn't seem convinced. "I'm not doing this to give you anxiety...I can only do that to Thomas. And I'm not gonna say "breakup with him right now". I'm just telling you that he's not what he seems."
"I appreciate your worries, but I love him and that's that." You insisted, crossing your arms over your chest as you stood defiant. Obviously it was in his nature to tell you to stay cautious, and he'd probably say the same if you were dating anyone else.
But calling Janus a monster seemed awfully harsh. You haven't even heard him call Remus that, which was odd.
'Seriously why is he being such a prick?'
"..whatever you say." Virgil shrugged before sinking out, leaving you alone by the staircase.
"I wouldn't worry. His opinion of me has never changed."
You realized Janus was eavesdropping and turned to face him, sighing. "Jan, are you doing something that's making them be so... brutally honest? This just seems unusual for them."
"Not that I'm aware of." He had briefly removed his glove, indicating he was tell you the truth.
"Hm..then again, Roman and Virgil are sorta the least-rational ones. One's jealous that he doesn't have a date and the other overthinks a lot."
"Wonderful observations, my dear."
"Patton and Logan are more down-to-earth and clear-headed so they might have more understanding."
"I'm sure they will." Janus' tone didn't match the optimistic words he uttered as he slipped the glove back on. "Oh and..I'll try not eavesdrop anymore."
Little did you know, that would be two lies.
Most people are scared When they look him in the eyes, all they see is fear (but) Let me make this clear I want him near
"How can you look into his eyes and..and.."
"Go on."
"And not be scared?! I know I would be, kiddo."
"...Patton, is that seriously your only argument? That he looks creepy?"
"No, no! I just..." For a moment the fatherly Side paused, before he sighed and patted your shoulder. "Listen, I do think you're being a good influence on that wriggly snake but...I only worry he's being a bad influence on you. Every time he's near you I-"
"It sounds like your only argument is "he's a creepy crawly snake so I shouldn't trust or love him". Is that all?"
"It's...a bit more complicated than-"
"It's a yes or no, Pat."
"...I'm trying to look at the bigger picture and, sure there's some good in him but..I worry he's gonna hurt you in the end, that's all. Like he hurt us several times by impersonating us." He tried to reason, but you just brushed his hand off your shoulder in disbelief.
"Wow, I didn't think you'd be one to judge books by their covers." You frowned slightly. "Well let me make this clear: I want him near me. I feel safe around him. I love him, outward appearances and all. So if you can't accept the way I see him then...we're done here."
With no more defenses, Patton sank out as you left the room. But in the hallway you spotted a familiar capelet vanish around the corner, and you found Janus, who manifested a brown eye contact over his snake eye. His scales almost vanished under his skin, but you called out to him before they could disappear entirely.
"Janus? I thought you weren't going to-"
"I..n-never expected Patton of all people to say that.." He held the side of his face shakily, keeping his head lowered so you didn't see the gradually forming tears. Only now he was starting to feel the impact of everyone's words. "If..it's my looks then...I can surely make adjusssstments.."
"No, sweetheart. You don't have to change your looks or be anyone else for me." You cupped a hand over the one that still covered the scales. "C'mon. You can't seriously believe Patton's dumb reasoning, right?"
All you got was a silent nod.
Most people can't sleep Feeling he's out, on the streets (but) He is my creep He is my creep
"While I see your relationship to Janus is beneficial-"
"Actually, nevermind. You're just gonna tell me the same shit everyone else did."
"...now [y/n], remember what we've discussed on cognitive distortions-"
"Jumping to conclusions? Overgeneralizing? I know. But I have valid reasons for those. You all think Janus is gonna hurt me because he's some "freaky selfish snake". But he's not, alright? He's been more truthful with me lately and I'm sick of the others not believing anything we say. So please, Logan..can you take my side for once?"
Logan was surprised by your outburst. He didn't even know you've talked to the others about Janus and assumed he'd respond in a similar fashion.
But he adjusted his glasses and looked at his notebook, all traces of emotion vanishing. "Logic can't take sides. If you would just listen..I've observed that your interactions with him have been generally positive, and that's helped Thomas-"
"There you go again..why does everything always gotta lead back to Thomas? Can't you just recognize Janus as his own person without assuming I'm only dating him to help-?"
"Because he can't be distracted from his core function!!"
You jumped a bit as he slammed down the notebook, scowling at you with a slight orange tinge behind his glasses. Though it was quick to disappear as he sighed. "He can never be his own person. You two will never have a truly normal relationship. I only advise that you keep that in the back of your mind."
And just like that, he left.
Every discussion you've had with a "Light" Side only left the bitter taste of frustration in your mouth...
Now what should you-?
You were startled again as you heard a nearby door slam shut, before realizing who overheard this conversation.
Is he human, does it matter I know he's what I'm after I can reel him, from disaster I know
"So..th-that's how they all see me, huh? A monster..n-not even a person."
"Jan.." Joining your boyfriend on the king-sized mattress, decorated in black and gold much like himself, you could finally see those walls he built up now crumbling to pieces.
One way or another, he heard what every Side had to say about him. And it was more than enough for him to realize they not only shun him for simply existing..
But they refuse to accept the idea that he's worthy of love, too. He can take the name-calling and insults in the videos, but this is what truly broke him.
He just scratched at his scales, his human eye already red and raw from crying as he wondered why you went through all of this just for him.
Any sane person would listen to the others and just breakup with him. He wasn't worth the effort.
You clearly deserved better.
You deserved someone who's more handsome, chill, kindhearted, or sensible-
"I know you can't truly be human but..does it matter?"
"...does it?" He sniffled, leaning into your touch more as you ran a hand through his hair. "Because apparently not. I know I'm not a perfect, flawless individual..I-I don't expect any of us to be. But if only I-I never-"
"Jan..you can't focus on what you can't change. I know you feel guilty, and if the others can't see that...it's their own fault. I won't stop fighting for us and for your happiness. I love you, okay?" Turning to him fully, you cupped both sides of his face and looked into his eyes.
"And in case you think I'm lying, I'll say it again: I. Love. You. None of their words will change that."
Hearing you become so determined to love him despite all odds made him sob again, this time from relief, as you put your arms around him.
Nobody's ever taken his side on anything...and certainly never defended him the way you did.
You felt several extra arms manifest to hug you back, and you smiled, closing your eyes.
Maybe in time the others will understand. But while it's true he looked like a monster and had his deceitful ways..
You knew what you were after.
And so did he.
Call the doctor, call the doctor Must be something wrong with me He's a monster, why do I want ya Please tell me, please tell me
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Like Father, Like Son
Overhaul x F!Reader
Warnings: Angst, unhealthy/toxic relationships, child abuse, mentions of needles
A/N: This is a post based on a head cannon made by @yandereacademia which you can see here. I promise I will continue the DDLC AU but I needed to get this angst outta my system because I’ve been really stressed lately lol. Also the original storyline is kinda bumped up to fit the story
The only reason you were with the sociopath called Overhaul is because of a stupid mistake you made about 5 months ago. If you could go back in time you would’ve never drank that much until you were blackout drunk. You had somehow managed to sleep with the germophobic man after you both crossed paths when you both were blackout drunk. Which leaded where you are now. In the Shie Hassakai base, pregnant with his child. 
Once you showed him the test he demanded- no, MADE you quit your old job ad live in the base with him. Not in his room of course.Who knows what germs you could be carrying! You don’t get special treatment even if you are the mother of his child. And If we’re being honest, he doesn’t really see it as his child. More like an heir. How else would the Shie Hassakai live on? 
He doesn’t even see you that often. He sends either Chrono or Mimic to look after you. Sometimes Setsuno. You liked Setsuno since he actually treated you like a human rather than a burden. Chrono was a bit better than mimic. Mimic was just a plain ass. 
Your entire pregnancy was all about check ups. Healthy food, did I mention checkups? It was almost every Tuesday and Friday that he made you come into a little doctors room and inspect you and give you ultrasounds. You felt more like an incubator rather than a mother, but you digress. Once you got the news that the child was a boy you bet your ass Overhaul was way more worried about you than he originally was.
You wanted to run really. You saw what horrible things Overhaul had done. You didn’t want your child to end up like Eri or to turn into a shit human being like Overhaul. You wanted your child to grow up compassionate and kind, not a stone cold murderer with no remorse for human life.
Maybe once your child is born you can teach him those things in secret...
2 years after the child is born
You were right, Overhaul wanted nothing to do with the baby until it was old enough to be taught the ways of the yakuza. He wasn’t even impressed when the baby started talking and walking! You wanted to yell, scream, argue, and just hurt the man in general. A child needs support, not a unimpressed look everytime they do an accomplishment. 
You always supported your son. Showing him how proud you were whenever he handed you a drawing of him and you. Overhaul barely even saw the kid which affected him to the point where the kid didn’t even draw him in pictures.
You were happy that your baby didn’t see/look up to Overhaul as a fatherly figure. Man didn’t deserve to be called one or be one. You were worried if Overhaul would use your son as a experiment like he was using Eri.  
Speaking of Eri, you finally convinced Overhaul to let you see her and comfort her after he used her for the bullets. She was such a sweetie and especially loved how you would sing her to sleep whenever she has a bad day. You didn’t get to see her a lot, but you did what you could when you did. If only you could make Overhaul see what he was doing to everyone around him...
Your son just turned 8
Everyday your son looked more and more liked his father. Not to mention he inherited Overhaul’s quirk It wouldn’t have bothered you that much if it weren’t for the fact that he started looking up to his father. Whenever your so was getting put to bed by you, he would always tell you about how much he wanted to be the next leader. He would tell you how he watched Overhaul to paperwork, sat next to him in meetings and such. The finally straw for you was when he told you that Overhaul let him use his quirk on a living breathing human being. To say you were furious was an understatement. All you saw was red. 
You smiled at the boy before pressing a kiss to his head and walking out his door while whispering goodnight before your started your expedition to give Overhaul a piece of your mind. You’ve stayed quiet for to long. You couldn’t just let him expose your child to such violence at such a young age! All you saw was red as you walked to his office door. Giving it a harsh knock you were allowed entry.
Upon entering you notice that you are the only one there with him. Just the two of you. You were afraid yes, but your anger out did it.
“Did you seriously let our son use his quirk on someone at such a young age?! He’s only 8! He doesn’t need to be exposed so early!” You yelled at him with your hands on your hips. You knew if you pointed at him you could say goodbye to that finger.
“He’s going to be the next leader. It’s only natural to start him off early. And I don’t remember giving you a say in the matter.” His voice cold and stoic but a hint of annoyance caught your ears.
“8 is way to early! Please Overhaul, Just give me 2-3 more years without him experiencing what you do.” You begged him. Tears threatened to spill from your eyes. You only wanted what was best for your son. Your heart stopped when you heard Overhaul get up from his desk and his footsteps come near your now slightly shaking form.
“Bold of you to assume I would let him miss out on very needed skills to become the next leader. We both know that if it weren’t for him, you would have been dead the second i found out I slept with you. That boy is the only thing that kept you alive. So, from now on, I expect you to never come to my face. Talking about him needing to be kind and compassionate, is not the way of the yakuza. One more incident like this, than I’ll make him kill you myself.” Your eyes widened as you looked at the man in front of you. You can feel your blood run cold in your veins as it circulates through your body. Tears streaked down your face as you felt so defeated. Your entire body felt like you’ve been crushed by a car. 
You turned around and walked out the door and into your room. Locking the door your jumped onto your bed, grabbing the pillow before screaming into it. Your tears stained the pillow case as your body shook. You felt so hopeless and so helpless. Where was a hero when you truly needed one?
