#11th Science Coaching
educationpointep · 2 years
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Education Point is one of the best commerce coaching in Jaipur.Check out information on institutes and coaching centres / tution classes for Commerce courses.
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shreeclassesiit · 14 days
IIT-JEE Preparation Classes in Navi Mumbai
Unlocking the Gates of IIT-JEE Success: Shree Classes Nurturing Brilliance in Navi Mumbai
Introduction: In the bustling cityscape of Navi Mumbai, where dreams meet determination, lies a beacon of academic excellence — Shree Classes. With a commitment to sculpting minds and shaping futures, Shree Classes stands tall as a bastion of IIT-JEE preparation classes in Navi Mumbai, illuminating the path for countless aspirants striving for success in the most coveted engineering entrance exam in India.
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Navigating the Labyrinth of IIT-JEE: Preparing for the IIT-JEE is akin to embarking on a rigorous odyssey, filled with challenges and triumphs. Shree Classes recognizes the multifaceted nature of this journey and offers a comprehensive roadmap designed to empower students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence required to conquer the IIT-JEE labyrinth.
Expert Guidance: At Shree Classes, we believe that mentorship is the cornerstone of success. Our team of experienced faculty members comprises seasoned educators and subject matter experts who serve as beacons of guidance, imparting invaluable insights and strategies to navigate the complexities of the IIT-JEE syllabus.
Personalized Learning: Recognizing that each student is unique, Shree Classes adopts a personalized approach to learning, tailoring teaching methodologies to cater to individual learning styles and pace. Through personalized attention and small batch sizes, we foster an environment conducive to holistic growth and academic excellence.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Our meticulously crafted curriculum is designed to encompass the entire spectrum of topics covered in the IIT-JEE syllabus, ensuring thorough understanding and mastery of key concepts. From foundational principles to advanced problem-solving techniques, Shree Classes leaves no stone unturned in equipping students with the requisite knowledge and skills to excel in the exam.
Rigorous Assessment: Regular assessments and mock tests form an integral part of the learning process at Shree Classes’ IIT-JEE preparation classes in Navi Mumbai. These assessments not only serve to gauge the progress of students but also provide valuable insights into their strengths and areas for improvement. By simulating the exam environment, we empower students to build resilience and adaptability, crucial qualities for success in the IIT-JEE.
Beyond Academics: At Shree Classes, we are dedicated to fostering holistic development, ensuring that students not only excel academically but also acquire indispensable life skills essential for personal and professional success. Through a range of extracurricular activities, workshops, and seminars, we provide students with opportunities to explore their interests, hone their talents, and develop crucial soft skills essential for success in the competitive world beyond academia.
Shree Classes: A Testament to Excellence: With a legacy of excellence spanning years, Shree Classes has earned a reputation as a trusted name in IIT-JEE preparation in Navi Mumbai. Our track record of success, reflected in the stellar performances of our students year after year, stands as a testament to the efficacy of our approach and the dedication of our faculty.
As we continue our journey towards excellence, we remain steadfast in our commitment to nurturing brilliance, unlocking potential, and shaping destinies through our IIT-JEE preparation classes in Navi Mumbai. Join us at Shree Classes, where aspirations are nurtured into achievements, and possibilities are limitless.
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Best Coaching Classes in Pune for 11th and 12th Science | Tayal Coaching Classes
Get best coaching classes for 11th and 12th science in Pune at Tayal Coaching Classes. Our classroom programs not only prepare for the boards, but also provide a solid start for entrance preparation. Visit us now!
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academile2001 · 4 months
Mastering MHT-CET: Your Ultimate Guide to Science Coaching in Waghbil, Thane
Are you on the quest for top-notch Science coaching in Thane, specifically tailored for MHT-CET preparation? Look no further! Welcome to Academile Tutorials, your premier destination for excellence in 11th and 12th-grade Science education in Waghbil, Thane.
Unlock Your Potential with Academile Tutorials: The Best in Thane
At Academile Tutorials, we pride ourselves on being the beacon of academic excellence, nurturing bright minds for MHT-CET success. Located in the heart of Waghbil, Thane, we offer unparalleled coaching for students aspiring to ace the MHT-CET examination.
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Why Choose Academile Tutorials?
Expert Faculty: Our seasoned educators possess years of experience and a profound understanding of the MHT-CET syllabus. They are dedicated to providing comprehensive guidance and mentoring to every student.
Tailored Curriculum: Our meticulously crafted curriculum is designed to align seamlessly with the MHT-CET examination pattern. We focus on conceptual clarity, problem-solving skills, and strategic exam preparation.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Academile Tutorials boasts modern infrastructure and advanced facilities conducive to effective learning. Our classrooms are equipped with the latest teaching aids and technology to facilitate an immersive learning experience.
Personalized Attention: We believe in the individualized growth of each student. Our small batch sizes enable personalized attention, fostering a conducive environment for interactive learning and doubt resolution.
