#11:30 average pace at easy-moderate perceived exertion for 18 miles of rocky/rooty singletrack with 2000 feet of climbing?
rulesforthedance · 7 months
Ran 18 miles in Forest Park yesterday and it was by far the fastest I've ever done that distance on trail despite being deliberately Easy Pace (because I've gotten that much better at running recently! it's still blowing my mind) and including lots of walk breaks on the big climbs, but I fell fell dramatically around mile 16 because I wasn't picking my toes up high enough in a rooty downhill section. Landed in a full Superman on the trail, but at least managed to avoid bashing my chin on the ground this time. Was passing an old woman who was hiking and alarmed her. She was waving her hands near her face and going "oh! oh! oh!" as I took several long seconds of stumbling and yelling to actually complete my fall, lol. Today I keep finding new bruises.
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