The next day
You were just finished changing before your son barged into your room. You were about to say good morning to him before he started screaming at you. Shocked you told him to calm down, but in the corner of your eye you saw the purple feathers that you have learned to fear walk by.
“What are you saying? Please calm down!” You say as you try to soothe your screaming child.
“How dare you try and take me away from dad! Dad told me everything!” Your son flailed his arms up and down while stomping on the ground. His screams soon turned incoherent.
“Baby! I would never-”
“Liar! Dad told me that you wanted to leave him! He said that you thought he didn’t deserve a son!” You didn’t say that what was he on?! You only wanted to protect him! You loved your son to the point you would die for him! What had Overhaul said to him!
“Please sweetie calm down-”
“No! I never want to talk to you again!” Your son ran out the door before slamming it shut. Your heart felt shattered as you heard Overhauls voice on the other side, ’calming’ your distressed son. You felt your world crumbling around you as your son was the only thing that kept you happiness in these dark times. Him and Eri. Oh Eri, if he grows up that means...
You felt vomit rise in your throat at the thought of your own son hurting such a sweet, innocent, little girl. You fall to your knees as tears spill down your cheeks. You couldn’t just run away from the Shie Hassakai ever. The base is fully guarded, and has high max security cameras. Not to mention the probability of them finding you and your son right away. If you even tried, you would probably get you and your son hurt. Maybe even little Eri. 
Your whole body felt numb. You just wished it was a horrible nightmare.
5 months later
As the weeks pass by, you felt your hurt break more and more everyday. Your son had kept his word when he said he ever wanted to talk to you again. You haven’t heard your baby's voice since that day. Hell, now you barely even see him! You see Eri more than your actual son now. ANd seeing Eri was not that often.
You felt hopeless. You wanted nothing more to do than crawl in a hole and die. Every night was spent crying over your son and how your life and gone so down hill so quickly. You didn’t even feel like moving. You just sat in the corner of the room since it felt like the only warm spot in the entire room. This little corner felt like some sort of sanctuary in this horrible place you call home. 
Your son just turned 13
Day whatever of the last time your son talked to you. And day whatever since you’ve left your room. You had no reason anymore. Overhaul officially banished you from ever seeing Eri again. Your world was crushed once more. At this point you felt like your whole existence was useless. 
Your days grew darker by the minute as your mental health seemed to be slipping through your fingers. You only ever moved when you needed to go to the bathroom or to drag the food plate that was brought to you by some employee of Overhaul. You barely ate anything anyways so you really saw no point in doing anything anymore. 
It only hurt more knowing that today was his birthday. You had asked the employee that brought you food if he had a party or just something to celebrate. You felt the last of your hope crushed once you heard his answer.
“The only thing he got was a official Shie Hassakai mask.”
Your son turned 15
You body was weak. You had refused to eat anything seeing no point in it anymore. You were always tired. Only getting up to go to the bathroom then sitting back in the corner that once gave you sanctuary. 
You heard footsteps on the outside of your door as the familiar voice of Overhaul was on the other side. Another voice rang in your ears and it hit you like a train once you realized who’s it was. It was your sons. His voice was so much deeper than the little boy’s you had once heard. It only deepened your sadness. You blinked but didn’t even turn your eyes once you heard the door opening. 
“We can test the serum out on her first. She’s too weak to fight back.”
“I didn’t know my mother had a quirk.” You couldn’t even make your eyes turn to look at them. You didn’t want to see the monster your son had become. Your heart couldn’t take anymore heartbreak, You felt like you would crumble into nothing.
You felt a light get shine into your eyes. You didn’t even blink during it. Once the light was gone you got a clear look at your once loving son. A mask covered his face just like his fathers did. He looked you in the eyes and you did the same. You wanted to cry but held it down. 
A latex hand grabbed your arm before you felt the needle being poked into it. You didn’t even flinch or wince. Almost as if you were a lifeless doll. A hand moved up and down your face as if to see if you were even alive or ‘there’.
“She isn’t responding to anything. She didn’t even wince. She’s breathing but she looks like she’s sick.” All that was one ear and out the other. Finally you felt the needle leave your arm as a sigh escaped Overhaul’s lips. 
“Well wait for about an hour or two and see the effects. For now, we have to do more tests on Eri. Lets go.” So...he was apart of the team experimenting on Eri. You felt like throwing up. How could the boy who you raised to be kind and compassionate turn into such a disgusting monster.
The sound of their footsteps leaving the room hit your ears. From the corner of your eye you say your son about to leave before you spoke up,
“You are not my son.” You saw him stop in his tracks as he turned to look at you. His eyes a bit wide but said nothing.
“I never want to hear you call me your mother ever again. Your a monster undeserving of one. I can’t believe I gave birth to someone like you. I never want ot see your face again.” In your monotone words they’re were spikes laced in venom. You couldn’t even look your own son in the eyes. As they we’re the same as his monster of a father. 
“Get out of my room and never come back.” You heard him close the door slowly as you let out a breath once you finally saw him gone. You can barely stand to see the monster your child had become. But, you didn’t see nor hear the way his breathing became ragged. Or how his eyes felt like spilling tears. Or how his body slowly shook at your words. 
‘It shouldn’t hurt. This shouldn’t hurt me. Why does it hurt so bad? Please stop it. Her words shouldn’t affect me. Why does it hurt?’
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doodledrawsthings · 4 years
Oh The Humanity! AU  Masterpost
Hi! Making a masterpost for this AHiT AU so y’all have one place to just find all the important bits that I and other folks in the fandom have done for this AU! Everything will be under the read more
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AU Premise: Snatcher steals a time piece from Hat Kid and Bow Kid to mess with them. He tries to use it during one of the Death Wish fights, but turns out the particular time piece he stole was faulty/ something was up with it/ he broke it in a weird way that really messed it up. Because of this, when he broke the piece, instead of rewinding time back a few minutes, it sent his form back about 300 years, returning him to human form, but with all his present memories. Now, he’s stuck as a human as and has to wait for the Time Traveling Alien Kids to fix the time piece and return him to normal, while also being forced to confront his past.
You can find most of this in the tag #oth!au. I will also be updating this as new stuff gets added or if I find that I’ve missed something. Let me know if there’s something I missed that you’d like me to add, cuz boy howdy i didnt realize how much is stuffed into this AU, and I dont remember what I’ve already said and what I’m saving for future stuff:
Significant Events in the Main Timeline story (these are kind of in order and kind of not. There’s more to be added, just not yet):
this au has a bunch of different endings thanks to the lovely ahit fandom’s contributions.
This all happens sometime after This comic. So, by the time OTH!AU happens, Moon and Snatcher are at least on“awkward acquaintance” terms with eachother and snatcher is trying to be nicer to him. He’s still got his moments of being rude and snappy tho, but thats just because he’s snatcher.
The first actual post i made In regards to this AU+ @positive-polygons​ comic interpretation of the beginning of the AU. He breaks a weird time piece he stole and he reverse ages back to being alive again. : Link Link1 Link2 Link3
Snatcher asks moonjumper to watch over Subcon while he’s stuck like this Link
Bow takes him to Nyakuza Metro to get new clothes. He trashes the Prince get-up as soon as possible. Link
Arctic Cruise Arc Link1 Link2 Link3 Link4
Some comics, they learn his name is luka at some point
Moonjumper is taking care of Subcon. They do things way differently than snatcher but they’re trying their best. 
Cooking Cat comes by to cook and help out. She’s very motherly to everyone. She’s taken Mu on as an apprentice, so she’s usually there with her whenever she drops by.
The birds are wrapping up a collab movie. The main cast are invited to the premier party, as Hat and Bow acted in the film. Snatcher gets to wear a nice suit and he has some interaction with the conductor and grooves. Link Link
at multiple points, MJ checks in with snatcher for status reports on how subcon is doing. This is usually where their bonding moments happen and they become less and less awkward with each interaction.
At some point around mid to late story, they find out that Subcon is starting to freeze over again. Snatcher was the only one who could melt the ice so this now gives them a time limit.
The Mirror incident Link Link  second fic by @greentrickster​
as snatcher gets along with the kids more, they remake his mailman hat so he can use badges and equip him with his own umbrella. Link Link
at some point snatcher realizes he doesn’t wanna go back to being a ghost.
Main-timeline ending is a Boss battle with Vanessa. Link
General Headcanons:
Almost everything you need to know about moonjumper and the prince and vanessa’s relationship Link
Snatcher and Vanessa have known eachother since they were kids. Their marriage was arranged, but they were good friends
OTH! Snatcher is aroace 
about snatcher’s feelings on defeating vanessa (*human!/final boss vanessa ending) Link1 Link2
This fic has a really good interpretation of the horizon that I’ve pretty much adopted, myself. Link
regarding snatcher’s expression of empathy and emotion both as a human and as a ghost Link1
Snatcher gradually takes on a fatherly role towards the girls. He is constantly trying to deny it as he comes to realize it but eventually accepts it. 
he’s actually pretty graceful with the umbrella  Link Link
Hat kid’s a good leader, but she can often be reckless and stubborn. Significantly more chaotic of the two space gremlins. She’s a lot like snatcher in a lot of ways, and because of that they are constantly butting heads but they get along better as Snatcher both gets used to being human and grows fonder of the two girls. She’s a bit closer to Snatcher, having been the most adamant about being his friend (initially out of spite but yknow) and they have a lot in common. 
People frequently mistake snatcher for being Hat Kid and Bow Kid’s visiting father. They usually comment on how much he looks like he could be HK’s biological dad. Both are in denial of this throughout the main timeline of this au. It’s a running gag. Link
snatcher is sometimes completely oblivious when he enters Dad Mode sometimes
Bow, on the other hand is generally a bit more shy and careful than hat kid is. She tends to take the passenger seat, taking on a more supportive role. She’s also way more polite. In this sense, she has more in common with moonjumper, and gets along with them quite well and she frequently goes to visit him the most often, on her own.
 Her and snatcher’s relationship kind of parallels snatcher’s relationship with MJ. Snatcher, having once been a big jerk to these kids, is now trying to teach bow to take more of a leading role and be more confident.
as this au takes place not long after the Clearing Incident comic, Snatcher and MJ’s relationship is a bit awkward in the beginning. Over the course of the AU their relationship would build up to be more brotherly.
the subconites like moonjumper but they miss their boss. MJ spoils them tho, which they appreciate and occasionally take advantage of Link Link
moonjumper learns to stand up for himself, snatcher learns to be more vulnerable
moonjumper is the badgeseller. Only hat, bow, and snatcher know this. 
snatcher very much enjoys feeling warm, its one of few saving graces he clings too in the stressful early part of the story.
snatcher doesnt like looking at himself in this AU. He’s very self-conscious about his “pathetic human body.” He doesn’t like being pitied and he doesnt like being seen as weak.
snatcher frequently has nightmares about his past.
after recieving the mailman hat, people start refering to him as The Mailman. Link
his voice frequently cracks a lot, especially in the beginning, since he keeps trying to use his Loud Ghost Voice, which can do a number on human vocal chords. Link
the kids bully him constantly Link Link Link
his arc is that he learns that it’s ok to be human and it’s ok to be vulnerable and to open up to people, and he learns to accept his past and who he used to be
the girls accidentally call him dad sometimes, which freaks him out at first, but he gets used to it eventually. Link
he adopts them, for sure, it just happens post- whatever ending.
beard. Link
Spin-off AUs, Alt Endings, and Fanfics, Oh My!:
That ending where habijob kills moonjumper  Moonjumper goes to fight Vanessa, alone. In one version they win, and in another, they lose, and snatcher has to return to ghost form to retrieve them from the horizon. by @habijob  Link Link Link 
From The Horizon fic by @greentrickster Link
@lindendragon‘s hypothetical endings where snatcher is captured by vanessa Link Link
@fedoraspooky‘s spinoff au where the timepiece takes him back even further and turns him into a kid Link Link
@positive-polygons‘s Vanessa Spinoff Link
@doodleimprovement‘s Royal ending Link
@erekiosuncreativeideas​‘s fanfic, Being Human, her version of the au’s story in chronological order starting from when he breaks the timepiece Link
@lemonadesoda​’s Fanfic series, And I Don’t Think You Hate This As Much As You Wish You Did, fills in and expands upon the ideas in  my comics for the AU Link
1K notes · View notes
plaidbooks · 3 years
Hard Hits and Fatherly Advice - “The Big Leagues” baseball AU (part 1)
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(Moodboard by the ever lovely @witches-unruly-heart )
A/N: Oh boy is this a long one. It’s mostly dialogue, so hopefully it reads quickly.  Anyways, this picks up basically right after the last chapter. I hope you all enjoy, and as always, feel free to send any questions about baseball terms!