Comprehensive Study Material: Access to comprehensive study material curated by our expert faculty ensures thorough coverage of the MHT-CET syllabus. Our study material is regularly updated to incorporate the latest exam trends and developments.
Mock Tests and Assessments: Regular mock tests and assessments simulate the MHT-CET exam environment, enabling students to gauge their progress and identify areas for improvement.
Holistic Development: At Academile Tutorials, we prioritize holistic development beyond academics. We offer extracurricular activities, career guidance, and mentorship programs to nurture well-rounded individuals poised for success.
Join Academile Tutorials Today!
Embark on your journey to MHT-CET success with Academile Tutorials, the undisputed leader in Science coaching in Thane. Our proven track record of excellence speaks volumes about our commitment to student success.
Don't let your dreams of MHT-CET success remain just dreams. Enroll at Academile Tutorials today and turn your aspirations into achievements!
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tejasvi-classes · 1 year
Effective Study Techniques for 11th and 12th Standard Science Students
As a science student in 11th or 12th standard, you have a lot on your plate. From mastering complex concepts to preparing for exams, it can be challenging to stay focused and motivated. However, with the right study techniques, you can make the most of your time and achieve your academic goals. In this guide, we will go over some of the most effective study techniques for science students.
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Organization and Planning
One of the keys to success in science is organization and planning. Create a study schedule that works for you, taking into account your class schedule and extracurricular activities. Set aside time each day for studying, and stick to your schedule as much as possible.
Active Learning
Active learning is a powerful study technique that involves engaging with the material on a deeper level. Instead of simply reading through your notes, try to actively engage with the information by writing, drawing, or explaining it to someone else. This will help you understand the material more deeply and retain it better.
Practice, Practice, Practice
Practice is one of the best ways to master the concepts you are studying in 11th and 12th science. Work through practice problems, take mock exams, and review past exams to see what types of questions are likely to come up. Joining 11th science classes in Vadodara or 12th science classes in Vadodara can also provide ample opportunities to practice and strengthen your understanding of the subject.
Collaboration and Study Groups
Studying with others can be a great way to stay motivated and get help with the material. Form a study group with classmates, or join 11th science classes in Vadodara or 12th science classes in Vadodara to collaborate with other students and work through the material together. Studying with others can also help you approach the material from different perspectives, leading to a deeper understanding of the concepts.
Effective Note-Taking
Effective note-taking is an important skill for science students. Take detailed notes during class, and make sure to review and revise them regularly. This will help you stay on top of the material and avoid getting overwhelmed. Try to summarize the information in your own words, rather than simply copying what the teacher is saying.
Get Enough Sleep and Exercise
It is important to take care of yourself while studying for 11th and 12th science. Get enough sleep each night, and make sure to get regular exercise. This will help you stay focused, alert, and motivated during your studies.
With the right study techniques, 11th and 12th standard science students can achieve their academic goals and excel in their studies. Whether you are working through practice problems, collaborating with classmates, or taking effective notes, there are many ways to approach the material and make the most of your time. If you are looking for support and guidance, consider joining 11th science classes in Vadodara or 12th science classes in Vadodara at Tejasvi Classes, where you can receive expert instruction and get the support you need to succeed.
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nia-academia · 6 months
Science Student Things
Getting a warning from every. single. senior. that its going to be hell but thinking "how bad can it be, i can handle it" (avg 10th topper misconceptions)
Being on a massive high after 10th results thinking you're gonna academically obliterate everyone in 11th-12th only to go into an extreme low within the first round of 11th grade exams
Cursing yourself for not researching enough before choosing science as your stream, fantasizing about how much better off you would be with Humanities or Commerce (delusional bcz those are hard asw but science is deadly tho)
Finding almost every chapter hard in the beginning and stressing over how you will ever complete the always-massive syllabus only to find that once you reach the end of the year what you thought was hard was just the tip of the iceberg (this also shows growth though so well done everybody)
Communal hatred for organic chemistry, anybody who doesn't hate it is either a genius or absolutely unhinged or both
Teachers always saying "you're a science student now" whenever they want to lecture you on how to never have joy in life and only live for marks
Having massive panic attacks and living in constant anxiety but nothing beats the joy of getting a hard numerical right in the first try
Scouring academic pages for study tips and routines and watching study vlogs etc but as a form of procrastination
Stressing over competitive exams ALL.THE.TIME because everyone you meet will talk about just that incessantly for two years
Realising that there are a plethora of careers you would rather choose than 'doctor' and 'engineering' but feeling unnecessary shame and guilt to pursue those
Coaching classes fooling us all into thinking they'll make us geniuses when actually they mostly add to the stress, even though they aren't completely useless they're definitely not worth lakhs of fees
Missing out on so so so many things in order to stay home and study even though its completely unproductive studying as you would rather be doing the thing you've sacrificed
Feeling guilty about doing ANYTHING that isn't studying, being made to feel guilty by others for doing things you love because "these two years are for sacrifices, after that you have all your life for these things''