(After feedback of liking shorter chapters, I split this one in two. Part 2 is out tomorrow)
Tags: light angst with a happy ending (in the next part), nightmares (in the next part), head injuries, near death experiences
Words: 2672
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart  @beccabarba @thatesqcrush @itsjustmyfantasyroom @permanentlydizzy  @ben-c-group-therapy @infiniteoddball @glowingmess @whimsicallymad @lv7867  @storiesofsvu @cycat4077 @alwaysachorusgirl @glimmerglittergirl @joanofarkansass    @redlipstickandblacktea  @averyhotchner  @mrsrafaelbarba @detective-giggles @crowleysqueenofhell @dreamlover31  @reading--mermaid @caracalwithchips @berniesilvas​
Though Sonny was upset about not winning a ring in the World Series—as was the rest of the Mets clubhouse—the misery was short lived. You both only waited until February before you were married, and he got a ring much more valuable. It was a decently sized ceremony, in only because you both had big families. And true to your words, you were still on birth control. You both agreed that during the All-Star Break, that’s when you’d try for kids. But until then, you were enjoying each other as husband and wife.
The few months before Sonny would have to report to Florida were the happiest of either of your lives. You still wrote articles, and Sonny still did his workouts and training. Outside of that, though, you spent your time together. It’s like you couldn’t get enough of each other, couldn’t learn enough about each other, even though you’ve been together for five years now.
You went on trips—both in the city and out—rearranged the loft, laughed together, cried together, did everything together. It was like you were both trying to shove a year’s worth of quality time together within the two months he was home.
But soon enough, Sonny packed his bags, gave you a passionate kiss, then got on a plane to report to Spring Training. You talked to him every night, asked how his day was. He was incredibly excited for this season, working harder than ever. You understood why; this was the last season in Shea Stadium, before the Mets moved to Citi Field, and ol’ Shea would be demolished.
“And you’re sure they want to interview me?” you asked your boss. Your phone was shaking in your grip, your nerves going everywhere.
“They do! This is a big step for you; you won’t be working just the Mets anymore. If you get this hosting job with ESPN, you’re going to rocket to the top!” she replied.
You swallowed; this was a huge opportunity. But the Mets were your team, your home. Though, you could always do this interview now, make a final decision later. If you were picked up by ESPN, would you still be around home, though? Would you have to move, live away from Sonny? And you wouldn’t be working strictly within the baseball season anymore; they could have you do any sport they wanted. Were you really ready for this?
“So? Are you in?” your boss asked, and you realized you’ve been silent for minutes now.
You cleared your throat. “Y—yeah! When and where’s the interview?”
“It’ll be during Opening Day, in the SNY booth. You’ll be off for the night for it, of course.”
During the game? But Sonny was set to start, and you wanted to watch your new husband out on the mound. “Okay…yeah, okay. I can do that,” you replied, albeit a little less enthusiastically.
“Great! I’ll let them know to expect you!” She went quiet for a moment, before saying, “listen, I know this is scary, that it’s a lot of change. But this will be good for you. Trust me.”
You were fidgeting in your chair, dressed in your most professional outfit. The interview with the ESPN exec was…odd, to say the least. It wasn’t like a normal interview; no, he wanted to see you in action. So, after introducing yourselves, he turned his chair to look out at the field, inviting you to do the same. He asked you questions—everything from technical questions about a player to more general questions about the sport.
The game started, and Sonny Carisi took the mound. The ESPN exec smiled, motioning to him.
“I heard you two got married in the off season,” he commented.
You unconsciously ran your thumb over your ring. “We did, yeah.”
“So, I assume you know everything about his form and pitching style?”
Your eyes traveled to Sonny; the SNY booth was on the second level, so he looked very small down on the field. You watched him start his windup, pitch, get a called strike, and you smiled. “I do. But I knew his form before we were married. I remember first hearing his name when he was tearing up Triple A.”
“Yes, I’ve read your articles from that time. You were very prolific, and I think you’ve only gotten better with experience.”
You were flattered with the praise, giving him a smile and a thanks.
You weren’t sure how long this interview was supposed to go. It was the top of the fourth, and you never really loosened up around the man. But the questions seemed easy enough, and you were hoping you were doing well, whether you took the job or not.
As Sonny took the mound again, you leaned slightly forward to watch. The first pitch he threw, however, was crushed. The ball flew off the bat, and the whole world stuttered to a stop as it went right up the middle. In the blink of an eye, Sonny went from the end of his windup to flat on his back, the batter crouched on the ground with his head in his hands, and a group of trainers and coaches rushing to Sonny’s body.
Sonny was focused; it was the start of the fourth, and he was having a great game. Duca gave him a slider, but Sonny shook it off. Duca tried curve, shook off again. Fastball, right across the numbers? Sonny nodded before setting. He gripped the ball, as he had so many times before, and he threw. He knew as soon as he let go that he missed his target, that it was lower than he wanted it. He just hoped Pujols wouldn’t hit it out.
Sonny heard the crack of the bat hitting the ball. His glove moved of its own accord, going to block his face—from what, he did not know. There was pain, then nothing.
The ball hitting Sonny in the head replayed over and over again in your mind as you stared at his lifeless body. Move, your mind yelled to your legs. MOVE!
You felt your mouth move as you turned—muttering out a soft “excuse me”—before you were bolting out the door of the booth, racing to the locker room, the field, you weren’t sure, nor did you care. You needed to get to Sonny; that’s all you knew. You thundered down the stairs to the ground level. You could now hear the crowd cheering, and you felt the briefest touch of relief; Sonny was up, getting off the field. He had to be. Right?
You pushed past anyone and everyone who was in front of you, desperate to get to him. You were panting, your legs burning by the time you made it to the locker room door, but you didn’t feel it. The security guard asked for your id, and you ripped it off your shirt, throwing it at them as you pushed into the locker room.
You heard the crunch of the cleats on the floor before Sonny was on the stairs, four trainers guiding him. He had a dazed look in his eyes, his legs wobbly as they helped him to a bench. He had a huge bump on the right side of his head, his skin already discolored with a nasty bruise.
“Sonny, babe, are you okay?” you asked with bated breath, trying to catch his eye between the trainers hovering over him.
His glassy eyes glanced around until he found you. “D—dizzy,” he mumbled. Then his eyes rolled back, and he collapsed forward. The trainers caught him, laying him gently onto the bench while one went to call for the paramedics.
While Sonny was in the recovery room, you tracked down his doctor, determined to make sure your husband was going to be okay. He had regained consciousness in the ambulance, but barely. His eyes couldn’t focus on anything, flitting around the cabin. You tried talking to him, reassuring him, but his words were slurred, and he eventually passed out again.
“Mr. Carisi suffered a massive concussion and hemorrhaging; he’s lucky to be alive,” the doctor said after you found him. “A few inches to the left, and he would’ve died instantly.”
You tried to swallow past the lump in your throat. “But he’s going to be okay, right?”
“Oh yes; he was very lucky. He should recover fully, as long as nothing unexpected happens,” he replied. “Head injuries can be tricky.”
You nodded. “Does that mean he can play baseball again?” You knew that Sonny would want to know, that he’d want to make sure he could still play.
The doctor gave you a hard look, judging why you were prioritizing a game over your husband’s health. “Will he play again? Yes, I believe so. But not any time soon.”
“How long?” The words were out of your mouth before you could stop them. Maybe you were becoming more like Sonny than you thought.
He seemed to think about it for a moment. “Maybe 6-8 months, if he follows the physical therapy correctly.”
Your stomach dropped. “O—okay…. Do me a favor and let me tell him, please?”
“Of course. But I suggest not telling him anything too shocking when he first wakes up; he’s going to be disorientated.”
After speaking with the doctor, you retreated to Sonny’s room. He was still out, a bandage wrapped around his head, holding an ice pack to the spot he was hit. You sat next to him, taking his warm, limp hand in yours, threading your fingers through his. As time went by, you flipped on the TV. But the first thing you saw was a replay of Sonny getting hit, and you quickly turned it off, feeling sick to your stomach. It had looked…so bad. And it was; he was incredibly lucky to not be paralyzed, brain dead, or worse.
You wanted him to sleep as long as it took for his body to heal. But you also wanted him to wake up so that you could make sure he was okay. Though, you were dreading the inevitable talk about baseball, and you didn’t want to see the hurt in his eyes when you told him how long he was out for.
Eventually, Sonny slowly stirred. His eyelids fluttered, his breathing picking up. You had made sure to dim the lights so that his eyes wouldn’t get strained. He flexed his hand in your hold before giving you a light squeeze, which you returned. Once he finally opened his eyes, they focused onto you, his gaze still cloudy from medication.
“H—hey doll,” he breathed, voice raspy.
You quickly poured him a glass of water, holding it to his lips. “Hey, Peanut Butter Cup.”
He smiled at you, the action causing him to dribble water all over his chest. You put the glass down, reaching for napkins. “Sor—sorry,” he muttered as you patted him dry.
“Don’t be; you’re still on heavy medication—”
“I meant for getting injured. Making you worry.”
You gave him a soft smile, tossing the wet napkins on the table. You offered him more water, but he shook his head. “It’s okay, Sonny. I’m just…I’m so glad you’re okay.”
“Yeah…. What—what happened? Last thing I remember is…” he closed his eyes in pain as he thought.
“Don’t hurt yourself, love—”
“I was pitching,” he muttered, opening his eyes to look at you. “We were playing St. Louis on Opening Day…. I threw a fastball to Pujols; I knew I could make him chase up high—”
“He hit a comebacker, Sonny. Caught you right in the head,” you said softly.
Gently, he brought his free hand up to the side of his head, gingerly feeling the bandages. “I—I only remember throwing the pitch, then opening my eyes to the trainers and coaches leaning over me. Then nothing until right now.”
You nodded. “They helped you off the field. I made it to the locker room before you did. You passed out shortly afterwards.”
“But I’m okay?” he asked with big eyes, filled with trepidation and worry.
You tried to give him a reassuring smile. “You got hit pretty good. But you’ll be okay; I know you will be.” Like hell were you going to tell him about how close his brush with death really was. The thought made you slightly queasy.
“And I can get back out there, right? Pitch again?” His voice was filled with hope…and fear. When you didn’t answer right away, the fear took over. “I’ll be able to pitch again, right doll?”
You gripped his hand. “You will, yes. But Sonny, my love…your season is over.”
You didn’t think he could look more devastated than if you told him his whole family had died. Tears filled his eyes, and he looked away, pulling his hand from you and trying to wipe away the tears before they fell.
“You’re going to take this time to heal, babe. Then you’ll come back next season and kick some ass—”
“This is the last sea—season in Shea…. I’m never going to pitch in my home again…” he muttered, hiccupping.
Your heart broke for him, and you wanted nothing more than to somehow fix this. But there was nothing you—or anyone—could do. Head injuries could always take a turn for the worst; there was no fast tracking this recovery.
“This was already going to be your last season there. So, we start taking care of you, start working towards your healing. That way, you can pitch again for your team, your second family,” you said gently.
You found a clean, dry napkin, and handed it to him. He wiped his eyes, then turned to look at you, opening his mouth to say something. But then his eyes flicked over your shoulder, and you turned to find the doctor there.
“Is it true, Doc? Am I done for the season?” Sonny asked, voice desperate. It’s not that he didn’t believe you; he just didn’t want to believe the news.
He nodded. “Yes; you’ll be off for the next 6-8 months at minimum. You’re very lucky to be alive, Mr. Carisi.”
“I am? Was it that bad?” he asked, looking between you and the doctor.
The doctor also glanced at you, silently wondering why you told him the fact his season was over, but nothing else. “Why, yes, it was. You had a massive concussion and severe hemorrhaging. You avoided death by a few inches.”
You looked into your lap in resignation, eyes burning from unshed tears. Sonny saw the motion and turned to look at you.
“Did you know this?” he asked, voice hushed. You nodded, unable to look at him, and he sat there, dumbfounded, his mouth dropping slightly open.
The doctor did his checks, then left you both once again, sitting in silence.
“I—I can fight this, make it back before the postseason—”
“Sonny, no you can’t. Please. You need to think about yourself right now, your health. Not your team. Think about your own life—”
“But baseball is my life!” he yelled, exasperated. He looked to you, eyes pleading, and you gave him the same look back.
“Please, Sonny. Think about when we have kids. You want to be healthy for them, don’t you?” you asked.
He flinched as he thought about it, eyes scanning his bed. “Y—yeah…I do.”
“Then please take care of yourself. Pushing yourself can only hurt you in the long run.” You took his hand once more, bending down until he was looking at you. “Please, take care of yourself. For me? For our future family?”
You could see the fight drain out of him; it was one of the hardest things you’ve watched…and you hated that you caused it. But he nodded slightly. “Yeah. Okay. I’ll take it easy, heal from this 100% before I come back. For you. For our future children.”
31 notes · View notes
satingrove · 4 years
there is no maker
pairing: obi-wan kenobi x jedi!reader
summary: you secretly watch obi-wan teach a group of younglings. one senses his feelings of love, prompting you to leave. he seeks you out.
wc: 2.258k
warnings: some angst, sad and lonely obi-wan, fluff, RAIN
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“There is no emotion, there is…?” Obi-Wan Kenobi sits before a half-circle of younglings, waiting patiently for a signal and the completing word of the sentence. “Yes, go ahead Gungi.” He smiles warmly.
“There is peace?” Gungi watches the Jedi Master timidly, though he knows his answer is correct.
“Very good, little one.” Obi-Wan affirms the tentative reply from the Wookie, offering a second cozy grin in his direction. He recalls the repetition of the Code from his own youth, the endless chanting of the same words that deny the existence of emotion, ignorance, passion, chaos, and even the wicked hands of death. But it doesn’t hurt him to revisit it in the lesson he teaches now, with the bright and shining younglings of the next generation of Jedi.
Gungi’s sigh of relief does not go unnoticed, the sound of air pushing out of lungs prominent in the quiet Temple room. Continuing through the mantra, Obi-Wan recites the poetic form of the Jedi Code, leaving out words for the younglings to add in themselves, a symbol of their understanding.
They reach the final lines, There is no chaos, there is harmony, and he feels his chest swell with honour.
“Can I do the last line, Master Kenobi?” An enthusiastic Tholothian, Katooni, chimes in. Obi-Wan agrees, calmly but showing encouragement for her.
“There is no death, there is the Force.” She flutters her eyes closed as she delivers the line, a level voice and a sense of dignity.
As Katooni mentions the Force, an additional pair of robes sweep into the clear room, unrecognized by any of the members within. You watch, arms crossed against your chest, leaning against a large marble pillar.
It’s his fault, you think, watching Obi-Wan with the children. It’s his fault that they love him so dearly, that he looks much too fatherly with them not to be a father. It pulls at your heart so deeply, the patience he holds for those prone-to-trouble juniors.
“Lovely words, yes Katooni?” Obi-Wan questions with a raised eyebrow, making the little girl giggle and cover her mouth. His fault that they love him so dearly.
“Now, I’d like you all to try and reach out with your feelings. Tell me what you sense in my direction.” Obi-Wan instructs the younglings who sit cross legged with straight backs. All is still, no shifting or fidgeting. Their eyes are closed in profound concentration.
“Yes, concentrate and tell me what you feel.” His eyes flick to the source of the voice, and then land on what he knows are your robes, poking out from behind a pillar. Tilting his head in dazed fondness, the corner of his lips turning upwards, he lets his shields down.
“Well… it’s changed.” A puzzled Rodian speaks. “Before, it was just serenity, but now I sense…” Love? No, surely Master Kenobi wouldn’t feel such a passion as love. 
“Go on, Ganodi. There is no judgment here with your friends.” Obi-Wan assures, vaguely gesturing to the rest of the group, and turns his stare to the fabric looming behind the pillar next to the archway, chastising himself for his wavering focus.
“Love, Master. Passion…”
You take a step outwards. Love… for what? For who? It’s something you’d rather not know, and while the domestic sight of Obi-Wan with the children is exceptionally pleasant, you’d still prefer not to know.
The Master becomes frigid, only on the inside; his exterior shows poise. He’s aware of your quick exit, the speedy flash of a cloak whisking through the archway, and he’s not without cherry blossom blush upon his cheeks.
It’s morally wrong to deny the Rodian, who guessed truthfully. He knows that. It would merely cause confusion for the poor thing, but he also knows better than to let it be known, his love and passion aren’t information which can be relayed to anyone, save for himself. And so he does save himself, by doing neither.
A soft “aww” sound, the disappointed kind, echoes when the lesson is cut short. Gungi tugs on Obi-Wan’s sleeve.
“Please, Master Kenobi? I was finally getting the hang of it!” His pleading, furry face splashes a hint of guilt into Obi-Wan’s.
“Another time, Gungi. Another time.” Looking like a tired grandpa for a split-second, he manages a forced chuckle.
What? and who? sit aboard your clouded train of thought. The tracks are a circle and it rides full speed, fuming and steaming. Smoke rises in your head. The vast hallways of the Jedi Temple turn into the wide exit path, and then to the winding streets of Coruscant, where it rains angrily from the skies. You suppose it’s how you feel inside. Downcast. Sodden. But rain doesn’t feel confusion. In your frenzied state, you’re smart enough to remember that. The rest of common sense is drowned with the plummeting rainfall and you don’t know where you’re headed. You don’t know why you feel jealous. For who? For what?! The wet and cold stick your robes tightly to your skin. 
Passing through a small market sector, there’s the smell of blumfruit and something even sweeter. It’s soon forgotten as you weave through groups of species you’re not sure you’ve ever seen before. A few looks are tossed your way. Jedi. You’re no stranger to the apprehensive attitudes that some hold. 
As the looks are tossed, you pay no mind to throw them back. Your emotion makes for a brisk stride. There’s little manner down in the streets of this planet, only one or two polite people making way for your trek. It’s dirty and grey and exactly the colour of your useless longing. The Maker above is thanked in a whisper when you find a private spot, covered from the rain and up a fair amount of stairs.
At this moment, you don’t feel like a Jedi. At this moment, there is passion and chaos and a generous slab of envy. The kind that has long green vines that grow and encase your heart and shield it from the sun. It takes all the golden light for itself. And for now, so do the clouds in the atmosphere, that overlook a second Jedi roaming through the streets, following the traces of a Force Signature.
Obi-Wan’s hood is drawn over his head, his arms tightly wound across his chest. The rain does the same to him as it did to you, making his robes cling to his body. It’s not something he has the time to care for, but whether or not he could care, did not matter. Obi-Wan is one for stormy weather, lifting his face upwards to feel raindrops trickle upon his cheeks into his light-coloured beard. The chagrin of letting the younglings down in their excitement bites at him. His hood slips off from his tilted head. 
Your Force Signature is apparent; Obi-Wan knows your sign, the sensations and presence you leave behind to other Force users to pick up on. He figures he knows it the best of all. He hopes he does.
Tracing the loops through the same market, he becomes almost grumpy with the crowded spaces that are too dense to let him keep up the pace of his urgent march. The foot of the staircase, its metallic steps gleaming with the rain, shows itself to Obi-Wan by degrees, the lethargic gaggle of strangers finally dwindling away. The passion surges.
Obi-Wan doesn’t feel like a Jedi.
You sense him long before he appears in front of you, soaked through all layers. It’s at your bewilderment that he remembers - you didn’t know he caught you hiding behind the pillar, so to find him at the edge of the steps, despondent, tells you something about the “who?” question that crippled your thinking patterns remarkably. The realization paints across his face and makes him turn sheepish. A revelation that, in his own desperate madness, could have been kept under the wraps of his cloak had he not suffered a lack of wit to follow you.
The cloth sticks to his body in a way that is so modestly handsome, yet simple enough for Obi-Wan’s own looks to work their charm and make it appear ethereal.
He closes his lips tightly, nodding to you as a greeting, choosing to stay in the fall of rain. Rising, you walk to meet him from a foot apart. 
“Your younglings give you away, Obi-Wan.” You offer the start of conversation with the shyness that Obi-Wan found himself yearning to be met with.
“What were you doing in there?” He replies, an air of calm leaving with his words. His tone is quizzical, and it affirms all that you love about the Jedi.
The behaviour he administers standing there, displaying the utmost respect with which he regards all things, the softest touches of compassion and fortitude looming behind his barriers. His courage is in the face of adversity, your face, and he doesn’t know how to respond to it. Adversity, its misfortune, staring him in the face through the colour of your eyes and the curve of your lips. It smiles at him and he wants to kiss it.
The war he fights, to the far reaches of the outer rim, was enough for him before, yet he’s here now, damp and cold in the maze of Coruscant, with another war inside of himself. A heart duels with a brain.
“I like to watch you teach.” Your lips are wet.
“Is that so?” He answers fast enough, as if he already knew. There is a comfortable pause with the pitter-patter sounds of water. “What made you leave?” Obi-Wan asks this and he, in fact, did know the answer to that question.
Love. Passion. Before, it was serenity.
The present was serene, wasn’t it? Obi-Wan could think so.
“Felt like intrusion.”
“The younglings handled it well.” His lips work the sentence out, but the rest of his face says and you couldn’t? 
Except, it’s pained.
Except, it’s despairing and hopeless and all things that Obi-Wan refused to show to the world. And you wonder why. As grim as it may sound, he is beautiful. In his pain, he is beautiful. To you, to anyone who might see the way his hair is unkempt and falling into his face, the blue eyes looking fixedly, expectantly at their focus, his hands at his sides and his laboured breathing bringing his chest up and down, rhythmically. The only way he comes to that appearance is because he doesn’t care to fix it, because he’s too worried about fixing everything else. 
Then, you think of how much you hate seeing him like this, intimate and secret as it is. You figure you’re among a mere two or three who have seen him sad. He’s more beautiful when the sunshine peeks from his grin. That much is true. 
“Because you’ve taught them well.” Your compliment soothes him briefly, but he adopts that unhappy look that makes you think there’s no Maker above, although you’ve just thanked it, because no Maker would have let Obi-Wan Kenobi feel the way he does right now. Forlorn. Not like himself.