The high of acing a test because it is so rare and takes actual blood sweat and tears that it leaves you with dopamine enough to last a week
Having your parents and relatives continually talk to someone older than you who has cracked the exam ur sitting for to get "tips" even if they cracked the exam 7 years ago and the format was completely different and much easier then
Having to rush over the syllabus so much that you forget how much you actually loved to study the subject, having your heart broken thinking that you're not good at your favourite subject anymore when actually its just the fact that its being taught in such a rush and not that you've lost your spark
Having the sympathy of all your non-science friends and always having moye moye talks with your science friends
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[TW: Corporal Punishment, Child Abuse, Child Neglect. Cruel and Unusual Punishment Of A Minor]
Molly Parker and Beth Hundsdorfer at Capitol News Illinois, via ProPublica:
It was on L.J.’s 11th birthday, in December 2022, that child welfare workers finally took him away. They arrived at his central Illinois home to investigate an abuse allegation and decided on the spot to remove the boy along with his baby brother and sister — the “Irish twins,” as their parents called them. His mother begged to keep the children while her boyfriend told child welfare workers and the police called to the scene that they could take L.J.: “You wanna take someone? Take that little motherfucker down there or wherever the fuck he is at. I’ve been trying to get him out of here for a long time.” By that time, L.J. told authorities he hadn’t been in a classroom for years, according to police records. First came COVID-19. Then, in August 2021 when he was going to have to repeat the third grade, his mother and her boyfriend decided that L.J. would be homeschooled and that they would be his teachers. In an instant, his world shrank to the confines of a one-bedroom apartment in the small Illinois college town of Charleston — no teachers, counselors or classmates.
In that apartment, L.J. would later tell police, he was beaten and denied food: Getting leftovers from the refrigerator was punishable by a whipping with a belt; sass was met with a slap in the face. L.J. told police he got no lessons or schoolwork at home. Asked if he had learned much, L.J. replied, “Not really.” Reporters are using the first and middle initials of the boy, who is now 12 and remains in state custody, to protect his identity. While each state has different regulations for homeschooling — and most of them are relatively weak — Illinois is among a small minority that places virtually no rules on parents who homeschool their children: The parents aren’t required to register with any governmental agency, and no tests are required. Under Illinois law, they must provide an education equivalent to what is offered in public schools, covering core subjects like math, language arts, science and health. But parents don’t have to have a high school diploma or GED, and state authorities cannot compel them to demonstrate their teaching methods or prove attendance, curriculum or testing outcomes.
The Illinois State Board of Education said in a statement that regional education offices are empowered by Illinois law to request evidence that a family that homeschools is providing an adequate course of instruction. But, the spokesperson said, their “ability to intervene can be limited.” Educational officials say this lack of regulation allows parents to pull vulnerable children like L.J. from public schools then not provide any education for them. They call them “no schoolers.” No oversight also means children schooled at home lose the protections schools provide, including teachers, counselors, coaches and bus drivers — school personnel legally bound to report suspected child abuse and neglect. Under Illinois law, parents may homeschool even if they would be disqualified from working with youth in any other setting; this includes parents with violent criminal records or pending child abuse investigations, or those found to have abused children in the past.
The number of students from preschool to 12th grade enrolled in the state’s public schools has dropped by about 127,000 since the pandemic began. Enrollment losses have outpaced declines in population, according to a report by Advance Illinois, a nonprofit education policy and advocacy organization. And, despite conventional wisdom, the drop was also not the result of wealthier families moving their children to private schools: After the pandemic, private school enrollment declined too, according to the same report.
In the face of this historic exodus from public schools, Capitol News Illinois and ProPublica set out to examine the lack of oversight by education and child welfare systems when some of those children disappear into families later accused of no-schooling and, sometimes, abuse and neglect. Reporters found no centralized system for investigating homeschooling concerns. Educational officials said they were ill equipped to handle cases where parents are accused of neglecting their children’s education. They also said the state’s laws made it all but impossible to intervene in cases where parents claim they are homeschooling. Reporters also found that under the current structure, concerns about homeschooling bounce between child welfare and education authorities, with no entity fully prepared to step in.
“Although we have parents that do a great job of homeschooling, we have many ‘no schoolers’” said Angie Zarvell, superintendent of a regional education office about 100 miles southwest of Chicago that covers three counties and 23 school districts. “The damage this is doing to small rural areas is great. These children will not have the basic skills needed to be contributing members of society.” Regional education offices, like the one Zarvell oversees, are required by law to identify children who are truant and try to help get them back into school. But once parents claim they are homeschooling, “our hands are tied,” said Superintendent Michelle Mueller, whose regional office is located about 60 miles north of St. Louis. Even the state’s child welfare agency can do little: Reports to its child abuse hotline alleging that parents are depriving their children of an education have multiplied, but the Department of Children and Family Services doesn’t investigate schooling matters. Instead, it passes reports to regional education offices. [...]