And, not like himself, he loses some of his reserve.
He makes the distance minuscule. A cautious hand reaches his face and brushes over his beard, your thumb brushing kindly back and forth across his cheek. Obi-Wan absent-mindedly leans into it and he thinks of how healing it feels when you touch him. How he longs for you to keep touching him. 
You catch the sun peeking through the crack of his lips as they smile.
All he knows is that it’s been lonely. The way you speak to him, touch him, feel him, tells him that the rough edges of life and war can be softened. They can be buffered. That he can love freely, and that he’s glad it’s you.
It’s impossible for either of you to get any more wet, and the thought of shelter, even now, is abandoned along with his fear of unrequited feelings.
Obi-Wan raises his hand through the misty air, letting it fall upon and envelope yours. He brings it close to his heart, and closes his other around it. Gentleness is about the only thing you can register -  his soft movements as he becomes himself are profound and calculated. The remnants of his loneliness that had come out of hiding are already disappearing, as if he breathes it out into the air to be lost, as he himself is found.
Your hand remains clasped by both of his when his lips touch your forehead, a pillowy kiss that says what he cannot. The sun shines within him, as if kissing the moon or the stars, his perfect counterpart.
The sun softly lights the moon, and what a comparison it is, because you know that Obi-Wan is golden as he takes you in his arms and you press against each other in a burst of rays. The kind that keep you warm through all the layers of drenched robes. His nose is pressed into your shoulder, your arms wind tight around his neck. A thought of his presses into your mind, spoken in his voice, be my comfort, I seek you everyday.
Passion is in the gestures and love is in the feelings shared, one Jedi to another. 
There is no passion, there is serenity.
It’s left up to the rain to convey the serene qualities in this exchange of two fond people, who look at each other the way that lovers do.
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ficforce · 4 years
Read My Lips
Charon x Female Deaf Reader SFW No established timeline Established relationship
Scorching air passed her at an alarming speed but Y/N didn’t worry as the large man stood in front of her, guarding her against harm whilst he took the attack without complaint. He had taken quite the beating already and the upper part of his clothing had long burnt away from trying to absorb the fiery attacks and send them right back; he was covered in cuts and there was a puddle of blood forming by his left foot that Y/N noted. Their opponent was throwing some heavy firepower their way and even though her protector was taking damage, the man was absorbing the kinetic energy until even she felt like he might combust with how much he had. His foot suddenly stamping on the ground caused the concrete to shatter beneath it and Y/N lost her balance enough to have to grab the back on his belt to stop herself from falling. She didn’t need to look to know his counterattack was devastating and all that was left when she peeked around his side was their target’s charred boot.
“Did you get what we needed?” Charon asked her as he tightened his belt and pulled off the remains of his top, “You have it, right? Y/N?” He turned his head to look back and down at the shorter woman, the aftershock of the explosion had rattled her and she was struggling to understand him, “Y/N, did you get it… did you?” He watched as she squinted up at him, likely able to see that he was getting impatient at her lack of response, and he knew she needed a moment but he wanted to know. With a tut, Y/N reached for his shoulder and tried to pull him around to face her fully, then she reached for the sides of the cloth over his eyes and tugged to bring him closer to her height. Once more he asked, trying not to get annoyed, “Did, you, get, it?” Each word was pronounced clearly, enough to be understood but not patronising.
Y/N finally nodded and Charon grinned wide. Despite his pleased countenance Y/N couldn’t help but notice the gash along the left side of his ribs and she reached out to touch it, eager to help him; Charon caught her hand to stop her, “Not here.” He picked her up with ease, his hand under her backside as her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms went around his neck. The Guardian often complained that she was too slow but she knew that he not so secretly liked carrying her on his hip, he found their height difference amusing, taking off at a run they escaped the building just as the alarm started to wail.
— -
Y/N had been with the White Clads since childhood; they had taken her in after she had gotten lost in the tunnels of The Nether. They had noticed how easily she navigated the tunnels and how she could easily avoid the wandering Infernals. She had been picked up by one of the Knights and they realised she was deaf, she had been thrown away and left to die in The Nether but her Second Generation ability saved her. Her ability had allowed her to see and feel the thermal energy in the air; with training, she discovered how to control the pressure of the energy. Y/N could pick up invisible heat signatures or voids in the air, it made her exceptionally good at finding things or anticipating an attack. It was almost useless as an offensive weapon and that’s why Charon often accompanied her when he wasn’t Guarding Haumea, it didn’t have to be him but he was overly fond of Y/N and wanted to keep her safe.
They were an odd couple.
Charon was a giant compared to most of his peers, he was tall and broad, he was loud and he asked too many questions too. The Guardian was looked up to as one of the strongest Guardians and his dedication to Haumea was almost fatherly; even if he was impatient and hated waiting for anything, even though Haumea kicked him too often. He was a devoted and serious member of the White Clad with unwavering loyalty to the Evangelist. Y/N had always liked his confidence and despite what people thought - That he was big and dumb - he was cunning… even if he was a little sadistic at times.
Though, not with her.
Charon had always been sweet to her. He would often bring her little presents and was always gentle. She was his opposite in nearly every way. Y/N had almost infinite patience with everything and was kind to her comrades - particularly towards the children. Y/N barely reached the middle of Charon’s chest in height, her hand to hand combat skills were weak and she was underestimated; that gave her opportunity to ruin her enemies and secure her place as a Knight. She wasn’t loud, she hardly ever spoke and read lips, very few people understood sign language and she relied on those few people to help her with the others. Sometimes, Charon didn’t pay attention and would turn his face away from her when speaking or he would speak too fast which caused Y/N some trouble. One of the most common sights of the two was when Charon would turn away and she would grab his face to turn it back toward her, he wasn’t good at sign language so he had to learn to be patient with her… not his strongest skill.
Charon hadn’t put her down once, even as they descended into the darkness of The Nether, they were used to the dark and knew the winding tunnels well.
This was part of their home.
He felt her shift a little against his side and slowed his steps as she took a moment to carefully adjust the cloth over his eyes to make sure the red cross sat correctly. Her hands covered his ears and she pressed her cheek to his pale hair, “Hm? What is it?” Charon asked as he stopped walking altogether, his answer cam a second later as a loud crash came from the tunnels up ahead. Ash was kicked up from the tunnels and washed over them along with the stale air, Y/N had made sure their eyes had been protected and then, anticipating a loud noise, had tried to protect his ears; Charon knew her ability allowed her to feel pressure changes in the air and shifts in thermal activity.
She’d known about the collapse before it had even happened.
“Can we still get home?” She nodded and pointed down another tunnel that was pitch black, “That’ll take ages, we’ll have to stop on the way. Do you think there’s a place to rest? Do you want to go above ground? Or should we keep going?” Even as he asked he walked toward where she had pointed, fully aware it was too dark for her to read his lips but still speaking; he trusted her judgement. Neither could create their own flames, their eyes were well adjusted to dark places and Y/N could use her ability to check for voids and weak areas that might cause them difficulty. After a few minutes of walking, she felt a vibration in the air and her fingers found Charon’s lips, her touch feather-light she felt his lips move against her fingertips as he asked her more questions. He wanted to stop somewhere to tend to his bleeding side and Y/N concentrated on the air around them, reading the thermal energy lingering there until she found an anomaly that signified a room that hadn’t been disturbed for a long time.
Not even wandering Infernals had been near it - it felt cold and dead.
Charon put her down when she instructed him to and he followed close until they came to a massive metal door, it was floor to ceiling and just as wide, dips in the ground told them that vehicles may have been stored there at some point in the past and they assumed it was an old storage warehouse. Charon pulled open the industrial-sized door, the hinges squealed and more stale air assaulted their noses, Y/N pulled the front of her clothing up a little until the worst of it passed. “People before the Cataclysm really liked underground storage, right?” Turning his head to grin down at her, Charon let out a small sigh, she wasn’t looking at him and that meant she hadn’t heard him - but if not at him, what was she staring at deep in the darkness? She grabbed his hand all of a sudden and indicated that he should shut the door. The noise of opening it the first time had caught the attention of something out there and she needed to patch him up first. They used her last emergency light stick to illuminate the room, rows and rows of metal shelves lined the back of the large square room, there were old stains from oils and an ancient car that looked like someone had been halfway through fixing.
Forcing the large man to sit on what looked like a workbench, Y/N placed her hand against the centre of his chest - somehow she was able to ignore how warm he was, how she could feel his heartbeat thumping lightly into her palm and just how beautiful all of his strong, dark skin looked in his half-naked state.
Now wasn’t the time.
She left his side after examining the wound and started exploring along the shelves; tools, cans of oil and lubricants, rubbish and mouldy cups lined most of them but she was looking for something to help clean his wound. There was nothing suitable. Y/N would have to patch him up as best she could without a disinfectant. From beneath her White Clad robes, she pulled out a small medi-pack from her belt and went back to Charon.
His left pant leg was dyed red and her hand slipped on his bloody skin by the cut as she tried to clean him up with what was left in her water flask, “Let me,” Charon’s large hand covered hers with a small squeeze just before he took the cloth from her and made short work of mopping himself up. His wound had stopped bleeding now but it was hurting him, darkening around the edges and swelling a little, “Is it bad?” Y/N looked up at him with a tilt to her head, missing what was said, “Bad. Am I gonna die?” She grinned up at him fondly and shook her head, Y/N had been threading a surgical needle as he had cleaned up and Charon felt heat blooming over the wound as invisible pressure pushed against and forced the torn edges of the skin together, “That hurts… do you care? You’re hurting your cute, little boyfriend and you don’t care, right?” Trying to hold in a giggle the woman began stitching him up. Charon’s fingers pinched at her clothing at her waist and gave a playful tug, “Y/N,” he called, knowing she would feel the vibration in the air rather than his words. He also knew that she would be aware he had said her name from the specific pattern of the vibration.
There wasn’t much difference in their ages and she had been a White Clad almost as long as he had, they’d as much as grown up together and he noticed that sometimes she would react to her name without having to see the person who had called it. She could even tell who was speaking sometimes and would ignore certain people on purpose. Charon liked that she found his voice unique to other voices, that not all the vibrations she felt were the same; and he loved when she would become bashful at the feel of his voice. “Hey, Y/N? You ignoring me? Not gonna look up? Don’t you think that’s cold? Y/N… Y/N?” The guardian could feel her twitch every time he said her name and his grin got bigger and bigger until she jabbed him lightly with the needle.
“Charon!” Her eyes looked up with an almost pleading expression, he knew what saying her name did to her, the way that his voice floated on the air and caressed her all over - it was only ever his unheard voice that made her react like that and in the small room with limited pressure and air it had been amplified. Y/N’s lips closed firmly together and she turned her gaze from him. It was rare she ever spoke out loud other than to finish prayer and she always felt anxiety about people hearing her.
What did her voice sound like?
How did she pronounce her words?
The man cradled her cheek in his hand and moved in to give her gentle kiss on the lips. Sometimes he liked to push her until she spoke his name out loud, every syllable perfect to his ears, the shape of her mouth when she spoke, the tone and quality always musical to him. He pulled back just enough for her to read his lips, “I love you,” Charon watched as she smiled and then he returned his own with a devilish twist, “Y/N.” He saw the shiver that ran up along her spine and laughed as she punched him in the chest.
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mtherhino · 3 years
One side, two lives
Chapter twelve
You should be thanking me
First Previous Next
Warnings: talk of anorexia, self hatred, lot of swearing, swords, a bit of blood and general angst
Virgil yawned as he walked out of his room. He had finished beating Remus in super Mario carts a while ago and had decided to take a nap. As soon as he left his room his anxiety shot up. The former dark sidegriped his chest and leaned against the hallway wall to keep from falling down. He didn’t know why but he suddenly felt like he was on the verge of having a panic attack. He took a few deep breaths to try to calm himself down and not hyperventilate.  
Once he calmed himself down enough to actually stand he started walking to the living room. He saw Patton sitting on the couch looking upset and Logan sitting at the dining table with annoyance written all over his face. Virgil didn’t know what to do. He had never been that great at comforting people and he didn’t even know what happened in the first place.
The former dark side looked back over at Patton again who was mumbling to himself and had a fairway look as he stared at the floor.  Virgil couldn’t make out what he was saying but he heard the words “right “ and “wrong” a few times. In the end Virgil decided it would be better to try to talk to Logan rather than Patton, at least that way he couldn’t  figure out what happened to make everyone upset and Thomas’s anxiety spike so suddenly.
The  anxious side walked over the table and sat down. Logan looked up and Virgil gave him a confused look, the meaning was pretty clear, ‘what the hell happened?’ The logical side sighed and put down his book. He explained everything that happened during and after the wedding, making sure to keep his voice down the whole time. Although he tried to tell the story without any biases a bit of annoyance and anger slipped into his voice when he told Virgil about the others skipping over what he had to say.
When he finished his explanation Virgil didn’t know how to feel. He knew it was wrong what Roman had said to Deceit, even if he does hate the despicable snake, and he defiantly needs to apologies, but that doesn’t excuse the others behavior. Roman was trying to do what he thought was right, though his decisions may have been pretty bad he wasn’t trying to make all this shit happen, plus’s all of them had decided that Thomas would go to the wedding. Not only that but they all should have listened to Logan sooner, maybe they couldn’t have avoided some of this.
Not being able to think of anything to really say the purple clad side sighed tiredly. Logan nodded in agreement.
“That’s, that’s defiantly not good, any of it. I’m sorry you were talked over, I should have been there –“. Before he could finish his sentence Virgil was cut off.
“I mean no offense by this but I think it was a good thing you weren’t there. There was enough chaos as it was having anyone more there would have just added to it.”
           Virgil went to argue but stoped himself. He knew deep down that Logan was right but that didn’t make the feeling of guilt and fear that was rooted in his mind go away.
“Thanks Logan. Now that I have all the fact I think I’ll go talk to Patton about all this. This was really helpful.” Logan smiled a little at the praise as Virgil went to talk to the father figure of the mind scape.
           Virgil sat down on the other side of the couch from Patton who still had a faraway look in his eyes. The anxious side’s eyes softened, the description of Pattons panic attack didn’t sound good, and he wasn’t even there for it to see how bad it really was.
“Hey Pat.” The moral side looked up when he heard his name and seemed to be surprised to see Virgil next to him. Once he realizes it though he quickly put on a clearly strained d smile and sat up a bit more, putting on his “cheery” attitude.
“Oh hey kiddo! I didn’t hear you come in! What’s up?” Patton said with a smile. Virgil continued to look at the fatherly side with a sad expression.
“I heard about what happened today.”  Patton’s smile faded into a look that wasn’t quite readable until it was replaced with a much sadder smile.
“I see. I’m sorry if we caused you any stress kiddo. Me and the others just had a…. disagreement on what was the right thing to do.” Patton tried to explain.
           Virgil hummed and offered Patton a side hug. The moral side leaned into the hug and Virgil tried to comfort him. Just as the anxious side was about to say something all three light sides heard running coming from the hallway. The yellow clad dark side stoped in the entrance of the hallway, distress written on his face. Patton stood up and quickly walked over to deceit Janus.
“Janus whats wrong?”
“I most certainly wouldn’t like to know if any of you have seen Remus. I definitely “can” find him in the dark side of the mindscape.” The lying side said, worry dripping form his words.
           Logan’s head shot up when he heard that, finally putting down his book and walking over to Janus, a concerned look on his face. It slightly surprised Virgil how worried the logical side looked, usually he showed as little emotion as he could.
“No I haven’t even seen him today, which is odd.” The logical side mumbled out the last part, confusing the others in the room. “Are you sure he isn’t in the imagination?” Logan said with a concerned frown.
           The deceitful side shook his head.
“He “wouldn’t” have told me if he was going.” Janus said with sad and slightly guilty eyes. Virgil wasn’t sure why they held guilt in them but he decided it was about time he joined the conversation.
“I was playing Mario cart with him earlier today but that was at least two hours ago.” The anxious side said as he stuck his hands in his hoodie pockets, not liking the fact that the others where now looking at him. “He was acting like his normal Remus self at the time so I don’t know what could be wrong.”
The sides took a minute to ponder what could have happened. Out of know where a dark and ominous aura took over the room. Janus summoned his cane as soon as he felt it and the other prepared themselves for whatever was too come. Virgil watched in awe and horror as the room changed around them.
The warm tan colors on the wall shifted into a dark grey that had bits of gold speckling the color. The curtains became long and changed into a blood red velvet fabric. Almost everything in the room took on sharp twisting edges that looked like they could belong in a castle. Lastly a throne materialize from the ground at the back wall of the  room, the perfect place to survey everything. The throne was a dark black that seems to soak up any light that touched it. The back and seat had some maroon red cushioning, gold tipped the edges of every spike, as well as right above where the head would be if someone where to sit down in the mighty chair. The room finally settled and it looked a lot more like a throne room then a living room. The sides took a minute to take in the now slightly unsettling features to the mindscape before a voice spoke up from behind them.
“Much better. The whole room was so bland, not at all befitting of a king.” An oddly familiar voice said. All the sides turned quickly to where the voice was coming form and saw a figure emerge from a cloud of mist. The figure, the side, had his head bowed so that they couldn’t see his face. Janus stepped in front with his cane in a defensive position ready to protect the others. Virgil tried to focus more on the new side and saw that had he had a golden cape trailing behind him as well as a glowing sword that he held in front of him like a cane, ready to be used if the need arises.
Virgil gasped a little and took a step back, making the others even more nervous then they already where. The reasons for the anxious sides actions where because he recognized this person in front of him. It’s him. The one I saw in my dreams, the one that kil-, Virgil shook his head trying not to think about that part of his dream. But how is this guy here? How is he even real?!
Janus was the first to say something as he raised his cane at the stranger.
“Who are you, and what do you want?” The snake like side hissed out, sounding a lot braver than he actually felt. The royal side laughed, a cruel and cold sound that made the other sides, light and dark,  stiffened. The figure raised his head and the group group gasp lightly. Because there staring right at them with the most evil look any of them had ever seen, was their friend and prince, Roman.
           Virgil was the first to speak this time.
“Roman? It that you?” The anxious side said with tears in his eyes as he took a small step forward, only for Janus to hold out an arm stopping him. Although the sides where all just aspects of Thomas, they each had little differences about there faces that made it easier to distinguish who was who, no one side could look exactly like another, not even Janus. However there stood someone that looked exactly like the creative side they all knew and cared for, all except for the side’s red and golden eyes. The side also had a black streak in his otherwise brown hair. The Roman- look-alike side barked a harsh laugh at the smaller side’s words.
           “You think I’m that pathetic excuse for a side? Your idiotic prince? Well thankfully for all of you, I’m not.” The side said with a smile. Virgil growled and was about to speak up in Roman’s defense before Logan covered his mouth. The now angry purple side turned to the logical one of the group and glared. The taller side shook his head and mouthed the words ‘just wait’, his eyes giving away that he was more than a little weary about the situation. It took a minute but Virgil eventually nodded and Logan let him go hesitantly, both turning back to the new side.
           “If I may, if your not Roman as you say, who are you?” Logan spoke up boldly. A smirk formed on the red eyed side’s farce.
“Well, Logan, I’m something a thousand times better than that stupid prince.” The side took a step forward, his word dragging behind him, while the others stepped back. “Im the most powerful side you’ll ever meet,” another step, “the true king of the imagination,” another step, the others backs hit the wall.
“And most importantly of all,” the side swung the sword forward so that it was now at Janus’s throat.
           “The new king of the mindscape.” His smile was wide and his eyes glowed a dangerous gold.
                                   “I am Pride.”
           Janus glared at the person in front of him.
“That’s impossible, Roman holds the roll of pride. He’s literally Thomas’s Ego.” The dark side said. Pride growled in anger and Janus had to admit, he was tempted to take a step back. Still the yellow clad side had to hold his ground, besides, there was nowhere to go.
“Maybe he was at one point, but for quite a while now, even while imprisoned, the roll of pride has belonged to me.” The side smiled. “Roman hasn’t done a great job of filling in for my job so I decided to come back. That fool could never do anything right, don’t you agree?” When pride said does words he looked directly at both Patton and Janus. Janus only glared at the side more, but Patton wrapped his arms around himself, lowering his head in shame and guilt. The king’s smile only grew as he saw the effect his words had on the sides.
“What do you mean it was his roll?” Virgil said while he tried to stop himself from punching the man, though he wasn’t able to stop his glare.
“Why its quite simple really.” Pride said with what would be called a charming smile if it wasn’t so sinister. “You see when creativity was split into Roman and Remus, it wasn’t quite the clean cut everyone hoped for.” Patton only cowered more as the king spoke. “Remus wasn’t pure evil and Roman wasn’t pure good. Remus not only represents intrusive thoughts but also embodies self confrontation, which can help Thomas, where as Roman is not only Thomas’s hopes and dreams, but his pride and ego which where always considered as bad things.” Pride was frowning as he spoke about what he represented being something evil.  
“That’s what Thomas and Roman where always told. That being prideful lead to selfishness and only thinking about yourself. It wasn’t long before Roman, who was still a child, started to hate this side of himself and kept thinking that if one part about him was wrong then he must be a bad person. I honestly don’t know where he could have gotten such black and white thinking from.” As Pride said this he glared at Patton, making the moral side tremble. Janus stepped between his gaze and glared right back at him. Pried rolled his eyes and continued, his sword now lowered.
“As Roman grew up his self hatred never stopped, and slowly but surely, he started to break.” The others eyes widened as they started to catch on to what pride was getting at. Pride smiled at the fear that was present in all there faces.
“Remus had tried to help his brother but to no avail, and one day, Roman couldn’t have been more than 13 years old, the young prince ran as far as he could into the imagination as voices screamed at him in his head, Remus chafed after him. The  brothers ran all the way to the tallest mountain in the imagination, the land had shifted around them to make it easier for them. When Remus had finally caught up to his brother he found Roman crying in pain and with cracks of gold littering his skin. And before he knew it, Remus wasn’t looking at just his brother, but another entirely knew side.”Pride grinned as horror made its way onto all the sides faces. This is what he wanted, for them to see what their actions cost him.
“Roman had willingly tried to split himself again to make all of you happy, except this split didn’t turn out as well as the first. There just wasn’t enough to make two whole sides from an already split creativity. Since I was only a fraction of what he represented Roman stayed himself while I became something, new. So me and Roman where still connected afterwards, the only thing was that only one of us could exist in the mindscape.” Pride frowned at the floor as his memories darkened.
“I was the first to realize it, so of course I tried to kill him. If only one of us could exist, then it was going to be me.” The king’s frowned turned into a glare and his voice became harsher. “Roman caught on quick and started to fight me, Remus was still on the sidelines not knowing what to do and who to help. I’ll admit I wasn’t the brightest back then. While we fought I yelled at Roman about how everyone was going to pay for what they did to me.” The king shrugged, but the movement held much more anger then he thought it would.