There’s no way to determine the precise number of children who are homeschooled. In 2022, 4,493 children were recorded as withdrawn to homeschool, a number that is likely much higher because Illinois doesn’t require parents to register homeschooled children. That is a little more than double the number a decade before. In late fall of 2020, L.J. was one of the kids who slipped out of school. After a roughly five-month hiatus from the classroom during the pandemic, L.J.’s school resumed in-person classes. The third grader, however, was frequently absent. At home, tensions ran high. In the 640-square-foot apartment, L.J.’s mother, Ashley White, and her boyfriend, Brian Anderson, juggled the demands of three children including two born just about 10 months apart. White, now 31, worked at a local fast-food restaurant. Anderson, now 51, who uses a wheelchair, had applied for disability payments. Anderson doesn’t have a valid driver’s license. The family lived in a subsidized housing complex for low-income seniors and people with disabilities.
In an interview with reporters in late February, 14 months after L.J. had been taken into custody by the state, the couple offered a range of explanations for why he hadn’t been in school. L.J. had been suspended and barred from returning, they said, though school records show no expulsion. They also said they had tried to put L.J. in an alternative school for children with special needs, but he didn’t have a diagnosis that qualified him to attend. The couple made clear they believed that L.J. was a problem child who could get them in trouble; they said they thought he could get them sued. In the interview, Anderson called L.J. a pathological liar, a thief and a bad kid. “I have 11 kids, never had a problem with any of them, never,” Anderson said. “I’ve never had a problem like this,” he said of L.J. The boy, he said, lacked discipline and continued to get “worse and worse and worse every year” he’d known him.
To support the idea that L.J. was combative, White provided a copy of a screenshot taken from a school chat forum in which the boy cursed at his schoolmates. At the end of the school year, in spring 2021, the principal told White and Anderson that the boy would have to repeat the third grade. Rather than have L.J. held back, the couple pulled him out of school to homeschool. They didn’t have to fill out any paperwork or give a reason. On any given day in Illinois, a parent can make that same decision. That’s due to a series of court and legislative decisions that strengthened parents’ rights against state interference in how they educate their children.
[...] Faced with cases of truancy or educational neglect, county prosecutors can press charges against parents. But if they do, parents can lean on Illinois’ parental protections when they defend themselves in court from a truancy charge. [...] More recently, the ISBE made one more decision to loosen the monitoring of parents who homeschool: For years, school districts and regional offices distributed voluntary registration forms to families who homeschool, some of whom returned them. Then last year, the state agency told those regional offices that they no longer had to send those forms to ISBE.
[...] Over the years, the legislature has taken up proposals to strengthen the state’s oversight of homeschooling. In 2011, lawmakers considered requiring parents to notify their local school districts of their intent to homeschool, and in 2019 they considered calling for DCFS to inspect all homeschools and have ISBE approve their curriculum. Each time, however, the state’s strong homeschooling lobby, mostly made up of religious-based organizations, stepped in. This March, under sponsorship of the Illinois Christian Home Educators, homeschoolers massed at the state Capitol as they have for decades for Cherry Pie Day, bringing pies to each of the state’s 177 lawmakers. Kirk Smith, the organization’s executive director and former public school teacher, summed up his group’s appeal to lawmakers: “All we want is to be left alone. And Illinois has been so good. We have probably the best state in the nation to homeschool.”
This @capitolnewsil / @propublica story on how a set of parents decided to homeschool one of their kids, and it served as a crude excuse to abuse and torment that child.
This is one of the reasons why regulation-free homeschooling is a bad idea, and there ought to be some common sense regulations on homeschooling.
The main reason why Illinois remains regulation-free for homeschooling is the homeschooling lobby, which is disproportionately dominated by conservative evangelical/fundamentalist Protestants.
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vannahmontannah · 8 months
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Who are you guys?
Eisley and Dennis have been together for 5 years and all 4 years in college. Dennis is a star football player in college, Clark Atlanta University, and he is this most popular in his school and in the state. He is number 25. Dennis is know for his loyalty, commitment, and chill personality. He is a team player, motivating and supportive. Eisley (girl with the hat) has had plenty of competition from girls coming at her man left and right, but they've all failed to even play with her like that. Dennis is actually a loyal man to his lady and respects her because he's supposed to. Something you mother fuckers don't know about. Eisley is taking up Fashion Design and Dennis is taking up Computer Science.
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Ronnie (girl with the locs) is the best friend of Dennis and Eisley. She's actually the one who introduced her to Dennis. Dennis and Ronnie have been friends since kindergarten and they met Eisley in 11th grade. Ronnie is a very popular cheerleader at the school and she is also the team coach. Ronnie is taking up Astronomy.
Kai is a very close friend to Dennis and has been friends since third grade. He also has a best friend, Diamonté (Dia or Monté for short) and they have been friend since 8th grade. Kai is a popular basketball player, number 15, and he is known for his energetic personality and outstanding performances. Kai is taking up Music.
Diamonté is Kai's best friend and they are also friends with the others. She goes to Georgia State University College of Law to become a Lawyer. She will occasionally go to CAU and chill with her friends and support their games.
Miami is a junior at CAU and is taking up Biology. Miami is friends with the others as well and she is a transfer from Loyola University Chicago. She has been in ATL for a few months now and she is doing good in all of her classes.
Latimore (Jacob) is a student at Morehouse and he is taking up Drama and Dramatics/Theater Arts. He is also apart of a fraternity, Omega. He is enemies with Jawan who attends CAU. He has a girlfriend, Deyjah, and she's captain of her cheerleading team at Morehouse. She is taking up Business Administration and Management.
Jawan, who goes to CAU, he is also in a fraternity and he is a Kappa. He is taking Cybersecurity. He has been a well known friend since 8th grade as well, he's just the more laid back one who is barely in the scene. But when he shows out, he shows out!
Markus (Mario) is a much older man who is dating Ronnie. They have been together for three years. He does not attend college, but he is doing well on his own. He is a music artist and he has built a solid fan base. He's aware of all of Ronnie's friends, but he's always busy so they rarely hang out. The only one who really sees him is Ronnie.
Patricia is also a good friend of theirs. She has been around since Kindergarten too and pretty much got a chance to know who everyone was. She is a student at Spelman and she is taking up Health Sciences.
Lastly, the girl who has this weird obsession with Dennis is a girl named Charity. She's had a big crush on Dennis for years and is scared to talk to him. She's known about Dennis since she's first attended CAU. She is taking up Computer Science as well and Dennis and Charity have a class together.
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hjcoolartnerd · 3 months
Hockey Bros
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Someone’s POV
Moving out from the place you grew up was hard and Kyle’s parents knew that but Kyle‘s dad had gotten a better job opportunity away from Toronto, and this was so infuriating for the 11-year-old. He had to leave his friends behind and his cousins behind. That wasn’t what he  expected for his 11th birthday, but that was what he got. Usually he would’ve been happy for his parents. A better job opportunity would be better for him, but as of right now it wasn’t. He had to leave his friends, his family and his crush. A guy named Michael. But what what’s the worst news for Kyle was that he had to join a new hockey team he was already the captain of his team Siberian huskies and having to start fresh in a new team really boiled his blood so the whole plane ride towards Alberta didn’t give his parents a word he was angry. He was pissed and he had teary eyes. Yes, he was a confident guy and he could make friends easily, but the idea of starting fresh and meeting new people was not something he expected not yet. The first thing parents did when they landed in Alberta was split out. Kyle's dad decided to focus on unpacking their stuff in their new place with the company he was working with. Provided them a nice place for them to live in while Kyle‘s mom took Kyle to check out this hockey team. Let's just say, Kyle was very excited about missing his friends and his team. “ Kyle sweetie turned that frown upside down. I know you’re gonna miss your old team but you can’t expect to be with them. You should be happy for your dad. He’s finally moving up his business, and I thought you would’ve been more understanding.” Kyle’s mom said, trying to calm her son. Kyle’s hand through his short black hair as he sighed “ mom I’m upset because…. I didn’t want to move. I don’t want to start fresh. We were happy and comfortable in Toronto. We had our family there. I had my friends….. I didn’t have enough time so I couldn't even confess my feelings to him.” He said exasperated “ I know Kyle I had the same conversation with your dad look I promise you things will get better and science. Alberta is a bad place to live in and I’m sure you’ll make lots of friends here who could resist your charm and your friendly attitude, and which hockey team wouldn’t take you you’re the best hockey player I know for your age that is” she smiled as they walked together. “ You’re going to fit in perfectly with the new team your new school coach from the Siberian huskies was a bit but he did told me he showed some of your scales to the coach of the new team you’re going to be and your old coach coach Anderson said that the coach from this team was excited to have you join them” Kyle’s mom k kept trying to share her son up. Yes she was. Understanding that. Kyle has to start fresh in a new place but she knew that her son would be able to do it. He was a friendly guy and people usually liked him. 