“I would say I was right to be angry. I mean I was only created to be thrown away. Unlike Remus there wasn’t anything good that I represented. I was just the thing that everyone hated and wanted to get rid of, the thing everyone despised.” Pride turned his glare to the sides, all of them looking regretful as they found out about what their actions had caused. Good, Pride thought, they deserve to feel like shit after what they’ve done.
“ I would have won the fight if Roman and Remus hadn’t cheated. After hearing what I had said Remus had decided to help out Roman. After a while they finally beat me and my form started to disappear. They both that I was just too unstable, that I died and Roman just got his flaws back. And that’s how it stayed until recently.” The sides took a minute to take in the information.
“Wh-what happened that, that made you come back?” Patton asked, still not being able to look at Pride. Pride grinned, a mixture of joy, anger and satisfaction in his eyes.
“Well when Roman sacrificed what could have been Thomas’s big break his confidence was shattered, and since he became weaker, I finally grew strong enough to speak to him.” Patton’s eyes grew wide. Im the one that said we should go to the wedding. I’m the reason pride came back? I’m the reason where in this mess? Patton thought to himself.
“After that I helped to lower his ego and pride bit by bit, though it wasn’t very hard. I only told him things he already thought about himself. Plus Thomas was feeling so disheartened that Roman literally got sick! Ha! Honestly even if I never said a word to him I’m certain that his depression and self loathing would have done my job for me.” Pride said, chuckling a little at how simple it had all been.
Virgil felt nothing but white hot anger and sadness for his prince. This scumbag had been making Roman feel worse about himself than he already did and he took joy in it?! What kind of selfish bastard does that?! This time it took both Logan and Janus acting quickly to stop Virgil from charging and punching the royal side in the face.Pride turned to the enraged side and smiled.
“And that’s not even the worst of it. Before I even came back Roman was already suffering. He had horrible insomnia because he was worried about disappointing others by not getting his work done. And not to mention his eating disorder.” The other sides turned to Pride in confusing, except or Virgil, he simply looked broken as Pride confirmed his suspicions.
“Oh, don’t tell me you didn’t know? Roman had terrible anorexia, he could barely stomach eating half the time, if he could get away with it he would skip put on eating for days. He hated how he looked and even shape shifted in front of others to make himself look skinnier.” The king smiled at the horror and sadness that was painted on the sides faces. “Once he even said to me that he only ate because he didn’t want to pass out and not finish his work. He didn’t want to dissappoint everyone.”
Pride laughed distracting the others from their thoughts.
“Today just turned out to be the last straw for him. After trying his whole life to be good and be what other people wanted him to be, being called the evil twin broke him. His only purpose in life was to be Thomas’s hero and now he wasn’t even that.” Janus dropped his cane when he heard that. He knew after the video ended that he went too far and that he needed to apologize to Roman but… he hadn’t meant to hurt him like that. A thud was heard form behind him and when the dark side turned he saw that Patton had fallen to his knees, tears pouring down his face.
           Pride ignored the fallen side and kept talking, wanting the other sides to hurt as much as possible.
“Once again Roman ran away into the imagination, except this time no one followed him. On accident he found himself right where it all began. He felt horrible for what he said to Janus and didn’t think anyone would ever forgive him. In the end Roman wished that he could disappear, spare everyone from his mistakes, so I helped make that wish come true. Your prince gave up, so I came back.”
The others let the words sink in. They had broken the prince so much he had wanted to just go away so that they would be ok. All of them had tears in there eyes at this point. Virgil did his best to keep his voice steady as he spoke.
“Where is he then. Where’s Roman, and Remus too for that matter.” Pride smiled and the room seemed to grow colder. “Honestly you should be thanking me that I got rid of those idiotic twins for you.” For a moment it seemed like time stoped. There was only silence. Then Virgil let out a cry of rage and charged at Pride. Logan didn’t hold him back this time, instead he charged with him, both of their eyes overflowing with tears.  
           Pride seemed unconcerned with the two enraged sides charging at him. He simply swept his hand to left and the whole room rotated, sending the two light sides crashing into the wall. Virgil groaned as he turned around and leaned against the wall. His noes was bleeding and he was fairly sure that he broke it. He looked over at Logan to see the logical side rubbing his head and with his glasses on the floor next to him, now broken in two. Before they could stand up a glowing sword was pointed at their faces.
“Just give up. Your friends are gone, and there never coming back.”
Wow it’s been a while. Sorry iv been gone for so long guys, school just started up again and it been hard trying to find time to just sit down and write. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this slightly longer than average chapter, I tried to put all the angst in it I could. I hope that your all on the edge of your seat waiting to find out what happens next. Well I’m going to go die now, have a good week humans, bye!
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kaeyas-beloved · 4 years
The Emperor’s Daughter in Wonderland
This is an IkeVamp/IkeRev crossover inspired by this post... I couldn’t resist myself.
I had this long note (this is still long though) about how I lost confidence because I read the notes on the original post and I thought I skipped over some huge points with the armies growing suspicious and some other things. Like there wouldn’t have been any real plot holes or anything but I still panicked for a moment (cause I thought people wouldn’t like what I wrote). But to sum up I think I fixed it and basically I focused more on the MC/Reader being the daughter of a suitor and the ‘it all goes down hill from there’ part of the original post - letting MC have the spot light because of that...And I also still tried to sprinkle in some general suitor romance (not a lot though cause it wasn’t the main focus) There are some dad!Napoleon moments too cause who doesn’t like it when the residents are dads
Still I hope who ever reads this still likes it! (Sorry if this isn’t good and I hyped you up for nothing...)
Warning(s): Descriptions of violence, injures, blood, roughly 5 swear words and potential OOCness because I haven’t finished all the IkeRev routes nor am I fully confident in writing Napo’s character...
Call it what you’d like, Napoleon could tell something was going to happen. 
Maybe it was just his protective fatherly side coming out for all to see, she is the only remaining family member he has left, his wife (her mother) gone along with his human life, but the ex-emperor knows better. 
It’s a gut feeling, something will happen.
The screech of Jupiter, who sat perched on a tree branch not too far away, alerted him that someone was coming. Looking over his shoulder towards the entrance of the mansion, out walked his daughter, satchel and coat in hand, a smile on her face.
“Finished saying goodbye?” Napoleon asked, stepping back from the horse he was petting. (Y/N) nodded, attaching the bag to the saddle of the horse.
“Yeah. Supposedly they’re all going to miss me? I don’t know why though. Even old man Leo said something about how ‘the passerotta is finally leaving the nest’.” she sighed, exasperated at the nickname the renaissance man used. 
“What have I told you about calling him that?” Her father asked, raising a brow. She turned from the animal to face him.
“To not to?” Napoleon nodded.
“So I can call Comte ‘old man’ but not Leo?” she asked, raising a brow.
“Exactly.” he smirked and she couldn’t help but sigh again, shaking her head. 
“You don’t make sense sometimes you know that?” Chuckling, Napoleon mussed up her hair, his way of showing her affection. It wasn’t as jovial as it usually was though, or relaxed for that matter, and (Y/N) picked up on it quickly. 
“Stop worrying. Remember, I had you and Uncle Jean teach me how to protect myself. Nothing is going to happen to me...” her attempt to ease her father’s anxieties didn’t go unnoticed, but it also didn’t help that much.
“I’d feel better if you brought your rapier...” 
“I would, really, but I don’t think the townspeople would take too kindly to me having it. It doesn’t help that I’m a woman either, because, you know...” 
“I know... Just, be careful” Had it not been for the way his jade green eyes stared at her, waiting for her to promise that she’d come home in one piece, (Y/N) may have laughed at the way he was acting. It was uncommon to see this underlining anxiousness in his expression. Usually when she was going out he was laid back, dropping the parting words of ‘be safe’ before going on as usual It sounded a little cold but he trusted in her to make the right choices. 
But this time he told her to be careful. Not safe, careful. In a roundabout way it was a sign that he cared and worried for her and didn’t want anything to harm her.
It also showed that something really had him on edge about her trip to London. The best thing to do though is to give him what he wants, which is reassurance.
“I’m only getting ink for Uncle Arthur, but if it eases your mind, I promise to be careful.”
“Thank you.” he mumbled, “Do you have enough Rouge?”
“What did I say about not worrying?” The look he gave her told her to just tell him, “Oui, I do. I even packed more than needed just in case. You never know when your thirst can suddenly be stronger than usual.”
“How much is more exactly?”
“I’m bringing eleven. If I drink half a day every other day I’d have enough for about a mouth plus some”  
“I know I said to be prepared but you really are an overachiever sometimes you know that?”
“Oui oui, I’m aware! Au revivor papa, I’ll see you in a week, alright?” With a smile, the two shared a parting goodbye hug, (Y/N) mounting the awaiting horse. A kick of her foot and she was off at a gallop, waving back one last time before disappearing over the horizon.
The dread in the pit of Napoleon’s stomach didn’t cease, even as he went back into the manor, and when the time was right, it’d be revealed just why that feeling was there.
“Damn it...” Oddly enough, in some form of twisted fate, the rapier that she left at home would’ve been beneficial in that moment. 
Honestly, no one thought that she’d fall into some fantasy land, one on the brink of war, obtain the power to break magic spells and then get kidnapped with the intention to be eliminated. By a research center trying to take over the world for themselves no less. 
Scrapes and bruises marked her entire body along with the stains of blood. She’s lost way more than humanly possible for her to still be standing, a large cut running down her arm and a rather deep puncture wound to her abdomen. Yet she continues to fight - she has to. 
Landing a final punch to the last robed disciple, a pounding pain thrummed throughout her entire body, though the one that sourced from her mouth was by far the most painful.
“I-Ignore it...” she told herself, staggering over to a fallen man that was taken care of earlier in the fray of fists and magic. Unhooking the belt, she took the sword from him, stumbling up to one of the horses that the enemy rode in on.
The truth was she wasn’t doing too hot. Turns out, no matter how much you practice or how much stamina you have, deflecting magic attacks takes a lot out of you. On top of that she was exerting herself to defend herself, while bleeding, and it all amounts up to her being on the brink of unconsciousness. 
“Why do you wield your blade?” A conversation she had with her father when she was younger came to mind as she leaned against a tree, the need to catch her breath too strong to brush off.
“Why do you fight (Y/N)? What’s your reason?” Right... he asked that when she was younger, feeling like a failure for not being able to fight like her dad could. Having been so young she was nearly on the brink of tears, about to give up ever learning the art of the sword.
“T-to protect and save others...” was her frail answer. Her father smiled, liking that her heart was in the right place. 
“Good. Now remember that when you’re about to give up. You can’t achieve that goal if you admit defeat.” 
“O-okay! I won’t ever give up!”
“C’est ma fille...” he said patting her head.
Growing up surrounded by some of the greatest men in history came with it’s perks, a vast knowledge ranging from science thanks to Isaac all the way to piano lessons with Mozart are under her belt. 
Though, if she had to choose, the greatest skill she acquired was how to protect the weak. How to raise a sword to save lives, never to take if at all possible. 
Her new found friends will die if she doesn’t move now. 
“Merci papa...” she whispered, finding the strength to push herself upright once more. Climbing onto the back of the horse a new, burning determination filled her. 
She will save those that have found a place in her heart and, when everything’s said and done, return home to her awaiting family.
By time the clearing to the Central Quarter came into view the sun had just started to set, bathing her surroundings in an orange glow. The closer she got to the opening the more she was able to make out, yet the sight wasn’t an uplifting one.
The Chosen Thirteen from both sides lay beaten on the cobblestone ground, exhausted and beat up. Even the kings, strongest among them all, struggled to get back on their feet. Lancelot sat against a wall while Ray was at the foot of the man behind everything - Amon Jabberwock. The other officers weren’t any better, most struggling to grasp their weapons but too drained to do so. 