The mother and son duo walked thru the street towards where Kyle would have hockey practice with his new team, Kyle loved hockey. It was the only sport Kyle ever showed interest in, so having the first thing to make her son happy be taking him to meet his new team was the right thing to do in her opinion she took a deep breath as it entered through the doors, the sound of skating, and some crashes and grunts could be heard. It was Kyle was familiar with even in his downbeat mood. Softly change into a mix of excitement and nervousness. “ you’ll be alright kiddo I believe in you. I'll wait here a while until you get acquainted with your new team” she smiled as Kyle nodded with a hint of nervousness, but was more nervous like doing an oral presentation. He took a deep breath as he began walking towards the skating rink, as he walked the coach noticed him and he blew his whistle to make the team stop and they all skated towards him . “Alright team! I want you to meet our newest teammate, he flew in straight from Toronton!” the coach said as he turned to Kyle “this is Kyle Rivera! He comes from the Siberian Huskies team from Toronto” the coach added as he turned his attention back to the team. “So a Jerk from another team is now on our team? Great” The guy rolled his eyes as another guy with dirty blond hair, hit the guy who spoke in the shoulder. “Yeah that 's! Great Jake, A new face and a fresh new playing style!” The guy said as Jake rolled his eyes again. “Well said Wayner!” A guy with dark brown hair said as he walked to Kyle “I’m Raj!” Kyle looked at the guy he now knew was named Raj “Uh Nice meeting you” Kyle tried to smile to conceal his nervousness. “You’ll get time to talk to Kyle later boys! Wayne, hope you and the rest of the team welcome Kyle with open arms! He is an excellent Player. Let’s make sure we don’t lose this one like with Matthew.” The coach said his gaze straight at Jake “Did you hear Jake?” A guy with red hair said from the other side. “Okay boys, get back to practice! I’ll have a talk with Kyle and Wayne for a second.” The coach said “Yes Coach!” the group said as Kyle, Wayne and The coach walked to a corner of the rink. “Kyle I’m The coach Gordie Gretzky. Hope you know that you aren’t a team captain anymore. You may have been the Siberians Huskies captain, but in the Snow Owls Wayne Howe here is the Captain” Kyle gazed at Wayne as he had a dumb but cute smile on his face which was contagious. “ And we Have rules Kyle, I hope you know how to work well with your team. I want you to get to know everyone and so you can all work on your team union.” He added as Wayne smiled more “Alright Coach! I’ll make a bonding trip to help the new guy get friendly with us!” He smiled as he said that while “Kyle you can stay and watch the boy practice, or wait in the locker room for when the next practice.” Coach Gretzky said “Yes Coach! I’ll watch the practice, I like observing the teams I’m in or playing against with” He said as the three walked towards the rink and Wayne joined the team once again to resume with the practice. After practice, the coach gave them the usual speech he gave the team before he gave Kyle a welcome and handed Kyle his Hockey Jersey with his number which was the same number Kyle had in his old Team, 7. Kyle let out a breath of relief as he walked out of the locker room, He felt less upset as he walked out of the place. A few steps outside he heard someone calling out to him. Kyle turns and sees Wayne and Raj along with Jake, and the rest of the team “Kyle we were going out for some team bonding and eating some burgers, want to join us? My mom will be there” Wayne said smiling wide “Well count me out Wayne” Jake said “My mom needs to go pick up my sister Jane from her cheerleading practice.” As Jake gave his excuse the other hockey player gave their own excuses as to why they couldn't join them, leaving Kyle with Raj and Wayne and Wayne’s mom Mrs. Howe and Kyle’s Mom Mrs. Rivera. 
The whole bonding time went well as both Raj and Wayne talked with Kyle asking him about his team and how he managed to become team leader. They spent the entire afternoon talking  and sharing about their lives. Kyle learned that Raj and Wayne knew each other since they were kids and that they rarely spent any time apart, while Kyle talked about his cousins, mainly about one of the who lives in a farm with his partner, the one who was with a lawyer, one who lived in jersey and one who was his inspiration along with his girlfriend. They spent the time talking and even hitting the nearby hockey store to view some of the new hockey gear. 
Throughout Kyle’s few days and weeks and months, He was pushed into a new routine, new school and new acquaintances. Lucky for Him, Raj and Wayne ,even if they weren’t the sharpest tool on the shed, they welcomed Kyle in their dynamic duo friendship. They always included the guy, as weeks turned into months, his hair shortly  slowly growing with the time passing “You should let your hair grow a bit more Ky! I think you'd look awesome!” Raj said during lunch time at highschool “Yeah, Rajie here is good at that sort of thing Ky. why don’t you grow it out eh?” Wayne said smiling “should I?” he said with a hint of blush on his cheeks. “Yeah Ky! I think you should” Raj smiled again”Ky?” He blushed as the two were calling him ky “Oh yeah Wayner was the one who came up with that nickname cool right Ky?” Raj said his smile still plastered on his face. “Yeah! Raj, Wayner and Ky! the dynamic duo!” Wayne said excitedly “Actually it’s trio” Kyle said correcting them as the three talked and Kyle laughed at their playfulness, Jane, Jake’s sister, walked towards the table the hockey bros were at “Kyle, My brother has been telling me you have kept wayne and Raj here from doing something dumb is that true?” She asked, smiling at him “Oh yeah I guess I have!” He smiled awkwardly  “It's a lot of work but it's worth it!” “Awe!” Both Wayne and Raj hugged kyle. 
Slowly as the Years passed and the trio were growing, the new dynamic was also evolving, Kyle becoming less concerned with correcting every time they say something wrong. At times Kyle has even joined in their dumb anthics. But also something in kyle happened  he slowly began falling for Wayne, maybe because they hung out a lot, but he couldn’t help how he felt, so at times when the three of them hung out kyle sometimes got blushy and nervous. or sometimes moved from Wayne's side to sit beside Raj, despite that minor thing, the guys got a matching pendant in form of a puck, kyle’s was in a necklace while Raj and Wayne’s were in a bracelet. Kyle believed that the bracelets would be strong enough to handle Raj and Wayne’s recklessness so it wouldn’t break. Something that also changed in Kyle was the way he played, getting more competitive especially when the snow owls went against the Siberian Huskies, this competitive behavior from Kyle became a normal behavior for Kyle whenever his team was losing. He hasn’t been sat out because Wayne and Raj always vouch for their friend. Tho someday this competitiveness would be the reason why Kyle will be Eliminated from Total Drama in the 6th position in the future. For now Kyle, Raj and Wayne were enjoying their friendship.
A/N: Here we have the first back story! The Hockey Bros, Hope you guys enjoy it! The top picture is how the boys look at that timeline. Also Jane was mentioned a bit there
Here is the list of the backstories
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academiawho · 6 months
Hi!! wow okayy I really want to get some neet guidance from you. I'm in 11th right now will be giving neet in 2025. The field that I'm choosing later on is Veterinary.
so uh I've had some 720 marks test, and I have only scored like in the range of 390-400/720 (ik these are really the worst marks) and after the paper I get my mistakes reviewed from my teachers but again in the next exam my score is the same or just a couple marks above or below.
Now I really want to keep a consistent score, and I want to have that burning passion (which I don't) and stubbornness to study which I don't )
Can you give some guidance on how you studied in 11th and did you face issues like this? btw, my zoology professor once was just having a deep conversation over this scores and all, and he said that not all the time you might score what you wanted to score, there will be times when you'll fall back the stairs. But you can slowly climb back on them. It's exactly like the quote success doesn't happen overnight. It takes time and patience.
Uh anyways, you can ignore all of that. I just wanted to ask you how you used to manage your studies and the entire day and how did you prep for it during 11th?
Thank you in advance! <3
Hey, thank you for trusting me with this information, and thank you for waiting for *checks watch* *sees that eons have passed by till I answered* such a short time
I'm not aware of the depth of your passion for Veterinary Sciences, but I believe that it wouldn't hurt to keep options open.
The Round One cutoff for All India Counselling this year saw BVSc close at AIR 1,13,272 in case you wanted that information.
As for the mock tests, the marks, while not being downright horrible, aren't quite fully descent either. But what was the test syllabus, you failed to mention... Starting out at that score is but a stepping stone and you can progress from that with the right motivation.
I think more than a consistent score, one at your stage in preparation should focus on consistent concept-learning. Keep practising concepts, chapters, cover your NCERT thoroughly and keep writing tests at regular intervals after you feel like you've completed a particular portion of the syllabus that you can be tested on.
When I was in 11th, covid had just hit and I had just changed education boards and schools so it was all new to me. I wasn't aware of the importance of NCERT, especially for biology so I roughed it through 11th. But in 12th and my first gap year, it really sunk in and I marked up my NCERT, attended my online lectures and made sure I was clarifying concepts which I was poor in.
My advice for zoology is: NCERT is the best source of information you will find, but its format is often confusing. If your coaching offers any mindmaps of NCERT, I suggest you use those to revise. But each and every line of NCERT is important (for human physiology ESPECIALLY) so find a way to keep reading it. However casually you can read it, how many ever times you can set eyes on it, how many ever questions you can make out of the lines.... It's all on how you utilise the material provided to you.
(and maybe, start out with small, non-720 marks tests first, like little unit tests, quizzes or polls first)
Hope you have a nice day, wishing you a rise in your marks graph. If you need any more advice or talks about neet or anything else, I'm always here to lend a ear💛
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shreeclassesiit · 2 months
Success Coaching Classes In Dombivali
Ignite Your Success: Experience Premier Success Coaching Classes at SHREE IIT in Dombivali
For over 35 years, SHREE IIT has been the beacon of excellence in education, guiding students towards success through our renowned Success Coaching Classes In Dombivali. Situated in Dombivali, SHREE IIT stands tall as the epitome of educational excellence, offering unparalleled coaching services designed to empower students and propel them towards their academic goals.
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Why Choose SHREE IIT for Success Coaching Classes?
1. Legacy of Excellence: With a rich legacy spanning over three decades, SHREE IIT has established itself as a premier coaching center known for its commitment to excellence and academic integrity. Our track record of success speaks volumes about our dedication to nurturing bright minds and shaping successful futures.
2.At SHREE IIT, we pride ourselves on having the best-in-class faculty comprising experienced educators, subject matter experts, and industry professionals, dedicated to providing exceptional Success Coaching Classes In Dombivali. Our teachers are not just instructors; they are mentors who understand the unique needs of each student and tailor their teaching approach accordingly.
3. Personalized Attention: We believe that every student is unique, and their learning needs vary. That’s why our success coaching classes at SHREE IIT are characterized by personalized attention and customized learning plans. Our teachers go the extra mile to identify each student’s strengths, weaknesses, and learning style to ensure optimal academic growth and success.
4. Comprehensive Curriculum: Our success coaching classes at SHREE IIT are designed to cover the entire spectrum of subjects and topics relevant to competitive exams and academic curriculum. Whether it’s IIT-JEE, NEET, or board exams, our comprehensive curriculum and meticulously crafted study materials provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel.