And in the hands of Amon was a bigger than normal magic crystal, the glow emitting off of it bright, its spell nearly cast.
The sight only fueled the adrenaline that coursed through her veins.
Drawing her blade from its sheath, she was ready to face any foe that may hinder her in helping bring peace to Cradle. Aligning the course the horse is to take, (Y/N) let go of the reins, her voice ringing out. 
“Ray, move!”
The King of Spades did as commanded, rolling back and out of the line path of the stallion. Leaping from it, she barely landed on her feet, the hand free of anything outstretched. Instantly the harsh glow subsided, the gem now nothing more than a useless rock. 
The call of her name mixed with gasps of surprise, and perhaps relief, fell on deaf ears, her (e/c) eyes focused on one man and one man alone. Sweeping his legs out from under him, Amon dropped to his hands and knees, the tip of her rapier pressed against his neck.
“Amon Jabberwock-!” her voice echoed with power and authority, a cold look in her eye. 
Admittedly, it shocked those around her, no clues given during her stay that would allude to her having this hidden side. But the sight of her standing there, a will to fight in her eye, even as copious amounts of blood poured out of her, was astonishing and uplifting enough to repair their morale. 
And had the residents of the mansion been here to hear and see her, they would've remarked how similar it felt to her father when he faced his foes.
“As a temporary member of the Black and Red Army, I hereby arrest you on the count of treason against the country of Cradle!”   
“H-How...?” Amon stuttered, voice laced with anger and on the brink of snapping further into madness, “you should be dead with those wounds!” 
A weak, almost pained sounding laugh left her lips as she pushed the blade a little harder, lips parting, “I’m nothing like the others...” 
“Monster...” he gasped, fear in his eyes as he unsuccessfully tried to scoot away from her. By the way he acted, she could tell that he caught sight of the pointed teeth in her mouth.
“Mm... in a way, maybe I am...”
“You won’t kill me!” The way his voice shook made it sound like he was trying to convince her to not slit this throat right there and now. Fortunately for him, she wasn’t that kind of person. 
“While it’s true that I shouldn’t raise my sword like I am now unless I am willing to take the life that’s in my hands, you would be right, I won’t be ending your life. I learned all I know from my father, one of which was to never take a life, for fear it turns out I can’t live with the consequences. That doesn’t mean I won’t beat you and bring peace to Wonderland” Refusing to let another word be uttered from him, (Y/N) swiftly butted the hilt of the sword to his neck, knocking him out. 
“There she is!”
“Lord Amon!” Shouted more robed men from behind. The disciples reached for, presumably, magic crystals from their pockets but stopped at something she said, the saber pointed their way.
“You can fight me, but I just took down your leader. If you chose to fight me just know that I do not fall easily and I will fight till the bitter end for what is right... So, what will you do?”  
“C-crud, let’s get out of here! I’m not chancing it!” Her words reached them and made it clear that they didn’t stand to win. So, scouring away, the enemy tucked tail and ran. 
“Seems you’re all still alive...” She breathed, turning around to face the army soldiers. All of them smiled at her, glad that she was alright (for the most part) and that this war was over. 
Yet life is no fairy tale, something tragic usually hits in the best of times like these. Wise words from a guy who’s not all there (thanks Shakespeare).
She saw it before the words reached her ears and the next moments were a blur of colour. 
Someone from the shadows raised a sword of their own, the blade about to pierce the one person dearest to her, the one that stole her heart while in this new, unfamiliar world. He was unguarded with nothing to defend himself, about to die should she just stand there and not take action.
Mustering the last bit of energy she had, she parried the attack, the sound of steel on steel ringing in the still evening. The clash lasted less than a minute, the lesser vampire the one to be impaled, unable to block the second strike. Still, if she was to die, he would go down with her at least. 
No, she didn’t kill the attacker, merely used all she had to stab him in the leg, bringing him to the ground, the force and angle of the impact rendering him unconscious.
No one said anything, their minds unable to full register the events that just transpired. The pained words of their friend snapped them out though and all eyes went to her.
“I-I’m glad yo-ou’re safe...” she wheezed, eyes meeting the ones of the man she loves. A sense of calmness overcame her, he was safe, he would live. Maybe, just maybe, she could die a peaceful death knowing that she was able to protect the one she cares about. Her duty was fulfilled.
The only regret she’d bear would be the regret of being unable to say goodbye properly, both to the ones around her and the ones ignorant of what’s going on, as they await her return back in the Land of Reason. 
Something that seemingly won’t be happening now...
This was her bittersweet end.
A sharp intake of air. Vision blurry. The smell of antiseptic chemicals and whisky. These invaded her being and briefly, when she was able to at least think, she thought that this was a weird form of Heaven or Hell to be put into.
Though when her sight cleared up some more it was revealed that, no, she wasn’t in an abstract afterlife, she was just in Kyle’s infirmary. 
(Y/N) laid in that oddly comfortable bed for what felt like hours, which were really only minutes, before she found the strength to sit up, if only a little.
A slip of pink paper which rested on the nightstand caught her eye. Picking it up she read the note, relaying that, if she was to wake up, that everyone wanted to let her know that the war is truly over and that her boyfriend was safe, all thanks to her. A breath she didn’t know she was holding was finally let free, muscles relaxing. 
It was some form of a miracle that allowed her to still be here, like the world was telling her it wasn’t time for her to leave just yet. Not that she was complaining or anything, but she couldn’t help the giggle that came with the thought that the similarities between her and her dad are starting to get weird.
The click of the door pulled her from her funny thought, and in walked the last face she saw before blacking out. He really was okay, just like the note said. 
“We have to talk”
“We do, don’t we.” she smiled and he returned it, pulling up a chair. For the rest of the day (assuming based on the light that poured in through the window) the two lovers talked, expressing how glad they were that the other was okay, what happened after she collapsed and what their next steps would be. When everything was done, her boyfriend climbed into the bed with her, mindful of the injuries around her whole body, and with such gentleness pulled her flush against his chest. 
That evening they slept in each other’s arms, calmed by the sound of their mixed breathing and heartbeats, because later that night they’ll have to part again.  
“Tell me again what you are?” Kyle rubbed his temple, trying his hardest to wrap his head around her claim. The hangover he had wasn’t helping in this situation either. 
“I’m a vampire, a lesser vampire to be more exact” 
“I get that, but what is that?”
“Don’t worry too much about it, just know that if I was to bite you you wouldn’t turn and I’m not immortal. Now go drink some water. Can’t believe magic is a thing yet you’d get hung up on mythology...” she muttered the last part, shaking her head in disbelief.
“I would just like to go on record and say I knew all along” Edgar piped up, his usual innocent smile on his face. Zero and Jonah scoffed. 
“And how did you exactly?” Zero asked his teacher. The Jack of Hearts smiled just a little wider, fetching something from his pocket. The glass glittered in the moonlight.
“So that’s where my last bottle went! You had it!”
“Indeed. You did well to hide it Alice, but not well enough if I was able to find it” 
“Why do you have it anyway?” 
“I saw our dear Alice drinking it one day. She told me it was wine but by the viscosity I could tell she was lying. It also smelt like blood. So, I did some digging around her room while she was gone.” 
“Of course, only you would be able to smell it and instantly recognize it like that...” Jonah hissed under his breath. The statement went unheard by all except the subject of the comment, who simply continued to smile like he heard nothing. 
“That would explain why ya sometimes left the training grounds all of a sudden too when someone got hurt” Fenrir pointed out, the Black Army nodding along. 
“We just thought you were squeamish...” Luka mumbled.
“That would also explain the report I got saying we had a shortage of blood...” Lancelot spoke up, staring down at (Y/N). 
“I... got hungry and didn’t have enough?” she shrugged, a nervous smile on her face while averting her eyes to the side. Really, it was half a lie, she was hungry. It was just that the liquid was right there at the time and it’s scent was so sweet to her - she couldn’t help herself! 
“But,” the King of Hearts continued, a small, soft smile blooming on his face, “I’m willing to pardon it, you did save us all. So, thank you, for all you’ve done. Is there anything you’d like as a reward?” 
“I’m honored King Lancelot, but right now I think I have to go home. There are some people that are no doubt missing me.”
“Very well. Then you are welcomed back at the Red Army anytime”
“The Black Army will welcome you too, little lady” Sirius added, Ray nodding in approval. 
“Right, the room you used will be waiting for you should you ever come back”
“Ohhhh please come back Alice, the Black Army just won’t be the same without you!” Seth whined dramatically.
“Thank you... all of you” (Y/N) gave a closed eye smile, the light of the moon illuminating behind her. A hand suddenly cupped her cheek, the contact warm and prompting her to open her eyes. 
“I will see you again right?” he asked, low enough that only the two of them could hear it.
“Yes, just as we promised last night.” she whispered back, leaning in for a kiss, one he returned.
The rabbit hole that connected their worlds opened up, a spotlight like light shining onto it. Pulling away her hand clutched the bag she came with, along with the items she’s obtained, and she turned one last time. Her eyes roamed over each face a final time, stopping on his.
“See you later everyone!” A chorus of goodbyes paired with waves and she stepped backwards, falling down, down, down the hole like she did just one short month ago.
“The man at the stall said he saw her here one night, there must be a clue.” Napoleon stated, eyes hard with determination, certain that there has to be something here linking to his missing daughter. Deep down though he’s consumed with emotion, anger, fear and a great sadness.
Anger at himself, he should’ve been more persistent with her taking her rapier. Then maybe this wouldn’t have happened.
The fear and sadness are a mix of the same reason, he’s sad and afraid that he’ll never see her again, that he’s lost her even after promising to protect her from the moment she was born.
And yet, as the third week of having nothing he’s starting to lose hope, and the others can tell.
“Napoleon...” Jean whispered, placing a firm hand on the man’s shoulder. “I think it’s time to head back to the inn...”
He wants to stay out longer, search every nook and cranny of this damn park a thousand times more.
“Jean’s right...” Isaac added, tilting his head and gesturing with it in the direction of where they’re staying, “we can look some more in the morning if you want.”
“Maybe you’re right...” the Demi-vampire sighed, beginning his slow, reluctant trudge to the cozy London inn.
“Oof! Ow, I guess it’s a bumpy landing on the way back too...” the three heard the thud and rustle before the voice, but Napoleon was already sprinting in its direction.
“(Y/N)!?” The call of her name erased the pain of the landing and any other insignificant thought, her eyes darting around through the trees.
“Dad!?” She shouted back. An urgency to her father again surged through her.
He sped faster, urged on by the sound of her voice. It’s her, he knows it is, and she’s alive.
Emerging from behind a tree Napoleon comes to a grounding halt, eyes wide at the sight in front of him. She’s there, right there, albeit a little banged up, but she’s safe - that’s all that matters.
Rushing up he engulfs her in a hug, loosening it only minimally when she let out a hiss of pain.
“Where have you been? Who hurt you?” his questions are rushed, breathless as he looks her over, the amount of bandages on her alarming.
“You’ll never guess...” she suddenly smiled.
“What?” He questioned, the smile on her face making him believe that she wasn’t taking this seriously. Yet her next words shocked him, enough for a visible reaction to show, and it became obvious that the two would have to have a long, long chat.
“I fought in and won a revolution...and I protected the weak... just like I said I would...”
“Oh I also have a boyfriend...”
“You have a what???”
Fun fact: at first this was going to be the MC/Reader as Leo’s daughter and she would’ve fixed the Black Army’s stuff or Fenrir’s gun, impressing them, but!!! We all know that ~war~ is a thing in IkeRev, so behold here we are! 
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