5. Holistic Approach: At SHREE IIT, we believe in nurturing not just academic excellence but also holistic development. Alongside rigorous academic training, we focus on instilling essential life skills, critical thinking abilities, and a growth mindset in our students, preparing them to thrive in an ever-evolving world.
Unlock Your Potential with SHREE IIT: Join the ranks of successful students who have benefited from the exceptional coaching services at SHREE IIT. Experience the difference of personalized attention, top-tier faculty, and a nurturing learning environment that fosters growth, confidence, and success. Enroll in our success coaching classes today and embark on a journey towards academic excellence and beyond.
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stillreeloading · 4 months
28th Feb 2024
I'd say uni has been rough.
I have like, tons of backlogs in notes. and i've pretty much flunked two announced quizzes (one in chem and one in math). I don't get what rocket science shit they're going on about but yesterday i started trying to understand chemistry. I just wish my school chem teacher was here.
I'd say talking to my parents has been helping a lot. They've been like, i don't know the people who would know pretty much everything about me after i've moved to hostel. Sure, I do talk to my best friends. I text them a lot about various things. But lets face it: we all go through difficulties. They're still in school (they're in diff countries) and they'd be soon going to college. But still, they're facing difficulties too. Not just academics but even emotionally. Even regarding family. We all have our own problems.
SO i decided not to tell them too much about my academic stress, breakdowns etc.
And i'm talking to my parents. And my parents only. I mean, they're the real ones. If not to them, then who will i even talk to? How would i even exist if not for theM?
aNyways, i talked to my father about how i am reminded of my 11th grade beginning because i had joined a coaching institute a little later than the rest of the kids and i was behind on notes and no matter how hard i had tried i was just behind on notes and one day i just had a total breakdown. I told father how i felt like i was about to have another such breakdown soon because of notes.
"you've grown so much from then. You've changed a lot as a person and you've learnt many new things when compared to back then. So don't you worry you'd be fine. And i agree you're scared and overwhelmed but direct that towards completing your work rather than having a breakdown and crying about it"
I really love my parents bro.
Anyways bye!!
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I saw that you're confused about your stream.
I started 11th this Monday so let me tell you what I know
There are many people switching streams but a lot of them are willing to struggle these 2 years to build a life in Science
Yeh log apna life choices regret kar rahe hai but still want to continue. Welp-
Commerce with math:
Commerce without math:
But in Commerce all the subjects are pretty overlapping so it is very easy to flow into it
If you like Political Science, you'll love it
Otherwise you'll hate it.
Idk if this will help
thank you so much!! No I hate political science lol. It's boooringg. Thank you thank you <<<<333
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samatvaacademy · 1 year
Samatva Academy of Science | Best Science Institute For 11th, 12th, NEET, and JEE Coaching in Bhavnagar
Samatva Academy of Science is, Best Science Institute for 11th and 12th Science education and NEET, RENEET & JEE exams. Our expert faculty and personalized attention ensure top-notch education for science aspirants. Contact us for admission and take the first step towards your dream career in science.
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tejasvi-classes · 2 years
4 Motivational and Inspirational Books That Students from Science Background Should Definitely Read
If you’re an 11th or 12th science student, you’re probably wondering what to read next. Whether you’re looking for something to keep your mind sharp during the summer break or you’re just looking for some extra motivation, we’ve got you covered.
Here are 4 motivational and inspirational books that students from science background should definitely read
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Book Number #1 - How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Dale Carnegie's book "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is a classic self-help book that has helped millions of people around the world improve their social skills. The book is full of practical advice on how to make friends, how to keep them, and how to influence them. If you are looking for a book that will help you improve your social skills, "How to Win Friends and Influence People" is a great choice.
Book Number #2 - The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale
The Power of Positive Thinking, by Norman Vincent Peale, is a self-help book that aims to change the way readers think in order to improve their lives. The book covers topics such as changing negative self-talk into positive self-talk, developing a more optimistic outlook, and setting and achieving goals. Peale provides many real-life examples of how positive thinking has helped people overcome difficult challenges. The book has helped millions of people around the world improve their lives, and is still popular today.
Book Number #3 - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People is a book that was written by Stephen Covey and published in 1989. The book is based on Covey's own research and experience as well as the experiences of others. The book is divided into seven sections, each of which covers one of the habits. The habits are: be proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first, think win-win, seek first to understand then to be understood, synergize, and sharpen the saw.
Book Number #4 - Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
The book "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill is a classic self-help book that has helped millions of people around the world achieve their dreams and goals. The book is based on Hill's own experiences and insights, as well as on the stories of successful people whom he interviewed. The book explains the importance of having a positive mindset, and of setting clear goals, and taking action to achieve them. "Think and Grow Rich" is an inspiring and motivating book that can help you to change your life for the better.
If you're looking to improve your thinking and gain knowledge, reading is one of the most effective ways to do it. These are 4 motivational and inspirational books that students from science background should definitely check out. They will not only inspire and motivate you but also provide useful insights and tips on how to become more productive in your studies. Start reading them now and see the difference they make!
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